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Pleistocene uplift of the Chilean coast is recorded by the formation of wave-cut platforms resulting from marine erosion during sea-level highstands. In the Altos de Talinay area (~ 31°S), we have identified a sequence of 5 wave-cut platforms. Using in situ produced 10Be exposure ages we show that these platforms were formed during interglacial periods at 6, 122, 232, 321 and 690 ka. These ages correspond to marine isotopic stages (MIS) or substages (MISS) 1, 5e, 7e, 9c and 17. Shoreline angle elevations used in conjunction with our chronology of wave-cut platform formation, illustrate that surface uplift rates vary from 103 ± 69 mm/ka between 122 and 6 ka, to 1158 ± 416 mm/ka between 321 and 232 ka. The absence of preserved platforms related to the MIS 11, 13 and 15 highstands likely reflects slow uplift rates during these times. We suggest that since 700 ka, the Altos de Talinay area was predominantly uplifted during 2 short periods following MIS 17 and MISS 9c. This episodic uplift of the Chilean coast in the Pleistocene may result from subduction related processes, such as pulses of tectonic accretion at the base of the forearc wedge.  相似文献   

We present results of a geomorphological and morphotectonic analysis of the northeastern part of the Rif. We show that the present day kinematics of the Rif is characterized by active deformation along the Trougout and Nekor faults in the North-East. Digital Elevation Models of offset drainage features (streams, fluvial terraces) allow determining a normal-left-lateral motion along the Trougout fault and a left-lateral strike-slip motion along the Nekor fault. Preliminary 3He cosmogenic dates of tectonic markers yield vertical and horizontal slip rates of ∼0.9 mm/yr and ∼0.5 mm/yr, respectively along the Trougout fault. The present-day localized transtension seen in the north-eastern Rif morphology (Ras Tarf) is coeval with uplifted marine terraces near the Al Hoceima Bay. U/Th dating of shells yield an average uplift rate of ∼0.2 mm/yr during the past 500 ka. These data show that active transtension in the northeastern Rif is also associated with uplift. These new morphotectonic constraints are consistent with the GPS measurements showing southwestward overall motion of most of the Rif belt with respect to stable Africa.  相似文献   

Detailed mapping of geomorphological and biological sea-level markers around the Capo Vaticano promontory (western Calabria, Italy), has documented the occurrence of four Holocene paleo-shorelines raised at different altitudes. The uppermost shoreline (PS1) is represented by a deeply eroded fossiliferous beach deposit, reaching an elevation of ∼2.2 m above the present sea-level, and by a notch whose roof is at ∼2.3 m. The subjacent shoreline PS2 is found at an elevation of ∼1.8 m and is represented by a Dendropoma rim, a barnacle band and by a wave-cut platform. Shoreline PS3 includes remnants of vermetid concretions, a barnacle band, a notch and a marine deposit, and reaches an elevation of ∼1.4 m. The lowermost paleo-shoreline (PS4) includes a wave-cut platform and a notch and reaches an elevation of ∼0.8 m. Radiocarbon dating of material from individual paleo-shorelines points to an average uplift rate of 1.2–1.4 mm/yr in the last ∼6 ka at Capo Vaticano. Our data suggest that Holocene uplift was asymmetric, with a greater magnitude in the south-west sector of the promontory, in a manner similar to the long-term deformation attested by Pleistocene terraces. The larger uplift in the south-western sector is possibly related to the additional contribution, onto a large-wavelength regional signal, of co-seismic deformation events, which are not registered to the north-east. We have recognized four co-seismic uplift events at 5.7–5.4 ka, 3.9–3.5 ka, ∼1.9 ka and <1.8 ka ago, superposed on a regional uplift that in the area, is occurring at a rate of ∼1 mm/yr. Our findings places new constrains on the recent activity of border faults south of the peninsula and on the location of the seismogenic source the 1905 destructive earthquake.  相似文献   

