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The southern Rif cordillera front, between Fes and Meknes, is formed by the Prerif Ridges, which constitute a thrust and fold belt, in contact with the Saïss foreland basin. Geological evidence and regional GPS network data support recent and active tectonics of this Alpine cordillera, with a top-to-the-S-SW motion with respect to stable Africa. A local non-permanent GPS network was installed in 2007 around Fes to constrain the present-day activity of the mountain front. Six GPS sites are located in the Prerif mountain front (jbel Thratt and jbel Zalarh), the Saïss basin and the foreland constituted by the tabular Middle Atlas. Measurements of the GPS network in 2007, 2009 and 2012, over a five year span, seem to indicate that this region is tectonically active and is subjected to significant horizontal motions: (i) a regional displacement toward the SW with respect to stable Africa, showing an average rate of 2 mm/yr; (ii) a southwestward convergent motion between the jbel Thratt with respect to the Saïss basin and the eastern Zalarh ridge, with an average rate of about 4 mm/yr; and (iii) moderate NNE–SSW divergent dextral motion between the Saïss basin and the northern front of the tabular Middle Atlas with an average rate of about 1–2 mm/yr. The regional southwestward motion is related to the activity of the NE–SW sinistral North Middle Atlas-Kert fault zone, which follows the Moroccan Hot Line. Convergence between the Prerif ridges, located at the southern edge of the Rif, and the Saïss basin is accommodated by ENE–WSW striking northward dipping reverse sinistral faults and south vergent folds. In addition, increasing deformation toward the western ridges is in agreement with the stepped mountain front and the development of the arched structures of the Prerif ridges. Normal faults located south of the Saïss basin are responsible for local extension. Whereas the most active deformation occurs in the southern front of the jbel Thratt near Fes, the Saïss foreland basin and the Middle Atlas foreland have only moderate to low tectonic activity, as evidenced by geological and GPS data.  相似文献   

— The aim of this study is to conduct a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the eastern Rif area in northern Morocco. The source zones were established on the basis of the seismicity database, the fracturing analysis deduced from Landsat7 ETM digital enhancement and marine seismic reflection profiles. By the use of this information together with the selected attenuation relationship, the peak ground acceleration contour maps are produced for specific return periods. The map has been divided into intervals of 0.1 degrees in both latitude and longitude to calculate the values at each grid point and draw the seismic hazard curves. The results of seismic hazard assessment are displayed as iso-acceleration contours expected to be exceeded during typical economic life times of structures.  相似文献   

Lahcen Zouhri 《水文研究》2010,24(10):1308-1317
An electrical prospecting survey is conducted in the Rharb basin, a semi‐arid region in the southern part of the Rifean Cordillera (Morocco) to delineate characteristics of the aquifer and the groundwater affected by the marine intrusion related to Atlantic Ocean. Analysis and interpretations of electrical soundings, bi‐logarithmic diagrams and the geoelectrical sections highlight a monolayer aquifer in the southern part, a multilayer system in the northern part of the Rharb basin and lenticular semi‐permeable formations. Several electrical layers have been deduced from the analysis of bi‐logarithmic diagrams: resistant superficial level (R0), conducting superficial level (C0), resistant level (R), intermediary resistant level (R′), conducting level (Cp) and intermediary layer of resistivity (AT). Spatial distribution of the resistivity deduced from the interpretation of apparent resistivity maps (AB = 400 and 1000 m) and the decreasing of resistivity values (35–10 Ωm), in particular in the coastal zone show that this heterogeneity is related to several anomalies identified in the coastal area, which result from hydraulic and geological processes: (i) heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity in particular in the southern part of the Rharb; (ii) lateral facies and synsedimentary faulting and (iii) the relationship between the electrical conductivity and chloride concentration of groundwater shows that salinity is the most important factor controlling resistivity. The distribution of fresh/salt‐water zones and their variations in space along geoelectrical sections are established through converting subsurface depth‐resistivity models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

