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BCC_CSM模式对热带降水年循环模态的模拟   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文评估了国家气候中心发展的两个不同分辨率海—陆—气—冰多圈层耦合气候系统模式BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1 (m) 对热带降水两个年循环模态——揭示降水冬夏季节差异的季风模态和揭示过渡季节春季和秋季非对称特征的春秋非对称模态的模拟能力,讨论了模拟偏差产生的可能原因。分析结果表明,BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1 (m) 均能合理再现全球年平均降水的基本分布特征,也能较合理再现热带降水年循环模态的基本分布特征,尤其季风模态中降水与环流关于赤道反对称的特征;能够较合理再现春秋非对称模态与热带海洋表面温度(SST)年循环之间的关系。大气温度场、环流场以及热带SST的模拟偏差对降水季风模态有影响;热带SST年循环的偏差对降水春秋非对称模态的模拟偏差有贡献;模式分辨率对降水年循环模态的模拟也有一定影响。对比分析显示,大气模式和陆面模式水平分辨率提高之后模式在某些模拟性能上有所提高,这表现在:BCC_CSM1.1 (m) 模拟的1~12月降水气候态的空间变率更接近观测;热带海表温度年循环总体上更接近观测;模拟的热带降水年循环模态的部分特征更合理。但BCC_CSM1.1 (m) 的模拟结果相对观测仍存在较大偏差,有待进一步改进。  相似文献   

积云参数化方案对热带降水年循环模态模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
本文利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室( LASG)发展的大气环流模式(SAMIL),采用Zhang-McFarlane (ZM)和Tiedtke (TDK)两种积云对流参数化方案,讨论了积云对流参数化方案对热带降水年循环模态模拟的影响.结果表明,两种积云对流参数化方案均能合理再现...  相似文献   

气候系统模式FGOALS-s2对南半球气候的模拟和预估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周天军  孙丹  薛峰 《大气科学》2013,37(2):499-517
针对参加“国际耦合模式比较计划”(CMIP5)的IAP/LASG气候系统模式FGOALS-s2,评估了其对南半球气候平均态的模拟能力,在此基础上,预估了未来不同“典型浓度路径”(RCPs)情景下南半球气候的变化特征.对20世纪历史气候模拟结果的分析表明,模式能够合理再现南半球大气环流气候态分布特征,包括6~8月平均(JJA)南半球双西风急流现象,只是模拟的北支急流偏弱、南支急流偏强.未来气候预估试验中,不同RCPs情景下南半球温度变化以增暖为主要特征,陆地增温大于海洋,只有南大西洋—印度洋海盆存在局部变冷.综合四种不同情景,未来随着温室气体浓度的增加,南半球中纬度高压带将显著加强,绕极低压带将加深.降水呈现出增多的特征,12月到来年2月平均(DJF)强于JJA,海洋强于陆地,只有南印度洋和南太平洋中部局部降水减少.未来不同RCPs情景下,马斯克林高压表现出先减弱后增强的特征,而澳大利亚高压则呈现出先增强后减弱的特征.南极涛动(AAO)的变化表现为:RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下AAO都表现为先增强后减弱,RCP6.0和RCP8.5情景下都为一致的增强趋势,这主要与四种情景中模拟的未来温度变化结构不同有关.例如在RCP6.0和RCP8.5情景下,南半球高纬高层温度增暖趋势小于中纬地区,使得经向温度梯度增大,中纬度西风加强,60°S以南位势高度减小,最终令AAO增强.  相似文献   

