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Elongate trending diapiric structures occur along faulted rifts in the Gulf of Elat. Those diapirs in the southern part of the Gulf, believed to be of salt origin were formed in the embryonic continental margin during the separation of the Nubian and Arabian plates. The diapirs farther to the north are believed to be of shale origin. These findings support other recent geological evidence suggesting that the tectonic regime in the region is obliquely extensional. Comparison with the structure of the Suez Rift indicates a jump of the northern extension of the Red Sea spreading center during the early Pliocene period.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the utilization of 2D basin models to address overpressure development due to compaction disequilibrium in supra-allochthonous salt mini-basins with very high sedimentation rates in the Gulf of Mexico. By properly selecting 2D line sections with moderate stratigraphic resolution, it is possible to predict timing of overpressure development and approximate present-day overpressure distributions in the mini-basin. This study shows that even low resolution models with approximate information on the net-to-gross (sand:shale ratio) can average ±0.4 ppg with a maximum error of 1.0 ppg relative to pressure measurements in sandstones. The models based on age, depth, approximate lithology and an interpretation of complicated salt movement are adequate to evaluate pressure to address issues around trap containment and may be used for preliminary well planning. This study tested the results of overpressure prediction utilizing different stratigraphic resolutions and shows the sensitivity of overpressure modeling to 2D line selection. Also, three models were built to investigate how the permeability of salt welds affects overpressure development in an adjacent salt mini-basin. These results indicate that even a salt weld permeability reduction of 1.5 log mD results in a pressure difference between neighboring mini-basins. Additionally, these models qualitatively reproduced the seismic velocity volume which is supporting evidence that the salt welds in this mini-basin are at least partially sealing.  相似文献   


Large diapiric and nondiapiric masses of Jurassic salt and Tertiary shale underlie the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope and adjacent outer continental shelf. These masses show evidence of being structurally active at present and in the very recent geologic past. Local steepening of the sea floor in response to the vertical growth of these structures is a serious concern to those involved in the site selection and the construction of future oil and gas production and transportation facilities in this frontier petroleum province.

The seabed of the northern Gulf slope is hummocky and consists of many hillocks, knolls, and ridges interspersed by topographic depressions and canyon systems. Topographic highs and lows relate respectively to vertical diapiric growth and to withdrawal of large volumes of salt and shale. Topographic highs vary considerably in shape and size, but all have very limited areas of nearly flat sea floor. Intraslope topographic lows consist of three principal types: (1) remnants of submarine canyons blocked by diapiric uplift that terminated active downslope sediment transport common during stages of low sea level; (2) closed depressions formed by subsidence in response to salt and shale withdrawal and flow into surrounding diapiric uplifts; and (3) small collapse basins formed by faulting in strata arched over structural crests of diapirs.

Distribution patterns of both diapiric features and sediment accumulations on the slope are the result of the complex relationship that exists between sediment loading and diapirism. Diapiric activity is proportional to the thickness of salt or underconsolidated shale available for mobilization, and to the sedimentary load distribution on these highly plastic deposits. Variations in overburden load, in turn, are dependent on rates, volumes, and bulk densities of depo‐sitional influx; proximity to sources of supply, erosion, and distribution of sediments; and topographic control of sediment accumulation. Sediment capture in diapirically controlled interdomal basins and canyon systems localizes overburden load, thus inducing further diapiric growth, and complex structural and stratigraphic patterns are induced throughout the continental slope region.

Drill cores in the slope province indicate that most of the slope sediments are fine‐grained muds; appreciable quantities of sand‐size sediment are present principally in canyon axes. Turbidite sand layers drilled on a topographic high adjacent to the Gyre Basin reflect uplift far above their original deposition level, and calculations yield rates of uplift that average 2 to 4 m per 100 years. Seismic reflection profiles provide considerable evidence of “fresh”; slumps and ero‐sional surfaces on the flanks of many topographic highs not yet blanketed by a veneer of young sediments. This evidence thus supports our conclusion that the present continental slope region of the northern Gulf of Mexico is undergoing active diapirism and consequent slope steepening. Because most of the sediment on the flanks of diapiric structures consists of underconsolidated muds, slumping will take place regularly in response to further diapiric movement.  相似文献   

