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Compared to the northern South China Sea continental margin, the deep structures and tectonic evolution of the Palawan and Sulu Sea and ambient regions are not well understood so far. However, this part of the southern continental margin and adjacent areas embed critical information on the opening of the South China Sea (SCS). In this paper, we carry out geophysical investigations using regional magnetic, gravity and reflection seismic data. Analytical signal amplitudes (ASA) of magnetic anomalies are calculated to depict the boundaries of different tectonic units. Curie-point depths are estimated from magnetic anomalies using a windowed wavenumber-domain algorithm. Application of the Parker–Oldenburg algorithm to Bouguer gravity anomalies yields a 3D Moho topography. The Palawan Continental Block (PCB) is defined by quiet magnetic anomalies, low ASA, moderate depths to the top and bottom of the magnetic layer, and its northern boundary is further constrained by reflection seismic data and Moho interpretation. The PCB is found to be a favorable area for hydrocarbon exploration. However, the continent–ocean transition zone between the PCB and the SCS is characterized by hyper-extended continental crust intruded with magmatic bodies. The NW Sulu Sea is interpreted as a relict oceanic slice and the geometry and position of extinct trench of the Proto South China Sea (PSCS) is further constrained. With additional age constraints from inverted Moho and Curie-point depths, we confirm that the spreading of the SE Sulu Sea started in the Early Oligocene/Late Eocene due to the subduction of the PSCS, and terminated in the Middle Miocene by the obduction of the NW Sulu Sea onto the PCB.  相似文献   

古南海的展布范围以及俯冲消亡过程等一直是地质学家们争论的焦点问题。这不仅与南海扩张诱因密切相关,而且对南海地球动力学研究有重大的指导意义。在研究前人文献的基础上,对南海南部造山运动以及古南海俯冲过程之间的关系进行详细的论述。结果表明,南海南部构造活动主要分为两期:第一期运动从早白垩纪到晚白垩纪,古太平洋的洋壳俯冲到婆罗洲岛下方,俯冲带位于现今卢帕尔线一带,引起了曾母-南沙地块不断向西南婆罗洲靠近,并于晚白垩纪引发了碰撞造山运动。由于婆罗洲自身是由众多地块拼合而成,所以在始新世期间发生了多期碰撞之后的地块变形重组事件。最终在晚始新世(37 Ma)完成最后一期变形(沙捞越运动)。第二阶段是晚始新世(35 Ma)到中中新世(15.5 Ma),位于西巴拉姆线以东至菲律宾卡加延一带的古南海从西巴拉姆线以东,向婆罗洲岛下方俯冲,随后扩散到沙巴以及巴拉望岛以南的地区,直至菲律宾的民都洛岛一带停止俯冲。由此产生的拖曳力是南海扩张的主要诱因。与古太平洋板块俯冲产生的效果相似,古南海的俯冲使得婆罗洲岛与南沙地块不断靠近。在中中新世(15.5 Ma),引起南沙地块与婆罗洲岛在沙巴地区的碰撞(沙巴造山)以及巴拉望北部陆壳与菲律宾岛弧的碰撞而停止。由此带来的不整合面在南海南部普遍可见,甚至到达了巴拉望岛一带。而现今南沙海槽与巴拉望海槽并非是俯冲带的前渊,前者是对沙巴新近纪增生楔重力驱动变形的响应,后者是巴拉望岛北侧伸展背景下产生的半地堑盆地,在后期增生楔的作用下发生强烈沉降所形成。真正的俯冲带则分别位于南沙海槽东南部以及巴拉望海槽东南部。据现有证据推测,最少在10 Ma之前古南海就在菲律宾民都洛一带停止俯冲,从而完成了整个古南海的封闭。  相似文献   

I~IOXThe speCiality in gootectonic position and complicity in origin and evolution of the sleuth China Sea (SCS) has aroused particular attention of the geoscientists at home and abroad. The central region, which consists of continental slope, island slope and a deep-sea basin, is an importantarea for the study of the mechanism of origin and evolution of the SCS. In addition to the surveysof bathemetry, gravity and magnetism, seismic surveys have been carried out by domestic andforeign in…  相似文献   

南海西南次海盆被动陆缘洋陆转换带位于陆缘强烈伸展区,蕴含着岩石圈临界伸展破裂和洋盆扩张过程的丰富信息。本文利用多道地震剖面和重力异常数据,对西南次海盆被动陆缘构造单元进行划分,研究陆缘南、北部洋陆转换带结构构造特征,探讨陆缘伸展演化过程。多道地震剖面资料显示,北部洋陆转换带发育有裂陷期断陷和向海倾斜的掀斜断块;南部发育有低角度正断层控制的裂陷期断陷、海底火山以及局部隆起;从陆到洋方向,重力异常值变化明显。根据上述结果南海西南次海盆被动陆缘划分为近端带、洋陆转换带和洋盆三个构造单元,分别对应了其伸展演化过程的三个阶段:前裂谷阶段、陆缘裂陷阶段和海底扩张阶段。  相似文献   

