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太原盆地长期过量超采地下水,区域地下水位持续下降,导致了严重的地面沉降. 地面沉降的时空演变特征与地下水位的动态演化具有很强的相关性. 本文使用2015—2020年的Sentinel-1卫星数据进行时序SBAS-InSAR处理,获取了太原盆地地表形变速率和时间序列,并采用季节性形变模型分离形变时间序列中的线性趋势和季节性周期信号. 基于小波变换分析方法,定量分析了地表沉降与地下水位的周期演化特征以及两者之间的时间滞后关系. 研究发现:(1)地面沉降主要发生在太原盆地中部(小店—清徐—交城—祁县—太谷一带,速率达到-70.0 mm·a-1)、西侧边山(清徐—交城一带,速率达到-63.4 mm·a-1)和南部(孝义—介休一带,速率达到-72.2 mm·a-1);(2)由于地下水压采和“引黄入晋”引水工程等一系列水资源管理措施的实施,太原市区地下水位回升,地面由沉降转变为抬升,整体抬升速率约9 mm·a-1;(3)太原盆地中部(清徐—祁县—太谷一带)地表形变随着地下水位的季节性“开采—补给”作用而呈现出明显的“沉降—反弹”周期变化特征,年周期形变振幅达到26.2 mm;(4)盆地内季节性地表形变和地下水位变化之间的时间滞后关系不明显(仅为22天),说明该区域低渗透粘土对延缓含水层系统压实的影响有限. 本文结果可为太原盆地地面沉降防控和水资源可持续开采利用方案的制定提供科学依据.


基于高相干点目标反演缓慢地表形变已成为当前DInSAR技术的研究热点.本文通过融合PS方法和相干目标法优点,采用小基线DInSAR技术提取城市地表形变场,并重点分析了地表线性形变的反演.在此基础上,以太原市为研究区,利用23景ENVISAT ASAR影像,提取了该市2003~2009年的地表形变场.研究结果表明:(1)...  相似文献   

美国南加州洛杉矶地区是自然和人为活动引起的地质构造活跃、石油及地下水抽取和回灌频繁的区域.本文利用19景ENVISAT ASAR降轨影像生成了71幅垂直基线小于300 m、时间间隔小于3年的解缠差分干涉图,并基于短基线集技术(SBAS),GPS和地下水水位数据估计了该区域2003年9月~2009年8月的地表时序形变及含水层贮水系数等物理参数.研究结果表明:(1)在InSAR干涉图中可以清楚的识别多处沉降明显的区域.例如,主要由于含水层地下水的抽取与回灌引起地表沉降的Pasadena盆地(~-2.5 cm/a)、San Gabriel流域(~-2 cm/a)、San Bernardino盆地(~-2.5 cm/a)、Pomona-Ontario盆地(~-4 cm/a)和Santa Ana盆地(~-2.5 cm/a),以及由石油抽取引起地面形变的Santa Fe Springs区域(~-1 cm/a)和Wilmington区域(~-1 cm/a)等;(2)InSAR时间序列形变与GPS投影在雷达视线方向上的形变结果具有较高的一致性,平均形变速率差异的均方差为0.39 cm/a;(3)InSAR时间序列形变与含水层地下水位的变化基本一致,并基于相关理论计算出了含水层的弹性贮水系数和非弹性贮水系数,分析了含水层的形变机理.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach is presented here for quantifying land subsidence in a heavily pumped aquifer system with complex stratigraphy. The methodology consists in incorporating Terzaghi’s 1D instantaneous compaction principle into a 3D groundwater flow model that is then applied and calibrated to reproduce observed hydraulic heads and compaction for the Toluca Valley, Mexico. Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR), a generated 3D-geological model, extensometers, monitoring wells, and available literature are used to constrain the model. The D-InSAR measured subsidence, extensometers, and numerical simulations of subsidence agree relatively well. Simulations show that since regional subsidence began in the mid 1960s there has been up to 2 m of subsidence in the industrial corridor, where heavy pumping and thick clay layers are found. This study shows that an approach using various sources of data is useful in estimating and constraining the vertical component of the inelastic skeletal specific storage.  相似文献   