全球海气耦合模式对东亚季风降水模拟的检验   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
张莉  丁一汇  孙颖 《大气科学》2008,32(2):261-276
以CMAP(Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation)月平均降水资料和欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的40年再分析资料集ERA40为观测基础,分析了当前政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告(IPCC AR4)的17个全球海气耦合模式对东亚季风区夏季降水和环流的模拟能力。结果表明:(1)模式基本上都能够模拟出降水由东亚东南部海洋至东亚西北部中国内陆减少的空间分布特征,部分模式能够模拟出降水的部分主要模态;(2) 大部分模式基本上能够模拟出中国东部陆地降水的季节进退。但同时也存在相当的差异,这包括:(1)多数模式普遍存在模拟降水量偏少、降水变幅偏小的缺陷;(2)雨带的季节推进过程与观测存在一定偏差,尤其海洋上的季节进退过程模拟较差,有的模式甚至不能模拟出东亚季风区东部海洋上大致的季节进程。因此,模式对东亚季风区降水的模拟能力还是比较有限的,需要进一步改进。多模式集合的夏季环流场以偏弱为主,不利于降水的形成,这在中国东部大陆部分比较明显。另外,空气湿度模拟值偏低、从而造成水汽输送偏弱也是导致东亚季风区夏季降水模拟偏小的原因之一。  相似文献   

满文敏  周天军  张洁  吴波 《气象学报》2011,69(4):644-654
分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)发展的快速耦合气候系统模式FGOALS_gl对近100年气温变化的模拟,讨论了20世纪气温变化的机理。结果表明,在自然因素和人为因素的共同强迫作用下,FGOALS_gl能够合理再现20世纪全球平均和纬向平均地表气温随时间的演变。利用太阳辐照度等自然强迫、温室气体和气溶胶等人为强迫因子来驱动耦合模式,能够模拟出过去100年全球平均气温的增温趋势和年代际变化。耦合模式可以较好地模拟出20世纪全球气温变化趋势的空间分布。对区域气温变化模拟效果的分析表明,除北大西洋外,FGOALS_gl对其他地区具有较高的模拟技巧,表明外强迫是造成多数地区气温变化的主要原因。FGOALS_gl的主要缺陷在于模拟的变暖强度偏弱,大气模式自身的偏差以及耦合模式对温室气体响应的敏感度偏低是造成上述缺陷的主要原因。总体而言,FGOALS_gl对20世纪气温变化的模拟效果较为理想,特别是在全球、半球和大陆尺度上,该模式对过去100年气温变化的模拟较为合理。  相似文献   

我国冬季降水年际变化的主模态分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
王林  冯娟 《大气科学》2011,35(6):1105-1116
利用我国160站的观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及英国气象局哈德莱中心的海表面温度(SST) 资料, 分析了我国冬季降水年际变化的主模态以及与其相联系的大气环流异常和海温异常。结果表明, 在年际变化的时间尺度上, 我国冬季降水主要表现为长江以南地区降水量的一致变化(EOF1) 和华南、西南地区与新疆北部、华北和长江中下游地区降水反位相振荡的变化(EOF2) 两个主模态, 它们分别可以解释年际变化总方差的49.6%和17.3%, 并具有显著的2~4年周期。此外, 这两个模态也有明显的年代际信号, EOF1表现为20世纪80年代中期以前南方地区冬季降水偏少, 1988年之后转为偏多, 而进入21世纪后逐渐接近历史平均值并有再次转为偏少的趋势, 而EOF2表现为1980年至2005年新疆北部和长江中下游地区的冬季降水出现年代际增多, 而华南地区的冬季降水出现年代际减少。进一步通过回归分析表明, 我国冬季降水年际变化的EOF1与ENSO循环以及东亚冬季风强度的变化有密切的关系, 当ENSO处于其暖(冷) 位相的冬季时, 东亚冬季风系统偏弱 (强), 来自孟加拉湾和南海的异常水汽输送在我国南方地区形成辐合(辐散), 从而有利于该地区降水异常偏多(少)。与我国冬季降水年际变化EOF2相联系的环流表现为欧亚大陆上空具有相当正压结构的一个波列, 该波列对应于东亚沿岸的异常北 (南) 风, 进而引起长江中下游地区水汽辐散(辐合) 和华南地区水汽辐合(辐散), 有利于南正(负) 北负(正) 的降水异常分布。赤道中东太平洋和北大西洋挪威海地区的SST异常分别与这两个模态具有紧密的联系, 并对这两个模态具有一定的潜在预报意义。  相似文献   