Formation and tectonic evolution of outer marginupfold zone of East China Sea ShelfTXFormationandtectonicevolutionofoutermargi...  相似文献   

构造沉降史分析有助于认识盆地的形成演化过程,是盆地分析的重要基础。为对比分析南海西南次海盆两侧陆缘新生代构造演化特征,本文选取了横穿南海西南次海盆两侧陆缘的多道地震剖面测线,其中NH973-3测线横跨西南次海盆北侧陆缘中-西沙地块,NH973-1+SO27-04联合剖面跨越西南次海盆南侧陆缘南沙地块,在地震地层解释的基础上,采用回剥法和平衡剖面技术分析了西南次海盆两侧陆缘构造沉降特征及伸展过程。分析结果表明:(1)西南次海盆两侧陆缘的构造沉降曲线特征表现为裂陷初始期曲线斜率平缓,裂陷强烈期和末期曲线斜率较陡,断-拗转换期和拗陷期曲线斜率又回归相对平缓的反“S”形多段式特征;(2)两侧陆缘的构造沉降具有一定的延迟滞后性,造成此现象的原因可能与西南次海盆两侧陆缘岩石圈的分层差异伸展及南海西缘断裂的右旋走滑活动有关,且南海西缘断裂的右旋走滑活动造成两侧陆缘的构造沉降中心向南迁移;(3)两侧陆缘盆地主要形成于晚渐新世,北侧陆缘因受晚渐新世南海西缘断裂右旋走滑活动的改造影响而形成伸展-走滑相关的沉积盆地,南侧陆缘在早中新世因受到挤压碰撞的改造影响而形成伸展-挠曲复合型沉积盆地。这些研究成果可为南海西南次海盆两侧陆缘沉积盆地的油气和天然气水合物的勘探开发提供重要的科学背景支持。  相似文献   

Based on an integrated analysis of seismic, well logging and paleontological data, the sequence architecture and depositional evolution of the northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea since Late Miocene are documented. The slope deposits of the Late Miocene to Quaternary can be divided into two composite sequences (CS1 and CS2) bounded by regional unconformities with time spans of 3–7 Ma, and eight sequences defined by local unconformities or discontinuities with time spans of 0.8–2.3 Ma. Unconformities within CS1 feature shelf-edge channel erosion, while in CS2 they form truncations at the top of the shelf margin as prograding complexes and onlap contacts against the slope.Depositional systems recognized in the slope section include unidirectionally migrating slope channels, slope fans or aprons, shelf-edge deltas and large-scale slope clinoforms. CS1 (Late Miocene to Pliocene) is characterized by development of a series of shelf-margin channels and associated slope fan aprons. The shelf-margin channels, oriented mostly NW-SE, migrate unidirectionally northeastwards and intensively eroded almost the entire shelf-slope zone. Two types of channels have been identified: (1) broad, shallow and unconfined or partly confined outer-shelf to shelf-break channels; and (2) deeply incised and confined unidirectionally migrating slope channels. They might be formed by gravity flow erosion as bypassing channels and filled mostly with along-slope current deposits. Along the base of the shelf slope, a series of small-scale slope fans or fan aprons are identified, including three depositional paleo-geomorphological elements: (1) broad or U-shaped, unconfined erosional-depositional channels; (2) frontal splays-lobes; and (3) non-channelized sheets. CS2 (Quaternary) consists mainly of a set of high-angle clinoforms, shelf-margin deltas and lower slope unidirectionally migrating channels.The relative sea level changes reflected in the sequence architecture of the study area are basically consistent with Haq's global sea level curve, but the development of regional unconformities were apparently enhanced by tectonic uplift. The development of high-angle (thick) clinoforms in the Quaternary may be attributed to a high sediment supply rate and rapid tectonic subsidence. The formation of the unidirectionally migrating channels appears to have resulted from the combined effects of the northeastward South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC) and downslope gravity flow. The formation of the slope channels in the outer-shelf to shelf-break zone may be predominately controlled by bottom current, whereas those developed along the middle to lower slope zone may be dominated by gravity flow.  相似文献   

