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Lahars, here defined as debris flows of volcanic origin, are rapid mass movements that pose a serious threat to cities located in the vicinity of many volcanoes. Quito, capital city of Ecuador and placed at the foot of the Pichincha volcano complex, is exposed to serious inundation hazard as part of the city is built on numerous deposits of large lahars that have occurred in the last 10,000 years.The objective of this paper is to model the potential lahars of the Pichincha volcano to predict inundation areas within the city of Quito. For this purpose two models that apply different approaches were utilized and their results were compared.The programs used were LAHARZ, a semi-empirical model conceived by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and FLO-2D, a hydraulic model distributed by FLO Software Inc. LAHARZ is designed as a rapid, objective and reproducible automated method for mapping areas of potential lahar inundation (Proc. First Int. Conf. on Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation, San Francisco, USA, ASCE, 1998, p. 176). FLO-2D is a two-dimensional flood routing model for simulating overland flow on complex surfaces such as floodplains, alluvial fans or urbanized areas (FLO-2D Users manual, version 99.2). Both models run within geographical information systems (GIS).Fieldwork was focused on collecting all available information involved in lahar modeling. A total of 49 channel cross-sections were measured along the two main streams and stratigraphic investigations were carried out on the fans to estimate the volume of previous events. A global positioning system was utilized to determine the coordinates of each cross-section. Further data collection concerned topography, rainfall characteristics and ashfall thicknesses. All fieldwork was carried out in cooperation with the Instituto Geofisico of the Escuela Politecnica Nacional.Modeling in a GIS environment greatly aided the exportation of results for the creation of thematic maps and facilitated model comparison. Evaluation of the models was performed by comparing simulation results against each other and against the geometry of existing lahar deposits.  相似文献   

The Puyo scoria cones and the Mera lava flows, two newly recognized volcanic formations dated between Late Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene, extend the limits of the Ecuadorian rear-arc volcanic province some 100 km to the south. The Puyo scoria cones have erupted K-rich absarokites containing olivine, diopside and phlogopite, whereas the Mera lava flows display a basic andesite composition, with olivine and minor augite phenocrysts. In addition to high contents in LILE, LREE and HFSE, the Puyo absarokites exhibit many characteristics of primitive melts, namely high Cr (590–310 ppm) and Ni (330–154 ppm) contents, high Mg# (64–70) and they contain forsteritic olivine (Fo82–89). The composition of the most primary Puyo absarokite was used in petrogenetic models, in order to constrain the genesis of these high-K magmas. Major and trace elements models, as well as isotopic data, indicate that the source of Puyo magmas is a hydrated phlogopite- and garnet-bearing lherzolite. Phlogopite crystallization in the mantle wedge is triggered by the metasomatism by 3–5% of a SiO2-, H2O-rich liquid generated by slab melting. Partial melting of the subducted oceanic crust beneath Ecuador is allowed by the subduction of the young and warm Carnegie Ridge, which modifies the thermal regime of the Benioff zone. A low degree (1–4%) of partial melting of the metasomatized mantle wedge, leaving a variable garnet (4–7%) ± phlogopite (0–4%) lherzolitic residual assemblage, leads to the compositions of the entire Puyo absarokite series and is consistent with previous petrogenetic models developed for the Ecuadorian volcanic arc. Indeed, the homogeneity of isotopic data across the arc suggests a similar source for the whole Ecuadorian magmas.  相似文献   

Since the eruption which affected Quito in AD 1660, Guagua Pichincha has been considered a hazardous volcano. Based on field studies and twenty 14C dates, this paper discusses the eruptive activity of this volcano, especially that of the last 2000 years. Three major Plinian eruptions with substantial pumice discharge occurred in the 1st century, the 10th century, and in AD 1660. The ages of organic paleosols and charcoal from block-and-ash flow and fallout deposits indicate that these eruptions occurred near the end of 100 to 200 year-long cycles of discontinuous activity which was comprised of dome growth episodes and minor pumice fallouts. The first cycle took place from ~ AD 1 to 140. The second one developed during the 9th and 10th centuries, lasted 150–180 yr, and included the largest Plinian event, with a VEI of 5. The third, historic cycle, about 200 yr in duration, includes pyroclastic episodes around AD 1450 and AD 1500, explosive activity between AD 1566 and AD 1582, possible precursors of the 1660 eruption in the early decades of the 17th century, and finally the 1660 eruption (VEI 4). A fourth event probably occurred around AD 500, but its authenticity requires confirmation. The Plinian events occurred at the end of these cycles which were separated by repose periods of at least 300 yr. Older volcanic activity of similar type occurred between ~ 4000 and ~ 3000 yr BP.  相似文献   