In the foreland regions of the Western Arunachal Himalaya (WAH), geological studies along the Kameng river (between Tipi village and the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT)) reveal four levels of unpaired terraces and a paired terrace. In WAH, wrench deformation of HFT zone resulted in a SE propagation of the Balipara anticline and it is suggested that the Mikir high basement controls its orientation. Ages of terrace surfaces from Siwaliks suggest that since the Late Pleistocene, Kameng River migrated at a rate varying between ∼7.5 cm/yr in upper reaches and ∼13.5 cm/yr towards northeast due to HFT related uplift. In the Brahmaputra plains, luminescence ages of abandoned paleochannel deposits suggest eastward shifting of the Kameng river at an average rate of ∼1 m/yr. Field evidences between Bhalukpong and Tipi villages show Pliocene strath and Quaternary terrace surfaces, displaced by faults that do not correspond to the mapped faults in the foreland region. We interpret them as out-of-sequence thrusts (OOSTs). This is the first such report of OOST in the NE Himalaya. Presence of active OOST is inferred by similar age (∼1 ka) and differing incision rates of the surface of same terrace (T2b) in adjacent locations. This suggests that OOSTs in the western Arunachal Siwalik are <1 ka. Average slip rate and horizontal shortening rate on OOST during the Holocene, are calculated as ∼12 mm/yr and 7 mm/yr respectively. Thus any estimation of Holocene shortening in the Siwalik therefore, needs to incorporate slip along the OOSTs given that it accommodates a significant amount of N-S compression of the Himalayan fold-and-thrust belt. The reason for OOST in the WAH Siwalik foreland is discussed in terms of the critical wedge dynamics arising from erosion via tectonics-climate interaction. We estimate a minimum slip rate of Siwalik as ∼27 mm/yr during the Holocene and suggest acceleration in shortening rates east of Bhutan.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic chronology of Yellow River terraces was investigated and studied in Lanzhou Basin, western Chinese Loess Plateau. The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results show that terraces T1, T2 and T3 formed at 8 ka, 20 ka and 70 ka, respectively. Lateral accretion of the riverbed facies gravel sediments occurred during interglacial periods while vertical aggradations of the terrace sediments deposited predominantly under cold and dry glacial period. A thick layer of aeolian loess with a basal age about 35 ka indicates a remarkable drop of air temperature and a dry, cold climate. The temporal correlation between terrace formation and tectonic movement has not yet been established in this research, but the stratigraphic chronology of the terrace sections provides the timing of the terrace formation, the incision rate of the Yellow River, and the slip rate of the fault horizon.  相似文献   

We present the results of K-feldspar IRSL dating of the four lower terraces (T3–T6) of the Portuguese Tejo River, in the Arripiado-Chamusca area. Terrace correlation was based upon: a) analysis of aerial photographs, geomorphological mapping and field topographic survey; b) sedimentology of the deposits; and c) luminescence dating. Sediment sampled for luminescence dating gave unusually high dose rates, of between 3.4 and 6.2 Gy/ka and, as a result, quartz OSL was often found to be in saturation. We therefore used the IRSL signal from K-feldspar as the principal luminescence technique. The K-feldspar age results support sometimes complex geomorphic correlations, as fluvial terraces have been vertically displaced by faults (known from previous studies). Integration of these new ages with those obtained previously in the more upstream reaches of the Tejo River in Portugal indicates that the corrected K-feldspar IRSL ages are stratigraphically and geomorphologically consistent over a distance of 120 km along the Tejo valley. However, we are sceptical of the accuracy of the K-feldspar ages of samples from the T3 and T4 terraces (with uncorrected De values >500 Gy). In these cases the Dose Rate Correction (DRC) model puts the natural signals close to luminescence saturation, giving a minimum corrected De of about 1000 Gy, and thus minimum terrace ages; this may even be true for those doses >200 Gy. Luminescence dating results suggest that: T3 is older than 300 ka, probably ca. 420–360 ka (~Marine Isotope Stage [MIS]11); T4 is ca. 340–150 ka (~MIS9-6); T5 is 136–75 ka (~MIS5); T6 is 60–30 ka (MIS3); an aeolian sand unit that blankets T6 and some of the older terraces is 30–≥12 ka. Collectively, the luminescence ages seem to indicate that regional river downcutting events may be coincident with periods of low sea level (associated, respectively, with the MIS10, MIS6, MIS4 and MIS2).  相似文献   

In this paper we tested the applicability of the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technique through Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, on single grain quartz extracted from alluvial–coastal sediments. Five samples were collected from deposits belonging to a flight of seven orders of coastal–alluvial terraces outcropping in the area between Mt. Etna volcano and the Catania Plain (Sicily, southern Italy), at the front of the Sicilian fold and thrust system. After various performance tests, we obtained OSL ages ranging between 240 ± 12 and 80 ± 4 ka, consistent with the normal evolutionary model of a terraced sequence, moving from the highest to the lowest elevation. Obtained data allowed us to determine a mean uplift rate of 1.2 mm/year during the last 240 ka, mostly related to regional uplift processes coupled with sea-level changes. Moreover, terraces belonging to the two highest orders are folded, forming a large anticline. According to our results, the frontal thrust of the Sicilian chain was active between 236 and 197 ka ago, even though seismological and geodetic data suggest current activity to the back.  相似文献   

