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Tidal flow patterns computed at various stages of the tide (high tide, falling tide, ebb tide, low tide, and flooding tide) and at different chronological stages (9000, 6000, 4500, 3000, and 2300 years B.P. and the present) using tidal numerical models were presented and interpreted in relation to sedimentary processes and the growth of the Fraser River delta during the past 9000 years. The overall tidal flows are least affected by the deltaic growth at high tide than at any other state of the tide. The net tidal flow with the overall northerly component has a sedimentary effect, in that there is an asymmetry in the transportation of silt and clay with more of these fine materials moved to the north of the delta than to the south. There is also independent seismic evidence for the existence of a tidal channel some 2000 B.P. between Point Roberts and the Fraser delta. This study attempted to link closely the sedimentary structure of the deltaic growth of the Fraser River with the physical oceanographic processes.  相似文献   


The paleo‐tidal flows in the waters in the vicinity of Point Roberts and the Fraser River delta were numerically simulated through the development of a coarse grid model (2 km mesh size) and a fine grid model (2/3 km mesh size). The basic hydrodynamic equations, the numerical grid layout, and the finite‐difference forms are given. Special attention was given to transferring the boundary grid data generated from coarse grid model to the boundaries of the fine grid model. Diagrams are presented to show that the fine grid model yields much superior results in the sense of providing a greater amount of detail, in the current patterns and the eddy structure, than is provided by the coarse grid model, in the application to estimating sedimentary patterns.  相似文献   

D. M. Polyakov 《Oceanology》2016,56(3):406-414
The REE contents (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) are determined by atomic emission spectroscopy in the subcolloidal fraction of bottom sediments in the Razdol’naya River–Amur Bay section. The mean contents of lanthanides in soils and river bottom sediments (before the mixing zone) are calculated. The increase in REE content and the fractioning in the series from light to middle and heavy REE in sediments of different estuary zones (river, water mixing, and marine), with the latter related to flocculation, sorption on iron and manganese hydroxides, clay minerals (hydromica, smectites), and lifetime accumulation of marine plankton, are dtermined. Via extraction of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide solution, the content of lanthanides associated with humic substances of subcolloidal fraction from the Amur Bay sediments are determined: 1.3 to 8.2% of La; 1.1 to 11% of Ce; and 0.3 to 1.5 of Gd.  相似文献   

The deep-water area of the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea has received much scientific attention since the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 184 in 1999 due to its potential economic prospects and distinct tectono-sedimentary evolutionary processes. In this study, we present the composition of major and trace elements from two newly sampled deep-water boreholes (BY6 and LW3) in the Baiyun Sag of the southern Pearl River Mouth Basin. The geochemical evolution in the Oligocene–Middle Miocene, as well as potential controlling factors, are investigated based on a comparative study with previous data from ODP site 1148 and borehole PY33. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) and A–CN–K plot reveal that the observed weathering trends are not compatible for the four discussed boreholes. Sedimentary sorting is primarily observed in borehole PY33, where data trend away from the A apex to the feldspar join in the A–CN–K plot and show a spread of Al2O3/SiO2 and Nb/Zr ratios. Compared to chemical weathering and hydrodynamic sorting, provenance has a greater impact on sediment composition of the deep-water area. From the north, the Pearl River was the primary sediment supply. However, a positive Eu anomaly and the provenance discrimination diagrams (i.e., La/Th versus Th/Yb and Zr/Co versus Th/Co) reveal the mafic nature of borehole BY6 sediments in the Zhuhai–Lower Zhujiang (32.0–18.5 Ma) and Upper Hanjiang (13.8–10.5 Ma) formations. These compositions are unusual and differ from the well-defined felsic sources in the majority of the Baiyun Sag; these discrepancies are likely related to multistage magmatism. The sediments at site 1148 are characterized by slightly enriched heavy rare earth elements and relatively high Zr/Co ratios, which could possibly be caused by zircon enrichment from local sources.  相似文献   

