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针对倾斜影像三维重建后纹理间存在明显的色差、接缝且处理低效的问题,本文提出了一种快速高效的无缝纹理匀光方法.该方法首先对输入的去畸变影像进行影像增强预处理,通过对模型所有的顶点和边建立约束方程,求解得到每个顶点的颜色改正值;其次根据3个顶点插值得到三角面内部像素的颜色改正值;然后通过纹理扩充得到全局无色差的纹理块;最后...  相似文献   

A Robust Set-Inversion via Interval Analysis method in a bounded-error framework is used to compute three-dimensional location zones in real time, at a given confidence level. This approach differs significantly from the usual Gaussian error model paradigm, since the satellite positions and the pseudorange measurements are represented by intervals encompassing the true value with a particular level of confidence. The method computes a location zone recursively, using contractions and bisections of an arbitrarily large initial location box. Such an approach can also handle an arbitrary number of erroneous measurements using a q-relaxed solver and allows the integration of geographic and cartographic information such as digital elevation models or three-dimensional maps. With enough data redundancy, inconsistent measurements can be detected and even rejected. The integrity risk of the location zone comes only from the measurement bounds settings, since the solver is guaranteed. A method for setting these bounds for a particular location zone confidence level is proposed. An experimental validation using real L1 code measurements and a digital elevation model is also reported in order to illustrate the performance of the method on real data.  相似文献   

Zhao  Sihao  Cui  Xiaowei  Lu  Mingquan 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(2):715-725
GPS Solutions - A Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver usually needs a sufficient number of full pseudorange measurements to obtain a position solution. However, it is time-consuming...  相似文献   

局部区域模型垂线偏差快速算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对利用地球重力场模型计算大范围、高分辨率局部区域模型垂线偏差速度慢这一问题,该文在对位系数模型泰勒级数展开的基础上,提出了采用向量运算、混合编程、预先计算缔合勒让德函数Belikov递推方法中与经纬度无关量的方法;最后与严密公式计算结果作对比。实验结果表明,该方法不仅可以满足精度要求,而且可以有效提高计算速度。  相似文献   

Geospatial Semantic Web promises better retrieval geospatial information for Digital Earth systems by explicitly representing the semantics of data through ontologies. It also promotes sharing and reuse of geospatial data by encoding it in Semantic Web languages, such as RDF, to form geospatial knowledge base. For many applications, rapid retrieval of spatial data from the knowledge base is critical. However, spatial data retrieval using the standard Semantic Web query language – Geo-SPARQL – can be very inefficient because the data in the knowledge base are no longer indexed to support efficient spatial queries. While recent research has been devoted to improving query performance on general knowledge base, it is still challenging to support efficient query of the spatial data with complex topological relationships. This research introduces a query strategy to improve the query performance of geospatial knowledge base by creating spatial indexing on-the-fly to prune the search space for spatial queries and by parallelizing the spatial join computations within the queries. We focus on improving the performance of Geo-SPARQL queries on knowledge bases encoded in RDF. Our initial experiments show that the proposed strategy can greatly reduce the runtime costs of Geo-SPARQL query through on-the-fly spatial indexing and parallel execution.  相似文献   

Realtime satellite clock corrections are usually estimated using undifferenced phase and range observations from a global network. Because a large number of ambiguity parameters must be estimated, the computation is time-consuming. Consequently, only a sparse global network of limited number of stations is processed by most IGS Realtime Analysis Centers with an update rate of 5 s. In addition, it is very desirable to build the capability to simultaneously estimate clock corrections for multi-GNSS constellations. Although the estimation can be sped up by epoch-differenced observations that eliminate ambiguities, the derived clocks can contain a satellite-specific bias that diminishes the contribution of range observations. We introduce a computationally efficient approach for realtime clock estimation. Both the epoch-differenced phase and undifferenced range observations are used together to estimate the epoch-differenced satellite clocks and the initial clock bias for each satellite and receiver. The biased clock corrections accumulated from the estimated epoch-differenced clocks are then aligned with the estimated clock biases and provided as the final clock corrections to users. The algorithm is incorporated into the EPOS-RT software developed at GFZ (GeoForschungsZentrum) and experimentally validated with the IGS global network. The comparison with the GFZ rapid products shows that the accuracy of the clock estimation with the new approach is comparable with that of the undifferenced approach, whereas the computation time is reduced to one-tenth. As a result, estimation of high-rate satellite clocks from a large reference network and tracking satellites of multi-GNSS constellations becomes achievable.  相似文献   