Detailed structural interpretation of the recently acquired deep seismic multichannel profiles along the Iberian Atlantic Margins (IAM Project) provides new results on the geodynamic evolution of the eastern part of the Azores-Gibraltar plate boundary. Thrusting and folding of the oceanic basement and of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the Gorringe Bank region are consistent with the N–S convergence of Iberia and Africa. Compressive structures in the Gorringe Bank region are spread over a wide area. Deformation under compression took place mainly in Tertiary times, as is evidenced by a basal unconformity and several discontinuities in Tertiary sediments, although some deformation has also been recorded in Quaternary sediments. The compressive structures in the Gulf of Cadiz are E–W oriented thrusts, folds and related diapiric structures. N–S oriented transpressive deformation is likely to occur in the western Portuguese platform. There is no continuity of structures from the oceanic to the continental domain, suggesting that deformation transfers from one side to the other through a transcurrent fault zone. The fault contact between the two domains is located in the ocean-continent transition zone.  相似文献   

Eastward migration of the Caribbean plate relative to the South American plate has caused lithospheric loading along the northern margin of South America, which is recorded by an 1100-km-long foreland basin which is oldest in the west (Maracaibo basin, 65-55 Ma) and youngest in the east (Columbus basin, eastern offshore Trinidad, 15-0 Ma). The Orinoco River has been the primary source of sediment for the basin since early Miocene. We have integrated approximately 775 km of deep-penetration 2D seismic lines acquired in the area of eastern offshore Trinidad as part of the 2004 “Broadband Ocean-Land Investigations of Venezuela and the Antilles arc Region” (BOLIVAR) project, 8000 km2 of shallow industry 3D seismic data, and published industry well data from offshore eastern Trinidad. Active mud diapirism in the Columbus basin is widespread and is related to overthrusting and tectono-sedimentary loading of upper Miocene-lower Pliocene age mud. Analysis of the shallow 3D seismic data reveals the presence of extensive gravity-flow depositional elements on the Columbus basin slope and the deepwater area. These stacked gravity-flow deposits are characterized by mass-transport deposits at the base, turbidite frontal-splay deposits, leveed-channel deposits, and capped by fine-grained condensed-section deposits. Exploration targets in the deepwater area are located towards the center of the Columbus basin, where northeast-trending fault-propagation folds are important Plio-Pleistocene trap-forming elements. Deep basin wells drilled in recent years have proven that turbidites were transported into the deepwater Columbus basin during the Plio-Pleistocene. Analysis of these well results suggests that a deeper oil charge is present within the deepwater Columbus basin area. The primary uncertainty for this variable hydrocarbon system is whether fault or diapiric pathways connect or divert the petroleum charge at depth with shallower reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Bordighera Sandstone of NW Italy is a coarse-grained, sand-rich elongated turbidite system (ca. 15 × 45 km in outcrop) up to 250 m thick, interpreted to have been deposited in a trench setting. The siliciclastic succession interfingers with muddy calcareous turbidites, which become more abundant toward the lateral and distal domains. Bed type associations allow the distinction of a proximal channelized domain which transitions to a more distal lobe domain, characterized by abundant mudclast-rich sandstones and by bipartite and tripartite beds with a mud-rich middle or upper division (hybrid event beds). The transition between the proximal and distal domains occurs over a relatively limited spatial extent (ca. 5 km). The presence of lenticular bed-sets made up of coarse grained and mud-poor sandstones throughout the distal domain suggests that distributary channels were present, indicating sediment bypass further down-dip toward the most distal and not preserved parts of the system. Hybrid event beds - commonly associated with distal and marginal fan environments such as fan fringes - are present throughout the lobe domain and extend for up to ca. 30 km in down-dip distance. They are more abundant in the proximal and axial depositional lobe domain and their appearance occurs within a short basin-ward distance from the inferred channel-lobe transition zone. Flow expansion at the termination of the channelized domain and the enhanced availability of cohesive substrate due to the presence of intra-basinal muddy calcareous beds are interpreted as the key controls on the widespread occurrence of mudclast-rich and argillaceous sandstone beds. The abrupt appearance and the persistent occurrence of such beds across an extensive domain have implications for characterizing bed-scale (sub-seismic) heterogeneity of deep-water clastic hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

