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In the early 2000s, the discovery of significant minerals wealth in the Gobi Desert marked the beginning of Mongolia's economic boom. Rapid GDP growth however challenges long‐held assumptions about place and land rights, leading to contested and sometimes contradictory outcomes, which are embedded in evolving perceptions and realities of land‐tenure rights, development rights, and local livelihood sustainability. Framed within the debates surrounding natural resources development and the contradictions in scale and user rights, this essay identifies three distinct periods of land‐tenure debate in Mongolia. In each period, pastureland management debates are influenced by different narratives, including those of development economists, scholars, NGOs, and local voices. This essay draws on an extensive review of policy documents and contemporary literature to consider the multiscalar implications of rapid national growth on internal population redistribution, land‐use rights, and the underlying importance of place.  相似文献   

The Australian Census of Population and Housing is a census of people not places. However, where people live and work can be of major relevance in our search for explaining and understanding their behaviour. This paper argues that the place dimension in the Australian census has not been exploited very effectively in this respect. Three dimensions of the issue are addressed. Firstly, the spatial units commonly used for analysis of census data often are not appropriate to the problem being investigated. The spatial units in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) used for census data rarely represent meaningful social, economic and environmental regions. Secondly, the use of a simple urban/rural dichotomy is criticised as being a very blunt instrument to differentiate settlement types. Thirdly, the relationship between people and place in the census is discussed. While for the most part the census relates people to a single location—their place of usual residence—this is only one of the places with which people regularly interact. It is suggested that there is a need to adopt practices in the census which allow a range of population geographies to be defined. In conclusion it is argued that innovation in the Australian census, especially with the introduction of meshblocks and contemporary methodology and technology in Geographical Information Systems, makes it possible to analyse spatially referenced data in ways that can address these three issues.  相似文献   

Resource Struggles and the Politics of Place in North Lampung, Indonesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the difficulties inherent in countering the negative effects of globalisation in Indonesia through an enhanced recognition of place-based cultural communities, which are seen to offer an alternative and more progressive path towards development. Focusing on the local history of resource struggles involving Javanese migrants and local people in North Lampung, the paper examines the ways that different groups of migrants and local Lampung people have dealt with changing resource control mechanisms in the context of the local transmigration ( Translok ) programme and large-scale agro-industrial development in the region. Whilst elites have been able to develop their personal wealth by capitalising on political and economic uncertainty, poor people from both groups have had to contend with conflict and increasing livelihood vulnerability that, if anything, has been intensified through the reassertion of place-based cultures of resource control. In challenging populist narratives of resistance to transmigration that pit migrants against "indigenous" local people, the paper identifies the class-related ambivalences towards development and structures of authority that cut across community and locality in the Translok zone  相似文献   

杨勇  邹永广  孙琦 《热带地理》2022,42(1):29-42
运用质性研究方法,以泉州市晋江梧林侨乡为例,从地方意义叠写中的实体维度、社会关系、地方价值观3个层面考察侨乡地方意义叠写的建构特征,揭示了旅游发展背景下侨乡地方意义的叠写过程以及由此带来的包括海外华侨在内不同主体的地方认同问题。研究发现:1)人地错位下的意义叠写主要通过想象和旅游系统等传导机制完成,使侨乡呈现出海外华侨“形式上不在场”,但“内容上处处在场”的特征,并且推动梧林向传统与现代杂糅的地方格局转变。2)地方意义的叠写具有关系属性,多元互动是其形成过程中的显著特征。地方意义本质上是人地关系的一种表现形式,当人地关系不再由传统的地缘关系或亲缘关系决定时,人与地方这一对弱纽带关系也并不能够通过地方意义加以巩固,表现为“侨—眷—乡”关系的异化。3)在地方价值观上,侨乡地方意义经历了从家尺度到国家与民族尺度的意义叠写,凸显了旅游背景下权力对地方意义的选择性表征,动态展演了不同主体的空间价值观取向之争和国家主流文化价值观对地方的引领。4)旅游发展背景下侨乡地方意义叠写引发了海外华侨兼具工具性和选择性的“购物车”式认同以及本地居民的差异化认同,不同主体的认同结构充满张力、分异乃至冲突。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold. The first is to suggest that techniques for mapping public disagreements over claims to knowledge, or controversies, can act as assistive devices for researchers in geography to move from research topics to research questions. A second purpose is to offer a recipe or “how-to” guide of specific approaches and free scholarly software that researchers without specialized coding skills can use to achieve their own controversy mapping goals. We use a case of creating a controversy map covering the issue of transboundary movements of electronic waste (e-waste) to illustrate how these approaches and software can be associated together so that other researchers may put them to use for their own controversy mapping purposes.  相似文献   

王兆峰  李丹 《地理科学》2016,36(11):1697-1705
分析旅游合作效率指标的基础上,通过前提假设构建了交通网络结构下湘西地区区域旅游合作效率评价模型,并运用综合评价法及层次分析法对湘西地区2004~2014年旅游合作效率进行了实证分析。分析结果显示,由于交通网的逐步完善,湘西地区区域旅游合作效率不断上升,从2004年的0.07到2014年的0.75,区域旅游合作效率与地区交通网络密度以及交通网络优势度呈现协调增长的关系。同时,由于地区间交通质量差异、交通配套设施差异及交通通达度和连接度影响旅游合作效率,导致区域内各州市之间旅游合作效率仍然存在较大的差异。  相似文献   