A closed-form formula for GPS GDOP computation   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) is often used for selecting good satellites to meet the desired positioning precision. An efficient closed-form formula for GDOP has been developed when exactly four satellites are used. It has been proved that increasing the number of satellites for positioning will always reduce the GDOP. Since most GPS receivers today can receive signals from more than four satellites, it is desirable to compute GDOP efficiently for the general case. Previous studies have partially solved this problem with artificial neural network (ANN). Though ANN is a powerful function approximation technique, it needs costly training and the trained model may not be applicable to data deviating too much from the training data. Using Newton’s identities from the theory of symmetric polynomials, this paper presents a simple closed-form formula for computing GDOP with the inputs used in previous studies. These inputs include traces of the measurement matrix and its second and third powers, and the determinant of the matrix.  相似文献   


A novel artificial intelligence approach of Bayesian Logistic Regression (BLR) and its ensembles [Random Subspace (RS), Adaboost (AB), Multiboost (MB) and Bagging] was introduced for landslide susceptibility mapping in a part of Kamyaran city in Kurdistan Province, Iran. A spatial database was generated which includes a total of 60 landslide locations and a set of conditioning factors tested by the Information Gain Ratio technique. Performance of these models was evaluated using the area under the ROC curve (AUROC) and statistical index-based methods. Results showed that the hybrid ensemble models could significantly improve the performance of the base classifier of BLR (AUROC?=?0.930). However, RS model (AUROC?=?0.975) had the highest performance in comparison to other landslide ensemble models, followed by Bagging (AUROC?=?0.972), MB (AUROC?=?0.970) and AB (AUROC?=?0.957) models, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, an empirical assessment approach for the risk of crop loss due to water stress was developed and used to evaluate the risk of winter wheat loss in China, the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. We combined statistical and remote sensing data on crop yields with climate data and cropland distribution to model the effect of water stress from 1982 to 2011. The average value of winter wheat loss due to water stress for the three European countries was about ?931 kg/ha, which was higher than that in China (?570 kg/ha) and the United States (?367 kg/ha). Our study has important implications for the operational assessment of crop loss risk at a country or regional scale. Future studies should focus on using higher spatial resolution remote sensing data, combining actual evapotranspiration to estimate water stress, improving the method for downscaling of statistical crop yield data and establishing more sophisticated zoning methods.  相似文献   

Modernized GPS and Galileo will provide triple-frequency signals for civil use, generating a high interest to examine the improvement of positioning performance using the triple-frequency signals from both constellations over baselines up to hundreds or thousands of kilometers. This study adopts a generalized GPS/Galileo long-range approach to process the mutually compatible GPS and Galileo triple-frequency measurements for high-precision long baseline determination. The generalized approach has the flexibility to deal with GPS and Galileo constellations separately or jointly, and also the capability to handle dual or triple-frequency measurements. We compared the generalized long-range approach with the Bernese v5.0 software on two test baselines located in East Asia and obtained highly compatible computational results. Further, in order to assess possible improvement of GPS/Galileo long baseline determination compared with the current dual-frequency (L1/L2) GPS, we simulated GPS and Galileo measurements of the test baselines. It is shown that the current level of accuracy of daily baseline solutions can be improved by using the additional Galileo constellation. Both the additional constellation and the triple-frequency measurements can improve ambiguity resolution performance, but single-constellation triple-frequency ambiguity resolution is more resistant to the influences of code noise and multipath than dual-constellation dual-frequency ambiguity resolution. Therefore, in environments where large code noise or multipath is present, the use of triple-frequency measurements is the main factor for improving ambiguity resolution performance.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xiaohong  Tao  Xianlu  Zhu  Feng  Shi  Xiang  Wang  Fuhong 《GPS Solutions》2018,22(3):1-11
GPS Solutions - Tropical cyclones are a serious natural disaster concern in Australia due to El Niño and La Niña phenomena. However, little attention has been paid to the ionospheric...  相似文献   

