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《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):226-234
Here we report on the unexpected occurrence of felsic (granitic) inclusions with quench textures such as spherulite and dendrite (hereafter referred to as “felsite inclusions”), similar to some volcanic rocks, within garnet in presumably “slowly cooled” lower-crustal granulites of various geologic ages ranging from Early Proterozoic to Middle Paleozoic and wide global distribution (the Limpopo Belt, the Grenville Province, the Lützow-Holm Complex of East Antarctica, the Highland Complex of Sri Lanka, and the southern Bohemian Massif). The well-preserved textures of felsite inclusions are indicative of melts formed by anatexis during high-pressure and high-temperature metamorphism, crystallization under far-from-equilibrium conditions (at > 50 °C undercooling) and subsequent rapid cooling. The occurrence of felsite inclusions in granulites in restricted tectonostratigraphic zones in Sri Lanka, among other examples, may be the first geologic evidence for fast exhumation of lower-crustal rocks to andalusite-stable upper-crustal conditions by channel flow in a continental collision orogen. We hypothesize that granulites ascend episodically along discrete high-strain zones and cool as fast as some felsic magmas. This conclusion sheds new light on the debate regarding the deep crustal processes and necessitates changes to fundamental beliefs about exhumation rates based on rates of plate convergence (1–10 cm/year).  相似文献   

The ion probe is uniquely suited for measurement of element partitioning between phases in experimental and natural systems. A redetermination of the partitioning of Ni between diopside and quenched silicate melt using samples previously measured by β-track mapping gives 1.87 (weight ratio of 62Ni in diopside/melt), slightly lower than the β-track value of 2.05. Critical to the accurate determination of distribution coefficients are: (1) a secondary ion signal that is linear with concentration in the range measured, and (2) a calibration using known concentrations to correct for differential secondary ion yields from different phases. In the present case the secondary ion signal is linear with Ni concentrations below ~ 1 wt% in both diopside and glass, but nonlinear above. Differential yields were corrected by calibrating the secondary ion signal against compositions determined by electron microprobe.Partition coefficients measured using 58Ni and 60Ni, in contrast to 62Ni, are not constant with concentration in these samples probably due to Ni migration during crystallization. Measurements using these isotopes (or bulk Ni) show a change of partition coefficient with Ni concentration.  相似文献   

One atmosphere liquid-present experiments were carried out in the CMAS system using an ordinary quench furnace apparatus. The runs, including reversal and duplicate experiments, describe the univariant curve l=fo+an+ di between the invariant points Q: l+fo+an=di+sp and F: l+fo=an+di+oen, located respectively at 1245±1° C and 1244±1° C. The thermal divide on this curve M3: l= fo+an+di is located at 1275±1° C and plots well within the silica-saturated field, in agreement with Longhi's (1987) experiments. Along the univariant curve l=fo+an+di, liquid composition evolves away from the thermal divide either toward invariant points Q or F and pierces the silica saturation plane, i.e., the join Di-An-En, in the silica saturated field. In this compositional range, the Al solubility in clinopyroxene changes drastically from one side of the thermal divide to the other, with great increase of Al solubility in the silica-undersaturated field. Four endmembers must be used to describe the complex solid solution of anorthite: CaAl2Si2O8, CaMgSi3O8, MgAl2Si2O8 and [] Si4O8. The last two of these are present only within the silica-saturated field. Unlike clinopyroxene, the Mg content of anorthite is insensitive to the thermal barrier but is only sensitive to silica-saturation plane. Olivine composition can be described by a binary solid solution of forsterite and monticellite with no Ca in the M2 site. As with anorthite, olivine compositions exhibit a marked change with crossing of the silica-saturation plane. The above features imply that the solubility of minor elements in crystalline phases (Al in clinopyroxene, Ca in olivine and Mg in anorthite) selectively respond to only one or another of these particular plane. Results have many important consequences. One is the likelihood of changes in melt speciation depending on position with respect to the thermal divide and the silica-saturation plane.  相似文献   

