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We performed high-resolution simulations of two stellar collisions relevant for stars in globular clusters. We considered one head-on collision and one off-axis collision between two 0.6-M main-sequence stars. We show that a resolution of about 100 000 particles is sufficient for most studies of the structure and evolution of blue stragglers. We demonstrate conclusively that collision products between main-sequence stars in globular clusters do not have surface convection zones larger than 0.004 M after the collision, nor do they develop convection zones during the 'pre-main-sequence' thermal relaxation phase of their post-collision evolution. Therefore, any mechanism which requires a surface convection zone (i.e. chemical mixing or angular momentum loss via a magnetic wind) cannot operate in these stars. We show that no disc of material surrounding the collision product is produced in off-axis collisions. The lack of both a convection zone and a disc proves a continuing problem for the angular momentum evolution of blue stragglers in globular clusters.  相似文献   

N -body simulations are made with a variety of initial conditions, in particular clumpy and flattened distributions, to attempt to constrain the possible initial conditions of globular clusters, using the observations that young LMC globular clusters appear relaxed after only 20 to 40 Myr. It is found that violent relaxation is able to erase most of the initial substructure in only ≈ 6 crossing times. However, initially very clumpy distributions (≲ 100 clumps) form clusters that are too concentrated to resemble real globular clusters. Such clusters also often have large clumps in long-lasting (≳ 30 crossing times) orbits which do not appear in observed cluster profiles. It is also found that even modest amounts of initial flattening produce clusters that are too elliptical to resemble real globular clusters. In such a scenario, cloud–cloud collisions and similar energetic processes would be unlikely to produce sufficiently spherical globular clusters. It is suggested that globular clusters form from roughly spherical initial conditions with star formation occurring either smoothly or in many small clumps.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditions by which neutron star retention in globular clusters is favoured. We find that neutron stars formed in massive binaries are far more likely to be retained. Such binaries are likely to then evolve into contact before encountering other stars, possibly producing a single neutron star after a common envelope phase. A large fraction of the single neutron stars in globular clusters are then likely to exchange into binaries containing moderate-mass main-sequence stars, replacing the lower-mass components of the original systems. These binaries will become intermediate-mass X-ray binaries (IMXBs), once the moderate-mass star evolves off the main sequence, as mass is transferred on to the neutron star, possibly spinning it up in the process. Such systems may be responsible for the population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) that has been observed in globular clusters. Additionally, the period of mass-transfer (and thus X-ray visibility) in the vast majority of such systems will have occurred 5–10 Gyr ago, thus explaining the observed relative paucity of X-ray binaries today, given the MSP population.  相似文献   

We argue that all transient searches for planets in globular clusters have a very low detection probability. Planets of low-metallicity stars typically do not reside at small orbital separations. The dependence of planetary system properties on metallicity is clearly seen when the quantity   I e ≡ M p[ a (1 − e )]2  is considered;   M p, a   and e are the planet mass, semimajor axis and eccentricity, respectively. In high-metallicity systems, there is a concentration of systems at high and low values of I e , with a low-populated gap near   I e ∼ 0.3 M J au2  , where M J is Jupiter's mass. In low-metallicity systems, the concentration is only at the higher range of I e , with a tail to low values of I e . Therefore, it is still possible that planets exist around main-sequence stars in globular clusters, although at small numbers because of the low metallicity, and at orbital periods of ≳10 d. We discuss the implications of our conclusions on the role that companions can play in the evolution of their parent stars in globular clusters, for example, influencing the distribution of horizontal branch stars on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram of some globular clusters, and in forming low-mass white dwarfs.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of binary stars in globular clusters using a new Monte Carlo approach combining a population synthesis code ( startrack ) and a simple treatment of dynamical interactions in the dense cluster core using a new tool for computing three- and four-body interactions ( fewbody ). We find that the combination of stellar evolution and dynamical interactions (binary–single and binary–binary) leads to a rapid depletion of the binary population in the cluster core. The maximum binary fraction today in the core of a typical dense cluster such as 47 Tuc, assuming an initial binary fraction of 100 per cent, is only ∼ 5–10 per cent. We show that this is in good agreement with recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of close binaries in the core of 47 Tuc, provided that a realistic distribution of binary periods is used to interpret the results. Our findings also have important consequences for the dynamical modelling of globular clusters, suggesting that 'realistic models' should incorporate much larger initial binary fractions than has usually been the case in the past.  相似文献   

We present internal surface brightness profiles, based on Hubble Space Telescope /ACS imaging in the F 606 W bandpass, for 131 globular cluster (GC) candidates with luminosities   L ≃ 104–3 × 106 L  in the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5128. Several structural models are fitted to the profile of each cluster and combined with mass-to-light ratios ( M / L values) from population-synthesis models, to derive a catalogue of fundamental structural and dynamical parameters parallel in form to the catalogues recently produced by McLaughlin & van der Marel and by Barmby et al. for GCs and massive young star clusters in Local Group galaxies. As part of this, we provide corrected and extended parameter estimates for another 18 clusters in NGC 5128, which we observed previously. We show that, like GCs in the Milky Way and some of its satellites, the majority of globulars in NGC 5128 are well fitted by isotropic Wilson models, which have intrinsically more distended envelope structures than the standard King lowered isothermal spheres. We use our models to predict internal velocity dispersions for every cluster in our sample. These predictions agree well in general with the observed dispersions in a small number of clusters for which spectroscopic data are available. In a subsequent paper, we use these results to investigate scaling relations for GCs in NGC 5128.  相似文献   

