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The strength of the 217.5 nm interstellar feature per unit volume of dust is strongly correlated with the presence of silicon and magnesium in dust but not with the presence of carbon.  相似文献   

The density of state ( and ) of a small graphite-like planar cluster is computed using a tight binding approach. We point out a possible correlation between the presence of surface levels, dependent on the cluster size and localized near the middle of the band gap, and the origin of the 220 nm interstellar hump. The influence of sp3 sites — or impurities — randomly distributed throughout the cluster, is also discussed.This work is abstracted in the Proceedings of the First Franco-British Meeting on the Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium (Lille, July 1995).  相似文献   

The profile of the absorption feature at 2200 Å has been calculated for model grains of graphite, graphite core-dirty ice mantle and silicate. They are compared with the observed profile obtained by Bless and Savage from a number of early type stars. We have also shown that it is unlikely that the radiation damage of silicates in Interstellar Space can also contribute to the absorption feature at 2200 Å. Lastly, we have discussed briefly how one can meet the objections that have been raised on the silicate model.  相似文献   

The gravitational collapse of a spherically symmetric interstellar gas cloud has been investigated following the non-linear discontinuity waves propagation theory. It has been pointed out that macroscopic phenomena, such as the process of fragmentation, can arise (shock wave formation)-even in the case of spherical symmetry- at times smaller than the free-fall timet ff, provided the initial data of the Cauchy problem be discontinuous within a sphere of radius (caustic cases). It has also been proved that strong discontinuities outside the mentioned sphere may generate critical timest cr<t ff (depending on the typical non-linear structure of the differential system). The cooling-heating function plays an important role in contrasting the formation of shock waves.  相似文献   

Using the data obtained with the ultraviolet photometer in the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite the equivalent widths of the interstellar 217 nm band as well as other parameters characterizing the behaviour of the continuous interstellar extinction in the wavelength region of the band have been derived for 790 O, B stars with colour excesses E(B - V) ≥ 0·4 mag.  相似文献   

Onaka  T.  Nakada  Y.  Tanabe  T.  Sakata  A.  Wada  S. 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1986,118(1-2):411-413
The dependence of the wavelength of peak absorption of dust grains on the grain size is investigated analytically by using an oscillator model for the absorption band. The peak wavelength of a weak absorption band is much less sensitive to the grain size than that of a strong band. This is explained by the fact that the surface mode, which is excited in the strong absorption band, is not raised in the weak absorption band. A quenched carbonaceous composite (QCC) synthesized from hydrocarbon plasma is found to have a weak absorption band at 220 nm. The absorption peak wavelength of the QCC grains falls well in the range of 217±7 nm even if the grain size runs from 5 to 100 nm. This is compatible with the observed constancy of the 220 nm hump (217±5 nm). By contrast, the absorption peak of graphite grains, which have a strong band around 280 nm and have been investigated as candidates for the hump, is very sensitive to the grain size. A quite narrow range of the grain size is required to account for the observed 220 nm feature. A weak absorption model, such as the QCC grains, is suggested to be a more likely candidate for the 220 nm extinction hump than a strong absorption model, such as graphite grains.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

We present evidence to suggest that the large, rapidly moving features in Jupiter's equatorial currents are manifestations of Rossby solitary waves. Their morphological and dynamical similarity to the great red spot and the white ovals is revealed and discussed in the context of the available theory.  相似文献   

The interaction of interstellar pick-up ions with the solar wind is studied by comparing a model for the velocity distribution function of pick-up ions with actual measurements of He+ ions in the solar wind. The model includes the effects of pitch-ang'e diffusion due to interplanetary Alfvén waves, adiabatic deceleration in the expanding solar wind and the radial variation of the source function. It is demonstrated that the scattering mean free path is in the range 0.1 AU and that energy diffusion can be neglected as compared with adiabatic deceleration. The effects of adiabatic focusing, of the radial variation of the neutral density and of a variation of the solar wind velocity with distance from the Sun are investigated. With the correct choice of these parameters we can model the measured energy spectra of the pick-up ions reasonably well. It is shown that the measured differential energy density of the pick-up ions does not vary with the solar wind velocity and the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field for a given local neutral gas density and ionization rate. Therefore, the comparison of the model distributions with the measurements leads to a quantitative determination of the local interstellar gas density.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   

