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The Loppio Oolitic Limestone is a lithostratigraphic unit of the Early Jurassic Trento Platform in the Southern Alps, Northern Italy, which deposited over an area of ca. 3500 km2. It appears as a roughly tabular or wedge-shaped sedimentary body with thickness gradually increasing from 0 to ca. 100 m toward the western platform margin. We investigated the sedimentology, petrography and bulk carbonate carbon isotope geochemistry of the Loppio Oolitic Limestone in order to shed light on its depositional setting and origin. The Loppio Oolitic Limestone is made almost exclusively of oolitic grainstone, and can be subdivided in two parts. In the lower part, ooids are poorly sorted and sedimentary structures are scarce or absent. In the upper part, sorting becomes good and sedimentary structures are common. The vertical succession of sedimentary structures and the upward increase in sorting suggest a shallowing upward trend within the oolite. A reddened surface, meteoric cements and dinosaur footprints occur at the top of the unit, testifying for a subaerial exposure which is also confirmed by carbon and oxygen stable isotopic data. In terms of sequence stratigraphy, the Loppio Oolitic Limestone represents a Highstand Systems Tract, bounded at the top by a subaerial exposure surface. Bulk carbonate stable carbon isotope curves across the Loppio Oolitic Limestone from 7 stratigraphic sections could be correlated over distances of tens of km on the whole Trento Platform. This correlation suggests that the deposition of ooids was nearly synchronous across the platform. A negative excursion of carbon isotopes with magnitude of ca. 1‰ VPDB was identified within a lime mudstone unit (“Nodular lithozone” of the Monte Zugna Formation) immediately below the Loppio Oolitic Limestone, which can be correlated to a global perturbation of the carbon cycle in the mid-Sinemurian. The flooding of a wide area of formerly peritidal carbonate platform below the wave base was interpreted as due to an ecological crisis that caused a drop of carbonate production. We suggest that the subsequent recovery of carbonate production is marked by the shallowing upward succession of the Loppio Oolitic Limestone, which quickly occupied the accommodation space formed in consequence of the crisis, thus preventing the platform drowning. The Loppio Oolitic Limestone deposited as an initially highly porous oolitic sand that was then topped by a clayey interval (base of the Rotzo Formation), giving origin to a structural and stratigraphic configuration that could be favourable for the accumulation of hydrocarbons in the subsurface. The recurrence of similar facies superpositions, formed in consequence of perturbations of the carbon cycle with documented climatic effects, is discussed with regard to the Tethysian record of Mesozoic carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

To improve the understanding of the distribution of reservoir properties along carbonate platform margins, the connection between facies, sequence stratigraphy, and early diagenesis of discontinuities along the Bathonian prograding oolitic wedge of the northeastern Aquitaine platform was investigated. Eight facies are distributed along a 50 km-outcropping transect in (1) toe-of-slope, (2) infralittoral prograding oolitic wedge, (3) platform margin (shoal), (4) open marine platform interior, (5) foreshore, and (6) terrestrial settings. The transition from shallow platform to toe-of-slope facies is marked in the field by clinoforms hundred of meters long. Carbonate production was confined to the shallow platform but carbonates were exported basinward toward the breakpoint where they cascaded down a 20–25° slope. Ooid to intraclast grainstones to rudstones pass into alternating marl-limestone deposits at an estimated paleodepth of 40–75 m. Three sea-level falls of about 10 m caused the formation of discontinuities corresponding to sequence boundaries. Along these discontinuities, erosional marine hardgrounds formed in a high-hydrodynamic environment at a water depth of less than 10 m, displaying isopachous fibrous cements and meniscus-type cements. The cements pass landward into meniscus and microstalactitic forms along the same discontinuities, which are characteristic of subaerial exposure. During the deposition of transgressive systems tracts, carbonate accumulation remained located mostly on the shallow platform. Energy level increased and carbonates were exported during the deposition of highstand systems tracts forming the infralittoral prograding oolitic wedge. During the deposition of lowstand systems tracts, carbonate production fell to near zero and intraclast strata, derived from the erosion of hardgrounds on the shallow platform, prograded basinward. Early diagenetic cements are related exclusively to discontinuities that are not found within the prograding wedge because of the continuous high sedimentation rate under lower hydrodynamic conditions. This absence of early cementation within the infralittoral prograding oolitic wedge was conducive to porosity conservation, making such features good targets for carbonate reservoir exploration. This study proposes a novel sequence stratigraphy model for oolitic platform wedges, including facies and early diagenesis features.  相似文献   