It is expected that specific globular clusters (GCs) can contain up to a hundred of millisecond pulsars. These pulsars can accelerate leptons at the shock waves originated in collisions of the pulsar winds and/or inside the pulsar magnetospheres. Energetic leptons diffuse gradually through the GC Comptonizing stellar and microwave background radiation. We calculate the GeV–TeV γ-ray spectra for different models of injection of leptons and parameters of the GCs assuming reasonable, of the order of 1 per cent, efficiency of energy conversion from the pulsar winds into the relativistic leptons. It is concluded that leptons accelerated in the GC cores should produce well localized γ-ray sources which are concentric with these GCs. The results are shown for four specific GCs (47 Tuc, Ter 5, M13 and M15), in which significant population of millisecond pulsars have been already discovered. We argue that the best candidates, which might be potentially detected by the present Cherenkov telescopes and the planned satellite telescopes (AGILE, GLAST), are 47 Tuc on the Southern hemisphere, and M13 on the Northern hemisphere. We conclude that detection (or non-detection) of GeV–TeV γ-ray emission from GCs by these instruments put important constraints on the models of acceleration of leptons by millisecond pulsars.  相似文献   

Broadband colours are often used as metallicity proxies in the study of extragalactic globular clusters. A common concern is the effect of variations in horizontal branch (HB) morphology – the second‐parameter effect – on such colours. We have used UBVI, Washington, and DDO photometry for a compilation of over 80 Milky Way globular clusters to address this question. Our method is to fit linear relations between colour and [Fe/H], and study the correlations between the residuals about these fits and two quantitative measures of HB morphology. While there is a significant HB effect seen in UB, for the commonly used colours BV, VI, and CT1, the deviations from the baseline colour‐[Fe/H] relations are less strongly related to HB morphology. There may be weak signatures in BV and CT1, but these are at the limit of observational uncertainties. The results may favour the use of BI in studies of extragalactic globular clusters, especially when its high [Fe/H]‐sensitivity is considered. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We make use of the 'Next Generation' model atmospheres of Allard et al. and Hauschildt, Allard & Baron to compute theoretical models for low- and very-low-mass stars for selected metallicities in the range Z =0.0002 to 0.002. On this basis, we present theoretical predictions covering the sequence of H-burning stars as observed in Galactic globulars from the faint end of the main sequence up to, and beyond, the cluster turn-off. The role played by the new model atmospheres is discussed, showing that present models appear in excellent agreement with models by Baraffe et al. as computed on a quite similar physical basis. One finds that the theoretical mass–luminosity relations based on this updated set of models are in good agreement with the empirical data provided by Henry & McCarthy. Comparison with HST observation discloses that the location on the colour–magnitude diagram of the lower main sequence in Galactic globular clusters appears again in good agreement with the predicted sensitive dependence of these sequences on the cluster metallicity.  相似文献   

We present wide-area UBRI photometry for globular clusters around the Leo group galaxy NGC 3379. Globular cluster candidates are selected from their B -band magnitudes and their  ( U − B ) o   versus  ( B − I ) o   colours. A colour–colour selection region was defined from photometry of the Milky Way and M31 globular cluster systems. We detect 133 globular cluster candidates, which supports previous claims of a low specific frequency for NGC 3379.
The Milky Way and M31 reveal blue and red subpopulations, with  ( U − B ) o   and  ( B − I ) o   colours indicating mean metallicities similar to those expected based on previous spectroscopic work. The stellar population models of Maraston and Brocato et al. are consistent with both subpopulations being old, and with metallicities of  [Fe/H]∼−1.5  and −0.6 for the blue and red subpopulations, respectively. The models of Worthey do not reproduce the  ( U − B ) o   colours of the red (metal-rich) subpopulation for any modelled age.
For NGC 3379 we detect a blue subpopulation with similar colours, and presumably age/metallicity, to that of the Milky Way and M31 globular cluster systems. The red subpopulation is less well defined, perhaps due to increased photometric errors, but indicates a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]∼−0.6.  相似文献   

The large majority of extragalactic star cluster studies performed to date essentially use multicolour photometry, combined with theoretical stellar synthesis models, to derive ages, masses, extinction estimates and metallicities. M31 offers a unique laboratory for studies of globular cluster (GC) systems. In this paper, we obtain new age estimates for 91 M31 GCs, based on improved photometric data, updated theoretical stellar synthesis models and sophisticated new fitting methods. In particular, we used photometric measurements from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), which, in combination with optical photometry, can partially break the well-known age–metallicity degeneracy operating at ages in excess of a few Gyr. We show robustly that previous age determinations based on photometric data were affected significantly by this age–metallicity degeneracy. Except for one cluster, the ages of our other sample GCs are all older than 1 Gyr. Their age distribution shows populations of young- and intermediate-age GCs, peaking at ∼3 and 8 Gyr, respectively, as well as the 'usual' complement of well-known old GCs, i.e. GCs of similar age as the majority of the Galactic GCs. Our results also show that although there is significant scatter in metallicity at any age, there is a notable lack of young metal-poor and old metal-rich GCs, which might be indicative of an underlying age–metallicity relationship among the M31 GC population.  相似文献   

New absolute proper motions of the two globular clusters NGC 4147 and NGC 6218 and a specific model of galactic mass distribution are used to integrate their orbits numerically. The resulting values of orbital parameters and their variation due to the uncertainty of the initial values are discussed. Furthermore, the deviations from the time average of the virial theorem are determined.  相似文献   

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