李恬燕  俞永强 《大气科学》2021,45(6):1345-1365
本文评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)研发的全球气候系统模式(FGOALS)的4个版本(FGOALS-g2、s2、g3、f3-L)对赤道太平洋地区的海温、降水气候态和季节循环的模拟能力。本文从海气耦合机制和热量收支的角度对耦合模式结果和相应的大气模式比较计划试验(AMIP)进行了对比分析,探讨了造成这一地区海温和降水模拟偏差的原因。结果显示,上一代模式g2和s2的海表温度均方根误差大于2°C,新一代模式g3和f3-L模拟的均方根误差降低50%,为1°C左右。因为新版本中赤道太平洋地区的净短波辐射平均态误差的减小,海洋上层热量动力输送过程的改善和净短波辐射与海温回归关系改进,赤道太平洋地区海温的平均态,南北温度和降水的不对称性都更加接近观测。f3-L比g3在上述方面改进更多,海温也更加合理。但是新一代版本模拟的降水均没有显著改进,赤道北侧ITCZ的降水偏大4 mm d?1。对流降水带来的凝结潜热释放加强了南北非绝热加热梯度,越赤道南风偏差抵消了一部分因为短波辐射偏大带来的海温偏暖,这说明海温平均态的改善是模拟误差相互抵消的结果。在季节循环的模拟方面也存在类似的现象,f3-L和g3中的海温年循环有所改进但较观测振幅仍旧偏弱。这是因为f3-L和g3模拟的经向风和潜热的年循环振幅比前版本要偏强,误差加大的同时也更大地抵消短波辐射的年循环偏差。g2和s2模拟的海温在赤道东太平洋则存在一个虚假半年循环分量,这主要是由潜热通量半年循环偏差所引起的。  相似文献   

IAP第四代大气环流模式的耦合气候系统模式模拟性能评估   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文首先扼要介绍了基于中国科学院大气物理研究所(简称IAP)第四代大气环流模式的新气候系统模式-CAS-ESM-C(中国科学院地球系统模式气候系统模式分量)的发展和结构,之后主要对该模式在模拟大气、海洋、陆面和海冰的气候平均态、季节循环以及主要的年际变率等方面的能力做一个初步的评估.结果表明:模式没有明显的气候漂移,各...  相似文献   

我国的天气气候受到南亚季风和东亚季风系统的综合影响,受到复杂的地形强迫和海-陆-气相互作用,年际和年代际气候变化都很显著,且区域差异明显,气候灾害多发。近年来,在全球变暖背景下我国的洪涝干旱等气候灾害和极端气候事件发生更加频繁,造成的社会经济损失日趋严重,成为影响我国经济发展、社会进步和人民安康的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

基于LASG/IAP大气环流谱模式的气候系统模式   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
文章扼要介绍了基于LASG/IAP大气环流谱模式(SAMIL)的气候系统模式的新版本FGOALS-s的发展和结构。出于发展一个在东亚季风模拟方面有一定优势的气候系统模式之目的,FGOALS-s的大气模式分量SAMIL采用了较高的水平分辨率R42,这相当于2.8125°(经度)×1.66°(纬度),高于三角截断T42的分辨率。对FGOALS-s在模拟大气、陆面、海洋和海冰的气候平均态,以及主要的年际变率信号方面的能力进行了检验。分析表明,FGOALS-s成功地控制了气候漂移趋势,能够较为真实地模拟大气、海洋和陆面的气候平均态,特别是受益于大气模式的较高分辨率,由中国西南向东北延伸的夏季风雨带的分布,在模式中得到较为真实的再现,表明该模式在东亚夏季风的模拟上具有较强能力。耦合模式能够成功再现El Ni~no事件的非规则周期变化,但是其年际变化的振幅较之观测要弱。赤道中西太平洋年际变率的强度较之赤道中东太平洋要强。在中高纬度,模式模拟的北大西洋涛动模态,在空间分布上与观测接近。FGOALS-s模式存在的主要问题,是模拟的热带海温偏冷、而中纬度海温则偏暖,原因是模式模拟的云量分布存在偏差,它直接影响到海表的净热通量收支。模式模拟的北大西洋高纬度地区的海温明显偏冷,令该地区的年平均海冰分布的范围明显偏大;然而受南极周边海温偏高影响,南极洲周围的海冰范围则偏少。FGOALS-s的未来工作重点,宜放在大气模式的云过程、海洋模式的经向能量输送过程、以及海洋与大气的淡水通量耦合方案的改进方面。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the performance of a coupled general circulation model FGOALS_s1.1 developed by LASG/IAP in simulating the annual modes of tropical precipitation.To understand the impacts of air-sea coupling on the annual modes,the result of an off-line simulation of the atmospheric component of FGOALS_s1.1,i.e.,LASG/IAP atmospheric general circulation model SAMIL,is also analyzed.FGOALS_s1.1 can reasonably reproduce major characteristics of the annual mean precipitation.Nonetheless,the coupled model shows overestimation of precipitation over the equatorial Pacific and tropical South Pacific,and underestimation of precipitation over the northern equatorial Pacific.The monsoon mode simulated by FGOALS_s1.1 shows an equatorial anti-symmetric structure,which is consistent with the observation.The bias of the coupled model in simulating monsoon mode resembles that of SAMIL,especially over the subtropics.The main deficiency of FGOALS_s1.1 is its failure in simulating the spring-fall asymmetric mode.This is attributed to the false phase of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) annual cycleover the equatorial central-castern Pacific and Indian Ocean,which leads to the bias of the Walker circulation over the equatorial Pacific and the anti-Walker circulation over the Indian Ocean in boreal spring and fall.In addition,the domains of the western North Pacific monsoon and Indian monsoon simulated by the coupled model are smaller than the observation.The study suggests that the bias of the fully coupled oceanatmosphere model can only be partly attributed to the bias of the atmospheric component.The performance of FGOALS-s1.1 in simulating the annual cycle of equatorial SST deserves further improvement.  相似文献   

