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Three thousand kilometres of multichannel (MCS) and wide-angle seismic profiles, gravity and magnetic, multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data were recorded in the offshore area of the west coast of Mexico and the Gulf of California during the spring 1996 (CORTES survey). The seismic images obtained off Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in the Jalisco subduction zone extend from the oceanic domain up to the continental shelf, and significantly improve the knowledge of the internal crustal structure of the subduction zone between the Rivera and North American (NA) Plates. Analyzing the crustal images, we differentiate: (1) An oceanic domain with an important variation in sediment thickness ranging from 2.5 to 1 km southwards; (2) an accretionary prism comprised of highly deformed sediments, extending for a maximum width of 15 km; (3) a deformed forearc basin domain which is 25 km wide in the northern section, and is not seen towards the south where the continental slope connects directly with the accretionary prism and trench, thus suggesting a different deformational process; and (4) a continental domain consisting of a continental slope and a mid slope terrace, with a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) identified in the first second of the MCS profiles. The existence of a developed accretionary prism suggests a subduction–accretion type tectonic regime. Detailed analysis of the seismic reflection data in the oceanic domain reveals high amplitude reflections at around 6 s [two way travel time (twtt)] that clearly define the subduction plane. At 2 s (twtt) depth we identify a strong reflection which we interpret as the Moho discontinuity. We have measured a mean dip angle of 7° ± 1° at the subduction zone where the Rivera Plate begins to subduct, with the dip angle gently increasing towards the south. The oceanic crust has a mean crustal thickness of 6.0–6.5 km. We also find evidence indicating that the Rivera Plate possibly subducts at very low angles beneath the Tres Marias Islands.  相似文献   

Pleistocene uplift of the Chilean coast is recorded by the formation of wave-cut platforms resulting from marine erosion during sea-level highstands. In the Altos de Talinay area (~ 31°S), we have identified a sequence of 5 wave-cut platforms. Using in situ produced 10Be exposure ages we show that these platforms were formed during interglacial periods at 6, 122, 232, 321 and 690 ka. These ages correspond to marine isotopic stages (MIS) or substages (MISS) 1, 5e, 7e, 9c and 17. Shoreline angle elevations used in conjunction with our chronology of wave-cut platform formation, illustrate that surface uplift rates vary from 103 ± 69 mm/ka between 122 and 6 ka, to 1158 ± 416 mm/ka between 321 and 232 ka. The absence of preserved platforms related to the MIS 11, 13 and 15 highstands likely reflects slow uplift rates during these times. We suggest that since 700 ka, the Altos de Talinay area was predominantly uplifted during 2 short periods following MIS 17 and MISS 9c. This episodic uplift of the Chilean coast in the Pleistocene may result from subduction related processes, such as pulses of tectonic accretion at the base of the forearc wedge.  相似文献   

Tomczak  Matthias 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(3):301-311
Ocean Dynamics - The concept of water type richness wtr and inversion count inv is introduced and applied to high-resolution Argo float data in a meridional strip in the southern Indian Ocean as a...  相似文献   

We investigate the nature of temporal variations in the statistical properties of seismicity associated with the North Anatolian Fault Zone between longitudes 31°–41°E during the instrumental period 1900–1992. Temporal variations in the seismicb value and the fractal (correlation) dimensionD c of earthquake epicenters are examined for earthquakes of magnitudeM S 4.5, using sliding windows of 100 consecutive events.b varies temporally between 0.6 and 1.0, andD c between 0.6 and 1.4, both representing significant fluctuations above the errors in measurement technique. A strong negative correlation (r=–0.85) is observed betweenb andD c , consistent with previous observation of seismicity in Japan and southern California. Major events early in this century (M S 7) are associated with lowb and highD c , respectively consistent with greater stress intensity and greater spatial clustering of epicenters—both implying a greater degree of stress concentration at this time.  相似文献   

Vertical geochemical sampling through the Diamante Tuff establishes patterns of zonation in the pre-eruption magma. Volcanic glass demonstrates a roofward increase in Fe and Cl, and a roofward decrease in Ca. Trace elements have no measurable zonation. Welded volcanic glass shows post-eruption loss of Fe, Mg and Cl as well as K gain. Our reported glass chemistry provides robust criteria for correlation to other localities. The Diamante Tuff is an important stratigraphic marker and recognition of this unit provides age control on Quaternary deposits, allowing determination of process rates and elucidating timing of tectonic and geomorphic activity.  相似文献   

