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数据密集型科研范式下的地学数据共享是地学研究的重要内容. 在分析地学数据特点、共享现状、现有问题以及区块链技术架构、基本原理、应用特点的基础上, 探讨区块链技术在地学数据共享领域中的应用场景, 以期地学机构能够借助区块链技术更好地管理数据资产、推动地学数据共享研究与应用.  相似文献   

结合地质工作特点,概述了计算机多媒体技术在地质科研、地质教育、成果汇报演示以及地质信息管理方面的应用成果,展示了多媒体技术在地学领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   

2019年以来,自然资源部全面推进普适型设备研发与地质灾害自动化监测预警工作,截至2023年6月,已在17个地质灾害重点防治省份的5.5万处隐患点推广应用,全国地质灾害风险预警系统也进入了快速发展阶段。目前,系统每日接收监测数据超千万,在海量数据存储管理、时序数据并行处理、大数据智能分析和多参数风险预警等方面取得积极进展。然而,系统在数据安全方面仍存在诸多挑战,尤其是在数据一致性、数据防篡改和系统可靠性等方面有较大提升空间。文章在系统研究区块链技术特点及其在相关领域典型应用的基础上,提出基于分布式账本技术和共识机制的“可信数据流”建立方法,依此形成“区块链+全国地质灾害风险预警系统”总体框架,同时建立了原型系统。实验数据显示改进系统可以解决省-部数据不一致问题,识别并阻止非法数据篡改,多节点故障情况下仍可保障系统稳定运行,系统总体性能损耗低于20%。研究成果可为区块链技术在各级地质灾害风险预警系统中的应用提供顶层设计思路与技术方法,对于提升全国地质灾害自动化监测网安全运行能力具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

非线性科学在地学领域的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地球是一个开放的复杂的非线性大系统,它依赖于与宇宙星体不断的物质和能量交换及内部的耗散过程来维持自身的运动状态和各种层次的时空结构。  相似文献   

人类已经叩响了区块链时代的大门,但在地质领域,区块链的应用几乎还处于空白的状态。哪怕是像深时数字地球(DDE)这样极具雄心的大科学项目,也没有意识到区块链技术有助于分散在科学家个人或实验室的“长尾数据”的有效收集和利用。地质科学信息是一个超大型共享数据库,需要许多人彼此信任去协作完成数据库的改写,区块链将是非常好的支撑技术。区块链基于其系统特性和智能合约提供有丰富交互接口,特别是其具有去中心化、不可篡改、隐私保护特性,为区块链技术在地质领域应用提供了重要的基础。地质勘查实物、资料、数据的溯源管理,面向更广泛科学共同体的长尾数据的收集,应该是区块链地质应用的重要突破口。地质通证使打造全球地质社区成为可能。  相似文献   

区块链技术作为一项前沿技术,具有去中心化、不易篡改、全程留痕、可追溯、集体维护、公开透明等特点,在科研项目的执行和管理中具有重要的潜在价值,可规范项目执行,提高项目成果的原创性,保障项目评审的公平性.将区块链技术与现行的地质调查项目管理融合可以推动项目的智能化管理.在全面梳理地质调查项目管理现状、不足和需求的基础上,以...  相似文献   

电子探针化学测年技术及其在地学中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
主要对电子探针化学测年技术的基本原理及其相关技术作一介绍。并以其在地学中的具体应用 ,如对独居石、锆石的化学测年 ,证明它是一种分析快速、测试容易的技术 ,与传统的同位素法测得的年龄具可比性。此项技术对矿石的来源、不同矿物的不同环带、不同世代的成分演化乃至时间演化均可进行分析 ,并可使年龄数据点与成分数据严格对应 ,而且测试所需的样品量少 ,可进行单颗粒的测定。因此 ,当某些岩体的被测矿物有捕虏体成因、岩浆成因、地幔成因等各种来源时 ,可分别求出某单一事件的年龄。另外 ,利用碎屑独居石的 w( Pb O) /w( Th O*2 )比值来确定碎屑岩的源岩是一种新的方法 ,并指出了其局限性  相似文献   

随着旅游业的发展,镇江市的旅游产业发展迅速,已迈入中国旅游城市行列,从地学旅游的角度,介绍了镇江的山景、水景、洞景、观赏石和地学人文学方面的景观资源,对镇江市地学旅游资源的开发利用和开发前景提出了和见解。  相似文献   