Structural, geomorphological, geophysical and volcanological data have been processed for the implementation of a dedicated GIS through which the structural evolution of the Pleistocene trachytic Cimini volcano (central Italy) has been reconstructed. The evolution of the Cimini complex includes three main close-in time phases: (1) intrusion of a shallow laccolith, rising along NW and NE trending faults and stagnating at the contact between the Mesozoic-Cenozoic and the Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary units constituting the bedrock of the volcano; (2) emplacement of lava domes along radial and tangential fractures formed by the swelling induced by the laccolith growth; (3) ignimbrite eruptions and final effusion of olivine-latitic lavas. Domes are both of Pelean and low lava dome type and their morphology was controlled by the location on the inclined surface of the swelled area. Some domes show to have uplifted upper Pliocene thermally metamorphosed clay sediments, suggesting a cryptodome-like growth. Comparison of the top of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic units with the top of the upper Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary complex, suggests that the laccolith emplaced in a graben of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary complex filled by the Pliocene–Pleistocene sediments uplifted by the shallow intrusion. Stress patterns acting on the Cimini area have been deduced analysing the drainage network and the morphotectonic lineaments. Rose diagrams show a large dispersion of the lineaments reflecting the local presence of radial and tangential fractures. The most frequent extensional NW and NE trending lineaments have regional significance and controlled the magma uprise leading to the laccolith emplacement.  相似文献   

Three major phases are distinguished during the growth of Nyiragongo, an active volcano at the western limit of the Virunga Range, Zaire. Lavas erupted during phase 1 are strongly undersaturated melilitites characterized by the presence of kalsilite phenocrysts, perovskite, and the abundance of calcite in the matrix. Such lavas crop out mainly on the inner crater wall and progressively evolve toward more aphyric melilite nephelinites well represented on the flanks of the volcano. Adventive vents lying at the base of the cone developed along radial fracture systems and erupted olivine and/or clinopyroxene – rich melilitites or nephelinites. Stage 2 lavas are melilite-free nephelinites. Clinopyroxene is the main phenocryst and feldspathoids are abundant in the lavas exposed on the crater wall. These flows result from periodic overflowing of a magma column from an open crater. Extensive fissure flows which erupted from the base of the cone at the end of this stage are related to widespread draining out of magma which in turn induces the formation of the summit pit crater. Magmas erupted during stage 3 are relatively aphyric melilite nephelinites and the main volcanological characteristic is the permanent lava lake observed into the pit crater until the 1977 eruption. Fluctuations of the level of the lava lake was responsible for the development of the inner terraces. Periodic overflowing of the lava lake from the central pit formed the nepheline aggregate lava flows. Petrography and major element geochemistry allow the determination of the principal petrogenetic processes. Melilitites and nephelinites erupted from the summit crater are lavas derived, via clinopyroxene fractionation, from a more primitive melt. The abundance of feldspathoids in these lavas is in keeping with nepheline flotation. Aphyric melilite nephelinites covering the flanks and the extensive fissure flows have a homogeneous chemical composition; rocks from the historical lava lake are slightly more evolved. All these lavas differentiated in a shallow reservoir. Lavas erupted from the parasitic vents are mainly olivine and/or clinopyroxene-phyric rocks. Rushayite and picrites from Muja cone are peculiar high-magnesium lavas resulting from the addition of olivine xenocrysts to melilitic or nephelinitic melts. Fluid and melt inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts indicate a crystallization depth of 10–14 km. A model involving two reservoirs located at different depths and periodically connected is proposed to explain the petrography of the lavas; this hypothesis is in accordance with geophysical data. Received: July 8, 1993/Accepted: September 10, 1993  相似文献   