Structural similarities between dry diopside melt and superhydrous albite melt (X w >0.5) — both lack three-dimensional silicate units — suggest that thermodynamic relations may be similar. A model based on that assumption successfully predicts diopside melting relations and H2O solubilities. For the model, the three partial differential equations describing solution of H2O in albite melt for X w >0.5 have been integrated for diopside melt from X w =0 to X w at least as large as 0.76, with two exceptions: an alternative partial differential equation for Henrian solution of H2O in dilute melts was applied for X w <0.20, and an alternative differential equation for the pressure dependence of a w at pressures below 2 kbar was developed. The latter alternative equation yields relatively small ¯Vw's at low pressures rather than the large ¯Vw's calculated from the equation from the albite system. Available experimental solubility data are not precise enough to offer a choice between the small-¯Vw and large-¯Vw equations. Integration of all the partial differential equations was constrained solely by the P and T of a single experimentally-determined point on the H2O-saturated solidus.Solubilities calculated by a Henrian-analogue solution model (a di=X di 2 ) from the experimental H2O saturated solidus lie outside experimental solubility constraints for dilute melts. On the other hand, a Henrian model (a di=Xdi) successfully predicts solubilities in dilute melts. The formulation of the Henrian model and magnitudes of model molar entropies of solution are consistent with the hypothesis that H2O dissolves in diopside melt as an essentially undissociated species with little ordering on melt structural sites. That species could in turn be consistently, if not uniquely, interpreted to be molecular H2O or a hydroxylation (OH) complex formed from nonbridging oxygens.  相似文献   

A new determination, using high temperature drop-solution calorimetry, of the enthalpy of transformation of MgSiO3 pyroxene to ilmenite gives H 298 = 59.03 ±4.26 kJ/mol. The heat capacity of the ilmenite and orthopyroxene phases has been measured by differential scanning calorimetry at 170–700 K; Cp of MgSiO3 ilmenite is 4–10 percent less than that of MgSiO3 pyroxene throughout the range studied. The heat capacity differences are consistent with lattice vibrational models proposed by McMillan and Ross (1987) and suggest an entropy change of -18 ± 3 J-K-1 ·mol-1, approximately independent of temperature, for the pyroxene-ilmenite transition. The unit cell parameters of MgSiO3 ilmenite were measured at 298–876 K and yield an average volume thermal expansion coefficient of 2.44 × 10-5 K-1. The thermochemical data are used to calculate phase relations involving pyroxene, -Mg2SiO4 plus stishovite, Mg2SiO4 spinel plus stishovite, and ilmenite in good agreement with the results of high pressure studies.  相似文献   

The phlogopite, diopside, calcite, anhydrite and apatite pegmatites of Ampandrandava and Beraketa are examples for the many other pegmatites of similar silicocarbonatitic composition found in the Bekily and Betroka-Beraketa Precambrian belts of southern Madagascar. The two studied pegmatites and associated syenites crystallised from immiscible silicocarbonatitic and peralkaline syenitic melts in a time span between 515 and 504 Ma in the final extensional phase of the Panafrican continental collision and connected metamorphic/metasomatic event. Model T Nd ages suggest that the melts were produced by partial melting of 3.5 Ga partially evaporitic continental crust. The studied pegmatites and genetically associated syenitic rocks are very rare examples for crustal silicocarbonatitic melts generated in a Panafrican collisional setting. The overwhelming majority of carbonatites and associated peralkaline rocks are mantle derived, much poorer in phosphate and sulfate and found in a cratonic environment. In light of the present results, genetic models for other sulfate- and phosphate-rich magmatic rocks (e.g., phlogopite–apatite–calcite mineralisations in the Grenville-Hasting formation in Canada and in the Sludyanka group in Eastern Siberia) should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Journal of Earth System Science - A study of the snow cover melt and freeze using Ku band Oceansat scatterometer (OSCAT) HH polarised backscatter coefficient ( $\sigma ^{\mathrm {0}}_{\text {HH}}$...  相似文献   

