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This work provides a structural analysis and a stratigraphic revision of the sedimentary successions of the Ligurian Accretionary Complex (LAC) cropping out in the southern Apennines along the boundary between Campania, Lucania and Calabria regions. Two fold and thrust sets characterize the progressive deformation related to the Early Miocene inclusion of these successions in the tectonic accretionary wedge. A third deformation stage, affecting also the Middle-Upper Miocene unconformable wedge-top basin deposits, is associated to the thrust front eastward migration. In this orogenic phase the Apennine thrust sheet pile, formed by LAC and Apennine Platform Units, tectonically covered the successions located in the westernmost sector of the Lagonegro-Molise Basin. Finally a Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene regional fold set deformed the whole orogenic prism as consequence of a thick-skinned tectonics expressed by means of deeply rooted thrusts in the buried Apulian Platform carbonates. Maghrebian Flysch Basin and LAC successions show a similar stratigraphy indicating continuity between paleogeographic basin domains, as well as between the Paleogene-Lower Miocene succession of Sicilide Unit and the corresponding deposits of Lagonegro-Molise Basin as consequence of drowning of the interposed Panormide Platform starting from the uppermost Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Southern Tyrrhenian Sea is an extensional basins linked to the Neogene evolution of the Calabria subduction zone located in the western Mediterranean realm where controversial kinematic and geodynamical models have been proposed. Our study provides a key to unravel timing and mode of extension of the upper plate and the breakup of Calabria from Sardinia. By combining original stratigraphic analysis of wells and seismic profiles off Calabria with a stratigraphic correlation to onshore outcrops, we re-assess the tectonic evolution that controlled the sedimentation and basement deformation of the Southern Tyrrhenian basin during Serravallian–Tortonian times. We document the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of adjacent extensional basins characterized by 3rd order depositional sequences (Ser1, Tor1 and Tor2) and different modes of extension, subsidence and opposite dipping faults. Episodic basin development is recorded by a coarsening-up and fining-up trend of the sedimentary succession and by tectonically enhanced unconformities that reflect three episodes of fault activity. We reconstruct Serravallian–Tortonian paleogeographic maps and propose a block faulting model for the evolution of the Sardinia–Calabria area. Sardinia was disconnected from Calabria through N–S normal faults forming Tyrrhenian extensional basins that formed contemporaneously to the E–W opening of the Algerian basin. Unlike published Serravallian–Tortonian reconstructions of the western Mediterranean realm, our results support a geodynamic model characterized by rapid trench retreat, trench-normal extension in the entire overriding plate and very weak coupling between plates.  相似文献   

The southern Rif cordillera front, between Fes and Meknes, is formed by the Prerif Ridges, which constitute a thrust and fold belt, in contact with the Saïss foreland basin. Geological evidence and regional GPS network data support recent and active tectonics of this Alpine cordillera, with a top-to-the-S-SW motion with respect to stable Africa. A local non-permanent GPS network was installed in 2007 around Fes to constrain the present-day activity of the mountain front. Six GPS sites are located in the Prerif mountain front (jbel Thratt and jbel Zalarh), the Saïss basin and the foreland constituted by the tabular Middle Atlas. Measurements of the GPS network in 2007, 2009 and 2012, over a five year span, seem to indicate that this region is tectonically active and is subjected to significant horizontal motions: (i) a regional displacement toward the SW with respect to stable Africa, showing an average rate of 2 mm/yr; (ii) a southwestward convergent motion between the jbel Thratt with respect to the Saïss basin and the eastern Zalarh ridge, with an average rate of about 4 mm/yr; and (iii) moderate NNE–SSW divergent dextral motion between the Saïss basin and the northern front of the tabular Middle Atlas with an average rate of about 1–2 mm/yr. The regional southwestward motion is related to the activity of the NE–SW sinistral North Middle Atlas-Kert fault zone, which follows the Moroccan Hot Line. Convergence between the Prerif ridges, located at the southern edge of the Rif, and the Saïss basin is accommodated by ENE–WSW striking northward dipping reverse sinistral faults and south vergent folds. In addition, increasing deformation toward the western ridges is in agreement with the stepped mountain front and the development of the arched structures of the Prerif ridges. Normal faults located south of the Saïss basin are responsible for local extension. Whereas the most active deformation occurs in the southern front of the jbel Thratt near Fes, the Saïss foreland basin and the Middle Atlas foreland have only moderate to low tectonic activity, as evidenced by geological and GPS data.  相似文献   

