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The lower part of the Carboniferous Shannon Basin of Western Ireland contains a deep-water succession which exceeds 1200 m in thickness that comprises five lithologically different units deposited within a confined, relatively narrow basin: (i) a calciclastic debris-flow and turbidite unit formed by resedimentation from nearby carbonate platforms, (ii) a siliciclastic black shale succession with former source potential which onlaps basin margins (Clare Shales), (iii) a sandstone-dominated turbidite formation, controlled by ponded accommodation and deposited axially in the basin (Ross Formation), (iv) a mudstone-rich turbidite-bearing succession, which onlaps basin margins (lower Gull Island Formation), and (v) a mudstone-dominated prograding slope succession (upper Gull Island Formation and lower Tullig Cyclothem), which grades transitionally upwards into deltaic deposits. The top unit records progradation at a time when basin differential subsidence had diminished significantly and local basin topography did not control deposition. The two upper mudstone-dominated units are different in terms of both sandstone content and their genetic significance within the overall basin-fill, and their potential relevance as reservoir analogues.The lower part of the Gull Island Formation contains three principal facies associations: (a) shallow turbidite channels and sheets representing channel margin and levee deposits, (b) mud-rich slumps, and (c) less than 1 m thick, rare, hemipelagic shales. More than 75% is deformed by soft-sediment deformation, but only to a smaller degree affecting sandstone units. The turbidites record transport to the ENE, along the axis of the basin, while the slumps were derived from an unstable northern slope and transported transversely into the basin towards the southeast. The distribution of turbidite sandstone and slumps is inversely proportional. Sandstones decrease in importance away from the basin axis as slumps increase in number and thickness. The lower part of the Gull Island Formation is interpreted to record progressive fill of a deep basin controlled by local, healed slope accommodation with onlap/sidelap of the basin margins. The instability resulted from a combination of fault-controlled differential subsidence between basin margin and basin axis, and high rates of sedimentation.The upper part of the Gull Island Formation is entirely dominated by mudstones, which grade upwards into siltstones. It contains rare, up to 15 m thick, isolated channels filled by turbidites, showing transport towards the east. The upper part records easterly progradation of a deep-water slope genetically tied to overlying deltaic deposits, and controlled by regional accommodation.The contrasts between the lower and upper parts of the Gull Island Formation show that onlapping/sidelapping turbidite successions have reservoir potential near basin axes, but that prograding deep-water slopes are less likely to have reservoir potential of significance. A suggested regional downlap surface between the two parts is a significant break and marker in terms of reservoir potential.  相似文献   

The Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphic record of the Peri-Adriatic basin (eastern central Italy) is well exposed along the uplifted western margin of the basin and consists of a series of coarse-grained slope canyon fills encased in a thick succession of hemipelagic mudstones. This study deals with the detailed sedimentology, stratal architecture, and sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of two of these submarine canyon-fills (namely CMC1 and CMC2) exposed at Colle Montarone. These strata contain widespread evidence of gravity-driven sedimentation processes, with high- and low-density turbidity currents, slumps and cohesive debris flows being responsible for most of the sediment transport and deposition. Beds are organised into four recurrent lithofacies, each corresponding to a specific deep-water depositional element: (i) clast-supported conglomerates (channel complexes); (ii) thin-bedded sandstones and mudstones (levee-overbank); (iii) very thinly-bedded mudstones (tributary channels); (iv) pebbly mudstones and chaotically bedded mudstones (mass-transport complexes).  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic data from the eastern parts of the Riiser-Larsen Sea have been analyzed with a sequence stratigraphic approach. The data set covers a wide bathymetric range from the lower continental slope to the abyssal plain. Four different sequences (termed RLS-A to RLS-D, from deepest to shallowest) are recognized within the sedimentary section. The RLS-A sequence encompasses the inferred pre-glacial part of the deposits. Initial phases of ice sheet arrival at the eastern Riiser-Larsen Sea margin resulted in the deposition of multiple debris flow units and/or slumps on the upper part of the continental rise (RLS-B). The nature and distribution of these deposits indicate sediment supply from a line or a multi-point source. The subsequent stage of downslope sediment transport activity was dominated by turbidity currents, depositing mainly as distal turbidite sheets on the lower rise/abyssal plain (RLS-C). We attribute this to margin progradation and/or a more focussed sediment delivery to the continental shelf edge. As the accommodation space on the lower rise/abyssal plain declined and the base level was raised, the turbidite channels started to backstep and develop large channel–levee complexes on the upper parts of the continental rise (RLS-D). The deposition of various drift deposits on the lower rise/abyssal plain and along the western margin of the Gunnerus Ridge indicates that the RLS-D sequence is also associated with increased activity of contour currents. The drift deposits overlie a distinct regional unconformity which is considered to reflect a major paleoceanographic event, probably related to a Middle Miocene intensification of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the interpretation of stratigraphic sequences through the integration of biostratigraphic, well log and 3D seismic data. Sequence analysis is used to identify significant surfaces, systems tracts, and sequences for the Miocene succession.The depositional systems in this area are dominantly represented by submarine fans deposited on the slope and the basin floor. The main depositional elements that characterize these depositional settings are channel systems (channel-fills, channel-levee systems), frontal splays, frontal splay complexes, lobes of debrites and mass-transport complexes.Five genetic sequences were identified and eleven stratigraphic surfaces interpreted and correlated through the study area. The Oligocene-lower Miocene, lower Miocene and middle Miocene sequences were deposited in bathyal water depths, whereas the upper Miocene sequences (Tortonian and Messinian) were deposited in bathyal and outer neritic water depths. The bulk of the Miocene succession, from the older to younger deposits consists of mass-transport deposits (Oligocene-lower Miocene); mass transport deposits and turbidite deposits (lower Miocene); debrite deposits and turbidite deposits (middle Miocene); and debrite deposits, turbidite deposits and pelagic and hemipelagic sediments (upper Miocene). Cycles of sedimentation are delineated by regionally extensive maximum flooding surfaces within condensed sections of hemipelagic mudstone which represent starved basin floors. These condensed sections are markers for regional correlation, and the maximum flooding surfaces, which they include, are the key surfaces for the construction of the Miocene stratigraphic framework. The falling-stage system tract forms the bulk of the Miocene sequences. Individual sequence geometry and thickness were controlled largely by salt evacuation and large-scale sedimentation patterns. For the upper Miocene, the older sequence (Tortonian) includes sandy deposits, whereas the overlying younger sequence (Messinian) includes sandy facies at the base and muddy facies at the top; this trend reflects the change from slope to shelf settings.  相似文献   

In order to assess the controlling factors on the evolution of a shelf margin and the timing of sediment transfer to deep waters, a seismic stratigraphic investigation was carried out in the Eocene interval of northern Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. The studied succession configures a complex of prograding slope clinoforms formed in a passive margin and encompasses five seismic facies and their respective depositional settings: shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces, oblique slope clinoforms, sigmoidal slope clinoforms, continental to shelfal deposits and mass-transport deposits. These are stratigraphically arranged as seven depositional sequences recording a total shelf-edge progradation of about 35 km and a progradation rate of 1,75 km/My. Two main types of sequences can be recognized, the first one (type A) being dominated by oblique slope clinoforms and shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces in which shelf-edge trajectories were essentially flat to descending and extensive sandy turbidites were deposited on the foreset to bottomset zones. Sequences of this type are dominated by forced-regressive units deposited during extensive periods of relative sea-level fall. Type B comprises an upper part represented by aggradational shelfal deposits and a lower part composed of mass-transport deposits and high-relief sigmoidal clinoforms with descending shelf-edge trajectory. Steep slump scars deeply cut the shelfal strata and constitutes the boundary between the two intervals observed in type B sequences. Sandy turbidites occur at the same frequency in both forced- and normal-regressive units but are more voluminous within forced-regressive clinoforms associated with shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces. Major slope failures and mass-transport deposits, by the other hand, occurred exclusively in type B sequences during the onset of sea-level fall and their volume are directly related to the thickness of the shelfal sediments formed during the pre-failure normal regressions.  相似文献   

