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Nonparametric inverse methods provide a general framework for solving potential‐field problems. The use of weighted norms leads to a general regularization problem of Tikhonov form. We present an alternative procedure to estimate the source susceptibility distribution from potential field measurements exploiting inversion methods by means of a flexible depth‐weighting function in the Tikhonov formulation. Our approach improves the formulation proposed by Li and Oldenburg (1996, 1998) , differing significantly in the definition of the depth‐weighting function. In our formalism the depth weighting function is associated not to the field decay of a single block (which can be representative of just a part of the source) but to the field decay of the whole source, thus implying that the data inversion is independent on the cell shape. So, in our procedure, the depth‐weighting function is not given with a fixed exponent but with the structural index N of the source as the exponent. Differently than previous methods, our choice gives a substantial objectivity to the form of the depth‐weighting function and to the consequent solutions. The allowed values for the exponent of the depth‐weighting function depend on the range of N for sources: 0 ≤N≤ 3 (magnetic case). The analysis regarding the cases of simple sources such as dipoles, dipole lines, dykes or contacts, validate our hypothesis. The study of a complex synthetic case also proves that the depth‐weighting decay cannot be necessarily assumed as equal to 3. Moreover it should not be kept constant for multi‐source models but should instead depend on the structural indices of the different sources. In this way we are able to successfully invert the magnetic data of the Vulture area, Southern Italy. An original aspect of the proposed inversion scheme is that it brings an explicit link between two widely used types of interpretation methods, namely those assuming homogeneous fields, such as Euler deconvolution or depth from extreme points transformation and the inversion under the Tikhonov‐form including a depth‐weighting function. The availability of further constraints, from drillings or known geology, will definitely improve the quality of the solution.  相似文献   

The way potential fields convey source information depends on the scale at which the field is analysed. In this sense a multiscale analysis is a useful method to study potential fields particularly when the main field contributions are caused by sources with different depths and extents. Our multiscale approach is built with a stable transformation, such as depth from extreme points. Its stability results from mixing, in a single operator, the wavenumber low‐pass behaviour of the upward continuation transformation of the field with the enhancement high‐pass properties of n‐order derivative transformations. So, the complex reciprocal interference of several field components may be efficiently faced at several scales of the analysis and the depth to the sources may be estimated together with the homogeneity degrees of the field. In order to estimate the source boundaries we use another multiscale method, the multiscale derivative analysis, which utilizes a generalized concept of horizontal derivative and produces a set of boundary maps at different scales. We show through synthetic examples and application to the gravity field of Southern Italy that this multiscale behaviour makes this technique quite different from other source boundary estimators. The main result obtained by integrating multiscale derivative analysis with depth from extreme points is the retrieval of rather effective information of the field sources (horizontal boundaries, depth, structural index). This interpretative approach has been used along a specific transect for the analysis of the Bouguer anomaly field of Southern Apennines. It was set at such scales, so to emphasize either regional or local features along the transect. Two different classes of sources were individuated. The first one includes a broad, deep source with lateral size of 45∼50 km, at a depth of 13 km and having a 0.5 structural index. The second class includes several narrower sources located at shallowest depths, ranging from 3–6 km, with lateral size not larger than 5 km and structural indexes ranging from 1–1.5. Within a large‐scale geological framework, these results could help to outline the mean structural features at crustal depths.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a non‐linear constrained inversion technique for 2D interpretation of high resolution magnetic field data along flight lines using a simple dike model. We first estimate the strike direction of a quasi 2D structure based on the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue of the pseudogravity gradient tensor derived from gridded, low‐pass filtered magnetic field anomalies, assuming that the magnetization direction is known. Then the measured magnetic field can be transformed into the strike coordinate system and all magnetic dike parameters – horizontal position, depth to the top, dip angle, width and susceptibility contrast – can be estimated by non‐linear least squares inversion of the high resolution magnetic field data along the flight lines. We use the Levenberg‐Marquardt algorithm together with the trust‐region‐reflective method enabling users to define inequality constraints on model parameters such that the estimated parameters are always in a trust region. Assuming that the maximum of the calculated gzz (vertical gradient of the pseudogravity field) is approximately located above the causative body, data points enclosed by a window, along the profile, centred at the maximum of gzz are used in the inversion scheme for estimating the dike parameters. The size of the window is increased until it exceeds a predefined limit. Then the solution corresponding to the minimum data fit error is chosen as the most reliable one. Using synthetic data we study the effect of random noise and interfering sources on the estimated models and we apply our method to a new aeromagnetic data set from the Särna area, west central Sweden including constraints from laboratory measurements on rock samples from the area.  相似文献   

