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南亚海陆热力差异及其对热带季风区环流的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了亚洲热带季风区海陆分布所造成的热力差异,以及空间非均匀加热对热带季风区环流特别是初夏过渡季节环流的影响.在大尺度环流背景下,次大陆地形对亚洲热带地区环流的影响主要表现在对低层环流的热力作用,其中感热加热对冬、春季环流的影响明显,对秋季环流的作用相对较小.中南半岛和印度半岛之间的热力差异及其对环流的影响受到青藏高原的调配作用.在初夏过渡季节,高原热力强迫作用于低纬低层环流,使低纬约90 (E以东出现南风加强、以西出现北风加强,从而增强了中南半岛上空的潜热加热,减弱了其低层的感热加热,印度半岛地区还加强了低层的感热加热.多尺度、各种性质的加热共同作用于低纬大气,形成了亚洲热带地区独有的环流特征.  相似文献   

In this work, the SCSMEX data are used to diagnose and compare the local land-sea thermal conditions, with the focus of discussion on possible influences of thermal forcing of the western Pacific and the Tibetan Plateau on the onset and development of summer monsoon in 1998. Results show a close relationship between the distribution of the heat sources and the land-sea contrast. Due to the blocking effect of terrain, main maximum zones of the heat sources in areas with more evident north-south land-sea contrast are more obviously southward located than those exclusively with oceans. The surface heating is characterized with apparent seasonal variation and difference between land and sea. The relationship between the western Pacific and the onset of summer monsoon is reflected in the variations of the sea surface temperature (SST) and the latent heat. The influence mechanism of the Tibetan Plateau during the summer monsoon is different: it is dominated by sensible heating during the South China Sea monsoon and by condensed latent heating during the Indian monsoon.  相似文献   

海陆分布和地形对1998年夏季风爆发的热力影响   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8  
应用1980-1995年5天平均的CMAP降水资料、美国NMC850hPa风、卫星反演的向外长波辐射(OLR)和上部对流层水汽亮温(BT)等资料分析比较了南海夏季风爆发前后的基本特征。结果发现:BT能够反映南海夏季风的爆发及其与周围地区降水的关系,但局地降水信息的反映不够具体;OLR能够比较好的反映热带海洋上的降水,但陆地上的低值OLR可能受到地形的影响,仅仅850hPa风场不能完全确定夏季风的爆发。南海季风转换区域定义在南海的中北部比较合适,这是因为南海夏季风爆发前就存在着长年位于南海南部的带海洋对流性雨带;南海夏季风爆发后西南季风气流和季风雨带从印度洋经孟加拉湾和南海伸向西北太平洋,开始了南亚和东亚夏季风的爆发过程。  相似文献   

Values of the net radiative heating(QRT)at the top of atmosphere(TOA)are derived from thesatellite-observed outgoing long wave radiation(OLR)and the TOA short wave net irradiance(SHT)for the region of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas(40°S—40°N,0—180°E)and theperiod of months from January 1979 to December 1988.The anomalous QRT(QRTA)in relation tothe interannual variability of Asian monsoon is discussed.QRTA for the earth-atmosphere system inthe domain may be linked to the thermal contrasts between continents and oceans and between theplateau and surrounding free atmosphere.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an index of land-sea thermal difference(ILSTD)that describes its zonal andmeridional strength responsible for East Asian monsoon circulation to study its relation to the EastAsian monsoon circulation and the summer rainfall over China on an interannual basis.Results are asfollows:(1)ILSTD can be used to measure the strength of East Asian summer monsoon in such away that the strong(weak)ILSTD years are associated with strong(weak)summer monsooncirculation.(2)The index also reflects well summer rainfall anomaly over the eastern part of China.In the strong index years,rain belt is mainly located over the northern China,and serious droughtemerges in the Jianghuai valleys and mid-lower reaches of the Changjiang River,along with increaseof rainfall in North and South China,but in the weak years it is contrary.(3)Besides,the index hasobvious QBO and quasi 4-year oscillations,but the periods and amplitudes have significant changes onan interdecadal basis.  相似文献   

