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O'Brien and Greenberg [O'Brien, D.P., Greenberg, R., 2005. Icarus 178, 179-212] developed a self-consistent numerical model of the collisional and dynamical evolution of the main-belt and NEA populations that was tested against a diverse range of observational and theoretical constraints. In this paper, we use those results to update the asteroid cratering model of Greenberg et al. [Greenberg, R., Nolan, M.C., Bottke, W.F., Kolvoord, R.A., Veverka, J., 1994. Icarus 107, 84-97; Greenberg, R., Bottke, W.F., Nolan, M., Geissler, P., Petit, J., Durda, D.D., Asphaug, E., Head, J., 1996. Icarus 120, 106-118], and show that the main-belt asteroid population from the O'Brien and Greenberg collisional/dynamical evolution modeling is consistent with the crater records on Gaspra, Ida, Mathilde, and Eros, the four asteroids that have been observed by spacecraft.  相似文献   

Previous studies of mid-Ordovician limestone in Sweden have shown that over a stratigraphic interval representing a few million years there is a two orders-of-magnitude enrichment in fossil L-chondritic meteorites (Ø = 1-21 cm) and sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chromite (EC) grains (>63 μm). This has been interpreted as a dramatic increase in the flux of L-chondritic matter to Earth following the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body, which based on Ar-Ar gas retention ages (470 ± 6 Ma) of recently fallen meteorites occurred at about this time. Here we show that the general trend in the distribution of sediment-dispersed EC grains can be reproduced in the Puxi River section in central China. A total of 288 kg of limestone was searched for chrome spinels. In samples spanning the lower 8 m of the section, representing the Paroistodus originalis and Lenodus antivariabilis conodont zones, a total of 110 kg of limestone yielded only one EC grain. Similarly to the Swedish sections, EC grains begin to be common in the overlying L. variabilis Zone and remain common throughout the upper 9 m of the section, representing the L. variabilis, Yangtzeplacognathus crassus and L. pseudoplanus zones. In this part of the section 178 kg of limestone yielded 290 EC grains, with an average chemical composition very similar to chromite from recent L chondrites. In most of the beds over this interval one finds 1-4 EC grains per kilogram rock, a clear two orders-of-magnitude enrichment relative to the lower part of the section. Small bed-by-bed variations in the EC content over the upper interval most likely reflect small variations in sedimentation rates. The Puxi River section contains only very rare terrestrial chrome spinel grains, which can be distinguished already by their rounded, abraded appearance compared to the angular, pristine extraterrestrial spinels. In the mid-Ordovician, based on paleoplate reconstructions, the Puxi River site was positioned at mid-latitudes on the southern hemisphere a couple of thousand kilometers east of the Swedish sites. The prominent enrichment of EC grains over the same stratigraphic interval in China and Sweden is supporting evidence for a dramatic increase in the flux of L-chondritic matter to Earth shortly after the disruption of the L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid belt.  相似文献   

During its cruise phase, prior to encountering Jupiter, the Cosmic Dust Analyser (CDA) onboard the Cassini spacecraft returned time of flight mass spectra (TOF MS) of two interplanetary dust particles. Both particles were found to be iron-rich, with possible traces of hydrogen, carbon, nickel, chromium, manganese, titanium, vanadium and minor silicates. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and potassium are also present as possible contaminants of the impact target of CDA. Silicates and magnesium do not feature predominantly in the spectra; this is surprising considering the expected dominance of silicate-rich minerals in interplanetary dust particles. The particle masses are and . The corresponding radii ranges for the particles, assuming densities from 7874-2500 kg m−3 are 0.7-4 μm and 2.6-6.8 μm, respectively. With the same density assumptions the β values (ratio of radiation pressure to gravitational force) are estimated as 0.027-0.21 and 0.016-0.06 respectively, allowing possible orbits to be calculated. The resulting orbits are bound and prograde with semi-major axes, eccentricities and inclinations in the region of 0.3-1.26 AU, 0.4-1.0 and 0-60° for the first particle and 0.8-2.5 AU, 0.2-0.9 and 0-30° for the second. The more probable orbits within these ranges indicate that the first particle is in an Aten-like orbit, whilst the second particle is in an Apollo-like orbit, despite both grains having very similar, predominantly metallic compositions. Other possible orbital solutions for both particles encompass orbits which more closely resemble those of Jupiter-family comets.  相似文献   