基于中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学与地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)开发的耦合气候系统模式FGOALS_s1.0控制试验的积分结果,分析了冬季北太平洋海表面湍流热通量(潜热和感热通量之和)异常及其对海表面温度(SST)异常的影响,并通过分析海温倾向方程,比较了各因子对SST变率的相对贡献.结果表...  相似文献   

On the basis of Zeng’s theoretical design, a coupled general circulation model (CGCM) is developed with its characteristics different from other CGCMs such as the unified vertical coordinates and subtraction of the standard stratification for both atmosphere and ocean, available energy consideration, and so on. The oceanic component is a free surface tropical Pacific Ocean GCM between 30oN and 30oS with horizontal grid spacing of 1o in latitude and 2o in longitude, and with 14 vertical layers. The atmospheric component it a global GCM with low-resolution of 4o in latitude and 5o in longitude, and two layers or equal man in the vertical between the surface and 200 hPa. The atmospheric GCM includes comprehensive physical processes. The coupled model is subjected to seasonally-varying cycle. Several coupling experiments, ranging from straight forward coupling without flux correction to one with flux correction, and to so-called predictor-corrector monthly coupling (PCMC), are conducted to show the existence and final controlling of the climate drift in the coupled system. After removing the climate drift with the PCMC scheme, the coupled model is integrated for more than twenty years. The results show reasonable simulations of the annual mean and its seasonal cycle of the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. The model also produces the coherent interannual variations of the climate system, manifesting the observed El Ni?o / Southern Oscillation (ENSO).  相似文献   

A fast version of the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geo- physical Fluid Dynamics(LASG)/Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP)climate system model is briefly documented.The fast coupled model employs a low resolution version of the atmospheric component Grid Atmospheric Model of IAP/LASG(GAMIL),with the other parts of the model,namely an oceanic component LASG/IAP Climate Ocean Model(LICOM),land component Common Land Model(CLM),and sea ice component from National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate System Model (NCAR CCSM2),as the same as in the standard version of LASG/IAP Flexible Global Ocean Atmosphere Land System model(FGOALS g).The parameterizations of physical and dynamical processes of the at- mospheric component in the fast version are identical to the standard version,although some parameter values are different.However,by virtue of reduced horizontal resolution and increased time-step of the most time-consuming atmospheric component,it runs faster by a factor of 3 and can serve as a useful tool for long- term and large-ensemble integrations.A 1000-year control simulation of the present-day climate has been completed without flux adjustments.The final 600 years of this simulation has virtually no trends in global mean sea surface temperatures and is recommended for internal variability studies.Several aspects of the control simulation’s mean climate and variability are evaluated against the observational or reanalysis data. The strengths and weaknesses of the control simulation are evaluated.The mean atmospheric circulation is well simulated,except in high latitudes.The Asian-Australian monsoonal meridional cell shows realistic features,however,an artificial rainfall center is located to the eastern periphery of the Tibetan Plateau persists throughout the year.The mean bias of SST resembles that of the standard version,appearing as a"double ITCZ"(Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone)associated with a westward extension of the equatorial eastern Pacific cold tongue.The sea ice extent is acceptable but has a higher concentration.The strength of Atlantic meridional overturning is 27.5 Sv.Evidence from the 600-year simulation suggests a modulation of internal variability on ENSO frequency,since both regular and irregular oscillations of ENSO are found during the different time periods of the long-term simulation.  相似文献   

