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The technique and results of computations of statistical parameters of ice pile-up formation on the western coast of the northern Caspian Sea are presented. The dynamic model of ice pile-up formation on the shores is described. The main ice, meteorological, and morphologic factors influencing the shore pile-up formation are analyzed. The test computation enabling to estimate the model adequacy is described. The estimation principle of the probability of the formation of the ice pile-up of certain size is given and the distribution functions of geometrical parameters of the pile-ups on the western coast of the northern Caspian Sea are obtained. The limits of the proposed model are specially stipulated.  相似文献   

Considered are the peculiarities of fast ice formation in the Antarctic coastal waters. It is noted that the fine-crystalline ice with the chaotic orientation of crystals is mainly developed in the surface layers of the ice cover as well as the ice formed due to the infiltration of the sea water and its subsequent freezing in the lower layers of the snow cover. It is demonstrated that under the conditions of coastal Antarctic, the lamination of the structure during the period of ice cover formation and its subsequent development is the result of heavy precipitation in the form of snow and the formation of the large amount of snow sludge and crystals of intrawater ice (frazil ice) on the open water. The main distinctive feature of the Antarctic sea ice is its seasonal stratification with the formation of the surface layer of recrystallized ice and underlying destructive layers including the water interlayer in the ice column. The provision of the safety of overice movement of machinery requires the development of methods of continuous remote control of the snow-ice stratum of the fast ice.  相似文献   

针对冰盖的定向地球工程研究旨在增强冰盖稳定性和减缓冰盖物质流失,从源头上减少冰盖对海平面上升的贡献,有望为应对气候变化和保护海岸线争取几百年的时间。冰盖地球工程主要作用在冰底和冰架-海洋界面上,主要途径如下:(1)排干或冻结冰盖底部水来干燥冰床,增强冰盖底部摩擦力;(2)在海洋中建造人造岛来支撑漂浮的冰架;(3)在冰架前端建造水下隔离墙,阻止温暖的海水到达冰川底部以减缓其融化。冰盖地球工程包括数值模拟、方案设计、工程试验和政治法律等诸多方面的研究。国际上的研究团队正在开展数值模拟和方案设计方面的研究,工程试验和政治法律等方面的研究尚未起步。预计工程试验的难度阶梯很可能是从实验室试验开始,到小尺度的野外试验,接着到格陵兰冰盖的入海冰川,最后到南极冰盖的入海冰川。针对冰盖的定向地球工程研究很有可能成为21世纪全球变化领域新兴的研究方向。  相似文献   

Variation of vertical profiles of sea ice temperature and adjacent atmosphere and ocean temperatures were measured by ice drifting buoys deployed in the northeast Chukchi Sea as part of the 2003 Chinese Arctic Research Expedition.The buoy observations (September 2003 to February 2005) show that the cooling of the ice began in late September,propagated down through the ice,reaching the bottom of the ice in December,and continued throughout the winter.In winter 2003/04,some obvious warmings were observed in the upper portion of the ice in response to major warmings in the overlying atmosphere associated with the periodicity of storms in the northeast Chukchi Sea.It is found that the melt season at the buoy site in 2004 was about 15% longer than normal.The buoy observed vertical ice temperature profiles were used as a diagnostic for sea ice model evaluation.The results show that the simulated ice temperature profiles have large discrepancies as compared with the observations.  相似文献   

Sensitivity experiments are conducted to test the influence of poorly known model parameters on the simulation of the Greenland ice sheet by means of a three dimensional numerical model including the mechanical and thermal processes within the ice. Two types of experiments are performed: steady-state climatic conditions and simulations over the last climatic cycle with a climatic forcing derived from the GRIP record. The experiments show that the maximum altitude of the ice sheet depends on the ice flow parameters (deformation and sliding law coefficients, geothermal flux) and that it is low when the ice flow is fast. On the other hand, the maximum altitude is not sensitive to the ablation strength and consequently during the climatic cycle it is driven by changes in accumulation rate. The ice sheet extension shows the opposite sensitivity: it is barely affected by ice flow velocity and the ice covered area is smaller for large ablation coefficients. For colder climates, when there is no ablation, the ice sheet extension depends on the sea level. An interesting result is that the variations with time of the altitude at the ice divide (Summit) do not depend on the parameters we tested. The present modelled ice sheets resulting from the climatic cycle experiments are compared with the present measured ice sheet in order to find the set of parameters that gives the best fit between modelled and measured geometry. It seems that, compared to the parameter set most commonly used, higher ablation rate coefficents must be used. Received: 19 September 1995 / Accepted: 30 May 1996  相似文献   