本文利用德国Wissel公司生产的新型穆斯堡尔谱仪(Bench-MB500)对山东龙口常庄子村北黄县弧形断裂断层剖面上的多种断层泥样品进行了穆斯堡尔谱测试分析,讨论了该断层剖面上铁元素地球化学分布特征及其地震地质意义。结果显示,该断裂中央部分比较年轻的断层泥相对富集para-Fe~(2+),而两侧较老的断层泥基本由para-Fe~(3+)组成;剖面断层泥样品中铁元素的地球化学特征与断层的活动演化历史密切相关,显示了断裂带内存在复杂的水岩相互作用。  相似文献   

根据热红外遥感影像上断层热信息具有特征几何尺寸的特点,以断层系统热信息分析为目标,提出了一种基于尺度分析的断层热信息遥感图像增强方法.在江山—绍兴断裂金衢段的实际工作中,通过断层两侧地表高温区域尺度分析、特征尺度网格抽样和样本插值成图等步骤,有效地降低了背景干扰,客观地描述了研究区与断层相关的热信息的空间分布形态及特征.多种尺度分析结果表明,在9 km2特征尺度上,断层热信息特征规律明显:地表高温区域沿北东走向的江山—绍兴断裂带和常山—漓渚断裂带两侧分布,呈线性特征;在淳安—温州断裂带与衢州—天台断裂带交叉位置地表温度较高.研究结果经实测资料验证,基本特征与实测资料相符.  相似文献   

ESR dating has been widely used in seismic assessment. In this paper, we collected fault gouge samples systematically for ESR (Electron Spin Resonance) dating, and sediment samples of overlying strata, and offset strata for OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) dating along Xiaoshan-Qiuchuan fault (XQF) trending NE-SW, Xiaofeng-Sanmen fault (XSF) trending NW-SE, and Changhua-Putuo fault (CPF) trending E-W. In the same fault outcrop, the ESR data of fault gouge is greater than the OSL data of the strata of...  相似文献   

Studies in a segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone show that it is a major transcurrent ductile shear zone with a considerable sinistral displacement. The formations (PtT1+2) at depths of 5 to 15 km may have cropped out in this area during subsequent erosion. Many ductilely deformed structures are in it. The deformed zone was formed during the Indo-Sinian orogeny. On the basis of measurements and analyses of many deformed pebbles within the shear zone, it is suggested that the deformation in the zone studied may be catagorized as a variation of simple shear and plane strain with a constant volume. The intensely deformed belt is generally 40 to 50 km wide, with the average strain ratio 27.68 and the maximum greater than 87.37. From analysis of elongation strain, we estimate that the deformed belt has been elongated by 164.23 km and narrowed by 222.5 km. The internal belt was formed by a high shear strain , calculated to be more than 11.34. The deformed belt is associated with syntectonic dynamothermal metamorphism, represented by greenschist facies and retrogressive metamorphism on previous amphibolite facies.  相似文献   

在杭州地区,根据系统采集的萧山——球川断裂、孝丰——三门湾断裂和昌化——普陀断裂的断层泥ESR年龄,以及地层的光释光年龄的统计分析表明,对同一断层同一段而言,断层泥ESR年龄大于地层光释光所给出的断层最后一次活动时代,并不能反映杭州地区各个断裂最后一次活动时代,而是反映了断裂历次较强活动的历史. 在距今100——58万年,各断裂均有活动;58——45万年断裂活动性减弱;45——20万年仅萧山——球川断裂活动;10万年以来杭州地区整体处于弱地震背景. 以孝丰——三门湾断裂为界,萧山——球川断裂第四纪的活动具有鲜明的分段性.   相似文献   