Tertiary and Quaternary sediments, overlying diapiric older Tertiary shales and Louann Salt on the continental slope in the western Gulf of Mexico, show cyclicity based on seismic-reflection patterns. A set of indistinct parallel reflections or an acoustically semi-transparent zone, normally onlapping onto diapir flanks, alternates with a set of distinct parallel reflections that drape the sea bottom. The indistinct reflections represent deposits employed by bottom transport during a lowering of sea level. Sea level rise and hight stand are characterized by hemipelagic sediments that form blanket-type deposits. Differential sediment loading causes diapiric activity that may reach maximum upward velocities when sea level rises.  相似文献   

Near-surface sediment geoacoustic and physical properties were measured in gas-rich, muddy sediments of Eckernförde Bay, Baltic Sea, and in hard-packed, sandy sediments of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Values of compressional and shear wave velocity are much lower in muddy compared to sandy sediments. The spatial and temporal variability of sediment physical and geoacoustic properties and, as a consequence, the scattering and propagation of high-frequency acoustic waves are primarily related to the presence and absence of free methane gas bubbles at the muddy site and to the abundance and distribution of shell material on sandy sediments.  相似文献   

Occurrence of 130 species of decapod crustaceans was compared between the continental slope (200–2500 m) and the abyssal plain (2500–3840 m) of the Gulf of Mexico. We compiled records of these species from published literature and from the crustacean catalogue of the Marine Invertebrate Collection of Texas A&M University. Each species was scored as present or absent in each of 10 polygons that were defined by physiographic features of the sea floor. Using cluster analysis, we identified inherent patterns of species richness. A distinct faunal assemblage occurred in the Sigsbee Abyssal Plain. This deep plain was a potential “coldspot” in terms of the number of species in the basin, compared to a “hotspot” in the vicinity of De Soto Canyon. Polygons of the eastern upper slopes (i.e. calcareous substrate of western Florida) contained the most species that were not found elsewhere in the Gulf of Mexico. Using an inductive approach, we identified the following hypotheses: (1) most crustacean species of the deep Sigsbee Abyssal Plain occur in oceans world-wide, (2) overall, almost a quarter of the deep sea species in the Gulf of Mexico range from the western Atlantic (south of Cape Hatteras) to the Caribbean, and (3) the Gulf of Mexico is particularly rich in species of Munidopsis (25 species).  相似文献   

墨西哥湾在侏罗纪时成为半封闭海,沉积了大套的含膏盐岩层,经历4个阶段的演化构建出了不同形态的盐岩体,进而控制了该区的地层、构造形态以及圈闭类型。该区含膏盐岩层系不仅是良好的烃源岩,而且是良好的储集层和盖层,因此,研究该区盐岩层的构造演化、成因类型及控制因素对了解该区的油气成藏有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Passive margins such as the Gulf of Mexico are characterized by two distinct styles of faulting. Homogenous sand/shale packages in offshore Texas mostly display basinward-dipping listric normal faults with associated rollover structures cut by synthetic and antithetic faults. The fault traces are generally long and show a linear trend. Stratigraphic packages with a ductile substratum (salt) in offshore Louisiana are characterized by basinward and landward-dipping, short arcuate faults detaching within the salt. The structures consist of a series of half-grabens, with the movement of salt from the front to the back of each fault block. Clay experimental models are used to study the controls of fault geometries in the two structural styles and their interaction to form complex transfer zones. The surface of the clay cake is laser-scanned to enable 3D visualization and accurate measurements of structures. The results suggest that within homogeneous sand-shale packages, the dips of the faults and their locations are primarily dependent on the direction of the drop down of the basal detachment along pre-existing discontinuities, with the slope of the basal discontinuity and the direction of extension providing secondary controls. On the other hand, the dips of fault systems in packages underlain by a ductile substratum are primarily controlled by the slope of the basal detachment. Therefore, the more common regional Roho systems typically form above salt sheets with initial basinward slopes, whereas counter-regional fault systems form above salt sheets with initial landward slopes. The direction of extension and the presence of small pre-existing discontinuities impart only secondary controls when ductile basal units are involved. The faults initiate at the head of ductile layer and propagate downslope. Complex transfer zones develop at the boundary of the ductile substratum due to interference between the two fault styles.  相似文献   

