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Kilauea East Rift Zone Magmatism: an Episode 54 Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On January 29–30, 1997, prolonged steady-state effusionof lava from Pu'u'O'o was briefly disrupted by shallow extensionbeneath Napau Crater, 1–4 km uprift of the active Kilaueavent. A 23-h-long eruption (episode 54) ensued from fissuresthat were overlapping or en echelon with eruptive fissures formedduring episode 1 in 1983 and those of earlier rift zone eruptionsin 1963 and 1968. Combined geophysical and petrologic data forthe 1994–1999 eruptive interval, including episode 54,reveal a variety of shallow magmatic conditions that persistin association with prolonged rift zone eruption. Near-ventlava samples document a significant range in composition, temperatureand crystallinity of pre-eruptive magma. As supported by phenocryst–liquidrelations and Kilauea mineral thermometers established herein,the rift zone extension that led to episode 54 resulted in mixtureof near-cotectic magma with discrete magma bodies cooled to  相似文献   

Synneusis of Kilauea Iki olivines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Olivine phenocrysts in the picritic scoria that erupted from Kilauea Iki in 1959 occur as glomeroporphyritic aggregates of 2–16 crystals. The compositions and three-dimensional textures of the olivines vary within an aggregate and within individual lapilli. The attachment of crystals from different environments indicates that these aggregates formed by synneusis — the swimming together of crystals. Most of the crystals are attached along faces with their a crystallographic axes parallel and their c axes either parallel or perpendicular, so that the structural mismatch and interfacial energy are minimized. Observed facial attachments are consistent with fluid dynamical interactions of crystals falling with their large {010} faces horizontal. The aggregates formed in a liquid-rich magma. Rough computations suggest that the minimum aggregation time could be on the order of minutes. Aggregation of very small crystals suggests that the yield strength was less than 3 dynes cm–2. The textures of the aggregates are similar to those of cumulate peridotites.  相似文献   

The compositionally bimodal Pleistocene Coso volcanic fieldis located at the western margin of the Basin and Range province  相似文献   

The temperatures at which pigeonite began to crystallize intholeiitic basalts and andesite of Hakone volcano range from1123 to 1019 ?C based on the three-pyroxene geothermometer ofIshii (1975). These values are lower than the temperatures ofother tholeiitic magmas of similar solidification index, suchas the magmas of Funagata-yama, O-shima, and Akita-komagatakevolcanoes and the Skaergaard intrusion. The cores of Ca-poorpyroxene phenocrysts formed in the Hakone subvolcanic magmareservoir are invariably orthopyroxene; the groundmass and microphenocrystpyroxenes crystallized in the lava during ascent and extrusionof magma are generally pigeonite, but orthopyroxene is alsopresent occasionally. The subvolcanic temperature-compositionpath [T-XFe path; XFe = Fe/(Mg + Fe), atomic ratio] of the Ca-poorpyroxenes does not intersect the pigeonite eutectoid reactionline (PER-line) of Ishii & Takeda (1974), whereas the lava-flowpaths characteristically intersect it at XFe values between0. 31 and 0–52. These two different kinds of T XFe pathsmay be interpreted as reflecting different solidus temperatures,and the content of volatiles, particularly water, appears tobe the controlling factor. It is suggested that the water contentof the magma increased because of fractional crystallizationof anhydrous minerals from a relatively hydrous magma in thesubvolcanic reservoir; then each erupted batch of the fractionatedmagma had its water content lowered by degassing as it ascendedto the volcano. Pigeonite is common in the groundmass of basalticrocks throughout the world, both extrusive and intrusive, butit is rare as phenocrysts in the former, a feature that mayalso be explained by the different solidus temperatures. Calc-alkalirocks in Hakone volcano appear to be derived by fractionationof hydrous tholeiitic magma.  相似文献   

