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Mercury is exposed to the most dynamic heliospheric space environment of any planet in the solar system. The magnetosphere is particularly sensitive to variations in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), which control the intensity and geometry of the magnetospheric current systems that are the dominant source of uncertainty in determinations of the internal planetary magnetic field structure. The Magnetometer on the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft has made extensive magnetic field observations in the inner heliosphere over the heliocentric distances of Mercury's orbit, between 0.31 and 0.47 AU. In this paper, Magnetometer data from MESSENGER, obtained at rates of 2 and 20 vector samples per second, are used together with previous observations in the inner heliosphere by Helios and at Earth by the Advanced Composition Explorer, to study the characteristics of IMF variability at Mercury's orbit. Although the average IMF geometry and magnitude depend on heliocentric distance as predicted by Parker, the variability is large, comparable to the total field magnitude. Using models for the external current systems we evaluate the impact of the variability on the field near the planet and find that the large IMF fluctuations should produce variations of the magnetospheric field of up to 30% of the dipole field at 200 km altitude, corresponding to the planned periapsis of MESSENGER's orbit at Mercury. The IMF fluctuations in the frequency range are consistent with turbulence, whereas evidence for dissipation was observed for . The transition between the turbulent and dissipative regimes is indicated by a break in the power spectrum, and the frequency of this break point is proportional to the IMF magnitude.  相似文献   

The “paraboloid” model of Mercury’s magnetospheric magnetic field is used to determine the best-fit magnetospheric current system and internal dipole parameters from magnetic field measurements taken during the first and second MESSENGER flybys of Mercury on 14 January and 6 October 2008. Together with magnetic field measurements taken during the Mariner 10 flybys on 29 March 1974 and 16 March 1975, there exist three low-latitude traversals separated in longitude and one high-latitude encounter. From our model formulation and fitting procedure a Mercury dipole moment of 196 nT ·  (where RM is Mercury’s radius) was determined. The dipole is offset from Mercury’s center by 405 km in the northward direction. The dipole inclination to Mercury’s rotation axis is relatively small, ∼4°, with an eastern longitude of 193° for the dipole northern pole. Our model is based on the a priori assumption that the dipole position and the moment orientation and strength do not change in time. The root mean square (rms) deviation between the Mariner 10 and MESSENGER magnetic field measurements and the predictions of our model for all four flybys is 10.7 nT. For each magnetic field component the rms residual is ∼6 nT or about 1.5% of the maximum measured magnetic field, ∼400 nT. This level of agreement is possible only because the magnetospheric current system parameters have been determined separately for each flyby. The magnetospheric stand-off distance, the distance from the planet’s center to the inner edge of the tail current sheet, the tail lobe magnetic flux, and the displacement of the tail current sheet relative to the Mercury solar-magnetospheric equatorial plane have been determined independently for each flyby. The magnetic flux in the tail lobes varied from 3.8 to 5.9 MWb; the subsolar magnetopause stand-off distance from 1.28 to 1.43 RM; and the distance to the inner edge of the current sheet from 1.23 to 1.32 RM. The differences in the current systems between the first and second MESSENGER flybys are attributed to the effects of strong magnetic reconnection driven by southward interplanetary magnetic field during the latter flyby.  相似文献   

We use a global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model to simulate Mercury's space environment for several solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions in anticipation of the magnetic field measurements by the MESSENGER spacecraft. The main goal of our study is to assess what characteristics of the internally generated field of Mercury can be inferred from the MESSENGER observations, and to what extent they will be able to constrain various models of Mercury's magnetic field generation. Based on the results of our simulations, we argue that it should be possible to infer not only the dipole component, but also the quadrupole and possibly even higher harmonics of the Mercury's planetary magnetic field. We furthermore expect that some of the crucial measurements for specifying the Hermean internal field will be acquired during the initial fly-bys of the planet, before MESSENGER goes into orbit around Mercury.  相似文献   

