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黄河上游气候变化对地表水的影响   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
利用1961~2002年黄河上游唐乃亥水文站水文资料及同期该流域气象资料,研究黄河上游流域气候变化及其对地表水资源的影响,结果表明: 黄河上游年流量呈现出逐年减少趋势,20世纪90年代以来减少趋势更为明显;黄河上游流域气候变化表现出气温升高、降水减少和蒸发增大的干旱化趋势,这一变化趋势在90年代以来尤为突出;气温升高、降水量减少和蒸发量增大是导致黄河上游流量减少的气候原因,其中降水量是影响流量的主要气候因子,降水量的减少特别是夏季降水量的减少直接导致了黄河上游流量的减少。  相似文献   

气候变化对洮河流域水资源的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
过去40多年来,洮河流域主要产流区甘南高原的气候和生态环境发生了显著变化,通过对引洮工程的引水区——流域上游40多年的实测水文气象数据的统计分析发现,降水和径流总体下降趋势非常明显,20世纪80年代至90年代降水径流减少更多,达35%;而气温则呈上升趋势,但上升幅度没有降水径流的下降幅度大。由于气候升温变暖、草原载畜过量以及过度砍伐森林,导致气候干旱化、山区水土流失加剧、草原植被退化和沙漠化,这一切都将对未来引洮工程发挥效益产生不利影响。  相似文献   

黑河流域气候变化对水资源的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1IntroductionThe climate conditions of temperature and precipitation are of primary importance for arid region and a change of climate in the direction to warmer or colder, wetter or drier would have large water resources, biological and socio-economic consequences (Raino Heino, 1994; Guido V etal., 2001).Since last century, there has been a warming trend for global climate with greenhouse gases such as CO2 continually increasing. The trend got intensified particularly in the late 20th centu…  相似文献   

气候变化对河北省海河流域径流量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵爱军  左丽琼  王丽君 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1502-1509
利用河北省境内海河流域51个气象站、68个水文站1956~2000年近50年的气象、径流量数据,分析了气象要素和径流量的变化规律。河北省境内海河流域多年平均地表径流量为67.0×108m3,从20世纪 50 年代至 90 年代地表径流量呈逐渐减小的趋势,50年代为105.3×108m3,90年代为54.7×108m3。地表径流量随降水量的减少而减小,随气温的升高而下降,用回归方法建立的径流量与气象要素之间的模型为对数模型。根据未来气候变化情景对河北省海河流域径流量的预测:2030年为70.0~76.8×108m3,2050年为69.8~76.9×108m3。  相似文献   

气候变化对石羊河流域农业生产的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用石羊河流域气象站47 a气象观测资料和武威农试站37 a农作物生育资料,探讨流域气候变化背景下农业气象、水文变化特征及对作物布局、生育和产量形成的影响。结果表明:流域内≥10℃积温呈逐年代增加趋势,热量条件好转;气候干旱指数呈逐年代增大趋势,暖干化明显;来水量呈逐年代减少趋势,水问题日趋严重;受气候变暖的影响,易受旱害的高耗水作物春小麦种植面积减小,耐旱、喜温的经济作物玉米、棉花种植面积扩大;春小麦生育进程加快,生育期缩短,对产量形成不利,反之,对喜温作物玉米、棉花等提高产量和品质有利。  相似文献   

阿克苏河流域气候变化对潜在蒸散量影响分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
张守红  刘苏峡  莫兴国  舒畅  孙杨  张春 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1363-1370
蒸散发是水文过程的关键环节,研究气候因子对潜在蒸散发的影响,有助于深入认识水文过程对气候变化的响应。本文基于阿克苏河流域1960-2007 年逐日气象资料和Penman-Monteith公式,估算并分析参考作物蒸散量(RET) 时空变化特征,并用多元回归方法定量区分气候因子变化对RET 变化的贡献率。研究发现流域RET 空间差异明显,东部平原区平均年RET 为1100mm左右,是西部山区的近2 倍;东南部绿洲区的RET显著减少,而西部变化复杂。RET变化趋势的季节差异也很显著,以夏季变幅最大,是年变化的主要贡献者。高海拔地区相对湿度对RET变化影响最大,其它区域的风速变化对RET变化的贡献率最高。库车和乌恰站的风速变化对RET变化的贡献率大于50%,是RET变化的主导因素。  相似文献   