A simple and fast determination of the limiting depth to the sources may represent a significant help to the data interpretation. To this end we explore the possibility of determining those source parameters shared by all the classes of models fitting the data. One approach is to determine the maximum depth-to-source compatible with the measured data, by using for example the well-known Bott–Smith rules. These rules involve only the knowledge of the field and its horizontal gradient maxima, and are independent from the density contrast.Thanks to the direct relationship between structural index and depth to sources we work out a simple and fast strategy to obtain the maximum depth by using the semi-automated methods, such as Euler deconvolution or depth-from-extreme-points method (DEXP).The proposed method consists in estimating the maximum depth as the one obtained for the highest allowable value of the structural index (Nmax). Nmax may be easily determined, since it depends only on the dimensionality of the problem (2D/3D) and on the nature of the analyzed field (e.g., gravity field or magnetic field). We tested our approach on synthetic models against the results obtained by the classical Bott–Smith formulas and the results are in fact very similar, confirming the validity of this method. However, while Bott–Smith formulas are restricted to the gravity field only, our method is applicable also to the magnetic field and to any derivative of the gravity and magnetic field. Our method yields a useful criterion to assess the source model based on the (∂f/∂x)max/fmax ratio.The usefulness of the method in real cases is demonstrated for a salt wall in the Mississippi basin, where the estimation of the maximum depth agrees with the seismic information.  相似文献   

The differential similarity transform of a magnetic anomaly is a linear combination of its intensity and gradient components. This transform is sensitive to the distance between a chosen central point of similarity and the source and depends on the degree of homogeneity of the field. Taking advantage of this property, a new field inversion method resulting in the evaluation of source position and shape type is proposed and implemented. The field gradient components are measured directly in magnetic gradiometry, or they can be calculated from the measured field data. Regional and local linear backgrounds are accounted for by the method. The method can be applied on either regularly or irregularly-spaced data sets, on even or uneven surfaces of observation. The solving of the systems of equations is not necessary. A semi-automated inversion for both location and shape of the sources is implemented. Model and field tests illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed inversion technique for depth and shape estimates.  相似文献   

We presented a new method for interpreting 2D magnetic data, called direct analytic signal (DAS) method, which directly used the analytic signal of magnetic anomaly to compute the depth and the structural index of the source. The DAS method needs only the computation of the first order derivatives of magnetic anomaly, so that the inversion results are more stable than the results obtained by the other existing analytic signal methods. The DAS method is tested on synthetic magnetic data with and without noise, and the DAS method can successfully obtain the depth and the structural index of the source. We also applied the DAS method to interpret a real magnetic data over a shallow geological source whose source parameters are known from closely drilling information, and the inversion results are in accord with the true values.  相似文献   

We presented using the correlation coefficient of the analytic signal of real data and the analytic signal of synthetic data generated by the assumed source to estimate the structural index and the depth of the source. First, we assumed that the causative sources are located at different locations in the underground and the structural index of the assumed source is changed from 0 to 3, and then we separately compute the correlation coefficients of the analytic signal of the measured data and the analytic signal of the anomaly generated by each assumed source, the correlation coefficient can get the maximum value when the location and structural index of the assumed source are consistent with the real source. We tested the correlation coefficient method on synthetic noise-free and noise-corrupted magnetic anomalies, and the inversion results indicate that the new method can successfully finish the inversion of magnetic data. We also applied it to measured magnetic data, and we obtain the structural index and the location of the source.  相似文献   