In the tectonically active fault system of the Central Apennines Ridge (Italy) several normal/transtensive faults mapped as Quaternary structures show evidence of pre-Neogene thrusting activity. Therefore, determining the amount of fault-slip during Pleistocene–Holocene times is crucial for seismic hazard assessment. Three principal lines of evidence have been used in this study for estimating the pre-Quaternary activity of extensional fault systems in the Central Apennines. The first is the geological and stratigraphic record (i.e. thickness and facies variations) for pre-Quaternary successions. The second is the widespread structural analysis evidence of extensional faults involved in Neogene thrust tectonics; whether considering a passive role (e.g. fault carried and tilted above a thrust-sheet) or inversion (e.g. positive inversion and related minor structures). The third is the geomorphological evidence, particularly erosion surface analysis, which permits the understanding of the relief generated by tectonics after the formation of post-thrusting erosional surfaces. Preliminary results from some faults which belong to the Sibillini Mts. and the Norcia extensional fault zones show clear evidence of Quaternary reactivations.  相似文献   

—Prerif Ridges are located at the frontal part of the Rif Cordillera, which develops at the Eurasian-African plate boundary. The ridges are formed by recent tectonic structures that also deform foreland basins (Saïss and Gharb basins) and the foreland (Moroccan Meseta). The position of the ridges is the consequence of inversion tectonics undergone in the area. The ENE-WSW trend of the northern edge of the Neogene Saïss basin is determined by the location of Mesozoic basins. Although Prerif ridges probably started to develop since the Early Miocene, the most active deformation phase affecting Pliocene rocks consisted of N-S to NW-SE oriented compression. Striated pebbles show that this compression has prolate stress ellipsoids. The deformation produces southwards vergent folds and NNW-SSE striae on reverse faults at the base of the ridges. The flexure of the Paleozoic basement by the emplacement of the Ridges produced extensional deformation and the development of the Saïss foreland basin. The extension in this basin is oblate and features a well determined NNE-SSW trend near the Ridges, whereas it becomes prolate and pluridirectional near the foreland edge represented by the Rabat region. This part of the Moroccan Meseta, commonly considered to be stable, is deformed by sets of orthogonal joints and faults with short slip that affect up to Quaternary sediments. Southwestward, the Meseta rocks are also deformed by transcurrent faults, which indicate NW-SE and N-S trends of compression. The NW-SE approximation of Eurasia and Africa determines a regional stress field with the same trend of compression. Regional stresses are notably disturbed by the development of the active structures in the Rif, which exhibit alternating trends of compression and extension. The clearest evidence of the relationship between the local deformation and the general plate motion is found at the deformation front of the Cordillera, that is, the Prerif Ridges.  相似文献   