张钦  赵雪雁  王亚茹  雒丽 《中国沙漠》2016,36(3):814-822
气候变化是全球变化的核心问题,其影响已经深入到人类生活的各个领域,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。明确气候变化对农户生计的影响以及农户适应气候变化的策略及其需求,是区域可持续发展中急需解决的关键问题。本文基于石羊河流域1963-2012年气候变化和493个农户的入户调查数据,分析了气候变化对石羊河流域不同福利水平农户生计资本的影响及农户适应气候变化的策略和需求。结果表明:(1)流域上游气候呈显著的暖湿化趋势,中游和下游气候暖湿化趋势不显著。(2)气候变化对中游和下游农户生计资本的影响均大于上游农户,其中,对中等福利群体的生计资本影响最显著,对高福利群体的影响次之,对低福利群体的影响最小。农户自然资本受气候变化的影响最强,物质资本和社会资本受气候变化的影响最弱。(3)流域内农户均倾向选择减少消费和外出务工来适应气候变化,其中,选择减少消费的农户比重最高,选择外出务工和向亲属或政府求助的比重次之。高福利群体中选择减少消费和外出务工策略的比重较高,中等福利群体中选择求助亲属或政府策略的比重较高。(4)流域内农户对信息和资金的需求均较显著,其中,对信息的需求最强烈,对资金、技术和劳动力素质的需求次之。高福利群体和低福利群体在就业信息方面的需求最强烈,中等福利群体在农牧业市场信息方面的需求最强烈。  相似文献   

新疆地表水资源对气候变化的响应初探   总被引:20,自引:10,他引:20  
何清  袁玉江  魏文寿  龚原 《中国沙漠》2003,23(5):493-496
计算新疆三大区域地表水资源与气候的相关性,建立两者间的回归方程,进而探讨新疆地表水资源对气候变化的响应,得到以下几点主要结论:①新疆地表水资源对气候变化的响应具有明显的地域特点:北疆以对水文年降水的正响应为主;南疆以对5~9月温度的正响应为主,以对高山区前年的水文年降水的正响应为辅;东疆对水文年降水的正响应及5~9月温度的负响应并重,对降水的响应更重要些。②北疆:当北疆8站水文年平均降水偏多(或偏少)10%时,北疆地表水资源会偏多或偏少7.2%。③东疆:当沁城5~9月平均温度为多年平均值时,巴音布鲁克水文年降水变化±10%,东疆地表水资源会出现±5.4%的变化;当巴音布鲁克水文年降水为多年平均值时,沁城5~9月平均温度偏高(或偏低)1℃,东疆地表水资源会减少(或增多)8.3%。④南疆:当南疆4站5~9月平均温度为多年平均值时,塔什库尔干前年的水文年降水变化±10%,南疆地表水资源会出现±1.3%的变化;当塔什库尔干前年的水文年降水为多年平均值时,南疆4站5~9月平均温度偏高(或偏低)1℃,南疆地表水资源会增多(或减少)11.7%。  相似文献   

雒丽  赵雪雁  王亚茹  张钦 《中国沙漠》2016,36(4):1171-1181
农户对气候变化的感知是影响其选择有效适应策略的关键因素。基于农户调查数据,构建了农户对气候变化的感知度指数,分析了石羊河流域农户对气候变化的感知特征,并采用多元线性回归法分析了影响农户气候变化感知的关键因素。结果表明:(1)石羊河流域农户对气温的感知比较准确,但对降水的感知出现偏差,农户对干旱、沙尘暴的感知强度明显高于其他气象灾害;(2)农户对气候变化的严重性感知较强,大部分农户认为气候变化对其生计产生了严重影响;(3)农户感知到的气候变化适应功效及适应成本均较高,但感知到的自我效能较弱;(4)影响气候变化敏感性感知的关键因素为户主受教育水平、务农年限、气候变化信息获取渠道;影响气候变化严重性感知与适应成本感知的关键因素均为户主性别、受教育水平及与村民的交流频率;影响适应功效感知的关键因素为与村民的交流频率;影响自我效能感知的关键因素为户主受教育水平。  相似文献   

气候变化对流域径流的影响显著,但不同流域径流对各气候因子敏感性不同,具有明显的空间分异性。本文以位于半湿润、湿润地区的松花江、子牙河以及西苕溪流域为例,基于Budyko 水热平衡经验模型,采用归因分析方法分离了气象要素趋势性变化对年径流和潜在蒸发变化率的贡献与差异性。结果表明:1960-2008年,在上述3个流域中,降水趋势性变化对年径流变化的贡献比潜在蒸发大。松花江和子牙河流域各气象要素趋势性变化对潜在蒸发变化率的贡献排序为:温度>风速>水汽压>日照时数,而西苕溪流域为:温度>日照时数>风速>水汽压。在气候要素共同作用下,松花江和子牙河流域平均年径流分别以0.48和1.51 mm a-2的速率减少,而西苕溪流域年径流则以1.42 mm a-2的速率增加。所得结果加深了气候变化对径流影响机制和程度的认识,可作为流域水资源适应性管理的科学依据。  相似文献   