利用NOAA的外逸长波辐射资料(OLR)和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及华南地区台站降水资料诊断分析了热带西太平洋对流活动在2005年和2006年华南地区持续性暴雨发生的大尺度环流背景上的物理作用.分析表明:2005年6月17~24日华南持续性暴雨过程与热带西太平洋对流的10~25天低频振荡从150 °E附近西传有关,持续性暴雨期间西太平洋副热带高压持续西伸的Gill型环流响应对应于传播到120 °E附近强对流的低频间歇期;2006年5月下旬~6月中旬华南的持续性暴雨可能与热带西太平洋的双热带辐合带(ITCZ)南支对流带异常强盛有关,持续强盛的南支ITCZ使得115~135 °E平均的局地Hadley环流最大上升中心位于0~5 °S,菲律宾海附近区域上升运动的减弱有利于西太平洋副热带高压持续西伸加强.通过比较这两例典型的华南持续性暴雨过程发现,副热带高压在华南地区持续西伸是两次持续性暴雨发生的共同的大尺度环流背景,而热带西太平洋对流活动则通过不同的物理过程影响副热带高压的持续西伸.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an index of land-sea thermal difference(ILSTD)that describes its zonal and meridional strength responsible for East Asian monsoon circulation to study its relation to the East Asian monsoon circulation and the summer rainfall over China on an interannual basis.Results are as follows:(1)ILSTD can be used to measure the strength of East Asian summer monsoon in such a way that the strong(weak)ILSTD years are associated with strong(weak)summer monsoon circulation.(2)The index also reflects well summer rainfall anomaly over the eastern part of China.In the strong index years,rain belt is mainly located over the northern China,and serious drought emerges in the Jianghuai valleys and mid-lower reaches of the Changjiang River,along with increase of rainfall in North and South China,but in the weak years it is contrary.(3)Besides,the index has obvious QBO and quasi 4-year oscillations,but the periods and amplitudes have significant changes on an interdecadal basis.  相似文献   

Values of the net radiative heating(QRT)at the top of atmosphere(TOA) are derived from the satellite-observed outgoing long wave radiation(OLR)and the TOA short wave net irradiance (SHT) for the region of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas(40°S-40°N,0-180°E)and the period of months from January 1979 to December 1988.The anomalous QRT(QRTA)in relation to the interannual variability of Asian monsoon is discussed.QRTA for the earth-atmosphere system in the domain may be linked to the thermal contrasts between continents and oceans and between the plateau and surrounding free atmosphere.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicated that except for the land-sea thermal contrast,there also existed the land-land thermal contrast.The composite analysis and t-test method are used to further study the local thermal contrast variation over the Asian continent,and to discuss the association of seasonal variation of land thermal state with circulation over East Asia,the early summer and summer monsoon activity,and the precipitation anomaly in China in the decadal scale.Results show that the positive meridional temperature anomaly transports downward from upper tropospheric layers in middle-high latitudes north of 25°N in the positive years.In the zonal direction,the Tibetan Plateau heating in the successive spring acts as a force to influence the atmosphere,leading to the rapid temperature warming over eastern Chinese continent,which could increase the land-sea thermal contrast with the negative SSTA.Accordingly,the monsoon activity in early summer over East Asian establishes earlier and the summer monsoon intensity becomes stronger.The early summer precipitation is more-than-normal over the Yangtze River,and the summer precipitation is more-than-normal over the north China and the southwest China.The situation is contrary in the negative years.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAmongdrivingfactorsfortheEastAsianmonsoonareplanetary-scaleland-seathermodynamiccontrast(e.g.betweentheEurasiancontinentandthePacificOcean)andsub-planetary-scaleone(e.g.betweentheIndochinaandtheSouthChinaSea).ItisovertheSouthChinaSea(SCS)andadjoiningareasthattheEastAsiansummermonsoonfirstbreaksout.ItthenadvancestotheregionsofEastAsiaandSouthAsia.ItisthereforenaturaltofindlocalgeographicandtopographiceffectsoftheSCSregionevidentlyshownontheonsetoftheSCSsummermonsoon…  相似文献   

Using daily observational rainfall data covered 194 stations of China from 1961 to 1995 andNCEP model analyzed pentad precipitation data of global grid point from 1979 to 1997,thedistribution of onset date of rainy season over Asian area from spring to summer is studied in thispaper.The analyzed results show that there exist two stages of rainy season onset over East Asianregion from spring to summer rainy season onset accompanying subtropical monsoon and tropicalmonsoon respectively.The former rain belt is mainly formed by the convergence of cold air and therecurred southwesterly flow from western part of subtropical high and westerly flow from the so-called western trough of subtropical region occurring during winter to spring over South Asia.Thelatter is formed in the process of subtropical monsoon rain belt over inshore regions of South ChinaSea originally coming from south of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Basin advancing with northwardshift of subtropical high after the onset of tropical monsoon over South China Sea.The pre-floodrainy season over South China region then came into mature period and the second peak of rainfallappeared.Meiyu,the rainy season over Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin and North China thenformed consequently.The process of summer tropical monsoon onset over South China Sea in 1998is also discussed in this paper.It indicated that the monsoon during summer tropical monsoononset over South China Sea is the result of the westerly flow over middle part of South China Sea,which is from the new generated cyclone formed in north subtropical high entering into SouthChina Sea,converged with the tropical southwesterly flow recurred by the intensified cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