This work illustrates the evolution the Lower Jurassic shallow-water carbonates known as the Calcare Massiccio Formation in the Central Apennines (Italy). The Calcare Massiccio is characterized by lateral and vertical variability in the facies associations, related to an articulated physiography of the Triassic to Lower Jurassic carbonate platform and to its tectonic evolution. This work documents the depositional environment changes during the platform evolution. Quantitative analysis on samples collected from three stratigraphic sections were performed through the Calcare Massiccio succession allowed up to the overlying Pliensbachian pelagites. Two type of carbonate sedimentation have been recognized: in the peritidal and shallow subtidal environments (Calcare Massiccio A) the carbonate production is dominated by microbial activity, while the carbonate sedimentation in a deeper environment of middle to outer ramp (Calcare Massiccio B), is dominated by a bioclastic sedimentation.The evolution from the Calcare Massiccio A to the B can be interpreted as the product of increase of accommodation that in turn produced a backstepping of carbonate facies belt, the photic microbial dominated peritidal facies developed on the persistent Latium-Abruzzi Platform while the bioclastic carbonate production factory settled on the structural highs resulting from the dismembering of the platform by syn-sedimentary tectonic.The bioclastic carbonate factory was not efficient in filling the available accommodation space produced by Sinemurian extensional tectonic. This inefficiency was amplified by the restricted area available for this factory in the small structural highs. These conditions were sufficient to predispose the platform to the drowning without invoke change in the trophic resource or change in the palaeoceanography.  相似文献   

Several diagenetic models have been proposed for Middle and Upper Jurassic carbonates of the eastern Paris Basin. The paragenetic sequences are compared in both aquifers to propose a diagenetic model for the Middle and Late Jurassic deposits as a whole. Petrographic (optical and cathodoluminescence microscopy), structural (fracture orientations) and geochemical (δ18O, δ13C, REE) studies were conducted to characterize diagenetic cements, with a focus on blocky calcite cements, and their connection with fracturation events. Four generations of blocky calcite (Cal1–Cal4) are identified. Cal1 and Cal2 are widespread in the dominantly grain-supported facies of the Middle Jurassic limestones (about 90% of the cementation), whereas they are limited in the Oxfordian because grain-supported facies are restricted to certain stratigraphic levels. Cal1 and Cal2 blocky spars precipitated during burial in a reducing environment from mixed marine-meteoric waters and/or buffered meteoric waters. The meteoric waters probably entered aquifers during the Late Cimmerian (Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary) and Late Aptian (Early Cretaceous) unconformities. The amount of Cal2 cement is thought to be linked to the intensity of burial pressure dissolution, which in turn was partly controlled by the clay content of the host rocks. Cal3 and Cal4 are associated with telogenetic fracturing phases. The succession of Cal3 and Cal4 calcite relates to the transition towards oxidizing conditions during an opening of the system to meteoric waters at higher water/rock ratios. These meteoric fluids circulated along Pyrenean, Oligocene and Alpine fractures and generated both dissolution and subsequent cementation in Oxfordian vugs in mud-supported facies and in poorly stylolitized grainstones. However, these cements filled only the residual porosity in Middle Jurassic limestones. In addition to fluorine inputs, fracturation also permitted inputs of sulphur possibly due to weathering of Triassic or Purbeckian evaporites or H2S input during Paleogene times.  相似文献   