Introduction Progress in the study on the structure and physical properties of the Earths interior has been made in the last 4 years. ZANG, et al (1999) had reviewed the studies on the structure, geodynamics and the physical properties of the Earths interior in China during 1994~1998. This review will summarize the work done by Chinese geophysicists on the structure and physical properties of the Earths interior from 1999 to 2002. The contents are mainly on the structure and physics of the…  相似文献   


Precipitation is the most critical climatic element that directly affects the availability of water resources. The objective of this study was to describe and discuss spatio-temporal patterns of annual precipitation, its aggressiveness, and its concentration along the southwest coast of South America (36°–49°S) from 1930 to 2006. An annual and multi-decadal analysis was applied to 107 sampling stations distributed throughout this region, using the Mann-Kendall test (MK), and the Sampling Uncertainty Analysis (SUA) coupled with Gumbel probability density function (SUA-Gumbel). The analysis revealed positive but not significant trends in annual precipitation and aggressiveness for the region between 36° and 44°S, at least during the last 50 years of the analysed period. However, a significant decrease in annual precipitation and aggressiveness was observed between 44° and 49°S during the same period. The annual concentration of precipitation became slightly more seasonal in the last 50 years within the entire study area.  相似文献   

The southern Chilean region between the Boca del Guafo passage and Estero Elefantes contains one of the estuarine zones with the greatest freshwater influence on the planet. At the surface, plumes of freshwater from the fjord heads to their mouths, emptying into the Moraleda–Costa–Elefantes channel system and then the coastal ocean. The influence of this freshwater on the region’s estuarine dynamics, coastal ecology, and biogeochemical processes has only recently begun to be elucidated.Using hydrographic data from the CIMAR-Fiordos cruises (1998–2001), this study quantifies the equivalent height of freshwater, emphasizing the role it plays in the potential energy anomaly and front locations, as well as its relationship with river discharges. Using a criterion of equivalent height of freshwater >15% (density <1021 kg/m3 and salinity <28), the brackish layer was found to be 1–15 m thick (except in Estero Elefantes), with horizontal extensions on the order of 100 km. The limits of this layer tended to coincide with frontal zones having potential energy anomaly gradients >0.005 J/m4. The frontal zones were located in the extreme southeast of Jacaf Channel, at the head of Ventisquero Sound, in the central part of the Puyuguapi and Moraleda channels, and at the head and mouth of Aysén Fjord. The equivalent height of freshwater and potential energy anomaly showed a good correlation with the accumulated (5-day) river discharges (r2=0.87), which were greatest toward the fjord heads in spring. The brackish surface water had short residence times (3.5 days) in Aysen Fjord, unlike the deep layer, which other authors report to have a longer residence time (near 1 year).  相似文献   

Turbulence is one of the most common nature phenomena in everyday experience, but that is not adequately understood yet. This article reviews the history and present state of development of the turbulence theory and indicates the necessity to probe into the turbulent features and mechanism with the different methods at different levels. Therefore this article proves a theorem of turbulent transpor- tation and a theorem of turbulent intensity by using the theory of the nonequilibrium thermodynamics, and that the Reynolds turbulence and the Rayleigh-Bénard turbulence are united in the theorems of the turbulent intensity and the turbulent transportation. The macroscopic cause of the development of fluid turbulence is a result from shearing effect of the velocity together with the temperature, which is also the macroscopic cause of the stretch and fold of trajectory in the phase space of turbulent field. And it is proved by the observed data of atmosphere that the phenomenological coefficient of turbulent in- tensity is not only a function of the velocity shear but also a function of temperature shear, viz the sta- bility of temperature stratification, in the atmosphere. Accordingly, authenticity of the theorem, which is proved by the theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, of turbulent intensity is testified by the facts of observational experiment.  相似文献   

