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陈永清  赵彬彬 《地质通报》2011,30(5):661-669
奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)和二维经验模型分解(bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition,BEMD)2种方法用于鲁西铜石金矿田的金矿化致矿重力异常提取.通过对比研究得出如下结论:①基于重力数据,由BEMD和SVD 2种方法获...  相似文献   

应用二维经验模分解(BEMD)法从滇东Pt-Pd含量数据中提取2类Pt-Pd异常,即由二维内蕴模函数3(BIMF3)表征的区域Pt-Pd异常和由二维内蕴模函数2(BIMF2)表征的局部Pt-Pd异常。根据异常产出的地质特征,区域Pt-Pd异常可进一步划分为2个亚类:其一是位于受SN向小江断裂和NE向寻甸-宣威深大断裂控制的二叠纪峨眉山玄武岩分布区的异常,其特征是具有明显的浓集中心,异常强度大;其二是分布于研究区中南部的黑色岩系中的异常,异常强度弱。其中前者是滇东Pt-Pd找矿的有利地段。局部Pt-Pd异常可进一步划分为3个亚类:①分布于玄武岩区,受SN-NE向深大断裂与其次级断裂交会域控制的异常;②分布于不同地质时期黑色岩系中的异常;③哀牢山断裂北侧与基性、超基性侵入岩有关的异常。其中,分布于玄武岩区的Pt-Pd局部异常强度高、规模大,是进一步找寻Pt-Pd资源的远景地段。  相似文献   

应用二维经验模分解(BEMD)法从滇东Pt-Pd含量数据中提取2类Pt-Pd异常,即由二维内蕴模函数3(BIMF3)表征的区域Pt-Pd异常和由二维内蕴模函数2(BIMF2)表征的局部Pt-Pd异常。根据异常产出的地质特征,区域Pt-Pd异常可进一步划分为2个亚类:其一是位于受SN向小江断裂和NE向寻甸-宣威深大断裂控制的二叠纪峨眉山玄武岩分布区的异常,其特征是具有明显的浓集中心,异常强度大;其二是分布于研究区中南部的黑色岩系中的异常,异常强度弱。其中前者是滇东Pt-Pd找矿的有利地段。局部Pt-Pd异常可进一步划分为3个亚类:①分布于玄武岩区,受SN-NE向深大断裂与其次级断裂交会域控制的异常;②分布于不同地质时期黑色岩系中的异常;③哀牢山断裂北侧与基性、超基性侵入岩有关的异常。其中,分布于玄武岩区的Pt-Pd局部异常强度高、规模大,是进一步找寻Pt-Pd资源的远景地段。  相似文献   

菅贞贞  陈永清  赵彬彬 《地质通报》2012,31(05):799-806
应用二维经验模分解(BEMD)法从滇东Pt-Pd含量数据中提取2类Pt-Pd异常,即由二维内蕴模函数3(BIMF3)表征的区域Pt-Pd异常和由二维内蕴模函数2(BIMF2)表征的局部Pt-Pd异常。根据异常产出的地质特征,区域Pt-Pd异常可进一步划分为2个亚类:其一是位于受SN向小江断裂和NE向寻甸-宣威深大断裂控制的二叠纪峨眉山玄武岩分布区的异常,其特征是具有明显的浓集中心,异常强度大;其二是分布于研究区中南部的黑色岩系中的异常,异常强度弱。其中前者是滇东Pt-Pd找矿的有利地段。局部Pt-Pd异常可进一步划分为3个亚类:①分布于玄武岩区,受SN-NE向深大断裂与其次级断裂交会域控制的异常;②分布于不同地质时期黑色岩系中的异常;③哀牢山断裂北侧与基性、超基性侵入岩有关的异常。其中,分布于玄武岩区的Pt-Pd局部异常强度高、规模大,是进一步找寻Pt-Pd资源的远景地段。  相似文献   

陈建国  肖凡  常韬 《地球科学》2011,36(2):327-335
由于地质过程的复杂性及成矿过程的多期次叠加性,原始重磁异常往往是多种地质因素的混合信息,既包含区域背景异常信息,也包含与矿床(体)、矿化蚀变带以及隐伏岩体等与找矿密切相关的地质要素所引起的局部重磁异常.如何从复杂的叠加重磁异常中分离出具有找矿意义的局部异常,是当前矿产勘查和资源潜力评价工作中面临的难题之一.采用经验模态分解(EMD)方法来分解重磁异常,为提高分解的稳健性提出了用双调和样条插值(BSI)进行包罗面插值的新方法,并以云南个旧地区重磁数据为例,对其进行非线性多尺度分解,实现对区域异常与局部重磁异常的分离,揭示了深层次找矿信息并拓宽了经验模态分解方法的应用领域.   相似文献   