The Roccamonfina volcanic complex (RVC), in southern Italy, is an Early to Middle Pleistocene stratovolcano sharing temporal and morphological characteristics with the Somma–Vesuvius and the Alban Hills; both being associated with high volcanic hazard for the cities of Naples and Rome, respectively. The RVC is important for the understanding of volcanic evolution in the Roman and Campanian volcanic provinces. We report a comprehensive study of its evolution based on morphological, geochemical and K–Ar geochronological data.  相似文献   

Four closely spaced vents along a fissure make up the Fuego and Acatenango volcanic centers in western Guatemala. The Fuego complex is composed of the Fuego and Meseta vents, but historic activity has consisted exclusively of high-Al2O3 basalts from the Fuego vent. The Meseta vent is inactive and deeply exposed. Prehistoric lavas from Fuego and Meseta are generally more silicic than historic Fuego lavas, but all the rocks form a single coherent geochemical variation pattern. Major element chemistry of these rocks is consistent with plagioclase, olivine, augite, and magnetite (POAM) fractionating from high-Al2O3 basalt. Separate batches of magma can be recognized from trace-element data throughout the history of the Fuego complex. This suggests that closed-system, POAM fractionation of distinct magma bodies occurs at Fuego. Trace-element data requires that deep fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene, and perhaps magnetite from primary olivine tholeiite occurs before arrival of new magma into the shallow (8–16 km) magma chamber at Fuego. Migration of activity from Meseta to Fuego along the fissure is correlated with the change towards more mafic compositions at Fuego. The shift of the vents may have resulted in shorter repose periods and less time for fractionation before eruption. A minimum age of 17,000 years was required to build the Fuego complex.The andesitic rocks from the adjacent, larger composite volcanoes of Acatenango and Agua have higher incompatible element concentrations, different incompatible element ratios, and lower CaO, Na2O, and Al2O3 contents than Fuego's lavas. We believe the magmatic evolution of Acatenango and Agua is much more complex than Fuego.  相似文献   

A swath bathymetric survey was conducted on Marsili Volcano, the biggest seamount in the Tyrrhenian Sea. It stands 3000 m above the surrounding oceanic crust of the 3500 m-deep Marsili back-arc basin and is axially located within the basin. The seamount has an elongated shape and presents distinctive morphology, with narrow (<1000 m) ridges, made up of several elongated cones, on the summit zone and extensive cone fields on its lower flanks. A dredging campaign carried out at water depths varying between 3400 and 600 m indicates that most of Marsili Seamount is composed of medium-K calc-alkaline basalts. Evolved high-K andesites were only recovered from the small cones on the summit axis zone. Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the least differentiated basalts reveal that at least two varieties of magmas have been erupted on the Marsili Volcano. Group 1 basalts have plagioclase and olivine as dominant phases and show lower Al, Ca, K, Ba, Rb and Sr, and higher Fe, Na, Ti and Zr with respect to a second type of basaltic magma. Group 2 basalts reveal the presence of clinopyroxene as an additional phenocryst phase. In addition, the two basaltic magmas have different original pre-eruptive H2O content (group 1, H2O-poor and group 2, H2O-rich). Moreover, comparison of the compositional trends and mineralogical compositions obtained from MELTS [Ghiorso, M.S., Sack, R.O., Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 119 (1995) 197–212] fractional crystallization calculations reveal that the evolved andesites can only exclusively be derived from a low-pressure (0.3 kbar) fractionation of magmas compositionally similar to the least evolved group 2 basalts. Finally, we suggest that the high vesicularity of the basalts sampled at relatively great depths (>2400 m) on the edifice is governed by H2O and, probably, CO2 exsolution and is not a feature indicative of shallow water depth eruption.  相似文献   