东亚海陆热力差指数及其与环流和降水的年际变化关系   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
利用 196 1~ 1999年海温和地温月平均资料 ,定义了一个海陆热力差指数 ,来表示东亚季风环流的纬向和经向海陆热力差异的变化强度 ,研究了夏季指数与东亚夏季风环流场和中国东部夏季降水的年际变化关系。结果表明 :(1)海陆热力差指数可用来表示东亚夏季风的强弱变化。强指数年东亚季风区低空西南夏季风气流和高层的东风气流明显偏强 ,表明这一年夏季风偏强 ,弱指数年反之。 (2 )海陆热力差指数能较好地反映东部季风区夏季降水的异常状况。强指数年 ,雨带偏北 ,江淮流域和长江中下游明显干旱 ,华南、华北降水偏多 ,弱指数年反之。这一降水异常特征可以从强弱海陆热力差指数年的环流场得到解释。 (3)海陆热力差指数所反映的东亚夏季风具有明显的准 2a和 3~ 6a周期的年际振荡 ,但其振幅和周期具有显著的年代际异常  相似文献   

本文应用一个包括Rayleigh摩擦、Newton冷却及水平涡旋热力扩散的定常准地转34层球坐标模式来研究青藏高原对于南亚季风环流形成与维持的热力作用。计算结果表明:在北半球夏季,只考虑高原的地形强迫作用是不能形成南亚高压与南亚季风环流的,而青藏高原上空的非绝热加热对于南亚高压与南亚平均季风环流的形成与维持起了重要作用。计算结果还表明了青藏高原的非绝热加热对于形成一支横跨印度次大陆直到日本南部的强西南风带同样也起了重要的作用。   相似文献   

The results by statistical analysis of black body Temperature (TBB) pentad mean from the Japanese GMS in the period of May to August, 1980-2002, show that the summer monsoon index (SMI) is defined to be the pentad mean TBB≤273 K. Its intensity includes three levels: TBB>268 K for weak monsoon, 268 K≥TBB>263 K for normal monsoon and TBB≤263K for strong monsoon over the South China sea and East Asia. In the meantime, a diagnostic method using TBB pentad anomaly is also introduced to help identify monsoon intensity. The SMI is used to run statistical analyses of the initial onset of the monsoon and its pentad variations with the year and month. A fairly close relationship is found between pentad monsoon activity and heavy rainfall periods in the two typical flood years of 1994 and 1998, which resulted from heavy rainfall over the Yangtze River basin and south China.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION It is known early on that the intensity of East Asia monsoon affects the climate change in China and prompts much research in this aspect[1, 2]. The research also shows that the East Asia monsoon plays a more important role than the Indian …  相似文献   

基于卫星观测的南海和东亚夏季风指数初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
运用1980-2002年5-8月GMSTBB候平均资料,经过统计分析得到:南海和东亚候夏季风活动指数定义为候平均TBB≤273K;其强度分为3级,即弱季风为268K〈TBB≤273K,一般季风为263K〈TBB≤268K,强季风为TBB≤263K。与此同时,还给出了运用TBB候距平帮助判识季风强度的分析方法。运用该季风指数,统计分析了上述各年季风初始爆发日期和各年各月季风活动情况。另外,还对比分析了1998年长江中下游地区暴雨和1994年华南暴雨2个典型暴雨灾害年季风活动,展示了候季风活动与暴雨期间各暴雨过程之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of the South China Sea(SCS, 105-120°E, 5-20°N) convection and its influences on the genesis and track of the western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclones(TCs) were explored, based on the daily average of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the OLR data and the western North Pacific tropical cyclone best-track data from 1979 to 2008. The mechanism of the influences of ISO on TC movement and the corresponding large-scale circulation were discussed by a trajectory model. It was found as follows.(1) During the SCS summer monsoon, the SCS convection exhibits the ISO features with active phases alternating with inactive phases. The monsoon circulation patterns are significantly different during these two phases. When the SCS convection is active(inactive), the SCS-WNP monsoon trough stretches eastward(retreats westward) due to the activity(inactivity) of SCS monsoon, and the WNP subtropical high retreats eastward(stretches westward), which enhances(suppresses) the monsoon circulation.(2) The amount of TC genesis in the active phase is much more than that in the inactive phase. A majority of TCs form west of 135 °E during the active phases but east of 135 °E in the inactive phases.(3) The TCs entering the area west of 135 °E and south of 25 °N would move straight into the SCS in the active phase, or recurve northward in the inactive phase.(4) Simulation results show that the steering flow associated with the active(inactive)phases is in favor of straight-moving(recurving) TCs. Meanwhile, the impacts of the locations of TC genesis on the characteristics of TC track cannot be ignored. TCs that occurred father westward are more likely to move straight into the SCS region.  相似文献   