The capabilities of two versions of the Global-Ocean-Atmosphere-Land-System model (i.e. GOALS-2 and GOALS-4) developed at State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), are validated in terms of the simulations of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which is currently the subject of considerable scientific interest. The results show that both GOALS-2 and GOALS-4 exhibit a realistic NAO signal associated with relatively reasonable spatial pat-terns of sea level pressure, surface air temperature, and precipitation. Generally speaking, the associated pat-terns of precipitation in GOALSs match better with the observation in comparison with the case of surface temperature. For the imprint of NAO on the ocean, or perhaps a coupling between the two fluids, the asso-ciated tripole patterns of the North Atlantic SST anomaly are presented distinctly in GOALS-2, for GOALS-4 however, this is not the case. Spatially, the models’ main deficiencies appear to be that the simu-lated Icelandic lows shift northward apparently, which in turn result in the blemish of GOALSs in repro-ducing the accompanied surface wind anomalies. For the interannual and even longer time scale variations of DJF sea level pressure (SLP) over the North Atlantic region. GOALSs reproduce the center with the strongest variability rationally, but the intensities are far weaker than the observation.  相似文献   

A new generation of the IAP / LASG world ocean general circulation model is designed and presented based on the previous 20-layer model, with enhanced spatial resolutions and improved parameterizations. The model uses a triangular-truncated spectral horizontal grid system with its zonal wave number of 63 (T63) to match its atmospheric counterpart of a T63 spectral atmosphere general circulation model in a planned coupled ocean-atmosphere system. There are 30 layers in vertical direction, of which 20 layers are located above 1000 m for better depicting the permanent thermocline. As previous ocean models developed in IAP / LASG, a free surface (rather than “rigid-lid” approximation) is included in this model. Compared with the 20-layer model, some more detailed physical parameterizations are considered, including the along / cross isopycnal mixing scheme adapted from the Gent-MacWilliams scheme. The model is spun up from a motionless state. Initial conditions for temperature and salinity are taken from the three-dimensional distributions of Levitus’ annual mean observation. A preliminary analysis of the first 1000-year integration of a control experiment shows some encouraging improvements compared with the twenty-layer model, particularly in the simulations of permanent thermocline, thermohaline circu?lation, meridional heat transport, etc. resulted mainly from using the isopycnal mixing scheme. However, the use of isopycnal mixing scheme does not significantly improve the simulated equatorial thermocline. A series of numerical experiments show that the most important contribution to the improvement of equatori?al thermocline and the associated equatorial under current comes from reducing horizontal viscosity in the equatorial regions. It is found that reducing the horizontal viscosity in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean may slightly weaken the overturning rate of North Atlantic Deep Water.  相似文献   

