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We compare an evolutionary with a static approach for modeling stress and deformation around a salt diapir; we show that the two approaches predict different stress histories and very different strains within adjacent wall rocks. Near the base of a rising salt diapir, significantly higher shear stresses develop when the evolutionary analysis is used. In addition, the static approach is not able to capture the decrease in the hoop stress caused by the circumferential diapir expansion, nor the increase in the horizontal stress caused by the rise of the diapir. Hence, only the evolutionary approach is able to predict a sudden decrease in the fracture gradient and identify areas of borehole instability near salt. Furthermore, the evolutionary model predicts strains an order of magnitude higher than the strains within the static model. More importantly, the evolutionary model shows significant shearing in the horizontal plane as a result of radial shortening accompanied by an almost-equivalent hoop extension. The evolutionary analysis is performed with ELFEN, and the static analysis with ABAQUS. We model the sediments using a poro-elastoplastic model. Overall, our results highlight the ability of forward evolutionary modeling to capture the stress history of mudrocks close to salt diapirs, which is essential for estimating the present strength and anisotropic characteristics of these sediments.  相似文献   

Most of the methods currently used for pore pressure prediction in sedimentary basins assume one-dimensional compaction based on relationships between vertical effective stress and porosity. These methods may be inaccurate in complex tectonic regimes where stress tensors are variable. Modelling approaches for compaction adopted within the geotechnical field account for both the full three-dimensional stress tensor and the stress history. In this paper a coupled geomechanical-fluid flow model is used, along with an advanced version of the Cam-Clay constitutive model, to investigate stress, pore pressure and porosity in a Gulf of Mexico style mini-basin bounded by salt subjected to lateral deformation. The modelled structure consists of two depocentres separated by a salt diapir. 20% of horizontal shortening synchronous to basin sedimentation is imposed. An additional model accounting solely for the overpressure generated due to 1D disequilibrium compaction is also defined. The predicted deformation regime in the two depocentres of the mini-basin is one of tectonic lateral compression, in which the horizontal effective stress is higher than the vertical effective stress. In contrast, sediments above the central salt diapir show lateral extension and tectonic vertical compaction due to the rise of the diapir. Compared to the 1D model, the horizontal shortening in the mini-basin increases the predicted present-day overpressure by 50%, from 20 MPa to 30 MPa. The porosities predicted by the mini-basin models are used to perform 1D, porosity-based pore pressure predictions. The 1D method underestimated overpressure by up to 6 MPa at 3400 m depth (26% of the total overpressure) in the well located at the basin depocentre and up to 3 MPa at 1900 m depth (34% of the total overpressure) in the well located above the salt diapir. The results show how 2D/3D methods are required to accurately predict overpressure in regions in which tectonic stresses are important.  相似文献   

三沙永乐龙洞位于西沙永乐环礁,是目前世界范围内已探明的最深蓝洞,其内部沉积动力环境相对单一,是研究沉积速率变化的天然实验室。龙洞洞底约24 cm以浅沉积物粒度分析结果显示,洞底浅埋沉积物以砂质组分为主,平均粒径多介于22.9~123.9 μm之间,在表层、4 cm、9.5 cm以及21 cm深度分别出现了沉积物变粗、砂含量增多的现象;利用210Pb的CRS定年模式计算得到底层沉积物沉积时间为1896年,平均沉积速率为0.19 cm/a,在4 cm和9.5 cm深度沉积速率急剧增加。柱状样顶部沉积速率显著增加,与近年来西沙地区人类活动加剧吻合。沉积物粒度变粗以及沉积速率骤然加快现象,与西沙地区台风活动频繁相关,通过对比历史台风记录,验证了沉积物在1999-2001年以及2010-2011年所记录的6次台风事件:199902、199915、200110、201002、201005以及201118。推测龙洞洞底沉积物沉积速率主要受台风活动影响,近期有人类活动影响的痕迹。  相似文献   

