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正荏苒十年,弹指挥间。对中心来讲,2020年是不平凡的一年,更是令人激动的时刻,它迎来了成立10周年!在不经意间,我也已伴随中心成长了10年。作为其中一员,我倍感幸运和自豪。10年的春华秋实,是中心给了我施展才华的舞台,让我能够在工作中锻炼、学习、成长……作为见证中心风雨兼程的一员,我感到无比高兴。同行10年,我磨砺了10年,变得更为成熟和淡定。初遇中心,梦开始的地方。时针回拨到10年前,我带着新奇与忐忑的  相似文献   

5·12汶川地震,一场突然降临人间的灾难.刹那间,山崩地裂,房倒屋塌,千万人受难,20余万人埋在废墟中……  相似文献   

正家园只有一个,地球不能复制。在全球共抗新冠肺炎疫情之时,我们迎来了第51个世界地球日。无论感性还是理性认识而论,我们正面临人与自然关系极其特殊的时刻。这也让今年世界地球日"珍爱地球人与自然和谐共生"的主题显得更加振聋发聩、直击人心。觉醒来自人类最切身的体会:雾霾压城,生活中充满"会呼吸的痛";水土污染,重金属爬上餐桌;温室效应,冰川融化、海平面上升、极地冰冻的远古病毒苏醒;过度砍伐,全球绿色版图缩减、地球之肺能量  相似文献   

马敬仁先生认为:随着全球范围的经济、政治、文化、科技、教育和社会生活诸领域现代化的迅速发展,以及人类开发能力的急剧膨胀,地球变得越来越小,人类组织间的交往日益频繁,随之而来的便是管理组织变得越来越庞大,管理行为变得越来越复杂.然而,当今的问题,仅仅是因为地球变得越来越小而令人担心吗?仅仅是人类组织间的交往日益频繁、管理行为变得复杂化而令人焦虑不安吗?  相似文献   

张华 《国土资源》2004,(3):39-41
石油被誉为“流动的金子”和“工业的血液”。在当今时代,它的影响大到政治局势和世界经济,小到地区建设和百姓生活。拥有它就象征着拥有金钱、权力,甚至霸权。它作为一种关系到国计民生的重要战略资源,历来是影响各国乃至世界经济发展和国家安全的重要因素之一。世界政治经济与石油供需紧密相连,世界能源供应安全问题也  相似文献   

<正>为弘扬海洋文化,增强人们的海洋意识,2010年6月8日,广西海洋局在南宁市开展全国海洋宣传日活动。此次活动的主题为:关爱海洋——我们一起行动,号召人们爱护海洋、保护海洋、关爱海洋,实现海洋的可持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>朴实、严谨的曹春莲,在义马市国土资源局群众工作站的岗位上一干就是6年。她以高度的政治责任感和强烈的事业心,怀着对人民群众的无限热爱,对国土资源事业的无限忠诚,扑下身子,默默地奉献着。曹春  相似文献   

我静静地、静静地躺在你的怀抱 吸吮着你的乳液 我悄悄地、悄悄地藏进你的胸膛 呼吸着你的气息  相似文献   

We present the results of eyestalk extirpation experiments performed on the fiddler crab, Uca triangularis at seasons of molting and reproduction, with a view to have a better understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of these two highly energy-demanding processes. Bilateral eyestalk ablation resulted in precocious acceleration of both molting and reproduction, irrespective of the season at which each experiment was conducted. The rate of accelerated ovarian growth, however, was maximum if the eyestalk ablation was conducted during August–January, the breeding season in the wild, or in February–May(molting-reproductive season), wherein a section of the wild population would be engaged in molting and another section in breeding. The highest degree of precocious molt acceleration, on the other hand, was obtained during June–July when the population was primarily engaged in molting, but with no reproductive activity. The precocious oocyte maturation(due to de-eyestalking) was minimal in June–July. Significantly, the eyestalk ablation also resulted in a dramatic increase in the hemolymph ecdysteroid titer, revealing that a high ecdysteroid titer would have no restraining influence on vitellogenesis. No spawning was, however, observed among de-eyestalked females, even though their final oocyte size surpassed the size of the normal mature oocytes, implying that spawning is not exclusively under the control of eyestalk hormones. A comparative study performed on the vitelline components of the experimentals and the controls revealed that the precociously incorporated yolk under eyestalk ablation was biochemically impoverished. These results indicate that throughout the annual cycle, both the somatic and the reproductive growth of U. triangularis are under the influence of inhibitory principles from the eyestalks. It is also revealing that mere deprival of the inhibitory principles does not culminate into successful vitellogenesis. Arguably, the inhibitory influence from the eyestalks could be a prerequisite for normal healthy maturation of the oocytes and spawning.  相似文献   