The deep lacustrine gravity-flow deposits are widely developed in the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, southeast Ordos Basin, central China. Three lithofacies include massive fine-grained sandstone, banded sandstone, and massive oil shale and mudstone. The massive fine-grained sandstones have sharp upper contacts, mud clasts, boxed-shaped Gamma Ray (GR) log, but no grading and Bouma sequences. In contrast, the banded sandstones display different bedding characteristics, gradational upper contacts, and fine-upward. The massive, fine-grained sandstones recognized in this study are sandy debrites deposited by sandy debris flows, while the banded sandstones are turbidites deposited by turbidity currents not bottom currents. The sediment source for these deep gravity-flow sediments is a sand-rich delta system prograding at the basin margin. Fabric of the debrites in the sandy debris fields indicates initial formation from slope failure caused by the tectonic movement. As the sandy debris flows became diluted by water and clay, they became turbidity currents. The deep lacustrine depositional model is different from the traditional marine fan or turbidite fan models. There are no channels or wide lobate sand bodies. In the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, layers within the sandy debrites have higher porosity (8–14%) and permeability (0.1–4 mD) than the turbidites with lower porosity (3–8%) and permeability (0.04–1 mD). Consequently, only the sandy debrites constitute potential petroleum reservoir intervals. Results of this study may serve as a model for hydrocarbon exploration and production for deep-lacustrine reservoirs from gravity-flow systems in similar lacustrine depositional environments.  相似文献   

Five depositional bodies occur within the Quaternary deposits of the northwestern Alboran Sea: Guadalmedina-Guadalhorce prodelta, shelf-edge wedges, progradational packages, Guadiaro channel-levee complex, and debris flow deposits. The sedimentary structure reflects two styles of margin growth characterized: 1) by an essentially sediment-starved outer, shelf and upper slope and by divergent slope seismic facies; 2) by a prograding sediment outer shelf, and parallel slope seismic facies. Eustatic oscillations, sediment supply, and tectonic tilting have controlled the type of growth pattern, and the occurrence of the depositional bodies. Debris flows were also controlled locally by diapirism.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽西部陆坡碎屑沉积物的搬运方式:滑塌和重力流   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
通过对冲绳海槽2000多公里的实测单道地震资料(95和99航次)和沉积物柱状样(92航次)分析,认为滑塌和重力流是冲绳海槽西部陆坡(东海陆坡)碎屑沉积物向海槽搬运的重要方式;分析结果表明,西部陆坡这两种作用是广泛存在的。陆坡沉积物堆积速率、地形坡度和构造活动、地震、海啸等因素造成了陆坡南、北和中段之间的滑塌和重力流发育程度存在差异。海底滑塌和重力流这两种作用可以同时发生,也可以单独发生,但柱状样揭示重力流发生得更频繁。从空间分布上看,海底滑塌主要分布于上陆坡的断裂带附近,平行海槽呈带状延伸;而重力流沉积主要分布于断裂带向下一直到槽底的部位。重力流沉积主要有4种表现形式:1)沉积物重力蠕动;2)浊积平原;3)透镜状浊积体;4)沿斜坡的碎屑流沉积。上述研究表明,滑塌和重力流不仅是陆架向海槽输送物质的重要方式,也对陆坡沉积结构的塑造起了重要的作用。  相似文献   

Shelf-edge deltas (SEDs) forming during periods of relative sea level fall and lowstand are generally efficient in transferring sediments to the slope and basins, and their identification in subsurface data is often considered a good indication of coeval development of slope and basin-floor turbidite reservoirs. This study investigates the seismic stratigraphic evolution of a forced-regressive and normal regressive shelf-edge delta (Bonaparte SED) that accumulated on the edge of the NW Australian margin during the late Quaternary. High resolution 2D and 3D reflection seismic data allow reconstruction of the main episodes of delta progradation and understanding of the extrinsic and intrinsic controls on their deposition. The lack of a significant turbidite system forming off the shelf-edge delta throughout the Quaternary is a striking feature of the Bonaparte SED. Instead, slope sedimentation is dominated by the accumulation of plume-derived mud belts and their reworking through mass-transport processes. Seismic geomorphology permits interpretation of the process regime of the youngest shelf-edge depocentre by applying a new process-based shallow-marine classification scheme to the 3D seismic attribute data. Results suggest either a tide or wave dominated delta with fluvial processes being of tertiary significance. A tide or wave-dominated, fluvial-affected shelf-edge delta classification is consistent with the paleogeographical reconstruction of the margin during the last glacial maximum (ca. 25 ka BP). The comparison of this mixed-process shelf-edge delta and starved slope system with a fluvial-dominated counterpart with significant sandy slope deposits emphasizes the potential of assessing the process regime of shelf-edge deltas as a rapid, first approach for predicting the presence or absence of coeval slope and basin-floor reservoirs.  相似文献   