Diapir fall, which was predicted by physical models, has been identified in salt provinces, such as the South Atlantic margins, the North Sea, and the Paradox Basin (Colorado–Utah). However the 3-D geometry of falling diapirs and their country rock is still poorly understood. 3-D visualization and isochore patterns from a physical model help elucidate this geometry.The model initially comprised a unit of viscous silicone overlain by a prekinematic sand unit. Sand units representing brittle sediments were deposited episodically during gravity gliding and spreading. Regional extension triggered and eventually widened salt walls, causing them to sag. The 3-D visualization shows that regional hydrocarbon migration, which tends to be seaward during diapir rise and landward during diapir fall, can potentially be orthogonal to local migration along grabens at soft-linked zones of relay ramps. Furthermore, anticlinal culminations may form (1) in horsts that bend along strike and (2) adjoining the fork of Y-shaped salt walls.Sequential isochore maps of the overburden show how patterns of sedimentation, deformation, and underlying salt thickness changed through time. Isochores of prekinematic units record only strain: thinned belts record early extension. In contrast, isochores of synkinematic units record mostly thickness variations due to deposition on actively deforming topography. Isochores above sagging diapirs identify the thickest part of crestal depocenters, where the most rapid sagging occurred in regions of maximum extension near the unbuttressed downdip part of the gravity-spreading system. Additionally, asymmetric isochore patterns may reveal underlying half-grabens or tilted symmetric grabens. In relay systems, overlying isochores may indicate which part of a salt wall rose to compensate for sagging elsewhere in the relay.  相似文献   

Using the seismic profiles and analog modeling, this paper addresses the salt structures in the M and B blocks in the Southern Precaspian Basin. The salt structural features, the formation mechanism and the controlling factors of structural deformation are investigated and discussed systematically. The interpretation of the seismic profiles shows that typical salt-related structures include salt wall, (flip-flop) salt diapir, salt roller, salt pillow (dome), salt weld, salt withdrawal minibasin and drag structure (or drape fold). In addition, model results demonstrate that the gravity spreading driven by progradation and aggradation is probably the primary factor in controlling the formation of the salt structures in the research area. Due to the differential loading driven by progradation, passive salt diapir developed near the progradational front followed by the formation of intrasalt withdrawal minibasin bounded by two salt diapirs, and secondary reactive triangle salt diapir or salt pillow might form within the intrasalt withdrawal minibasin. Model results also indicate that the pattern of the subsalt basement has important influence on the formation and evolution of salt structures. Salt diapirs primarily developed along the margin of the subsalt uplift basement, where high shear deformation was induced by differential sedimentary loading between the uplift area and the slope area.  相似文献   

Regional extension which initiates and promotes the rise of salt diapirs can also make diapirs fall once the supply of salt from its source is restricted. New observations on the 3D seismic data from a salt diapir in the Sørvestsnaget Basin suggest that salt moves until the end of the Eocene and is subtle to minor readjustments afterwards, revealing a more complex kinematics that previously described. Observations such as salt horns and sags and an antithetic fault linked to the western flank of the diapir suggest that salt syn-kinematics during Middle-Late Eocene included passive rising of the salt, followed by a fall. The salt horns are remnants of a taller salt diapir that, together with the indentation of the Middle-Late Eocene syn-kinematic sediment overburden above the salt, indicate diapiric fall due to restriction of salt supply by extension. Post-kinematic readjustments did not include diapiric reactivation by tectonic compression as previously thought, but minor salt rise by shortening due to gravity gliding after the tilting of the margin during Plio-Pleistocene glacial sediment loading and differential compaction of surrounding sediments. The salt diapir appears to be presently inactive and salt supply may have been restricted from its source already since Late Eocene.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of abnormally high fluid pressures within sedimentary formations is critical for analysing hydrogeological processes and assessing drilling risks. We have constructed a two-dimensional basin model and have performed numerical simulations to increase the understanding of the history of fluid flow and shallow overpressures in the Pleistocene and Holocene formations in the Ursa basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico. We measured physical properties of sediments, such as porosity and permeability, in the laboratory and estimated in situ pore pressures from preconsolidation pressures. We obtained porosity–effective stress relationships from measurements of bulk density, grain density and preconsolidation pressures in the laboratory. Porosity–effective stress relationships were also obtained from downhole density logs and measured pore pressures. The porosity–effective stress and porosity–permeability relationships obtained were applied in two-dimensional basin simulations. Results showed that high pore pressures developed shortly after sediment deposition. Peaks in pore pressure ratios were related to high sedimentation rates of mass transport deposits and the incision of the Ursa channel. Lateral flows from the area where the overburden is thick towards the area where it is thin have occurred at least since 30 ka. Present pore pressure and temperature distributions suggest that lateral flows play a role in re-distributing heat in the basin.  相似文献   

