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Erosional unconformity surfaces are key indicators for the variations in eustatic sea level, ocean dynamics and climatic conditions which significantly affect depositional environments of sedimentary successions. Using a dense grid of 2D seismic data, we present new evidence from a frontier basin, the offshore Durban Basin, of a mid-Miocene age erosional unconformity that can be correlated with analogous horizons around the entire southern African continental margin.In the Durban Basin, this unconformity is typified by the incision of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic wedge and ramp margin by a series of submarine canyons. Epeirogenic uplift of southern Africa characterised this period, with erosion and sediment bypass offshore concomitant with increases in offshore sedimentation rates. Although epeirogenic uplift appears to be the dominant mechanism affecting formation of the identified sequence boundary, it is postulated that an interplay between global eustatic sea-level fall, expansion of the east Antarctic ice sheets, and changes in deep oceanic current circulation patterns may have substantially contributed to erosion during this period.  相似文献   

The shelf-valley system underlying Tampa Bay, Florida’s largest estuary, is situated in the middle of the Neogene carbonate Florida Platform. Compared to well-studied fluvially incised coastal plain valley systems, this shelf-valley system is unique in its karstic origin and its alternating carbonate-siliciclastic infill. A complex record of sea-level changes, paleo-fluvial variability and marine processes have controlled the timing and mechanisms of this ‘compound’ shelf-valley infill. A dense grid of high-resolution, single-channel seismic data were collected at the mouth of Tampa Bay, in an attempt to define this stratigraphy, determine the controls on deposition, and define the underlying structure of this shelf-valley system. The seismic data were correlated with nearby wells and boreholes for lithologic and age control. Sequence stratigraphic methods were incorporated in order to develop an integrated chronostratigraphy for the depositional infilling of the shelf-valley system. Five seismic sequences were identified. Sequence boundaries generally show erosional truncation and karstification, with downlap of overlying sequences. Structure contour and isopach maps indicate that the Tampa Bay shelf-valley system has remained in essentially the same location since its formation in the early Miocene, although the provenance of sedimentary infill has changed. This change is due to increasing amounts of siliciclastic material during the Neogene. Seismic facies interpretations indicate lower-energy, northward prograding deposition dominated by predominantly carbonate sediments within the lowest Sequence A. Higher energy, siliciclastic fluvio-deltaic deposition within sequences B and C originates to the east and northeast of the shelf-valley system related to a Pliocene pulse of sedimentation onto the Florida Platform. Finally, marine processes (longshore transport, ebb-tidal delta formation) dominate the upper two sequences (D and E), reworking these siliciclastic sediments into a spatially mixed carbonate-siliciclastic depositional setting.  相似文献   

New high-quality multibeam and high-resolution seismic data reveal new observations on sediment transfer and distribution and margin morphometrics in the uppermost slope of Northeastern Little Bahama Bank between 20 and 300 m water depth. The echofacies/backscatter facies show an alongslope sediment distribution forming successive strips. The upper part of the uppermost slope corresponds to the alternation of several submerged coral terraces and escarpments that could be related to Late Quaternary sea-level variations. The terraces could either be related to periods of stagnating sea-level or slow-down in sea-level change and therefore increased erosion by waves, or periods of accelerated sea-level rise since the Last Glacial Maximum. Terraces could therefore be related to coral construction and drowing. The medium part corresponds to the marginal escarpment, a steep cemented area. The lower part of the uppermost slope shows a discontinuous Holocene sediment wedge with varying thickness between 0 and 35 m. It is separated from the upper part by a zone of well-cemented seafloor associated with the marginal escarpment. Passing cold fronts result in sediment export caused by density cascading. The associated sediment fall-out and convective sedimentation can generate density currents that form this wedge and eventually flow through linear structures on the upper slope. The survey reveals the presence of recently active channels that extend over the entire uppermost slope and interrupt the wedge. The channels connect shallow tidal channels to submarine valleys connected to the proximal part of canyons. They directly feed the canyons with platform-derived sediment forming low-density turbidity currents and could supply the deepest part of the system with coarse-grained sediment directly exported from the carbonate platform.  相似文献   

