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Summary At a special measuring site for boundary-layer studies as well as land-surface processes the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg of the German Weather Service (DWD) has recently put into operation a newly-desi gned phased-array SODAR/RASS, which has been developed by METEK on behalf of the DWD. This system provides the vertical profiles of the three-di mensional wind vector in the boundary layer on an operational basis and is furthermore suitable for getting information on the profile of virtual temperature up to about 400 m in height based on the addition of RASS components. The following paper describes both the technique of this SODAR/RASS and the various modes of operation as well as the different options in managing the system. First evaluations on the data availability concerning the maximum height coverage will give an impression on the system’s capabilities. Finally, the accuracy of the derived profiles of winds and temperature will be investigated by means of comparisons of the SODAR/RASS data with measurements of a six-sonde tethered-balloon system as well as meteorological data of a 99 m tower in the vicinity of the system. Received November 27, 1998 Revised April 9, 1999  相似文献   

Summary ?Progress in technology as well as signal processing has promoted Wind Profiler Radar (WPR) or sodar with RASS additions to become standard tools in profiling of the atmospheric boundary layer. Apart from these instruments’ basic abilities in profiling mean winds and temperature, this paper will give an emphasis on the profiling of ABL height as well as the turbulent fluxes of sensible heat and momentum both, with respect to methods as well as with respect to realization. The special focus will thereby be laid on the demands for vertical profiling, which were defined within the LITFASS-project of the German Meteorological Service. In the frame of this project, some special measuring campaigns have been performed where remote-sensing systems were used to assess their abilities in profiling ABL parameters. On the base of some case studies from these campaigns comparisons are shown, where results from sodar/RASS and WPR/RASS measurements are compared to measurements from airborne sensor systems and results from numerical models. Regarding turbulent heat fluxes, we found excellent agreement for remotely-sensed flux profiles from WPR/RASS with both, numerical models and airborne in-situ measurements. However, as the inherent errors of the remotely-sensed fluxes are in the order of ± 20 ⋯ 30 W/m2 typically, current signal processing does not allow to interpret small-scale vertical structures in the profiles with respect to surface inhomogeneities yet. Received June 16, 2001; revised February 20, 2002; accepted May 30, 2002  相似文献   

Summary A rigorous theoretical consideration of the parameters of a received signal for a RASS based on a radar wind profiler and operating in the “Bragg”-operation mode is performed. The calculation approach is based on solving the equations analytically for diffractive wave beams and takes into account diffraction effects in the Fresnel approxim ation for both radio and acoustic waves generated by antennas with finite sizes. It is shown that the errors due to the displacement of an acoustic source and horizontal wind are negligible for RASS based on a monostatic radar not only in the far-field but also in the transition zone between the Fresnel diffraction and far-field ranges at the lowest RASS operational heights. Received August 24, 1998 Revised February 25, 1999  相似文献   

Since 2006 different remote monitoring methods for determining mixing-layer height have been operated in parallel in Augsburg (Germany). One method is based on the operation of eye-safe commercial mini-lidar systems (ceilometers). The optical backscatter intensities recorded with ceilometers provide information about the range-dependent aerosol concentration; gradient minima within this profile mark the tops of mixed layers. Special software for these ceilometers provides routine retrievals of lower atmospheric layering. A second method, based on sodar observations, detects the height of a turbulent layer characterized by high acoustic backscatter intensities due to thermal fluctuations and a high variance of the vertical velocity component. This information is extended by measurements with a radio-acoustic sounding system (RASS) that directly provides the vertical temperature profile from the detection of acoustic signal propagation and thus temperature inversions that mark atmospheric layers. Ceilometer backscatter information is evaluated by comparison with parallel measurements. Data are presented from 2 years of combined ceilometer and RASS measurements at the same site and from comparison with a nearby (60 km) radiosonde for larger-scale humidity information. This evaluation is designed to ensure mixing-layer height monitoring from ceilometer data more reliable.  相似文献   

During August 2013, a mobile Rayleigh lidar was deployed in Lhasa, Tibet (29.6°N, 91.0°E) for mak- ing measurements of middle atmosphere densities and temperatures from 30 to 90 km. In this paper, the authors present the initial results from this scientific campaign, Middle Atmosphere Remote Mobile Observatory in Tibet (MARMOT), and compared the results to the MSIS-00 (Mass Spectrometer and Incoherent Scatter) model. This work will advance our understanding of middle atmos- phere dynamic processes, especially over the Tibetan Pla- teau area.  相似文献   

两种初始场MM5模式预报效果对比评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张南  侯瑞钦 《气象科技》2009,37(2):129-134
为了解本地MM5模式的预报性能,根据其预报结果,检验了基于NCEP和T213两种初始场MM5模式在河北以及京津地区2007年8月至2008年1月的降水、日极值温度和相对湿度的预报效果。结果表明,MM5晴雨(雪)预报的准确率较高,具有较好的参考价值,而对于降水的分级预报,随着预报时效的延长和降水强度的增加,其可用性逐渐降低,但整体来看基于NCEP初始场的预报均比T213初始场预报效果明显;在日极值温度预报中,最低温度效果优于最高温度,T213初始场的预报对日最高温度预报的准确率较高,NCEP初始场的预报则在日最低温度预报中略胜一筹;对08:00相对湿度的预报,两者的预报效果基本相同,绝对误差都在15%左右。  相似文献   