A cylinder of amphibolite comprising the assemblage amphibole+clinozoisite+albite has been frictionally melted using radial friction welding apparatus. This was achieved by rotating a steel ring at 750 rpm and a force of 98 kN for 10 s against a stationary steel casing which housed the rock sample. The ring penetrated the casing then proceeded to rotate and compress the sample to 95% of its original volume until it cracked at right angles to its length. This generated a whole rock silicate melt which injected the crack and on cooling produced glass, crystallites and vesicles. Melting occurred in two stages: an initial low pressure melting event with crystallization to augite+Fe-rich anorthite, followed by a high pressure melting event with crystallization to fassaitic clinopyroxene. It is estimated that pressures of 0.5 GPa rising to 1 GPa were realized at the ring-rock interface. Under these conditions fassaite superseded augite+anorthite crystallization due to the increased solubility of Ca-Tschermak's component in clinopyroxene. The high pressure event provides a crude analogue for the frictional melting of basic rock at depths of 15–30 km in a seismogenic fault: a situation realized along the slip zone between cold descending lithosphere and overlying mantle during subduction.  相似文献   

The thermal annealing (300–1700 K) of two metamict zircons (Ampagabe, Madagascar and Näegy, Japan) has been studied using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) at Zr K-edge. Two stages of thermal annealing within the aperiodic zircon are evidenced between 293 and 1700 K. The first stage (up to 600° C) shows a decrease of the a 0-cell parameter from 6.674 (at 300° C) to 6.610 (at 600° C)± 0.005 Å. In that temperature range, the average local environment around Zr (presence of VIIZr and d(Zr-Zr) 3.3–3.6 Å) shows a weak, but significant increase of the Zr-Zr correlations located at 3.3–3.4 Å, undetectable by XRD. At temperatures up to 700° C (stage 2), the XRD-Bragg component arising from crystalline zircon increases in magnitude, whereas, Zr-K EXAFS analysis indicates a progressive VIIZrVIIIZr transition, associated with a recovery of the crystalline zircon medium-range environment. For both techniques, the zircon structure is fully recovered at annealing temperatures up to 900° C.Electrostatic modelings suggest that the VIIIZrVIIZr transition observed in zircon with increasing alpha-decay damage creates significantly overbonded oxygen atoms around Zr. With increasing temperature, those oxygen atoms are better bonded to VIIZr, due to the thermal expansion of the Zr-O bond. The congruent recovery of the zircon structure should therefore be favoured with increasing temperature. On the other hand, the metamict network can be also partially reorganized around 400–500° C, with the creation of Zr-rich domains, as measured by EXAFS. However, the growth of these domains after 3 hours annealing affects only minor portions of the aperiodic network. This model is corroborated by a similar thermal behaviour observed for a synthetic sol-gel of ZrO2 · SiO2 composition.  相似文献   

A study of Ca self-diffusion along the b axis in synthetic (iron free) diopside single crystal was performed at temperatures ranging from 1273 K to 1653 K. Diffusion profiles of 44Ca were measured using α-particles Rutherford Backscattering (α-RBS) micro analysis. We unambiguously find two distinct diffusional regimes, characterized by activation enthalpies H = 280 ± 26 kJ/mol and H = 951 ± 87 kJ/mol at temperatures lower and upper than 1515 K, respectively. This change of diffusion regime takes place near the onset of premelting as detected in calorimetric measurements and can be interpreted in terms of enhanced formation of Frenkel point defects with an activation enthalpy of formation of 1524 ± 266 kJ/mol (H f/2 = 762 kJ/mol), in accordance with our high-temperature diffusion data. If premelting of diopside is actually related to Ca-Frenkel point defect concentration, this concentration could reach up to few mole percents close to the melting temperature.  相似文献   

Olivine/melt partitioning of ΣFe, Fe2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ has been determined in the systems CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 (FD) and CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 (FDA3) as a function of oxygen fugacity (fO2) at 0.1 MPa pressure. Total iron oxide content of the starting materials was ∼20 wt%. The fO2 was to used to control the Fe3+/ΣFe (ΣFe: total iron) of the melts. The Fe3+/ΣFe and structural roles of Fe2+ and Fe3+ were determined with 57Fe resonant absorption Mössbauer spectroscopy. Changes in melt polymerization, NBO/T, as a function of fO2 was estimated from the Mössbauer data and existing melt structure information. It varies by ∼100% in melts coexisting with olivine in the FDA3 system and by about 300% in the FD system in the Fe3+/ΣFe range of the experiments (0.805-0.092). The partition coefficients ( in olivine/wt% in melt) are systematic functions of fO2 and, therefore, NBO/T of the melt. There is a -minimum in the FDA3 system at NBO/T-values corresponding to intermediate Fe3+/ΣFe (0.34-0.44). In the Al-free system, FD, where the NBO/T values of melts range between ∼1 and ∼2.9, the partition coefficients are positively correlated with NBO/T (decreasing Fe3+/ΣFe). These relationships are explained by consideration of solution behavior in the melts governed by Qn-unit distribution and structural changes of the divalent cations in the melts (coordination number, complexing with Fe3+, and distortion of the polyhedra).  相似文献   