The Bay of Oran is part of the northern Algerian continental margin, located in the Western Mediterranean Sea between Europe and northern Africa. A regional terrace in ca. 320 m water depth described in earlier studies and a second deeper located one (∼1200 m water depth) provide an unusually vast amount of accommodation space for an observed prograding wedge. Seismo-stratigraphic interpretation of high-resolution reflection seismic data show different phases of mixed cool-water carbonate-siliciclastic deposition: (Ia) Initial aggradation with low dipping foreset deposition during early-Pliocene relative sea-level highstand. (Ib) Deposition transitions to progradation when aggradation reaches the base level. (IIa) Once progradation reaches the shelf break, terrace deposition is reduced to coarse fraction foreset deposits until it ceases entirely. (IIb) Finer sediments are bypassed and start to aggrade on the lower slope terrace until deposits reach the shelf terrace depth. (III) Due to accommodation space prolongation progradation recommences. Phase IIa and phase III deposits are separated by a hiatus. A drop in mean sea-level during the mid-Pleistocene will have caused the base level to fall below the upper strata, hence causing some reworking and redeposition. However, sea-level variations are not considered to be a main controlling factor of the depositional sequences. The evolution of this continuous Pliocene–Pleistocene mixed cool-water carbonate-siliciclastic prograding wedge is instead attributed to the controlling factor of this unusually vast amount of accommodation space. In closest proximity to the sea-floor, sparse recent sedimentation in form of 5–10 m thick sediment lobes can be observed in subbottom profiler data only. From a tectonic point of view, a prolongation of the Yusuf Fault into the survey area though expected by other authors could not be supported with the available dataset.  相似文献   

Three small turbidite systems (Almeria, Sacratif, and Guadiaro), each tens of kilometres long, are developed in the complex morpho-structural setting of the northern Alboran Sea and have similar primary architectural elements (canyons, channel-levee systems, lobes). However, comparison reveals differences in the axial gradients of their canyons, depth/physiographic location, morphological framework, and lateral and longitudinal sedimentary shifts of turbidite deposition. The depositional architecture and sedimentary evolution from late Pliocene to Quaternary seems to be conditioned by number of submarine feeding sources (canyons), sea-level fluctuations and local tectonic (e.g. margin/canyon-channel gradients, faults). We group the Alboran turbidite systems into two models: mud/sand-rich submarine point-source and mud/sand-rich multiple submarine source ramp.  相似文献   

Detailed sedimentological, geochemical and isotopic analyses were carried out on sediment samples from ODP Site 720A on the Indus Fan, Arabian Sea. High values of calcium carbonate associated with low values of Al and Ti from 0 to 375 ka, and low values of calcium carbonate along with high values of Al and Ti from 375 to 525 ka represent two distinct sedimentary sequences. The sediments deposited from 525 to 375 ka correspond to a turbidite sequence, characterized by a high terrigenous input of coarse-grained sediments composed mostly of sand and silt. The sediments deposited from 375 ka to the present day comprise a pelagic sequence, consisting of pelagic material and clay. The major turbidity flow between 375 and 525 ka resulted in the greatest development of the Indus Fan during the late Quaternary. Most of the active channels were buried by 375 ka, followed by deposition of mainly pelagic sequences since then. Enrichment of an Indus-derived Himalayan clay mineral assemblage (illite and chlorite) in both the turbiditic and pelagic sequences reveals that the source and supply of clay minerals to the Indus Fan were the same during pre- and post-turbidite deposition. At ODP Site 720A, Al, Ti and terrigenous material do not show any systematic changes with respect to glacial and interglacial periods, suggesting that sea-level changes are not directly responsible for the terrigenous material supply to this site. Rather, a major switch in distributary channels away from the western margin of the Indus Fan is suggested.  相似文献   