This paper provides an example of an integrated multi-scale study of a carbonate reservoir. The Danian Lower R2 carbonate reservoir is located in the South of the Aquitaine Basin (France) and represents a potential underground gas storage site for Gaz de France. The Danian Lower R2 reservoir was deposited as a prograding carbonate platform bordered by a reef barrier. The effects of sedimentary and diagenetic events on the reservoir properties, particularly dolomitization, were evaluated. In this study, the reservoir quality has been assessed by seismic analyses at the basin scale, by log-analysis at the reservoir scale, by petrographic methods and by petrophysical tools at the pore-core scale.Two dolomitization stages, separated by a compaction event with associated fracturing and stylolites, have been identified. These diagenetic events have significantly improved the Lower R2 carbonate reservoir properties. It is demonstrated that the reservoir quality is mainly controlled by the pore-geometry, which is determined by various diagenetic processes. The permeability values of the reservoir range over 4 orders of magnitude, from 0.1 to 5600 mD and the porosity values range between 2 and 42%. Reservoir unit 4 (a karstic dolomite) shows the best reservoir properties with average porosity values ranging between 11.1% and 19.3% and an average permeability ranging between 379 and 766 mD. Reservoir unit 2 (a fine-grained limestone) shows the worst reservoir properties. The cementation factors range from 1.68 to 2.48. The dolomitic crystal carbonate texture (mainly units 3 and 4) shows the highest value of the cementation factor (1.98–2.48) and formation factor (9.54–36.97), which is due to its high degree of cementation. The saturation exponents vary between 1.2 and 3.4. Using these experimental electrical parameters and the resistivity laterolog tool we predicted the water saturation in the various reservoir units. The permeability was predicted by combining the formation factor with the micro-geometric characteristic length. The best fit is obtained with the Katz and Thompson's model and for a constant of 1/171.  相似文献   

We report the structural geometry and facies architecture of a small diapir-related carbonate-dominated basin from the Jurassic rift of the Moroccan High Atlas. The Azag minibasin is a lozenge-shaped depocenter completely enclosed by tectonic boundaries that we interpret as welds after former salt anticlines or salt walls. The exposed ca. 3000 m-thick infill of the Azag minibasin is asymmetric; layers are tilted to the W defining a rollover geometry. Areally-restricted sedimentary discontinuities and wedges of growth strata near the basin margins indicate sedimentation contemporaneous with diapiric rise of a Triassic ductile layer. Facies evolution through the basin reflects local accommodation by salt withdrawal and regional events in the High Atlas rift. The early basin infill in the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian shows thickness variations indicative of low-amplitude halokinetic movements, with reduced exposed thicknesses compared to surrounding areas. The exposed Toarcian and Aalenian deposits are also reduced in thickness compared to areas outside the basin. Subsidence increased dramatically in the Bajocian-early Bathonian (?), the main phase of downbuilding, when over 2600 m of carbonates and shales accumulated at a rate > 0.5 mm/a in the depocentral area of the minibasin governed by W-directed salt expulsion. The stratigraphic units distinguished often show maximum thicknesses and deeper facies in the depocentral area, and rapidly change to shallower facies at the basin margins. The Bajocian carbonate facies assemblage of the minibasin include: reservoir facies as microbialite-coral reefs in the basin margins (formed during periods of strong diapir inflation and bathymetric relief), basin-expansive oolite bars (formed during episodes of subdued relief), and organic-rich, dark lime mudstones and shales that show source-rock characteristics. The Azag basin is a good analog for the exploration of salt-related carbonate plays in rifts and continental margins where source-rock and reservoir can form in a same minibasin.  相似文献   

The sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the central Apennine lower Miocene carbonate deposits (Guadagnolo Formation) are the goal of this paper. The Guadagnolo carbonate ramp deposits consist of a thick succession of three main lithofacies: marls, marly limestones and cross-bedded limestones. The lateral and vertical facies distribution, as well as the biota assemblages, suggests a deposition of these sediments along the middle-outer ramp sector of the Latium-Abruzzi carbonate platform. All the data suggest sedimentation under the influence of tidal currents that were responsible of bedforms generation as simple and compound dunes. These bodies are developed on metric and decametric scale, and are stacked one to other to form complex sedimentary bodies extending both in strike and dip section for several tens to hundred meters. The dune system developed in a semiclosed basin (the Paleoadriatic sea), open in the southern and closed in the northern sector respectively. Within this basin a probably amphidromic system developed. The flow sediment transport was dominantly westward, and was conditioned by the ramp paleotopography. From a sequence stratigraphic point of view several high and low rank depositional sequences that were differentiated basing on their relative physical scale (thickness of each unit) and on the lateral extension of the unconformities and the correlative conformities bounding them were recognized. The hierarchy of recognized sequence-stratigraphic units include, from the smallest to the largest: simple depositional sequences, low-rank composite depositional sequences and high-rank composite depositional sequences. In the Guadagnolo succession four high-rank composite depositional sequences having a duration variable from 0.9 to 1.6 Ma, and named Guadagnolo 1, 2, 3, and 4, were recognized. These high-rank composite sequences are internally constituted by a stacking of simple and low-rank composite depositional sequences, having a duration ranging from 40 ka to 200 ka. All these units constitute part of a higher-rank composite sequence developing between 21 and 14.80 Ma that we name “The Guadagnolo Depositional Sequence”. The wedge-shaped geometry, the thickness variation and the stacking pattern of the Guadagnolo succession are the response to eustasy and tectonic subsidence. The glacial eustasy mostly controlled the formation of the high-frequency depositional sequences, tectonic subsidence, related to the roll-back of the hinge west-directed subduction in turn connected to the advancement of the Apennine thrust modulated the accommodation space.  相似文献   

The Transylvanian Basin is a mature hydrocarbon province of Romania characterized by two petroleum systems: Mesozoic (thermogenic) and Miocene (biogenic). An extensive outcrop-based sedimentological and micropaleontological study correlated to seismic and well data discusses the elements of the Miocene petroleum system. The facies associations are indicative of alluvial, fandelta, shallow- and deep-marine settings. These are grouped into four different depositional systems (evaporite, mud-carbonate, sand-mud and sand-gravel). Their evolution in time and space shows large differences between various parts of the basin that have important consequences for exploration.  相似文献   

The Eocene Sant Llorenç del Munt fan-delta complex developed in the Ebro foreland basin. The stratigraphy of this succession, about 1000 m thick, has been described as made up of several transgressive–regressive composite sequences, each composed of a stack of fundamental sequences, in turn made up of a transgressive systems tract and an overlying regressive systems tract. Systems tracts are composed of several facies belts: proximal alluvial fan, distal alluvial fan, fan-delta front, carbonate platform, and fan-delta slope and prodelta.  相似文献   

The distribution of diagenetic alterations in Triassic fluvio-deltaic, quartzarenitic to sublitharenitic, lowstand systems tract (LST) sandstones of the Grès á Voltzia Formation, anastomosing fluvial, quartzarenitic transgressive systems tract (TST) sandstones of the Grès á Roseaux Formation, and shallow marine, quartzarenitic to sublitharenitic, TST sandstones of the Grès Coquiller Formation, the Paris Basin (France), can be linked to transgression and regression events, and thus to the sequence stratigraphic context. Near-surface eogenetic alterations, which display a fairly systematic link to the depositional facies and sequence stratigraphic framework, include: (i) cementation by meteoric water calcite (δ18O=−8.9‰ and δ13C=−9.1‰) in the fluvio-deltaic, LST sandstones, (ii) cementation by mixed marine–meteoric calcite (δ18O=−5.3‰ to −2.6‰ and δ13C=−3.9‰ to −1.3‰) and dolomite (δ18O=−4.6‰ to −2.6‰ and δ13C=−2.9‰ to −2.3‰) in the foreshore, TST sandstones and below parasequence boundaries (PB), and transgressive surface (TS), and in the shoreface, TST sandstones below maximum flooding surfaces (MFS), being facilitated by the presence of carbonate bioclasts, (iii) dissolution of detrital silicates and precipitation of K-feldspar overgrowths and kaolinite, particularly in the fluvio-deltaic, LST sandstones owing to effective meteoric water circulation, and (vi) formation of autochthonous glauconite, which is increases in abundance towards the top of the fluvio-deltaic, LST sandstones, and along TS, and in the shoreface, TST sandstones, by alteration of micas owing to the flux of seawaters into the sandstones during transgression, whereas parautochthonous glauconite is restricted to the TS sandstones owing to marine reworking. Mesogenetic alterations, which include cementation by quartz overgrowths and illite, display fairly systematic link to fluvio-deltaic, LST sandstones. This study has revealed that linking of diagenesis to transgression and regression events enables a better understanding of the parameters that control the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations in sandstones and of their impact on reservoir quality evolution.  相似文献   