袁娴  谈哲敏 《大气科学》2004,28(6):847-863
通过一个二维非线性斜压Eady波模式,讨论了斜压系统中初始扰动快速发展的动力学机制.由于斜压切变气流存在,其对扰动位涡的平流作用可引起初始扰动位涡的"位涡非屏蔽"(potential vorticity unshielding),导致线性系统初始扰动的快速增长.摩擦作用主要通过耗散局地扰动位涡,改变扰动位涡异常结构,特别是水平方向的位涡异常分布,从而减弱初始扰动位涡的"位涡非屏蔽"作用,抑制系统初始扰动动能的快速增长.非线性作用可以抑制较大振幅扰动的增长,同时引起扰动位涡异常丰富的垂直结构产生,导致初始扰动位涡的"位涡非屏蔽"的减弱,从而抑制初始扰动的快速增长.不同的初始扰动结构,可以产生不同的扰动位涡异常结构,相应存在不同的"位涡非屏蔽"作用,导致初始扰动的快速增长过程不同.位涡异常水平结构为"正负正"或"负正负"分布时,有利于初始扰动的快速增长,而上下层异号的扰动位涡异常在垂直方向间隔的距离越大,越有利于初始扰动的快速发展,这些结果进一步深化了对"位涡非屏蔽"的理解.  相似文献   

At Frankfurt airport (EDDF) vertical soundings of the lower atmosphere from two independent sources are available. One of them is a wind and temperature profiler (wind temperature radar and radio acoustic sounding system, WTR/RASS) located at the western end of the main pair of runways. The second source is aircraft meteorological data relay (AMDAR), i.e. measurements operationally collected by approaching and departing aircraft. Together, both offer a rare opportunity to compare the performance of these widely used systems. We use 1 year of continuous data to calculate systematic temperature and wind vector differences between both measurement systems. The differences show a clear season-dependent structure in conjunction with typical inversion heights. Possible causes for this behaviour are discussed. Second, we compare the ability of both systems to identify inversion and wind-shear layers above the airport. AMDAR-detected layers are typically higher than wind profiler detections. The layer base is usually detected with more agreement than the top. The mutual probability of detection of inversions is found to be mostly between 40 and 60%.  相似文献   

边界层风廓线雷达测温系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王勇  安建平  卜祥元  贾晓星 《气象》2006,32(10):52-56
风廓线雷达在气象领域的应用越来越广泛,在风廓线雷达基础上增加电声测温系统(RASS)实现大气温度实时探测是一种经济有效的办法。文中介绍了已实现的某RASS系统设计,讨论了RASS测温的原理,针对RASS测温的精度、高度、影响因素等进行了性能分析,论述了系统的实现方案,最后给出了该RASS的实际测温结果和测温谱图,验证了该设计满足系统要求,能实现实时测温。  相似文献   

使用ERA-interim和FNL再分析资料分别驱动WRF,对2013年7月12—13日的一次暴雨过程进行数值模拟,详细比较了WRF模拟结果之间的差异。结果表明:(1)两种资料在次天气尺度上存在着较大差异,并由此造成了模拟结果之间的差异,ERA-interim作为初始场对降水的模拟优于FNL资料,反映了WRF对初、边界条件的敏感性;(2)从区域总降水量来看,湿度场扰动对降水量的影响最大,其次是风场扰动和温度场扰动,最小的是侧边界扰动;(3)从降水误差来看,湿度场扰动引起的降水误差最大,在积分20 h内风场扰动的降水误差大于温度场,积分21~24 h则相反,侧边界扰动引起的降水误差在前期比较小且增长缓慢,积分一段时间之后与单个气象要素扰动引起的降水误差相当。  相似文献   

为了提高地面测报业务应急保障能力,开发手机地面编报系统,实现手机自动编报,提高工作效率与质量。该系统支持环境低、兼容性强、采用面向对象的程序设计方法。文章详细介绍了系统的结构模块组成,系统的功能及应急使用方案,阐述了用J2ME开发此系统所涉及问题的解决方法,包括浮点运算、特殊现象处理、报文传送、程序兼容性、内存处理等问题的解决,以及系统的实际应用情况及开发建议。  相似文献   

TheDevelopmentandInitialTestsofanAtmosphericModelBasedonaVerticalCoordinatewithaSmoothTransitionfromTerainFolowingtoIsentropi...  相似文献   