Our understanding of burial diagenesis within carbonates is often limited by poor constraints on available fluid volumes and geochemistry. However, regional stratigraphic and burial history data are often readily available. Using these data to develop numerical models which couple sedimentological and hydrological basin evolution, we estimate the volumes and geochemistry of fluids that were available to drive dolomitisation and Pb-ore genesis within the Carboniferous, Derbyshire Platform of northern England. Current conceptual models of these processes invoke tectonic release of burial-induced overpressure developed within adjacent Dinantian basins as a drive for reactive fluid flow to the platform. Our simulations show that compaction-driven flow may lead to a supply of fluids that is more complex in its temporal evolution than may be expected. Spatial variations in the rate of fluid expulsion from different sediments lead to a staggered delivery of fluids from different sources. Rapid fluid expulsion within deeper sediments leads to a downwards-decreasing pressure gradient that subsequently draws down fluid from within overlying sediments. Thus, early fluid supply to the platform is sourced from the deep basins while later fluid supply descends from above the platform as well as from the sides. We suggest that such a flow development may have important implications for the relative timing and distribution of a sequence of diagenetic products within the platform. This hypothesis is tested using volume estimates from our simulations. We conclude that although this staggered fluid supply model may be applicable generically, it appears that it is only valid for explaining mineralisation in the Derbyshire Platform. Fluid volumes supplied to the platform are insufficient to explain dolomitisation. Our simulations are supported by a sensitivity analysis that identifies that compaction-driven flow in this system is strongly controlled by the rate of burial and sediment permeabilities within the compacting basins.  相似文献   

The Kazhdumi Formation of the Bangestan Group is a well-known source rock that has produced abundant oil in most petroleum fields in the Zagros Basin, which stretches from northwest to southwest Iran over hundreds of kilometres. The formation reaches a thickness of 230 m at the type section in northwest Zagros but thins out to 40–50 m in wells studied from the South Pars giant petroleum field, where it comprises mainly grey shales with occasional intercalations of marls and sandstones. South Pars, best known as the Iranian part of the world's largest non-associated gas field, contains small quantities of oil above and below the Kazhdumi Formation.  相似文献   

Estimating the amount of methane in the seafloor globally as well as the flux of methane from sediments toward the ocean–atmosphere system are important considerations in both geological and climate sciences. Nevertheless, global estimates of methane inventories and rates of methane production and consumption through anaerobic oxidation in marine sediments are very poorly constrained. Tools for regionally assessing methane formation and consumption rates would greatly increase our understanding of the spatial heterogeneity of the methane cycle as well as help constrain the global methane budget. In this article, an algorithm for calculating methane consumption rates in the inner shelf is applied to the gas-rich sediments of the Belt Seas and The Sound (North Sea–Baltic Sea transition). It is based on the depth of free gas determined by hydroacoustic techniques and the local methane solubility concentration. Due to the continuous nature of shipboard hydroacoustic measurements, this algorithm captures spatial heterogeneities in methane fluxes better than geochemical analyses of point sources such as observational/sampling stations. The sensibility of the algorithm with respect to the resolution of the free gas depth measurements (2 m vs. 50 cm) is proven of minor importance (a discrepancy of <10%) for a small part of the study area. The algorithm-derived anaerobic methane oxidation rates compare well with previous measured and modeling studies. Finally, regional results reveal that contemporary anaerobic methane oxidation in worldwide inner-shelf sediments may be an order of magnitude lower (ca. 0.24 Tmol year–1) than previous estimates (4.6 Tmol year–1). These algorithms ultimately help improve regional estimates of anaerobic oxidation of methane rates.  相似文献   

The Waikato River flows from oligotrophic Lake Taupo through eight impoundments to the sea. As it does so, physicochemical changes occur; conductivity and dissolved oxygen levels decrease, patterns in the seasonal variation in pH and alkalinity change, and the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations increase. Except for the changes in conductivity, changes in the other parameters are characteristic of eutrophication. This eutrophication is associated with an increase in the intensity of pastoral farming in the catchment of the Waikato River downstream of Lake Taupo.  相似文献   

The Sergi Formation (Upper Jurassic) represents the main hydrocarbon reservoir of the Recôncavo Basin, Brazil. The basal vertical facies succession of the Sergi Formation comprises reservoirs formed by a complex fluvio–aeolian–lacustrine interaction. Facies architecture and detailed petrophysical analysis of these reservoirs have enhanced the understanding of heterogeneity at a variety of scales and has allowed the development of predictive models that describes the range of styles of mixed fluvial–aeolian reservoirs. At megascopic scale, the reservoirs are predominantly composed of sand bodies deposited by fluvial channel and aeolian facies associations. Regional flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries are their main flow barriers. The regional flooding surfaces are composed of fine-grained sediments deposited by lacustrine facies associations and the sequence boundaries act as flow barriers due to mechanically infiltrated clays. Based on its geometrical relations, reservoirs linked to fluvial–aeolian–lacustrine interaction formed two types of reservoirs at macroscopic scale: (i) with good lateral continuity of aeolian packages and relatively simple stratigraphic correlation and (ii) of highly compartmentalized aeolian packages with complex stratigraphic correlation and truncation by fluvial deposits. Mesoscopic heterogeneity reflects lithofacies, sedimentary structures, and lamina-scale variability within aeolian and fluvial facies associations.  相似文献   