渤海海域凹陷由于资料的限制,其沉积相研究多为宏观的区域性研究,制约了储层的精细解释。基于最新采集的高精度地震三维资料,结合地震地层学、层序地层学、地震沉积学等理论方法,开展渤中凹陷西斜坡BZ3-8区块东营组重点目的层,东二下层序高分辨率井震层序分析及其地震沉积学研究。结果表明,研究区南北两侧具有不同的物源体系和沉积相模式。低水位体系域(LST)和高水位体系域(HST)时期,研究区北部物源均形成扇形、朵形的地震多属性及振幅切片异常,对应于扇三角洲沉积;南部物源均形成NE向展布的条带状地震多属性及振幅切片异常,对应于辫状河三角洲沉积。海进体系域(TST)时期,湖平面快速上升导致扇体不发育,仅在研究区北部局部发育小规模的扇三角洲沉积。东二下层序LST(富砂)-TST(富泥)-HST(富砂)的岩相演化规律,充分反映了经典层序地层学理论层序格架中的地层岩相组合分布规律,对储层和烃源岩的预测具有指示意义。  相似文献   

Gravity flow deposits form a significant component of the stratigraphic record in ancient and modern deep-water basins worldwide. Analyses of high-resolution 3D seismic reflection data in a predominantly slope setting, the southern slope of Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea, reveal the extensive presence of gravity flow depositional elements in the Late Pliocene−Quaternary strata. Three key elements were observed: (1) mass transport deposits (MTDs) including slumps and debris flows, (2) turbidity current deposits including distributary channel complexes, leveed channel complexes and avulsion channel complexes, and (3) deep-water drapes (highstand condensed sections). Each depositional element displays a unique seismic expression and internal structures in seismic profiles and attribute maps. Based on seismic characteristics, the studied succession is subdivided into six units in which three depositional cycles are identified. Each cycle exhibits MTDs (slump or debris) at the base, overlain by turbidities or a deep-water drape. The genesis of these cycles is mainly controlled by frequent sea-level fluctuations and high sedimentation rates in the Late Pliocene–Quaternary. Moreover, tectonics, differential subsidence, and paleo-seafloor morphology may have also contributed to their formation processes. The present study is aimed to a better understanding of deep-water depositional systems, and to a successful hydrocarbon exploration and engineering-risk assessment.  相似文献   

Host sediments may exert a significant influence on the formation of gas hydrate reservoirs. However, this issue has been largely neglected in the literature. In this study, we investigated the types, characteristics and the depositional model of the fine-grained gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northeastern margin of the South China Sea by integrating core visual observations and logging-while-drilling downhole logs. The gas hydrate-bearing sediments consist dominantly of muddy sediments formed in the inter-canyon ridges of the upper continental slope, including hemipelagites, debrites (mud with breccia) and fine-grained turbidites. Cold-seep carbonates and associated slumping talus, muddy breccia debrites, as well as coarse-grained turbidites, may locally occur. Four classes and six sub-classes of log facies were defined by cluster analysis. Core-log correlation indicates that gas hydrates are majorly distributed in fine-grained sediments with high resistivity and low acoustic transit time (AC) log responses, which are easily differentiated from the fine-grained background sediments of high gamma-ray (GR), high AC, and low resistivity log values, and the seep carbonates characterized by low GR, high resistivity, high density, low AC and low porosity log values. The primary host sediments consist of fine-grained hemipelagic sediments formed by deposition from the nepheloid layers of river material and from the microfossils in seawater column. Most of the hemipelagic sediments, however, might have been extensively modified by slumping and associated gravity flow processes and were re-deposited in the forms of debrites and turbidites. Locally developed seep carbonates associated with gas hydrate dissociation and leakage provided additional sources for the gravity flow sediments.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic profiles across the shelf margin and trough region of the Korea Strait reveal five shallow, near-surface facies units. These are relict coastal deposits, relict delta deposits, slumps and slides, and trough lag deposits. Most deposits represent a lowstand systems tract, formed during the last lowstand of sea level. Relict coastal deposits represent a linear sediment body along the present shelf margin at water depths of 120–150 m, whereas relict delta deposits occur on the gentle, southwestern slope of the trough at water depths of about 150–200 m. Slumps and slides are dominant at the base of slope in the central trough region. Sediments on the central trough floor were partly eroded and redistributed by strong currents, resulting in lag deposits.  相似文献   