Various studies have demonstrated the intrinsic interrelationship between tectonics and sedimentation in salt-related rift basins during extension as well as during their inversion by compression. Here, we present seven brittle–ductile analogue models to show that the longitudinal or transverse progradation of sediment filling an elongate extensional basin has a substantial impact on the growth of diapirs and their lateral geometrical variations. We use five extensional models to reveal how these prograding systems triggered diapir growth variations, from proximal to distal areas, relative to the sedimentary source. In the models, continuous passive diapir walls developed, after a short period of reactive–active diapiric activity, during syn-extensional homogeneous deposition. In contrast, non-rectilinear diapir walls grew during longitudinal prograding sedimentation. Both longitudinal and transverse post-extensional progradation triggered well-developed passive diapirs in the proximal domains, whereas incipient reactive–active diapirs, incipient roller-like diapirs, or poorly developed diapirs were generated in the distal domains, depending on the modelled sedimentary pattern. Two models included final phases of 6% and 10% shortening associated with basin inversion by compression, respectively, to discriminate compressional from purely extensional geometries. With the applied shortening, the outward flanks of existing diapir walls steepened their dips from 8°–17° to 30°–50°. Likewise, 6% of shortening narrowed the diapir walls by 32%–72%, with their fully closing (salt welds) with 10% of shortening. We compare our results with the distribution of salt walls and minibasins of the Central High Atlas diapiric basin in Morocco, which was infilled with a longitudinally prograding mixed siliciclastic and carbonatic depositional sequence during the Early–Middle Jurassic with a minimum thicknesses of 2.5–4.0 km.  相似文献   

An unditched salt marsh-creek drainage basin (Holland Glade Marsh, Lewes, Delaware) has a sedimentation rate of 0·5 cm year?1. During normal, storm-free conditions, the creek carries negligible amounts of sand and coarse silt. Of the material in the waters flooding the marsh surface, over 80% disappears from the floodwaters within 12 m of the creek. About one-half of the lost material is theoretically too fine to settle, even if flow were not turbulent; however, sediment found on Spartina stems can account for the loss.The quantity of suspended sediment that does reach the back marsh during these normal tides is inadequate to maintain the marsh surface against local sea level rise. This suspended sediment is also much finer than the deposited sediments. Additionally, remote sections of low marsh, sections flooded by only the highest spring tides, have 15–30 cm of highly inorganic marsh muds.This evidence indicates that normal tidal flooding does not produce sedimentation in Holland Glade. Study of the effects of two severe storms, of a frequency of once per year, suggests that such storms can deposit sufficient sediment to maintain the marsh.The actual deposition of fine-grained sediments (fine silt and clay) appears to result primarily from biological trapping rather than from settling. In addition, this study proposes that the total sedimentation on mature marshes results from a balance between tidal and storm sedimentation. Storms will control sediment supply and movement on micro- and meso-tidal marshes, and will have less influence on macro-tidal marshes.  相似文献   