The studies on the structure and physical properties of the Earth‘s interior done by Chinese geophysicists from 1999 to 2002 were reviewed in this paper. It includes several research areas: the structure of the Earth‘s interiors using seismic tomography, anisotropy of the upper mantle in China and its adjacent areas, quality factor Qβ for S waves, subduction zone, mantle discontinuities, physical properties of Earth‘s materials and others. The review concerns mainly the contents, the methods and the results of the studies. It can be seen that new progress in the study on the structure and physical properties of the Earth‘s interior has been made in the last 4 years in China. It is shown on three aspects: advancement made on some preexistent areas; pioneering on some new fields and new methods adopted.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2008,28(18):2594-2600
We analyzed the temporal and vertical distribution of biogenic (BSi) and lithogenic (LSi) silica, and diatom abundance in the upwelling center off Concepción, Chile, from April 2004 to May 2005. Measurements were performed at the FONDAP COPAS Time Series Station 18 (36°30.8′S, 73°07.7′W; 88 m water depth), and were combined with primary production estimates and river runoff data to assess the relationships between water column BSi and primary production, and between LSi and river runoff. Throughout the sampling period, water-column-integrated (0–80 m) BSi averaged 252±287 mmol m−2, and was about six times higher than average LSi (44±30 mmol m−2). The highest water column BSi observed during the upwelling season (786±281 mmol m−2) coincided with increments in total diatom abundance, and high integrated chlorophyll a concentration and primary production. In contrast, LSi was nearly two times higher in winter (85±43 mmol m−2) than the annual average, in agreement with the period of substantial discharges from the Itata and Bio-Bio rivers. The observed temporal patterns in BSi and LSi are coincident with primary production-related factors and riverine outflow, respectively, suggesting that the BSi and LSi pools are separate. With respect to the vertical distribution in the water column, most of the BSi and diatoms were found in surface waters (0–30 m depth), whereas LSi was most abundant at depth. Our study attempts to make an inventory of both BSi and LSi in the water column off Concepción, and gives the present-day background information necessary to assess potential future changes in the hydrological cycle that, in turn, may induce modifications in the Si path from the watersheds to the ocean.  相似文献   

LyapunovexponentanddimensionofthestraneattractorofelasticfrictionalsystemZhi-RenNIU(牛志仁)andDang-MinCHEN(陈党民)(SeismologicalBur...  相似文献   

Seasonally averaged N and P box model budgets were constructed for two regional-scale sections of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) shelf, one in the near-pristine far-northern GBR (13.5–14.5°S) and the other in the central GBR (17–18°S) adjacent to more intensively farmed wet tropics watersheds. We were unable to simultaneously balance shelf-scale N and P budgets within seasonal or annual time frames, indicating that magnitudes of a number of key input and, especially, loss processes are still poorly constrained. In most cases, current estimates of system-level N and P sources (rainfall, runoff, upwelling, N-fixation) are less than estimated loss processes (denitrification, cross-shelfbreak mixing and burial). Nutrient dynamics in both shelf sections are dominated by the tightly coupled uptake and mineralization of soluble N and P in the water column and the sedimentation–resuspension of particulate detritus. On an area-averaged basis, internal cycling fluxes are an order of magnitude greater than input–output fluxes. Denitrification in shelf sediments is a significant sink for N while lateral mixing is both a source and sink for P.  相似文献   

ThesurfacesphericalharmonicsandthedevelopmentoftidalgeneratingpotentialQIN-WENXI(郗钦文)CenterforAnalysisandPrediction,ChinaSeis...  相似文献   

Observations of wave-driven fluctuations in emissions from the OH Meinel (OHM) and O2 Atmospheric band were made with a narrow-band airglow imager located at Adelaide, Australia (35S, 138E) during the period April 1995 to January 1996. Simultaneous wind measurements in the 80–100 km region were made with a co-located MF radar. The directionality of quasi-monochromatic (QM) waves in the mesopause region is found to be highly anisotropic, especially during the solstices. During the summer, small-scale QM waves in the airglow are predominately poleward propagating, while during winter they are predominately equatorward. The directionality inferred from a Stokes analysis applied to the radar data also indicates a strong N–S anisotropy in summer and winter, but whether propagation is from the north or south cannot be determined from the analysis. The directionality of the total wave field (which contains incoherent as well as coherent features) derived from a spectral analysis of the images shows a strong E–W component, whereas, an E–W component is essentially absent for QM waves. The prevalence of QM waves is also strongly seasonally dependent. The prevalence is greatest in the summer and the least in winter and correlates with the height of the mesopause; whether it is above or below the airglow layers. The height of the mesopause is significant because for nominal thermal structures it is associated with a steep gradient in the Brunt-Väisälä frequency that causes the base of a lower thermospheric thermal duct to be located in the vicinity of the mesopause. We interpret the QM waves as waves trapped in the lower thermosphere thermal duct or between the ground and the layer of evanescence above the duct. Zonal winds can deplete the thermal duct by limiting access to the duct or by negating the thermal trapping. Radar measurements of the prevailing zonal wind are consistent with depletion of zonally propagating waves. During winter, meridional winds in the upper mesophere and lower thermosphere are weak and have no significant effect on meridionally propagating waves. However, during summer the winds in the duct region can significantly enhance ducting of southward propagating waves. The observed directionality of the waves can be explained in terms of the prevailing wind at mesopause altitudes and the seasonal variation of distant sources.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - In order to look for climatological changes on significant wave height and wind magnitude distributions, two decades of altimeter data were analyzed in a monthly 1° ×...  相似文献   

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