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Obtaining accurate geological boundaries and assessing the uncertainty in these limits are critical for effective ore resource and reserve estimation. The uncertainty in the extent of an ore body can be the largest source of uncertainty in ore resource estimation when drilling is sparse. These limits are traditionally interpreted deterministically and it can be difficult to quantify uncertainty in the boundary and its impact on ore tonnage. The proposed methodology is to consider stochastic modeling of the ore boundary with a distance function recoding of the available data. This technique is modified to incorporate non-stationarities in the form of a locally varying anisotropy field used in kriging and sequential Gaussian simulation. Implementing locally varying anisotropy kriging retains the geologically realistic features of a deterministic model while allowing for a stochastic assessment of uncertainty. A case study of a gold deposit in Northern Canada is used to demonstrate the methodology. The proposed technique generates realistic, curvilinear geological boundary models and allows for an assessment of the uncertainty in the model. 相似文献
Stochastic Structural Modeling 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Lars Holden Petter Mostad Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen Jon Gjerde Chris Townsend Signe Ottesen 《Mathematical Geology》2003,35(8):899-914
A consistent stochastic model for faults and horizons is described. The faults are represented as a parametric invertible deformation operator. The faults may truncate each other. The horizons are modeled as correlated Gaussian fields and are represented in a grid. Petrophysical variables may be modeled in a reservoir before faulting in order to describe the juxtaposition effect of the faulting. It is possible to condition the realization on petrophysics, horizons, and fault plane observations in wells in addition to seismic data. The transmissibility in the fault plane may also be included in the model. Four different methods to integrate the fault and horizon models in a common model is described. The method is illustrated on an example from a real petroleum field with 18 interpreted faults that are handled stochastically. 相似文献
The advent of multiple-point geostatistics (MPS) gave rise to the integration of complex subsurface geological structures
and features into the model by the concept of training images. Initial algorithms generate geologically realistic realizations
by using these training images to obtain conditional probabilities needed in a stochastic simulation framework. More recent
pattern-based geostatistical algorithms attempt to improve the accuracy of the training image pattern reproduction. In these
approaches, the training image is used to construct a pattern database. Consequently, sequential simulation will be carried
out by selecting a pattern from the database and pasting it onto the simulation grid. One of the shortcomings of the present
algorithms is the lack of a unifying framework for classifying and modeling the patterns from the training image. In this
paper, an entirely different approach will be taken toward geostatistical modeling. A novel, principled and unified technique
for pattern analysis and generation that ensures computational efficiency and enables a straightforward incorporation of domain
knowledge will be presented. 相似文献
Surface-Based 3D Modeling of Geological Structures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
G. Caumon P. Collon-Drouaillet C. Le Carlier de Veslud S. Viseur J. Sausse 《Mathematical Geosciences》2009,41(8):927-945
Building a 3D geological model from field and subsurface data is a typical task in geological studies involving natural resource evaluation and hazard assessment. However, there is quite often a gap between research papers presenting case studies or specific innovations in 3D modeling and the objectives of a typical class in 3D structural modeling, as more and more is implemented at universities. In this paper, we present general procedures and guidelines to effectively build a structural model made of faults and horizons from typical sparse data. Then we describe a typical 3D structural modeling workflow based on triangulated surfaces. Our goal is not to replace software user guides, but to provide key concepts, principles, and procedures to be applied during geomodeling tasks, with a specific focus on quality control. 相似文献
D. R. Pathak H. N. Gharti A. B. Singh A. Hiratsuka 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2008,26(2):113-120
Accurate and efficient simulation of the slope stability, certainly gives the reliable approach for the hazard preparedness.
However, inherent difficulties associated with the slope failure make the situation very difficult. First, the computation
of fracture path based on the strict mathematical formalism is cumbersome especially for the progressive failure phenomenon.
Second, due to the lack of reliable knowledge on material properties, stochastic simulation is necessary. Stochastic modeling
together with the progressive failure phenomenon is apparently difficult task. In this paper, heterogeneous slope is simulated
considering the progressive failure phenomenon using the modified finite element method introducing the fracture along the
edge of the meshes thus incorporating the time evolution of the fracture surface. This is achieved by restructuring the tessellation
in every fracture stage. Unlike remeshing this technique only increases the number of total nodes while number of meshes remaining