Polynyas represent polar oceanic areas with anomalous low sea‐ice concentrations. The North Water (NOW) Polynya refers to a region at the northern end of Baffin Bay which encompasses three separate polynyas. This paper examines the spatial patterns of sea‐ice cover within the NOW region during the winter, spring and fall of 1998 in the context of polynya formation and maintenance mechanisms. To accomplish this a sea‐ice classification scheme for RADARSAT‐1 ScanSAR imagery, obtained between 21 January and 7 December 1998, was developed and implemented within a Geographic Information System (GIS).

The results identify a clear and consistent spatial structure of sea‐ice cover throughout the winter, spring and fall of 1998. Temporally, the polynya opened southward along the Canadian coast and westward away from the Greenland coast. Comparison with parallel oceanographic, atmospheric and ice motion studies suggested that the polynya was primarily controlled by a latent heat mechanism with the exception of the west Greenland coast between Whale Sound and Cape York. The underlying mechanism used to explain the polynya's occurrence along this location is delayed ice formation during freeze‐up and a resultant thinner winter ice cover causing earlier spring ablation than surrounding areas. Arguments for oceanic and/or atmospheric sensible heat contributions are made.  相似文献   


During the Labrador Ice Margin Experiments, LIMEX ‘87 in March 1987 and LIMEX ‘89 in March and April 1989, the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) CV‐580 aircraft collected synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image data over the marginal ice zone off the east coast of Newfoundland, Canada. One aspect of these experimental programs was the observation of ocean waves penetrating into the marginal ice zone (MIZ). Based upon directional wavenumber spectra derived from SAR image data, the wave attenuation rate is estimated using SAR image spectra and compared with predictions from a model developed by Liu and Mollo‐Christensen (1988). The wave and ice conditions were considerably different in LIMEX ‘87 and LIMEX ‘89. However, the model‐data comparisons are very good for all ice conditions observed. Both the model and the SAR‐derived wave attenuation rates show a characteristic roll‐over at high wavenumbers. A model for the eddy viscosity is proposed, using dimensional analysis, as a simple function of ice roughness and wave‐induced velocity. Eddy viscosities derived from SAR and wave buoy data for the wave attenuation rate show a trend that is consistent with the proposed model.  相似文献   


Analysis of satellite images of southeastern Hudson Bay taken over aperiod of 13 years led to the classification of ice distribution into three categories. The first category is for complete fast‐ice cover of the area, the second for fast ice covering only half the area and the third for the absence of fast ice extending away from the coast. Of the three factors considered‐ wind, water circulation and air temperature—the occurrence of strong southwesterly winds during the freezing period is probably the main factor regulating the extent of the fast‐ice cover for the first two categories. Through melting action, above‐freezing air temperatures appear to prevent the consolidation of ice into a solid cover giving rise to the rare third category of ice distribution.  相似文献   

Considered is a dangerous ice phenomenon developing in the Neva River during its freezing, the formation of the intrawater ice resulting in the corking of water intakes, and ice jams causing a sharp water runoff decrease downstream of them and floods. Described are the forecasting techniques of the intrawater ice formation intensity, peak ice jam water levels, and thickness of ice jams.  相似文献   