In-situ cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of pyroxene phenocrysts from basalts from the Upper Neostromboli formation in southwest Stromboli date its eruption at 7.0 ± 0.3 ka (1σ, n = 3, Ginostra site) and 6.8 ± 0.2 ka (1σ, n = 10, Timpone del Fuoco site) respectively. Correlation of our new data to previous K/Ar and palaeomagnetic ages from the northwestern Neostromboli phase suggests that it erupted within a confined period between roughly 6 and 14 ka. The low uncertainty on the 3Hecos ages as well as on individual exposure ages (4.4–8.7%) demonstrates that 3Hecos exposure dating is a viable tool for dating Holocene basalt lavas. The ages compare favourably to uncertainties obtained for radiocarbon dating of similar rocks.  相似文献   

High resolution OSL dating back to MIS 5e in the central Sea of Okhotsk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine sediments contain important archives of past ocean and climate changes, but at high latitudes the absence of carbonate has prevented the construction of accurate chronological models. We have begun a study to (1) determine the accuracy of luminescence ages in deep-sea marine sediments, e.g. by comparison with marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy where possible, (2) describe changes in sedimentation rate through time, and (3) test whether it is possible to date back to marine isotope stage 5e (MIS 5e). We show here that optical dating of fine grains of quartz from the central Sea of Okhotsk is able to provide an accurate and precise chronology for the reconstruction of the palaeoceanic and palaeoclimatic environment at our site. The upper 6.5 m of the 18.42 m long core MR0604-PC07A is believed, based on its magnetic susceptibility and the oxygen isotope (δ18O) records to contain the last ~150 ka. Forty OSL samples were taken from this upper part of the core. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure is used for equivalent dose (De) determination. The luminescence characteristics of fine-grained quartz (4–11 μm) extracted from the core are described. The OSL signal is dominated by the fast component and a dose recovery test shows that we can accurately measure a known dose given in the laboratory prior to any heat treatment. Dose rates were determined using high-resolution gamma spectrometry, and vary between 0.4 and 1.6 Gy/ka. The OSL ages from this section lie between ~140 ka and ~15 ka and are in very good agreement with the δ18O stratigraphy up to MIS 5e. A clear change in sedimentation rate is identified: between ~139 and 110 ka, the sedimentation rate was ~0.09 m/ka, but then from ~110 to 15 ka, the sedimentation rate decreases to a constant value of ~0.04 m/ka. Our data confirm that OSL dating using widely distributed fine-grain quartz has great potential for dating deep-sea sediments. Because luminescence methods use clastic materials, they do not depend on the presence of biogenic carbonate. As a result it is now likely that we can establish a chronology in regions of the ocean that were previously undatable.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2006,26(17-18):2241-2259
The Amazon River spawns a vast mobile mudbelt extending ∼1600 km from the equator to the Orinoco delta. Deposits along the Amazon–Guianas coastline are characterized by some of the highest Corg remineralization rates reported for estuarine, deltaic, or shelf deposits, however, paradoxically, except where stabilized by mangroves or intertidal algal mats, they are usually suboxic and nonsulfidic. A combination of tides, wind-driven waves, and coastal currents forms massive fluid muds and mobile surface sediment layers ∼0.5–2 m thick which are dynamically refluxed and frequently reoxidized. Overall, the seabed functions as a periodically mixed batch reactor, efficiently remineralizing organic matter in a gigantic sedimentary incinerator of global importance. Amazon River material entering the head of this dynamic dispersal system carries an initial terrestrial sedimentary Corg loading of ∼ 0.7 mg C m−2 particle surface area. Total Corg loading is lowered to ∼ 0.2 mg C m−2 in the proximal delta topset, ∼60–70% of which remains of terrestrial origin. Loading decreases further to 0.12–0.14 mg C m−2 (∼60% terrestrial) in mudbanks ∼600 km downdrift along French Guiana, values comparable to those found in the oligotrophic deepsea. DOC/ΣCO2 ratios in pore waters of French Guiana mudbanks indicate that >90% of metabolized organic substrates are completely oxidized. Within the Amazon delta topset at the head of the dispersal system, both terrestrial and marine organic matter contribute substantially to early diagenetic remineralization, although reactive marine substrate dominates (∼60–70%). The conditional rate constant for terrestrial Corg in the delta topset is ∼0.2 a−1. As sedimentary Corg is depleted during transit, marine sources become virtually the exclusive substrate for remineralization except very near the mangrove shoreline. The δ13C and Δ14C values of pore water ΣCO2 in mudbanks demonstrate that the primary source of remineralized organic matter within ∼1 km of shore is a small quantity of bomb signature marine plankton (+80‰). Thus, fresh marine organic material is constantly entrained into mobile deposits and increasingly drives early diagenetic reactions along the transit path. Relatively refractory terrestrial Corg is lost more slowly but steadily during sedimentary refluxing and suboxic diagenesis. Amazon Fan deposits formed during low sea level stand largely bypassed this suboxic sedimentary incinerator and stored material with up to ∼3X the modern high stand inner shelf Corg load (Keil et al., 1997b. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. Vol. 155. pp. 531–537). Sedimentary dynamics, including frequency and magnitude of remobilization, and the nature of dispersal systems are clearly key controls on diagenetic processes, biogeochemical cycling, and global C storage along the continental margins.  相似文献   