We present results of a five-filter photometric study of Mercury's integral phase curve in the Johnson-Cousins UBVRI system, performed with the 0.90-m Westerlund Telescope in Uppsala, Sweden. CCD observations were made of the integrated disk for the phase angle range 22-152°, and the study is the first to cover the extended visible spectrum of Mercury. The observations are analyzed with Hapke's semi-empirical radiative transfer-based light-scattering model and photometric quantities are derived. A statistically significant phase reddening effect of is determined for Mercury based on color index observations, which is similar to that of the Moon. Phase coefficients fit to integral absolute magnitude data and Hapke models in combination with color index data provide a phase reddening effect of which does however not provide statistically significant evidence for its presence. Phase coefficients indicate that phase reddening may be decreasing in magnitude with wavelength. As for the case with the Moon, the value of the phase integral increases with wavelength, but at an eight times higher rate. This value is consistent with the difference in the rate of change in the spectral slope-emission angle relation for the two bodies. We attribute these differences with Mercury's redder spectral slope and an increase with wavelength of the backscattering lobe amplitude in the double Henyey-Greenstein particle phase function formulation. The normal albedo of integral Mercury at 1064 nm, pertinent to the return pulse energy of the BepiColombo laser altimeter (BELA), is estimated to 0.23±0.06 with a range of 0.13-0.33 for 99% of the surface.  相似文献   

In 2008 the MESSENGER spacecraft made the first direct observation of Mercury's magnetosphere in the more than 30 years since the Mariner 10 encounters. During MESSENGER's first flyby on 14 January 2008, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was northward immediately prior to and following MESSENGER's equatorial passage through this small magnetosphere. The Energetic Particle Spectrometer (EPS), one of two sensors on the Energetic Particle and Plasma Spectrometer instrument that responds to electrons from ∼35 keV to 1 MeV and ions from ∼35 keV to 2.75 MeV, saw no increases in particle intensity above instrumental background (∼5 particles/cm2/sr/s/keV at 45 keV) at any time during the probe's magnetospheric passage. During MESSENGER's second flyby on 6 October 2008, there was a steady southward IMF, and intense reconnection was observed between the planet's magnetic field and the IMF. However, once again EPS did not observe bursts of energetic particles similar to those reported by Mariner 10 from its March 1974 encounter. On 29 September 2009, MESSENGER flew by Mercury for the third and final time before orbit insertion in March 2011. Although a spacecraft safe-hold event stopped science measurements prior to the outbound portion of the flyby, all instruments recorded full observations until a few minutes before the closest approach. In particular, the MESSENGER Magnetometer documented several substorm-like signatures of extreme loading of Mercury's magnetotail, but again EPS measured no energetic ions or electrons above instrument background during the inbound portion of the flyby. MESSENGER's X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) nonetheless observed photons resulting from low-energy (∼10 keV) electrons impinging on its detectors during each of the three flybys. We infer that suprathermal plasma electrons below the EPS energy threshold caused the bremsstrahlung seen by XRS. In this paper, we summarize the energetic particle observations made by EPS and XRS during MESSENGER's three Mercury flybys, and we revisit the observations reported by Mariner 10 in the context of these new results.  相似文献   

In this paper it is derived that the libration of Mercury can be described by where Φ0 is the unknown libration amplitude, M is Mercury's mean anomaly and K=−9.483. Φ0 can be determined by comparing pairs of images of the same landmarks taken by an orbiter at different positions of Mercury. If the angle between the orbit plane of a polar orbiter and Mercury's line of periapsis is between −60° and 60° and if one landmark at the equator is imaged per day with a relative precision of , then the libration amplitude can be determined in two Mercury years (176 days) with an accuracy of or better, which is sufficient to answer the question whether Mercury has a solid or fluid core.  相似文献   

Mapping Mercury's internal magnetic field with a magnetometer in closed orbit around the planet will provide valuable information about its internal structure. By measuring magnetic field multipoles of order higher than the dipole we could, in principle, determine some properties, such as size and location, of the internal source. Here we try to quantify these expectations. Using conceptual models, we simulate the actual measurement during the BepiColombo mission, and then we analyze the simulated data in order to estimate the measurement errors due to the limited spatial sampling. We also investigate our ability to locate the field generating current system within the planet. Finally, we address the main limitation of our model, due to the presence of time-varying external magnetospheric currents.  相似文献   