In the past two decades, building detection and reconstruction from remotely sensed data has been an active research topic in the photogrammetric and remote sensing communities. Recently, effective high level approaches have been developed, i.e., the ones involving the minimization of an energetic formulation. Yet, their efficiency has to be balanced by the amount of processing power required to obtain good results.In this paper, we introduce an original energetic model for building footprint extraction from high resolution digital elevation models (≤1 m) in urban areas. Our goal is to formulate the energy in an efficient way, easy to parametrize and fast to compute, in order to get an effective process still providing good results.Our work is based on stochastic geometry, and in particular on marked point processes of rectangles. We therefore try to obtain a reliable object configuration described by a collection of rectangular building footprints. To do so, an energy function made up of two terms is defined: the first term measures the adequacy of the objects with respect to the data and the second one has the ability to favour or penalize some footprint configurations based on prior knowledge (alignment, overlapping, …). To minimize the global energy, we use a Reversible Jump Monte Carlo Markov Chain (RJMCMC) sampler coupled with a simulated annealing algorithm, leading to an optimal configuration of objects. Various results from different areas and resolutions are presented and evaluated. Our work is also compared with an already existing methodology based on the same mathematical framework that uses a much more complex energy function. We show how we obtain similarly good results with a high computational efficiency (between 50 and 100 times faster) using a simplified energy that requires a single data-independent parameter, compared to more than 20 inter-related and hard-to-tune parameters.  相似文献   


This study addresses landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) using a novel ensemble approach of using a bivariate statistical method (weights of evidence [WoE] and evidential belief function [EBF])-based logistic model tree (LMT) classifier. The performance and prediction capability of the ensemble models were assessed using the area under the ROC curve (AUROC), standard error, 95% confidence intervals and significance level P. Model performance analyses indicated that the AUROC values of the WoE–LMT ensemble model using the training and validation data-sets were 86.02 and 85.9%, respectively, whereas those of the EBF–LMT ensemble model were 88.2 and 87.8%, respectively. On the other hand, the AUC curves for the four landslide susceptibility maps indicated that the AUC values of the ensemble models of WoE–LMT (85.11 and 83.98%) and EBF–LMT (86.21 and 85.23%) could improve the performance and prediction accuracy of single WoE (84.23 and 82.46%) and EBF (85.39 and 81.33%) models for the training and validation data-sets.  相似文献   

Despite the increased availability of high resolution satellite image data, their operational use for mapping urban land cover in Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be limited by lack of computational resources and technical expertise. As such, there is need for simple and efficient image classification techniques. Using Bamenda in North West Cameroon as a test case, we investigated two completely unsupervised pixel based approaches to extract tree/shrub (TS) and ground vegetation (GV) cover from an IKONOS derived soil adjusted vegetation index. These included: (1) a simple Jenks Natural Breaks classification and (2) a two-step technique that combined the Jenks algorithm with agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Both techniques were compared with each other and with a non-linear support vector machine (SVM) for classification performance. While overall classification accuracy was generally high for all techniques (>90%), One-Way Analysis of Variance tests revealed the two step technique to outperform the simple Jenks classification in terms of predicting the GV class. It also outperformed the SVM in predicting the TS class. We conclude that the unsupervised methods are technically as good and practically superior for efficient urban vegetation mapping in budget and technically constrained regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

DEM精度检查中等高线回放的量化方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
范青松  汤翠莲  胡鹏 《测绘科学》2008,33(3):118-120
目前数字高程模型(DEM)精度检查中广泛采用等高线回放方法,以目视检查方式进行,定性为主。基于集合论引进了一种量化方法,即层次等高线差异栅格分析法,用于描述等高线回放的平面位置变形量。实验证明此方法不仅可视化效果好,其量化指标有助于定位DEM误差,包括粗差;也适合对不同DEM内插方法精度评定的对比分析。  相似文献   