运用数理统计和地理学空间分析方法及GIS技术,以甘肃省104处优良级民族旅游资源单体和以此为基础遴选的35个发展相对成熟的民族资源型旅游景区作为研究对象,从3个层面分析其空间分布结构,对甘肃省民族旅游资源空间分布类型、分布均衡性、分布丰裕度等进行深入探讨。结果表明:甘肃省民族旅游资源总体空间分布格局为凝聚型,在空间上近似聚集态分布;区域内呈集中分布特征,空间上表现出不均衡性,民族旅游资源的丰裕度在地域上分为3个层级。  相似文献   

面对中国经济、社会转型的实践背景和地理学"文化转向"、社会学"空间转向"的理论背景,空间生产为旅游地空间研究提供了新的重要视角,推动着旅游地空间研究范式的转型。在认识旅游地空间系统性的基础上,界定了空间涌现性的概念,提出了空间生产视角下的旅游地空间研究新范式。这一新范式主要表现在:1新的空间研究视角,厘清旅游地空间生产研究的理论逻辑和学科理路;2新的空间观,树立以内涵复杂性、尺度嵌套性、过程非守恒性为核心特征的新的旅游地涌现空间观,实现空间认识从要素到系统、从简单环境系统到过程系统再到复杂耦合系统的转变;3新的空间研究路径,更加注重社会空间、微观解构、尺度转换;4新的空间研究框架,遵循"过程-格局-机制"的研究路线,建立复杂系统涌现空间研究框架,开展多尺度、多类型旅游地空间生产的系统研究。空间生产视角下的旅游地空间研究范式转型,将有助于拓展旅游地理学研究视角和范式,增强旅游地理学对中国旅游发展实践的响应和指导。  相似文献   

地名承载了丰富的地域文化内涵,是历史文化的“活化石”,极具旅游价值。本文以成都主城区为例,通过查阅有关文献资料,实地调研等方法,发现老成都全城有三十六条大街,七十二条小巷,这些大街小巷可以划分为以下几种类型:祠庙堂所类、衙署兵营类、姓氏家族类、市场作坊类、桥梁水系类、地貌风物类、经传辞语类、祈祥祝愿类、名人遗址类、方位字序类以及新旧民主革命词汇类等。成都地名文化具有极大的旅游价值:可以激发游客旅游兴趣、能够标识旅游特色、增强旅游体验、服务旅游经济。同时发现在地名文化遗产方面存在以下问题:部分老地名正在消失;部分地名虽还在,但其实体形制已消失;美好的老地名被随意更改;新地名剧增但缺乏品味;很多地方有重名的现象等。针对以上这些问题,本文提出了对成都地名文化进行旅游开发应采取的对策:建立成都旅游地名系统;将地名用于古景的复原与开发;将地名与美食旅游资源结合;将地名与优质的旅游商品相结合;开发与成都地名有关的文创产品;加强成都地名文化的理论研讨;开展成都地名文化传播活动。  相似文献   

大连城市绿地可达性对房价影响的差异性分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
杨俊  鲍雅君  金翠  李雪铭  李永化 《地理科学》2018,38(12):1952-1960
研究房价、遥感影像等多源数据,采用邻域分析法和地理加权回归模型分析大连市中山区绿地可达性及其与房价之间的空间相关性。结果表明: 房价均价14 745.35元/m2,呈环状分布,由沿海向内陆衰减、桂林街道起中心向外围递减; 研究区内可达性最好的绿地类型是街旁绿地,绿地可达性总体水平最高街道是桂林街道;公园绿地可达性最好的住宅区分布在昆明街道和桃源街道,街旁绿地可达性最好的住宅区分布在桂林街道,附属绿地可达性最好的分布在老虎滩街道,其他绿地可达性最好的分布在桃源街道。 不同类型绿地可达性对房价影响作用程度递减排序为:附属绿地、街旁绿地、公园绿地和其他绿地;附属绿地、街旁绿地和其他绿地与房价呈现空间正相关,随着到达绿地距离降低,房价呈现增长趋势;公园绿地与房价呈现负相关,随着到达公园绿地的距离降低,房价呈现衰减趋势。  相似文献   

Many Mediterranean areas have recently witnessed a proliferation of new urban and tourist-related features following low-density residential patterns that contrast with the traditional high-density urban typologies of Mediterranean cities. The aim of this research is to investigate the links between residential tourism and water consumption through swimming pools, which constitute one key element of the new urban landscapes in the coast of Alicante (southeastern Spain). We have digitized pools in nine municipalities of coastal Alicante and calculated the average depth and estimated water losses due to evaporation. Results show that swimming pools are widely available in tourist residential enclaves but that they tend to display different characteristics according to factors such as the history of the urbanization process and relative wealth of the different areas. We have detected a clear contrast between the large individual pools of the richer northern municipalities and the smaller individual pools and community pools in the newly developed but less well-off urban enclaves of the southern coast.  相似文献   