夏季亚洲-太平洋涛动的耦合模式模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚洲-太平洋涛动是夏季欧亚大陆东部(15°—50°N,60°—120°E)与北太平洋上空(15°—50°N,180°—120°W)温度场反相变化的现象。亚洲-太平洋涛动指数由对流层上层(500—200 hPa)温度定义,反映了亚洲-太平洋纬向热力差异。基于一个全球海-气耦合模式FGOALS_gl的20世纪气候模拟试验结果,讨论了其对20世纪亚洲-太平洋涛动指数变化的模拟能力。结果表明,较之ERA-40再分析资料(1960—1999年),模式很好地刻画出上层温度场的平均态和主导模态的空间型。从趋势上看,模式对北太平洋上空温度的年代际变化和趋势模拟较好,但未能模拟出亚洲东部陆地上空的降温趋势。从频谱分析结果看,模拟的亚洲-太平洋涛动指数2—3,a的年际变率与再分析资料相当,5-7 a周期的变率较弱。模式能够较好地模拟出与亚洲-太平洋涛动指数相关的亚洲季风区气候异常。在20世纪模拟中,外强迫因子会改变耦合系统的年际变率,在自然因子强迫下亚洲-太平洋涛动指数的功率谱向低频方向增强,人为强迫因子的作用则相反。自然强迫因子和人为强迫因子在不同时期对亚洲-太平洋涛动年际和年代际变率的作用不同。在年际变率中人为强迫因子能够控制亚洲-太平洋涛动的变率使其不致过大;在年代际变率中人为强迫因子会增强自然强迫下亚洲-太平洋涛动的变率。模式上层温度的主导模态受ENSO调制,可能影响亚洲-太平洋涛动的年际变率。因此,模式对ENSO模拟能力的缺陷是制约模式对流层上层温度及亚洲-太平洋涛动指数变率的重要因素。  相似文献   

In this study, two modes of the Silk Road pattern were investigated using NCEP2 reanalysis data and the simulation produced by Spectral Atmospheric Circulation Model of IAP LASG, Version 2 (SAMIL2.0) that was forced by SST observation data. The horizontal distribution of both modes were reasonably reproduced by the simulation, with a pattern correlation coefficient of 0.63 for the first mode and 0.62 for the second mode. The wave train was maintained by barotropic energy conversion (denoted as CK) and baroclinic energy conversion (denoted as CP) from the mean flow. The distribution of CK was dominated by its meridional component (CK y ) in both modes. When integrated spatially, CK y was more efficient than its zonal component (CK x ) in the first mode but less in the second mode. The distribution and efficiency of CK were not captured well by SAMIL2.0. However, the model performed reasonably well at reproducing the distribution and efficiency of CP in both modes. Because CP is more efficient than CK, the spatial patterns of the Silk Road pattern were well reproduced. Interestingly, the temporal phase of the second mode was well captured by a single-member simulation. However, further analysis of other ensemble runs demonstrated that the successful reproduction of the temporal phase was a result of internal variability rather than a signal of SST forcing. The analysis shows that the observed temporal variations of both CP and CK were poorly reproduced, leading to the low accuracy of the temporal phase of the Silk Road pattern in the simulation.  相似文献   

张雅乐  俞永强 《大气科学》2016,40(1):176-190
本文选用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)发展的全球海洋—大气—陆面气候系统模式(FGOALS)的4个版本g2.0、s2.0、g1.1和g1,利用模式的长时间积分结果,结合观测、再分析资料比较、评估模式对太平洋年代际变率的模拟能力,并通过对海气相互作用及其海洋动力过程分析,探讨了模式中太平洋年代际振荡形成机制.研究发现,FGOALS 模式g2.0和s2.0版本对太平洋年代际振荡(PDO/IPO)的模拟能力优于 g1.1和g1.模式中太平洋年代际变率的正反馈过程与Bjerknes(1969)提出的海气相互作用正反馈机制有关,其负反馈则主要与海洋内部动力过程有关.太平洋异常经向热量输送将热带与中纬度海洋联系在一起,可以抑制正反馈作用,但无法使得年代际振荡变化位相发生反转;FGOALS模式中,热带海表温度(SST)暖距平信号通过大气桥影响热带外大气环流,在海气作用下,热带与热带外海洋次表层分别以Kelvin 波和Rossby 波的形式传播,使得冷暖位相反转,4个版本均能再现这种负反馈机制.但不同版本Rossby波所处的纬度不同,太平洋SST异常年代际变化信号最明显的范围越宽,则由此激发的Rossby 波便更为偏北,纬度越高Rossby 波西传的时间也越长,PDO/IPO的周期与其SST异常的经向尺度密切相关.  相似文献   

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