Combined microstructural and geochemical investigations on MORB-type primitive olivine-rich cumulates intruded in the Erro–Tobbio (ET) mantle peridotites (Voltri Massif, Ligurian Alps, Italy) revealed that significant chemical changes in minerals were caused by postcumulus crystallization. This is indicated by the occurrence of accessory interstitial minerals (Ti-pargasite, orthopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides) and by systematic chemical zoning in intercumulus clinopyroxene, resulting in marked trace element (e.g. REE, Ti and Zr) enrichment at constant high Mg-numbers (0.88–0.91) and LREE depletion. Geochemical modelling shows that low trapped melt amounts (<5%) are sufficient to produce the observed trace element enrichments. Chemical zoning in large (mm-size) clinopyroxenes was dominantly caused by in situ fractional crystallization of trapped interstitial liquid rather then porous flow migration of externally derived evolved melts. Zr enrichment relative to REEs in vermicular clinopyroxene and pargasitic amphibole point to small-scale migration and interaction between residual evolved low melt fractions and the olivine cumulus matrix at final stage of crystallization. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary I report here the experimental results on the dynamics of equilibration of silicate melts suspended from Ni loops of different diameters at 1400 °C and at constant oxygen fugacity. It is found that saturation of silicate melt of anorthite-diopside eutectic composition with Ni is reached during the first few hours because the nickel ions in the melt diffuse extremely rapidly. Fast convection usually results in relatively homogeneous Ni content throughout the sample for loops with diameters 3.2–4.0 mm. Hence, glass homogeneity with respect to an element of interest may not be sufficient evidence that metal/melt equilibrium is reached. It is demonstrated that central parts of Ni diffusion profiles in samples with diameter as low as 2.6 mm are also “flattened” by convection. Possible driving forces of convection in a loop sample are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Loop-Technik: Dynamik der Metall/Schmelze ?quilibrierung Hier werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse zur ?quilibrierungs-Dynamik von Silikatschmelzen vorgelegt. Diese wurden bei konstanter Sauerstoff-Fugazit?t von Ni-loops verschiedener Durchmesser bei 1400 °C suspendiert. Es zeigt sich, dass Ni-S?ttigung von Silikatschmelzen von eutektischer Anorthit-Diopsid-Zusammensetzung schon w?hrend der ersten Stunden erreicht wird, da die Ni-Jonen ausserordentlich rasch in die Schmelze diffundieren. Rasche Konvektion führt zu relativ homogener Nickel-Verteilung in der Probe wenn loops mit 3.2–4.0 mm Durchmesser verwendet werden. Homogene Verteilung eines Elementes im Glas bedeutet nicht notwendigerweise, dass Gleichgewicht zwischen Metall und Schmelze erreicht wurde. Es wird gezeigt, dass zentrale Teile von Nickeldiffusions-Profilen in Proben von bis zu 2.6 mm Durchmesser auch durch Konvektion “abgeflacht” sein k?nnen. M?gliche Kr?fte die zur Konvektion in loop-Proben führen k?nnen werden diskutiert.

