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Magnetic data analysis at low latitudes using magnitude transforms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Magnitude transforms include magnitude magnetic anomalies (MMA), their gradients and Laplacians. They can be calculated from the total magnetic anomalies or other component anomalies. Magnitude magnetic anomalies have a space distribution different from that of the component anomalies. Their values are non‐negative and their respective patterns are similar to the positive gravity anomalies. Magnitude transforms are an effective tool for magnetic data analysis due to their simplified pattern and direct correlation with the space location of the source. They have advantages over the traditionally used reduction‐to‐the‐pole (RTP) transform, especially at low magnetic latitudes. The calculation of magnitudes of the anomalous field requires the total field data to be transformed into the component anomalies, while the reduction‐to‐the‐pole transform also includes a rotation of the magnetization vector, the orientation of which is usually assumed. For equal latitudes, the transfer functions of component‐component transforms in the frequency domain show better stability than the component‐component‐rotation transfer function. This is illustrated by a comparison of analytical expressions, and synthetic models of magnetic fields. The Dixon seamount case shows the possibilities for an improved data analysis and more confident source recognition at low latitudes using magnetic transforms.  相似文献   

For some time, sea-floor spreading has been hypothesized for the Mid-Cayman Rise based on inferences from seismicity, heat flow, topography and plate geometry. Here we present magnetic anomaly inversions from which a reasonable record of sea-floor spreading emerges. We obtain total opening rates of 20 ± 2 mm/yr for 0–2.4 m.y. B.P. and 40 ± 2 mm/yr for 2.4–6.0 m.y. B.P. Data on the west flank extend the half-opening rate of 20 mm/yr back to 8.3 m.y. B.P. Spreading has been very nearly symmetric. These new observations place important constraints on plate tectonic reconstructions by defining the relative motion between the North American and Caribbean plates. They also shed some light on sea-floor spreading processes in which the spreading center is a secondary feature in the sense that it is over an order of magnitude shorter than the adjoining transform faults.  相似文献   

The general expression for gravity and magnetic anomalies over thin sheets and sloping contacts may be expressed as a polynomial of the formFx 2+C1Fx+C2F+C3x3+C4x2+C5x+C6. The initial parameters of the source are obtained from the coefficientsC 1, C2,..., C6 which may be solved by inverting a 6×6 matrix. The initial parameters are modified by successive iteration process using the difference formula until the root mean square error between the observed and calculated anomalies is a minimum. The regional background which may be in the form of a polynomial is estimated by the computer itself. This method is applied on a number of field anomalies and is found to yield reliable estimates of depth and other parameters of the source.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm (GA) is an artificial intelligence method used for optimization. We applied a GA to the inversion of magnetic anomalies over a thick dike. Inversion of nonlinear geophysical problems using a GA has advantages because it does not require model gradients or well-defined initial model parameters. The evolution process consists of selection, crossover, and mutation genetic operators that look for the best fit to the observed data and a solution consisting of plausible compact sources. The efficiency of a GA on both synthetic and real magnetic anomalies of dikes by estimating model parameters, such as depth to the top of the dike (H), the half-width of the dike (B), the distance from the origin to the reference point (D), the dip of the thick dike (δ), and the susceptibility contrast (k), has been shown. For the synthetic anomaly case, it has been considered for both noise-free and noisy magnetic data. In the real case, the vertical magnetic anomaly from the Pima copper mine in Arizona, USA, and the vertical magnetic anomaly in the Bayburt–Sar?han skarn zone in northeastern Turkey have been inverted and interpreted. We compared the estimated parameters with the results of conventional inversion methods used in previous studies. We can conclude that the GA method used in this study is a useful tool for evaluating magnetic anomalies for dike models.  相似文献   

Interpretation of magnetic anomalies of dikes using correlation factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The magnetic anomaly due to a buried dike consists of the sum of two easily separated elementary functions. These functions, which have simple symmetry, are called even and odd functions. The correlation factors (r 0,1 for the even andr 0,2 for the odd function) between least-squares residual anomalies from even and odd functions are computed. Correlation values are used to determine the depth to the top and the half-width of the dike. The method also includes the determination of the index parameter and the amplitude coefficient. The validity of the method is tested against a theoretical and a field example where the parameters of the latter were determined by other investigators in comparing the results.  相似文献   