马云  钱俊希  唐雪琼 《热带地理》2022,42(6):997-1008
红色历史的集体记忆嵌入动态的地方建构和空间生产过程,成为地方性重构的有力素材。文章以云南省宾川县新庄红军村为例,通过参与式观察和访谈文本分析等质性方法,从地方性景观与话语的再建构,以及地方性情境创设的空间实践,探讨新庄村的地方性建构机制。研究发现:具体的地方要素在地方-记忆的互动关系中起中介承启作用。地方要素既促进红色旅游情境下记忆的唤起、存储与再创造,又对集体记忆重新建构的地方特质、意义与场所精神进行地方性元素表达。旅游情境创设与地方性展演使集体记忆不断得到投影、表达与重构,推动差异化的地方叙述与体验。  相似文献   

In a society dominated by tourism consumption, space changes occurring in rural areas can generally reflect their social changes. On the theoretical basis of flow, regeneration and adaptation of rural tourism space, this paper originally and creatively proposes that the spatial elements in a rural tourist area can be classified into three categories: Attractions (A), Towns (T) and Villages (V). By analyzing the spatial transformation characteristics of A, T and V, five types of rural spatial transition modes are found, the types of heritage, theme park, those serving as scenic spots, leisure industrial clusters and ecotourism areas. These different classes emerge due to their geographical differentiation. They show the same spatial evolution trend: The Attractions are distributed throughout the whole area and characterized by diversification; supporting services facilities gather in the Towns; and the Villages are landscape images. In this area the traditional rural benefit trends toward that of compound development. Mufu Town, Hubei province, is taken as a study case, and the changing characteristics of A, T and V from 2006 to 2016 are described. Problems in the process of establishing the new spatial order are considered. In order to realize the synergy between production space, living space and ecological space, the interactive development between Attractions, Towns and Villages is recommended. The perspective of Attraction-Town-Village (ATV) can lead to a better understanding of the situation of tourism space in rural areas and provide directions for thinking about the reconstruction path for the modernization of traditional societies.  相似文献   

Brian Page  Eric Ross 《Urban geography》2017,38(9):1293-1328
The postwar urban renewal experience varied among US cities according to the result of local social contests pitting those imposing their power to transform urban space against those resisting it. In this paper, we examine the role of one such contest in shaping urban renewal outcomes in Denver, using the case of the late 1960s Auraria project. The project sought to remove a poor, Hispanic neighborhood in order to build a new downtown college campus, generating community opposition from the inner city neighborhood residents, leaders of the city’s Chicano Movement, and historic preservation activists. We demonstrate how resistance actively shaped the ultimate form and character of the project, and how the legacies of this urban renewal contest extended—in unforeseen ways—beyond the immediate struggles of the time. We argue that these legacies provide the essential context for understanding planning practice, redevelopment strategies, and gentrification dynamics in the city today.  相似文献   

旅游开发下的文化遗产旅游地无锡惠山古镇经历着"地方传统"和"现代发展"的冲突与融合。基于文献信息分析法,对空间生产、认同及其在古镇研究中的应用情况进行了梳理;采用参与观察法、深度访谈话语分析法以及影视人类学摄影法对古镇物理、社会和文化多维空间的生产情况进行了调查,并对多元主体认同倾向进行了分析。结果表明,在这场空间转变过程中,古镇物理空间出现资本的空间化形态,社会空间呈现非共同体化、联接业缘化、流动性增强、主体泛化下功能和交往的社会性,文化空间出现混合文化嵌套并存结构。针对多维空间的生产,居民、社会精英和部分游客表现出人本主义认同倾向,侧重主观性构建内生认同;空间开发主导者、开发商和另一部分游客出现结构主义认同倾向,侧重从一种再生产视角观察问题,强调以过程和建构为主。在对社区居民调研中发现,居民对旅游开发表达出"不要无感增长,需要有感发展"的认同倾向,根本上反映了旅游开发成果能否反馈于居民并能共同分享的问题,值得引起关注。认同从根本上说是关涉文化的,而文化总是表现出流变性,如何使生产出来的文化既开放又多元,既让居民和游客无感疑惑,又不心生迷惘,需要保持古镇先进文化的独立性、传承性和生产的方向性,积极营造"第三空间"之上的文化平衡。  相似文献   

Tourism as a local development strategy in South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The promotion of tourism has been identified as a key strategy that can lead to economic upliftment, community development and poverty relief in the developing world. In the last few years, tourism has also emerged as a significant development option in post–apartheid South Africa. In the context of some current debates on tourism in poor countries, the paper examines how economic, social and environmental resources are being utilized to promote tourism as a local economic development strategy in South Africa, and more specifically it focuses on current local government endeavours in this regard and two communities that have suffered the loss of their economic resource base. Tourism–based development initiatives, one in KwaZulu–Natal and one in the Western Cape, are evaluated in the context of generating economic growth, alleviating poverty and addressing the apartheid legacy of discrimination and inequality. The significance of the dynamics of development processes involved in these initiatives has much wider relevance for local economic development, both within South Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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