To reveal the changing trend and annual distribution of the surface water hydrology and the local climate in the Bayanbuluk alpine-cold wetlands in the past 50 years, we used temperature, precipitation, different rank precipitation days, evaporation, water vapor pressure, relative humidity, dust storm days and snow depth to analyze their temporal variations. We conclude that there were no distinct changes in annual mean temperature, and no obvious changes in the maximum or minimum temperatures. Precipitation in warm season was the main water source in the wetlands of the study area and accounted for 92.0% of the annual total. Precipitation dropped to the lowest in the mid-1980s in the past 50 years and then increased gradually. The runoff of the Kaidu River has increased since 1987 which has a good linear response to the annual precipitation and mean temperature in Bayanbuluk alpine-cold wetland. Climate change also affected ecosystems in this area due to its direct relations to the surface water environment.  相似文献   

Ba  Wulong  Du  Pengfei  Liu  Tie  Bao  Anming  Chen  Xi  Liu  Jiao  Qin  Chengxin 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(1):164-176

In the context of climate change and over-exploitation of water resources, water shortage and water pollution in arid regions have become major constraints to local sustainable development. In this study, we established a Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for simulating non-point source (NPS) pollution in the irrigation area of the lower reaches of the Kaidu River Basin, based on spatial and attribute data (2010–2014). Four climate change scenarios (2040–2044) and two agricultural management scenarios were input into the SWAT model to quantify the effects of climate change and agricultural management on solvents and solutes of pollutants in the study area. The simulation results show that compared to the reference period (2010–2014), with a decline in streamflow from the Kaidu River, the average annual irrigation water consumption is expected to decrease by 3.84x108 m3 or 8.87% during the period of 2040–2044. Meanwhile, the average annual total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in agricultural drainage canals will also increase by 10.50% and 30.06%, respectively. Through the implementation of agricultural management measures, the TN and TP in farmland drainage can be reduced by 14.49% and 16.03%, respectively, reaching 661.56 t and 12.99 t, accordingly, and the increasing water efficiency can save irrigation water consumption by 4.41 x108 m3 or 4.77%. The results indicate that although the water environment in the irrigation area in the lower reaches of the Kaidu River Basin is deteriorating, the situation can be improved by implementing appropriate agricultural production methods. The quantitative analysis results of NPS pollutants in the irrigation area under different scenarios provide a scientific basis for water environmental management in the Kaidu River Basin.


Studies indicate that the climate has experienced a dramatic change in the Heihe River Basin with scope of temperature rise reaching 0.5-1.1oC in the 1990s compared to the mean value of the period 1960-1990, precipitation increased 18.5 mm in the 1990s compared to the 1950s, and 6.5 mm in the 1990s compared to the mean value of the period 1960-1990, water resources decreased 2.6×108 m3 in the 1990s compared to the 1950s, and 0.4×108 m3 in the 1990s compared to the mean value of the period 1960-1990. These changes have exerted a greater effect on the local environment and socio-economy, and also made the condition worsening in water resources utilizations in the Heihe Rver Basin.  相似文献   

利用开都河流域上下游4个气象台站(上游巴音布鲁克,下游焉耆、和静、和硕)1960-2009年的气温、降水资料,采用趋势分析与距平等统计方法,分析了近50 a来开都河流域的主要气象要素变化特征。研究发现:(1)1960-2009年开都河流域上下游年平均气温均呈明显上升趋势,增长强度分别为0.27 ℃/10 a和0.22 ℃/10 a。2000年后气温升高尤其显著,上游和下游的气温分别较50 a平均水平偏高0.97 ℃和0.69 ℃。该流域年最高温没有明显增加,而上下游年最低气温分别上升0.41 ℃/10 a和0.61 ℃/10 a,并与年平均气温有较好的相关性。通过对不同年代际各月气温的分析,发现该地区气温季节性特征在过去50 a发生了明显的变化。主要表现为冬季气温总体上升,夏季气温相对稳定,冬季与夏季温差逐渐减小,季节性呈变弱趋势。上游年代际间气温季节变化较下游更明显;(2)开都河流域降水主要集中在夏季,近50 a上下游降水量均呈增加趋势且上游达显著水平。上下游在降水分布及变化特征上有较大差异,上游年平均降水总量(273 mm)明显高于下游(77 mm),且上游降水量增加强度(9.13 mm/10 a)高于下游(5.34 mm/10 a)。降水量年代际之间有一定差异,降水波动主要是在夏季,上游降水量的波动性大于下游。  相似文献   