The study of peak-ring basins and other impact crater morphologies transitional between complex craters and multi-ring basins is important to our understanding of the mechanisms for basin formation on the terrestrial planets. Mercury has the largest population, and the largest population per area, of peak-ring basins and protobasins in the inner solar system and thus provides important data for examining questions surrounding peak-ring basin formation. New flyby images from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft have more than doubled the area of Mercury viewed at close range, providing nearly complete global coverage of the planet's surface when combined with flyby data from Mariner 10. We use this new near-global dataset to compile a catalog of peak-ring basins and protobasins on Mercury, including measurements of the diameters of the basin rim crest, interior ring, and central peak (if present). Our catalog increases the population of peak-ring basins by ∼150% and protobasins by ∼100% over previous catalogs, including 44 newly identified peak-ring basins (total=74) and 17 newly identified protobasins (total=32). A newly defined transitional basin type, the ringed peak-cluster basin (total=9), is also described. The new basin catalog confirms that Mercury has the largest population of peak-ring basins of the terrestrial planets and also places the onset rim-crest diameter for peak-ring basins at , which is intermediate between the onset diameter for peak-ring basins on the Moon and those for the other terrestrial planets. The ratios of ring diameter to rim-crest diameter further emphasize that protobasins and peak-ring basins are parts of a continuum of basin morphologies relating to their processes of formation, in contrast to previous views that these forms are distinct. Comparisons of the predictions of peak-ring basin-formation models with the characteristics of the basin catalog for Mercury suggest that formation and modification of an interior melt cavity and nonlinear scaling of impact melt volume with crater diameter provide important controls on the development of peak rings. The relationship between impact-melt production and peak-ring formation is strengthened further by agreement between power laws fit to ratios of ring diameter to rim-crest diameter for peak-ring basins and protobasins and the power-law relation between the dimension of a melt cavity and the crater diameter. More detailed examination of Mercury's peak-ring basins awaits the planned insertion of the MESSENGER spacecraft into orbit about Mercury in 2011.  相似文献   

We present results of a simple two-dimensional model investigating the observable effects that convective motions and gravity waves can have on the condensational Venus cloud. Gravity waves have been observed in the Venus atmosphere in the form of temperature scintillations in the Magellan and Pioneer Venus occultation data. Multiple in situ probes and long-duration remote observations indicate the presence of convective motions in the Venus clouds. Dynamical studies by others have suggested that gravity waves can exist in the stable regions of the Venus atmosphere above the middle clouds and beneath the middle clouds, and likely are triggered by flow past sub-cloud plumes caused by convective overshooting. We find that a simplified treatment of convective kinematics generates variation in the Venus condensational cloud consistent with the observed variability of optical depth and brightness temperature. Specifically, we find that the downdraft regions in our simulated convective cell exhibit a decrease in cloud optical depth of around Δτ∼10. The brightness temperature ranges from about 460 K in the downdraft regions of the simulated convective cells, to about 400 K in the simulated updrafts. We also find that gravity waves launched by obstacles (such as overshooting convective plumes) near the cloud base exhibit horizontal wavelengths comparable to the separation between convective cells, and generate variations in brightness temperature that should be observable by instruments such as VIRTIS on Venus Express. However, a more robust treatment of the atmospheric dynamics is needed to address adequately these interactions between the clouds and the mesoscale dynamics.  相似文献   