We have investigated 24 whole rocks and mineral separates of five different rock types from the Cantal shield volcano in France, applying high-precision Rb-Sr techniques. The chemical and isotopic systematics suggest the distinction of two series throughout the different rock classes, one practically uncontaminated, the other seriously influenced by wall rock assimilation. The first group comprises basalts and intermediate rocks with87Sr/86Sr= 0.70340–0.70382. The second group in addition includes rhyolites and the corresponding87Sr/86Sr ratios vary between 0.70421 and 0.71270. The data of mineral separates support the hybridization hypothesis and possibly suggest an original87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7028 for the magma source region. Moreover they provide internal isochron ages which place a period of extensive volcanic activity at 8.1–8.8 m.y. ago in accord with K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks from the center of the Cantal volcano.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Colima volcanic complex can be divided into successive periods characterized by different dynamic and magmatic processes: emission of andesitic to dacitic lava flows, acid-ash and pumice-flow deposits, fallback nuées ardentes leading to pyroclastic flows with heterogeneous magma, plinian air-fall deposits, scoriae cones of alkaline and calc-alkaline nature. Four caldera-forming events, resulting either from major ignimbrite outbursts or Mount St. Helens-type eruptions, separate the main stages of development of the complex from the building of an ancient shield volcano (25 × 30 km wide) up to two summit cones, Nevado and Fuego.The oldest caldera, C1 (7–8 km wide), related to the pouring out of dacitic ash flows, marks the transition between two periods of activity in the primitive edifice called Nevado I: the first one, which is at least 0.6 m.y. old, was mainly andesitic and effusive, whereas the second one was characterized by extrusion of domes and related pyroclastic products. A small summit caldera, C2 (3–3.5 km wide), ended the evolution of Nevado I.Two modern volcanoes then began to grow. The building of the Nevado II started about 200,000 y. ago. It settled into the C2 caldera and partially overflowed it. The other volcano, here called Paleofuego, was progressively built on the southern side of the former Nevado I. Some of its flows are 50,000 y. old, but the age of its first outbursts is not known. However, it is younger than Nevado II. These two modern volcanoes had similar evolutions. Each of them was affected by a huge Mount St. Helens-type (or Bezymianny-type) event, 10,000 y. ago for the Paleofuego, and hardly older for the Nevado II. The landslides were responsible for two horseshoe-shaped avalanche calderas, C3 (Nevado) and C4 (Paleofuego), each 4–5 km wide, opening towards the east and the south. In both cases, the activity following these events was highly explosive and produced thick air-fall deposits around the summit craters.The Nevado III, formed by thick andesitic flows, is located close to the southwestern rim of the C3 caldera. It was a small and short-lived cone. Volcan de Fuego, located at the center of the C4 caldera, is nearly 1500 m high. Its activity is characterized by an alternation of long stages of growth by flows and short destructive episodes related to violent outbursts producing pyroclastic flows with heterogeneous magma and plinian air falls.The evolution of the primitive volcano followed a similar pattern leading to formation of C1 and then C2. The analogy between the evolutions of the two modern volcanoes (Nevado II–III; Paleofuego-Fuego) is described. Their vicinity and their contemporaneous growth pose the problem of the existence of a single reservoir, or two independent magmatic chambers, after the evolution of a common structure represented by the primitive volcano.  相似文献   

From marine magnetic anomaly studies, a fossil spreading ridge is identified beneath the Nicobar Fan in the northwestern Wharton Basin. Several north-south-trending transform faults offset this ridge left-laterally east of the 86°E transform fault. Our findings show that this ridge, which was part of the plate boundary between the Indian and Australian plates, ceased its spreading shortly after formation of magnetic anomaly 20 (~ 45.6m.y. B.P.). Since the breakup of Australia and Antarctica probably occurred sometime between 110 and 90 m.y. B.P., we suggest that the Indian, Australian, and Antarctic plates were moving relative to one another from about 90 to 45 m.y. B.P. A triple junction would have existed in the southeastern Indian Ocean during that period of time. At anomaly 19 time (~ 45m.y. B.P.), the junction became inactive, and Australia and India became a single plate. The northwest-southeast-trending Southeast Indian Ridge was formed by connecting the India-Antarctica spreading center with the Australia-Antarctica spreading center. Its activity has continued to the present time.  相似文献   