南海中部地震反射波特征及其地质解释   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
刘建华 《海洋学报》2000,22(6):73-80
20世纪70年代以来,在南海中部海区开展了各种地震调查,为研究盖层和基底发育、断裂和岩浆活动、海盆成生演化提供了重要依据。在对南海中部海区4112km48道反射地震资料解释的基础上,识别出了T1,T2,T4,T6,Tg等五个反射界面;识别出了I~V五套地震反射层组,推测时代分别为上新世-第四纪、中新世晚期、中新世早-中期、渐新世和前渐新世。层组I~Ⅱ全区广布。在陆坡、岛坡区,层组Ⅲ以下层组主要见于断陷中;在深海盆,层组Ⅲ分布仍较广,除了在深海盆北段见到层组Ⅳ外,在西南次海盆剖面两缘也见到该层组。在东部次海盆剖面中还不同程度见到了双程反射时间为8.4~8.7s的莫霍面反射,埋深为10~12km,地壳厚度为6~8km.西南次海盆水深和新生界基底埋深均比深海盆北段除外的东部次海盆深,分别为4000-4300和5200~5500m.根据年龄和基底深度关系经验公式,计算西南次海盆基底年龄为距今51~39Ma.地震反射层组解释和年龄一基底深度关系计算表明,西南次海盆形成并非晚于东部次海盆,而是同时或早于东部次海盆。  相似文献   

As a potential oil and gas reservoir, reef complexes have been a research focus from petroleum geologists for a long time. There are favorable conditions for the development of reef complexes in the South China Sea; however, their internal structures, evolution and distribution are still poorly understood. Based on 2D and 3D seismic data, the internal structures and evolution patterns of the reef complexes on the carbonate platform margin in the deep water areas over the western South China Sea were studied in detail. The result shows that two types of reef complexes, i.e., fault controlling platform margin reef complexes and ramp reef complexes have been developed in the study area. The reef complexes have independent or continuous mound or lenticular seismic reflections, with three internal structures (i.e., aggrading, prograding and retrograding structures). There are different growth rates during the evolution of the reef complexes, resulting in the formation of catch-up reefs, keep-up reefs and quick step reefs. The study also reveals that different platform margin reef complexes have different internal structures and distributions, because of the different platform types. These results may be applied to the exploration and prediction of carbonate platform margin reef complexes in other areas that are similar to the study area.  相似文献   

The northeastern part of the South China Sea is a special region in many aspects of its tectonics. Both recent drilling into the Mesozoic and new reflection seismic surveys in the area provide a huge amount of data, fostering new understanding of the continental margin basins and regional tectonic evolution. At least four half-grabens are developed within the Northern Depression of the Tainan Basin, and all are bounded on their southern edges by northwestward-dipping faults. One of the largest half-grabens is located immediately to the north of the Central Uplift and shows episodic uplift from the late Oligocene to late Miocene. Also during that period, the Central Uplift served in part as a material source to the Southern Depression of the Tainan Basin. The Southern Depression of the Tainan Basin is a trough structure with deep basement (up to 9 km below sealevel or 6 km beneath the sea bottom) and thick Cenozoic sedimentation (>6 km thick). Beneath the Southern Depression we identified a strong landward dipping reflector within the crustal layer that represents a significant crustal fault. This reflector coincides with a sharp boundary in crustal thicknesses and Moho depths. We show that the northeasternmost South China Sea basin, which may have undergone unique evolution since the late Mesozoic, is markedly different from the central South China Sea basin and the Huatung Basin, both geologically and geophysically. The Cenozoic evolution of the region was largely influenced by pre-existing weaknesses due to tectonic inheritance and transition. The South China Sea experienced multiple stages of Cenozoic extension.  相似文献   

The South Yellow Sea basin is filled with Mesozoic–Cenozoic continental sediments overlying pre-Palaeozoic and Mesozoic–Palaeozoic marine sediments. Conventional multi-channel seismic data cannot describe the velocity structure of the marine residual basin in detail, leading to the lack of a deeper understanding of the distribution and lithology owing to strong energy shielding on the top interface of marine sediments. In this study, we present seismic tomography data from ocean bottom seismogra...  相似文献   