The Late Devonian to Early Mississippian Bakken Formation in the Williston basin of North Dakota, USA, shows a tri-partite subdivision: a middle mixed carbonate-siliciclastic member is sandwiched in-between two black siliciclastic mudstones, the lower and upper Bakken member shales. However, the transition from the lower shale member to the middle member does not represent a gradual coarsening but contains in places several millimeter - to centimeter-thick siliciclastic mudstones and carbonates that consist of three facies: (1) a glauconitic carbonate-rich siliciclastic mudstone, (2) a carbonate mud-to wackestone, and (3) an echinoderm wacke-to packstone with shell fragments. These three facies are present in many (all?) of the cores close and directly in the basin center in Mountrail County, North Dakota. At least one of these three facies is present in all 23 cores included in this study.This thin carbonate unit at the transition between the lower and the middle Bakken members is interpreted as representing the remnants of the transgressive systems tract. It is assumed that relative sea-level fell before deposition of the middle Bakken member establishing a proximal coarse-grained to distal fine-grained depositional transect that successively migrated into the basin. During the subsequent transgression, the siliciclastic input was low to absent, and the entire sedimentary system switched to depositing carbonates. The proximal to distal transect during this time showed coarse-grained packstones (and grainstones?) close to the shoreline, and a fining outwards towards the distal parts of the basin. This transgression also eroded what remained of the regressive and most of the subsequent transgressive sediments, leaving only the thin carbonate layer behind. Evidence for the regression, even though no sediment is directly preserved along the lower to middle Bakken member contact, comes from the fill of clastic dykes that cut through the lower Bakken member shale. The fill of the clastic dykes is partly siliciclastic and partly carbonate and not similar to any of the surrounding sediment. This indicates that these dykes must have originated before the middle Bakken member was deposited, yet the overlying sediment must have been carbonate at some point and siliciclastic another time. As it is not present anymore, this sediment must have been entirely removed by erosion.The here presented model suggests that the Bakken Formation reflects two entire sea-level oscillations. The first encompasses the lower Bakken member shale and the siliciclastic regressive portion of the lowstand only preserved as infill of the clastic dykes. The subsequent transgression deposited the carbonates now blanketing the lower to middle Bakken member transition, and the highstand and subsequent regression plus lowstand are represented by the middle Bakken member. The transgressive surface and therewith the onset of the topmost Bakken transgression is marked by the transition from the middle to the upper Bakken shale member.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the 3D modeling and structural analysis of the Monte Testo syn-sedimentary structure, developed in the Early Jurassic Calcari Grigi Group of the Trento carbonate platform (Southern Alps, Italy). Significant changes in the facies architecture of the platform sedimentary units, occurred across a global perturbation of the Carbon cycle at the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary, are associated with evidences of syn-sedimentary tectonics. In particular, an early cemented oolitic sedimentary body with a high initial porosity (Loppio Oolitic Limestone) was broken-up and tilted by a pulse of rifting and overlain by tight marls and marly limestones (lower Rotzo Formation) that display sharp changes in thickness across the syn-sedimentary faults. This complex setting creates conditions potentially favorable to hydrocarbon accumulation. In this work, the Monte Testo structure is presented as a conceptual analogue of a hydrocarbon reservoir that may develop thanks to the overlap of the effects of extensional tectonics and climate change-induced modifications in the carbonate platform facies. A 3D geo-model was realized to obtain information about the genesis and tectonic evolution of the structure. Hence, a potential porosity distribution in the 3D model was evaluated showing that such extensional structure, which has a vertical extent of 500 m and covers an area of 15 km2, could have been associated to a total pore volume of 2.24 × 107 m3 at the time of its formation. Results suggest that in rifting contexts the combined effect of syn-sedimentary faulting and facies variations related to perturbations in the global carbon cycle could generate potential reservoirs in carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