Ejecta from impact craters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An important feature of impacts into Solar System bodies is the fate of crater ejecta, the near-surface material launched during the highly dynamic crater formation process. Laboratory measurements of impact crater ejecta from 18 studies are summarized. The data are examined and used to assess our understanding of how the ejecta velocity and mass distributions depend on the conditions of an impact event. The effects of impact speed on the ejecta are reasonably well understood, but the dependences on target properties such as strength and porosity are only poorly constrained. A point-source scaling model for the ejecta mass and velocity distributions is developed and fit to the data for several classes of materials distinguished by porosity.  相似文献   

We surveyed craters on a space-exposed surface from the Genesis solar wind sample return mission to find new constraints on the population of micrometeoroids at the edge of the Earth's gravitational sphere of influence. The target was made of 6061-T6 aluminum, identical to the composition of the space-facing end of the Long Duration Exposure Facility satellite, which recorded micrometeoroid impacts in low Earth orbit. We use data from both locations to compare crater frequency as a function of size, with and without gravitational focussing by the Earth. We find that the cratering flux near the Earth-Sun L1 libration point is indistinguishable, within the ∼40% uncertainty of this study, from that in low Earth orbit. The small degree of gravitational focussing between the two locations indicates that particles with geocentric free-space velocities less than a few kilometers per second comprise no more than a few percent of the interplanetary dust complex.  相似文献   

Utilizing the largest available data sets for the observed taxonomic (Binzel et al., 2004, Icarus 170, 259-294) and albedo (Delbo et al., 2003, Icarus 166, 116-130) distributions of the near-Earth object population, we model the bias-corrected population. Diameter-limited fractional abundances of the taxonomic complexes are A-0.2%; C-10%, D-17%, O-0.5%, Q-14%, R-0.1%, S-22%, U-0.4%, V-1%, X-34%. In a diameter-limited sample, ∼30% of the NEO population has jovian Tisserand parameter less than 3, where the D-types and X-types dominate. The large contribution from the X-types is surprising and highlights the need to better understand this group with more albedo measurements. Combining the C, D, and X complexes into a “dark” group and the others into a “bright” group yields a debiased dark-to-bright ratio of ∼1.6. Overall, the bias-corrected mean albedo for the NEO population is 0.14±0.02, for which an H magnitude of 17.8±0.1 translates to a diameter of 1 km, in close agreement with Morbidelli et al. (2002, Icarus 158 (2), 329-342). Coupling this bias corrected taxonomic and albedo model with the H magnitude dependent size distribution of (Stuart, 2001, Science 294, 1691-1693) yields a diameter distribution with 1090±180 NEOs with diameters larger than 1 km. As of 2004 June, the Spaceguard Survey has discovered 56% of the NEOs larger than 1 km. Using our size distribution model, and orbital distribution of (Stuart, 2001, Science 294, 1691-1693) we calculate the frequency of impacts into the Earth and the Moon. Globally destructive collisions (∼1021 J) of asteroids 1 km or larger strike the Earth once every 0.60±0.1 Myr on average. Regionally destructive collisions with impact energy greater than 4×1018 J (∼200 m diameter) strike the Earth every 56,000±6000 yr. Collisions in the range of the Tunguska event (4-8×1016 J) occur every 2000-3000 yr. These values represent the average time between randomly spaced impacts; actual impacts could occur more or less closely spaced solely by chance. As a verification of these impact rates, the crater production function of Shoemaker et al. (1990, Geological Society of American Special Paper 247) has been updated by combining this new population model with a crater formation model to find that the observed crater production function on both the Earth and Moon agrees with the rate of crater production expected from the current population of NEOs.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of asteroid breakups, including both the fragmentation of the parent body and the gravitational interactions between the fragments, have allowed us to reproduce successfully the main properties of asteroid families formed in different regimes of impact energy, starting from a non-porous parent body. In this paper, using the same approach, we concentrate on a single regime of impact energy, the so-called catastrophic threshold usually designated by , which results in the escape of half of the target’s mass. Thanks to our recent implementation of a model of fragmentation of porous materials, we can characterize for both porous and non-porous targets with a wide range of diameters. We can then analyze the potential influence of porosity on the value of , and by computing the gravitational phase of the collision in the gravity regime, we can characterize the collisional outcome in terms of the fragment size and ejection speed distributions, which are the main outcome properties used by collisional models to study the evolutions of the different populations of small bodies. We also check the dependency of on the impact speed of the projectile.In the strength regime, which corresponds to target sizes below a few hundreds of meters, we find that porous targets are more difficult to disrupt than non-porous ones. In the gravity regime, the outcome is controlled purely by gravity and porosity in the case of porous targets. In the case of non-porous targets, the outcome also depends on strength. Indeed, decreasing the strength of non-porous targets make them easier to disrupt in this regime, while increasing the strength of porous targets has much less influence on the value of . Therefore, one cannot say that non-porous targets are systematically easier or more difficult to disrupt than porous ones, as the outcome highly depends on the assumed strength values. In the gravity regime, we also confirm that the process of gravitational reaccumulation is at the origin of the largest remnant’s mass in both cases. We then propose some power-law relationships between and both target’s size and impact speed that can be used in collisional evolution models. The resulting fragment size distributions can also be reasonably fitted by a power-law whose exponent ranges between −2.2 and −2.7 for all target diameters in both cases and independently on the impact velocity (at least in the small range investigated between 3 and 5 km/s). Then, although ejection velocities in the gravity regime tend to be higher from porous targets, they remain on the same order as the ones from non-porous targets.  相似文献   