The Northern Marche coastal belt is characterised by a series of NW-SE trending, NE verging folds forming the easternmost edge of the Apennines thrust front. Several geomorphic features suggest that the folds are still growing and hence that the thrust front is active. The occurrence of several historical and instrumental earthquakes (e.g. 1672, 1690, 1786, 1875, 1916, 1930, 1972, all having Me 5.2) suggests that the thrust faults are also seismogenic.We performed a geomorphological analysis to identify and characterise the faults driving the active folds. Our approach assumes that anomalous drainage patterns and deformed Middle-Late Pleistocene alluvial and coastal terraces are indicators of the vertical component of tectonic strain. We identified, mapped and correlated with sea-level fluctuations a sequence of alluvial and coastal terraces. Longitudinal profiles of six rivers (Conca, Foglia, Metauro, Cesano, Misa, and Esino) show that terraces (1) consistently converge downstream, suggesting that they result from regional uplift that dies out near the coast, and (2) some are slightly warped where they cross anticline axes. We interpreted as coastal terraces several land-surface remnants arranged parallel to the present coastline. Lower remnants clearly top off gently landward-tilted coastal deposits. Reconstructed coastal terraces also seem to be tectonically warped.Our results help characterise the geometry and segmentation of a system that generated the largest earthquakes of the region and suggest the loci of potential seismic gaps. We conclude that the earthquake potential of the densely populated northern Marche coastal belt may be substantially higher than currently estimated.  相似文献   

A series of closely spaced parallel ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles of glaciotectonic deformed glacio-fluvial sediments have been obtained in an ice marginal environment in Northwest Zealand, Denmark. The radar profiles can be differentiated into several radar facies with distinct reflection characteristics. The lithology and depositional environment of the radar facies is interpreted by correlation with information from profiles in gravel pits, geological maps and drill hole data. The radar facies include glaciotectonically disturbed glacio-fluvial sediments, sediments deposited penecontemporaneously with the deformations and sediments deposited post-tectonically. Several thrust planes with dip angles between 25° and 30° as well as major folds and minor faults have been interpreted from the GPR data. The deformation style of the deformed glacio-fluvial sediments is a thin-skinned pro-glacial thrust complex, with associated folding. The deformations have resulted in the present ridge morphology seen in the rim of the composite ridge. Syn- and post-tectonic sediments are deposited on top and in front of the deformed sediments, smoothing the ridge relief created by the thin-skinned thrust complex. A structural geological map constructed from the ground penetrating radar data reveals the extension of the individual radar facies in the thrust complex. Tectonic features such as thrust planes and folds can be followed throughout the mapped area.  相似文献   

We examine the structural characteristics and the tectonic evolution of some key areas along the thrust front of the Lucania sector of the Southern Apennines, which also represents the southwestern boundary of the Adria Plate. The results of our study have allowed the identification of a complex tectonic history manifested by the presence of structural elements compatible with different stress fields. Particularly, during the Pleistocene the area experienced a transition from a compressional setting, characterised by NE-ENE shortening, to a post-Middle Pleistocene strike-slip/extensional phase controlled by NE-ENE-directed lateral extension associated with a horizontal NW-NNW-trending σ1 axis. Roughly coaxial transitional stress fields apparently accompanied the progression between these two main regimes. This major change in tectonic setting can be framed into the fragmentation processes of the Adriatic Plate. We propose that the Mid-Adriatic Ridge, a WNW-ESE-trending belt of inverted Mesozoic grabens underwater the Adriatic Sea, has increasingly accommodated the NNW-directed Africa-Adria convergence giving the way to the Africa shortening to propagate into the Lucania Apennines. Furthermore, the comparison with GPS data suggests the existence of an important deep-seated tectonic boundary beneath the Apennines. This element is expected to focus seismicity and may represent an important discontinuity fragmenting Adria.  相似文献   

控制碰撞造山带热异常形成的主要因素及其地质作用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对剥蚀、逆冲断层剪切摩擦和放射性物质富集等因素对造山带热结构和热演化的影响进行了模拟计算以及定量分析,并对热异常与造山带内的若干地质现象之间的关系进行了讨论.在剪切生热模型的计算中考虑了逆冲断层的速度变化及其对热结构的影响,考察了断裂宽度与热结构之间的关系.计算中还考虑了两种热剪切计算模式,即:(1)瞬间推覆就位模式;(2)非瞬间推覆就位模式.从计算与讨论中得出如下认识:造山带后期的剥蚀使整个岩石层加热;剪切摩擦使壳内局部地区升温;放射性物质的富集主要使上部岩石层产生热异常.三者联合作用的结果使岩石层大幅度升温,从而形成造山带内部大范围的与其它地区不同的高温异常以及独特的地质特征.通过计算和讨论,文中认为:重熔型花岗岩和大量的构造岩是造山带内逆断层剪切作用的产物;与逆断层呈平行排列的拉张正断层是造山带在诸因素作用下升温,然后又经剥蚀,物质发生热收缩的结果.在造山带演化后期出现的这种拉张正断层代表造山带解体和向盆地转化的构造面貌.  相似文献   

