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In this study, magnetic field measurements obtained by the Venus Express spacecraft are used to determine the bow shock position at solar minimum. The best fit of bow shock location from solar zenith angle 20-120° gives a terminator bow shock location of 2.14 RV (1 RV=6052 km) which is 1600 km closer to Venus than the 2.40 RV determined during solar maximum conditions, a clear indication of the solar cycle variation of the Venus bow shock location. The best fit to the subsolar bow shock is 1.32 RV, with the bow shock completely detached. Finally, a global bow shock model at solar minimum is constructed based on our best-fit empirical bow shock in the sunlit hemisphere and an asymptotic limit of the distant bow shock which is a Mach cone under typical Mach number of 5.5 at solar minimum. We also describe our approach to making the measurements and processing the data in a challenging magnetic cleanliness environment. An initial evaluation of the accuracy of measurements shows that the data are of a quality comparable to magnetic field measurements made onboard magnetically clean spacecraft.  相似文献   

In this paper, methods for the determination of the wave mode for low frequency waves based on observed differences in phase are reviewed. Examples, using measurements made in the terrestrial foreshock and magnetosheath, are used to illustrate the application of these methods. The use of advance methods such as NARMAX modelling or genetic algorithms to identify the plasma wave mode is also discussed.  相似文献   

For the first time since 1992 when the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) ceased to operate, there is again a plasma instrument in orbit around Venus, namely the ASPERA-4 flown on Venus Express (inserted into an elliptical polar orbit about the planet on April 11, 2006). In this paper we report on measurements made by the ion and electron sensors of ASPERA-4 during their first five months of operation and, thereby, determine the locations of both the Venus bow shock (BS) and the ion composition boundary (ICB) under solar minimum conditions. In contrast to previous studies based on PVO data, we employ a 3-parameter fit to achieve a realistic shape for the BS. We use a different technique to fit the ICB because this latter boundary cannot be represented by a conic section. Additionally we investigate the dependence of the location of the BS on solar wind ram pressure (based on ASPERA-4 solar wind data) and solar EUV flux (using a proxy from Earth).  相似文献   

We propose to explain the recent observations of gamma-ray burst early X-ray afterglows with SWIFT by the dissipation of energy in the reverse shock that crosses the ejecta as it is decelerated by the burst environment. We compute the evolution of the dissipated power and discuss the possibility that a fraction of it can be radiated in the X-ray range. We show that this reverse shock contribution behaves in a way very similar to the observed X-ray afterglows if the following two conditions are satisfied. (i) The Lorentz factor of the material which is ejected during the late stages of source activity decreases to small values  Γ < 10  and (ii) a large part of the shock-dissipated energy is transferred to a small fraction  (ζ≲ 10−2)  of the electron population. We also discuss how our results may help to solve some puzzling problems raised by multiwavelength early afterglow observations such as the presence of chromatic breaks.  相似文献   

The geoefficiency of solar bursts is diagnosed using the dynamic radio emission spectrum. At certain time intervals, the spectrum exhibits nearly parallel narrow-band emission strips termed the zebra pattern. Although there are many hypotheses of its origin, all of them do not take into account changes in the signal parameters upon signal propagation through the solar corona. Our analysis shows that the propagation effects form a dynamic spectrum that contains a zebra pattern. The properties of the modeled spectrum are shown to coincide with the basic properties of the observed spectrum. It is clarified that the spike structure of strips is a natural consequence of the interference of radio waves, and the occurrence of this structure is considered to be evidence in favor of the interference nature of the zebra pattern formation. Consequently, the zebra pattern can be formed not in the radiation source itself, but rather can arise as a result of propagation of radio waves through an inhomogeneous refracting medium of the solar corona.  相似文献   

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