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动力学过程和恒星演化及二者的互相影响都会对球状星团的演化产生重要影响.由于金属丰度会影响恒星的演化轨迹,与之相伴随的恒星质量损失率的变化也会对球状星团的动力学过程造成影响.通过一系列N体模拟研究金属丰度对球状星团的质量损失率、半径等的影响,并分析其原因,同时研究了大质量恒星以及星团初始数密度分布的影响.模拟中采用的球状星团模型初始成员星数目N=50000,运行于类银河系的引力势中并考虑成员星的演化.结果显示,由于低金属丰度恒星拥有较快的演化时标,所以贫金属球状星团在早期会拥有较高的质量损失,但与此同时它们的核塌缩时间会比后者显著推迟,因此在核塌缩之后其质量损失会被富金属星团反超.另外由于大质量恒星演化导致的质量损失较大,所以大质量星的存在会使金属丰度更加显著地影响球状星团早期的扩张以及随后的核塌缩过程,同时星团的初始数密度分布也对该效应有着不可忽视的影响.  相似文献   

对与球状星团形成与演化有关的观测特征进行了总结,分别从球产太星团的空间分布特征、金属度分布特征、光度函数和质量函数,以及不同星系中球状星团的数量特征等方面介绍了银河系和河外星系中球状星团的最新观测事实。  相似文献   

王家骥 《天文学进展》1997,15(2):145-156
球状星团是银河系中最年老的天体之一,是储存着银河系早期演化珍贵信息的“化石”。球状星团的天体测量,主要包括球状星团天区内恒星相对自行的测定,并由这些相对自行数据采用适当方法定出星团的绝对自行,或者直接测定绝对自行。利用这些自行数据,或者进一步与测光和视向速度数据结合,可以开展与球状星团的距离、运动、动力学状况、质量、年龄、演化等等以及银河系的结构和演化等有关的一系列重要的研究。在本文中对本世纪70  相似文献   

以上海天台佘山40cm折射望远镜于1958年拍摄的3张照相底片为第一期资料,印度Kavalur的2.34m Vainu Bappu望远镜于1996年用CCD拍摄的4幅图象为第二期资料,使用Brosche等人1985年发表的球状星团NGC4147天区42颗恒星的位置和绝对自行作为参考架,用中心重叠法进行天体测量归算,得到了这个星团中心附近11'×11'天区内到B=17.6mag为止115颗恒星的位置和绝对自行,并利用这些自行对成员概率作了估计,同时,还用Vainu Bappu望远镜的CCD进行了BVRI四色测光。本给出了这115颗恒星的位置、绝对自行和成员概率数据,同时,还给出了用Vainu Bappu望远镜的CCD获得的这些恒星的BVRI测光数据。  相似文献   

以《Hipparcos星表》体现的国际天球参考架为基础 ,对球状星团M3(NGC 5 2 72 )中心附近 10 0′×10 0′天区内 5 34颗恒星 ,使用上海天文台佘山 4 0cm折射望远镜拍摄的底片资料 ,以 8颗《Hipparcos星表》中恒星和 4 9颗《Tycho - 2星表》中恒星的位置和绝对自行为参考 ,归算得到了位置和绝对自行 ,并估计了成员概率  相似文献   

使用上海天文台佘山40cm折射望远镜拍摄的底片资料,对球状星团M79中心附近15’×15’天区内106颗恒星和63颗Tycho-2星,以《Tycho-2星表》中M79附近1°×1°天区内上述63颗Ty cho-2星的位置和自行为参考,归算得到了所有169颗恒星的位置和自行,并估计了其成员概率。  相似文献   

简要介绍了若干关于球状星团形成与演化的代表性模型,包括球状星团诞生于星系形成之前的模型、自增丰演化模型、原始云团的碰撞聚合模型、两阶段形成模型以及星系并合激发形成球状星团的模型和吸积模型等。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Globular clusters are thought to be among the oldest radiant objects in the Universe. Thestudies of these systems have played a key role in the development of our understanding of theUniverse, including the fundamental question of the age of the Universe. The globular clustersof Milky Way can be used to probe the way in which our Galaxy formed. Studies of similarclusters in other galaxies can also provide us the properties of those galaxies in the early periodafter their …  相似文献   

疏散星团是探究银河系结构与演化的良好示踪体,一直以来颇受关注.之前关于疏散星团的研究中,仅有一小部分疏散星团有金属丰度参数,而且,金属丰度的测量,是基于不同质量的观测数据,采用了不同的方法.收集了一个年龄大于2 Gyr的老年疏散星团样本,通过整理这些星团成员星的金属丰度数据,一方面,以星团NGC 2682为例,对比了不同光谱巡天项目给出的星团成员星金属丰度的系统差异;另一方面,计算了星团成员星金属丰度的平均值和中位值,作为该疏散星团的金属丰度推荐值.此外,还利用该样本探究了银盘径向金属丰度梯度随时间的演化,结果表明,早期银盘有着更加陡峭的径向金属丰度梯度,随着演化时间的增加,银盘径向金属丰度梯度逐渐趋于平缓,为银盘化学演化模型提供了更加严格的观测约束.  相似文献   