Lake Van is located in very intensely deformed tectonic settings in the eastern Turkey. The surrounding area of Lake Van has major tectonic structures; NE and NW trending active conjugate strike-slip faults, pull-apart basins along these faults, E-W trending active thrust faults, folds, compressional ramp basins, N-S trending folds, NE-SW aligned continental collision-related volcanoes and N-S trending tensional cracks functioned as magma conduits. Since the area is tectonically very active, the earthquake activity within the basin and the surrounding area of Lake Van is very high. In this study, we have analysed the records of VANB broadband station of Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute's network for the seismic events (2000–2004) that occurred in the basin and in the vicinity of Lake Van. Based on the spectral analysis of earthquake data, we have mainly observed three types of seismic events; hybrid event, long period event and tremor. We have suggested that the observed hybrid, long period and tremor type of seismic events that occurred in the study area are related to the upward moving materials and stress loading in the mid and lower crust based on the geophysical data.  相似文献   

The Kalpin nappe structure is a strongest thrust and fold deformation belt in front of the Tianshan Mountains since the Cenozoic time. The tectonic deformation occurred in 5―6 striking Meso-zoic-Cenozoic fold zones, and some renascent folds formed on the recent alluvial-proluvial fans in front of the folded mountains. We used the total station to measure gully terraces along the longitudinal to-pographic profile in the renascent fold zones and collected samples from terrace deposits for age de-termination. Using the obtained formation time and shortening amount of the deformed terraces, we calculated the shortening rate of 4 renascent folds to be 0.1±0.03 mm/a, 0.12±0.04 mm/a, 0.59±0.18 mm/a, and 0.26±0.08 mm/a, respectively. The formation time of the renascent folds is some later than the major tectonic uplift event of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 0.14 Ma ago. It may be the long-distance effect of this tectonic event on the Tianshan piedmont fold belt.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日发生在龙门山南段的芦山MS7.0地震是继发生在龙门山中北段的汶川MS8.0地震之后的又一次强震。本文通过震后地表变形特征、余震分布、震源机制解、石油地震勘探剖面、历史地震数据等资料,结合前人对龙门山南段主干断裂、褶皱构造特征的研究以及野外实地考察,应用活动褶皱及"褶皱地震"的相关理论,初步分析芦山地震的发震构造模式。认为芦山地震为典型的褶皱地震,发震断裂为前山或山前带一隐伏断裂。构造挤压产生的地壳缩短大部分被褶皱构造吸收。认为龙门山南段前缘地区具有活褶皱-逆断层的运动学特征,表明龙门山逆冲作用正向四川盆地内部扩展。  相似文献   