Based on an integrated analysis of high-resolution 2D/3D seismic data and drilling results, this study analyzes the tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB) since the late Miocene, and discusses the controlling factors on the formation and development of the Central Canyon System (CCS). The sediment failures caused by the relative sea level falling might have discharged deposits from the slope to the canyon. The two suits of the infillings, i.e., turbidites and mass transport complex (MTC), were derived from the northwestern source and northern source, respectively. The sediment supplies, which differ significantly among different areas, might have led to the variations observed in the internal architectures. Tectonic transformation around 11.6 Ma had provided the tectonic setting for the CCS and formed an axial sub-basin in the central part of the Changchang Depression, which could be called the rudiment of the CCS. The tectonic activity of the Red River Fault (RRF) at about 5.7 Ma might have strengthened the hydrodynamics of the deposits at the junction of the Yinggehai Basin (YGHB) and the QDNB to trigger a high-energy turbidity current. The MTC from the northern continental slope system might have been constrained by the Southern Uplift, functioning as a barrier for the infillings of the CCS. Thanks to a sufficient sediment supply during the Holocene period and the paleo-seafloor morphology, the relief of modern central canyon with the starving landform in the eastern Changchang Depression might have been accentuated by deposition of sediments and vertical growth along the canyon flanks, where collapse deposits were widely developed. Corresponding to the segmentation of the CCS, the forming mechanisms of the canyon between the three segments would be different. The turbidite channel in the head area had likely been triggered by the abundant sediment supply from the northwestern source together with the fault activity at about 5.7 Ma of the RRF. The formation and evolution of the canyon in the western segment were caused by combined effects of the turbidite channel from the northwestern source, the MTC from the northern continental slope, and the paleo-seafloor geomorphology. In the eastern segment, the canyon was constrained by the tectonic transformation occurring at approximately 11.6 Ma and the insufficient sediment supply from the wide-gentle slope.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry and factor analysis were conducted together to assess the distribution and the major geochemical processes in fluoride-contaminated shallow groundwater in the Yuncheng Basin.Spatially,fluoride concentration was low(<1.5 mg/L)in the southern piedmont plain,medium(<4 mg/L)in the central basin,and high(up to 14.1 mg/L)in Kaolao lowland areas in shallow aquifers.A three-factor principal component analysis model explained over 75.1%of the total variance.Sediment weathering leaching and evapotranspiration were recognized as the first primary hydrochemical processes response for the groundwater chemistry and explained the largest portion(42.1%)of the total variance.Factor two reflects the negative influence of human activities,with a positive loading of NO3^-and HCO3^-,and negative loading of well depth.Fluoride-bearing mineral dissolution and alkaline condition was ranked as the third factors responding for groundwater chemistry and explained 11.2%of the total variance.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services evaluation aims at understanding the status of ecosystem services on different spatial and temporal scale. In this paper, we selected the middle reach of the Heihe River Basin (HRB), which is the second largest inland river basin in China, as one of the typical area to estimate the ecosystem services values (ESVs) corresponding to the land use changes. Based on the land use data and ecosystem service value coefficients, the total ecosystem services values (TESVs) of the middle reach of the HBR are quantitatively calculated, which were 9.244 × 108, 9.099 × 108, 9.131 × 108 and 9.146 × 108 USD in 1988, 2000, 2005 and 2008 respectively. During 1988–2008, the decrease of grassland, forest land, water area and unused land contributed 148.94%, 57.85%, 87.87% and 16.42% respectively to the net loss of TESVs, while the dramatic increase of cultivated land improved the TESVs with contribution of −211.08% to the net loss of TESVs. Expansion of cultivated land, which especially caused the loss of grassland and forest land, directly exerted negative impacts on the provision of ecosystem services in the study area. The findings of this research indicated that land use change was an important form of human activities, which had a strong impact on ecosystem services.  相似文献   

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    Groundwater flow-paths through shallow-perch and deep-regional basaltic aquifers at the Golan Heights, Israel, are reconstructed by using groundwater chemical and isotopic compositions. Groundwater chemical composition, which changes gradually along flow-paths due to mineral dissolution and water–rock interaction, is used to distinguish between shallow-perched and deep-regional aquifers. Groundwater replenishment areas of several springs are identified based on the regional depletion in rainwater δ18O values as a function of elevation (−0.25‰ per 100 m). Tritium concentrations assist in distinguishing between pre-bomb and post-bomb recharged rainwater.

    It was found that waters emerging through the larger springs are lower in δ18O than surrounding meteoric water and poor in tritium; thus, they are inferred to originate in high-elevation regions up to 20 km away from their discharge points and at least several decades ago. These results verify the numerically simulated groundwater flow field proposed in a previous study, which considered the geological configuration, water mass balance and hydraulic head spatial distribution.  相似文献   