Guagua Pichincha, located 14 km west of Quito, Ecuador, is a stratovolcano bisected by a horseshoe-shaped caldera. In 1999, after some months of phreatic activity, Guagua Pichincha entered into an eruptive period characterized by the extrusion of several dacitic domes, vulcanian eruptions, and pyroclastic flows. We estimated the three-dimensional (3-D) P-wave velocity structure beneath Guagua Pichincha using a tomographic inversion method based on finite-difference calculations of first-arrival times. Hypocenters of volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes and long-period (LP) events were relocated using the 3-D P-wave velocity model. A low-velocity anomaly exists beneath the caldera and may represent an active volcanic conduit. Petrologic analysis of eruptive products indicates a magma storage region beneath the caldera, having a vertical extent of 7–8 km with the upper boundary at about sea level. This zone coincides with the source region of deeper VT earthquakes, indicating that a primary magma body exists in this region. LP swarms occurred in a cyclic pattern synchronous with ground deformation during magma extrusions. The correlation between seismicity and ground deformation suggests that both respond to pressure changes caused by the cyclic eruptive behavior of lava domes.  相似文献   

 Large volume (100–1000 km3), widespread rhyolitic ignimbrites are the main products of the Taupo volcanic zone (TVZ) of New Zealand, one of the most active silicic volcanic regions on Earth. Several factors have made correlation and the eruptive history of the ignimbrites difficult to resolve, including limited exposure and chronological data, broadly similar lithologies and the lack of stratigraphic successions visible in the field. We have used the isothermal plateau fission track (ITPFT) method on glass shards from the non-welded basal zones to obtain new eruption ages for the widespread units: Ongatiti (1.25±0.12 Ma), Whakamaru group (0.34±0.03 Ma), Matahina (0.34±0.02 Ma), Chimp (0.33±0.02 Ma), Kaingaroa (0.31±0.01 Ma) and Mamaku (0.23±0.01 Ma) ignimbrites. These glasses show little evidence of geochemical alteration and allow the units to be fingerprinted for correlation. The glass ages we have obtained for the late Quaternary units provide an independent check on chronological data obtained from phenocryst phases. The ITPFT method is a useful dating approach for sanidine-poor eruptives which limit the application of 40Ar/39Ar. Errors as limited as 10–30 ka can be obtained from the weighted mean of several age determinations. The thermoremanent magnetic (TRM) direction recorded in the units provides a means of correlation over a wide area of the TVZ, because each ignimbrite can be distinguished by its unique record of palaeosecular variation. These data indicate that the four separately mapped members of the Whakamaru group represent the same phase of activity, occurring within a period of 100 years. The TRM data indicate that the widespread Ahuroa ignimbrite erupted during an excursion in Earth's magnetic field, perhaps associated with the Cobb Mountain subchron (ca. 1.2 Ma). The youngest widespread welded unit, Mamaku ignimbrite (ca. 0.23 Ma), also erupted during an excursion and may represent a southern hemisphere record of the Pringle Falls geomagnetic episode found in the western United States. The palaeomagnetic and ITPFT data for the widespread late Quaternary ignimbrites suggest a major period of caldera formation at 0.34–0.30 Ma. This interval represents the eruption of multiple units from the Whakamaru caldera, followed by the formation of the Okataina and Reporoa calderas in rapid succession. Received: 20 November 1995 / Accepted: 8 May 1996  相似文献   

The Betic Cordillera and the Moroccan Rif together form one of the smallest and tightest orogenic arcs on Earth and almost completely close the Mediterranean to the west. For the explanation of the geodynamic evolution of the mountain belt, palaeomagnetic data that generally found clockwise block rotations in the Iberian and anticlockwise rotations in the Moroccan part of the mountain belt, have played a key role in recent works. This palaeomagnetic study has found new constraints on the rotations and timing of the peridotitic bodies outcropping in the key position at the westernmost margin of the mountain belt, in Ceuta and Beni Bousera (Rif, northern Africa).Detailed thermal demagnetization of 115 individually oriented samples from 14 sites was combined with rock magnetic and scanning electron microscopic experiments to analyze the magnetic mineralogy responsible for the remanences and the mechanisms and relative times of their acquisition. In Ceuta, up to three magnetic components, and in Beni Bousera, up to two magnetic components have been found, that are all to be interpreted as chemical remanent magnetizations (CRM). The data suggests the following succession of geodynamic events affecting the peridotites until recent times: (1) after their exhumation and subsequent cooling about 20 Ma ago, they recorded a characteristic remanent magnetization of both normal and reversed polarities, carried by (pseudo-)single-domain magnetite grains; (2) after their dismembering, the Ceuta peridotites were tilted southward by 22–34° about a horizontal or tilted axis (up to plunge 50°) with an azimuth of 72–145° and the Beni Bousera peridotites were rotated anticlockwise by 72.3 ± 12.1° about a vertical axis and (3) both recorded another magnetic signal of normal polarity only, carried by multi-domain magnetite grains; and finally (4) the Ceuta peridotites rotated anticlockwise by 19.7 ± 5.9° about a vertical axis.This study provides the first palaeomagnetic data for the Ceuta peridotites that, with their tilt and recent small net rotation, had a distinct geodynamic evolution from the large net rotations about vertical axes in Beni Bousera and Ronda (Betic Cordillera). Moreover, earlier palaemagnetic data for Beni Bousera is improved, as mixed polarities have been found in the older of the remanences for the first time, and its interpretation as a CRM changes the rotation timing that was proposed previously. The sequence of events exposed in this work are important constraints that need to be incorporated in any geodynamic model of the evolution of the Betic–Rifean mountain belt.  相似文献   