— The first empirical duration magnitude (MD) formula is developed and tested for the Northern Morocco Seismic Network (NMSNET). This relationship is obtained by relating the IGN (Instituto Geografico National, Madrid) body-waves mbLgIGN to the duration (), and the epicentral distance (), at 25 analogue stations of the NMSNET for 479 earthquakes with 2.5 mb 5.4, from March 1992 to February 2001. MD estimates are significantly more precise while introducing a correction term for each of these stations, cStaj. The magnitude for the ith event (MD)i is the mean value of individual MDij=–0.14+1.63log10(ij)+0.031(ij)+cStaj. The cStaj corrections reduce considerably the local site effects which influence the recorded durations and cause stations to either overestimate, or underestimate MD up to 0.5 magnitude units. Average station MD residuals (–cStaj) are found to be independent of the distance from the epicenter to at least 10 degrees. It seems evident that regional geological features in the immediate behavior of stations have a systematic effect on the corresponding obtained residuals: older well-consolidated Precambrian crystalline rocks produce high negative residuals (shorter durations), younger unconsolidated sediments produce high positive residuals (longer durations), whereas, intermediate MD site residuals appear to be the result of the effect of various factors, principally age and state of consolidation of the bedrock, combined with the local tectonic.  相似文献   

—The Rif belt forms with the Betic Cordilleras an asymmetric arcuate mountain belt (Gibraltar Arc) around the Alboran Sea, at the western tip of the Alpine orogen. The Gibraltar Arc consists of an exotic terrane (Alboran Terrane) thrust over the African and Iberian margins. The Alboran Terrane itself includes stacked nappes which originate from an easterly, Alboran-Kabylias-Peloritani-Calabria (Alkapeca) continental domain, and displays Variscan low-grade and high-grade schists (Ghomarides-Malaguides and Sebtides-Alpujarrides, respectively), shallow water Mesozoic sediments (mainly in the Dorsale Calcaire passive margin units), and infracontinental peridotite slices (Beni Bousera, Ronda). During the Late Cretaceous?-Eocene, the Alboran Terrane was likely located south of a SE-dipping Alpine-Betic subduction (cf. Nevado-Filabride HP-LT metamorphism of central-eastern Betics). An incipient collision against Iberia triggered back-thrust tectonics south of the deformed terrane during the Late Eocene-Oligocene, and the onset of the NW-dipping Apenninic-Maghrebian subduction. The early, HP-LT phase of the Sebtide-Alpujarride metamorphism could be hypothetically referred to the Alpine-Betic subduction, or alternatively to the Apenninic-Maghrebian subduction, depending on the interpretation of the geochronologic data set. Both subduction zones merged during the Early Miocene west of the Alboran Terrane and formed a triple junction with the Azores-Gibraltar transform fault. A westward roll back of the N-trending subduction segment was responsible for the Neogene rifting of the internal Alboran Terrane, and for its coeval, oblique docking onto the African and Iberian margins. Seismic evidence of active E-dipping subduction, and opposite paleomagnetic rotations in the Rif and Betic limbs of the Gibraltar Arc support this structurally-based scenario.  相似文献   

The morphotectonic framework of the Central Apennines is given by faulted blocks bounded by normal faults, mostly trending NW–SE, NNW–SSE and NE–SW, which cut previous compressive structures. Such a structural setting is consistent with the focal mechanisms of the earthquakes which often occur in this area. In this paper, three lithologically different normal fault-generated mountain fronts are analysed in order to assess the relations between their geomorphic features and active tectonics. They border the Norcia depression (Sibillini Mts, Umbria), the Amatrice–Campotosto plateau (Laga Mts, Lazio) and the Fucino basin (Marsica Mts, Abruzzi). The Norcia depression is bounded by a N20°W trending normal fault to the east and by a parallel antithetic fault to the west. The main fault has a 1000 m throw and gives rise to a wide fault escarpment, characterized by: (1) sharp slope breaks due to low angle gravity faults; (2) important paleolandslides; and (3) several fault scarplets on the piedmont belt affecting Quaternary deposits. The Amatrice–Campotosto plateau is delimited by the western slope of Mt Gorzano which runs along a N20°W trending normal fault having a 1500m throw. Minor parallel faults dislocate Quaternary landforms. Large-scale massmovements also occur here. The Fucino basin was struck by the 1915 Avezzano earthquake (I=XI MCS) which produced extensive surface faulting along two parallel NW trending normal fault escarpments on the eastern border of the basin. There is paleoseismic evidence including buried gravity graben in Late Glacial gravels and tectonic dip-slip striations on Holocene calcitic crusts covering bedrock normal fault planes. These data suggest that active extensional tectonics plays a major role in the slope morphogenesis of the Central Apennines and they indicate the importance of geomorphic analysis in seismic zonation of this area.  相似文献   