For absolute magnitudes greater than the current completeness limit of H-magnitude ∼15 the main asteroid belt's size distribution is imperfectly known. We have acquired good-quality orbital and absolute H-magnitude determinations for a sample of small main-belt asteroids in order to study the orbital and size distribution beyond H=15, down to sub-kilometer sizes (H>18). Based on six observing nights over a 11-night baseline we have detected, measured photometry for, and linked observations of 1087 asteroids which have one-week time baselines or more. The linkages allow the computation of full heliocentric orbits (as opposed to statistical distances determined by some past surveys). Judged by known asteroids in the field the typical uncertainty in the (a/e/i) orbital elements is less than 0.03 AU/0.03/0.5°. The distances to the objects are sufficiently well known that photometric uncertainties (of 0.3 magnitudes or better) dominate the error budget of their derived H-magnitudes. The detected asteroids range from HR=12-22 and provide a set of objects down to sizes below 1 km in diameter. We find an on-sky surface density of 210 asteroids per square degree in the ecliptic with opposition magnitudes brighter than mR=23, with the cumulative number of asteroids increasing by a factor of 100.27/mag from mR=18 down to the mR?23.5 limit of our survey. In terms of absolute H magnitudes, we find that beyond H=15 the belt exhibits a constant power-law slope with the number increasing proportional to 100.30H from H?15 to 18, after which incompleteness begins in the survey. Examining only the subset of detections inside 2.5 AU, we find weak evidence for a mildly shallower slope for H=15-19.5. We provide the information necessary such that anyone wishing to model the main asteroid belt can compare a detailed model to our detected sample.  相似文献   