Sedimentary, isotopic and bulk geochemical proxies measured in sediment samples of five gravity cores collected in the distal part of the Ogooue turbidite system (around 4000 m-depth) were used to develop a conceptual model to describe the accumulation of terrigenous organic matter (OM) during the last 200,000 yrs BP in the eastern part of the Gulf of Guinea. This model takes into account the influence of the different depositional processes (turbiditic vs hemipelagic sedimentation), geomorphological features and sea-level variations.Total organic carbon (TOC) and the stable organic carbon isotopes of the OM (δ13C) variability follow the highstand/lowstand (interglacial/glacial) cyclicity with a very low accumulation rate of terrigenous OM during periods of high sea-level and higher accumulation rate during period of low sea-level. A sea-level of 80–120 m below present day seems to favor the transfer of terrigenous sediments to the deep offshore environment through the turbidite system and thanks to the connection of the canyons heads with the river system presently located at the shelf edge at −120 m water depth.In this system, terrigenous OM matter delivered by the river accumulate in the sediments via two main processes. Indeed, a part of the terrigenous OM settles in combination with the finest particles forming hemipelagites, while another part, formed of very well preserved land plant debris, is transported and deposited far offshore with turbidity currents. The proportion of terrigenous OM accumulated due to turbidity currents is important as it can represent more than 70% of the carbon accumulated during sea-level lowstand. Moreover, terrigenous OM seems to preferentially accumulate in the levees and the lobes of the system notably due to the higher frequency of organic-rich turbidites.This study demonstrates that gravity flows, influenced by the sea-level variations, can significantly affect the terrigenous OM budget of the deep offshore Atlantic margins and that channel-levee complexes as well as turbidite lobes can be regarded as good sink for terrestrial organic carbon. These processes should be taken into consideration in the context of source rocks exploration but also for the estimation of the general carbon accumulation in ocean sediment.  相似文献   

Seismic and sequence stratigraphic architecture of the central western continental margin of India (between Coondapur and south of Mangalore) has been investigated with shallow seismic data. Seismic stratigraphic analysis defined nine seismic units, that are configured in a major type-1 depositional sequence possibly related to fourth-order eustatic sea-level changes, comprising regressive, lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The late-Quaternary evolution of the continental margin took place under the influence of an asymmetric relative fourth-order sea-level cycle punctuated by higher frequency cycles. These cycles of minor order were characterised by rapid sea-level rises and gradual sea-level falls that generated depositional sequences spanning different time scales. During the regressive periods, dipping strata were developed, while erosional surfaces and incised valleys were formed during the lowstands of sea level. Terraces, v-shaped depressions, lagoon-like structures observed on the outer continental shelf are the result of the transgressive period. In the study area we have recognised a complex erosional surface that records a long time span during the relative sea-level fall (regressive period) and the following sea-level lowstand and has been reworked during the last transgression. We also infer that sedimentation processes changed from siliciclastic sedimentation to carbonate sedimentation and again to siliciclastic sedimentation, marking an important phase in the late-Quaternary evolution of the western continental shelf of India. We attribute this to an abrupt climate change at the end of the oxygen isotope stage 2, between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Bølling-Allerod event (14?000 yr BP). This sensitive climate change (warming) favoured the formation of reefs at various depths on the shelf, besides the development of Fifty Fathom Flat, a carbonate platform on the outer shelf off Bombay developed prior to 8300 yr BP. The highstand systems tracts were deposited after the sea level reached its present position.  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic data from the eastern parts of the Riiser-Larsen Sea have been analyzed with a sequence stratigraphic approach. The data set covers a wide bathymetric range from the lower continental slope to the abyssal plain. Four different sequences (termed RLS-A to RLS-D, from deepest to shallowest) are recognized within the sedimentary section. The RLS-A sequence encompasses the inferred pre-glacial part of the deposits. Initial phases of ice sheet arrival at the eastern Riiser-Larsen Sea margin resulted in the deposition of multiple debris flow units and/or slumps on the upper part of the continental rise (RLS-B). The nature and distribution of these deposits indicate sediment supply from a line or a multi-point source. The subsequent stage of downslope sediment transport activity was dominated by turbidity currents, depositing mainly as distal turbidite sheets on the lower rise/abyssal plain (RLS-C). We attribute this to margin progradation and/or a more focussed sediment delivery to the continental shelf edge. As the accommodation space on the lower rise/abyssal plain declined and the base level was raised, the turbidite channels started to backstep and develop large channel–levee complexes on the upper parts of the continental rise (RLS-D). The deposition of various drift deposits on the lower rise/abyssal plain and along the western margin of the Gunnerus Ridge indicates that the RLS-D sequence is also associated with increased activity of contour currents. The drift deposits overlie a distinct regional unconformity which is considered to reflect a major paleoceanographic event, probably related to a Middle Miocene intensification of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.  相似文献   