On August 8, 2017, a Ms = 7.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Jiuzhaigou Valley, in Sichuan Province, China(N: 33.20°, E: 103.82°). Jiuzhaigou Valley is an area recognized and listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1992. Data analysis and field survey were conducted on the landslide, collapse, and debris flow gully, to assess the coseismic geological hazards generated by the earthquake using an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), remote-sensing imaging, laser range finders, geological radars, and cameras. The results highlighted the occurrence of 13 landslides, 70 collapses, and 25 potential debris flow gullies following the earthquake. The hazards were classified on the basis of their size and the potential property loss attributable to them. Consequently, 14 large-scale hazards, 30 medium-sized hazards, and 64 small hazards accounting for 13%, 28%, and 59% of the total hazards, respectively, were identified. Based on the variation tendency of the geological hazards that ensued in areas affected by the Kanto earthquake(Japan), Chi-chi earthquake(Taiwan China), and Wenchuan earthquake(Sichuan China), the study predicts that, depending on the rain intensity cycle, the duration of geological hazard activities in the Jiuzhaigou Valley may last over ten years and will gradually decrease for the following five to ten yearsbefore returning to pre-earthquake levels. Thus,necessary monitoring and early warning systems must be implemented to ensure the safety of residents,workers and tourists during the construction of engineering projects and reopening of scenic sites to the public.  相似文献   

This is an empirical paper that measures and interprets the position of Chinese cities in the world city network in 2010. Building on a specification of the world city network as a′interlocking network′in which business services firms play the crucial role in city network formation, information is gathered about the presence of global service firms in cities. This information is converted into data to provide the′service value′of a city for a firm′s provision of corporate services in a 526(cities)×175(firms) matrix. These data are then used as the input to the interlocking network model in order to measure cities′connectivity and its predominant geographical orientation. Here we focus on the position of some key Chinese cities in this regard, and discuss and interpret results in the context of the urban dimensions of the′opening up′of the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

Many lakes in Southeastern Wisconsin(the metropolitan-Milwaukee area) are gradually becoming increasingly "salty".While these waterbodies would not be considered presently to be saline lakes,there has been a rapid increase in the chloride concentrations in most of these lakes over the last 30 years,with the lakes increasing from a mean chloride concentration of about 19 mg/L to over 100 mg/L in some cases.While ecological impacts can be expected when chloride values exceed 250 mg/L,the rate of increase presents a basis for concern,especially since the underlying geology of the region is based on limestone/dolomite which is deficient in chlorides.Thus,the origin of the chlorides is anthropogenic:human and industrial wastewaters(treatment of which has effected improvements in trophic status but has not affected other water-borne contaminants) and winter de-icing practices based upon large quantities of sodium chloride are major contributors to the increasing concentrations of chloride in the region's waterways.Without taking remedial measures,the rate of salinization is expected to continue to increase,resulting,ultimately,in the alteration of the freshwater systems in the region.  相似文献   

Jiuzhaigou, characterized by its magnificent waterscapes and subalpine karstic features, is both a World Heritage Site and a World Biosphere Reserve in southwestern China. In recent years, this unique ecosystem has shown signs of stress due to increasing tourism activities within the reserve. The various routine methods, which monitor physical and chemical properties, do not fully reflect water quality in the subalpine and alpine lakes, while the indicators using aquatic organisms to evaluate the water quality or status of the subalpine lakes are poorly reported. Thus, in this study, benthic diatoms from multiple habitats in Jiuzhaigou were sampled and assessed for water quality monitoring. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that the canonical coefficients for elevation, water temperature and total nitrogen on the first Canonical Correspondence Analysis axis were -0.84, 0.78 and -0.53, respectively, environmental variables associated with the distribution patterns of benthic diatoms. The dominance of diatom taxa indicative of nutrient enrichment indicates a clear trend toward eutrophication in the Pearl Shoal and Colorful Lake, two of the sites mostly visited by tourists. It was observed that the effect of the type of substratum on diatom community composition is not significant in subalpine lakes. The most dominant species in Jiuzhaigou lakes are the genera Achnanthes, Fragilaria, Cymbella, Cocconeis, Diatoma and Denticula. In combination with dominant and sensitive species in the benthic diatom communities, CCA and CA methods can be used to evaluate the impact of human activities on subalpine karstic lakes. The dominance of diatom taxa is indicative of nutrient enrichment and the results of CCA and CA indicate a clear trend toward eutrophication in the Pearl Shoal and Colorful Lake, two of the sites mostly visited by tourists.  相似文献   