We have measured 36Cl in three rock surfaces of the Yenicekale building complex in Hattusha (Bo?azköy, Turkey). Hattusha was the capital of Hittite Empire which lasted from about 1650/1600 to 1200 BC. At Yenicekale, Hittite masons flattened the summit of an outcropping limestone knoll to form an artificial platform as the foundation for a building. Next they built a circuit wall along the lateral precipices of the flattened bedrock platform. We took one sample from the limestone bedrock platform and two samples from limestone building blocks of the circuit wall for cosmogenic 36Cl analysis. Calculated exposure ages are 20 ± 1 ka for the sample from the bedrock platform and 24 ± 1 ka and 52 ± 2 ka for the circuit wall blocks. These exposure ages are significantly older than the age expected based on the estimated time of construction between 3.2 ka and 3.7 ka. We conclude that the sampled surfaces contain significant inherited cosmogenic 36Cl. We cannot directly determine exposure ages for the building complex based on these three samples. On the other hand we may use the measured concentrations to determine how much of the rock was removed from the platform during flattening. To this end we modeled the variation of 36Cl production with depth at Yenicekale using the results from the bedrock sample. We conclude that the Hittite masons removed only around 3 m from top of the limestone block. This means that the volume of rock removed from the bedrock platform is significantly less than the volume in the circuit wall atop the platform. They did not gain enough rock from this flattening to make the building. In agreement with this, the first results of our detailed microfacies analysis indicate that many of the building blocks are not of the same facies as the underlying limestone and must have been quarried elsewhere. Although we were not able to exposure date the Yenicekale complex due to the presence of inherited 36Cl, our data suggest that Hittite masons excavated (most of) the building stones not at Yenicekale, but in quarries outside of Hattusha and then transported them to the construction site. These quarries have not yet been identified.  相似文献   

We have used cosmogenic 3He to date pre- and post-collapse lava flows from southwestern Fogo, Cape Verdes, in order to date rift zone magmatic reorganisation following the lateral collapse of the flank of the Monte Amarelo volcano. The post-collapse flows have exposure ages ranging from 62 to 11 ka. The analysis of multiple flow tops on each lava flows, often at different elevations, provides an internal check for age consistency and the exposures ages conform with stratigraphic level. The exposure ages suggest that volcanic activity along the western branch of the triple-armed rift zone was more or less continuous from before 62 ka to approximately 11 ka. The absence of magmatic activity for the last 11 kyr reflects a structural reconfiguration of the volcano and may be related to renewed flank instability. This volcanic hiatus is similar in duration to that observed in the Canary Islands. Replicate 3He exposure ages of a pre-collapse flow (123.0 ± 5.2 ka) brackets the time of the Monte Amarelo collapse between 62 ka and 123 ka. Reproducible cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of less than 123 ka from flows away from major erosion features demonstrates that the technique is a viable alternative to the radiocarbon, K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar chronometers for dating recent volcanism in arid climate zones.  相似文献   