总结了地学理论存在的多种形式,这些理论具有局限性、不成熟性、易变性以及多学说共存等特征,并对其原因进行了探讨.在讨论了发现科学问题,创建科学理论的途径后,根据地学领域科学理论的特殊性,提出了创建地球科学新理论的一些思路.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(1):137-157
The development of metamorphic petrology to metamorphic geology in China has a long history. Ancient basement metamorphic rocks are distributed primarily in the North China Craton, the Yangtze Block and Tarim Craton. They are mainly made up of plutonic gneiss and metamorphosed supercrust rock, transformed to granulite facies through Archean Paleoproterozoic. Many of the Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks have undergone high-pressure granulite facies metamorphism with a clockwise metamorphic evolution path. The ultrahigh temperature (UHT) granulites from the Late Paleoproterozoic are found in North China Craton. Many high-precision chronological data have allowed preliminary construction of the formation and evolutionary framework of different metamorphic basements. Primarily there are low-temperature and high-pressure blue schist, high-temperature and high-pressure granulite and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogite facies metamorphic rocks in the Phanerozoic orogenic belt. The discovery of eclogite in the Sulu orogen and a large quantity of coesite in its country rocks show that there was a deep subduction of voluminous continental materials during the collision process between the Yangtze block and the North China Craton in the Early Mesozoic phase. From the studies of, for instance, organic matter vitrinite reflectance, illite crystallinity, illite (muscovite) polytype and illite (muscovite) b dimension, the Late Paleozoic strata in the eastern region of Inner Mongolia and the north-central region of NE China have only experienced diagenesis to an extremely low-grade metamorphism. The discovery of impact-metamorphosed rocks in Xiuyan area of Liaoning province has enriched the type and category of metamorphic rocks in China. The phase equilibrium method has been widely used in the study of metamorphism of middle and high-grade metamorphic rocks. On the basis of existing geologic surveys and monographic study results, different scholars have respectively compiled 1:1500000 Metamorphic Geological Map and Specifications of Qinghai Tibet Plateau and its Adjacent Areas, 1:2500000 Metamorphic Tectonic Map of China, and the 1:5000000 Metamorphic Geological Map and Specifications of China, among others repectively, which have systematically summarized the research results of metamorphic petrology and metamorphic geology in China.  相似文献   

Geologists need to write and publish, but completing a Ph.D. is not the same as taking a writing course for academic authors. Writing for publication is a core academic task; only when a discovery has been published does it enter the consciousness of geology. But a geologist must learn how to write by practice. Writing about Archaeology by Graham Connah examines the basics of academic authorship in terms that are broadly applicable to geology, too. Good authors in geology are made, not born. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王海霞  饶竹 《岩矿测试》1998,17(3):224-228
文章对目前有机地球化学领域常用的现代有机分析手段作了介绍,主要有:超临界流体萃取、固相微萃取、色谱、质谱、紫外吸收光谱及红外吸收光谱,概括了有机分析的一般程序,评述了有机分析在能源矿产、环境有机地球化学、海洋地球化学、地层年代学和古生物化学、古地温测定、实验室模拟研究中的应用及意义  相似文献   

张永双  孙璐  殷秀兰  孟晖 《中国地质》2017,44(5):901-912
环境地质研究是以人-地相互关系为核心、促进人类与地质环境协调共处的重大课题,受到国内外地质学界普遍关注。本文在简要回顾环境地质学科发展历程的基础上,较系统地总结了国内外环境地质研究的主要进展及存在的问题。结合我国当前生态文明建设和未来发展需求,提出环境地质研究是新时期地质工作的重要使命,未来发展方向和重点领域应涵盖城市地质研究、水资源可持续利用和管理、地质灾害监测与综合防治、生态环境系统保护、地球关键带相关问题研究等,强调学科交叉及新技术新方法的系统性研究,在合理开发利用资源和保护地质环境中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

自Hinton等使用基于卷积神经网络的深度学习模型赢得Image Net分类比赛以来,深度学习的研究席卷了各个行业。通过介绍深度学习的历史,探索国内地质行业中深度学习模型的使用情况,并介绍深度学习的基础概念(如神经元、神经网络、监督学习和无监督学习等)以及深度学习基础模型中的2个重要网络:深度信念网络(DBN)和卷积神经网络(CNN)。在此基础上,类比深度学习在医学等相关领域的应用,提出了深度学习在地质上的几点应用:利用深度学习在计算机视觉上表现出的强大能力,可以对遥感图像进行聚类、对岩石样品图像进行分类、对岩石薄片数据进行描述;利用深度学习对原始数据表现出的强大识别能力,处理地质异常数据,从而确定成矿靶区的可能位置;利用深度学习的特点,对地震前的声信号数据进行处理,从而判断出地震发生前的剩余时间。  相似文献   

Engineering geology, in 1996, worldwide, was experiencing considerable turmoil due to the uncertain nature of national economies and the general situation of inadequate funds to meet the demands of failing of the national infrastructures that serve citizens. Aside from the previously war-damaged cities of Western Europe, new public service systems of transportation and utilities elsewhere often lagged well behind growth.