    To understand the sedimentary development of the Boso Forearc Basin, central Japan, since ~ 3 Ma, we investigated paleothermal structure and consolidation trends in the central and eastern parts of the forearc basin through vitrinite reflectance measurements and consolidation tests. Vitrinite reflectance (Rm) was in the range 0.33 % to 0.61 % for the Miura Group in the central part of the forearc basin and 0.34 % to 0.41 % for the Miura and Kazusa Groups in the eastern. These values suggest a roughly uniform vitrinite reflectance for the Miura Group from the central to eastern parts. No significant vitrinite reflectance difference is observed across the ~ 3 Ma Kurotaki Unconformity in the eastern part of the basin. The consolidation yield stress (pc) was calculated as 27.5 MPa and 32.2 MPa for the Kiyosumi and Amatsu Formations of the Miura Group in the eastern part, respectively. Both the pc values are consistent quantitatively with represent the trend of the maximum overburden pressure estimated from the thickness and density of overlying sediments, and the difference in pc is expected by the maximum burial depths of the strata at the sampling localities. Values of pc in the eastern part of the basin increase with thickness of overlying sediment, showing no break across the Kurotaki Unconformity. Considering the eroded thickness of the Miura Group, the continuous trends in vitrinite reflectance and consolidation between the Miura and Kazusa Groups in the eastern part reflect the greater deposition of the eastern part of the Boso Forearc Basin since ~ 2.3 Ma.  相似文献   

    The Bohai Basin is a petroliferous Cenozoic basin in northeast China (Fig. 1(a)) and has apparent geo- metrical and kinematic similarities with the other Meso-Cenozoic extensional basins located along the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate[1,2]. Its architec- ture and Cenozoic stratigraphy have been well under- stood from several decades of petroleum exploration. Previous studies have suggested that the Bohai Basinis a typical extensional basin and has two tectonic evolution phases, rift…  相似文献   

    Quantifying the relative contributions of different factors to runoff change is helpful for basin management, especially in the context of climate change and anthropogenic activities. The effect of snow change on runoff is seldom evaluated. We attribute the runoff change in the Heihe Upstream Basin (HUB), an alpine basin in China, using two approaches: a snowmelt-based water balance model and the Budyko framework. Results from these approaches show good consistency. Precipitation accounts for 58% of the increasing runoff. The contribution of land-cover change seems unremarkable for the HUB as a whole, where land-cover change has a major effect on runoff in each sub-basin, but its positive effect on increasing runoff in sub-basins 1 and 3 is offset by the negative effect in sub-basin 2. Snow change plays an essential role in each sub-basin, with a contribution rate of around 30%. The impact of potential evapotranspiration is almost negligible.

    EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

    ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Huang  相似文献   

    The water-use efficiency has direct impacts on the water consumption of agriculture production and is vital to water conservation at both local and regional extent. The agricultural water-use efficiency is a critical indicator that reflects the effective water allocation and water productivity improvement among different agricultural sectors. Taking the Heihe River Basin as the case study area, this study explores the changing trajectories of agricultural water use based on the input–output data of 2003–2012, and estimates the water-use efficiency with Data Envelopment Analysis, Malmquist Total Productivity Index and the decomposition of total factor productivity. Further, the influence of driving factors on the water-use efficiency is analyzed with the Tobit model. The research results indicate that the average agricultural water-use efficiency in different counties is all lower than 1 during 2003–2012, indicating that there is still improvement space in the agricultural water-use efficiency. In addition, there is obvious heterogeneity in the agricultural water-use efficiency among different counties, especially prior to 2009. The research results from the Tobit model indicate that agricultural investment and production, economic growth, industrial restructuring and agricultural plants structural adjustment have significant influence on the agricultural water-use efficiency. The research results can provide significant references for agricultural water-use management in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin and other similar regions in Northwest China.  相似文献   

    断层活动不是孤立的,一条断层的活动可能影响其他断层,并引起这些断层的活动,这些相互作用的断层称为关联断层.本文利用卫星热红外信息以南北地震构造带为例,分析了关联断层活动的时空变化,所使用的信息是经过处理的地表亮温残差低频分量TLOW.结果表明,在一定时段内研究区一些断层间除地震活动表现出相互呼应关系外,其地表亮温残差低频分量TLOW曲线相似,相关系数高,说明热红外信息与地震信息共同反映一个地区断层的关联活动.此外,也存在单独由地表亮温残差低频分量TLOW相关表现断层关联活动的情形,即断层间无地震活动的呼应关系,但也存在TLOW曲线的相关性,同样显示关联断层的相互作用.对TLOW的时空过程分析表明,关联活动组合可随时间发生变化.例如,1988~1994年间红河断裂与澜沧-耿马断裂、金沙江断裂等构成关联活动组合,1994~1998年又与小金河断裂、安宁河-小江断裂构成关联活动组合,这样的时空变化过程可能是地壳应力场重新分配的反映.本文的研究结果证明,卫星热红外信息有望成为研究断层相互作用的一个新的独立物理量,并将对地震动力学和构造物理学的发展有重要意义.  相似文献   

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