Models of spreading ocean ridges are derived by Bayesian gravity inversion with geophysical and geodynamic a priori information. The aim is to investigate the influence of spreading rate, plate dynamics and tectonic framework on crust and upper mantle structure by comparing the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR), the Indian Ocean Ridge (IND) and the East Pacific Rise (PAC). They differ in mean spreading rate, dynamic settings, as attached slabs, and plume interaction. Topography or bathymetry, gravity, isostasy, seismology and geology, etc. are averaged along the ridges and guide the construction of initial 2D models, including features as mean plumes, i.e. averaged along the ridge. This is a gross simplification, and the results are considered preliminary.Three model types are tested: (a) the temperature anomaly; (b) asthenospheric rise into thickening lithosphere; (c) a crustal root as had been anticipated before seafloor spreading was discovered. Additional model components are a mean plume, a non-compensated ridge uplift, an under-compensated asthenospheric rise, e.g. of partially molten material, and seismic velocity models for P and S waves. Model type (c), tends to permute to model type (b) from thick crust to thin axial lithosphere. Model type (a) renders ‘realistic’ values of the thermal expansivity, but is insufficient to fit the gravity data; partial melt may disturb the simple temperature effect. A combination of (a) and (b) is most adequate. Exclusive seismic velocity models of S or P waves do not lead to acceptable densities nor to adequate gravity fitting. The different ridges exhibit significant differences in the best models: ATL and IND show an axial mass excess fostering enhanced ridge push, and ATL, in addition, suggests a mean plume input, while PAC shows an axial mass deficit reducing ridge push, most probably due to dominance of slab pull in the force balance.Goodness of the gravity fit alone is no justifiable criterion for goodness of model, indeed minor modifications to each model within the uncertainties of the assumptions can make the fit arbitrarily good. Goodness of model is quantified exclusively by a priori information.  相似文献   

地面核磁共振找水反演   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了地面核磁共振找水的正演理论方法,采用高斯求积并结合连分式展开的方法对核磁共振核函数中包含双重贝塞尔函数的积分核进行了数值积分,进而计算出精度较高的核函数值,在此基础之上,讨论了导电性对地面核磁共振信号的影响.基于奇异值分解算法,对核磁共振找水理论模型进行了反演研究,在不导电的情况下,重构出了比较理想的含水率分布.总结并改进了模拟退火算法,用改进的模拟退火算法分别对覆盖层高阻和导电条件下的核磁共振人工合成数据进行了反演,试验结果表明,利用改进的模拟退火算法反演地面核磁共振是可行的,而且反演结果较稳定,收敛速度较快.  相似文献   

An interpretation technique using the Mellin transform is suggested for the analysis of magnetic anomalies due to some two-dimensional structures namely (i) a vertical sheet of both finite and infinite depth extent, (ii) a thick dyke and (iii) a horizontal circular cylinder. The Mellin transformed magnetic anomalies resemble gamma functions which are amenable to an easy interpretation. This procedure is illustrated with a small number of synthetic examples in each case. The practicality of the method is exemplified with the well-known vertical magnetic anomalies of Kursk (USSR) in the case of an infinite sheet model and Karimnagar magnetic anomaly (India) in the case of a horizontal circular cylinder. The results are compared with the techniques already available and found to be reliable.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the analytical procedure for an automatic fitting of gravity and magnetic anomalies are discussed. An example of application relative to the Campania volcanic district near Naples, Italy, is reported. Gravity anomalies in that area mainly reflect the depth to the carbonate basement rocks. A small gravity high over Vesuvius may indicate buried volcanic layers. Magnetic anomalies near L. Patria and Castel Volturno are interpreted to be caused by buried intrusive rocks of higher susceptibility. Computer models of subsurface rock units with appropriate densities and susceptibilities have been generated to match the observed anomalies.  相似文献   