The sedimentary system of Kalimantan has undergone significant development since the Oligocene. Previous research have largely ignored the capacity of the Cretaceous–Eocene sediments to produce hydrocarbons,focusing instead primarily on the Oligocene–Miocene coal as the principal source rocks. Shales and coals from the outcrops in the northern margin of Kalimantan were analyzed with palynological and geochemical methods to characterize the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological differences bet...  相似文献   

The Yellow River cut through Sanmenxia Gorge and discharged into the sea via the North China Plain in 150 ka BP; since then, around 86 000 × 108 t sediment has been transported passing Sanmenxia Gorge. Based on land use and land cover changes in Loess Plateau and other available evidence, an estimate of the Yellow River sediment budget is presented here: about 72% of the sedimentary material was trapped in the North China Plain and the remainder(i.e., 26%) escaped to the sea. At the present stage, 0.2×108 t/a suspended sediment of the Yellow River enter the northern Yellow Sea. The transport pattern is determined mainly by the shelf current system. Annually 0.2×108–0.3×108 t of suspended particles are carried to the East China Sea; the materials are derived mainly from coastal and subaqueous delta erosion associated with the abandoned Yellow River on the Jiangsu coast. Since 1972, the lower Yellow River started to have a situation of continuous no-flow. During 1996–2000, the annual water flow and sediment discharge are only 19%, as compared with normal years(i.e., average for 1950–1979). In response to global warming and increase of water diversion from the Yellow River for industrial and urban use, the sediment flux of the Yellow River to the sea will most likely remain small in the next two to three decades.  相似文献   

The contents of total copper, total dissolved copper, particulate copper, and free ion copper in the Zhujiang River Estuary were investigated in July 2002 and January 2003 respectively, and the spatial distribution trend of these species of copper were compared in two cruises. It was found that, in summer, the total copper content in the Zhujiang River Estuary increased with salinity, while the content office ion copper decreased with salinity. However, in winter, the contents of total copper and free ion copper both decreased with salinity. So, it could be concluded that, copper content and speciation in the Zhujiang River Estuary were regulated by other factors than runoffdiffusion such as upwelling current. In order to prove the spatial trend of rice ion copper content in the Zhujiang River Estuary, the cultivation of Dunaliella tertiolecta in waters obtained from sampling stations with different salinities was carried out, and the copper uptake by algae cells was measured then. It was found that, the cells' uptake of copper increased with rice ion copper, not the content of total copper.  相似文献   

Increased oil and gas exploration activity has led to a detailed investigation of the continental shelf and adjacent slope regions of Mahanadi, Krishna–Godavari (KG) and Cauvery basins, which are promising petroliferous basins along the eastern continental margin of India. In this paper, we analyze the high resolution sparker, subbottom profiler and multibeam data in KG offshore basin to understand the shallow structures and shallow deposits for gas hydrate exploration. We identified and mapped prominent positive topographic features in the bathymetry data. These mounds show fluid/gas migration features such as acoustic voids, acoustic chimneys, and acoustic turbid layers. It is interesting to note that drilling/coring onboard JOIDES in the vicinity of the mounds show the presence of thick accumulation of subsurface gas hydrate. Further, geological and geochemical study of long sediment cores collected onboard Marion Dufresne in the vicinity of the mounds and sedimentary ridges shows the imprints of paleo-expulsion of methane and sulfidic fluid from the seafloor.  相似文献   

Rivers are important sources of freshwater and nutrients for the Mediterranean and Black Sea. We present a reconstruction of the spatial and temporal variability of these inputs since the early 1960s, based on a review of available data on water discharge, nutrient concentrations and climatic parameters. Our compilation indicates that Mediterranean rivers suffer from a significant reduction in freshwater discharge, contrary to rivers of the Black Sea, which do not have clear discharge trends. We estimate this reduction to be at least about 20% between 1960 and 2000. It mainly reflects recent climate change, and dam construction may have reduced discharge even further. A similar decrease can also be expected for the fluxes of dissolved silica (Si), strongly controlled by water discharge and potentially reduced by river damming as well. This contrasts with the fluxes of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in Mediterranean and Black Sea rivers, which were strongly enhanced by anthropogenic sources. Their total inputs to the Mediterranean Sea could have increased by a factor of >5. While N still remained at elevated levels in 2000, P only increased up to the 1980–1990s, and then rapidly dropped down to about the initial values of the 1960s. With respect to the marine primary production that can be supported by the riverine nutrient inputs, Mediterranean and the Black Sea rivers were mostly phosphorus limited during the study period. Their anthropogenic nutrient enrichment could only have had a fertilizing effect before the general decline of the P loads. When also considering Si as a limiting element, which is the case for siliceous primary producers such as diatoms, silica limitation may have become a widespread phenomenon in the Mediterranean rivers since the early 1980s. For the Black Sea rivers, this already started the late 1960s. Gross primary production sustained by rivers (PPR) represents only less than 2% of the gross production (PP) in the Mediterranean, and less than 5% in the Black Sea. Possible ecological impacts of the changing river inputs should therefore be visible only in productive coastal areas, such as the Gulf of Lions, where PPR can reach more than two thirds of PP. Reported ecosystem changes both in the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea are concomitant with major changes in the reconstructed river inputs. Further work combining modelling and data collection is needed to test whether this may also have been the case for coastal ecosystems at other places in the Mediterranean and Black Sea.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1987,21(3):249-265
Total organic carbon (TOC), lignin, amino acids, sugars and amino sugars were measured in recent sediments from the continental margin off southern New England. The various organic carbon fractions decreased in concentration with increasing distance from shore. The fraction of the TOC that was accounted for by these major components also decreased with increasing distance from shore. The concentration of lignin indicated that only about 3–5% of the organic carbon in the nearshore sediment was of terrestrial origin. The various fractions were highly correlated, which was consistent with a simple linear mixing model of shelf organic matter with material from the slope and rise and indicated a significant transport of sediment from the continental shelf to the continental slope and rise.  相似文献   

