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依托金牛山水库工程,以区域地质灾害评价预警的递进分析理论与方法为指导,构建以发育度、潜势度、危险度和危害度为评价指标的水库四度空间评价模型。利用逐步分析、逐级计算,实现对金牛山水库影响范围内地质灾害的评价和四度空间模型等级的划分,确定了库区地质灾害的发育状况,库区地质灾害的易发地区以及所受损失最大地区,极大指导了库区的地质灾害防治工作。  相似文献   

刘晓晓 《城市地质》2019,14(2):54-60
东江口崩塌危岩带位于北京市房山区北部,地貌类型为中低山区,主要组成物质为强风化玄武岩,平面呈不规则带状,总体积约6300m^3。危岩带变形主要受裂隙及优势结构面发育的控制,为小型-滑移式崩塌。危岩带东侧受裂缝L1-L3切割制,形成体积为300m^3的危岩单体,失稳方向为60°;西侧主要受裂缝L4-L5以及优势结构面控制,失稳方向为307°。采用赤平投影与定量计算的方法评价危岩带稳定性,评价结果:在天然工况下,危岩体东侧及中、西侧均处于基本稳定状态;在降水等不利工况条件下,危岩带东侧处于不稳定状态,中、西侧处于欠稳定状态。影响东江口危岩带稳定性的主要因素为人类工程活动与降水。  相似文献   

新集二矿13-1煤为新生界松散层、推覆体下第一开采的特厚煤层,存在着与推覆体发育有关的隐伏构造裂隙水、离层裂隙水(气)、F02断层活化导水、冲击地压造成导水裂隙扩展等特殊的地质灾害问题。针对这些安全隐患,提出了留设防水煤柱、对离层空间充填注浆、选择合理的开采方案、加强采前探测等措施。  相似文献   

北京市门头沟区境内98.5%为山区,地形地质条件复杂,地质灾害较发育,截至2014年3月,在门头沟区调查确定的地质灾害隐患点共644处。采用层次分析综合指数法,对门头沟区地质灾害易发性进行综合评价,划分了地质灾害高易发区、中易发区、低易发区、不易发区4个等级。  相似文献   

基于GIS与信息量模型的汶川次生地质灾害危险性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜军  杨青华  严嘉  薛重生 《地球科学》2010,35(2):324-330
5·12汶川大地震诱发了大量滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等次生地质灾害,对人民群众的生命财产和社会经济的发展形成了严重威胁.针对次生地质灾害危险性评价,选取重灾区汶川县作为研究区域,利用遥感与地理信息技术的空间数据管理和空间数据分析平台,获取了研究区的次生地质灾害信息,分析了研究区内次生地质灾害与各影响因子,包括地形地貌、地层岩性、水系、地震断裂之间的相关性特征,并结合信息量法模型进行次生地质灾害危险性评价.高度、中度和轻度危险区的面积分别为1 130.196 km2、1 739.584 km2、1 213.219 km2.本次地震触发次生地质灾害的分布具有集群式分布的特点,即断裂带及其附近地区地质灾害集中发育,而远离断裂带区地质灾害很快衰减,呈零星分布;从灾害发育的区域特征分析,汶川县震后次生地质灾害呈现出北部和东部重、西部和南部轻的特点.所得研究结果与实际情况较吻合,表明地理信息系统结合信息量模型能够快速、有效地对次生地质灾害的空间分布以及危险性作出评价.   相似文献   

地下气体的形成与地质构造或活动有关,导致地下气体的喷发或溢出主要有自然或人为(钻探或采矿等地下工程等)2种因素。20世纪初国内外开始关注地下气体的喷发或溢出,主要目的是用于地震监测或预报。随着人类活动空间的扩展和地球内部能量周期性聚集释放,地下气体向其它空间排放现象日趋频发,其主要成分有CH4、CO2、H2S等,是造成大气、地下水、土壤污染和人身伤害的主要原因之一。同时,大量文献和证据证明地震、温室效应、雾霾等与地下气体喷发或溢出有关。所以,地下气体泄漏是一种新型的地质灾害,属于民生地质的重要部分,涉及了诸多科学问题。本文结合南太行山前(鹤壁)由钻井工程诱发多起地下气体喷发或溢出现象,就其危害和成因进行了分析研究,并提出了具体的地质科学问题和建议。  相似文献   