基于1979—2020年逐日的NOAA向外长波辐射资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析风场资料,以及全球CMAP再分析降水资料,探讨了气候态亚洲热带夏季风涌的传播过程及与我国夏季相应的降水联系。分析结果表明,主汛期亚洲热带气候态夏季风季节内振荡(CISO)活动是亚洲夏季风活动的主要特征,随时间北传的亚洲热带夏季风CISO称为亚洲热带夏季风涌,主要有南亚夏季风涌和南海夏季风涌。亚洲热带夏季风涌的传播可分为四个阶段。在亚洲热带夏季风涌的发展阶段,印度洋区域低频气旋与对流活跃,孟加拉湾和南海热带区域被低频东风控制,我国大部分地区无降水发生,降水中心位于两广地区。当进入亚洲热带夏季风涌活跃阶段,孟加拉湾和南海热带地区低频气旋和对流活跃,东亚低频“PJ”波列显著,我国降水中心北移到长江以南的附近区域。亚洲热带夏季风涌减弱阶段,孟加拉湾与南海低频气旋消亡,对流减弱,低频西风加强,日本南部附近为低频反气旋控制,我国长江中下游低频南风活跃,降水中心也北移到长江中下游地区,而华南地区已基本无降水,此阶段的大气低频环流场与亚洲热带夏季风涌发展阶段基本相反。进入亚洲热带夏季风涌间歇阶段时,孟加拉湾和南海热带地区低...  相似文献   

东亚海陆热力差指数与中国夏季降水的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
定义了东亚海陆热力差指数(ILSTD),讨论了它与东亚夏季风的强弱年际变化及夏季降水的关系。结果表明:该海陆热力差指数较好地反映了我国东部季风区夏季降水的异常变化、强海陆热力差指数年,华北地区降水偏多,长江、淮河流域明显干旱;弱海陆热力差指数年,长江,淮河流域降水又异常偏多。TLSTD的异常变化对影响我国东部季风区降水的大气环流型具有较强的识别力,尤其是对夏季西太平洋副热带高压的位置与强度的识别。  相似文献   

亚洲热带夏季风的首发地区和机理研究   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:28  
文中分析了多年逐候平均 85 0hPa风场和黑体辐射温度等物理量的时空演变 ,结果表明 ,90°E以东的孟加拉湾、中南半岛和南海是亚洲热带夏季风首先爆发的地区 ,爆发时间在 2 7~ 2 8候 ,具有突发性和同时性。 90°E以西的印度半岛和阿拉伯海是热带夏季风爆发较晚的地区 ,季风首先在该区 10°N以南爆发 ,时间约在 30~ 31候 ,然后向北推进 ,6月末在全区建立 ,爆发过程具有渐进性。机制分析表明 ,由于 110~ 12 0°E的中高纬东亚大陆在春季和初夏地面感热通量、温度和气压的迅速变化 ,使热带低压带首先在该处冲破高压带 ,生成大陆低压 ,并引导西南气流在 90°E以东地区首先建立。在 90°E以西的印度半岛地区 ,地面感热通量在 4~ 5月间几乎没有明显变化 ,因而印度季风比南海季风晚爆发约 1个月。由此得出 ,90°E是东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风的分界线。此外 ,还着重探讨了南亚高压的季节变化与亚洲热带夏季风爆发的时间联系。发现南亚高压中心位置与亚洲热带夏季风爆发时间有较好的对应关系。南亚高压中心跳过 2 0°N时 ,南海夏季风爆发 ,跳过 2 5°N时 ,印度夏季风在其南部爆发。将用上述方法确定的爆发时间与用其他方法确定的爆发时间相比较 ,发现它们在南海地区有较好的一致性 ,在印度地区略有差异。  相似文献   

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