It will be some time before international aid and civil engineering contracts are initiated for anything other than humanitarian and basic emergency aid work in these areas.

Many countries in the western hemisphere, eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and developing nations in particular are still in need of basic water and sewage services as well as repair and replacement of old existing systems. Continued partisan warfare in the Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia forecast the eventual need for redevelopment. Rumblings of broad-scale economic problems in Far-Eastern economies did little to make overseas contract opportunities in these areas very attractive.

Large consulting firms were challenged by an increasing number of individual and small practices who are prepared to operate on 1970's rates and prices for services and government and industry was taking advantage of that situation. More and more individuals were offering services in engineering geology and associated engineering fields and there was a sense of not having enough work to go around. Hence, price competition was again being promoted. Consequently in both Europe and the Americas, the variability of competence was enlarging and a significant amount of so-called ‘professional ’ work was lacking in overall quality. This was especially evident in ‘Environmental’ areas of work.

This begs the question: ‘Is not engineering geology, or any other aspect of applied geosciences, not environmental in nature and essence, fundamentally and in entirety?

Environmental restoration demands were still being made by governments, but the pressure to complete such work was being relaxed on account of economics. Our clients were asking for more service at lower fees. Clients were still largely unwilling to openly acknowledge that less money spent on competent engineering geologic consultation means that more risk should be accepted by the owner or operator of projects.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea, particularly its southeastern part, is discussed in the paper. Investigations of regional character as well as specialized studies in the area are reviewed. General historical works are mentioned briefly. Previous surveys since the 1950s are presented by the subject studied. The compilation of geological structure of the SE Baltic Sea bottom and adjacent land of Balticum (Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) is based on considerable amounts of summarized materials. The crystalline basement, sedimentary cover and Quaternary deposits are characterized in the comprehensive survey of geological structure. From a stratigraphical point of view, geological sequence of the platformal cover is comparatively complete: deposits of all geological systems (from the Archean to Cenozoic) are present in the Baltic Syneclise. Considering geotectonical cycles, the sedimentary cover of the syneclise is subdivided into four structural complexes. The thickness and distribution of Quaternary deposits are closely related to the recent bottom relief of the Baltic Sea that in turn is inherited from the Pre-Quaternary surface. Buried palaeo-valleys are characteristic of the Pre-Quaternary surface in the Baltic region and the Baltic Sea bottom. The Quaternary is characterized by layers of various geneses and by sharp changes of their thicknesses.  相似文献   

Geological structures such as folds, faults, and discontinuities play a critical role in the stability and behaviour of both natural and engineered rock slopes. Although engineering geologists have long recognised the importance of structural geology in slopes, it remains a significant challenge to integrate structural geological mapping and theory into all stages of engineering projects. We emphasise the importance of structural geology to slope stability assessments, reviewing how structures control slope failure mechanisms, how engineering geologists measure structures and include them in slope stability analyses, and how numerical simulations of slopes incorporate geological structures and processes.  相似文献   

区域工程地质,环境工程地质论文综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本次大会收入本专题论文70篇,约占大会论文1/3,反映了当今工程地质学的一个非常重要的研究主题。可将之分为下面几个方面进行讨论:地质灾害研究(29篇),区域地壳稳定性评价与地震工程地质(22篇),城市与区域环境地质研究及质量评价(16篇),近海区域工程地质调查和环境地质编图(3篇)。本文对该专题的发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

通过对经济建设、资源勘探、环境保护和地学发展的需求分析,提出了进行精细地质研究的必要性,诠释了精细地质的概念及其技术体系。认为精细地质是以先进的技术方法和高灵敏度的测量仪器,对地质体进行精确细致的研究,形成先进、精确、实用的成果,达到提高地学科研与调查水平,高效服务经济建设的目的。精细地质的技术体系包括遥感、物探、化探、钻探、同位素测年、空间定位技术、计算机技术等,通过空中地表地下全方位立体化的综合调查,完成对研究对象的精细研究。通过物探、遥感、同位素测年、化探等核心技术在国内外精细地质研究中的发展应用状况分析,以遥感技术为例,阐述了进行精细地质调查研究的可能性,展望了精细地质在矿产资源勘探、地学研究、环境保护、国防建设、地质灾害调查等领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

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