Probabilistic Stability Evaluation of Oppstadhornet Rock Slope,Norway   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Probabilistic analyses provide rational means to treat the uncertainties associated with underlying parameters in a systematic manner. The stability of a 734-m-high jointed rock slope in the west of Norway, the Oppstadhornet rock slope, is investigated by using a probabilistic method. The first-order reliability method (FORM) is used for probabilistic modeling of the plane failure problem in the rock slope. The Barton–Bandis (BB) shear strength criterion is used for the limit state equation. The statistical distributions of the BB criterion parameters, for which comprehensive data were collected and statistically analyzed, are determined by using distribution fitting algorithms. The sensitivity of the FORM model for the BB criterion is also investigated. It is found that the model is most sensitive to the mean value of the residual friction angle (ϕ r) and least sensitive to the mean value of the slope angle (β f). It is also found that the standard deviation of joint compressive strength (JCS) causes the greatest difference in the reliability index, which has the least sensitivity to the change in the mean and standard deviation of joint roughness coefficient (JRC).  相似文献   

基于模糊概率方法的岩体稳定性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩体稳定性受多种不确定性因素的影响,不仅具有随机性,而且也具有模糊性,属于模糊概率的范畴,利用经典的模糊综合评判方法进行研究将会产生不合理的结果.在模糊概率理论的基础上,建立了一类新的岩体稳定性综合评价方法--模糊概率方法,并提出了模糊权重的概念,从而避免了权重取值带来的不确定性.结合所选取的5个影响岩体稳定性的因素,建立了这5个影响因素的隶属函数与模糊权重;利用此方法对某一地下岩体工程进行了分析,并与其他方法所评价的结果进行了比较,表明了该方法具有合理性与可靠性.  相似文献   

矿井地质灾害严重威胁人民生命财产安全,深入认识成灾机理与相关要素,准确辨识地质灾源体并评价其致灾危险度,是煤矿防灾减灾保障安全开采不可或缺的基础性工作。本文通过分析矿井地质灾害典型案例,认为矿井地质灾源体是在煤矿采掘过程中具有发生矿井地质灾害潜在危险的地质体,包括煤层及其围岩以及存在其中的地下水与瓦斯等,具有地源性、隐蔽性、触发性、可控性等主要特征;矿井地质灾源体是矿井地质灾害的内因,煤矿采掘活动是触发矿井地质灾害的外因,地质影响因素和人为影响因素可能提高或降低矿井地质灾害的危险程度;并提出了辩识地质灾源体和评价其致灾危险度的具体方法。  相似文献   

位于浙江天台县蟹山山体内的黑洞洞室群, 以其优越的工程地质条件和完整的岩体结构, 自隋朝以来成为大型古地下采石场。洞室群包括总面积达24 000 m2的21个洞室, 其长轴方向基本沿两组主要地质结构面走向展布。研究显示:总体采石层系上白垩统塘上组(K2t)第6层灰白色含玻屑熔结凝灰岩;岩体质量指标Q值计算结果为53(I级)。按现代地下洞室设计理念, 其长期稳定最大跨度应不大于50 m, 但实际上5号洞最大跨度达81 m, 可望成为地下人工岩石单洞跨度之最。现场调查发现, 古人在蟹山山脚残留多处地质探洞。古代工匠在洞室开挖过程中遇到断层破碎带时, 采用了近垂直、小断面、高台阶穿越技术方法, 有效保证了不良地质体中无支护开采的安全性和长期稳定性, 这对现代地下工程具有借鉴和工程类比意义。  相似文献   

岩溶地质碳汇的稳定性——以贵州草海地质碳汇为例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张强 《地球学报》2012,33(6):947-952
近几年来对岩溶碳汇的争论越来越多,其关键问题是岩溶作用产生的重碳酸根是否稳定.本文以贵州草海流域为研究区,基于前人研究基础,以碳同位素模型计算出岩溶作用产生的DIC((Dissolved Inorganic Carbon溶解无机碳)中58.8%为草海中为水生植物利用,草海地质碳汇量达588.67 tC/a.以此推算长江中下游湖泊沉水植物每年固碳量370602 tC/a,长江中下游湖泊中仅沉水植物稳定的地质风化CO2汇量约为75万吨.从而证明岩溶碳汇的相对稳定性和岩溶动力系统新理论的合理性.  相似文献   

This article presents the cloud model-based approach for comprehensive stability evaluation of complicated rock slopes of hydroelectric stations in mountainous area. This approach is based on membership cloud models which can account for randomness and fuzziness in slope stability evaluation. The slope stability is affected by various factors and each of which is ranked into five grades. The ranking factors are sorted into four categories. The ranking system of slope stability is introduced and then the membership cloud models are applied to analyze each ranking factor for generating cloud memberships. Afterwards, the obtained cloud memberships are synthesized with the factor weights given by experts for comprehensive stability evaluation of rock slopes. The proposed approach is used for the stability evaluation of the left abutment slope in Jinping 1 Hydropower Station. It is shown that the cloud model-based strategy can well consider the effects of each ranking factor and therefore is feasible and reliable for comprehensive stability evaluation of rock slopes.  相似文献   