A comparative study of meteor ablation in the atmospheres of the Earth and Venus is presented. The classical single body meteor ablation model is extended to incorporate a heat penetration depth estimate allowing the simulation of larger meteoroids, than would an isothermal model. The ablation of icy and rocky meteoroids, with densities of 1.0 and 3.4 g cm−3, respectively, and initial radii of up to for rock and for ice (equivalent to an initial mass of in both cases), was simulated in both atmospheres. In general venusian meteors are brighter than terrestrial equivalents. Large, slow, rocky objects may be up to 0.7 mag brighter on Venus, while small, icy particles with entry speeds in the range 30-60 km s−1, are found to be upwards of 2.7 mag brighter than at the Earth. Venusian meteors reach maximum brightness at greater altitudes than would similar particles at the Earth. Rocky meteoroids have their points of maximum brightness some 15-35 km higher up at Venus, between 90 and 120 km, whereas, for icy particles this altitude difference is about 5-25 km higher up than at the Earth, in the range 100-125 km. These findings agree, for the most part, with recent analytical studies. Venusian meteors, which last from 100 ms to , tend to be shorter-lived than terrestrial meteors, with correspondingly shorter visible trails. Large (), slow () icy particles reach a maximum magnitude of ∼−2 at Venus and remain visible for about one second, with a large section of the smaller faster meteoroids simulated here remaining visible for several hundred milliseconds. In light of recent space-based meteor observations at the Earth [Jenniskens, P., Tedesco, E., Muthry, J., Laux, C.O., Price, S., 2002. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 37, 1071-1078], such brightness, height and duration estimates as suggested in this work, may be used in developing future observational campaigns to be carried out from Venus orbit.  相似文献   

The Galileo spacecraft encountered the inner magnetosphere of Jupiter on its way to a flyby of Amalthea on November 5, 2002. During this encounter, the spacecraft observed distinct spin modulation of plasma wave emissions. The modulations occurred in the frequency range from a few hundred hertz to a few hundred kilohertz and probably include at least two distinct wave modes. Assuming transverse EM radiation, we have used the swept-frequency receivers of the electric dipole antenna to determine the direction to the source of these emissions. Additionally, with knowledge of the magnetic field some constraints are placed on the wave mode of the emission based on a comparative analysis of the wave power versus spin phase of the different emissions. The emission appears in several bands separated by attenuation lanes. The analysis indicates that the lanes are probably due to blockage of the freely propagating emission by high density regions of the Io torus near the magnetic equator. Radio emission at lower frequencies (<40 kHz) appears to emanate from sources at high latitude and is not attenuated. Emission at is consistent with O-mode and Z-mode. Lower frequency emissions could be a mixture of O-mode, Z-mode and whistler mode. Emission for shows bands that are similar to upper hybrid resonance bands observed near the terrestrial plasmapause, and also elsewhere in Jovian magnetosphere. Based on the observations and knowledge of similar terrestrial emissions, we hypothesize that radio emission results from mode conversion near the strong density gradient of the inner radius of the cold plasma torus, similar to the generation of nKOM and continuum emission observed in the outer Jovian magnetosphere and in the terrestrial magnetosphere from source regions near the plasmapause.  相似文献   

The giant planets of our solar system possess envelopes consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium but are also significantly enriched in heavier elements relatively to our Sun. In order to better constrain how these heavy elements have been delivered, we quantify the amount accreted during the so-called “late heavy bombardment”, at a time when planets were fully formed and planetesimals could not sink deep into the planets. On the basis of the “Nice model”, we obtain accreted masses (in terrestrial units) equal to for Jupiter, and for Saturn. For the two other giant planets, the results are found to depend mostly on whether they switched position during the instability phase. For Uranus, the accreted mass is with an inversion and without an inversion. Neptune accretes in models in which it is initially closer to the Sun than Uranus, and otherwise. With well-mixed envelopes, this corresponds to an increase in the enrichment over the solar value of 0.033±0.001 and 0.074±0.007 for Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. For the two other planets, we find the enrichments to be 2.1±1.4 (w/ inversion) or 1.2±0.7 (w/o inversion) for Uranus, and 2.0±1.2 (w/ inversion) or 2.7±1.6 (w/o inversion) for Neptune. This is clearly insufficient to explain the inferred enrichments of ∼4 for Jupiter, ∼7 for Saturn and ∼45 for Uranus and Neptune.  相似文献   