More than half of the C-type asteroids, the dominant type of asteroid in the outer half of the main-belt, show evidence of hydration in their reflectance spectra. In order to understand the collisional evolution of asteroids and the production of interplanetary dust and to model the infrared signature of small particles in the Solar System it is important to characterize the dust production from primary impact disruption events, and compare the disruption of hydrous and anhydrous targets. We performed a hypervelocity impact disruption experiment on an ∼30 g target of the Murchison CM2 hydrated carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, and compared the results with our previous disruption experiments on anhydrous meteorites including Allende, a CV3 carbonaceous chondrite, and nine ordinary chondrites. Murchison is significantly more friable than the ordinary chondrites or Allende. Nonetheless, on a plot of mass of the largest fragment versus specific impact energy, the Murchison disruption plots within the field of the anhydrous meteorites points, suggesting that Murchison is at least as resistant to impact disruption as the anhydrous meteorites, which require about twice the energy for disruption as terrestrial anhydrous basalt targets. We determined the mass-frequency distribution of the debris from the Murchison disruption over a nine order-of-magnitude mass range, from ∼10−9 g to the mass of the largest fragment produced in the disruption. The cumulative mass-frequency distribution from the Murchison disruption is fit by three power-law segments. For masses >10−2 g the slope is only slightly steeper than that of the corresponding segment from the disruption of most anhydrous meteorites. Over the range from ∼10−6 to 10−2 g the slope is significantly steeper than that for the anhydrous meteorites. For masses <10−6 g the slopes of both the Murchison and the anhydrous meteorites are almost flat. Thus the Murchison disruption significantly over-produced small fragments (10−6-10−3 g) compared to anhydrous meteorite targets. If the Murchison results are representative of hydrous asteroids, the hydrous asteroids may dominate over anhydrous asteroids in the production of interplanetary dust >100 μm in size, the size of micrometeorites recovered from the polar ices, while both types of asteroids might produce comparable amounts of ∼10 μm interplanetary dust. This would explain the puzzle that polar micrometeorites (>100 μm in size) are similar to hydrous meteorites, while the majority of the ∼10 μm interplanetary dust particles are anhydrous.  相似文献   

Mineral compositions and abundances derived from visible/near-infrared (VIS/NIR or VNIR) spectra are used to classify asteroids, identify meteorite parent bodies, and understand the structure of the asteroid belt. Using a suite of 48 equilibrated (types 4-6) ordinary (H, L, and LL) chondrites containing orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and olivine, new relationships between spectra and mineralogy have been established. Contrary to previous suggestions, no meaningful correlation is observed between band parameters and cpx/(opx + cpx) ratios. We derive new calibrations for determining mineral abundances (ol/(ol + px)) and mafic silicate compositions (Fa in olivine, Fs in pyroxene) from VIS/NIR spectra. These calibrations confirm that band area ratio (BAR) is controlled by mineral abundances, while Band I center is controlled by mafic silicate compositions. Spectrally-derived mineralogical parameters correctly classify H, L and LL chondrites in ∼80% of cases, suggesting that these are robust relationships that can be applied to S(IV) asteroids with ordinary chondrites mineralogies. Comparison of asteroids and meteorites using these new mineralogical parameters has the advantage that H, L and LL chemical groups were originally defined on the basis of mafic silicate compositions.  相似文献   

We present the first redundant detection of sporadic impact flashes on the Moon from a systematic survey performed between 2001 and 2004. Our wide-field lunar monitoring allows us to estimate the impact rate of large meteoroids on the Moon as a function of the luminous energy received on Earth. It also shows that some historical well-documented mysterious lunar events fit in a clear impact context. Using these data and traditional values of the luminous efficiency for this kind of event we obtain that the impact rate on Earth of large meteoroids (0.1-10 m) would be at least one order of magnitude larger than currently thought. This discrepancy indicates that the luminous efficiency of the hypervelocity impacts is higher than 10−2, much larger than the common belief, or the latest impact fluxes are somewhat too low, or, most likely, a combination of both. Our nominal analysis implies that on Earth, collisions of bodies with masses larger than 1 kg can be as frequent as 80,000 per year and blasts larger than 15-kton could be as frequent as one per year, but this is highly dependent on the exact choice of the luminous efficiency value. As a direct application of our results, we expect that the impact flash of the SMART-1 spacecraft should be detectable from Earth with medium-sized telescopes.  相似文献   

