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Whilst the relationship between stratigraphic development and carbonate cementation within siliciclastic succession has been documented through a number case studies, these studies have been generally restricted to observations upon individual sequences and/or limited sub-surface data. In this paper, long-term (5 million years), large-scale (>200 km) stratigraphic controls on carbonate cementation patterns are documented from the Upper Cretaceous Panther Tongue Member, Blackhawk Formation and Castlegate Sandstone exposed in the Book Cliffs in Utah and Colorado, USA. Together, these comprise eight progradational wedges of sandstones, which interfinger with the Mancos Shale, deposited within the Western Interior Seaway foreland basin. Petrographic analyses of ferroan dolomite cement bodies within these sandstone wedges show that the ferroan dolomite cements are all early, relative to burial diagenesis within the host sandstones. Stable isotope analyses indicates that a significant meteoric component was present in precipitating fluids and this is consistent with the observation that cements, are always present down-dip of sequence boundaries and/or leached whitecaps beneath coals. In addition, the lateral distribution of cement bodies increases consistently up-succession from less than 5 km in extent in the older sequences, to 30 km in extent in the youngest sequences. These changes in distribution are in response to the increased progradation and increased and more aerially extensive sequence-boundary development in younger sequences. The implications of these data are that whilst localized spatial patterns of diagenesis, and in particular carbonate cementation, are predictable and controlled by the nature and presence of individual stratal surfaces, systematic diagenetic alteration patterns are also present at the sedimentary basin scale and controlled by the nature of larger-scale stratigraphic development and basin evolution. This evolution may be driven by eustatic shifts, or through tectonic or climatic driven base-level shifts. These observations allow an improved insight into the basin-scale processes that control the macroscopic diagenetic properties of sedimentary successions and sub-surface hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

The shallow-marine carbonate rocks of the Jandaíra Formation have been subject to significant permeability variations through time due to various events of fracturing and calcite cementation. As a consequence, the Jandaíra Formation accommodated fluid flow only during specific moments in time. We reconstructed these episodes of fluid flow based on isotope characterizations and microscope characteristics of calcite veins and host rock cements. The Jandaíra Formation, which belongs to the post-rift sequence of the Potiguar Basin in northeast Brazil, was deposited from the Turonian onward until a marine regression exposed it in the Campanian. Due to the subaerial exposure, meteoric waters flushed out marine connate waters, leading to an event of early diagenesis and full cementation of the Jandaíra Formation. Fluid flow through the resulting impermeable carbonate formation appears to be closely related to fracturing. Fracturing in the Late Cretaceous induced a drastic increase in permeability, giving rise to extensive fluid circulation. Host rock dissolution associated to the circulating fluids led to calcite vein cementation within the fracture network, causing it to regain an impermeable and sealing character. In the research area, fluid flow occurred during early burial of the Jandaíra Formation at estimated depths of 400–900 m. This study documents the first application of fluid inclusion isotope analysis on vein precipitates, which allowed full isotopic characterization of the paleo-fluids responsible for calcite vein cementation. The fluid inclusion isotope data indicate that upwelling of groundwater from the underlying Açu sandstones provided the fluids to the fracture network. In Miocene times, renewed tectonic compression of a lower intensity created a secondary fracture network in the Jandaíra Formation. The density of this fracture network, however, was too low to induce a new episode of fluid circulation. As a result, this tectonic event is associated with the development of barren extensional fractures.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of abnormally high fluid pressures within sedimentary formations is critical for analysing hydrogeological processes and assessing drilling risks. We have constructed a two-dimensional basin model and have performed numerical simulations to increase the understanding of the history of fluid flow and shallow overpressures in the Pleistocene and Holocene formations in the Ursa basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico. We measured physical properties of sediments, such as porosity and permeability, in the laboratory and estimated in situ pore pressures from preconsolidation pressures. We obtained porosity–effective stress relationships from measurements of bulk density, grain density and preconsolidation pressures in the laboratory. Porosity–effective stress relationships were also obtained from downhole density logs and measured pore pressures. The porosity–effective stress and porosity–permeability relationships obtained were applied in two-dimensional basin simulations. Results showed that high pore pressures developed shortly after sediment deposition. Peaks in pore pressure ratios were related to high sedimentation rates of mass transport deposits and the incision of the Ursa channel. Lateral flows from the area where the overburden is thick towards the area where it is thin have occurred at least since 30 ka. Present pore pressure and temperature distributions suggest that lateral flows play a role in re-distributing heat in the basin.  相似文献   

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