Received November 8, 1999; revised version accepted July 15, 2000  相似文献   

We present a new approach to determine the composition of silicate melt inclusions (SMI) using LA-ICPMS. In this study, we take advantage of the occurrence of SMI in co-precipitated mineral phases to quantify their composition without depending on additional sources of information. Quantitative SMI analyses are obtained by assuming that the ratio of selected elements in SMI trapped in different phases are identical. In addition Fe/Mg exchange equilibrium between olivine and melt was successfully used to quantify LA-ICPMS analyses of SMI in olivine. Results show that compositions of SMI from the different host minerals are identical within their uncertainty. Thus (1) the quantification approach is valid; (2) analyses are not affected by the composition of the host phase; (3) the derived melt compositions are representative of the original melt, excluding significant syn- or postentrapment modification such as boundary layer effects or diffusive reequilibration with the host mineral. With this data we established a large dataset of mineral/melt partition coefficients for the investigated mineral phases in hydrous calc-alkaline basaltic-andesitic melts. The clinopyroxene/melt and plagioclase/melt partition coefficients are consistent with the lattice strain model of Blundy and Wood [Blundy, J., Wood B., 1994. Prediction of crystal-melt partition-coefficients from elastic-moduli. Nature372, 452-454].  相似文献   

A systematic characterization of the chemical factors that control calcium partitioning between olivine and melt in a magmatic environment was undertaken using experiments performed on compositionally simple systems (CaO-MgO-SiO2, CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-Cr2O3, CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2, CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-Na2O, CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-FeO, CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-FeO-Na2O) over a wide range of temperature (1050–1530 °C) at one bar pressure. The calcium concentration of olivines is shown to be dependent not only on the forsterite content of the olivine but to a large extent on melt composition. For a fixed CaO content of the melt, these results show that the CaO concentration of olivine is strongly sensitive to the amount of alumina, alkali and ferrous iron present in the coexisting melt. Oxygen fugacity and temperature are not found directly to affect Ca partitioning. It is thus proposed that the systematic variations of the calcium content of olivine may be used as an “in-situ chemical potentiometer” of the lime activity of the melt. Based upon these data in synthetic systems, an empirical model describing Ca partitioning between olivine and melt is developed. When applied to natural olivines this model reproduces their Ca content, where melt composition is known, to within ±10% relative. The model may therefore be used to predict changes in melt composition during olivine crystallization and/or to assess whether an olivine is in equilibrium with its host magma. Finally, the wide range of Ca partitioning observed at fixed crystal composition confirms that minor element partitioning between crystal and melt cannot be predicted from the physical characteristics of the crystal alone, and that the non-ideality of the melt has to be taken into account. Received: 12 June 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

The polarized single-crystal Raman spectrum of synthetic fayalite, Fe2SiO4, was recorded between 5 and 773 K in order to investigate its lattice dynamic behavior. A broad absorption envelope is observed at wavenumbers between 800 and 960 cm–1 and it contains two intense bands at 816 and 840 cm–1 at 293 K in the (cc) spectrum. The integral area of the envelope decreases upon cooling from 293 K and reaches a minimum around 55 K. It then increases again with a further decrease in temperature down to 5 K. It is proposed that the envelope in the (cc) spectra consists of seven different modes, some of which are symmetry-forbidden, that arise from combination scattering of nonsymmetric internal SiO4-stretching modes of Big symmetry (i = 1, 2, 3) and low-energy excitations. The individual modes can be observed under different polarizations and agree in number and wavenumber with those obtained by fitting the broad envelope with Lorentzians. An analysis of the Raman spectrum as a function of temperature, using the known magnetic properties of fayalite, allows the assignment of the low-energy excitations to short-range magnetic interactions. Modulation of the Fe2+(1)–Fe2+(2) exchange energy leads to phonon-magnetic excitation coupling and the main role in the Fe2+(1)–Fe2+(2) magnetic interaction occurs via superexchange through the oxygens. The magnetic excitations are not magnons in the usual sense, that is as quasiparticles having a long wavelength in an ordered system. The degree of observed broadening of the SiO4-stretching modes is consonant with a Fe2+(1)–Fe2+(2) exchange energy of 4.7 cm–1 presented by Schmidt et al. (1992). At temperatures above 300 K the line width of the mode at 840 cm–1 decreases slightly, whereas those of low energy lattice modes increase. This suggests that a decrease in mode broadening due to weakened magnetic interactions compensates any thermally related broadening. Complete Fe2+ spin disorder may not be reached until at least 530 K. Results from this study show that estimates of third-law entropies for silicates using simple crystal-chemical considerations that do not account for magnetic properties cannot give accurate values for many transition-metal-containing phases.  相似文献   

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