The paper reviews several aspects of paleomagnetic research on Icelandic rocks in past decades, with emphasis on studies of remanence directions in composite lava sections of 1–15 Ma age. We first describe briefly the physical basis of this research and experimental techniques, and list the major studies carried out so far. This is followed by a discussion of the internal consistency of directional results, effects of alteration on magnetic properties, rates of buildup of the lava pile, and the use of paleomagnetic reversals and excursions in stratigraphic mapping. Another section of the paper discusses some contributions which paleomagnetic research in Iceland has made to knowledge of properties of the geomagnetic field.A final section is devoted to regional magnetic surveys over Iceland and the surrounding shelf, giving examples of how their results have revealed various features of geological structures in that area. Knowledge of the magnetization of basement rocks aids in the interpretation of the magnetic anomalies, but more detailed and comprehensive studies of these structures are needed.  相似文献   

The differential similarity transform of a magnetic anomaly is a linear combination of its intensity and gradient components. This transform is sensitive to the distance between a chosen central point of similarity and the source and depends on the degree of homogeneity of the field. Taking advantage of this property, a new field inversion method resulting in the evaluation of source position and shape type is proposed and implemented. The field gradient components are measured directly in magnetic gradiometry, or they can be calculated from the measured field data. Regional and local linear backgrounds are accounted for by the method. The method can be applied on either regularly or irregularly-spaced data sets, on even or uneven surfaces of observation. The solving of the systems of equations is not necessary. A semi-automated inversion for both location and shape of the sources is implemented. Model and field tests illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed inversion technique for depth and shape estimates.  相似文献   

It has been indicated that the Rao-Cramer inequality can be used to estimate the resolvability of intervals with opposite geomagnetic field polarity based on marine anomalies and for measurement planning. Specifically, it has been elucidated that the width of a detected interval of one polarity is determined more exactly than its center.  相似文献   

Summary In response to the recent interpretation of marine magnetic anomalies in terms of the crustal spreading hypothesis, a summary is made of other factors including structural, initial cooling, post cooling, and possible spontaneous processes which may cause at least some of the characters of linear magnetic anomalies. Arguments are developed by presentation ofQ values for 571 specimens from fourteen Icelandic lavas and six dikes, and by theQ value, stability factor, and oxidation variation between the cooling faces of one of these lavas. None of the processes described can alone readily account for the observed symmetry of magnetic anomalies with respect to mid-oceanic ridges, but are presented to encourage examination and development of mechanisms other than geomagnetic polarity changes superimposed on a crustal generating system, as the causes of at least some oceanic magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

地壳磁异常的全球模型   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
从全球磁场减去地核主磁场和变化磁场及其感应磁场后,就得到岩石圈磁场,又称地壳磁场,或地磁异常.地壳磁场是地磁场的重要组成部分,对导航、通信、地球物理勘探等有重要意义.本文简要综述近年来在地壳磁场基本信息获取方面取得的重大进展,特别是Oersted、CHAMP等卫星磁侧的最新成果,介绍在此基础上建立的全球磁异常模型,展望地壳磁场研究的发展趋势和应用前景.  相似文献   

The analysis of the magnetic survey data suggests the presence of a frontal zone of intense magnetic anomalies in a number of the Pacific island-arc systems. These zones with amplitudes of 100–300 nT are observed within the Kuril–Kamchatka and Aleutian island arc systems, in Southern and Central America, and Alaska. As demonstrated by the solution of the inverse problem and petromagnetic investigation of the rocks, these zones are presumably related to the serpentinite bodies which form as a result of the hydration of the upper mantle peridotites by the oceanic water penetrating through a system of cracks and fractures into the subducting slab at its bend. The rock magnetic studies show that magnetite is the main carrier of magnetization in these serpentinite bodies. Hydration of the subducting slab also causes hydration of the mantle rocks of the overriding plate with the formation of the magnetized serpentinite wedge. The decompaction of ultrabasic rocks under hydration is marked by a decrease in the gravity field and velocities of elastic waves. As the subducting plate loses water, it becomes embrittled and becomes the localization region for the epicenters of the strongest earthquakes. Magnetic survey can be used for revealing the potential sources of catastrophic earthquakes.  相似文献   

地球物理反演问题具有病态性、不适定性,传统的线性反演方法面临着次优逼近和初始模型选择等挑战,为了提高磁场数据反演的精度,受深度学习卓越的非线性映射能力的启发,本文提出了一种基于全卷积神经网络的磁异常及磁梯度异常反演方法.文中首先提出了一种基于网格点几何格架的磁异常及磁梯度异常的空间域快速正演算法,这为本文全卷积神经网络...  相似文献   

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