We investigate the geometry and kinematics of the faults exposed in basement rocks along the Strouma River in SW Bulgaria as well as the sequence of faulting events in order to place constraints on the Cenozoic kinematic evolution of this structurally complex domain. In order to decipher the successive stress fields that prevailed during the tectonic history, we additionally carried out an analysis of mesoscale striated faults in terms of paleostress with a novel approach. This approach is based on the P–T axes distribution of the fault-slip data, and separates the fault-slip data into different groups which are characterized by kinematic compatibility, i.e., their P and T axes have similar orientations. From these fault groups, stress tensors are resolved and in case these stress tensors define similar stress regimes (i.e., the orientations of the stress axes and the stress shape ratios are similar) then the fault groups are further unified. The merged fault groups after being filled out with those fault-slip data that have not been incorporated into the above described grouping, but which present similar geometric and kinematic features are used for defining the final stress regimes. In addition, the sequence of faulting events was constrained by available tectonostratigraphic data.Five faulting events named D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 are distinguished since the Late Oligocene. D1 is a pure compression stress regime with σ1 stress axis trending NNE-SSW that mainly activated the WNW-ESE to ENE-WSW faults as reverse to oblique reverse and the NNW-SSE striking as right-lateral oblique contractional faults during the Latest Oligocene-Earliest Miocene. D2 is a strike-slip − transpression stress regime with σ1 stress axis trending NNE-SSW that mainly activated the NNW-SSE to N-S striking as right-lateral strike-slip faults and the ENE-WSW striking faults as left-lateral strike-slip ones during the Early-Middle Miocene. D3 extensional event is associated with a NW-SE to WNW-ESE extension causing the activation of mainly low-angle normal faults of NE-SW strike and NNE-SSW to NNW-SSE striking high-angle normal faults. D4 is an extensional event dated from Late Miocene to Late Pliocene. It activated NNW-SSE to NW-SE faults as normal faults and E-W to WNW-ESE faults as right-lateral oblique extensional faults. The latest D5 event is an N-S extensional stress regime that dominates the wider area of SW Bulgaria in Quaternary times. It mainly activated faults that generally strike E-W (ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE) normal faults, along which fault-bounded basins developed. The D1 and D2 events are interpreted as two progressive stages of transpressional tectonics related to the late stages of collision between Apulia and Eurasia plates. These processes gave rise to the lateral extrusion of the Rhodope and Balkan regions toward the SE along the Strouma Lineament. The D3 event is attributed to the latest stage of this collision, and represents the relaxation of the overthickened crust along the direction of the lateral extrusion. The D4 and D5 events are interpreted as post-orogenic extensional events related to the retreat of the Hellenic subduction zone since the Late Miocene and to the widespread back-arc Aegean extension still prevailing today.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the regional thermobaric structure of the diamondiferous Kokchetav ultrahigh‐pressure and high‐pressure (UHP–HP) massif and adjacent units, eclogite and other metabasites in the Kulet and Saldat–Kol regions, northern Kazakhstan, were examined. The UHP–HP massif is subdivided into four units, bounded by subhorizontal faults. Unit I is situated at the lowest level of the massif and consists of garnet–amphibolite and acidic gneiss with minor pelitic schist and orthogneiss. Unit II, which structurally overlies Unit I, is composed mainly of pelitic schist and gneiss, and whiteschist locally with abundant eclogite blocks. The primary minerals observed in Kulet and Saldat–Kol eclogites are omphacite, sodic augite, garnet, quartz, rutile and minor barroisite, hornblende, zoisite, clinozoisite and phengite. Rare kyanite occurs as inclusions in garnet. Coesite inclusions occur in garnet porphyroblasts in whiteschist from Kulet, which are closely associated with eclogite masses. Unit III consists of alternating orthogneiss and amphibolite with local eclogite masses. The structurally highest unit, Unit IV, is composed of quartzitic schist with minor pelitic, calcareous, and basic schist intercalations. Mineral assemblages and compositions, and occurrences of polymorphs of SiO2 (quartz or coesite) in metabasites and associated rocks in the Kulet and Saldat–Kol regions indicate that the metamorphic grades correspond to epidote–amphibolite, through high‐pressure amphibolite and quartz–eclogite, to coesite–eclogite facies conditions. Based on estimations by several geothermobarometers, eclogite from Unit II yielded the highest peak pressure and temperature conditions in the UHP–HP massif, with metamorphic pressure and temperature decreasing towards the upper and lower structural units. The observed thermobaric structure is subhorizontal. The UHP–HP massif is overlain by a weakly metamorphosed unit to the north and is underlain by the low‐pressure Daulet Suite to the south; boundaries are subhorizontal faults. There is a distinct pressure gap across these boundaries. These suggest that the highest grade unit, Unit II, has been selectively extruded from the greatest depths within the UHP–HP unit during the exhumation process, and that all of the UHP–HP unit has been tectonically intruded and juxtaposed into the adjacent lower grade units at shallower depths of about 10 km.  相似文献   