花东盆地晚中新世以来沉积演化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用近年来在台湾东部海域采集的多道地震和多波速测深资料,对该海域花东海盆区晚中新世以来的沉积充填演化特征进行描述和分析。通过对花东海盆区域地形特征描述、层序地层格架的建立和地震剖面的解译,在本区晚中新世以来的沉积充填中刻画出6种典型地震相类型,并分析其对应的沉积相类型,包括浊积扇、浊积水道充填、块体流、沉积物波、海底峡谷-伴生沉积物滑塌变形-充填、深水扇沉积。结合地震相平面分布及垂向沉积相叠置关系,将晚中新世-第四纪沉积充填演化划分为3个阶段:晚中新世晚期开始受到块体流冲蚀阶段,到海底峡谷冲刷-沉积物失稳-峡谷充填-再侵蚀阶段,到峡谷输送的大量沉积物在上新世以来主要堆积发育了沉积物波、浊积扇、深水扇等沉积体系阶段。  相似文献   

Earth’s climate during the Proterozoic Eon was marked by major glacial events with evidence for large continental ice sheets on many cratons, and with sedimentological data indicating that glaciers had extended to sea-level. This paper emphasizes the sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic responses to glaciations and evaluates the major driving forces of glaciations during the Precambrian. First- and second-order sequences are recognized related to continental-scale fragmentation and formation of marine rift basins wherein sedimentary rocks indicate glacial influences and pronounced tectonic-climatic linkages. Coarse syn-rift deposits are typically characterized by mass flow diamictites and conglomerates. It is important to undertake sedimentological facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of these syn-rift and capping passive margin sequences, as well as of slope turbidite deposits which formed if enhanced subsidence of the basins was occurring. More generally, latitude and syn-rift tectonic uplift can cause formation of glacial ice and enhance distinctive glacial influences on extensional basin sedimentation, thus supporting a causal relationship between thermal subsidence and the formation of glacier ice on inland areas. During the Precambrian, however, it is suggested that long-lived marine-terminated glaciers also situated at low paleolatitudes, were related to an extensional tectonic setting. In such settings, glacial deposits associated with sedimentary sequences of distinctively different origin, e.g. carbonate and chemically mature siliciclastic sequences, can well be used to detect the prominent sequence boundaries to verify depositional systems tracts. Internal sediment stacking patterns in sequences are indicative of dynamic processes along glaciated continental margins and without always having the need for global synchroneity. In glacially influenced rift basins and continental margins it is important to recognize the sequence boundaries of significant subaerial unconformities and their correlative conformities. A sequence boundary is a chronostratigraphically significant surface always produced as a consequence of a change in relative sea-level. These can then be well related to initiation and decay of glaciations, however on-land glacial deposits in a very few cases are prevented from later erosion. Attenuation of continental crust during rifting and breakup of the continent raises relative sea-level and also many of the shallow intra-cratonic basins subsided below sea-level, in favourable conditions being affected by major continental glaciations.Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic glacial deposits are known in North and South America, South Africa, India, Western Australia and Fennoscandia. Against this background, continental-scale to global glaciations in the Precambrian appear to be possible, however views on the causes and timing of these glaciations, as well as on planetary extent of ice cover are still contradictory. There is a need to continue detailed sedimentological studies of pre-glacial and post-glacial deposits as well as to interpret syn-glacial lithofacies for their inferred transportation and depositional processes. Pre-glacial deposits, especially, should provide a new target to help us understand the processes that initiated these Precambrian glaciations. The sequence stratigraphic approach with understanding of the stacking pattern of depositional systems could prevent oversimplification and use of just single events to explain the complexity of evolution of glacially influenced Precambrian continental margin sediments.  相似文献   

Emplacement of post-glacial turbidites is commonly controlled by rapid changes in sea level or by seismicity. On the continental rise of the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean), an aseismic area, we identified turbiditic beds deposited during the rising stage and highstand of sea level. Swath bathymetry, sediment cores, in situ Cone Penetrating Tests (CPTU), heavy mineral associations and radiocarbon dating determined the source, composition, distribution and age of the turbiditic beds. Turbidites are composed of homogeneous to positively graded silts to medium sand with quartz (up to 90%), shell debris and shelfal benthic faunas. Their distribution on the sea floor is very patchy and controlled by abundant inherited erosional bedforms. Their source is found in relict regressive sands at the outershelf. Their deposition occurred just after the onset of the post-glacial sea level rise and the concomitant sediment starvation of the Rhône deep sea turbiditic system until recently. Whilst canyons are fed with sand by strong seasonal hydro-sedimentary dynamics on the outershelf, the emplacement of post-glacial turbidites is not controlled by sea level changes but probably by the periodic flushing of the canyons. Our study revealed that this low energy aseismic margin undergoes significant transport of sand, down to the base of slope, during the sea-level rise and the Holocene highstand.  相似文献   