Integrated geological, geodetic and marine geophysical data provide evidence of active deformation in south-western Sicily, in an area spatially coincident with the macroseismic zone of the destructive 1968 Belice earthquake sequence. Even though the sequence represents the strongest seismic event recorded in Western Sicily in historical times, focal solutions provided by different authors are inconclusive on possible faulting mechanism, which ranges from thrusting to transpression, and the seismogenic source is still undefined. Interferometric (DInSAR) observations reveal a differential ground motion on a SW–NE alignment between Campobello di Mazara and Castelvetrano (CCA), located just west of the maximum macroseismic sector. In addition, new GPS campaign-mode data acquired across the CCA alignment documents NW–SE contractional strain accumulation. Morphostructural analysis allowed to associate the alignment detected through geodetic measurements with a topographic offset of Pleistocene marine sediments. The on-land data were complemented by new high-resolution marine geophysical surveys, which indicate recent contraction on the offshore extension of the CCA alignment. The discovery of archaeological remains displaced by a thrust fault associated with the alignment provided the first likely surface evidence of coseismic and/or aseismic deformation related to a seismogenic source in the area. Results of the integrated study supports the contention that oblique thrusting and folding in response to NW–SE oriented contraction is still active. Although we are not able to associate the CCA alignment to the 1968 seismic sequence or to the historical earthquakes that destroyed the ancient Greek city of Selinunte, located on the nearby coastline, our result must be incorporated in the seismic hazard evaluation of this densely populated area of Sicily.  相似文献   

Sharp linear gradients in maps of potential field data are generally assumed to result from sharp discontinuities or boundaries between rocks having different densities or magnetic susceptibilities and are usually associated with faults or other geological contacts. The computation of the horizontal gradients of the gravity field permits us to localize the limits of such blocks and then the fault locations. The horizontal derivative maxima of the Bouguer anomaly and its upward continuation at several heights show lineaments that could reflect the layout of faults and/or contacts and their dip directions. The application of this method to the Bouguer anomaly map of Morocco (with 19,571 points, using an average crustal density ρ = 2.67 g/cm3) allowed us to perform a multiscale analysis of the gravimetric lineaments of the country. The obtained structural map is consistent with several faults already identified in previous studies, and highlights five new major subsurface faults systems with location and dip: the Saghro fault system; Bou-Arfa Midelt fault system; Sidi Slimane Mezquitem fault; Ksar El Kebir–Chefchaouen fault and the Rifan West Mediterranean fault. In addition, this study suggests a new shape and localization for the Agadir-Oujda trans-Moroccan major fault with a NE-SW direction and 900 km length, subdividing Morocco into two main domains. The results of this study contribute to the improvement of the regional structural map of the north western part of Africa, which is situated within the convergence zone between Africa and Eurasia.  相似文献   

The active geodynamic setting of the Northern Apennines is characterised by extension in the axial zone of the chain, and by a more complex tectonic behaviour in the frontal part of the belt. In the latter sector, moderate seismicity occurs, displaying compressional, strike-slip and extensional focal plane solutions with variably oriented P and T axes. For this area, a review of available geological and geophysical data has been integrated by the analysis of seismic reflection lines calibrated with deep well logs. This study confirms that, as already suggested by some previous workers, thrusting and related folding in the study area ceased in Early Pleistocene times. This feature is in contrast with the hypothesis of active thrusting related to a subducting lithospheric slab beneath the chain—an issue which is largely debated based on available geophysical information. Our analysis shows that the Northern Apennines are characterised by an active tectonic setting which is similar to that of the central and southern portions of the belt. These areas all display a Late Quaternary inactivity of the thrust front. NE–SW oriented extension (perpendicular to the strike of the orogen) is well established in their axial zones, whereas a less homogeneous stress field characterises their external sectors and the adjacent foreland. Within this framework, the seismotectonic behaviour of the Northern Apennines—and probably of the whole Italian peninsula between the Po Plain and the Southern Apennines (north of the Calabrian Arc)—may be interpreted as essentially controlled by two main processes. The first of them involves tectonic uplift, possibly related with slab detachment and associated unbending of the foreland plate. The second process consists of a present-day northwestward motion of the Adria block with respect to stable Europe.  相似文献   

从活动构造角度讨论1605年大震的"余震"地点问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从重、磁场、断裂构造、地震活动以及地震影响场、发震机制等多方面分析,认为1605年琼山大震的几个6级左右"余震"置于雷州半岛东侧是与活动构造带吻合的,基本上合理,赞成1995年版《中国历史强震目录》所确定的地点.但认为这些"余震"属"地震迁移"活动性质.  相似文献   