Solar wind interaction with neutral interstellar helium focused by the Sun's gravity in the downwind solar cavity is discussed in a hydrodynamical approach. Upon ionization the helium atoms “picked up” by the (single fluid) solar wind plasma cause a slight decrease in the wind speed and a corresponding marked temperature increase. For neutral helium density outside the cavity nHe = 0.01 atoms cm?3 and for interstellar kinetic temperature THe= 10,000 K, the reduction is speed of the solar wind on the downwind axis at 10 AU from the Sun amounts to about 2kms?1; the solar wind temperature excess attains 7000 K. The resulting pressure excess leads to a non-radial flow of the order of 0.25 km s?1. The possibility of experimental confirmation is discussed.  相似文献   

Decelerations of the shells around the novae V603 Aq1, V476 Cyg, DQ Her and GK Per were determined from photographs and recent CCD observations. The deceleration is larger for higher expansion velocities, the mean half-lifetime, after which the expansion velocity has dropped to half its initial value, is 75 years.Based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile, and at the Centro Astronomico Hispano-Aleman Calar Alto, operated by the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, HeidelbergPaper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of the bremsstrahlung gamma-ray emissivity of the galactic disk. We show that there are large uncertainties in the production spectrum of photons in the medium energy range (10–100 MeV) due to our lack of knowledge of the interstellar electron spectrum below a few hundred MeV. In fact, gamma-ray observations can be of great help in determining this spectrum. At present, the spectral shape of the local gamma-ray emissivity above 30 MeV is available, thanks to the SAS-II and the COS-B satellites. Comparing it to our calculations, we determine the local interstellar electron flux in the 50–500 MeV range; the corresponding integrated gamma-ray emissivity above 100 MeV is equal to 2.4×10–25 photons s–1 (H-atom)–1, 60% higher than previously accepted values.  相似文献   

The extinction curves for spherical particles are subject to the errors of the particle material's refractive index. Their sensitivity to these errors has been investigated and is found to be dependent upon wavelength. For graphite, significant errors are produced in the far ultraviolet part of the extinction curve; for silicates, in the near ultraviolet; while for iron the error is relatively small. The wavelength dependence of the 10 μm and 20 μm absorption bands of small silicate spheroids upon their shape and alignment has been studied. It is found that the bands can be displaced by ~1 μm towards longer wavelengths from their positions for corresponding spheres: and that a further, though small, displacement can be superimposed upon this by their subsequent alignment.  相似文献   

It has been shown that two concentric ionization zones of interstellar magnesium must exist around each star: internal, with a radius coinciding with that of the zone of hydrogen ionizationS H; and external, with a radius greater thanS H, by one order. Unlike interstellar hydrogen, interstellar magnesium is ionized throughout the Galaxy. It also transpires that the ionizing radiation of ordinary hot stars cannot provide for the observed high degree of ionization of interstellar magnesium. The discrepance can be eliminated by assuming the existence of circumstellar clouds or additional ionization sources of interstellar magnesium (X-ray background radiation, high-energy particles, etc.). Stars of the B5 and B0 class play the main role in the formation of ionization zones of interstellar magnesium; the contribution of O class stars is negligible (<1%).  相似文献   

Summary Recent developments in the theory of element production and the chemical evolution of the galaxy are presented. Following this, observational data and their interpretation are given. A case by case analysis of results for D, He, Li and CNO isotope data in the disk and center of our galaxy is presented; previous results for element gradients are also summarized.The primordial abundances of D and He cannot be directly obtained from observations; corrections for stellar processing are discussed. From these data and the Li abundances, it appears that the abundance of the light elements is consistent with the standard big bang. In agreement with previous results, the range of, the baryon to photon ratio, is 5–8 10–10. If the amount of non-baryonic matter is small, these results indicate an open universe, in the standard big bang model.New data show a gradient in the (12C/13C) and (16O/18O) ratios with galactocentric distance, DGC. The presence of a gradient in the (14N/15N) ratio is less clear and there is no measurable gradient in the (32S/34S) ratio. In the interstellar medium near the sun, the carbon isotope ratio is –20 percent lower than the solar system ratio. This indicates that there has been only a moderate amount of enrichment of the nearby interstellar medium since the formation of the solar system. These results and previously determined galactic element gradients are interpreted in the framework of chemical evolution models. Delayed recycling of nucleosynthesis products is essential for the correct interpretation of the results. Comparisons of data with galactic evolution models are discussed.This article was processed by the author using the Springer-Verlag TEX AAR macro package 1991  相似文献   