Patrick Michel  Willy Benz 《Icarus》2004,168(2):420-432
In this paper, we analyze the effect of the internal structure of a parent body on its fragment properties following its disruption in different impact energy regimes. To simulate an asteroid breakup, we use the same numerical procedure as in our previous studies, i.e., a 3D SPH hydrocode to compute the fragmentation phase and the parallel N-body code pkdgrav to compute the subsequent gravitational re-accumulation phase. To explore the importance of the internal structure in determining the collisional outcome, we consider two different parent body models: (1) a purely monolithic one and (2) a pre-shattered one which consists of several fragments separated by damaged zones and small voids. We present here simulations spanning two different impact energy regimes—barely disruptive and highly catastrophic—corresponding to the formation of the Eunomia and Koronis families, respectively. As we already found for the intermediate energy regime represented by the Karin family, pre-shattered parent bodies always lead to outcome properties in better agreement with those of real families. In particular, the fragment size distribution obtained by disrupting a monolithic body always contains a large gap between the largest fragment and the next largest ones, whereas it is much more continuous in the case of a pre-shattered parent body. In the latter case, the ejection speeds of large fragments are also higher and a smaller impact energy is generally required to achieve a similar degree of disruption. Hence, unless the internal structure of bodies involved in a collision is known, predicting accurately the outcome is impossible. Interestingly, disrupting a pre-shattered parent body to reproduce the Koronis family yields a fragment size distribution characterized by four almost identical largest objects, as observed in the real family. This peculiar outcome has been found before in laboratory experiments but is obtained for the first time following gravitational re-accumulation. Finally, we show that material belonging to the largest fragments of a family originates from well-defined regions inside the parent body (the extent and location of which are dependent upon internal structure), despite the many gravitational interactions that occur during the re-accumulation process. Hence fragment formation does not proceed stochastically but results directly from the velocity field imparted during the impact.  相似文献   

In the last few years, thanks to the development of sophisticated numerical codes, a major breakthrough has been achieved in our understanding of the processes involved in small body collisions. In this review, we summarize the most recent results provided by numerical simulations, accounting for both the fragmentation of an asteroid and the gravitational interactions of the generated fragments. These studies have greatly improved our knowledge of the mechanisms that are at the origin of some observed features in the asteroid belt. In particular, the simulations have demonstrated that, for bodies larger than several kilometers, the collisional process not only involves the fragmentation of the asteroid but also the gravitational interactions between the ejected fragments. This latter mechanism can lead to the formation of large aggregates by gravitational reaccumulation of smaller fragments, and helps explain the presence of large members within asteroid families. Numerical simulations of the complete process have thus reproduced successfully for the first time the main properties of asteroid families, each formed by the disruption of a large parent body, and provided information on the possible internal structure of the parent bodies. A large amount of work remains necessary, however, to understand in deeper detail the physical process as a function of material properties and internal structures that are relevant to asteroids, and to determine in a more quantitative way the outcome properties such as fragment shapes and rotational states.  相似文献   

Our understanding of planet formation depends in fundamental ways on what we learn by analyzing the composition, mineralogy, and petrology of meteorites. Yet, it is difficult to deduce the compositional and thermal gradients that existed in the solar nebula from the meteoritic record because, in most cases, we do not know where meteorites with different chemical and isotopic signatures originated. Here we developed a model that tracks the orbits of meteoroid-sized objects as they evolve from the ν6 secular resonance to Earth-crossing orbits. We apply this model to determining the number of meteorites accreted on the Earth immediately after a collisional disruption of a D∼200-km-diameter inner-main-belt asteroid in the Flora family region. We show that this event could produce fossil chondrite meteorites found in an ≈470 Myr old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, the L-chondrite meteorites with shock ages ≈470 Myr falling on the Earth today, as well as asteroid-sized fragments in the Flora family. To explain the measured short cosmic-ray exposure ages of fossil meteorites our model requires that the meteoroid-sized fragments were launched at speeds >500 m s−1 and/or the collisional lifetimes of these objects were much shorter immediately after the breakup event than they are today.  相似文献   