Soil erosion is a serious ecological problem in Mediterranean areas. The IntErO model based on the erosion potential method (EPM) and the modified universal soil loss equation (MUSLE) have been used to assess soil erosion in several basins. This study aimed to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of these methods for evaluating sediment production and deposition rates in the Arbaa Ayacha basin, Morocco, in order to estimate sediment fluxes on a catchment scale. Our findings suggest that the basin is strongly exposed to erosion owing to geological formations, slope and land use, with average losses of about 28.4 t ha?1 year?1. Erosion processes were evaluated at the erosion production (Eocene marly formations) and sedimentation zones (Quaternary terraces). The results of these models may be useful to address soil and water management in this region and to assess the impact of a river dam that will be built in the basin.  相似文献   

V-shaped gullies are formed on slopes in the Rif Mountains where stony colluvium covers a truncated Luvisol in finegrained, early pleistocene slope deposits. The colluvium resulted from large-scale deforestation of summit areas in recent times. A number of properties related to the response of soil material to rainfall were investigated. Colluvium has a high infiltration capacity compared to the Luvisol. Consequently, the deposition of colluvium reduced overland flow and erosion by surface wash. Gully-forming processes on the other hand were activated by the superposition of permeable over impermeable material.  相似文献   

Based on ArcGIS and MapInfo software, we digitized the active tectonics map (1:4,000,000) of China, which was compiled and revised by academician Deng Qidong, and built the spatial database of active tectonics of China. The database integrates rich active tectonic data, such as a catalogue of earthquakes with magnitude above 6.0, active faults, Quaternary basins, active folds and their associated attribute parameters, and implements scientific and effective management to this data. At the same time, the spatial database joins the spatial map data and the associated attribute data together, which implements the data query between spatial properties and attribute parameters and also makes it possible to perform spatial analysis with different data layers. These provide much convenience for earthquake study and allows engineering construction institutions to use this data in practical applications.  相似文献   

新丰江地区地壳P波三维速度结构及活动构造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用震源位置和速度结构的联合反演得到2007年6月~2014年7月新丰江地区地震序列的震源位置及P波三维速度结构模型,并进一步对比区域活动构造的产状特征及震源机制解等。结果显示,自ES向WN新丰江库区断裂深度有逐渐增大的趋势,与重力场的研究结果一致。库区大坝至东源锡场之间的中-上地壳存在4个大小不等的高速体,其中,锡场下方的高速体Ⅰ体积最大(EW向截面约6km×7km),速度最大,中心速度达6.3km/s。库区大坝下方存在以人字石断裂(F2)、南山-坳头断裂(F4)、河源断裂(F1)、石角-新港-白田断裂(F5)等为中心的强烈构造变形区,1960年至今大坝下方高速体Ⅲ、Ⅳ边缘已发生包括1962年6.1级地震在内的7次ML≥5.0地震,能量释放较为彻底;锡场下方高速体Ⅰ的边缘自2012年以来中小地震活跃,且b值较低,不排除发展为中强震孕震凹凸体的可能。  相似文献   

This paper provides the structural analysis of the Chefchaouen area in the northern Rif. Here the Dorsale Calcaire superposes, by means of an excellently exposed thrust fault, onto the Predorsalian succession in turn tectonically covering the Massylian Unit. Hanging wall carbonates of the Dorsale Calcaire Unit form a WSW-verging regional fold with several parasitic structures, deformed by late reverse faults in places indicating an ENE vergence. A 200 m thick shear zone characterizes the upper part of the Predorsalian succession, located at footwall of the Dorsale Calcaire Unit. Here the dominantly pelitic levels are highly deformed by (i) C′ type shear bands indicating a mean WSW tectonic transport and (ii) conjugate extensional shear planes marking an extension both orthogonal and parallel to the shear direction. The Massylian Unit is characterized by a strain gradient increasing toward the tectonic contact with the overlying Predorsalian succession, where the dominantly pelitic levels are so highly deformed so as appearing as a broken formation. Such as the previous succession, conjugate extensional shear bands and normal faults indicate a horizontal extension parallel to the thrust front synchronous with the mainly WSW-directed overthrusting. The whole thrust sheet pile recorded a further shortening, characterized by a NW–SE direction, expressed by several reverse and thrust faults and related folds. Finally strike-slip and normal faults were the last deformation structures recorded in the analyzed rocks. A possible tectonic evolution for these successions is provided. In the late Burdigalian, the Dorsale Calcaire Unit tectonically covered the Predorsalian succession and together the Massylian Unit. The latter two successions were completely detached from their basement and accreted in the orogenic wedge within a general NE–SW shortening for the analyzed sector of the northern Rif. At lithosphere scale the thrust front migration was driven by roll back and slab tear mechanisms producing a synchronous arching and related counterclockwise rotation of the tectonic prism along the African margin. Radial displacement involved extension parallel to the thrust front well-recorded in the analyzed rocks. The NE–SW shortening, probably acting in the Tortonian–Pliocene interval, was related to the final compression of the Rif Chain resulting in out-of-sequence thrusts affecting the whole orogenic belt.  相似文献   