在岩心观察基础上,通过常规、铸体与荧光薄片镜下观察与定量统计,图像粒度与图像孔喉、毛细管压力、孔隙度与渗透率、流体包裹体均一温度测定,结合LA-ICP-MS碎屑锆石微区U-Pb定年等物源示踪成果,研究了鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界盒8段致密砂岩的类型与岩石学组成及其成岩演化过程对各砂岩孔隙结构、储集性能与产能的影响.结果显示:砂岩类型、岩石学组分及其原始物性特征主要受源区母岩性质的控制,其经历的成岩演化过程存在一定差异,后者决定了各砂岩孔隙发育特征、储集性能的优劣及产能的大小.石英砂岩与岩屑石英砂岩经历了复杂的多期成岩作用过程,前者的粒间溶孔和高岭石晶间微孔与微溶孔发育,其储集性能及含气性最好;后者较发育的绿泥石薄膜保存了较多的原生粒间孔,加之粘土矿物与凝灰质填隙物中大量晶间微孔与微溶孔较发育,其储集性能与含气性次之.高塑性岩屑砂岩与钙质胶结砂岩经历的成岩演化过程相对较简单,前者经历早成岩阶段强烈压实作用后大部分已成为低孔低渗、部分成为致密储层;碳酸盐胶结物是导致钙质胶结砂岩低孔、低渗-致密储层的主要胶结物,此类砂岩经历中成岩阶段A期之后,基本成为致密的非储层.研究成果对于深入理解致密砂岩成岩-烃类充注演化序列及致密化过程与机理,寻找天然气储层“甜点”均具有重要的理论意义与实际意义.   相似文献   

席状岩浆房中的岩浆冷却及动力稳定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于岩浆房中岩浆的结晶分异方式一直存在着争议,其基本矛盾在于对岩浆冷却历史及热不稳定性可能引起的对流形式的理解各不相同。本文在充分考虑席状岩浆房的基本物理特征的基础上,建立了稳定岩浆体系的动态冷却模型,并以攀枝花层状岩体为例,计算了相应的温度场、密度场及粘度场。同时,提出了一种基于能量守恒的、对热不稳定性进行分析的新方法。计算了热不稳定性可能引起的对流强度、对流区域及对流时间,并深入讨论了在一定的热不稳定状态下,不同的岩浆屈服强度对对流特征参量的影响。结果表明,在该岩体的整个固化过程中,如果曾发生过自发对流,其对流也是极微弱而短暂的,不会影响中下部岩浆房中岩浆的固化和结晶。这一结论与对该岩体的实际观察相符。  相似文献   

The study of burnt rocks is beneficial to the discussion on the tectonic movement, paleoclimate and paleogeography that coal seams are subjected to after they were formed. In order to obtain the basic data on the features of the burnt rocks, a systematic study of petrology and REE geochemistry on burnt rocks in Shenmu, Northern Shaanxi Province has been done, using the methods of SEM, EDS, susceptibility measurements and ICP-MS. The burnt rocks are divided into two series in the section: the melted rocks and the baked rocks. SEM and EDS analyses reveal that all the minerals show burnt and melted traces, and there are no clay minerals except illite found in the burnt rocks. Susceptibility measurements reveal that the burnt rocks have abnormally high susceptibility values, whereas a geochemical analysis shows that the REE distribution pattern of burnt rocks is similar to that of sedimentary rocks (initial rocks). In the longitudinal section, with increasing degree of burning (from baked rocks to melted rocks), the ∑REE gradually decreases, and the total REE of melted rocks is obviously lower than that of baked rocks. Besides, the melted rocks show apparent negative Ce anomalies, while the baked rocks show no anomaly of Ce, and sometimes even show positive anomalies.  相似文献   

Granitic rocks of various ages and composition are found in the Schwarzwald region of West Germany. These granites range in age from Upper Devonian to Upper Carboniferous (370-280 m.y.) and in composition from granodiorites to alkali feldspar granites. 14 representative samples of twelve different types were analysed for their La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Yb, Lu by instrumental neutron activation. The studies reveal that there are characteristic differences between the different types of granitic rocks both as regards to their total REE content as well as the distribution pattern of these elements. These differences can not be directly related to the variations in the major element chemistry or the mineralogy of the granites. On the other hand, a relationship is found between the age of the granitic rocks and the total REE as well as their distribution pattern. In general the ΣREE varies from 22 to 215 ppm in different types. The ΣLa-Lu increases gradually in the direction Upper Devonian→Lower Carboniferous, however, in the granitic rocks of the Upper Carboniferous this trend is reversed and there is again a marked depletion in the content of REE. The chondrite normalised patterns of all the older types give a smooth concave curve with decrease of concentration from La to Lu. All the Upper Carboniferous granites on the other hand are characterised by a progressive pronounced negative Eu anomaly. The gradual increase of the ΣREE in the older granites is related to their evolution by progressive anatexis, whereas, the decrease in the total REE content in case of the younger Upper Carboniferous granites is due to processes of magmatic differentiation. The depletion of Eu in these K-feldspar rich types of granite is probably related to the breakdown of biotite in the anatectic starting material.  相似文献   