same, which is simple and natural. Further, in this research, effect of uncertainty in the material properties upon the uncertainty
in the response of soil slope has been evaluated, hence giving the reliable probabilistic estimation of the factor of safety,
failure surface and deformation of the slope. Thus the simulation based on the more reliable understanding of the material
properties and the efficient numerical procedure for the progressive failure phenomenon can give the reliable result of the
simulation for the heterogeneous soil slope thus enabling the more accurate way for hazard preparedness. 相似文献
多点地质统计学在河流相储层建模中的应用 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
多点地质统计学综合了基于象元方法以及基于目标方法两者的优点,对于河流相等具有复杂地质形态的储层精确建模具有较强的优势.在对传统建模方法综合分析的基础上,介绍了多点地质统计学的基本理论及SNESIM算法,并应用该技术对大牛地气田某开发井区的辫状分流河道相进行了实际建模.研究结果表明,在河流相储层建模中,该方法比传统的建模方法更具优越性.最后,进一步综合讨论了多点地质统计学目前面临的主要问题(包括训练图像、目标体连续性、数据样板选择、综合地震信息等方面)的改进方法. 相似文献
地质流体状态方程 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
几乎所有的地球化学过程都有地质流体参加, 定量地了解地质流体的物理化学性质是定量研究地球化学过程的基础.100多年以来, 广大化学和实验地球化学工作者做了大量的实验测定工作, 可是所有这些工作之和, 仅仅覆盖地球范围内一个不大的温压空间, 远远不能满足地球化学研究的需要.近年来, 我们试图通过分子水平上的研究, 结合热力学和统计力学方面的知识, 在重现前人实验结果的基础上, 研究实验工作者没有或不能研究的温压和成分空间, 得到了一系列能够精确预测地质流体在广阔的温压范围内的物理化学性质的状态方程.这些状态方程不仅能够重现实验数据, 而且具有良好的外延能力, 可以应用于地球化学领域诸多方面的研究.重点讨论了几个状态方程(包括纯流体状态方程含水溶液状态方程和含盐-水-气的状态方程) 在预测流体的溶解度、相平衡、化学位和PVT性质方面的应用.简要介绍了近年来笔者应用分子动力学和蒙特卡罗模拟在地质流体研究方面所取得的成果 相似文献
为了提高采收率,降低开发风险,以滩海地区某油田为研究对象,结合地质、测井、地震等资料,对该油藏进行实时跟踪地质特征综合研究。应用地质建模、随钻测井、地质导向等技术,建立了精细的三维地质导向模型,并根据随钻测井数据和综合地质信息,实时验证构造和储集层信息,对导向模型不断校正,使模型与实钻结果一致,还以该模型为基础,优化水平井钻井的前进轨迹。结果表明,此种方法的应用降低了海上油田开发风险,能取得良好的开发效果。 相似文献
<正>1 Introduction The study area of Northern Honggang is located in the Daan-Honggang terrace in the central depression of the southern Songliao basin,covering an area of 110km2.The oil field is categorized as an ultra-low permeability reservoir and the target horizon is the Fuyu oil layer.The reservoir is characterized as poor physical property,strong 相似文献
Mathematical Geosciences - We present an application of deep generative models in the context of partial differential equation constrained inverse problems. We combine a generative adversarial... 相似文献
This work presents the application of a Monte Carlo simulation method to perform an statistical analysis of transient variably saturated flow in an hypothetical random porous media. For each realization of the stochastic soil parameters entering as coefficients in Richards' flow equation, the pressure head and the flow field are computed using a mixed finite element procedure for the spatial discretization combined with a backward Euler and a modified Picard iteration in time. The hybridization of the mixed method provides a novel way for evaluating hydraulic conductivity on interelement boundaries. The proposed methodology can handle both large variability and fractal structure in the hydraulic parameters. The saturated conductivity K
s and the shape parameter vg in the van Genuchten model are treated as stochastic fractal functions known as fractional Brownian motion (fBm) or fractional Gaussian noise (fGn). The statistical moments of the pressure head, water content, and flow components are obtained by averaging realizations of the fractal parameters in Monte Carlo fashion. A numerical example showing the application of the proposed methodology to characterize groundwater flow in highly heterogeneous soils is presented. 相似文献
Mathematical Geosciences - Subseismic faults are small faults or fractures that may be difficult to determine but can have large consequences for fluid flow and pressure communication in the... 相似文献
Mathematical Geosciences - Geological facies modeling is a key component in exploration and characterization of subsurface reservoirs. While traditional geostatistical approaches are still commonly... 相似文献
为能充分利用空间数据模型中的拓扑关系来实现三维闭合块体的构建,引入了表示简单块体轮廓的线框单元体概念来组织三维模型间各要素之间的拓扑关系;并以此为基础给出了以方向边和方向三角形作为基本识别单元进行三维简单形体的自动识别方法。应用实例表明:利用该方法不仅可以准确构建复杂地质块体,还可以准确描述块体内各要素的拓扑关系,再现局部特殊地质现象,如小断层(悬面)等。为三维地质模型在地震正演模拟、射线追踪等分析应用方面提供了基础。 相似文献
对现有建模方法进行分析,结合千将坪滑坡地质特点,首先进行钻孔数据处理,然后提出引入虚拟钻孔,再利用GOCAD软件提供的Kriging插值技术建立滑坡界面和实体模型.该方法不但为滑坡三维地质建模提供了参考,也为区域性、地质状况复杂、钻孔资料欠缺地区的三维地质建模提供了借鉴. 相似文献
Koike Katsuaki 《地球科学》2011,36(2):209-226
Sample data in the Earth and environmental sciences are limited in quantity and sampling location and therefore, sophisticated spatial modeling techniques are indispensable for accurate imaging of complicated structures and properties of geomaterials. This paper presents several effective methods that are grouped into two categories depending on the nature of regionalized data used. Type I data originate from plural populations and type II data satisfy the prerequisite of stationarity and have distinct spatial correlations. For the type I data, three methods are shown to be effective and demonstrated to produce plausible results: (1) a spline-based method, (2) a combination of a spline-based method with a stochastic simulation, and (3) a neural network method. Geostatistics proves to be a powerful tool for type II data. Three new approaches of geostatistics are presented with case studies: an application to directional data such as fracture, multi-scale modeling that incorporates a scaling law, and space-time joint analysis for multivariate data. Methods for improving the contribution of such spatial modeling to Earth and environmental sciences are also discussed and future important problems to be solved are summarized. 相似文献
<正>1 Introduction Athabasca oil sands are large deposits of heavy crude oil,located in northeastern Alberta Basin,Canada.Those oil sands,hosted primarily in upper and middle of McM urray Formation,is in 18m in thickness and 160m-180m in buried depth.The average liquid saturation is 相似文献