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We outline the revised physical assumption which have been incorporated into our previously published evolutionary model for stellar population synthesis in galaxies. Applying the present version of the model to well-defined zones on the nucleus and along a spiral arm of NGC 2903 we show that the star formation rate has increased during the lifetime of the galaxy, steadily but only slightly in the arm, and spectacularly in the nucleus, where there is current starburst activity. We also infer that considerable gaseous inflow has occurred in the arm during the lifetime of the disc.Paper presented at the 11 th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. 相似文献
C. del Burgo R. F. Peletier A. Vazdekis S. Arribas E. Mediavilla 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,321(2):227-238
We present integral field spectroscopy of the circumnuclear region of M32 obtained with the 2D_FIS fibre optics spectrographs installed at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope. From these spectra line-strength maps have been made for about 20 absorption lines, mostly belonging to the Lick system. We find good agreement with long-slit line-strength profiles in the literature, and no radial gradients in the azimuthally averaged absorption line indices. We fit the mean values of each spectral index and colours from the literature for the inner regions of M32 to the models of Vazdekis et al. and Worthey, finding that the present data can be well interpreted for a single stellar population of an intermediate age (∼4 Gyr) and a metallicity similar to solar 相似文献
Attay Kovetz Ofer Yaron Dina Prialnik 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,395(4):1857-1874
We present a new stellar evolution code and a set of results, demonstrating its capability at calculating full evolutionary tracks for a wide range of masses and metallicities. The code is fast and efficient, and is capable of following through all evolutionary phases, without interruption or human intervention. It is meant to be used also in the context of modelling the evolution of dense stellar systems, for performing live calculations for both normal star models and merger products.
The code is based on a fully implicit, adaptive-grid numerical scheme that solves simultaneously for structure, mesh and chemical composition. Full details are given for the treatment of convection, equation of state, opacity, nuclear reactions and mass loss.
Results of evolutionary calculations are shown for a solar model that matches the characteristics of the present sun to an accuracy of better than 1 per cent; a 1 M⊙ model for a wide range of metallicities; a series of models of stellar Populations I and II, for the mass range 0.25 to 64 M⊙ , followed from pre-main-sequence to a cool white dwarf or core collapse. An initial–final mass relationship is derived and compared with previous studies. Finally, we briefly address the evolution of non-canonical configurations, merger products of low-mass main-sequence parents. 相似文献
The code is based on a fully implicit, adaptive-grid numerical scheme that solves simultaneously for structure, mesh and chemical composition. Full details are given for the treatment of convection, equation of state, opacity, nuclear reactions and mass loss.
Results of evolutionary calculations are shown for a solar model that matches the characteristics of the present sun to an accuracy of better than 1 per cent; a 1 M
Using the Andersen (1991) data on the mass, absolute visual magnitude, the effective surface temperature and the bolometric corrections, new calibrations for the mass vs. absolute visual magnitude and for the bolometric correction vs. effective surface temperature have been derived. Comparison between the latest evolutionary models with the empirical data has been made to test the evolutionary models for the purpose of stellar population studies. 相似文献
Jarrod R. Hurley † Christopher A. Tout Sverre J. Aarseth Onno R. Pols 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,323(3):630-650
We present a state-of-the-art N -body code which includes a detailed treatment of stellar and binary evolution as well as the cluster dynamics. This code is ideal for investigating all aspects relating to the evolution of star clusters and their stellar populations. It is applicable to open and globular clusters of any age. We use the N -body code to model the blue straggler population of the old open cluster M67. Preliminary calculations with our binary population synthesis code show that binary evolution alone cannot explain the observed numbers or properties of the blue stragglers. On the other hand, our N -body model of M67 generates the required number of blue stragglers and provides formation paths for all the various types found in M67. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the cluster environment in modifying the nature of the stars it contains, and highlights the importance of combining dynamics with stellar evolution. We also perform a series of N =10 000 simulations in order to quantify the rate of escape of stars from a cluster subject to the Galactic tidal field. 相似文献
Artificial neural networks (ANN) have different applications in Astronomy, including data reduction and data mining. In this work we propose the use ANNs in the identification of stellar model solutions. We illustrate this method, by applying an ANN to the 0.8M⊙ star CG Cyg B. Our ANN was trained using 60,000 different 0.8M⊙ stellar models. With this approach we identify the models which reproduce CG Cyg B’s position in the HR diagram. We observe a correlation between the model’s initial metal and helium abundance which, in most cases, does not agree with a helium to metal enrichment ratio ΔY/ΔZ = 2. Moreover, we identify a correlation between the model’s initial helium/metal abundance and both its age and mixing-length parameter. Additionally, every model found has a mixing-length parameter below 1.3. This means that CG Cyg B’s mixing-length parameter is clearly smaller than the solar one. From this study we conclude that ANNs are well suited to deal with the degeneracy of model solutions of solar type stars. 相似文献
V. P. Arkhipova N. P. Ikonnikova G. V. Komissarova V. F. Esipov 《Astronomy Letters》2006,32(9):594-603
We present the results of our photoelectric observations of HD 51585 (OY Gem), a B[e] star with an infrared excess and a candidate for protoplanetary nebulae, obtained with a 60-cm telescope at the Crimean Station of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute in 1992–2005. The star exhibited rapid irregular brightness variations with amplitudes from We present the results of our photoelectric observations of HD 51585 (OY Gem), a B[e] star with an infrared excess and a candidate
for protoplanetary nebulae, obtained with a 60-cm telescope at the Crimean Station of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute
in 1992–2005. The star exhibited rapid irregular brightness variations with amplitudes from
in the V band to
in U band within the observing season as well as slow systematic variations with amplitudes from
in the V band to
in the U band and with a quasi-period of ∼2800 days. The B-V color index varied within
and did not follow the slow systematic brightness variations, while U-B correlated with the U brightness and varied between
at maximum light and
at minimum light. Our low-resolution spectroscopy performed in 1994–2005 has revealed significant variability of the Balmer
and Paschen hydrogen emission lines as well as the He I and O I lines. Equivalent widths are given for the H I, He I, O I,
and Fe II lines; a correlation has been found between the star’s photometric variability and the hydrogen line intensities.