Mass transport deposits and geological features related to fluid flow such as gas chimneys, mud diapirs and volcanos, pockmarks and gas hydrates are pervasive on the canyon dominated northern slope of the Pearl River Mouth basin of the South China Sea. These deposits and structures are linked to serious geohazards and are considered risk factors for seabed installations. Based on high resolution three dimensional seismic surveys, seismic characteristics, distributions and origins of these features are analyzed. A distribution map is presented and geometrical parameters and spatial distribution patterns are summarized. Results show that various groups of the mapped features are closely tied to local or regional tectonism and sedimentary processes. Mass transport complexes are classified as slides near the shelf break, initially deformed slumps on the flanks of canyons and highly deformed slumps on the lower slope downslope of the mouth of canyons. We propose them to be preconditioned by pore pressure changes related to sea level fluctuations, steep topography, and fluid and fault activities. Gas chimneys are mainly located in the vicinity of gas reservoirs, while bottom-simulating reflectors are observed within the gas chimney regions, suggesting gas chimneys serve as conduits for thermogenic gas. Mud diapirs/volcanos and pockmarks are observed in small numbers and the formation of pockmarks is related to underlying gas chimneys and faults. This study aims at reducing risks for deep-water engineering on the northern slope of South China Sea.  相似文献   

The Middle to Upper Jurassic Todagin assemblage in northwestern British Columbia, Canada, was deposited in the Bowser Basin above arc-related rocks of the Stikine terrane. Sedimentary structures indicate that a variety of gravity flow processes were involved in transport and deposition in deep-water slope environments. At Mount Dilworth, laterally continuous and channelized turbidites are interbedded with and overlain by mass-transport deposits in which sedimentary clasts are supported in a mudstone matrix. More than 50% of the succession consists of mass-transport deposits, indicating significant slope instability. A 300 m thick mass-transport complex exposed near the top of the succession is interpreted to result from tectonic activity, which triggered a major change in sediment supply from a local source area. At Todagin Mountain, a channel complex displays three successive channel-fills with associated overbank sedimentation units. Mass-transport deposits are rare, and confined to channel axes. Channels 1 and 2 are characterized by 40-50 m thick, ungraded pebble clast-supported conglomerate while the uppermost Channel 3 contains graded beds and occasional traction structures. The gradual change from erosive and amalgamated channel deposits at the base, to more aggradational channels at the top, is related to elevation of the equilibrium profile. Creation of accommodation favored aggradation on the mud-dominated slope succession and construction of well-developed channel-levee systems. The vertical succession exposed at Todagin Mountain is consistent with normal progradation of the slope under high sedimentation rates. In the Mount Dilworth area, extensional faulting associated with development of the restricted Eskay rift in the early Middle Jurassic produced a dissected basement above which the Todagin assemblage was deposited. These structures were inverted during collision of the Stikine and Cache Creek terranes, and likely played a major role in the stratigraphic evolution of the deep-water architectures.  相似文献   