The shelf-upper slope stratigraphy offshore and around the Guadalfeo River on the northern continental margin of the Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean Basin, has been defined through the interpretation of a grid of Sparker seismic profiles. We tried to identify evolutionary trends in shelf growth, as well as to determine the regional/local factors that may modify the influence of glacio-eustatic fluctuations. Four major depositional sequences are identified in the sedimentary record by a detailed seismic interpretation, which defines three significant intervals of shelf-upper slope progradation, dominated by deposition of shelf-margin wedges, which resulted in uniform patterns of shelf-margin growth in response to significant sea-level falls. In contrast, the record of transgressive intervals is more variable, mainly as the result of distinct patterns of regressive-to-transgressive transitions. Major progradational wedges are internally composed of seaward-prograding, landward-thinning wedges, interpreted to represent shelf-margin deltaic deposits. In contrast, the last aggradational interval is composed of shelf-prograding wedges that show distinct characteristics, in terms of seismic facies, morphology and distribution when compared with previous shelf-margin wedges. These shelf wedges are thought to represent the particular case of Regressive Systems or Shelf Margin Systems Tracts, and their development seems to be controlled by a drastic change in main depocenter location, which moved from the upper slope to the shelf during the Pleistocene. The stacking pattern of seismic units, the shallowness of the acoustic basement and the migration of the shelf break are used to infer spatial and temporal changes in tectonic subsidence-uplift rates, which interact with low-order glacio-eustatic changes. For much of the Pliocene-Quaternary, uplifted sectors alternated laterally with sectors experiencing more subsidence. Subsequently, a significant change from lateral outgrowth to vertical accretion is recognised. This stratigraphic change could be related to the combined influence of increased subsidence rates on the shelf and the onset of higher-frequency glacio-eustatic cyclicity after the Mid Pleistocene Revolution that occurred around 1 Ma.  相似文献   

Our analysis of approximately 40,000 km of multichannel 2-D seismic data, reef oil-field seismic data, and data from several boreholes led to the identification of two areas of reef carbonate reservoirs in deepwater areas (water depth ≥ 500 m) of the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB), northern South China Sea. High-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis revealed that the transgressive and highstand system tracts of the mid-Miocene Meishan Formation in the Beijiao and Ledong–Lingshui Depressions developed reef carbonates. The seismic features of the reef carbonates in these two areas include chaotic bedding, intermittent internal reflections, chaotic or blank reflections, mounded reflections, and apparent amplitude anomalies, similar to the seismic characteristics of the LH11-1 reef reservoir in the Dongsha Uplift and Island Reef of the Salawati Basin, Indonesia, which house large oil fields. The impedance values of reefs in the Beijiao and Ledong–Lingshui Depressions are 8000–9000 g/cc × m/s. Impedance sections reveal that the impedance of the LH11-1 reef reservoir in the northern South China Sea is 8000–10000 g/cc × m/s, whereas that of pure limestone in BD23-1-1 is >10000 g/cc × m/s. The mid-Miocene paleogeography of the Beijiao Depression was dominated by offshore and neritic environments, with only part of the southern Beijiao uplift emergent at that time. The input of terrigenous sediments was relatively minor in this area, meaning that terrigenous source areas were insignificant in terms of the Beijiao Depression; reef carbonates were probably widely distributed throughout the depression, as with the Ledong–Lingshui Depression. The combined geological and geophysical data indicate that shelf margin atolls were well developed in the Beijiao Depression, as in the Ledong–Lingshui Depression where small-scale patch or pinnacle reefs developed. These reef carbonates are promising reservoirs, representing important targets for deepwater hydrocarbon exploration.  相似文献   