Using 18O/16O ratio measurements, sea ice and brackish ice have been identified in a 10‐m ice core from Ward Hunt Ice Shelf. Brackish ice constitutes 62% of the core, and sea ice the remainder. The sea ice and brackish ice occur in alternating layers of 2–4 m thickness. The mean salinity of brackish ice (0.22) is an order of magnitude lower than that of the sea ice (1.26). The discrete sea and brackish ice layers and their individual salinity populations have been maintained apparently while the ice has aged and been raised about 40–50 m from the bottom of the ice shelf to its surface, a process taking roughly 400–500 years. Thin sections of the brackish ice reveal variable textures and an almost complete absence of cellular substructure that is associated with brine inclusion and retention in modern sea ice. Thin sections of the old sea ice show evidence of the former cellular substructure that appears to have been altered from the original. The discrete salinity populations and variable textures are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The 3D ice sheet model of Marshall and Clarke, which includes both dynamics and thermodynamics, is used to successfully simulate millennial-scale oscillations within an ice sheet under steady external forcing. Such internal oscillations are theorized to be the main cause of quasi-periodic large-scale ice discharges known as Heinrich Events. An analysis of the mechanisms associated with multi-millennial oscillations of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, including the initiation and termination of sliding events, is performed. This analysis involves an examination of the various heat sources and sinks that affect the basal ice temperature, which in turn determines the nature of the ice sheet movement. The ice sheet thickness and surface slope, which affect the pressure-melting point and strain heating, respectively, are found to be critical for the formation and development of fast moving ice streams, which lead to large iceberg calving. Although the main provenance for Heinrich Events is thought to be from Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait, we show that the more northerly regions around Lancaster Strait and Baffin Island may also be important sources for ice discharges during the last glacial period. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Gerard C. Bond.  相似文献   

Results from a two-dimensional energy balance model with a realistic land-ocean distribution show that the small ice cap instability exists in the Southern Hemisphere, but not in the Northern Hemisphere. A series of experiments with a one-dimensional energy balance model with idealized geography are used to study the roles of the seasonal cycle and the land-ocean distribution. The results indicate that the seasonal cycle and land-ocean distribution can influence the strength of the albedo feedback, which is responsible for the small ice cap instability, through two factors: the temperature gradient and the amplitude of the seasonal cycle. The land-ocean distribution in the Southern Hemisphere favors the small ice cap instability, while the land-ocean distribution in the Northern Hemisphere does not. Because of the longitudinal variations of land-ocean distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, the behavior of ice lines in the Northern Hemisphere cannot be simulated and explained by the model with zonally symmetric land-ocean distribution. Model results suggest that the small ice cap instability may be a possible mechanism for the formation of the Antarctic icesheet. The model results cast doubt, however, on the role of the small ice cap instability in Northern Hemisphere glaciations. Offprint requests to: J Huang  相似文献   

In August 2018, a remarkable polynya was observed off the north coast of Greenland, a perennial ice zone where thick sea ice cover persists. In order to investigate the formation process of this polynya, satellite observations, a coupled iceocean model, ocean profiling data, and atmosphere reanalysis data were applied. We found that the thinnest sea ice cover in August since 1978(mean value of 1.1 m, compared to the average value of 2.8 m during 1978-2017) and the modest southerly wind caused by a positive North Atlantic Oscillation(mean value of 0.82, compared to the climatological value of-0.02) were responsible for the formation and maintenance of this polynya. The opening mechanism of this polynya differs from the one formed in February 2018 in the same area caused by persistent anomalously high wind. Sea ice drift patterns have become more responsive to the atmospheric forcing due to thinning of sea ice cover in this region.  相似文献   


An ice core sampling program was conducted during the North Water (NOW) Polynya Project 1998 Experiment in northern Baffin Bay during April‐May 1998. The physical properties of snow and sea ice as well as the microstructure and stable isotopic composition of first‐year landfast sea ice near the polynya were investigated. The thickness of sea ice at the sampling sites ranged between 147 and 194 cm with thinner snow cover during the period between mid‐April and late May. The ice was characterized as typical first‐year landfast sea ice, being composed of a thin granular ice layer at the top and an underlying columnar ice layer towards the bottom of the ice. The samples obtained at a site closer to the ice edge of the polynya contained a thin granular ice layer originating from frazil ice near the ice bottom. Formation of frazil ice was considered to be caused by turbulent processes induced by winds, waves and currents forced from the polynya and also mixing with water masses produced at the polynya.  相似文献   

The changes are considered in the computation and map representation of the scattering index (SI) of thick first-year ice identified from the MTVZA-GYa radiometer data. For the first time improved ice SI maps enabled detecting the zones of the low values of sea ice SI which were steadily formed in the same areas over the Lomonosov and Gakkel ridges. It is demonstrated that the intense local ice drift formed under the influence of the vortices flowing around seamounts, may be a reason for the formation of such zones. The cases are considered when the zones of the low values of ice SI were of synoptic scale (up to 1200 km) and could have been the result of the independent influence of the vortices flowing around seamounts and strong surface wind. The utility of new SI maps is noted for monitoring the areas where the vortices flowing around seamounts may considerably modify propeties of the sea ice cover.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that during the whole annual cycle of ice cover evolution in 2006–2007 in the eastern seas of the Russian Arctic and in the Arctic basin, the factors whose effect led to the formation of an extremely large anomaly of ice conditions in summer 2007 were revealed. By the end of summer, the ice melted on the huge water area of 3500000 km2. In September, the ice edge between the meridians of 150° E-170° W reached the parallel of 85° N. The estimates of the open water area being formed due to the ice melting and its drifting edge shift are given.  相似文献   