渤海海峡沉积物输运的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
蒋东辉  高抒  程鹏 《海洋与湖沼》2002,33(5):553-561
根据渤海海峡空间尺度的大小、潮流特征和沉积物的性质特征 ,构造了一个平面二维沉积物输运数值模型。模拟结果显示 ,在研究区内 ,成山头附近的海底沉积物净输运向东南和东北 ,渤海海峡西部的沉积物向西北输运 ,北部大连沿岸的沉积物顺着辽东半岛向西南方向输运 ,然后绕过辽东半岛的南端向北输运。在渤海海峡中部偏东 ,沉积物的净输运趋势形成一个反时针方向的旋涡 ,愈往中心沉积物的净输运率值愈小。海底冲淤趋势的计算结果与观测的结果相符 ,且中部泥区和山东半岛北部近岸泥区正好对应于海底淤积区 ,辽东半岛南岸的狭长泥带对应于淤积条带 ,泥质区的边缘为冲刷区。  相似文献   

Triple mass-transport deposits(MTDs) with areas of 625, 494 and 902 km2, respectively, have been identified on the north slope of the Xisha Trough, northern South China Sea margin. Based on high-resolution seismic reflection data and multi-beam bathymetric data, the Quaternary MTDs are characterized by typical geometric shapes and internal structures. Results of slope analysis showed that they are developed in a steep slope ranging from 5° to 35°. The head wall scarps of the MTDs arrived to 50 km in length(from headwall to termination). Their inner structures include well developed basal shear surface, growth faults, stepping lateral scarps, erosion grooves, and frontal thrust deformation. From seismic images, the central deepwater channel system of the Xisha Trough has been filled by interbedded channel-levee deposits and thick MTDs. Therefore, we inferred that the MTDs in the deepwater channel system could be dominated by far-travelled slope failure deposits even though there are local collapses of the trough walls. And then, we drew the two-dimensional process model and threedimensional structure model diagram of the MTDs. Combined with the regional geological setting and previous studies, we discussed the trigger mechanisms of the triple MTDs.  相似文献   

The northwest Hatton Bank margin is an ideal locality to demonstrate the interaction between bottom currents and slope configuration in controlling the distribution and morphology of bottom current deposits. The slope area investigated is isolated from any major terrigenous sediment supply and at present is influenced by the Deep Northern Boundary Current (DNBC). Swath bathymetry and high resolution acoustic data allow us to evaluate both local and regional controls on slope sedimentation and the possible mechanisms for bottom-current velocity variability across a slope setting within the NW European continental margin. The slope exhibits sculpting by bottom currents that flow in a predominantly southwest to northeast direction, and is only locally modified by slope failures. Positive relief features such as the Endymion Spur play an important role in constraining and accelerating bottom-current flow and, consequently, in redistributing sediment along the margin. We demonstrate that the size, morphology and distribution of bottom-current deposits along the slope vary as a function of the interaction between bottom currents, regional slope orientation and local seafloor topography.  相似文献   

The ˜4000 m thick and ∼20 Myr deep-water sedimentary fill of the Upper Cretaceous Magallanes Basin was deposited in three major phases, each with contrasting stratigraphic architecture: (1) the oldest deep-water formation (Punta Barrosa Formation) comprises tabular to slightly lenticular packages of interbedded sandy turbidites, slurry-flow deposits, and siltstone that are interpreted to record lobe deposition in an unconfined to weakly ponded setting; (2) the overlying, 2500 m thick and shale-dominated Cerro Toro Formation includes a succession of stacked conglomeratic and sandstone channel-fill deposits with associated finer-grained overbank deposits interpreted to record deposition in a foredeep-axial channel-levee system; (3) the final phase of deep-water sedimentation is characterized by sandstone-rich successions of highly variable thickness and cross-sectional geometry and mudstone-rich mass transport deposits (MTDs) that are interpreted to record deposition at the base-of-slope and lower slope segments of a prograding delta-fed slope system. The deep-water formations are capped by shallow-marine and deltaic deposits of the Dorotea Formation.These architectural changes are associated with the combined influences of tectonically driven changes and intrinsic evolution, including: (1) the variability of amount and type of source material, (2) variations in basin shape through time, and (3) evolution of the fill as a function of prograding systems filling the deep-water accommodation. While the expression of these controls in the stratigraphic architecture of other deep-water successions might differ in detail, the controls themselves are common to all deep-water basins. Information about source material and basin shape is contained within the detrital record and, when integrated and analyzed within the context of stratigraphic patterns, attains a more robust linkage of processes to products than stratigraphic characterization alone.  相似文献   

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