Our joint analysis of the photometric and spectroscopic data suggests that variations in a strong stellar wind are responsible
for the variability of the star.
Original Russian Text ? V.P. Arkhipova, N.P. Ikonnikova, G. V. Komissarova, V. F. Esipo, 2006, published in Pis’ma v Astronomicheskiĭ
Zhurnal, 2006, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp. 662–671. 相似文献
Evolutionary synthesis of stellar populations: a modular tool 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Claudia Maraston 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,300(3):872-892
A new tool for the evolutionary synthesis of stellar populations is presented, which is based on three independent matrices, giving respectively (1) the fuel consumption during each evolutionary phase as a function of stellar mass, (2) the typical temperatures and gravities during such phases, and (3) the colours and bolometric corrections as functions of gravity and temperature. The modular structure of the code allows one easily to assess the impact on the synthetic spectral energy distribution of the various assumptions and model ingredients, such as, for example, uncertainties in stellar evolutionary models, the mixing length, the temperature distribution of horizontal branch stars, asymptotic giant branch mass loss, and colour–temperature transformations. The so-called 'AGB phase transition' in Magellanic Cloud clusters is used to calibrate the contribution of the thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch phase to the synthetic integrated luminosity. As an illustrative example, solar-metallicity ( Y = 0.27, Z = 0.02) models, with ages ranging between 30 Myr and 15 Gyr and various choices for the slope of the initial mass function, are presented. Synthetic broad-band colours and the luminosity contributions of the various evolutionary stages are compared with Large Magellanic Cloud and Galactic globular cluster data. In all these cases, a good agreement is found. Finally, the evolution is presented of stellar mass-to-light ratios in the bolometric and U B V R K passbands, in which the contribution of stellar remnants is accounted for. 相似文献
S. C. Trager Guy Worthey S. M. Faber Alan Dressler 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2005,362(1):2-8
We present numerical investigations into the formation of massive stars from turbulent cores of density structure ρ∝ r −1.5 . The results of five hydrodynamical simulations are described, following the collapse of the core, fragmentation and the formation of small clusters of protostars. We generate two different initial turbulent velocity fields corresponding to power-law spectra P ∝ k −4 and P ∝ k −3.5 , and we apply two different initial core radii. Calculations are included for both completely isothermal collapse, and a non-isothermal equation of state above a critical density (10−14 g cm−3 ) . Our calculations reveal the preference of fragmentation over monolithic star formation in turbulent cores. Fragmentation was prevalent in all the isothermal cases. Although disc fragmentation was largely suppressed in the non-isothermal runs due to the small dynamic range between the initial density and the critical density, our results show that some fragmentation still persisted. This is inconsistent with previous suggestions that turbulent cores result in the formation of a single massive star. We conclude that turbulence cannot be measured as an isotropic pressure term. 相似文献
Small adiabatic radial oscillations of composite models have been investigated. The effect of central condensation ρc√ρ on the period of pulsation have also been examined. In has been shown that the second moment of mass concentration characterize the periods of pulsation more effectively than central condensation. 相似文献
As a generalization of the King's widely-used model for a spherical stellar system containing stars of identical masses, a two-component model of an equilibrium stellar system consisting of stars of two different masses is built proceeding from a proper generalization of the distribution function. In such a system, the principle of thermal equilibrium, generally speaking, does not hold, i.e. equipartition of mean kinetic energy between light and heavy stars is absent.The radial distribution of partial density and velocity dispersion for each of the components and of the total density and velocity dispersion is obtained. The profiles of both the total density and velocity dispersion differ considerably from those given by the King's one-component model, especially in the centre of the system. In particular, the velocity dispersion of stars may there have a non-monotonous behaviour. The possibility of applying the many-component model for the explanation of the recently discovered luminosity cusps in the central regions of some elliptical galaxies is briefly discussed. 相似文献
Michael H. Siegel Yüksel Karata I. Neill Reid 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,395(3):1569-1578