Roadway instability has always been a major concern in deep underground coal mines where the surrounding rock strata and coal seams are weak and the in situ stresses are high. Under the high overburden and tectonic stresses, roadways could collapse or experience excessive deformation, which not only endangers mining personnel but could also reduce the functionality of the roadway and halt production. This paper describes a case study on the stability of roadways in an underground coal mine in Shanxi Province, China. The mine was using a longwall method to extract coal at a depth of approximately 350 m. Both the coal seam and surrounding rock strata were extremely weak and vulnerable to weathering. Large roadway deformation and severe roadway instabilities had been experienced in the past, hence, an investigation of the roadway failure mechanism and new support designs were needed. This study started with an in situ stress measurement programme to determine the stress orientation and magnitude in the mine. It was found that the major horizontal stress was more than twice the vertical stress in the East–West direction, perpendicular to the gateroads of the longwall panel. The high horizontal stresses and low strength of coal and surrounding rock strata were the main causes of roadway instabilities. Detailed numerical modeling was conducted to evaluate the roadway stability and deformation under different roof support scenarios. Based on the modeling results, a new roadway support design was proposed, which included an optimal cable/bolt arrangement, full length grouting, and high pre-tensioning of bolts and cables. It was expected the new design could reduce the roadway deformation by 50 %. A field experiment using the new support design was carried out by the mine in a 100 m long roadway section. Detailed extensometry and stress monitorings were conducted in the experimental roadway section as well as sections using the old support design. The experimental section produced a much better roadway profile than the previous roadway sections. The monitoring data indicated that the roadway deformation in the experimental section was at least 40–50 % less than the previous sections. This case study demonstrated that through careful investigation and optimal support design, roadway stability in soft rock conditions can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

张颖 《探矿工程》2017,44(7):90-92,89
大前石岭隧道进口岩堆发育,覆盖层较厚,岩堆边坡表观上处于稳定状态,但在施工作业等人为作用以及外界环境扰动(如降雨、爆破等)作用下岩堆极易失稳。基于现状岩堆发育特征,分析隧道进口岩堆体失稳机理,从定性和定量的角度,给出现状和施工2种工况下隧道进口岩堆的稳定性评价,同时分析对路基、隧道等工程造成的危害,并给出处理措施建议,以保证隧道施工、线路运营的安全性,为工程建设中岩堆体诱发地质灾害的防治提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

张建江  杨胜元  裴永炜  赵国宣 《贵州地质》2007,24(4):298-301,305
通过"十五"期间贵州省人为因素引发的地质灾害及造成人员死亡和直接经济损失的统计分析,表明贵州省人为地质灾害十分严重。规范人类工程活动,保护国家和人民生命财产安全,加强人为地质灾害防治工作势在必行。  相似文献   

To investigate the formation mechanism and the stability of Wanjia middle school slope in Wenchuan Earthquake Area, the macroscopic geological characteristics and the failure process of the landslide are researched by engineering geology analysis method, limit equilibrium method, and finit element method. The results show that after the Wenchuan Earthquake, retaining walls, houses and other infrastructure on the foot of Wanjia middle school slope were severely destroyed, 10 cm wide tension fracture appeared at the trailing edge of the slope. Wanjia middle school slope is a type of medium-sized soil landslide. The area of the deformation body is about 19,314 m2, the total volume of the deformation body is about 23 × 104 m3. There may be two potential sliding surfaces in the unstable slope: shallow and deep landslide. The analysis results of the limit equilibrium method and the finite element method show that: under dead weight, dead weight + rainstorm, dead weight + earthquake conditions, the plastic zone occurs mainly at the middle part or the trailing edge of the slope, and it doesn’t fully cut through the deep landslide body, so the deep landslide is stable. However, under rainstorm or earthquake conditions, the plastic zone almost completely cut thorough the shallow landslide body, it shows that the shallow landslide is in the understable–basic stable state. It is found that the results of finite element method is concordant with the results of the limit equilibrium method (F s = 1.06–1.29, the shallow landslide is in the basic stable–stable state). The calculation results show that shallow landslides are likely to occur in Wanjia middle school slope during a rainstorm or an earthquake, so monitoring and control of the slope should be strengthened. The shallow landslide should be managed by some measures, such as anti slide pile retaining structures and drainage works, and the dangerous rock bodies on the slope surface should be cleaned up.  相似文献   

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