Holocene mass flow processes produce distinctive sedimentary structures in this silled, anoxic basin characterized by high sedimentation rates of fine-grained fill. Mud flow deposits possess a 0899 1444 V 3 diagnostic vertical sequence of structures on the lower slope. Basin floor turbidites possess a variety of bed set combinations of: 1) finely laminated layers, 2) graded silt and clay layers, and 3) ungraded, massive silts and clays with floating sand grains. Massive, ungraded flood-derived suspensate deposits can be distinguished from turbidites. Turbidites and suspensate deposits constitute 30% of the sampled sediment column. Varve counting of the remaining 70% provides frequencies of turbidite and flood suspensate layer deposition.  相似文献   

The Late Devonian to Early Mississippian Bakken Formation in the Williston basin of North Dakota, USA, shows a tri-partite subdivision: a middle mixed carbonate-siliciclastic member is sandwiched in-between two black siliciclastic mudstones, the lower and upper Bakken member shales. However, the transition from the lower shale member to the middle member does not represent a gradual coarsening but contains in places several millimeter - to centimeter-thick siliciclastic mudstones and carbonates that consist of three facies: (1) a glauconitic carbonate-rich siliciclastic mudstone, (2) a carbonate mud-to wackestone, and (3) an echinoderm wacke-to packstone with shell fragments. These three facies are present in many (all?) of the cores close and directly in the basin center in Mountrail County, North Dakota. At least one of these three facies is present in all 23 cores included in this study.This thin carbonate unit at the transition between the lower and the middle Bakken members is interpreted as representing the remnants of the transgressive systems tract. It is assumed that relative sea-level fell before deposition of the middle Bakken member establishing a proximal coarse-grained to distal fine-grained depositional transect that successively migrated into the basin. During the subsequent transgression, the siliciclastic input was low to absent, and the entire sedimentary system switched to depositing carbonates. The proximal to distal transect during this time showed coarse-grained packstones (and grainstones?) close to the shoreline, and a fining outwards towards the distal parts of the basin. This transgression also eroded what remained of the regressive and most of the subsequent transgressive sediments, leaving only the thin carbonate layer behind. Evidence for the regression, even though no sediment is directly preserved along the lower to middle Bakken member contact, comes from the fill of clastic dykes that cut through the lower Bakken member shale. The fill of the clastic dykes is partly siliciclastic and partly carbonate and not similar to any of the surrounding sediment. This indicates that these dykes must have originated before the middle Bakken member was deposited, yet the overlying sediment must have been carbonate at some point and siliciclastic another time. As it is not present anymore, this sediment must have been entirely removed by erosion.The here presented model suggests that the Bakken Formation reflects two entire sea-level oscillations. The first encompasses the lower Bakken member shale and the siliciclastic regressive portion of the lowstand only preserved as infill of the clastic dykes. The subsequent transgression deposited the carbonates now blanketing the lower to middle Bakken member transition, and the highstand and subsequent regression plus lowstand are represented by the middle Bakken member. The transgressive surface and therewith the onset of the topmost Bakken transgression is marked by the transition from the middle to the upper Bakken shale member.  相似文献   

In order to assess the controlling factors on the evolution of a shelf margin and the timing of sediment transfer to deep waters, a seismic stratigraphic investigation was carried out in the Eocene interval of northern Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. The studied succession configures a complex of prograding slope clinoforms formed in a passive margin and encompasses five seismic facies and their respective depositional settings: shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces, oblique slope clinoforms, sigmoidal slope clinoforms, continental to shelfal deposits and mass-transport deposits. These are stratigraphically arranged as seven depositional sequences recording a total shelf-edge progradation of about 35 km and a progradation rate of 1,75 km/My. Two main types of sequences can be recognized, the first one (type A) being dominated by oblique slope clinoforms and shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces in which shelf-edge trajectories were essentially flat to descending and extensive sandy turbidites were deposited on the foreset to bottomset zones. Sequences of this type are dominated by forced-regressive units deposited during extensive periods of relative sea-level fall. Type B comprises an upper part represented by aggradational shelfal deposits and a lower part composed of mass-transport deposits and high-relief sigmoidal clinoforms with descending shelf-edge trajectory. Steep slump scars deeply cut the shelfal strata and constitutes the boundary between the two intervals observed in type B sequences. Sandy turbidites occur at the same frequency in both forced- and normal-regressive units but are more voluminous within forced-regressive clinoforms associated with shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces. Major slope failures and mass-transport deposits, by the other hand, occurred exclusively in type B sequences during the onset of sea-level fall and their volume are directly related to the thickness of the shelfal sediments formed during the pre-failure normal regressions.  相似文献   