Euler deconvolution and the analytic signal are both used for semi‐automatic interpretation of magnetic data. They are used mostly to delineate contacts and obtain rapid source depth estimates. For Euler deconvolution, the quality of the depth estimation depends mainly on the choice of the proper structural index, which is a function of the geometry of the causative bodies. Euler deconvolution applies only to functions that are homogeneous. This is the case for the magnetic field due to contacts, thin dikes and poles. Fortunately, many complex geological structures can be approximated by these simple geometries. In practice, the Euler equation is also solved for a background regional field. For the analytic signal, the model used is generally a contact, although other models, such as a thin dike, can be considered. It can be shown that if a function is homogeneous, its analytic signal is also homogeneous. Deconvolution of the analytic signal is then equivalent to Euler deconvolution of the magnetic field with a background field. However, computation of the analytic signal effectively removes the background field from the data. Consequently, it is possible to solve for both the source location and structural index. Once these parameters are determined, the local dip and the susceptibility contrast can be determined from relationships between the analytic signal and the orthogonal gradients of the magnetic field. The major advantage of this technique is that it allows the automatic identification of the type of source. Implementation of this approach is demonstrated for recent high‐resolution survey data from an Archean granite‐greenstone terrane in northern Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   

Measurement of the electric field data due to an inductive loop source in a controlled source electromagnetic survey is not common, because electric field data, usually involving grounded electrodes, are expensive to acquire and difficult to interpret. With the recently developed capability of versatile three‐dimensional inversion, we revisit the idea of measuring electric field in a large ground loop survey for mineral exploration. The three‐dimensional modelling and inversion approach helps us quantitatively understand the detectability and recoverability of the proposed survey configuration. Our detectability study using forward modelling shows that the relative anomaly (percentage difference) in electric field does not decay with a lower induction number, but the conventional magnetic field data (dB/dt) does. Our recoverability study examines how much and what kind of information can be extracted from electric field data for the reconstruction of a three‐dimensional model. Synthetic inversions show the following observations. (i) Electric field data are good at locating lateral discontinuity, whereas dB/dt has better depth resolution. (ii) Electric field is less sensitive to the background conductivity and, thus, is prone to misinterpretation because of a bad initial model in inversion. We recommend warm‐starting the electric field inversion with an initial model from a separate dB/dt inversion. (iii) Electric field data may be severely contaminated by near‐surface heterogeneity, but an inversion can recover the deep target concealed by the geologic noise. (iv) Even one line of single‐component electric field data can greatly improve the horizontal resolution in a dB/dt inversion. Finally, we investigate a field dataset of both electric field and dB/dt measurements at a uranium deposit. The field example confirms that the electric field and magnetic field data contain independent information that is crucial in the accurate recovery of subsurface conductivity. Our synthetic and field examples demonstrate the benefit of acquiring electric field data along with magnetic field data in an inductive source survey.  相似文献   

Imaging magnetic sources using Euler's equation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The conventional Euler deconvolution method has the advantage of being independent of magnetization parameters in locating magnetic sources and estimating their corresponding depths. However, this method has the disadvantage that a suitable structural index must be chosen, which may cause spatial diffusion of the Euler solutions and bias in the estimation of depths to the magnetic sources. This problem becomes more serious when interfering anomalies exist. The interpretation of the Euler depth solutions is effectively related to the model adopted, and different models may have different structural indices. Therefore, I suggest a combined inversion for the structural index and the source location from the Euler deconvolution, by using only the derivatives of the magnetic anomalies. This approach considerably reduces the diffusion problem of the location and depth solutions. Consequently, by averaging the clustered solutions satisfying a given criterion for the solutions, we can image the depths and attributes (or types) of the causative magnetic sources. Magnetic anomalies acquired offshore northern Taiwan are used to test the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new inversion method for the interpretation of 2D magnetic anomaly data, which uses the combination of the analytic signal and its total gradient to estimate the depth and the nature (structural index) of an isolated magnetic source. However, our proposed method is sensitive to noise. In order to lower the effect of noise, we apply upward continuation technique to smooth the anomaly. Tests on synthetic noise-free and noise corrupted magnetic data show that the new method can successfully estimate the depth and the nature of the causative source. The practical application of the technique is applied to measured magnetic anomaly data from Jurh area, northeast China, and the inversion results are in agreement with the inversion results from Euler deconvolution of the analytic signal.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for imaging magnetic data collected for mineral exploration to yield the following structural information: depth, model type (structural index) and susceptibility. The active nature of mineral exploration data requires we derive the structural information from a robust quantity: we propose that the first‐ or second‐order analytic‐signal amplitude is suitably stable. The procedure is to normalize the analytic‐signal amplitude by the peak value and then use non‐linear inversion to estimate the depth and the structural index for each anomaly. In our field example, different results are obtained depending on whether we inverted for the first‐ or second‐order analytic‐signal amplitude. This is probably because the two‐dimensional contact, thin sheet or horizontal cylinder models we have assumed are not appropriate. In cases such as these, when our model assumptions are not correct, the results should not be interpreted quantitatively, but they might be useful for giving a qualitative indication of how the structure might vary. With a priori information, it is possible to assume a model type (i.e. set the structural index) and generate estimates of the depth and susceptibility. These data can then be gridded and imaged. If a contact is assumed, the susceptibility contrast is estimated; for the dike model, the susceptibility‐thickness is estimated; for the horizontal cylinder, the susceptibility‐area is estimated. To emphasize that the results are dependent on our assumed model, we advocate prefixing any derived quantity by the term ‘apparent’.  相似文献   