North and south of the long basaltic range running from Addis Ababa to Debra Berhan (Ethiopia) there are large ignimbritic plateaux which are very similar both morphologically and lithologically, and which are considered to be stratigraphically equivalent by previous researchers. Accurate geological reconstructions and many radiometric age determinations have allowed these plateaux to be distinguished into two distinct ignimbritic formations. The first corresponds to the most recent rocks (Miocene) of the « Alaji Series », and the second to the Pliocene « Balchi Series ». The two formations are separated from one another by basalts attributable to the « Termaber » central-type volcanism taking place in the Addis Ababa-Debra Berhan area more recently than in other parts of the Ethiopian plateau.  相似文献   

Quan-Ru  Geng  Zhi-Ming  Sun  Gui-Tang  Pan  Di-Cheng  Zhu  Li-Quan  Wang 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):467-487
The well‐studied Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Gangdise Terrane, southern Tibet, are widely interpreted to have resulted from subduction of the Neotethys; however, Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks and their tectonic setting remain poorly studied. Based on new geological data, we carried out stratigraphical and geochemical analyses of Permian volcano‐stratigraphic sequences within an east–west‐trending, fault‐bounded zone of uplift in the central Gangdise Terrane. Sedimentary rocks in this area consist of platform carbonates and terrigenous clastic rocks that represent widespread shallow‐marine sedimentary basins developed around northern Gondwana. A regression or tectonic uplift event is recorded in Permian sedimentary rocks that show the local development of fluvial environments. The sedimentary succession contains evidence of two volcanic stages: a period of basaltic extrusions and younger explosive felsic magmatism. The first volcanic stage is Early and Middle Permian in age. Tholeiitic basaltic lavas are exposed around Maizhokunggar (Tangjia) and Lhunzhub in central Gangdise. The Lower Permian basalts are relatively enriched in MgO (4.58–12.19%), whereas the Middle Permian basalts are characterized by high Al2O3 contents (11.75–21.22%). Rocks of both ages are enriched in large‐ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), and show pronounced negative Nb and Ta anomalies. Total REE contents and light (LREE)/heavy (HREE) ratios increased from the Early to Middle Permian. Observed variations in initial Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes (87Sr/86Sri = 0.7013–0.7066, 207Pb/204Pbi = 15.53–15.63, and 208Pb/204Pbi = 38.04–38.64 for a given 206Pb/204Pbi; εNd = +0.69 to ?11.55) can be explained by crustal interaction with mantle sources, as is characteristic of metasomatism by slab‐derived fluids or assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes during magmatic evolution. The observed geochemical signatures, coupled with stratigraphic constraints, support the hypothesis that an initial arc formed during the Permian due to southward subduction of the Paleotethys, predating the well‐known Mesozoic arc preserved in the Gangdise Terrane.  相似文献   

The island of Aegma includes some of the oldest volcanic rocks in the south Hellenic Arc previous radiometric dates range from 3.87 to 4.4 Ma. The volcanic sequence is divided into nine units on the basis of field relations, petrography and geochemistry, and the characteristic paleomagnetic polarity of each unit has been determined. Two new radiometric dates (2.1 and 3.9 Ma) show that the volcanism spans the Pliocene. A detailed chronology is proposed using the paleomagnetic data which places the most voluminous volcanism in the mid Pliocene.  相似文献   

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