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Lacoste重力仪的周期误差   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

LCR—G/D重力仪静电反馈装置转换参数的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
装配了静电反馈装置的LCR-G/D型重力仪是目前世界上观测精度最好的相对重力仪,静电反馈装置的转换参数确定正得正确与否是影响观测精度的重要因素之一。本文在研究了转换参数数学模型及精度的基础上,介绍了它的标定方法和计算方法,并根据LCR-G-793、G-854两台仪器的标定结果,分析了转换参数的变化特征及影响标定精度的诸多因素,最后提出了标定和使用转换参数的注意事项。  相似文献   

拉科斯特重力仪的格值标定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
华昌才  江志恒 《地震学报》1991,13(2):248-253

利用重复测线校正海空重力仪格值及试验验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



介绍了LCR-G型重力仪长、短基线标定格值因子的方法和过程,并对标定结果进行比较。统计了两台重力仪2008—2017年在灵山基线场标定的格值因子,分析了时序变化规律,总结了该种仪器长、短基线标定的优点、不足和适用范围。  相似文献   

本文根据自由核章动在章动观测和时变重力观测中引起的与其频率相近的受迫章动项或固体潮潮波的共振特性,选取6个不同机构解算的VLBI天极偏差序列和全球超导重力仪网络提供的7个台站高精度时变重力观测资料,根据加权最小二乘方法拟合地球自由核章动参数,研究其本征周期的时间变化特征.VLBI资料获得的本征周期变化幅度在1天之内,存在十年尺度的时间变化特征,迭积多台站同时段重力资料获得的自由核章动本征周期时变特征与VLBI获得的结果相比变化幅度较大,但趋势大致符合.在此基础上,通过自由核章动的理论模型探讨了影响其本征周期的几个主要因素,结果表明FCN周期变化与电磁耦合存在相关性,核幔边界磁感应强度径向分量变化导致的电磁耦合的变化可能是造成FCN周期时变性的原因.  相似文献   

利用非线性误差增长理论,以Lorenz系统为例比较研究了初始误差和参数误差对混沌系统可预报性的影响.结果表明:在初始误差和参数误差单独存在时,系统的可预报期限随误差大小的变化规律基本上相同;对于相同的误差大小,初始误差和参数误差对系统可预报期限的影响几乎相同,这一结果基本上不随参数范围的变化而变化.当初始误差和参数误差同时存在时,两者对可预报期限影响所起的作用大小主要取决于初始误差和参数误差的相对大小.当初始误差远大于参数误差时,Lorenz系统的可预报期限主要由初始误差决定,可以不用考虑参数误差对预报模式可预报性的影响;反之,当参数误差远大于初始误差时,Lorenz系统的可预报期限主要由参数误差决定;当初始误差和参数误差大小相当时,两者都对系统的可预报期限起重要作用.在后两种情况下,在考虑初始误差对可预报性影响的同时还必须考虑参数误差的作用.这提醒我们在作实际数值天气预报的时候,不仅要重视初值的确定,也要重视数值模式控制参数的确定.  相似文献   

涡度相关测定中平均周期参数的确定及其影响分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
应用涡度相关技术估算地-气界面的水、热和CO2交换量的研究越来越普遍.为了获得真实可靠的地表通量数据,在实际应用过程中必须根据每个观测点不同的下垫面条件,对观测数据进行相应的订正,并通过对观测数据的分析来确定相关的技术参数.利用禹城、长白山两个观测站的10Hz原始涡度相关数据,以不同的平均周期(从1~720min)对数据进行了重新计算,并将重新计算的结果与30min平均周期的通量值进行了比较,分析选取不同平均周期参数得到的通量值之间的差异.其中重点分析了在禹城小麦地获取的15d连续观测数据.结果表明:(ⅰ)在禹城,当平均周期取值范围在10~60min变化时,相对30min平均周期的通量值改变小于2%;当平均周期作短于10min变化时,通量的计算结果随平均周期的缩短而明显地降低(最大相对误差为?12%);当平均周期作大于120min变化时,通量的计算结果变得不稳定(最大相对误差为±10%以上).(ⅱ)禹城小麦地通量的计算表明,10min平均周期对研究通量日变化比较好,30min平均周期比较适合于通量的长期观测研究.(ⅲ)提出了一种可以确定涡度相关测定中平均周期参数范围的归一化比值方法.通过对农田和森林不同类型下垫面观测数据的对比分析表明:高大的森林下垫面比相对矮小的作物下垫面在一定范围内增加平均周期长度时有增  相似文献   