The porosity and hence volume of argillaceous sediments is determined by: (1) the magnitude of the effective stress acting within the sediment; (2) the previous stress history of the sediment; and (3) at shallow depths of burial, by features such as the mineralogy and the nature of the depositional environment. Stress paths and the critical state diagrams for a number of clays are used to investigate the range of porosities possible in argillaceous sediments as the effective stresses increase. It is found that all porosity/effective stress curves converge at large stresses. The change in porosity is strongly dependent on the mean effective stress but largely independent of the deviatoric stress, and thus is largely independent of the nature of the stress field acting on the basin (compressional, extensional etc.). Because of the dependence of porosity on the mean effective stress, no simple relationship exists between porosity and depth of burial but in the absence of overpressured pore fluids and assuming the sediment is not overconsolidated, it is possible to contour the porosity/effective stress diagram in terms of burial depths. These data should assist in recalculating stratigraphic thicknesses for basin reconstruction and stratigraphic correlation studies.  相似文献   

We present data on the quality and quantity of particulate organic material deposited to the benthos in the Chukchi Sea. This analysis is undertaken by using 7Be, a short-lived radiotracer, which is associated with particle deposition, the stable carbon isotopic composition of organic material and its C/N ratio in the water column and within the sediments, and the inventories of chlorophyll a present in surface sediments. Using previously published data, we show that sedimentation processes in the regional Bering Strait ecosystem may have shifted in the past decade. Surface sediments collected in 2004 adjacent to the Russian coastline in the Chukchi Sea are less refractory in terms of carbon isotope ratios and C/N ratios than was observed for surface sediments at similar locations in 1995 and 1988. Based upon sediment 7Be and chlorophyll a inventories, short-term sedimentation on the shelf occurs immediately north of Bering Strait, and within and downstream of Barrow and Herald Canyons. Seasonal differences (i.e., ice-covered versus open-water conditions) in the quality of particulate organic carbon reaching the benthos appear to be small in the most productive waters, such as Barrow Canyon. However, in less productive waters, C/N ratios and δ13C values show seasonal variations. Once on the bottom, δ13C values in the organic fractions of the sediments are less negative than observed in settling material in the water column, which is commonly thought to result from biological processing within the sediments.  相似文献   

As a part of the environmental impact assessment studies, geotechnical properties of sediments were determined in the Central Indian Basin. The undrained shear strength and index properties of the siliceous sediments were determined on 20 box cores of uniform dimension collected from various locations in five preselected sites. The maximum core length encountered was 41 cm and most of the sediments were siliceous oozes consisting of radiolarian or diatomaceous tests. The shear strength measurements revealed that surface sediments deposited in recent times (0-10 cm) have a shear strength of 0-1 kPa; this value increases with depth, reaching 10 kPa at 40 cm deep. Older sediments have greater strength because of compaction. Water content varies in the wide range of 312-577% and decreases with depth. The clay minerals such as smectite and illite are dominant and show some control over water content. Wet density, specific gravity, and porosity do not indicate any notable variation with depth, thereby indicating a uniform, slow rate of sedimentation. The average porosity of sediments is 90.2%, specific gravity 2.18, and wet bulk density 1.12 g/cm 3 . Sediments exhibit medium to high plasticity characteristics, with the average plasticity index varying between 105% and 136%. Preliminary studies on postdisturbance samples showed an increase in natural water content and a decrease in undrained shear strength of sediments in the top 10- to 15-cm layer.  相似文献   

Permeability–porosity relationships for sediments from the northern Barbados, Costa Rica, Nankai, and Peru subduction zones were examined based on sediment type, grain size distribution, and general mechanical and chemical compaction history. Greater correlation was observed between permeability and porosity in siliciclastic sediments, diatom oozes, and nannofossil chalks than in nannofossil oozes. For siliciclastic sediments, grouping of sediments by percentage of clay-sized material yields relationships that are generally consistent with results from other marine settings and suggests decreasing permeability as percentage of clay-sized material increases. Correction of measured porosities for smectite content improved the correlation of permeability–porosity relationships for siliciclastic sediments and diatom oozes. The relationship between permeability and porosity for diatom oozes is very similar to the relationship in siliciclastic sediments, and permeabilities of both sediment types are related to the amount of clay-size particles. In contrast, nannofossil oozes have higher permeability values by 1.5 orders of magnitude than siliciclastic sediments of the same porosity and show poor correlation between permeability and porosity. More indurated calcareous sediments, nannofossil chalks, overlap siliciclastic permeabilities at the lower end of their measured permeability range, suggesting similar consolidation patterns at depth. Thus, the lack of correlation between permeability and porosity for nannofossil oozes is likely related to variations in mechanical and chemical compaction at shallow depths. This study provides the foundation for a much-needed global database with fundamental properties that relate to permeability in marine settings. Further progress in delineating controls on permeability requires additional carefully documented permeability measurements on well-characterized samples.  相似文献   