Impact experiments of inhomogeneous targets such as layered bodies consisting of a dense core and porous mantle were conducted to clarify the effect of the layered structure on impact strength. The layered structure of small bodies could be the result of the thermal evolution of planetesimals in the solar nebula. So, the impact disruption of thermally evolved bodies with core-mantle structure is important for the origin of small bodies such as asteroids. We investigated the impact strength of rocky-layered bodies with porous mantle-sintered cores, which could be formed at an initial stage of thermal evolution. Spherical targets composed of soda-lime glass or quartz core and porous gypsum mantle were prepared as an analog of small bodies with a core-mantle structure, and the internal structure was changed. A nylon projectile was impacted at the impact velocity from 1 to 5 km/s. The impact strength of the core-mantle targets decreases with the increase of the core/target mass ratio (RCM) in the specific energy range from 1×103 to 4×104 J/kg. We observed two distinct destruction modes characterized by the damage to the core: one shows a damaged core and fractured mantle, and the other shows an intact core and broken mantle. The former mode was usually observed with increasing RCM, and the boundary condition of the core destruction () was experimentally found to be , where is the specific energy required to disrupt a glass core. From this empirical equation, it might be possible to discuss the destruction conditions of a thermally evolved body with a porous mantle-sintered core structure. We speculate that the impact strength of the body could be significantly reduced with the progress of internal evolution at the initial stage of thermal evolution.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of meteorites: New measurements and analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C.P. Opeil  D.T. Britt 《Icarus》2010,208(1):449-6159
We have measured the thermal conductivity at low temperatures (5-300 K) of six meteorites representing a range of compositions, including the ordinary chondrites Cronstad (H5) and Lumpkin (L6), the enstatite chondrite Abee (E4), the carbonaceous chondrites NWA 5515 (CK4 find) and Cold Bokkeveld (CM2), and the iron meteorite Campo del Cielo (IAB find). All measurements were made using a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System, Thermal Transport Option (TTO) on samples cut into regular parallelepipeds of ∼2-6 mm dimension. The iron meteorite conductivity increases roughly linearly from 15 W m−1 K−1 at 100 K to 27 W m−1 K−1 at 300 K, comparable to typical values for metallic iron. By contrast, the conductivities of all the stony samples except Abee appear to be controlled by the inhomogeneous nature of the meteorite fabric, resulting in values that are much lower than those of pure minerals and which vary only slightly with temperature above 100 K. The L and CK sample conductivities above 100 K are both about 1.5 W m−1 K−1, that of the H is 1.9 W m−1 K−1, and that of the CM sample is 0.5 W m−1 K−1; by contrast the literature value at 300 K for serpentine is 2.5 W m−1 K−1 and those of enstatite and olivine range from 4.5 to 5 W m−1 K−1 (which is comparable to the Abee value). These measurements are among the first direct measurements of thermal conductivity for meteorites. The results compare well with previous estimates for meteorites, where conductivity was derived from diffusivity measurements and modeled heat capacities; our new values are of a higher precision and cover a wider range of temperatures and meteorite types. If the rocky material that makes up asteroids and provides the dust to comets, Kuiper Belt objects, and icy satellites has the same low thermal conductivities as the ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites measured here, this would significantly change models of their thermal evolution. These values would also lower their thermal inertia, thus affecting the Yarkovsky and YORP evolution of orbits and spin for solid objects; however, in this case the effect would not be as great, as thermal inertia only varies as the square root of the conductivity and, for most asteroids, is controlled by the dusty nature of asteroidal surfaces rather than the conductivity of the material itself.  相似文献   

Crater counts at lunar landing sites with measured ages establish a steep decline in cratering rate during the period ∼3.8 to ∼3.1 Gyr ago. Most models of the time dependence suggest a roughly constant impact rate (within factor ∼2) after about 3 Gyr ago, but are based on sparse data. Recent dating of impact melts from lunar meteorites, and Apollo glass spherules, clarifies impact rates from ∼3.2 to ∼2 Gyr ago or less. Taken together, these data suggest a decline with roughly 700 Myr half-life around 3 Gyr ago, and a slower decline after that, dropping by a factor ∼3 from about ∼2.3 Gyr ago until the present. Planetary cratering involved several phases with different time behaviors: (1) rapid sweep-up of most primordial planetesimals into planets in the first hundred Myr, (2) possible later effects of giant planet migration with enhanced cratering, (3) longer term sweep-up of leftover planetesimals, and finally (4) the present long-term “leakage” of asteroids from reservoirs such as the main asteroid belt and Kuiper belt. In addition, at any given point on the Moon, a pattern of “spikes” (sharp maxima of relatively narrow time width) will appear in the production rate of smaller craters (?500 m?), not only from secondary debris from large primary lunar impacts at various distances from the point in question, but also from asteroid breakups dotted through Solar System history. The pattern of spikes varies according to type of sample being measured (i.e., glass spherules vs impact melts). For example, several data sets show an impact rate spike ∼470 Myr ago associated with the asteroid belt collision that produced the L chondrites (see Section 3.6 below). Such spikes should be less prominent in the production record of craters of D? few km. These phenomena affect estimates of planetary surfaces ages from crater counts, as discussed in a companion paper [Quantin, C., Mangold, N., Hartmann, W.K., Allemand, P., 2007. Icarus 186, 1-10]. Fewer impact melts and glass spherules are found at ∼3.8 Gyr than at ∼3.5 Gyr ago, even though the impact rate itself is known to have been higher at 3.8 Gyr ago than 3.5 Gyr. This disproves the assertion by Ryder [Ryder, G., 1990. EOS 71, 313, 322-323] and Cohen et al. [Cohen, B.A., Swindle, T.D., Kring, D.A., 2000. Science 290, 1754-1756] that ancient impact melts are a direct proxy for ancient impact (cf. Section 3.3). This result raises questions about how to interpret cratering history before 3.8 Gyr ago.  相似文献   