The South American cordgrass, Spartina densiflora, has invaded a range of different habitats that can support different native species assemblages on salt marshes in the Gulf of Cadiz, Spain. Little is known about the mechanisms of invasion. We examined the potential for seed germination and recruitment in a field transplant experiment, representing a wide range of environments, on elevational gradients across marshes with muddy and sandy sediments. The biotic resistance of native, perennial vegetation (where present) to recruitment of the alien was also investigated. Spartina densiflora seeds were able to germinate over a greater than 2-m range of elevation in the tidal frame. Germination success on unvegetated muddy sediments was related to sediment redox potential, with poor germination at strongly negative redox potentials on the lower sites. On sandy, well-drained sediments, germination was apparently constrained by water availability at the highest elevations. Comparison of vegetated and cleared plots on the upper marsh showed that there was a negative relationship between the presence of Atriplex portulacoides and germination on the muddy sediments. Recruitment (survival of seedlings for 12 weeks) was seen only on unvegetated muddy sediments at the highest elevation. Hence the invasive success and wide elevational tolerance of S. densiflora on the marshes of the Gulf of Cadiz are not reflected in its short-term ability to become established from its prolific seed production. Colonization of sub-optimal habitats may be largely by vegetative propagules and clonal growth.  相似文献   

The Mississippi Fan is a large, mud-dominated submarine fan over 4 km thick, deposited in the deep Gulf of Mexico during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene. Analysis of 19,000 km of multifold seismic data defined 17 seismic sequences, each characterized by channel, levee, and associated overbank deposits, as well as mass transport deposits. At the base of nine sequences are a series of seismic facies consisting of mounded, hummocky, chaotic, and subparallel reflections, which constitute 10–20% of the sediments in each the sequences. These facies are externally mounded and occur in two general regions of the fan: (1) in the upper and middle fan they are elongate in shape and mimic the channel's distribution; (2) in the middle fan to lower fan they are characterized by a fan-shaped distribution, increasing in width downfan. These facies are interpreted to have formed as disorganized slides, debris flows, and turbidites (informally called “mass transport complexes”). Overlying this basal interval, characteristic of all sequences, are well-developed channel-levee systems that constitute 80–90% of the fan's sediments. Channels consist of high amplitude, subparallel reflections, whereas the flanking levee sediments appear as subparallel reflections that have high amplitudes at the base changing upward to low amplitude. The vertical change in amplitude may reflect a decrease in grain size and bed thicknesses. Overbank sediments are characterized by interbedded subparallel to hummocky and mounded reflections, suggesting both turbidites from the channel, as well as slides and debris flows derived both locally and from the slope updip.  相似文献   

A. Zabanbark 《Oceanology》2006,46(4):557-563
With respect of its structure, the Gulf of Mexico basin is heterogeneous. The following individual basins and subbasins can be distinguished; (1) Mississippi-Louisiana; (2) Gulf Coast within the boundaries of Texas and New Mexico; (3) Mexican Gulf Coast and adjacent system of foredeeps; (4) Yucatan subbasin; (5) Cuba-Bahamas system of foredeeps. Regional seismic studies reveal a close relationship between salt movements and sedimentation. Salt bodies represent excellent cap rocks for hydrocarbon fluids. Anticline folds termed “turtle” structures forming a system of belts appear in the deep parts of the gulf. These structures host large reserves of hydrocarbons, which are concentrated in the Paleogene-Miocene turbidite reservoirs with a porosity approximately 30% overlain by excellent cap rocks (salt, clay) with permeability exceeding 3 darcy. Three productive zones are defined: (1) the folds of the Mississippi River fan; (2) the Perdido belt of anticline folds; (3) Florida. The Paleogene and Miocene-Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments developed on the continental slopes of the Gulf of Mexico basin are the areas most promising with respect to hydrocarbon deposits. On January 1, 2006, the offshore oil production was 53 million tons and the gas production 40 billion cubic meters. Total prospective oil and gas reserves are estimated to be 5.5 billion tons and 4.7 trillion cubic meters, of which over 50% of oil and 1/3 of gas are expected to be discovered on the continental slope.  相似文献   