We present an analysis of UBVRI data from the selected area SA 141. By applying recalibrated methods of measuring ultraviolet excess (UVX), we approximate abundances and absolute magnitudes for 368 stars over 1.3 deg2 out to distances over 10 kpc. With the density distribution constrained from our previous photometric parallax investigations and with sufficient accounting for the metallicity bias in the UVX method, we are able to compare the vertical abundance distribution to those measured in previous studies. We find that the abundance distribution has an underlying uniform component consistent with previous spectroscopic results that posit a monometallic thick disc and halo with abundances of [Fe/H]=−0.8 and −1.4, respectively. However, there are a number of outlying data points that may indicate contamination by more metal-rich halo streams. The absence of vertical abundance gradients in the Galactic stellar populations and the possible presence of interloping halo streams would be consistent with expectations from merger models of Galaxy formation. We find that our UVX method has limited sensitivity in exploring the metallicity distribution of the distant Galactic halo, owing to the poor constraint on the UBV properties of very metal-poor stars. The derivation of metallicities from broad-band UBV photometry remains fundamentally sound for the exploration of the halo but is in need of both improved calibration and superior data. 相似文献
Using the MegaCam imager on the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope, we have resolved individual stars in the outskirts of the nearby large spiral galaxy M81 (NGC 3031) well below the tip of the red giant branch of metal-poor stellar populations over ∼60 × 58 kpc2 . In this paper, we report the discovery of new young stellar systems in the outskirts of M81. The most prominent feature is a chain of clumps of young stars distributed along the extended southern H i tidal arm connecting M 81 and NGC 3077. The colour–magnitude diagrams of these stellar systems show plumes of bright main sequence stars and red supergiant stars, indicating extended events of star formation. The main sequence turn-offs of the youngest stars in the systems are consistent with ages of ∼40 Myr. The newly reported stellar systems show strong similarities with other known young stellar systems in the debris field around M81, with their properties best explained by these systems being of tidal origin. 相似文献
The integral equation relating to the brightness distribution in a galaxy and in its image formed by an optical system characterized by a Gaussian (or a sum of Gaussians) point-spread function (PSF) is derived. Since the solution of this equation, attainable by any classical method, is numerically unstable, according to the ill-posed nature of the problem, an approximate and stable solution is obtainable by a first-order regularization in Tikhonov's sense. For the bright spike the application to M32 gives a radius of 2.1 arc sec a central surface brightness of 13.10 V mag arc sec–2 and a 12 V integrated magnitude. 相似文献
In order to obtain the internal structure of a main-sequence star such as the Sun usually one has to solve the detailed structure equations numerically. This paper is an attempt to construct analytic models for the stellar nuclear energy generation. We give closed-form analytic results for the stellar luminosity and stellar neutrino emission rate when the radial matter density of the spherical star under consideration is linear. For the numerical estimation of the neutrino flux of a specified stellar nuclear reaction we take into account parameters of the standard solar model. The present paper gives for the first time the connection between stellar structure parameters and neutrino fluxes in an analytic stellar model. 相似文献
V. S. Shevchenko O. V. Ezhkova M. A. Ibrahimov M. E. van den Ancker H. R. E. Tjin A Djie 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1999,310(1):210-222
A new photometric and spectroscopic survey of the star formation region (SFR) CMa R1 is described. In a sample of 165 stars brighter than 13th mag, 88 stars were found to be probable members of the SFR. They are defined as early-type stars with E ( B − V )0.16 mag, which corresponds to a distance of about 1 kpc. 74 of the probable members are B stars. 19 stars are possibly associated with an IRAS point source. We derive a most probable distance of 1050±150 pc to the association. It appears that about 80 candidate members are pre-main-sequence stars with ages lower than 6 million years, while the main sequence extends over 6.0–7.6 mag, which is consistent with star formation starting about 8 million years ago and continuing until at least half a million years ago. Two bright B stars in the association (GU CMa and FZ CMa) seem to be much older and probably do not originate from the same star formation episode. The star formation efficiency appears to increase roughly monotonically with time up to half a million years ago. From our data, we conclude that only a minor fraction of the stars has been created through the scenario suggested by Herbst & Assousa, in which the members of CMa R1 form by compression of ambient material by a supernova shock wave. An extensive search for candidate members with H α emission did not reveal new Herbig Ae/Be candidates, so that the number of stars in this class seems to be limited to four: Z CMa, LkH α 218, LkH α 220 and possibly HD 53367. 相似文献