V-type asteroids in the inner Main Belt (a < 2.5 AU) and the HED meteorites are thought to be genetically related to one another as collisional fragments from the surface of the large basaltic Asteroid 4 Vesta. We investigate this relationship by comparing the near-infrared (0.7-2.5 μm) spectra of 39 V-type asteroids to laboratory spectra of HED meteorites. The central wavelengths and areas spanned by the 1 and 2 μm pyroxene-olivine absorption bands that are characteristic of planetary basalts are measured for both the asteroidal and meteoritic data. The band centers are shown to be well correlated, however the ratio of areas spanned by the 1 and 2 μm absorption bands are much larger for the asteroids than for the meteorites. We argue that this offset in band area ratio is consistent with our currently limited understanding of the effects of space weathering, however we cannot rule out the possibility that this offset is due to compositional differences. Several other possible causes of this offset are discussed.Amongst these inner Main Belt asteroids we do not find evidence for non-Vestoid mineralogies. Instead, these asteroids seem to represent a continuum of compositions, consistent with an origin from a single differentiated parent body. In addition, our analysis shows that V-type asteroids with low inclinations (i < 6°) tend to have band centers slightly shifted towards long wavelengths. This may imply that more than one collision on Vesta’s surface was responsible for producing the observed population of inner belt V-type asteroids. Finally, we offer several predictions that can be tested when the Dawn spacecraft enters into orbit around Vesta in the summer of 2011.  相似文献   

We experimentally studied the formation and collapse processes of transient craters. Polycarbonate projectiles with mass of 0.49 g were impacted into the soda-lime glass sphere target (mean diameters of glass spheres are ∼36, 72, and 220 μm, respectively) using a single-stage light-gas gun. Impact velocity ranged from 11 to 329 m s−1. We found that the transient crater collapses even at laboratory scales. The shape (diameter and depth) of the transient crater differs from that of the final crater. The depth-rim diameter ratios of the final and transient craters are 0.11-0.14 and 0.26-0.27, respectively. The rim diameter of both the transient and final crater depends on target material properties; however, the ratio of final to transient crater diameter does not. This suggests that target material properties affect the formation process of transient craters even in the gravity regime, and must be taken into account when scaling experimental results to planetary scales. By observing impacts into glass sphere targets, we show that although the early stage of the excavation flow does not depend on the target material properties, the radial expansion of the cavity after the end of vertical expansion does. This suggests that the effect of target material properties is specifically important in the later part of the crater excavation and collapse.  相似文献   

T. Kohout  R. Kiuru  P. Scheirich  R. Macke 《Icarus》2011,212(2):697-700
The density measurements of Almahata Sitta ureilites reveal a bulk density of ∼3.1 g/cm3. This value, together with the 2008 TC3 asteroid shape model and albedo, was used to estimate the asteroid’s mass. Based on the study of recovered meteorites and atmospheric entry observations Asteroid 2008 TC3 is compositionally heterogeneous and of low mechanical strength. Thus we consider the presence of significant macroporosity likely, lowering asteroid’s bulk density compared to that of the Almahata Sitta ureilites. Most realistic albedos lie in a range of 0.09-0.2 and the presence of significant macroporosity leads to mass estimates below 20 × 103 kg, which is lower than previously estimated. The presence of a non-ureilitic fraction and space weathering may affect the albedo and also influence the mass estimates. However, from current data it is not possible to quantify this effect.  相似文献   

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