张艳  王涛  赵亮  刘颖  徐青 《测绘科学》2006,31(5):71-73,44
本文提出SPOT影像的一种快速正射纠正法,该方法采用分块内插算法和加速措施可以快速地完成SPOT影像的正射纠正。理论分析和实验结果都证实,在采用合理的分块尺寸的条件下,该方法可以保持传统方法正射纠正影像的精度基本不变,在精度损失的极小范围内实现SPOT影像的快速正射纠正。  相似文献   

一种无人机视频影像快速配准方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对应急测绘中对无人机视频数据快速获取及处理的需求,提出了一种无人机视频影像快速配准方法。首先采用时间索引和线性/球面插值方法实现视频帧与无人机定位定姿信息的时间同步,根据数字微分纠正算法实现视频帧的地理编码,实现视频帧间的粗略配准,然后控制仿射变换模型中的缩放因子不变对纠正后视频帧的坐标进行调整,完成视频帧间的精配准:试验结果表明该方法能够得到航带内视频帧较好的配准效果。  相似文献   

An iterative algorithm to calculate mutual correlation using hierarchical key points and the search space mark principle is proposed. An effective algorithm is designed to improve the matching speed. By hierarchical key point algorithm and mutual correlation coefficients of the matching images, the important points can be iteratively calculated in the images hierarchically, and the correlation coefficient can be obtained with satisfactory precision. Massive spots in the parameter space which are impossible to match can be removed by the search space mark principle. Two approximate continuities in the correlation image matching process, the image gray level distribution continuity and the correlation coefficient value in the parameter space continuity, are considered in the method. The experiments show that the new algorithm can greatly enhance matching speed and achieve accurate matching results.  相似文献   

 Spherical harmonic expansions form partial sums of fully normalised associated Legendre functions (ALFs). However, when evaluated increasingly close to the poles, the ultra-high degree and order (e.g. 2700) ALFs range over thousands of orders of magnitude. This causes existing recursion techniques for computing values of individual ALFs and their derivatives to fail. A common solution in geodesy is to evaluate these expansions using Clenshaw's method, which does not compute individual ALFs or their derivatives. Straightforward numerical principles govern the stability of this technique. Elementary algebra is employed to illustrate how these principles are implemented in Clenshaw's method. It is also demonstrated how existing recursion algorithms for computing ALFs and their first derivatives are easily modified to incorporate these same numerical principles. These modified recursions yield scaled ALFs and first derivatives, which can then be combined using Horner's scheme to compute partial sums, complete to degree and order 2700, for all latitudes (except at the poles for first derivatives). This exceeds any previously published result. Numerical tests suggest that this new approach is at least as precise and efficient as Clenshaw's method. However, the principal strength of the new techniques lies in their simplicity of formulation and implementation, since this quality should simplify the task of extending the approach to other uses, such as spherical harmonic analysis. Received: 30 June 2000 / Accepted: 12 June 2001  相似文献   

Hot spot detection with satellite images, especially with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is still a challenging task. Several researchers have used TM/optical data for identification of hot spot but the use of SAR data is very limited for this type of application. The fusion of SAR data with TM/optical data may add additional information which in turn will lead for enhancement of detection capability of the hot spot. Therefore, this study explores the possibility of fusion of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) satellite images for the hot spot detection. Image fusion is emerging as a powerful tool where information of various sensors can be used for obtaining better results. For this purpose, vegetation greenness and roughness information which is obtained from MODIS and PALSAR satellite images, respectively, are used for fusion, and then, a contextual-based thresholding algorithm is applied to the fused image for hot spot detection. The proposed approach comprises of two steps: (1) application of genetic algorithm-based scheme for image fusion of MODIS and PALSAR satellite images, and (2) classification of the fused image as either hot spot or non-hot spot pixels by employing a contextual thresholding technique. The algorithm is tested over the Jharia Coal Field region of India, where hot spot is one of the major problems and it is observed that the proposed thresholding technique classifies the each pixel of the fused image into two categories: hot spot and non-hot spot and the proposed approach detects the hot spot with better accuracy and less false alarm.  相似文献   

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