The geometry of the most recent deformation in Alpine Corsica is discussed in terms of reactivation of thrusts as normal faults and crustal extension, following crustal thickening in late Cretaceous and Eocene time. A cross section interpreted in terms of obduction in previous works is shown here to be a result of ductile and brittle extension in late Oligocene and Early Miocene time. This new interpretation is based on field observations of the brittle and ductile structures and their relations to the metamorphic history in the Tenda-col de Teghime and Centuri regions, as well as additional observations in other parts of Alpine Corsica. The following geological features are observed: (1) The recent deformation was partly achieved during a top-to-the-east ductile shear close to the brittle-ductile transition and was later superimposed by brittle shear indicating a transition in time from ductile to brittle regime. (2) Extensional brittle structures in the Early Miocene Saint Florent limestone and sense of tilt are compatible with the eastward sense of shear observed in the ductile rocks. (3) The movement along major “thrust” contacts is associated with retrograde metamorphism which overprinted the early high-P-low-T paragenesis at less severe P-T conditions. They also bring tectonic units with contrasted metamorphic evolutions into close contacts. (4) There is a regional correlation between retromorphosis and recent deformation since the high-P-low-T paragenesis are better preserved in southern of Alpine Corsica where the recent deformation is less pervasive. (5) Highly non-coaxial deformation is localized along east-dipping shear zones close to brittle normal faults which bounds tilted Miocene basins; in between the geometry is more symmetric and the finite strain therefore more coaxial. (6) Late extensional brittle structures are observed at many sites in the metamorphic rocks. In the present paper we discussed these first-order observations and describe the geometry of crustal extension in Alpine Corsica. We analyze the progressive formation of a crustal-scale tilted block in Cap Corse and propose that the normal faults are localized by asymmetric boudinage of the crust. The asymmetry of this crustal-scale boudinage is controlled by the position of early thrust planes.  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon region is located in the frontal zone of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, where neo-tectonics and seismicity are intensive and closely related to each other. In the region, two sets of fault structures have developed, striking NNE-NE and NWW-NW, respectively. Investigation shows that they differ markedly in terms of scope, property, active times and intensity. The NWW-NW trending faults are large in size, and most are thrust and thrust strike-slip faults, formed in earlier times. The NEE-NE-strike faults are relatively small in size individually, with concentrated distribution, constituting the NNE-trending shear extensional fault zone, which is relatively younger with evident late Quaternary activities. Strong earthquakes occur mainly in the areas or zones of intensive differential movement of the Himalayas, e.g. along the deep and large fault zones around the crustal blocks. Most earthquakes of M≥7.0 are closely related to tectonics, where large-scale Holocene active faults are distributed with complicated fault geometry, or the faults of multiple directions intersect. Among them, earthquakes of M≥7.5 have occurred on the NW and NE-trending faults with a greater strike-slip component in the fault tectonic zones.  相似文献   

The Loncopué Trough is located in the hinterland Andean zone between 36°30′ and 39°S. It constitutes a topographic low bounded by normal faults and filled by lavas and sediments less than 5 Ma old. Reprocessed seismic lines show wedge-like depocenters up to 1700 m deep associated with high-angle faults, correlated with the 27–17 Ma Cura Mallín basin deposits, and buried beneath Pliocene to Quaternary successions and Late Miocene foreland sequences. The southern Central Andes seem to have been under extension in the hinterland zone some 27 Ma ago and again at approximately 5 Ma ago. This last extensional period could have been the product of slab steepening after a shallow subduction cycle in the area, although other alternatives are discussed. Orogenic wedge topography, altered by the first extensional stage in the area, was recovered through Late Miocene inversion, and was associated with foreland sequences. However, since the last extension (<5 Ma) the Andes have not recovered their characteristic contractional behavior that controlled past orogenic growth.  相似文献   