We study the Jupiter family comet (JFC) population assumed to come from the Scattered Disk and transferred to the Jupiter’s zone through gravitational interactions with the Jovian planets. We shall define as JFCs those with orbital periods and Tisserand parameters in the range 2<T?3.1, while those comets coming from the same source, but that do not fulfill the previous criteria (mainly because they have periods ) will be called ‘non-JFCs’. We performed a series of numerical simulations of fictitious comets with a purely dynamical model and also with a more complete dynamical-physical model that includes besides nongravitational forces, sublimation and splitting mechanisms. With the dynamical model, we obtain a poor match between the computed distributions of orbital elements and the observed ones. However with the inclusion of physical effects in the complete model we are able to obtain good fits to observations. The best fits are attained with four splitting models with a relative weak dependence on q, and a mass loss in every splitting event that is less when the frequency is high and vice versa. The mean lifetime of JFCs with radii and is found to be of about 150-200 revolutions (∼. The total population of JFCs with radii within Jupiter’s zone is found to be of 450±50. Yet, the population of non-JFCs with radii in Jupiter-crossing orbits may be ∼4 times greater, thus leading to a whole population of JFCs + non-JFCs of ∼2250±250. Most of these comets have perihelia close to Jupiter’s orbit. On the other hand, very few non-JFCs reach the Earth’s vicinity (perihelion distances ) which gives additional support to the idea that JFCs and Halley-type comets have different dynamical origins. Our model allows us to define the zones of the orbital element space in which we would expect to find a large number of JFCs. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that a physico-dynamical model is presented that includes sublimation and different splitting laws. Our work helps to understand the role played by these erosion effects in the distribution of the orbital elements and lifetimes of JFCs.  相似文献   

David A. Minton  Renu Malhotra 《Icarus》2010,207(2):744-7225
The cumulative effects of weak resonant and secular perturbations by the major planets produce chaotic behavior of asteroids on long timescales. Dynamical chaos is the dominant loss mechanism for asteroids with diameters in the current asteroid belt. In a numerical analysis of the long-term evolution of test particles in the main asteroid belt region, we find that the dynamical loss history of test particles from this region is well described with a logarithmic decay law. In our simulations the loss rate function that is established at persists with little deviation to at least . Our study indicates that the asteroid belt region has experienced a significant amount of depletion due to this dynamical erosion—having lost as much as ∼50% of the large asteroids—since 1 Myr after the establishment of the current dynamical structure of the asteroid belt. Because the dynamical depletion of asteroids from the main belt is approximately logarithmic, an equal amount of depletion occurred in the time interval 10-200 Myr as in 0.2-4 Gyr, roughly ∼30% of the current number of large asteroids in the main belt over each interval. We find that asteroids escaping from the main belt due to dynamical chaos have an Earth-impact probability of ∼0.3%. Our model suggests that the rate of impacts from large asteroids has declined by a factor of 3 over the last 3 Gyr, and that the present-day impact flux of objects on the terrestrial planets is roughly an order of magnitude less than estimates currently in use in crater chronologies and impact hazard risk assessments.  相似文献   

We present high-speed CCD photometry of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 during the Deep Impact event on 2005 July 4 UT. Approximately 2 h and 50 min of R-band data were acquired at Mount Laguna Observatory with a temporal resolution of 5.5 s. The flux increased by 9% in the first minute after impact. This was followed by a more gradual two-part linear rise, with a change in slope at 9.2 min post-impact, at which time the rate of brightening increased from ∼ to ∼. An analysis of the light curve obtained with the guide camera on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope and yields very similar results. These findings are mildly in disagreement with the 3-part linear rise found by Fernández et al. (2007) in that we do not find any evidence for a change at 4 min post-impact. We interpret the linear rise phase as due to solar illumination of the edge of an expanding optically thick dust ejecta plume. After approximately 20 min, the light curves begin to flatten out, perhaps coincident with the start of the transition to becoming optically thin. In the large apertures (>10) the light curve continues to gradually rise until the end of the observations. In smaller apertures, the light curves reach a peak at approximately 50 min, then decrease back towards the pre-impact flux level. The drop in flux in the smaller apertures may be caused by the ejecta expanding beyond the edge of the photometric aperture, and if so, we can use this timescale to infer an expansion velocity of ∼, consistent with previous published estimates.  相似文献   

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