Plagioclases occur mainly as phenocrysts in volcanic rocks of King George Island, South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica. In basaltic andesites and andesites of Keller Peninsula and Ullman Spur (Admiralty Bay), they are high structure state labradorite-andesines; and in high-A1 basalts and basaltic andesites of Barton and Weaver peninsulas (Maxwell Bay), they are high structure state bytownite-anorthites.∑REE, La/Yb ratios and δEu values of plagioclases from Admiralty Bay are higher than those from Maxwell Bay. All plagioclases have rather identical chondritenormalized transitional element distribution patterns, probably reflecting that crystal structure rather than composition of plagioclase controls their diversity. Compositions of plagioclases depend chiefly on those of their host rocks, compositional differences of plagioclases reveal that basaltic magmas in the Admiralty Bay area are more evolved than in the Maxwell Bay area.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos and dimethoate are overused agricultural pesticides that can trigger trophic cascades, resulting in toxicity to both terrestrial and aquatic organisms as well as altered ecosystems. In previous studies, substantial attention has been given to the effects of pesticides on vertebrate species and, to a lesser extent, species of zooplankton. The present study was designed to show that the fission time effective concentration in ciliates is a potential aquatic detection index for environmental monitoring. The ciliate Urostyla grandis was treated with doses of chlorpyrifos and dimethoate. After exposed to the pesticides, the LC_(50)(i.e., concentration that killed 50% of the ciliate cells within 24 h) values were 0.029 mg L~(-1) for chlorpyrifos and 0.0685 mg L~(-1) for dimethoate. The fission time effective concentrations after 168 h of exposure were 0.0075–0.0093 mg L~(-1) for chlorpyrifos and 0.2640–0.2750 mg L~(-1) for dimethoate. These results show that the fission time effective concentration is lower than the LC_(50) value in ciliates, indicating that fission time effective concentration is more suitable than the LC_(50) value for environmental monitoring using ciliates. The effects of chlorpyrifos and dimethoate on ciliate cell ultrastructures included agglutination of chromatin in the macronucleus, protruded and discontinuous macronuclear and micronuclear membranes, loss of integrity of mitochondrial membranes and contents, and abscission and deformation of the adoral zone of membranelles.  相似文献   

Fractal geometry is increasingly becoming a useful tool for modeling and quantifying the complex patterns of natural phenomena. The Earth's topography is one of these phenomena that have fractal characteristics. This paper investigates the relative sensitivity of topography to active tectonics using ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model. The covering divider method was used for direct extraction of surface fractal dimension(D surf) to estimate the roughness-surface of topography with aid of geographic information system(GIS)techniques. This evaluation let us highlight the role of the geomorphic and tectonic processes on the spatial variability of fractal properties of natural landforms.Geomorphic zones can be delineated using fractal dimension mapping in which variability of surface fractal dimension reflects the roughness of the landform surface and is a measure of topography texture. Obtained results showed this method can be a quick and easy way to assess the distribution of land surface deformation in different tectonic settings. The loose alluvial deposits and irregularities derived by tectonic activity have high fractal dimensions whereas the competent formations and higher wavelength folded surfaces have lower fractal dimensions.According to the obtained results, the Kazerun Fault Zone has a crucial role in the separation of the Zagros Mountain Ranges into the different lithological,geomorphological and structural zones.  相似文献   

古代城市结构复原的GIS分析与应用——以北宋东京城为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
空间综合研究方法在社会科学研究中越来越受到重视,GIS正成为一种新的历史学研究工具。本文以北宋东京为例,讨论了运用GIS进行古代城市结构复原可行性。基于开封市考古发现和历史文献研究成果,运用地图学方法、GPS、GIS技术,探讨了古代城市空间结构复原的基本思路、方法和操作步骤。东京城GIS的初步实现表明:以现有考古发现和文献研究资料为基础,在GIS环境中重现古代城市空间,可以整合历史学研究成果,不仅实现历史研究成果的共享,而且为历史学研究提供一个新方法。  相似文献   

Mushroom shaped rocks are not uncommon in nature,but their origin is often misunderstood because they can be formed by different natural forces.A huge mushroom ...  相似文献   

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