A major slip and thrust belt within the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula is located at the eastern terminal of the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt between the Sino-Korea Block and Yangtze Block. Although a lot of isotope chronologic data have been obtained regionally, little structural chronological research has been conducted in this region and this paper corrects that. Syn-deformational minerals were system-atically selected from samples of the NE-ENE trending transpressional shear zones and transpres-sional nappes and carefully analysed using 40Ar/39Ar methods. Two tectonic events were defined with the first event resulting from early movement of transpressional nappes around 190 Ma ago. This ac-cords with the period of syn-orogenic sinistral slip of the Tan-Lu faults and clockwise shear in the Eastern Qinling-Tongbaishan part of the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. The second event involved strikeslip thrust movement of deep shear zones between 130Ma and 120Ma. This resulted from the onset of Mesozoic tectonic conversion in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula. The sinistral strikeslip-thrusting in Jiaodong Peninsula and the extensional tectonism (toward ESE) in Liaodong Peninsula probably resulted in the clockwise rotation of Korea Peninsula in late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

The intermontane Ronda Basin, currently located in the Western Betics External Zones, started as an embayment of the Betic foreland basin during the Tortonian. We have characterized a post-Serravallian, basin-related deformation event that overprinted the former fold-and-thrust belt. Updated structural and kinematic maps allow us to identify NW–SE basinward-dipping normal faults at the southwestern and northeastern boundaries of the basin and NE–SW shortening structures (large-scale folds and reverse faults) affecting both the outcropping basement and partially the basin infill. In order to test the possible tectonic activity of these structures during the last 5 Ma, exhaustive geomorphologic analyses in the Ronda Basin area have been done. This included the qualitative study of relief and drainage network, together with the characterization of quantitative indices (SLk, Smf, Vf and HI). These results obtained from this analysis are coherent with structural data and suggest that the identified post-Serravallian structures were active up to at least 5 Ma. We also conclude that the Ronda Basin was generated by along strike segmentation of the relief in the Western Betics induced by NE–SW (arc-parallel) stretching accompanied with NW–SE shortening. In the NW basin boundary, the strain was partitioned into ENE–WSW dextral strike-slip faults and NE–SW shortening structures, which gave rise to a Messinian transpressive structural high that disconnected the former Ronda Basin from its parental foreland basin.  相似文献   

西南天山柯坪逆冲推覆构造带的地壳缩短分析   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪逆冲推覆构造带是西南天山山前晚新生代以来形成的活动逆断裂-褶皱带,由5~6排近平行的弧形褶皱带组成,出露地层为寒武系—第四系。背斜形态多为复式箱状背斜和不对称的斜歪背斜,分别与断层弯曲背斜和断层扩展背斜的几何形态一致。地震勘探资料显示,各褶皱带前缘活动逆断裂在深部归并于统一的、由寒武系中的石膏层组成的滑脱面。滑脱面深度具有南浅北深、东浅西深的特点,皮羌断裂西侧滑脱面深度约为9km,东侧滑脱面深度为5km。在柯坪逆冲推覆构造中部的皮羌断裂东西两侧各5km和8km的位置,以断层弯曲褶皱和断层扩展褶皱构造模型为指导,用线长平衡的方法完成了2条长度分别为78km和73km的平衡地质剖面,恢复到变形前的形态后计算出这2条剖面上的地壳缩短量分别为40km和45km,缩短率为33%和37%。由于对柯坪逆冲推覆构造开始形成时间的证据较少,所以要计算长期的缩短速率是比较困难的。对比天山南麓库车活动逆断裂-褶皱带的形成时代,以及柯坪逆冲推覆构造与印干断裂的关系,认为柯坪逆冲推覆构造形成于第四纪早期的西域砾岩沉积阶段,按距今2.5Ma计算,柯坪逆冲推覆构造的地壳缩短速率是15.4~17.3mm/a  相似文献   

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