 A simple climate model has been developed to investigate the existence of the small ice cap instability in the Southern Hemisphere. The model consists of four coupled components: an atmospheric energy balance model, a thermodynamic snow-sea ice model, an oceanic mixed layer model and a terrestrial ice model. Results from a series of experiments involving different degrees of coupling in the model show that the instability appears only in those cases when an explicit representation of the Antarctic ice sheet is not included in the model. In order to determine which physical processes in the ice sheet model lead to a stabilization of the system we have conducted several sensitivity experiments in each of which a given ice sheet process has been removed from the control formulation of the model. Results from these experiments suggest that the feedback between the elevation of the ice sheet and the snow accumulation-ice ablation balance is responsible for the disappearance of the small ice cap instability in our simulation. In the model, the mass balance of the ice sheet depends on the air temperature at sea level corrected for altitude and it is, therefore, a function of surface elevation. This altitude-mass balance feedback effectively decouples the location of the ice edge from any specific sea level isotherm, thus decreasing the model sensitivity to the albedo-temperature feedback, which is responsible for the appearance of the instability. It is also shown that the elevation-radiative cooling feedback tends to stabilize the ice sheet, although its effect does not seem to be strong enough to remove the instability. Another interesting result is that for those simulations which include the terrestrial ice model with elevation-dependent surface mass balance, hysteresis is exhibited, where for a given level of external forcing, two stable solutions with different, non-zero ice-sheet volume and area and different air and ocean temperature fields occur. However, no unstable transition between the two solutions is ever observed. Our results suggest that the small ice cap instability mechanism could be unsuitable for explaining the inception of glaciation in Antarctica. Received: 14 April 1997 / Accepted: 22 October 1997  相似文献   

Response of the Antarctic ice sheet to future greenhouse warming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Possible future changes in land ice volume are mentioned frequently as an important aspect of the greenhouse problem. This paper deals with the response of the Antarctic ice sheet and presents a tentative projection of changes in global sea level for the next few hundred years, due to changes in its surface mass balance. We imposed a temperature scenario, in which surface air temperature rises to 4.2° C in the year 2100 AD and is kept constant afterwards. As GCM studies seem to indicate a higher temperature increase in polar latitudes, the response to a more extreme scenario (warming doubled) has also been investigated. The mass balance model, driven by these temperature perturbations, consists of two parts: the accumulation rate is derived from present observed values and is consequently perturbed in proportion to the saturated vapour pressure at the temperature above the inversion layer. The ablation model is based on the degree-day method. It accounts for the daily temperature cycle, uses a different degree-day factor for snow and ice melting and treats refreezing of melt water in a simple way. According to this mass balance model, the amount of accumulation over the entire ice sheet is presently 24.06 × 1011 m3 of ice, and no runoff takes place. A 1°C uniform warming is then calculated to increase the overall mass balance by an amount of 1.43 × 1011 m3 of ice, corresponding to a lowering of global sea level with 0.36 mm/yr. A temperature increase of 5.3°C is needed for the increase in ablation to become more important than the increase in accumulation and the temperature would have to rise by as much as 11.4°C to produce a zero surface mass balance. Imposing the Bellagio-scenario and accumulating changes in mass balance forward in time (static response) would then lower global sea level by 9 cm by 2100 AD. In a subsequent run with a high-resolution 3-D thermomechanic model of the ice sheet, it turns out that the dynamic response of the ice sheet (as compared to the direct effect of the changes in surface mass balance) becomes significant after 100 years or so. Ice-discharge across the grounding-line increases, and eventually leads to grounding-line retreat. This is particularly evident in the extreme case scenario and is important along the Antarctic Peninsula and the overdeepened outlet glaciers along the East Antarctic coast. Grounding-line retreat in the Ross and Ronne-Filchner ice shelves, on the other hand, is small or absent.  相似文献   

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