Most submarine canyons are erosive conduits cut deeply into the world’s continental shelves through which sediment is transported from areas of high coastal sediment supply onto large submarine fans. However, many submarine canyons in areas of low sediment supply do not have associated submarine fans and show significantly different morphologies and depositional processes from those of ‘classic’ canyons. Using three-dimensional seismic reflection and core data, this study contrasts these two types of submarine canyons and proposes a bipartite classification scheme.The continental margin of Equatorial Guinea, West Africa during the late Cretaceous was dominated by a classic, erosional, sand-rich, submarine canyon system. This system was abandoned during the Paleogene, but the relict topography was re-activated in the Miocene during tectonic uplift. A subsequent decrease in sediment supply resulted in a drastic transformation in canyon morphology and activity, initiating the ‘Benito’ canyon system. This non-typical canyon system is aggradational rather than erosional, does not indent the shelf edge and has no downslope sediment apron. Smooth, draping seismic reflections indicate that hemipelagic deposition is the chief depositional process aggrading the canyons. Intra-canyon lateral accretion deposits indicate that canyon concavity is maintained by thick (>150 m), dilute, turbidity currents. There is little evidence for erosion, mass-wasting, or sand-rich deposition in the Benito canyon system. When a canyon loses flow access, usually due to piracy, it is abandoned and eventually filled. During canyon abandonment, fluid escape causes the successive formation of ‘cross-canyon ridges’ and pockmark trains along buried canyon axes.Based on comparison of canyons in the study area, we recognize two main types of submarine canyons: ‘Type I’ canyons indent the shelf edge and are linked to areas of high coarse-grained sediment supply, generating erosive canyon morphologies, sand-rich fill, and large downslope submarine fans/aprons. ‘Type II’ canyons do not indent the shelf edge and exhibit smooth, highly aggradational morphologies, mud-rich fill, and a lack of downslope fans/aprons. Type I canyons are dominated by erosive, sandy turbidity currents and mass-wasting, whereas hemipelagic deposition and dilute, sluggish turbidity currents are the main depositional processes sculpting Type II canyons. This morphology-based classification scheme can be used to help predict depositional processes, grain size distributions, and petroleum prospectivity of any submarine canyon.  相似文献   

Gravity cores obtained from isolated seamounts located within, and rising up to 300 m from the sediment-filled Peru–Chile Trench off Southern Central Chile (36°S–39°S) contain numerous turbidite layers which are much coarser than the hemipelagic background sedimentation. The mineralogical composition of some of the beds indicates a mixed origin from various source terrains while the faunal assemblage of benthic foraminifera in one of the turbidite layers shows a mixed origin from upper shelfal to middle-lower bathyal depths which could indicate a multi-source origin and therefore indicate an earthquake triggering of the causing turbidity currents. The bathymetric setting and the grain size distribution of the sampled layers, together with swath echosounder and sediment echosounder data which monitor the distribution of turbidites on the elevated Nazca Plate allow some estimates on the flow direction, flow velocity and height of the causing turbidity currents. We discuss two alternative models of deposition, both of which imply high (175–450 m) turbidity currents and we suggest a channelized transport process as the general mode of turbidite deposition. Whether these turbidites are suspension fallout products of thick turbiditic flows or bedload deposits from sheet-like turbidity currents overwhelming elevated structures cannot be decided upon using our sedimentological data, but the specific morphology of the seamounts rather argues for the first option. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy of one of the cores indicates that the turbiditic sequences were deposited during the last Glacial period and during the following transition period and turbiditic deposition stopped during the Holocene. This climatic coupling seems to be dominant, while the occurrence of megathrust earthquakes provides a trigger mechanism. This seismic triggering takes effect only during times of very high sediment supply to the shelf and slope.  相似文献   