Through the use of 3-D seismic amplitude mapping, several gas hydrate prospects were identified in the Alaminos Canyon (AC) area of the Gulf of Mexico. Two locations were drilled as part of the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II (JIP Leg II) in May of 2009 and a comprehensive set of logging-while-drilling (LWD) logs were acquired at each well site. LWD logs indicated that resistivity in the range of ∼2 ohm-m and P-wave velocity in the range of ∼1.9 km/s were measured in the target sand interval between 515 and 645 feet below sea floor. These values were slightly elevated relative to those measured in the sediment above and below the target sand. However, the initial well log analysis was inconclusive regarding the presence of gas hydrate in the logged sand interval, mainly because large washouts caused by drilling in the target interval degraded confidence in the well log measurements. To assess gas hydrate saturations in the sedimentary section drilled in the Alaminos Canyon 21 B (AC21-B) well, a method of compensating for the effect of washouts on the resistivity and acoustic velocities was developed. The proposed method models the washed-out portion of the borehole as a vertical layer filled with sea water (drilling fluid) and the apparent anisotropic resistivity and velocities caused by a vertical layer are used to correct the measured log values. By incorporating the conventional marine seismic data into the well log analysis, the average gas hydrate saturation in the target sand section in the AC21-B well can be constrained to the range of 8–28%, with 20% being our best estimate.  相似文献   

This study describes a new type of pockmark association from the Lower Congo Basin offshore West Africa, consisting of up to 8 stacked paleopockmarks separated by intervals of drape and onlap fill. The stacked paleopockmarks occur within the depocentres of polygonally-faulted Plio-Pleistocene sediments and are distributed evenly in the downslope parts of two salt mini-basins. The majority of the stacked pockmarks initiated synchronously in the late Pliocene (~ 3 Ma) with a subordinate initiation phase in the mid Pliocene (~ 4 Ma). The primary agents in pockmark formation are interpreted to be pore water expelled during early-stage compaction together with biogenic methane. Bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) associated with free gas overlain by gas hydrates are currently found in the area. It is speculated that biogenic methane accumulated within and below a clathrate cap, which was repeatedly breached, forming pockmarks at discrete horizons separated by intervals of draping sedimentation. The mid and late Pliocene pockmark initiations appear to coincide with sea-level falls following periods of relatively stable highstand conditions. Several subsequent pockmark horizons may similarly correlate with subsequent sea-level falls during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. The stacked paleopockmarks are completely surrounded by polygonal faults and consistently occur within polygonal fault cells that crosscut the succession containing the stacked pockmarks. Early-stage compaction and dewatering of the Pliocene sediments thus preceded polygonal faulting, providing a constraint on the conditions leading to polygonal faulting of the fine-grained host sediments. The relationship documented here is interpreted as due to the presence of a hydrate cap in the Plio-Pleistocene mini-basins which may have retarded the normal compaction processes and facilitated pockmark formation by allowing the build up of gas hydrate and free gas in the basin centres. The relative timing and spatial relationships implies that fluids expelled due to polygonal faulting were not implicated in pockmark formation in this area.  相似文献   