文中利用福建数字地震台网1998年建网以来记录的2.5级以上地震的波形资料,采用Atkinson等提出的方法计算了福建地区地震波非弹性衰减系数、几何扩散系数和台站场地响应。考虑到该方法在计算台站场地响应时得到的结果是相对场地响应,利用Moya等提出的方法对台站场地响应进行重新计算,对震源谱的低频水平和拐角频率进行联合反演,并计算了参与反演的地震的新参数(地震矩、应力降和破裂半径),同时讨论了它们之间的关系。反演结果表明福建地区地壳平均Q值与频率的关系为Q=504.1×f0.332,而场地响应均表现为与频率相关并基本在1附近波动,这与福建数字地震台站基本建立在基岩之上的实际情况相符合。震源参数的计算结果表明,地震矩与震级以及震源谱拐角频率的相关性较好,而地震矩与应力降以及应力降与震源半径之间的依赖关系不很明确,这可能与参与计算的地震数量以及震级范围有关  相似文献   

分析地震动的频谱周期参数和频率非平稳特征,是地震危险性分析和结构抗震设计的重要内容.本文对近断层地震动记录按照不同的运动特征分组,进行了Hilbert-Huang变换分析.结合相关的定义得到了表征地震动频谱特性的7个周期参数,包括:Fourier幅值谱平均周期Tm、Hilbert边际谱平均周期Tmh、特征周期Tc、卓越周期等,并计算了地震动的Hilbert谱瞬时频率时程变异系数.计算结果表明,从整体上把握地震动频谱特性的三个周期参数Tm 、Tmh 和Tc适合于表征近断层地震动的频谱成份.近断层地震动的频率非平稳特征显著,Hilbert谱瞬时频率变异系数良好地反映了地震动的频率非平稳性质和程度.而且,考察了近断层地震动运动特征对地震动频谱周期参数和频率非平稳性的影响.  相似文献   

Long gravity records are of great interest when performing tidal analyses. Indeed, long series enable to separate contributions of near-frequency waves and also to detect low frequency signals (e.g. long period tides and polar motion). In addition to the length of the series, the quality of the data and the temporal stability of the noise are also very important. We study in detail some of the longest gravity records available in Europe: 3 data sets recorded with spring gravimeters in Black Forest Observatory (Germany, 1980–2012), Walferdange (Luxemburg, 1980–1995) and Potsdam (Germany, 1974–1998) and several superconducting gravimeters (SGs) data sets, with at least 9 years of continuous records, at different European GGP (Global Geodynamics Project) sites (Bad Homburg, Brussels, Medicina, Membach, Moxa, Vienna, Wettzell and Strasbourg). The stability of each instrument is investigated using the temporal variations of tidal parameters (amplitude factor and phase difference) for the main tidal waves (O1, K1, M2 and S2) as well as the M2/O1 factor ratio, the later being insensitive to the instrumental calibration. The long term stability of the tidal observations is also dependent on the stability of the scale factor of the relative gravimeters. Therefore we also check the time stability of the scale factor for the superconducting gravimeter C026 installed at the J9 Gravimetric Observatory of Strasbourg (France), using numerous calibration experiments carried out by co-located absolute gravimeter (AG) measurements during the last 15 years. The reproducibility of the scale factor and the achievable precision are investigated by comparing the results of different calibration campaigns. Finally we present a spectrum of the 25 years of SG records at J9 Observatory, with special attention to small amplitude tides in the semi-diurnal and diurnal bands, as well as to the low frequency part.  相似文献   

The Earth's free core nutation (FCN) is a retrograde eigenrnode which is attributed to the interaction between the solid mantle and the liquid core of the rotational elliptical Earth. This mode appears as an eigenmode of nearly diurnal free wobble (NDFW) in a terrestrial reference frame with a period of about one day (XU et al, 2001). Therefore, the NDFW will lead to an obvious resonance enhancement in the diurnal tidal gravity observations, especially those of the tidal waves with frequencies closed to its eigenfrequency such as P1, K1, ψ1 and Ф1. The FCN resonance parameters can be retrieved accurately by high-precision tidal gravity observations, especially those recorded with the superconducting gravimeters (SG). The Global Geodynamics Project (GGP) organized by IUGG took it as an important content for determining the FCN resonance parameters by using gravity data. However, the results are affected by many factors such as station location, background noise, the selection of the tide-generating potential tables, ocean tide models, data processing techniques and so on. In our study, the FCN parameters will be retrieved by using the SG observations at Wuhan, and the effects of the choices of various tide-generating potential tables, oceanic models and weight functions on the estimation of the FCN parameters will be discussed in detail,  相似文献   