朱旭  陈永清  赵彬彬 《地质通报》2021,40(5):764-771
滇东南锡-钨多金属矿集区位于扬子陆块、华夏陆块及印支陆块的交汇处,区内分布一系列与晚白垩世大规模岩浆作用密切相关的锡、钨、铜、银、铅、锌多金属矿床。对滇东南1:200 000航磁数据化极处理后,应用奇异值分解(SVD)技术提取航磁数据中与锡-钨多金属矿化有关的深部地质结构和地质体特征分量。通过定义不同的滤波器,选择相应的特征分量进行重构,获得反映深部及浅层的地质结构和地质体空间分布的图像。研究表明:①研究区深部存在2种磁性特征的基底,即强磁性基底(哀牢山岩群、大红山岩群和瑶山岩群)和弱磁性基底(昆阳群和猛硐岩群);②与矿化密切相关的花岗岩体显示为环绕负磁异常发育正磁异常,环形正磁异常可能反映了接触交代矿化蚀变带的空间分布;③环绕负磁异常发育正磁异常区域是进一步找寻锡-钨多金属矿床的最佳靶区。  相似文献   

赵彬彬  陈永清 《地球科学》2011,36(2):341-346
基于MATLAB平台编制的奇异值分解(SVD)程序有效地应用于铜石金矿田1:50000重力数据分解.首先,利用奇异值分解将重力数据分解为一系列的特征值空间;然后运用多重分形技术确立反映不同层次控矿因素的特征空间值的临界值,最后将这些具有不同控矿因素特征的特征空间值按一定的规则进行数据重构.结果获取三幅刻画不同尺度控矿因...  相似文献   

胡斌  张贵宾  贾正元  张刚  陈涛  张昌榕 《地球科学》2019,44(6):1797-1808
地壳结构是青藏高原深部地球物理探测的主要目标之一.研究了结合功率谱分析的二维经验模态分解(Bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition,BEMD)位场分离方法,并将其应用于冈底斯带重磁异常分离中.模型试验结果表明该方法能够分离叠加异常,并可获得场源平均深度的可靠估计值;实际资料处理表明研究区布格重力异常和化磁极异常均可分为由浅到深的3个等效层场源产生的异常组合.其中深部重、磁场以南北分区、东西分块为特征.证明了青藏高原是南北地体的拼接,并且在形成之后持续受到印度板块不均匀地向北推进,使喜马拉雅地体、冈底斯地体的深部物质属性在东西方向上以约88°E和93°~95°E为界存在显著的差异;推断青藏高原南部区域中下地壳的低密度体东西向是不连续的,且在研究区中、东部,南北向低密度体被雅鲁藏布江缝合带切开.   相似文献   

西南“三江”南段位于印度板块与扬子板块的结合带,是特提斯-喜马拉雅成矿域的重要组成部分.在多旋回的构造岩浆活动过程中,形成了复杂的成矿地质地球化学背景和丰富的有色金属和贵金属矿产.正是这种复杂的地质地球化学背景,使得应用地质统计学方法提取致矿地球化学异常遇到了挑战.为此,多重分形滤波技术被引进,试图从复杂的多重地球化学背景中有效地分离与成矿有关的Cu、Zn异常.研究表明:(1)由于研究区存在多重地球化学背景,克里格方法揭示的Cu、Zn剩余异常通常是受区域线形构造控制的区域异常,多重分形滤波技术则揭示了与矿化有关的Cu、Zn局部致矿异常;(2)Cu致矿异常的提取表明,多重分形滤波技术能够克服某些岩性(譬如玄武岩)引起的Cu高背景的影响,并从多重地球化学背景中有效提取致矿异常,包括低背景中的弱异常和隐蔽异常;(3)运用多重分形滤波技术清晰揭示了一系列Zn原始数据图上没有显示的、规模不等的NNE向Zn矿化异常带,其中那条穿越整个研究区的Zn矿化异常带含有金顶巨型Pb-Zn矿床和一系列矿床、矿点、矿化点.整个研究工作是基于MORPAS3.0软件系统实现的.  相似文献   