The Alleret maar (Massif Central, France) is part of the few Western European early middle Pleistocene lacustrine sequences. In the AL3 core several new ash layers were recovered in the 10 first meters of the sedimentary filling. We obtained three 40Ar/39Ar ages, which range from 683 ± 5 ka (MSWD: 1.2, n = 17) to 722 ± 6 ka (MSWD: 3.2, n = 18). All the studied ash layers belong to the Super-Besse eruptive cycle of the Sancy volcano. Based on the chronostratigraphy that we have derived we estimate that the age of the main eruption could correspond to the Sancy volcano caldera formation at 725 ka close to the end of MIS 18 and that the Super-Besse explosive episode duration lasted only about 40 ka. The time framework we build evidences that the Alleret lacustrine sequence represents a time interval of probably 180 ka spanning from MIS 18 to MIS 14. This sequence offers the first well constrained comparison between terrestrial environmental history and that preserved in marine sediments during the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):99-113
The Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is of major interest to Quaternary geologists because it represents an important terrestrial archive of palaeoclimatic fluctuations. Previous multiple-aliquot luminescence dating studies of Chinese loess mainly used thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals of polymineral fine-grains; these are known to be subject to anomalous fading and thus will tend to yield age underestimations. In this paper we investigate whether the blue-light stimulated luminescence (BLSL) signals from 63 to 90 μm quartz grains extracted from three western Chinese loess sites (Zhongjiacai, Le Du and Tuxiangdao) can be used to establish a reliable chronology. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure is used for the equivalent dose (De) determinations and the suitability of our measurement protocol is confirmed by dose recovery tests. The influence of an IRSL signal on the quartz De measurements derived from BLSL has been investigated. From these results we conclude that an IRSL contamination, expressed as an IRSL/BLSL ratio, of up to 10% can be accepted before the values of De are significantly affected. All three sites yield stratigraphically consistent and spatially highly reproducible optical ages up to about 50–70 ka. At the Tuxiangdao site a marked hiatus in the record is identified between ∼20 and ∼30 ka; this remained undetected in previous studies and clearly highlights the importance of high-resolution optical dating in Chinese loess research. The optical ages presented in this work provide more evidence for episodic loess deposition and varying loess accumulation rates in the western part of the CLP. Our study seems to confirm the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating using the SAR procedure applied to the very fine sandy quartz fraction in Chinese loess back to ∼40–50 ka (∼120–150 Gy).  相似文献   

We present sub-crystal-scale 238U–230Th zircon ages and 238U–230Th–226Ra plagioclase ages of bulk mineral separates from the Holocene (2.0–2.3 ka) eruptions of the Rock Mesa (RM) and Devil's Hills (DH) rhyolites at South Sister volcano, Oregon. We link these age data with sub-crystal trace-element analyses of zircon and plagioclase to provide insight into the subvolcanic system at South Sister, as an example of a small-volume continental arc volcano. Our results document the presence of coeval yet physically-distinct regions within the magma reservoir and constrain the timescales over which these heterogeneities existed. Zircons from the RM and DH dominantly record ages from 20 to 80 ka, with some grains recording ages > 350 ka, whereas plagioclase records 230Th–226Ra ages of 2.3–6.8 ka (RM) and 4.0–9.6 ka (DH-3) and a 238U–230Th age of 10 ± 34 ka (DH-3). We interpret zircons with ages < 350 ka as antecrysts inherited from a longer lived upper-crustal magma reservoir from which the rhyolites were generated, based on crystallization ages coeval with earlier periods of silicic volcanism at South Sister, the undersaturated nature of the RM and DH magmas with respect to zircon, and Ti-in-zircon temperatures consistent with low-temperature (< 815 °C) crystallization. In contrast, plagioclase ages are near the eruption age and dominantly preserve information about the recent (< 10 ka), higher-temperature evolution of the host magmas. Although zircon and plagioclase record different crystallization ages, each phase crystallized over the same time period in the RM compared to DH rhyolites. Linking these crystal age data with sub-crystal trace-element analyses demonstrates that zircon and plagioclase have distinct trace-element characteristics between eruptions, which require that the RM and DH crystals (and therefore magmas) were derived from distinct regions that had evolved independently for > 50 ka within a heterogeneous magmatic system and coexisted as physically-distinct, dominantly-liquid bodies prior to eruption. Thus, we favor a model where rhyolites are generated in independent batches by accumulation of evolved liquids in a heterogeneous, largely crystalline reservoir. Similarities in crystal age and chemical data to that at other young silicic systems (e.g., Mount St. Helens, Okataina Caldera Complex) suggest that this model may be more generally applicable to silicic magmas.  相似文献   