Recent improvements in the local wavenumber approach have made it possible to estimate both the depth and model type of buried bodies from magnetic data. However, these improvements require calculation of third‐order derivatives of the magnetic field, which greatly enhances noise. As a result, the improvements are restricted to data of high quality. We present an alternative method to estimate both the depth and model type using the first‐order local wavenumber approach without the need for third‐order derivatives of the field. Our method is based on normalization of the first‐order local wavenumber anomalies and provides a generalized equation to estimate the depth of some 2D magnetic sources regardless of the source structure. Information about the nature of the sources is obtained after the source location has been estimated. The method was tested using synthetic magnetic anomaly data with random noise and using three field examples.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the conversion of Euler's equation from a Cartesian coordinate system to a radial coordinate system, and then demonstrates that for sources of the type 1/rN (where r is the distance to the source, and N is the structural index) it can be solved at each point in space without the need for inversion, for a known structural index. It is shown that although the distance to the source that is obtained from Euler's equation depends on the structural index used, the direction to the source does not. For some models, such as the gravity and magnetic response of a contact, calculation of the analytic signal amplitude of the data is necessary prior to the application of the method. Effective noise attenuation strategies, such as the use of moving windows of data points, are also discussed. The method is applied to gravity and magnetic data from South Africa, and yields plausible results.  相似文献   

We present a novel methodology for 3D gravity/magnetic data inversion. It combines two algorithms for preliminary separation of sources and an original approach to 3D inverse problem solution. The first algorithm is designed to separate sources in depth and to remove the shallow ones. It is based on subsequent upward and downward data continuation. For separation in the lateral sense, we approximate the given observed data by the field of several 3D line segments. For potential field data inversion we apply a new method of local corrections. The method is efficient and does not require trial-and-error forward modeling. It allows retrieving unknown 3D geometry of anomalous objects in terms of restricted bodies of arbitrary shape and contact surfaces. For restricted objects, we apply new integral equations of gravity and magnetic inverse problems. All steps of our methodology are demonstrated on the Kolarovo gravity anomaly in the Danube Basin of Slovakia.  相似文献   

We have developed a least‐squares minimization approach to depth determination using numerical second horizontal derivative anomalies obtained from magnetic data with filters of successive window lengths (graticule spacings). The problem of depth determination from second‐derivative magnetic anomalies has been transformed into finding a solution to a non‐linear equation of the form, f(z) = 0. Formulae have been derived for a sphere, a horizontal cylinder, a dike and a geological contact. Procedures are also formulated to estimate the magnetic angle and the amplitude coefficient. We have also developed a simple method to define simultaneously the shape (shape factor) and the depth of a buried structure from magnetic data. The method is based on computing the variance of depths determined from all second‐derivative anomaly profiles using the above method. The variance is considered a criterion for determining the correct shape and depth of the buried structure. When the correct shape factor is used, the variance of depths is less than the variances computed using incorrect shape factors. The method is applied to synthetic data with and without random errors, complicated regionals, and interference from neighbouring magnetic rocks. Finally, the method is tested on a field example from India. In all the cases examined, the depth and the shape parameters are found to be in good agreement with the actual parameters.  相似文献   

Surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR) is a relatively new geophysical method for non‐invasive groundwater exploration and aquifer characterization. Conventional SNMR surveys based on one‐dimensional (1‐D) inversion of amplitude data recorded only using coincident loops provide limited or distorted groundwater distribution information, especially in regions with strong lateral heterogeneity and complicated hydrological environments. The simplistic approach limits the applicability and efficiency of SNMR, which was therefore made more effective in this study using a sophisticated signal response formulation. The elliptical polarization parameters of the excitation magnetic fields and 2‐D sensitivity kernels (including real and imaginary parts) of three commonly used loop configurations were first calculated. After all the individual complex signals of five simulated measurement series along a profile were incorporated. The 2‐D magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) complex inversion scheme was then used to perform high resolution tomography of synthetic models under the three loop configurations, taking full advantage of the different sensitivity distributions offered by the different loop configurations and the high sensitivity of the imaginary parts of signals to deep structures. Contrast analyses of the tomographic results showed that the complex inversions significantly decreased model ambiguities and increased depth resolution even with artificial noise added. Coincident loop measurements usually gave the best vertical resolution, and separated loops provided better lateral resolution. However, various factors would influence phase data, meaning that the complex inversion of field data is neither very reliable nor very common at present.  相似文献   

This paper develops an automatic method for interpretation of magnetic data using derivatives of the analytic signal. A linear equation is derived to provide source location parameters of a 2D magnetic body without a priori information about the nature of the source. Then using the source location parameters, the nature of the source can be ascertained. The method has been tested using theoretical simulations with random noise for two 2D magnetic models placed at different depths with respect to the observation height. In both cases, the method gave a good estimate for the location and shape of the sources. Good results were obtained on two field data sets.  相似文献   

A combination of magnetotelluric (MT) measurements on the surface and in boreholes (without metal casing) can be expected to enhance resolution and reduce the ambiguity in models of electrical resistivity derived from MT surface measurements alone. In order to quantify potential improvement in inversion models and to aid design of electromagnetic (EM) borehole sensors, we considered two synthetic 2D models containing ore bodies down to 3000 m depth (the first with two dipping conductors in resistive crystalline host rock and the second with three mineralisation zones in a sedimentary succession exhibiting only moderate resistivity contrasts). We computed 2D inversion models from the forward responses based on combinations of surface impedance measurements and borehole measurements such as (1) skin-effect transfer functions relating horizontal magnetic fields at depth to those on the surface, (2) vertical magnetic transfer functions relating vertical magnetic fields at depth to horizontal magnetic fields on the surface and (3) vertical electric transfer functions relating vertical electric fields at depth to horizontal magnetic fields on the surface. Whereas skin-effect transfer functions are sensitive to the resistivity of the background medium and 2D anomalies, the vertical magnetic and electric field transfer functions have the disadvantage that they are comparatively insensitive to the resistivity of the layered background medium. This insensitivity introduces convergence problems in the inversion of data from structures with strong 2D resistivity contrasts. Hence, we adjusted the inversion approach to a three-step procedure, where (1) an initial inversion model is computed from surface impedance measurements, (2) this inversion model from surface impedances is used as the initial model for a joint inversion of surface impedances and skin-effect transfer functions and (3) the joint inversion model derived from the surface impedances and skin-effect transfer functions is used as the initial model for the inversion of the surface impedances, skin-effect transfer functions and vertical magnetic and electric transfer functions. For both synthetic examples, the inversion models resulting from surface and borehole measurements have higher similarity to the true models than models computed exclusively from surface measurements. However, the most prominent improvements were obtained for the first example, in which a deep small-sized ore body is more easily distinguished from a shallow main ore body penetrated by a borehole and the extent of the shadow zone (a conductive artefact) underneath the main conductor is strongly reduced. Formal model error and resolution analysis demonstrated that predominantly the skin-effect transfer functions improve model resolution at depth below the sensors and at distance of \(\sim \) 300–1000 m laterally off a borehole, whereas the vertical electric and magnetic transfer functions improve resolution along the borehole and in its immediate vicinity. Furthermore, we studied the signal levels at depth and provided specifications of borehole magnetic and electric field sensors to be developed in a future project. Our results suggest that three-component SQUID and fluxgate magnetometers should be developed to facilitate borehole MT measurements at signal frequencies above and below 1 Hz, respectively.  相似文献   

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