The Gejiu tin-copper polymetallic ore field, located at the westernmost end of the Cathaysia Block in South China, is one of the largest tin polymetallic ore fields in the world. It is associated with magmatic-hydrothermal ore-forming processes triggered by deeply seated structures and concealed granites. The Bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) was used to decompose gravity data covering an area including the Gejiu tin-copper polymetallic ore field in the west and the Bozhushan silver-lead-zinc polymetallic ore field in the east, which yielded three two-dimensional intrinsic mode function (BIMFs) images and one residue (Res(m, n)) image that depict four layers of geological architectures at different wavelengths within the study area. The high-pass filtered gravity component image (BIMF1) is interpreted to depict the shallow geological architecture, which indicates that the skarn alteration and tin-copper mineralization with positive gravity anomalies are distributed around the granites characterized by negative gravity anomalies. The band-pass filtered gravity component image (BIMF2) is interpreted to depict the middle-shallow geological architecture, which indicates that the outcropped granites in the western Gejiu ore field bounded by the Gejiu fault may extend to the eastern Gejiu ore field to form one integrated granitic complex in the subsurface. The other band-pass filtered gravity component image (BIMF3) is interpreted to depict the middle-lower geological architecture, which indicates that there may be an EW-trending granite zone with negative gravity anomaly at middle-lower depth connecting the Gejiu tin-copper polymetallic field to the Bozhushan silver-lead-zinc polymetallic field, displaying the existence of an EW-trending regional polymetallic ore-forming zone within the study area. The low-pass filtered gravity component image (Res(m, n)) is interpreted to depict the lowest geological architecture within the study area, which reflects that there may be a pair of the NW-trending uplift zone of the mantle and/or the basement with positive gravity anomaly and the depression zone of the mantle and/or the basement with negative gravity anomaly. The Gejiu tin-copper polymetallic deposits and the related granites are located at the transitional zone between the uplift and depression, whereas the Bozhushan silver-lead-zinc polymetallic deposits and the related granites are situated within the depression zone, which implies that the diversity of the Late Yanshanian granites and the related polymetallic deposits in the study area may be controlled by the complexity of the crust-mantle interaction at depth.  相似文献   

Concentration of elements or element groups in a geological body is the result of multiple stages of rockforming and ore-forming geological processes.An ore-forming element group can be identified by PCA(principal component analysis)and be separated into two components using BEMD(bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition):(1)a high background component which represents the ore-forming background developed in rocks through various geological processes favorable for mineralization(i.e.magmatism,sedimentation and/or metamorphism);(2)the anomaly component which reflects the oreforming anomaly that is overprinted on the high background component developed during mineralization.Anomaly components are used to identify ore-finding targets more effectively than ore-forming element groups.Three steps of data analytical procedures are described in this paper; firstly,the application of PCA to establish the ore-forming element group;secondly,using BEMD on the o re-forming element group to identify the anomaly components created by different types of mineralization processes; and finally,identifying ore-finding targets based on the anomaly components.This method is applied to the Tengchong tin-polymetallic belt to delineate ore-finding targets,where four targets for Sn(W)and three targets for Pb-Zn-Ag-Fe polymetallic mineralization are identified and defined as new areas for further prospecting.It is shown that BEMD combined with PCA can be applied not only in extracting the anomaly component for delineating the ore-finding target,but also in extracting the residual component for identifying its high background zone favorable for mineralization from its oreforming element group.  相似文献   

Fractal and multi-fractal content area method finds application in a wide variety of geological, geochemical and geophysical fields. In this study, the fractal content-gradient method was used on 1:10,000 scale to delineate geochemical anomalies associated with copper mineralization. Analysis of geochemical data from the Yangla super large Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic ore district using the fractal content-gradient method, combined with other geological data from this area, indicates that ore-prospecting in the ore district should focus on Cu as the main metal and Pb-Zn and Au as the auxiliary metals. The types of deposits include (in chronological order) re-formed sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX), skarns, porphyries, and hydrothermal vein-type deposits. Three ore-prospecting targets are divided on a S–N basis: (1) the Qulong exploration area, in which the targets are porphyry-type Cu deposits; (2) the Zongya exploration area, where the targets are porphyry-type Cu and hydrothermal vein-type Cu-Pb polymetallic deposits; and (3) the Zarelongma exploration area, characterized mainly skarn-type “Yangla-style” massive sulfide Cu-Pb deposits. Our study demonstrates that the fractal content-gradient method is convenient, simple, rapid, and direct for delineating geochemical anomalies and for outlining potential exploration targets.  相似文献   

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