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys were conducted on Mesoproterozoic eolian, fluvial, deltaic, estuarine, and shallow marine successions in the Chapada Diamantina Basin. The subsurface continuation of facies and facies architecture exposed on road cuts was imaged using the GPR signal of a 400-MHz antenna penetrating 8 m in depth, even with mudstone intervals. Reflection patterns in the GPR profiles that were compared with photo mosaics of outcrops and supporting data from vertical sections and gamma ray logs, reveal sedimentary, stratigraphic, and structural features, such as sedimentary structures, the external geometry of architectural elements, stratigraphic surfaces, folds and tension gashes. The patterns most likely reflect the response from low-weathered, non-porous muscovite-illite-rich mudstone and quartzarenite sandstone in which authigenic and detrital illite and sericite are prevalent clay minerals.Measured vertical sections and radar stratigraphy indicate high-frequency cyclic successions of estuarine and shoreface intervals are present at the base of the Tombador Formation. The shoreface intervals are composed of heterolithic strata and offshore tidal bars deposits. The heterolithic shoreface strata exhibit tabular geometry that can be easily identified throughout the outcrop and in the subsurface. Such intervals represent the end of high-frequency transgressive cycles, and hence they are potential candidates for including the maximum flooding surfaces and for defining genetic sequences. Therefore, GPR proved to be an independent method for studying facies architecture and the establishment of a high-resolution stratigraphic framework even in the Precambrian.  相似文献   

The seismic stratigraphy, evolution and depositional framework of a sheared-passive margin, the Durban Basin, of South East Africa are described. Based on single-channel 2D seismic reflection data, six seismic units (A-F) are revealed, separated by major sequence boundaries. These are compared to well logs associated with the seismic data set. Internal seismic reflector geometries and sedimentology suggest a range of depositional regimes from syn-rift to upper slope and outer shelf. Nearshore and continental facies are not preserved, with episodic shelf and slope sedimentation related to periods of tectonic-induced base level fall. The sedimentary architecture shows a change from a structurally defined shelf (shearing phase), to shallow ramp and then terminal passive margin sedimentary shelf settings. Sedimentation occurred predominantly during normal regressive conditions with the basin dominated by the progradation of a constructional submarine delta (Tugela Cone) during sea-level lowstands (LST). The earlier phases of sedimentation are tectonic-controlled, however later stages appear to be linked to global eustatic changes.  相似文献   

Seeking to identify the oils groups accumulated in the Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin and the source rock of each group, stable carbon isotope and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry analyses were performed in oils and oil shows from the main discoveries, and on representative organic extracts from the potential source rocks, selected based on previous works and data obtained by total organic carbon and Rock-Eval pyrolysis techniques. The geochemical comparison between the oils, and between the oils and the organic extracts, allowed the identification of three oil groups, whose differences depend on their source rocks: oils generated at the Coimbra Formation (lower-upper Sinemurian) and accumulated in the same formation and in the Água de Madeiros Formation (upper Sinemurian-lower Pliensbachian) in the northern sector of the basin; oils originated from the top of the Cabaços Formation (middle Oxfordian) and accumulated in the Montejunto (middle-upper Oxfordian) and Abadia (lower-upper Kimmeridgian) formations, in the central and southern sectors of the basin; and oil generated and accumulated at the base of the Montejunto Formation in the central sector of the basin. The geochemical correlations between the oils and the organic extracts allowed the identification of the source rocks of the different accumulations of the Jurassic succession, allowing further guidance to the petroleum exploration in the Lusitanian Basin.  相似文献   