Application of discriminant function analysis to the Jurassic tholeiites of Gondwanaland allows delineation of three petrologic subprovinces. TiO2 is the most important element in discrimination and a combination of TiO2 and P2O5 was found to be the most suitable. Tholeiites in the foredeep of the Gondwanide fold belt are distinctly different in minor-element composition from those in zones of deep fracturing associated with the Nuanetsi rift-rift-rift triple junction in southern Africa. Intermediate basalt types are found in areas of regional tension not associated with rifted plate margins. The minor-element composition of tholeiites is dependant upon the depth (pressure) from which the magma was tapped and is closely related to prevailing regional tectonic environments.  相似文献   

烧变岩岩石学及稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄雷  刘池洋 《地球科学》2008,33(4):515-522
烧变岩的研究有益于对煤层形成以来所经历的构造运动、古气候和古地理的探讨.为了获得有关烧变岩基本特征的数据资料, 本文利用扫描电镜、能谱测试、古地磁及ICP-MS等测试手段对陕北神木地区烧变岩进行了系统的岩石学及稀土元素地球化学的分析研究.剖面上将烧变岩分成烧熔岩和烧烤岩两个序列.扫描电镜观察及能谱测试显示, 各矿物均显示烧熔迹象, 除伊利石外未发现其他类型粘土矿物; 磁化率测试显示烧变岩具异常高的磁化率; 地球化学分析显示烧变岩稀土元素配分特征近于沉积岩(原岩) 特征; 纵向剖面上, 随烧变程度增大(由烧烤岩至烧熔岩) 其稀土元素总量逐渐减小, 烧熔岩稀土元素总含量较烧烤岩的要明显低; 另外, 烧熔岩表现为较明显的Ce负异常, 而烧烤岩则表现为无Ce异常, 有些甚至表现为偏正异常.   相似文献   

This paper deals with the rocks, mainly foiditic in composition,of the Nyiragongo volcano and compares them with the mainlytephritic to phonolitic rocks of the neighbouring Nyamuragiravolcano and with the South Kivu basaltic rocks. All these rocksoccur in the Lake Kivu area of the Western Rift Valley of CentralAfrica. Two hundred and sixty-four chemical analyses consideredrepresentative were selected of these rock groups and were subjectedto statistical evaluation. The Nyiragongo magma is considered to be of mantle origin withoutsignificant crustal admixture. The Nyamuragira magma and theNyiragongo magma are both potassic in character and, despitebeing geographically closely related, display pronounced differencesin chemistry. The fairly extreme composition of the Nyiragongomagma is interpreted as a result of a locally strong transferand enrichment of mainly alkalis with a passive depletion ofsilica.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2002,5(2):307-324
The Caleu pluton (Central Chile) extending over 338 km2 and with more than 1, 400 m of vertical relief intrudes the N-S trending Lower Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary and volcanic successions at a depth equivalent to a pressure of 2 kb. The host, stratified volcanic successions, are tilted about 30°–40° E, whereas the pluton shows paleomagnetic evidence of either tilting of <15° E or clockwise rotation by few degrees.A gradient of westward increasing SiO2 content is recognized across the pluton, giving rise to three N-S elongated zones: Gabbro/Diorite Zone (GDZ), Tonalite Zone (TZ) and Granodiorite Zone (GZ). Biotite and hornblende compositions also exhibit a westward decreasing gradient in Mg/(Mg+Fe), indicating that the more mafic the zone is, the more oxidizing is its crystallization condition. Horizontal inward gradients of progressively less evolved rocks are recognized across GDZ and TZ, whereas no horizontal gradients were found in the GZ. Vertical compositional gradients are recognized in the GDZ and TZ, which consist of an upward increase in SiO2 and decrease in MgO, FeO, Fe2O3, and compatible trace elements. A vertical compositional boundary was recognized along a traverse across the TZ separating two magma pulses with similar trends of compositional variations.The three zones of the Caleu pluton were derived from a common isotopically (Sr-Nd) depleted source. Each zone probably evolved independently, as their compositional characteristics would have not been acquired in situ. The resulting compositional characteristics of the zones would have been developed prior to the intrusion, in a subjacent stratified reservoir placed at about seven kilometers below the pluton.  相似文献   