In-situ cosmogenic 36Cl production rates from spallation of Ca and K determined in several previously published calibration studies differ by up to 50%. In this study we compare whole rock 36Cl exposure ages with 36Cl exposure ages evaluated in Ca-rich plagioclase in the same 10 ± 3 ka lava sample taken from Mt. Etna (Sicily, 38° N). The exposure age of the sample was determined by K–Ar and corroborated by cosmogenic 3He measurements on cogenetic pyroxene phenocrysts. Sequential dissolution experiments showed that high Cl concentrations in plagioclase grains could be reduced from 450 ppm to less than 3 ppm after 16% dissolution. 36Cl exposure ages calculated from the successive dissolution steps of this leached plagioclase sample are in good agreement with K–Ar and 3He age. Stepwise dissolution of whole rock grains, on the other hand, is not as effective in reducing high Cl concentrations as it is for the plagioclase. 330 ppm Cl still remains after 85% dissolution. The 36Cl exposure ages derived are systematically about 30% higher than the ages calculated from the plagioclase. We could exclude contamination by atmospheric 36Cl as an explanation for this overestimate. Magmatic 36Cl was estimated by measuring a totally shielded sample, but was found to account for only an insignificant amount of 36Cl in the case of the 10 ka whole rock sample. We suspect that the overestimate of the whole rock exposure age is due to the difficulty in accurately assessing all the factors which control production of 36Cl by low-energy neutron capture on 35Cl, particularly variable water content and variable snow cover. We conclude that some of the published 36Cl spallation production rates might be overestimated due to high Cl concentrations in the calibration samples. The use of rigorously pretreated mineral separates reduces Cl concentrations, allowing better estimates of the spallation production rates.In the Appendix of this paper we document in detail the equations used. These equations are also incorporated into a 36Cl calculation spreadsheet made available in the supplementary data.  相似文献   

We present a 10Be production-rate calibration derived from an early Holocene debris-flow deposit at about 1000 m above sea level in the central Southern Alps, New Zealand, in the mid-latitude Southern Hemisphere. Ten radiocarbon ages on macrofossils from a soil horizon buried by the deposit date the deposit to 9690 ± 50 calendar years before AD2008. Surface 10Be concentrations of seven large boulders partially embedded in the stable surface of the deposit are tightly distributed, yielding a standard deviation of ~2%. Conversion of the 10Be measurements to sea level/high-latitude values using each of five standard scaling methods indicates 10Be production rates of 3.84 ± 0.08, 3.87 ± 0.08, 3.83 ± 0.08, 4.15 ± 0.09, and 3.74 ± 0.08 atoms g?1 a?1, relative to the ‘07KNSTD’ 10Be AMS standard, and including only the local time-integrated production-rate uncertainties. When including a sea level high-latitude scaling uncertainty the overall error is ~2.5% (1σ) for each rate. To test the regional applicability of this production-rate calibration, we measured 10Be concentrations in a set of nearby moraines deposited before 18 060 ± 200 years before AD2008. The 10Be ages are only consistent with minimum-limiting 14C age data when calculated using the new production rates. This also suggests that terrestrial in situ cosmogenic-nuclide production did not change significantly from Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene time in New Zealand. Our production rates agree well with those of a recent calibration study from northeastern North America, but are 12–14% lower than other commonly adopted values. The production-rate values presented here can be used elsewhere in New Zealand for rock surfaces exposed during or since the last glacial period.  相似文献   