The marine fill of ancient foreland basins is primarily recorded by depositional systems consisting of facies and facies associations deposited by a variety of sediment gravity flows in shallow-marine, slope and basinal settings. Tectonism and climate were apparently the main factors controlling the sediment supply, accommodation and depositional style of these systems. In marginal deltaic systems, sedimentation is dominated by flood-generated hyperpycnal flows that build up impressive accumulations of graded sandstone beds in front of relatively small high-gradient fan-deltas and river deltas. During periods of tectonically forced lowstands of sealevel, these systems may commonly shift basinward to shelfal and slope regions. Instability along the edges of these lowstand deltas and sand-laden hyperpycnal flows generate immature and coarse-grained turbidite systems commonly confined within structural depressions and generally encased in distal delta-front and prodeltaic deposits. Because of the close vertical and lateral stratigraphic relations between deltaic and turbidite-like facies, these marginal systems are herein termed ‘mixed depositional systems’. They are very common in the fill of foreland basins and represent the natural link between deltaic and basinal turbidite sedimentation.Basinal turbidite systems form in deeper water elongate highly subsiding troughs (foredeeps) that developed in front of advancing thrust systems. The impressive volumes of sheet-sandstones that form the fill of these troughs suggest that basinal turbidite systems are likely to form following periods of dramatic tectonic uplift of adjacent orogenic wedges and related high-amplitude tectonically-forced sealevel lowstands. In such deep basinal settings, sediment flux to the sea is dramatically increased by newly formed sediment in fluvial drainage basins and the subaerial and submarine erosion of falling-sealevel deltaic deposits generated during the uplift. Turbidity currents are very likely to be mainly triggered by floods, via hyperpycnal flows and related sediment failures, but can fully develop only in large-scale erosional conduits after a phase of catastrophic acceleration and ensuing bulking produced by bed erosion. This process leads to deepening and widening of the conduits and the formation of large-volume highly efficient bipartite currents whose energy dissipation is substantially reduced by the narrow and elongate basin geometry. These currents can thus carry their sediment load over considerable distances down the basin axis.  相似文献   

With abundant well penetrations in proximal and distal settings and 3D seismic coverage, the Auger Basin is an ideal location to study the influence of basin setting and accommodation on the stratigraphic architecture of ancient turbidite systems. Pliocene-age turbidites at Macaroni Field were deposited in ponded accommodation in the distal portion of a salt-bounded intraslope basin, immediately inboard of a sediment spill point to the linked outboard basin. Deposits at Auger Field are contained within point-sourced submarine fans deposited in healed slope accommodation in the more proximal portion of the basin on the flank of a paleo-bathymetric ridge, immediately down depositional dip of a sediment spill point from an inboard basin. Both areas of the basin are distinct in terms of sediment dispersal patterns, rate of sediment fill, and preservation potential of reservoir/seal pairs, and while both fields contain sand-rich deposits and record vertical evolution from older sheet dominated- to younger channel dominated deposits over the Late Pliocene section, there are key differences in the nature in which the fill occurs. The ponded stratigraphic section at Macaroni Field records (1) an early mud-rich phase in which incoming flows are completely captured by confining topography, (2) a brief phase of diminished relief when high frequency fill/spill cycles occur, and ultimately (3) a phase of incision of the former basin sill and large-scale bypass to the outboard basin. Over the same period, the healed-slope section at Auger Field records a fill pattern consisting of alternating episodes of initial sand-rich sheet/lobe deposition followed by intervals of channelization. We acknowledge extra-basinal controls (eustacy, climate) on the timing, rate, and nature of sediment supply to the basin, but there is considerable evidence for paleo-bathymetric control on cyclical fill patterns observed at fourth and higher-order scales.  相似文献   

Sleeve-gun, 3.5-kHz, and 12-kHz profiles from the Labrador Slope provide the basis for an analysis of sedimentary facies, processes, and evolution of a continental slope adjacent to an ice margin. The upper slope is deeply incised by numerous canyons reflecting headward canyon branching. The less rugged middle-slope topography has fewer canyons and large slide and slump scars followed downslope by debris-flow deposits. Echo character of seismic profiles reflects the difference in sediment types supplied from mud-dominated sources and sand-, gravel- and till-dominated sources. On the rise, debris-flow deposits are largely confined to canyons. Intercanyon areas are dominated by spill-over turbidites alternating with hemipelagic sediments, which on some of the southern to southwestern levees occur in sediment-wave fields formerly attributed to bottom-current activity.  相似文献   

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