The petrologic and isotopic-geochronologic study of basement rocks that were penetrated by a deep borehole in the marginal part of the East European Platform revealed that its section overlain by the Vendian-Paleozoic sedimentary cover is Early Proterozoic in age and largely consists of aluminous migmatized biotite, biotite-cordierite, and biotite-cordierite-sillimanite gneisses, which are intruded by granites, plagiogranites, and metatonalites. The lower part of the section is dominated by amphibole schists and amphibolites with subordinate nonmetamorphosed dolerite dikes and pegmatite veins. By metamorphism parameters (T = 630–680°C, P = 2–4 kbar), the metamorphic complex may be considered as the shallowest one, compared with other Early Proterozoic complexes, developed at least in the southwestern part of Fennoscandia. The progressive decrease in the mineral-formation pressure observed in the Lower Proterozoic metamorphic rocks southward, away from the Karelian Craton is likely explained by the tectonic transport (thrusting) of the Svecofennides over the margin of the Karelian Craton and their subsequent deeper erosion near the craton. The magmatic crystallization of metamorphic palgiogranites, penetrated at depths of 925–928 and 1004 m, is estimated by the U-Pb ID-TIMS method on zircons to occur 1860 ± 9 Ma ago. It is shown that by their age, the REE composition, and isotopic-geochemical characteristics, these rocks are close to the plagiogranites formed in the southeastern extremity of the Svecofennnian belt in the present-day northern Ladoga region and the Karelian Isthmus. No rocks, which could be correlated by their lithology with the Archean rocks of the Karelian Craton, are found.  相似文献   

The major element chemical compositions of lava from four eruptionson the east rift zone of Kilauea between August 1968 and October1971 reflect three petrologic processes:
  1. Production of chemically distinct batches of magma in the mantle.
  2. Separation of olivine, augite, and plagioclase from liquidduringflow in the rift-zone conduits.
  3. Mixing of differentmagmas during ascent to the surface.
Chemically none of the four Kilauea east-rift eruptions matchesthe preceding summit eruption in Halemaumau that ended in July1968. The Mauna Ulu eruption, May 1969 to October 1971 (thelast of flie east-rift eruptions), can be divided into fiveolivine-controlled and chemically distinct variants. Three ofthese characterize the first seven months of the eruption andare closest in composition to the 1967–8 Halemaumau eruption.Variants 4 and 5 were erupted later and have compositions thatare distinctly different from that of the 1967–8 eruption.Major differences are higher Al2O3 (0?15–0?23 per cent),and lower K2O (0?07–0?10 per cent) and TiO2 (0?12–0?23per cent) in variants 4 and 5 at the same MgO content. Somelavas from eruptions in August and October 1968 and February1969, have olivine-controlled magma compositions that are identicalto mixtures of Mauna Ulu variants 1–3 and the 1967–8composition. This observation fits an hypothesis advanced earlierby T. L. Wright and R. S. Fiske that magmas in the central magmachamber become mixed with magmas in the rift zone and can beidentified as mixing components of rift eruption magmas beforethey appear as distinctive magmas in summit eruptions. Lavas representing mixing of olivine-controlled magma with differentiatedmagma were erupted in October 1968, February 1969, and in Mayand December 1969. The changes in amount of K2O and TiO2 during the latter partof the 1969–71 Mauna Ulu eruption are the reverse of theoverall secular change in composition of Kilauea summit lavasfrom pre-1750 through 1967–8. The K2O and TiO2 contentsof the latest overflows during the 1969–71 Mauna Ulu eruption(April 1971) are comparable to that of lava erupted at Kilaueasummit prior to 1750. The changing chemistry of Kilauea magma is found to be of useas a ‘tracer’ in the complex Kilauea conduit system.Application of these data to older lava sequences is difficulbecause of the complexity of the processes controlling lavacomposition and the absence of detailed information about thetime-space chemical variation during individual eruptions.  相似文献   

冀中坳陷火成岩岩石学及地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冀中坳陷发育大量隐伏玄武质岩石,尤其是坳陷北部的廊固凹陷和霸县凹陷,岩石类型以玄武岩为主,辉绿岩次之,凝灰岩分布较少,火山角砾岩极少。通过岩心、镜下薄片及铸体薄片观察,主量和微量元素测试分析,表明该区火成岩为碱性玄武岩和拉斑玄武岩系列;REE配分曲线呈轻稀土元素富集型,Eu异常不明显;火成岩微量元素原始地幔标准化曲线呈强不相容元素富集。该区玄武岩的喷发环境为水下喷发;火成岩微量元素构造环境判别图解、岩石组合、岩石系列、稀土元素和微量元素特征表明该区火成岩形成于板内大陆裂谷构造环境。通过冀中坳陷玄武岩与邻区对比发现,冀中坳陷及邻区玄武岩岩浆活动具有随时代变化往北迁移的趋势,SiO2含量显示从南往北略为增加的趋势,北部稀土元素总量变化范围相对较大,轻稀土元素富集程度较南部低。  相似文献   