The attenuated continental crust of the Dangerous Grounds is located in the southeastern part of the South China Sea. It was affected by unconformities as identified by several authors (Cullen et al., 2010, Hinz and Schlüter, 1985, Hutchison, 2010, Hutchison and Vijayan, 2010). In the northeastern Dangerous Grounds, a prominent reflector in seismic data is associated with the top of a widespread Oligocene to Early Miocene (18–20 Ma) carbonate platform. This reflector and the underlying carbonates can be used to constrain the timing of the unconformities and the rifting history of the Dangerous Grounds. By carefully interpreting seismic reflection lines we trace the platform carbonates based upon their appearance in the seismic image. This platform is continuous in the Palawan–Borneo trough and gets patchy toward the Dangerous Grounds. In the Dangerous Grounds the image of this key reflector changes and here it merely forms the top of a clastic layer. Carbonates remain abundant but mainly as isolated reefs that grew on top of tilted fault blocks. In the southwestern Dangerous Grounds the prominent unconformity sealing the tectonic activity is known as the Middle Miocene Unconformity. This in fact is an Early Miocene unconformity, which represents a sequence boundary in the Borneo–Palawan trough and in various parts of the Dangerous Grounds, while in other parts of the Dangerous Grounds, it represents a major angular unconformity.The unconformity characteristics supplemented with tentative ages indicate that Luconia and the southern Dangerous Grounds were sub-aerial during the Early Miocene, while the Reed Bank, the northern Dangerous Grounds and parts of the central Dangerous Grounds were mostly submerged except for some islands concentrated on the western edge of the Borneo–Palawan trough. This trough is interpreted as a foreland basin where the flexural forebulge provided shallow marine conditions that promoted reef growth. As the carbonate deposition migrated from the Borneo–Palawan trough toward the Dangerous Grounds we suggest that the flexural forebulge provided shallow water conditions for further reef growth on the eastern Dangerous Grounds.  相似文献   

Decreasing fish resources in estuaries is a subject of anthropogenic activities. Studies of the spatiotemporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae can help identify the status and processes underlying recruitment in a fishery. As the fifth largest river estuary in the world, the Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary (HRE) is a typical estuary that has been seriously aff ected by human activities. Annual surveys on ichthyoplankton and environmental factors were conducted in the months of May of 2005 and 2009-2016 in the HRE to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of fish eggs and larvae and the associated infl uencing factors. A total of 23 and 20 species of eggs and larvae, respectively, were collected. The dominant orders were Perciformes (51.2%) and Clupeiformes (25.6%). The average number of fish species eggs and larvae were 6.0 and 4.1 in average abundance of 0.91 and 0.13 ind./m^3 , respectively. The dominant species were mainly low-commercial-value small-sized fishes, such as Clupanodon punctatus , Harengula zunasi, and Acanthogobius, whereas certain traditional commercial fishes, such as Trichiurus lepturus , and Clupea pallasii, were not seen. Analysis of the fish egg and larval community revealed four temporal assemblages and two spatial assemblages. Salinity was the main factor on the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton communities, the species number and Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H′) of the fish egg and larval community near the river mouth with lower salinity were signifi cantly lower than the community far away from the river mouth with higher salinity. In addition, increases of water temperature promoted the number and abundance of fish species eggs, and the areas of abundant prey tended to have a more diversified and abundant of ichthyoplankton species. In overall, overfishing, dam construction, and other human activities were the main drivers that led to the substantial decline in fishery resources in the HRE.  相似文献   

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