The prehistoric site of Ifri n'Ammar is situated in northeastern Morocco, in the northern prolongation of the Middle Atlas Mountains. It is a key location in unravelling the history of anatomically modern humans (AMH) in northern Africa as it reveals Middle and Late Palaeolithic occupation phases since ∼170 ka. Whilst the archaeological sequence within the rock shelter has been well studied, the timing of landscape dynamics around Ifri n'Ammar is still poorly understood. This study therefore aims to establish a detailed chronology of the Wadi Selloum profile at the apron of the shelter, based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of ephemeral stream deposits. Coarse-grain quartz was used for single-grain and multiple-grain dating procedures to investigate the luminescence properties of these deposits and to get more accurate age information concerning the phases of human occupation. Continuous wave OSL (CW-OSL) revealed a dominant fast component for all quartz samples. The dose distribution of the uppermost samples showed overdispersion values >25% and significant positive skewness. We identified partial bleaching as the main source of scatter in the equivalent dose (De) distribution. The lowermost sample appeared to be close to signal saturation. The shapes of the dose response curve varied widely between aliquots and coarse quartz grains exhibited therefore very different dose saturation behaviours among aliquots. With fully saturated dose response curves (DRCs), meaningful D0 values were assumed for De estimation.The eight OSL samples yielded stratigraphically consistent ages ranging from 1.3 ± 0.2 ka to 76 ± 5 ka, thus reaching the Middle Palaeolithic period. Moreover, a pottery shard dated to 7.4 ± 0.6 ka (Early Neolithic period) by thermoluminescence (TL), perfectly matched the Holocene OSL samples extracted at the same depth of the profile. In summary, our results point to fluvial aggradation during OIS 5.1, the late glacial period, and the Holocene.  相似文献   

In this paper a new kinematic and dynamic model on the Recent and active contractional deformation of the Catania region, eastern Sicily, is discussed. The study area represents one of the most seismically active region of the Mediterranean, located at the intersection between the front of the Sicily collision belt and the seismogenic Siculo-Calabrian Rift-Zone. The analysed contractional tectonics form an active triangle zone that originated from the tectonic inversion of a Lower-Middle Pleistocene extensional basin, which was located at the northern edge of the African foreland. The triangle zone consists of two antithetic ENE–WSW oriented thrust-ramps that show evidence of motion during the Holocene and bound a folded belt that involves alluvial deposits as young as 40 ka. These contractional structures represent the final product of the positive tectonic inversion of extensional features located, in the Hyblean Plateau in SE Sicily, along the flank of the active rift zone. The Late Quaternary motions along the inverted structures was accommodated to the west by a major N–S oriented left-lateral fault zone, which separates the active contractional domains from the adjacent sectors of the African margin. As a whole, the Late Quaternary contractional tectonics of SE Sicily have been related to a NW-verging crustal stacking, related to a Mantle intrusion beneath the Hyblean Plateau that developed as effect of the rift-flank deformation. The crustal lineaments, which compose the new kinematic model, represents potentially active seismogenic sources that might be considered in the frame of the seismotectonic picture of the Catania region.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWestern Sichuan and its vicinity are in the juncture of three big blocks,the Chuandian,theBayan Har andthe South China blocks,whicharelocated onthe eastern margin of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau(Fig.1).Three groups of active block boundaryfault zones that generate destructiveearthquake occurrence,whichtrend NW-,NE-and nearly SNrespectively,have been developedthere(Zhang Peizhen,et al.,2003).Western Sichuan and its vicinity have such basic tectoniccharacteristics tha…  相似文献   

Basic characteristics of active tectonics of China   总被引:76,自引:8,他引:76  
Active tectonics is inferred to all the structures which have been active since the late Pleisto-cene, 100—120 ka B.P., are still active recently, and will be active in a certain time period in the future, such as active faults, active folds, active basi…  相似文献   

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