We investigated the observed effects of the interaction of a fast-growing spiral bunch of quantum, jet-composing vortices with interstellar gas of varying density. The problem was studied within the framework of the earlier-developed quantum-vortex model of relativistic jets in quasars, radiogalaxies, and active galactic nuclei. The formula describing the gas density effect on the jet growth delay was derived.  相似文献   

Dust grains of radiir g 3×10–6 cm, injected into the intercloud medium at speeds in the range 107–108 cm s–1, may be stochastically accelerated to speeds 0.1c due to scattering by irregularities in the galactic magnetic field.  相似文献   

The possibility that the diffuse interstellar lines and bands are but structure in the continuous extinction by dust grains is considered in detail. The lines are assumed to arise from impurities in the grains. Profiles of the strongest diffuse features are computed for a wide variety of host grain types and sizes, including size distributions of particles, and spheroidal and coated spherical grains.New observational profiles, of which 4430, 4765 and 4885 have been derived from automated spectrophotometry of electronographic spectra, are also presented; and comparison is made between theory and observation. The most useful tool of comparison is found to be the ratio of maximum apparent emission in the violet wing to maximum apparent absorption, . This ratio increases with size of the host particle, and with both real and imaginary parts of its refractive index; but is independent of the observed variations in strength and width of a particular line. The ratio is larger for 4430 than for the other lines.Taking into account current opinion as to the composition of interstellar dust, the observations may be explained by the presence of impurities in either silicate grains with effective radii of about 120 nm, or possibly graphite grains about 50 nm in radius coated with a thin dielectric condensate. None of the observed profiles are at variance with the hypothesis that all the lines arise from the same impurities in the same type of grains. The concentration of such impurities needed to reproduce the observed line profiles and strengths is only about one in 104 atoms in the grain.  相似文献   

The data deduced from the UV-spectroscope on theCopernicus satellite strongly suggest that the most important ionization source in interstellar space near the solar system is a UV radiation field originating from B-stars. Adopting this hypothesis, we have used the ionization state of several elements in the interstellar medium observed byCopernicus to determine the required radiation field. From this, the degree of ionization of elements that could not be observed byCopernicus is estimated.It is shown that this interpretation of thecopernicus data can be made consistent with neutral interstellar hydrogen densities inferred from extraterrestrial L observations and with electron densities deduced from pulsar dispersion measures. Furthermore, it is shown that the ratio of neutral interstellar helium to neutral interstellar hydrogen is likely to be 2 to 3 times as large as the cosmic abundance ratio of these elements. The possibility that this ratio is about 10 times as large, meaning equal interstellar neutral hydrogen and helium densities near the solar system, cannot be ruled out. It would, however, require an interstellar radiation temperature near 9000 K. A comparison of the intensity of the interplanetary back scattered He 584 Å and the H 1216 Å radiation would lead to a direct determination of this ratio provided the solar radiation at these lines is known.  相似文献   

On the basis ofI-I plots, we find that the ISM radiates preferentially at two pairs of far-infrared frequencies which correspond to (scattered) black-body temperatures of (23 ± 1, 187 ± 5) K and (39 ± 1, 104 ± 5) K. The first pair is emitted by the cold matrix, the second pair byHii regions and supernova shells.  相似文献   

The dynamical evolution of hot optically thin plasmas in the ISMcrucially depends on the heating and cooling processes. It isessential to realize that all physical processes that contributeoperate on different time scales. In particular detailedbalancing is often violated since the statistically inverseprocess of e.g. collisional ionization is recombination of an ionwith two electrons, which as a three-body collision is usuallydominated by radiative recombination, causing a departure fromcollisional ionization equilibrium. On top of these differences inatomic time scales, hot plasmas are often in a dynamical state,thereby introducing another time scale, which canbe the shortest one.The non-equilibrium effects will be illustrated and discussed inthe case of galactic outflows. It will be shown, that spectralanalyses of X-ray data of edge-on galaxies show a clear signaturein the form of ‘multi-temperature’ halos, which can mostnaturally be explained by the ‘freezing-in’ of highly ionizedspecies in the outflow, which contribute to the overall spectrumby delayed recombination. This naturally leads to anon-equilibrium cooling function, which modifies the dynamics,which in turn changes the plasma densities and thermal energybudget, thus feeding back on the ionization structure. Thereforeself-consistent modelling is needed.  相似文献   

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