针对垂直摆标定格值普遍存在超限问题,分析其原因主要是标定数据的选取不合适,没有消除标定电压差值中的潮汐变化量,本文通过推导、计算,介绍一种新的标定数据选取方法,该方法能够剔除潮汐变化量和一些高频的干扰变化,并编写了标定数据处理和格值计算程序,该计算方法已经得到了武汉地震研究所胡国庆教授的认可。目前,在张家口台、怀来台、阳原台、赤城台投入使用,达到了预期效果,提高了标定格值精度。  相似文献   

The rotation of the Earth's liquid core creates the Nearly Diurnal Free Wobble (NDFW). It is one of the problems of researching the Earth's liquid core for us to retrieve the parameters of the Earth's Free Core Nutation (FCN), from the Earth's liquid core resonance of gravity tide waves on the diurnal frequency band. Since 1987, some scientists in many different countries have come to calculate the parameters of FCN by using the observational data of gravity tide waves on the diurnal frequency band. They basically followed the Stacking method, which needed five diurnal waves for the resolution. In this paper, authors introduced the Akp-Btk value method with clearly geometrical meaning as a new method, which only requires three very high signal-noise-ratio waves O1, K1 and P1 for the resolution. Authors chose the observational data of the three superconducting gravimeter stations respectively located in Cantley of Canada, Wuhan of China and Brussels of Belgium, to compute the parameters of FCN. It was the first time that the observational results of the parameters of FCN obtained from gravitational tide were in accord with the parameters of FCN gained from VLBI since 1987.  相似文献   

By stacking high-precision tidal gravity observations obtained with superconducting gravimeters at six stations in China, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany and Finland, the local systematical discrepancies in the parameter fitting, caused by atmospheric, oceanic tidal loading and the other local environmental perturbations, are eliminated effectively. As a result, the resonance parameters of the Earth's free core nutation are accurately determined. In this study, the eigenperiod of free core nutation is given as 429.0 sidereal days, which is in agreement with those published in the previous studies. It is about 30 sidereal days less than those calculated in theoretical models (about 460 sidereal days), which confirms the real ellipticity of the fluid core of the Earth to be about 5% larger than the one expected in assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. The quality factor (Q value) of free core nutation is given as about 9543, which, compared with those determined before based on the body tide observations, is much larger, but more close to those obtained using the VLBI observations. The complex resonance strength is also determined as (?6.10(10?4, ?0.01(10?4)(/h, which can principally describe the deformation characteristics of an anelastic mantle.  相似文献   

Despite the big data era, observational data continue to be a limiting factor in the environmental sciences. To collect the most informative field data, studies on the value of data are essential. This article describes a model-based approach to assess the value of data. While we discuss the approach for hydrological model calibration, the approach is applicable across the environmental sciences. The overall goal is to provide guidance on optimal data collection strategies, that is, what to measure, where, and when.  相似文献   

By stacking high-precision tidal gravity observations obtained with superconducting gravimeters at six stations in China, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany and Finland, the local systematical discrepancies in the parameter fitting, caused by atmospheric, oceanic tidal loading and the other local environmental perturbations, are eliminated effectively. As a result, the resonance parameters of the Earth’s free core nutation are accurately determined. In this study, the eigenperiod of free core nutation is given as 429.0 sidereal days, which is in agreement with those published in the previous studies. It is about 30 sidereal days less than those calculated in theoretical models (about 460 sidereal days), which confirms the real ellipticity of the fluid core of the Earth to be about 5% larger than the one expected in assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. The quality factor (Q value) of free core nutation is given as about 9543, which, compared with those determined before based on the body tide observations, is much larger, but more close to those obtained using the VLBI observations. The complex resonance strength is also determined as (−6.10×10−4, −0.01 ×10−4)°/h, which can principally describe the deformation characteristics of an anelastic mantle.  相似文献   

分量核旋仪分量线圈的装置误差与长期漂移会对地磁场水平分量和相对磁偏角的观测值产生一定的影响,本文对此进行了分析,并提出了分量核旋仪分量线圈装置误差与长期漂移的测定与修正方法,这对指导地磁台站提高分量核旋仪观测精度,促进观测技术的进步有一定的意义。  相似文献   

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