初始扰动对积云发生发展影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用完全弹性三维冰雹云模式,模拟研究了初始扰动对积云发生发展的影响。模拟结果表明,对流发生层结条件满足的情况下,不同初始扰动会导致云不同的发生发展。扰动中心位温偏差大小适当,仅增加扰动厚度或降低扰动中心高度均能使积云发展更快、强度更大;适当减小水平扰动半径能促使积云提前发展,但会导致对流强度减弱;而增大扰动中心位温偏差,不但能增加对流强度,还能促使积云提前发展。  相似文献   

文章利用WRF模式分析了2015年7月29日内蒙古中部地区一次典型冷涡过程带来的对流性降水,探讨了初始场和网格分辨率对对流性降水模拟结果的影响。初始场和网格分辨率均会影响模式模拟结果,对于对流性短时强降水而言,在相同的初始场条件下,网格分辨率越高,对降水强度和落区的预报越准确,而在相同的高分辨率网格条件下,初始场的精度越高,模拟不同等级降水的TS评分均较高,表明在高分辨率网格和高精度的初始场条件下,模式对不同等级的降水均有较好的模拟。  相似文献   

杨袁慧  师春香  王炜  白翎  成璐 《气象》2013,39(11):1481-1489
为了分析WRFV3.3.1模式中土壤湿度初值对降水模拟的影响,在4个陆面方案的分析对比基础上,采用中国区域土壤湿度同化系统(CLSMDAS)输出的土壤湿度替换模式初始场中的土壤湿度,对2010年6月19日江西出现的一次强降水过程进行模拟,分析改进后的土壤湿度初值对模式模拟降水的影响。结果表明,耦合Noah方案的模拟结果要优于SLAB、RUC、PX方案;通过对比试验发现CLSMDAS输出的土壤湿度初始条件下的模拟结果比NCEP资料的模拟结果更接近于实况,能够很好地模拟出24 h累积降水的范围与强度,对应地表能量的响应也更为明显,表现出很好的区域波动性,能够捕捉到细节降水信息,且统计检验结果中各量级降水的TS评分基本都要高于NCEP土壤湿度初值条件下的结果,空报率、漏报率和预报偏差进一步减小,说明准确的土壤湿度初值能够提高模式的模拟预报能力。  相似文献   

基于Android的移动气象信息服务系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱峥  赵科科  许皓皓 《气象科技》2014,42(1):99-103
为了丰富移动气象信息服务手段提升服务能力,使用Java,C#,VB,Delphi编程,开发了基于智能终端的移动气象信息服务系统。系统以用户体验为切入点结合智能终端特有的设备特性和移动应用软件特性提供创新型移动气象产品。该系统是一种集气象信息处理、发布和接收为一体的服务系统,用户可以通过该系统随时获取气象信息。介绍了系统的架构设计与客户端设计。详细阐述了采用Java技术在Android平台上研发移动客户端软件过程中所涉及问题的解决方法,包括手势控制、GIS服务、软件管理、系统稳定性和兼容性等问题的解决。  相似文献   

The Earth-Climate System Model (ECSM) is an important platform for multi-disciplinary and multi-sphere integration research, and its development is at the frontier of international geosciences, especially in the field of global change. The research and development (R&D) of ECSM in China began in the 1980s and have achieved great progress. In China, ECSMs are now mainly developed at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ministries, and universities. Following a brief review of the development history of Chinese ECSMs, this paper summarized the technical characteristics of nine Chinese ECSMs participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 and preliminarily assessed the basic performances of four Chinese models in simulating the global climate and the climate in East Asia. The projected changes of global precipitation and surface air temperature and the associated relationship with the equilibrium climate sensitivity under four shared socioeconomic path scenarios were also discussed. Finally, combined with the international situation, from the perspective of further improvement, eight directions were proposed for the future development of Chinese ECSMs.  相似文献   

A multifrequency bistatic Doppler sodar has been used to document the mixing effect associated with thermal plumes. The convergence effect has been studied. It has been shown values of convergence associated with plumes near .001 s−1 .  相似文献   

本研究在对华南季风降水试验(SCMREX)观测资料分析的基础上,采用数值模拟试验探讨南海北部区域湿度场初值误差和海上对流对2014年5月8日华南沿海地区的一次强降雨过程的中尺度对流系统(MCS)的发展和移动的影响。加密探空和风廓线观测分析表明在珠江口地区有西南风和偏东风急流形成的辐合区,为对流在该地区增强发展提供了条件。增加和减少近海湿度以及关闭积云和微物理过程潜热释放,所造成的温度场以及风场的变化对广东沿海地区的对流的强度和移动路径都有明显的影响。特别是增加海上关键区的湿度,由于海上对流的发展改变了整个区域的环流,抑制了陆地上对流的发展。关闭海上关键区对流过程潜热的释放,导致低空急流到达更加偏北的位置,对流系统在模拟的后期向东北移动。通过这些试验表明,海上的湿度等要素场和对流活动对沿海地区的降雨预报有着十分重要的影响,需要进一步加强海上观测及其资料同化方法。  相似文献   

利用紧性理论,证明了扩散现象中出现的一类退缩抛物型方程组初边值问题解的存在性和唯一性。  相似文献   

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