The hadal zone represents one of the last great frontiers in modern marine science,and deciphering the provenance of sediment that is supplied to these trench settings remains a largely unanswered question.Here,we examine the mineralogical and geochemical composition of a sediment core(core CD-1)that was recovered from the southwestern margin of the Challenger Deep within the Mariana Trench.Major element abundances and rare-earth element patterns from these sediments require inputs from both terrigenous dust and locally sourced volcanic debris.We exploit a two-endmember mixing model to demonstrate that locally sourced volcanic material dominates the sediment supply to the Challenger Deep(averaging^72%).The remainder,however,is supplied by aeolian dust(averaging^28%),which is consistent with adjacent studies that utilized Sr-Nd isotopic data.Building on a growing database,we strengthen our understanding of Asian aeolian dust input into the northwestern Pacific,which ultimately improves our appreciation of sedimentation in,and around,the hadal zone.  相似文献   

Regional extension of a brittle overburden and underlying salt causes differential loading that is thought to initiate the rise of reactive diapirs below and through regions of thin overburden. We present a modern example of a large salt diapir in the Dead Sea pull-apart basin, the Lisan diapir, which we believe was formed during the Quaternary due to basin transtension and subsidence. Using newly released seismic data that are correlated to several deep wells, we determine the size of the diapir to be 13×10 km, its maximum depth 7.2 km, and its roof 125 m below the surface. From seismic stratigraphy, we infer that the diapir started rising during the early to middle Pleistocene as this section of the basin underwent rapid subsidence and significant extension of the overburden. During the middle to late Pleistocene, the diapir pierced through the extensionally thinned overburden, as indicated by rim synclines, which attest to rapid salt withdrawal from the surrounding regions. Slight positive topography above the diapir and shallow folded horizons indicate that it is still rising intermittently. The smaller Sedom diapir, exposed along the western bounding fault of the basin is presently rising and forms a 200 m-high ridge. Its initiation is explained by localized E–W extension due monoclinal draping over the edge of a rapidly subsiding basin during the early to middle Pleistocene, and its continued rise by lateral squeezing due to continued rotation of the Amazyahu diagonal fault.  相似文献   