Using recently gathered onland structural and 2D/3D offshore seismic data in south and central Palawan (Philippines), this paper presents a new perspective in unraveling the Cenozoic tectonic history of the southeastern margin of the South China Sea. South and central Palawan are dominated by Mesozoic ophiolites (Palawan Ophiolite), distinct from the primarily continental composition of the north. These ophiolites are emplaced over syn-rift Eocene turbidites (Panas Formation) along thrust structures best preserved in the ophiolite–turbidite contact as well as within the ophiolites. Thrusting is sealed by Early Miocene (∼20 Ma) sediments of the Pagasa Formation (Isugod Formation onland), constraining the younger limit of ophiolite emplacement at end Late Oligocene (∼23 Ma). The onset of ophiolite emplacement at end Eocene is constrained by thrust-related metamorphism of the Eocene turbidites, and post-emplacement underthrusting of Late Oligocene – Early Miocene Nido Limestone. This carbonate underthrusting at end Early Miocene (∼16 Ma) is marked by the deformation of a seismic unit corresponding to the earliest members of the Early – Middle Miocene Pagasa Formation. Within this formation, a tectonic wedge was built within Middle Miocene (from ∼16 Ma to ∼12 Ma), forming a thrust-fold belt called the Pagasa Wedge. Wedge deformation is truncated by the regionally-observed Middle Miocene Unconformity (MMU ∼12 Ma). A localized, post-kinematic extension affects thrust-fold structures, the MMU, and Late Miocene to Early Pliocene carbonates (e.g. Tabon Limestone). This structural set-up suggests a continuous convergent regime affecting the southeastern margin of the South China Sea between end Eocene to end Middle Miocene. The ensuing structures including juxtaposed carbonates, turbidites and shallow marine clastics within thrust-fold belts have become ideal environments for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. Best developed in the Northwest Borneo Trough area, the intensity of thrust-fold deformation decreases towards the northeast into offshore southwest Palawan.  相似文献   

Regional extension which initiates and promotes the rise of salt diapirs can also make diapirs fall once the supply of salt from its source is restricted. New observations on the 3D seismic data from a salt diapir in the Sørvestsnaget Basin suggest that salt moves until the end of the Eocene and is subtle to minor readjustments afterwards, revealing a more complex kinematics that previously described. Observations such as salt horns and sags and an antithetic fault linked to the western flank of the diapir suggest that salt syn-kinematics during Middle-Late Eocene included passive rising of the salt, followed by a fall. The salt horns are remnants of a taller salt diapir that, together with the indentation of the Middle-Late Eocene syn-kinematic sediment overburden above the salt, indicate diapiric fall due to restriction of salt supply by extension. Post-kinematic readjustments did not include diapiric reactivation by tectonic compression as previously thought, but minor salt rise by shortening due to gravity gliding after the tilting of the margin during Plio-Pleistocene glacial sediment loading and differential compaction of surrounding sediments. The salt diapir appears to be presently inactive and salt supply may have been restricted from its source already since Late Eocene.  相似文献   

Quantitative collections of tubeworm- and mussel-associated communities were obtained from 3 cold seep sites in the deep Gulf of Mexico: in Atwater Valley at 1890 m depth, in Alaminos Canyon at 2200 m depth, and from the Florida Escarpment at 3300 m depth. A total of 50 taxa of macro- and megafauna were collected including 2 species of siboglinid tubeworms and 3 species of bathymodiolin mussels. In general, the highest degree of similarity was between communities collected from the same site. Most of the dominant families at the well-characterized upper Louisiana slope seep sites of the Gulf of Mexico were present at the deep sites as well; however, there was little overlap at the species level between the upper and lower slope communities. One major difference in community structure between the upper and lower slope seeps was the dominance of the ophiuroid Ophioctenella acies in the deeper communities. The transition between upper and lower slope communities appears to occur between 1300 and 1700 m based on the number of shared species with the Barbados seeps at either end of this depth range. Seep communities of the deep Gulf of Mexico were more similar to the Barbados Accretionary Prism seep communities than they were to either the upper slope Gulf of Mexico or Blake Ridge communities based on numbers of shared species and Bray–Curtis similarity values among sites. The presence of shared species among these sites suggests that there is ongoing or recent exchange among these areas. An analysis of bathymodioline mussel phylogeography that includes new collections from the west coast of Africa is presented. This analysis also suggests recent exchange across the Atlantic equatorial belt from the Gulf of Mexico to the seeps of the West Nigerian margin.  相似文献   

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