In a broader application of sequence stratigraphic concept to a tectonically active margin setting, this study presents a sequence model that considers all three controls on sequence development (i.e. eustasy, tectonic movement and sediment supply) as independent variables. The model introduces six sequence types (A to F) including type 1 and type 2 sequences defined in the original Exxon scheme. Each sequence shows a variety in number and stacking pattern of its constituent parasequence sets reflecting combined effects of accommodation change and sediment supply. This model is applied to a seismic sequence analysis of the shelf–slope system (middle to upper Miocene) in the southwestern margin of Ulleung Basin which has experienced significant crustal deformation during the Tertiary back-arc opening and subsequent closing of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). The model application delineates four sequence types whose development is closely associated with the tectonic evolution of the Ulleung Basin margin. During the back-arc opening (early to middle Miocene), type A and B sequences were emplaced as a result of steady creation of accommodation space due to a rapid subsidence combined with a tectonic-controlled high to moderate rate of sediment supply. The sequences associated with the extensional tectonism are characterized by active progradation and aggradation without forced regressive phases. In the initiation stage of back-arc closure (middle to late Miocene), subsidence rates were significantly reduced because of a widespread contractional deformation, while subaerial erosion of the uplifted thrust belt resulted in an increase in sedimentation rate. As a result, steady prograding type-E sequences were formed by alternating normal and forced regressions. During the quiescent phase of back-arc closure in the late Miocene, rise-dominant fluctuating relative sea-level change and moderate to low sediment supply gave rise to type-F sequences (similar to type-1 sequences of the Exxon group) reflecting a major control of eustatic sea-level change.  相似文献   

Submarine canyons have been the subject of intense studies in recent years because of their close link to deepwater systems. The Central Canyon is a large unusual submarine canyon in the northwestern margin of the South China Sea, has a total length of about 425 km and is oriented sub-parallel to the continental slope. Using integrated 2D/3D seismic, well log, core, and biostratigraphy data, the current study documents the stratigraphic framework, internal architecture, depositional processes, and controlling factors of the segment of the Central Canyon located in the Qiongdongnan Basin.The integrated analysis shows that the canyon fill consists of four 3rd-order sequences, SQ4, SQ3, SQ2, and SQ1. Each of them is bounded by regionally important erosional surfaces (3rd-order sequence boundaries). Within each 3rd-order sequence there is maximum regressive surface separating a regressive systems tract in the lower part and a transgressive systems tract in the upper part. Nine facies are identified and are further grouped into five depositional units, DU1 through DU5.The canyon evolved through four cut-and-fill stages, with a change from predominantly axial cut-and-fill to primarily side cut-and-fill. Axial cut-and-fill dominated during the first stage, and the slope-subparallel paleo Xisha Trough was intensely eroded by large-scale axial gravity flows. During the second cut-and-fill stage, the Central Canyon experienced both axial and side cut-and-fill. The third stage was dominated by side cut-and-fill. The canyon was eroded and fed by slope channels that transported sandy sediments from the shelf to the north during regression, and was covered by side-derived muddy MTCs during transgression. The last stage was also dominated by side cut-and-fill. The canyon, however, was filled predominantly by side-derived muddy MTCs.Evolution and depositional processes in the Central Canyon were likely controlled by slope-subparallel negative-relief induced by paleo-seafloor morphology, structural inversion of the Red River Fault and the slope-subparallel basement faults. Additionally, Coriolis force, sea-level fluctuations, high sedimentation rate, and rapid progradation of the slope also controlled and influenced the depositional processes, and internal architectures of the canyon.  相似文献   

The Oolithe Blanche Formation was studied in three quarries, located at the south-eastern edge of the Paris Basin (France). Heterogeneities in reservoir properties were assessed through a sedimentological, diagenetic and petrophysical study. The relationships between depositional settings, diagenesis and petrophysical properties were analysed using detailed petrographic studies, image analysis, Nano CT-scans and petrophysical measurements.The carbonate reservoir pore network is mainly controlled by intraparticle microporosity which ensures the connectivity with interparticle meso- and macroporosity.Early cementation vs. early compaction processes (mainly grain interpenetration) may have considerable influence on fluid-flow properties and parameters such as permeability, acoustic velocities and tortuosity. Better reservoir properties are found when compaction processes begin before cementation.From statistical analyses, e.g. Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis, a sedimentological/diagenetic and petrophysical model is proposed that is in a good agreement with the geological model developed from field work.  相似文献   

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