The mountain watersheds of Kaidu River and Urumqi River, which separately originate from the south and north-side of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, are selected as the study area. The characteristics and trends on variation of temperature, precipitation and runoff, and the correlativity between temperature, precipitation, and runoff were analyzed based on the past 40 years of observational data from the correlative hydrological and weather stations in the study areas. Various weather scene combinations are assumed and the response models of runoff to climate change are established in order to evaluate the sensitivity of runoff to climate change in the study areas based on the foregoing analysis. Results show that all variations of temperature, precipitation, and runoff overall present an oscillating and increasing trend since the 1960s and this increase are quite evident after 1990. There is a markedly positive correlation between mountain runoff, temperature, and precipitation while there are obvious regional differences of responding degree to precipitation and temperature between mountain runoff of Urumqi River and Kaidu River Basins. Also, mountain runoff of Urumqi River Basin is more sensitive to precipitation change than that of Kaidu River Basin, and mountain runoff of Kaidu River Basin is more sensitive to temperature change than that of Urumqi River Basin.  相似文献   

黄河流域气候变化研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄河流域从西到东跨越多省,地形复杂,作为中国生态安全战略格局的重要组成部分,是中国气候变化敏感区和生态环境脆弱区.本文主要综述了在气候变暖背景下,黄河流域气候变化特征、影响以及成因和对策建议的最新研究进展:(1)近60年黄河流域气温呈上升趋势,平均升温速率为0.30℃/10a,上游升温速率最大,下游次之,冬季升温趋势最...  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河流域气候变化的区域差异特征及突变分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用乌鲁木齐河流域气象站的气温和降水资料,运用一元回归分析法和5年趋势滑动,进行了气候变化的趋势分析。结果表明:乌鲁木齐河流域的年平均气温在20世纪60-80年代偏低,90年代以后偏高,即80年代前呈下降趋势,90年代后呈上升趋势,并且秋、冬季升温幅度较大;60年代降水量最少,之后逐渐增多,2000年以来迅速增多;气温变化在空间上表现出上游气温低于下游,秋、冬季气候变暖明显早于春、夏季;降水变化的空间差异也明显。在此基础上,利用滑动T检验法、YAMAMOTO检验信噪比(SNR)、Mann-Kendall法、Cramer法和Pettitt法进行气候突变分析。结果表明:乌鲁木齐河流域气温降水突变不明显,不同方法检验的结果不太一致;春、夏季气温可能在1997年发生突变,而秋、冬季在80年代末90年代初发生突变。  相似文献   

Chen  Qihui  Chen  Hua  Zhang  Jun  Hou  Yukun  Shen  Mingxi  Chen  Jie  Xu  Chongyu 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(1):85-102
The climate change and Land Use/Land Cover(LULC) change both have an important impact on the rainfall-runoff processes. How to quantitatively distinguish and predict the impacts of the above two factors has been a hot spot and frontier issue in the field of hydrology and water resources. In this research, the SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model was established for the Jinsha River Basin, and the method of scenarios simulation was used to study the runoff response to climate change and LULC change. Furthermore, the climate variables exported from 7 typical General Circulation Models(GCMs) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios were bias corrected and input into the SWAT model to predict runoff in 2017–2050. Results showed that:(1) During the past 57 years, the annual average precipitation and temperature in the Jinsha River Basin both increased significantly while the rising trend of runoff was far from obvious.(2) Compared with the significant increase of temperature in the Jinsha River Basin, the LULC change was very small.(3) During the historical period, the LULC change had little effect on the hydrological processes in the basin, and climate change was one of the main factors affecting runoff.(4) In the context of global climate change, the precipitation, temperature and runoff in the Jinsha River Basin will rise in 2017–2050 compared with the historical period. This study provides significant references to the planning and management of large-scale hydroelectric bases at the source of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

The Senegal River Basin (SRB) is a shared watershed in West Africa which includes regions (the upper basin, valley, and delta), characterized by distinct environmental conditions. An important feature of the Senegal River flow volume historically was its inter- annual irregularity, which caused a major water resource constrain. This situation has been accentuated during the long-term drought (1969–1984) in the Sahel zone which highlights the vulnerability of food-producing systems to climate change and variability. SRB is undergoing fundamental environmental, hydrologic, and socioeconomic transitions and represents a good illustration of sensitivity to climatic variations and opportunities for adaptation. This paper aims to study water resources systems under stress from climate variability and change in the Senegal River Basin. The results show (1) through the compilation of available data, information and knowledge (sedimentological, climatical, geological, environmental, archeological, etc.), the chronological consequences of climate change during the past millennium in West Africa, and also (2) an analysis of the recent impacts and vulnerability to climate change in the SRB and finally (3) the adaptation strategies in the SRB in order to identify and resolve problems associated with this water scarcity and to address the potential for guaranteed agricultural production in this narrow geographic area.  相似文献   

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