Robust, independent age constraints on the absolute timing of climate events based on the U-series dating of fossil coral are sparse before the last glacial cycle. Using multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with multiple-Faraday protocols, we are able to date ~ 600 ka samples with an uncertainty of better than ± 15 ka (2σ), representing a three-fold improvement in precision compared with previous techniques. Using these methods, we report U-series measurements for a suite of > 500 thousand year old (ka) corals from Henderson Island, an emergent atoll in the south-central Pacific Ocean. The fossil corals show extraordinarily little diagenetic alteration for their age and the best-preserved sample yields a U-series age of 600 ± 15 ka (2σ), which overlaps with the timing of the warm Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 15 interglacial. The open-system model of Villemant and Feuillet [Villemant B. and Feuillet N. (2003) Dating open systems by the 238U–234U–230Th method: application to Quaternary reef terraces. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210(1–2), 105–118.] and the linear regression (or open-system isochron) is clearly limited for such old samples. However, the open-system model developed by Thompson et al. [Thompson W.G., Spiegelman M.W., Goldstein S.L., and Speed R.C. (2003) An open-system model for U-series age determinations of fossil corals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210(1–2), 365–381.] appears to reliably correct for open-system effects in roughly half of the corals, giving a MIS 15 origin for these. Thus the data provide evidence that the systematic addition of 230Th and 234U through α-recoil is a dominant open-system process occurring in the Henderson Island fossil reef system. Several coral samples yield significantly older Thompson et al. open-system ages between 650 and 750 ka. The uncertainty on these ages (typically ± 30 kyrs) is too great for precise assignment but most data overlap with the MIS 17 interglacial. The reliability of these ages is currently unclear. It is shown that separate aliquots of the same coral can yield different Thompson model ages. Therefore, there appear to be additional diagenetic mechanisms that create further anomalous excursions in the U-series systematics, limiting the reliability of the Thompson et al. open-system model.  相似文献   

The chronology and origin of volcanism of Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean, is poorly resolved. Here we use in situ produced cosmogenic 3He in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts from well-preserved lava flows to date the main sub-aerial basalt volcanism on the island. Etching olivine separates in HF/HNO3 appears to remove a significant proportion of the implanted radiogenic 4He contribution. Average exposure ages of each flow corrected for radiogenic He range from 328 ka to 186 ka and are used to refine the chronology and stratigraphy of the island. Magmatic 3He/4He ratios derived from in vacuo crushing are in the range of 6.3–7.3 RA. This range is lower than the neighbouring Mid-Atlantic Ridge segment (6–8°S) but slightly higher than measured in regional ocean islands of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough. Combining these data with new trace element data and published radiogenic isotope ratios it appears that the Ascension Island magmatism is a mix of HIMU mantle material, typified by basalts from St. Helena, and depleted MORB-source mantle.  相似文献   

Located on the margin of the west Alboran basin, the Gibraltar Arc (Betic-Rif mountain belt) displays post-Pliocene vertical movements evidenced by uplifted marine sedimentary basins and marine terraces. Quantification of vertical movements is an important clue to understand the origin of present-day relief generation in the Betic-Rif mountain chain together with the causes of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. In this paper, we present the results of a pluridisciplinary study combining an analysis of low temperature thermochronology and Pliocene basins evolution to constrain the exhumation history and surface uplift of internals units of the Rif belt (Northern Morocco). The mean (U-Th)/He apatite ages obtained from 11 samples are comprised between 14.1 and 17.8 Ma and display a wide dispersion, which could be explained by a great variability of apatite chemistries in the analyzed samples. No correlations between altitude and age have been found along altitudinal profile suggesting a rapid exhumation during this period. Thermal modeling using our (U-Th)/He apatite ages and geochronological data previously obtained in the same area (40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar data on biotite, zircon and apatite fission track) allow us to propose a cooling history. The rocks suffered a rapid cooling at 60–100 °C/Ma between 22.5 and 19 Ma, then cooled to temperatures around 40 °C between 19 and 18 Ma. They were re-heated at around 110 °C between 18 and 15 Ma then rapidly cooled and exhumed to reach the surface temperature at around 13 Ma. The re-heating could be related to a renewal in thrusting and burying of the inner zones. Between 15 and 13 Ma the cooling resumed at a rate of 50 °C/Ma indicating an exhumation rate of 0.8 mm/y considering an average 40 °C/km geothermal gradient. This exhumation may be linked to the extension in the Alboran Sea. Otherwise biostratigraphic and sedimentological analysis of Pliocene basins of the internal Rif provided informations on the more recent events and vertical movements. Pliocene deposits of the Rifian coast represent the passive infilling of palaeo-rias between 5.33 and 3.8 Ma. The whole coastal area was uplifted at slow average rates (0.01–0.03 mm/y) in relation with a northeastward tilting of 0.2–0.3° since the Lower-Pliocene. A late Pliocene to present extensional tectonics associated to uplift has been identified all along the coastal ranges of the Internal Zone of the Rif chain. This extension was coeval with the major late Pliocene to Pleistocene extensional episode of the Alboran Sea and appears to be still active nowadays. No significant late Messinian uplift was evidenced, thus calling into question the geodynamic models relating the closure of the marine gateways and the MSC to slab roll back.  相似文献   

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