李成  孔旭  程福臻 《天文学报》2002,43(2):121-130
利用主成分分析法(Principal Component Analysis,PCA),分析了41个银河系球状星团和22个年轻星团光学谱线的等值宽度,发现了一些对金属丰度比较敏感的特征谱线,如CN、CaⅡK、CaⅡH,MgⅠ MgH等,以及一些可作为年龄指标的谱线,如Hδ、Hγ、Hβ、Hα等,这些谱线将有助于区分星团年龄和金属丰度的耦合效应。  相似文献   

OB星协和年轻星团是恒星形成与早期演化的“化石”,同时也是研究初始重质量函数(IMF)的最好场所;文中就OB星协和年轻星团的形成和早期演化方面的研究进展作了一评述,还论述了IMF的测定和研究情况,并对相关的速逃OB星及蓝离散星问题作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

History of Star Formation and Chemical Enrichment in the Milky Way Disk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on a physical treatment of the star formation law similar to that given by Efstathiou, we have improved our two-component chemical evolution model for the Milky Way disk. Two gas infall rates are compared, one exponential, one Gaussian. It is shown that the star formation law adopted in this paper depends more strongly on the gas surface density than that in Chang et al. It has large effects on the history of star formation and gas evolution of the whole disk. In the solar neighborhood, the history of chemical evolution and star formation is not sensitive to whether the infall rate is Gaussian or exponential. For the same infall time scale, both forms predict the same behavior for the current properties of the Galactic disk. The model predictions do depend on whether or not the infall time scale varies with the radius, but current available observations cannot decide which case is the more realistic. Our results also show that it would be inadequate to describe the gradient evolution along the Gala  相似文献   

We have found that two members of the TW Hydrae association, TW Hydrae and Hen 3-600A, are still actively accreting, based on the ballistic infall signature of their broad Halpha emission profiles. We present the first quantitative analysis of accretion in these objects and conclude that the same accretion mechanisms which operate in the well-studied 1 Myr old T Tauri stars can and do occur in older (10 Myr) stars. We derive the first estimates of the disk mass accretion rate in TW Hya and Hen 3-600A, which are 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than the average rates in 1 Myr old objects. The decrease in accretion rates over 10 Myr, as well as the low fraction of TW Hya association objects still accreting, points to significant disk evolution, possibly linked to planet formation. Given the multiplicity of the Hen 3-600 system and the large UV excess of TW Hya, our results show that accretion disks can be surprisingly long lived in spite of the presence of companions and significant UV ionizing flux.  相似文献   

Gradients of absorption line indices are studied and mean stellar metallicities are estimated for 46 elliptical galaxies. The mean stellar metallicities range from 〈 [Fe/H] 〉 ≃ =0.8 to +0.2 and ellipticals with smaller central velocity dispersions tend to have lower 〈 [Fe/H] 〉 thus the mass-metallicity relation holds not only for the galaxy center but also for the whole part of the galaxy. There is an evidence that the magnesium is enhanced systematically in all ellipticals by 0.2 dex with respect to the iron. Giant elliptical galaxies show lack of metal-poor stars (the G-dwarf problem). Metal-poor globular clusters of ellipticals formed well in advance of the formation of metal-rich ones which formed simultaneously with the bulk of stars of mother galaxies under the influence of galaxy chemical enrichment. The bimodal [Fe/H] distribution of globular clusters does not necessarily mean that elliptical galaxies formed by the mergers of disc galaxies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Most formation scenarios of globular clusters assume a molecular cloud as the progenitor of the stellar system. However, it is still unclear, how this cloud is transformed into a star cluster, i.e. how the destructive processes related to gas removal or low star formation effiency can be avoided. Here a scheme of supernova (SN) induced cluster formation is studied. According to this scenario an expanding SN shell accumulates the mass of the cloud. This is accompanied by fragmentation resulting in star formation in the shell. Provided the stellar shell expands sufficiently slow, its self-gravity stops the expansion and the shell recollapses, by this forming a stellar system. I present N-body simulations of collapsing shells which move in a galactic potential on circular and elliptic orbits. It is shown that typical shells (105 M, 30 pc) evolve to twin clusters over a large range of galactocentric distances. Outside this range single stellar systems are formed, whereas at small galactocentric distances the shells are tidally disrupted. In that case many small fragments formed during the collapse survive as single bound entities. About 1/3 of the twin cluster systems formed on circular orbits merge within 400 Myr. On elliptic orbits the merger rate reduces to less than 4%. Thus, there could be a significant number of twin clusters even in our Galaxy, which, however, might be undetected as twins due to a large phase shift on their common orbit. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The globular cluster (GC hereafter), as the oldest star group in the universe, has been a target that astro- physics has paid close attention to all the time. The near-field (Galaxy) cosmology makes contacts with the far-field cosmology by …  相似文献   

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