As a part of the environmental impact assessment studies, geotechnical properties of sediments were determined in the Central Indian Basin. The undrained shear strength and index properties of the siliceous sediments were determined on 20 box cores of uniform dimension collected from various locations in five preselected sites. The maximum core length encountered was 41 cm and most of the sediments were siliceous oozes consisting of radiolarian or diatomaceous tests. The shear strength measurements revealed that surface sediments deposited in recent times (0–10 cm) have a shear strength of 0–1 kPa; this value increases with depth, reaching 10 kPa at 40 cm deep. Older sediments have greater strength because of compaction. Water content varies in the wide range of 312–577% and decreases with depth. The clay minerals such as smectite and illite are dominant and show some control over water content. Wet density, specific gravity, and porosity do not indicate any notable variation with depth, thereby indicating a uniform, slow rate of sedimentation. The average porosity of sediments is 90.2%, specific gravity 2.18, and wet bulk density 1.12 g/cm3. Sediments exhibit medium to high plasticity characteristics, with the average plasticity index varying between 105% and 136%. Preliminary studies on postdisturbance samples showed an increase in natural water content and a decrease in undrained shear strength of sediments in the top 10- to 15-cm layer.  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地新构造运动与超压体系喷溢油气成藏作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
莺歌海盆地是在岩石圈伸展减薄和红河断裂带南段的右旋扭动联合作用下形成的一个以伸展为主的转换-伸展盆地。受该应力场作用,盆地新构造运动活跃,主要表现包括中新统末、上新统与第四纪之间及层系内部的不整合,盆地的沉降,沉积中心的迁移,断裂活动,底辟带的发育与分布,泥火山和地震等。新构造运动不但控制了盆地的形成演化、沉降-沉积中心的迁移和底辟构造带发育以及它们的雁行排列特征,同时还控制了盆地油气的成藏和分布。莺歌海盆地是一个强超压盆地,新构造时期断裂的多期活动及其控制的多期底辟活动不但形成超压体系(包括油气)快速垂向运移的通道,同时决定了莺歌海超压盆地油气田的快速幕式充注成藏规律。成熟的烃类以溶解状态储存在超压体系中,当超压体系孔隙流体压力大于封闭盖层破坏压力时封闭盖层就产生水压破裂,超压体系便沿着活动断裂和底辟带等通道发生喷溢活动,油气向上或侧向往过渡带和常压带运移聚集成藏,随着压力的下降,断裂重新闭合形成新的封闭层。这一喷溢过程以幕式活动形式周而复始,在超压盆地的过渡带和常压带中形成大的油气藏。  相似文献   

Methane can be released from the vast marine hydrate reservoirs that surround continents into oceans and perhaps the atmosphere. But how these pathways work within the global carbon cycle now and during a warmer world is only partially understood. Here we use 3-D seismic data to identify what we interpret to be a gas venting system that bypasses the hydrate stability zone (HSZ) offshore of Mauritania. This venting is manifested by the presence of the acoustic wipe-out (AWO) across a densely faulted succession above a salt diapir and a set of morphological features including a substantial, ∼260 m wide and ∼32 m deep, pockmark at the seabed. The base of the HSZ is marked by a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) which deflects upwards above the diapir, rather than mimicking the seabed. We use a numerical modelling to show that this deflection is caused by the underlying salt diapir. It creates a trapping geometry for gas sealed by hydrate-clogged sediment. After entering the HSZ, some methane accumulated as hydrate in the levees of a buried canyon. Venting in this locality probably reduces the flux of gas to the landward limit of feather edge of hydrate, reducing the volume of gas that would be susceptible for release during a warmer world.  相似文献   

A. Zabanbark 《Oceanology》2006,46(4):557-563
With respect of its structure, the Gulf of Mexico basin is heterogeneous. The following individual basins and subbasins can be distinguished; (1) Mississippi-Louisiana; (2) Gulf Coast within the boundaries of Texas and New Mexico; (3) Mexican Gulf Coast and adjacent system of foredeeps; (4) Yucatan subbasin; (5) Cuba-Bahamas system of foredeeps. Regional seismic studies reveal a close relationship between salt movements and sedimentation. Salt bodies represent excellent cap rocks for hydrocarbon fluids. Anticline folds termed “turtle” structures forming a system of belts appear in the deep parts of the gulf. These structures host large reserves of hydrocarbons, which are concentrated in the Paleogene-Miocene turbidite reservoirs with a porosity approximately 30% overlain by excellent cap rocks (salt, clay) with permeability exceeding 3 darcy. Three productive zones are defined: (1) the folds of the Mississippi River fan; (2) the Perdido belt of anticline folds; (3) Florida. The Paleogene and Miocene-Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments developed on the continental slopes of the Gulf of Mexico basin are the areas most promising with respect to hydrocarbon deposits. On January 1, 2006, the offshore oil production was 53 million tons and the gas production 40 billion cubic meters. Total prospective oil and gas reserves are estimated to be 5.5 billion tons and 4.7 trillion cubic meters, of which over 50% of oil and 1/3 of gas are expected to be discovered on the continental slope.  相似文献   

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