Reequilibration of chromite within Kilauea Iki lava lake,Hawaii   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Chromite mainly occurs as tiny inclusions within or at the edges of olivine phenocrysts in the 1959 Kilauea Iki lava lake. Liquilus chromite compositions are only preserved in scoria that was rapidly quenched from eruption temperatures. Analyses of drill core taken from the lava lake in 1960, 1961, 1975, 1979, and 1981 show that chromite becomes richer in Fe+2, Fe+3, Ti and poorer in Mg, Al, Cr than the liquidus chromite. The amount of compositional change depends on the time elapsed since eruption, the cooling history of the sample, the extent of differentiation of the interstitial melt, and the position of the chromite inclusion within the olivine phenocryst. Compositional changes of the chromite inclusions are thought to be a result of reequilibration with the residual melt by cationic diffusion (Mg, Al, Cr outwards and Fe+2, Fe+3, Ti inwards) through olivine. The changing chemical potential gradients produced as the residual melt cools, crystallizes and differentiates drives the reequilibration process. Major and minor element zoning profiles in olivine phenocrysts suggest that volume diffusion through olivine may have been the major mechanism of cationic transport through olivine. The dramatic compositional changes observed in chromite over the 22 years between eruption and 1981 has major implications for othe molten bodies.  相似文献   

Hawaiian volcanoes such as Kilauea and Mauna Loa have drawn the attention of researchers for quite some time and numerous theories abound hinting at a possible inverse relationship between the two. Most of these analyses are intrinsically qualitative and are bereft of data-driven statistical justification. The present work attempts to address this issue adopting a more mathematical approach and endeavours to examine the existence of such a relationship through the novel use of a smoothing statistic termed as the empirical recurrence rates ratio. Additionally, it is shown that useful knowledge about the possible interplay between these two volcanoes is coded into this single statistic and based on it; construction of new dependence measures such as the two introduced, becomes simpler and much more intuitive. The recent decade is witnessing an increased activity of Kilauea and the methods proposed here can be successfully implemented to safeguard human lives and property against the unpredictable advances of all-engulfing molten lava flow.  相似文献   

地质过程中,氯可以影响很多元素的性质。本文利用前人的实验数据,模拟计算不同压力和初始含水量等条件下,氯在岩浆和共存富水流体相中浓度随岩浆结晶分异的变化。结果显示,在岩浆演化之初,氯在各种压力下都基本留在岩浆中,表现出高度不相容元素的特点。对于结晶分异晚期的岩浆体系,氯的行为受压力的影响较大。在低压下,氯在岩浆/富水流体之间的分配系数较高,水是否达到饱和对氯在岩浆中的含量变化影响不大。随着压力的升高,该系数迅速降低。在中等压力下,岩浆中水含量一旦达到饱和,大量的氯进入流体相,形成高盐度的流体,氯在岩浆中的含量即迅速降低。随着岩浆分异的进行,共存的流体中的氯含量也随之降低。在更高的压力下,水无法达到饱和,氯始终表现为高度不相容的特点。氯的上述性质可以很好地解释它在很多结晶分异程度较低的火山岩玻璃(如MORB和OIB)中表现为高度不相容的特点,也可以帮助理解氯在侵入岩和喷出岩中性质的差别,以及“花岗岩大岩体不成矿,小岩体成大矿”的现象。  相似文献   

碳酸岩可分为原始地幔原生碳酸岩和广义“碳酸岩”——富氟钡型碳酸岩。相对于原生碳酸岩,富氟钡型碳酸岩含有大量挥发分和碱土元素,产出了众多稀土矿床,具有较高的成矿潜力。理论和实验研究表明,在碳酸岩岩浆演化过程中,挥发分和碱土元素是岩浆发生不混溶作用的关键因素,而且不混溶作用相对结晶分异作用更利于成矿元素的富集。因此,可以推断挥发分和碱土元素是富氟钡型碳酸岩的成矿的关键因素,不混溶模式是富氟钡型碳酸岩岩浆演化和成矿的主要机制。但是,这仅为理论推断的结果,而且许多实验的研究对象是未发生稀土矿化的碳酸岩,数据的说服力较弱。在我国富氟钡型碳酸岩矿床中,山东微山稀土矿床具有成矿元素高度富集,代表了富氟钡型碳酸岩成矿强度大的特点;而白云鄂博铁—稀土矿床则代表了富氟钡型碳酸岩成矿规模大的特点,二者相辅相成,是研究富氟钡型碳酸岩成矿效应的理想对象。  相似文献   

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