The 853 m thick sediment sequence recovered at ODP Site 1148 provides an unprecedented record of tectonic and paleoceanographic evolution in the South China Sea over the past 33 Ma. Litho-, bio-, and chemo-stratigraphic studies helped identify six periods of changes marking the major steps of the South China Sea geohistory. Rapid deposition with sedimentation rates of 60 m/Ma or more characterized the early Oligocene rifting. Several unconformities from the slumped unit between 457 and 495 mcd together erased about 3 Ma late Oligocene record, providing solid evidence of tectonic transition from rifting/slow spreading to rapid spreading in the South China Sea. Slow sedimentation of 20–30 m/Ma signifies stable seafloor spreading in the early Miocene. Dissolution may have affected the completeness of Miocene–Pleistocene succession with short-term hiatuses beyond current biostratigraphical resolution. Five major dissolution events, D-1 to D-5, characterize the stepwise development of deep water masses in close association to post-Oligocene South China Sea basin transformation. The concurrence of local and global dissolution events in the Miocene and Pliocene suggests climatic forcing as the main mechanism causing deep water circulation changes concomitantly in world oceans and in marginal seas. A return of high sedimentation rate of 60 m/Ma to the late Pliocene and Pleistocene South China Sea was caused by intensified down-slope transport due to frequent sea level fluctuations and exposure of a large shelf area during sea level low-stands. The six paleoceanographic stages, respectively corresponding to rifting (33–28.5 Ma), changing spreading southward (28.5–23 Ma), stable spreading to end of spreading (23–15 Ma), post-spreading balance (15–9 Ma), further modification and monsoon influence (9–5 Ma), and glacial prevalence (5–0 Ma), had transformed the South China Sea from a series of deep grabens to a rapidly expanding open gulf and finally to a semi-enclosed marginal sea in the past 33 Ma.  相似文献   

About 120 gas seepage vents were documented along the west and southwest coast of the Hainan Island, South China Sea, in water depths usually less than 50 m. The principal seepage areas include the Lingtou Promontory, the Yinggehai Rivulet Mouth, Yazhou Bay, the Nanshan Promontory and the Tianya Promontory. They occur along three major zones, reflecting the control by faults and lateral conduits within the basement. It is estimated that the total gas emission from these seepage vents is 294–956 m3/year. The seepage gases are characterized by a high CH4 content (76%), heavy δ13C1 values (−38 to −33‰) and high C1/C1–5 ratios (0.95–1.0), resembling the thermogenic gases from the diapiric gas fields of the Yinggehai Basin. Hydrocarbon–source correlation shows that the hydrocarbons in the sediments from seepage areas can be correlated with the deeply buried Miocene source rocks and sandstone reservoirs in the central depression. The 2D basin modeling results based on a section from the source rock center to the gas seepage sites indicate that the gas-bearing fluids migrated from the source rocks upward through faults or weak zones encompassed by shale diapirism or in up-dip direction along the sandstone-rich strata of Huangliu Formation to arrive to seabed and form the nearshore gas seepages. It is suggested that the seepage gases are sourced from the Miocene source rocks in the central depression of the Yinggehai Basin. This migration model implies that the eastern slope zone between the gas source area of the central depression and the seepage zone is also favorable place for gas accumulation.  相似文献   

Marine Geophysical Research - The southeastern margin of the South China Sea (SCS) connects the Southwest sub-basin of the SCS to the north and the collision zone of Nansha–Liyue blocks and...  相似文献   

Magnetic zoning and seismic structure of the South China Sea ocean basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We made a systematic investigation on major structures and tectonic units in the South China Sea basin based on a large magnetic and seismic data set. For enhanced magnetic data interpretation, we carried out various data reduction procedures, including upward continuation, reduction to the pole, 3D analytic signal and power spectrum analyses, and magnetic depth estimation. Magnetic data suggest that the South China Sea basin can be divided into five magnetic zones, each with a unique magnetic pattern. Zone A corresponds roughly to the area between Taiwan Island and a relict transform fault, zone B is roughly a circular feature between the relict transform fault and the northwest sub-basin, and zones C, D, and E are the northwest sub-basin, the east sub-basin, and the southwest sub-basin, respectively. This complexity in basement magnetization suggests that the South China Sea evolved from multiple stages of opening under different tectonic settings. Magnetic reduction also fosters improved interpretation on continental margin structures, such as Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary basins and the offshore south China magnetic anomaly. We also present, for the first time, interpretations of three new 2D reflection seismic traverses, which are of ~2,000 km in total length and across all five magnetic zones. Integration of magnetic and seismic data enables us to gain a better 3D mapping on the basin structures. It is shown that the transition from the southwest sub-basin to the east sub-basin is characterized by a major ridge formed probably along a pre-existing fracture zone, and by a group of primarily west-dipping faults forming an exact magnetic boundary between zones D and E. The northwest sub-basin has the deepest basement among the three main sub-basins (i.e., the northwest sub-basin, the southwest sub-basin, and the east sub-basin). Our seismic data also reveal a strongly faulted continent–ocean transition zone of about 100 km wide, which may become wider and dominated with magmatism or transit to an oceanic crust further to the northeast.  相似文献   

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