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By reasearch on geographic distribution, nine genera in bipolar distribution are selected from Permian brachiopods. These taxa originated from middle-high latitude areas in the boreal realm, of which five genera were derived from Late Carboniferous, and other four genera originated from Permian. They were all in bipolar distribution during some different stages in Permian. Specific diversity for each genus was high in the boreal realm, whereas in the Gondwana realm was very low. Perdurability was long in the boreal realm, and short in the Gondwana realm. It was the time when these nine genera came to their maximum diversity that these genera appeared in the Gondwana and formed bipolar distribution; while they also migrated to the low latitude from high latitude. This shows very close relationship between several main cooling events in Permian and the migration of genera from the boreal realm to the Gondwana reahn through the Tethys. Therefore, the cooling events might be the main drive which caused these cold-water-type brachiopods migrated to the Gondwana realm and being bipolar distribution. In this process, the planula tolerance to warm water would be another important factor.  相似文献   

临清坳陷中二叠世古地理恢复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
临清坳陷是一个中-新生代的断陷盆地,多期断层活动、多套生储盖组合、多种圈闭类型的地质条件,决定了临清坳陷可形成多类型的油气藏,具有良好的油气勘探前景。以临清坳陷中二叠世沉积地层为主要研究对象,观察钻井取心,详细分析测井标志,建立等时地层格架,基于等时地层格架进行古地理的恢复。研究表明,研究区共划分为2个层序,层序1为河控浅水三角洲环境,层序2过渡为内陆河流环境,对该区的勘探工作及勘探实践具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

通过对唐口二叠纪孢粉组合的分析研究,建立了该区二叠纪3个孢粉组合带,①Densosporites(套环孢)-Crassispora(厚环孢)组合;②Gulisporites(匙唇三缝孢)-Sinulatisporites(曲环三缝孢)组合;③Anticapipollis(逆沟粉)-Macrotorispora(大一头沉孢)组合。这3个组合带分别反映太原组、山西组、下石盒子组及上石盒子组的孢粉组合面貌,其地质时代分属于早二叠世、中二叠世,晚二叠世早期。  相似文献   

Through a sampling analysis of trace elements and REE in the section of Middle Permian Zhesi For- mation in Solon area of Inner Mongolia, it is found that the overall sandstone and mudstone samples are charac- terized by LREE-enrichment. By analysis of the discriminant index of the sedimentary environment, the tectonic setting of Zhesi Formation is determined to be a continental island arc environment. Meanwhile, according to the sedimentary structure and lithology combination, Zhesi Formation is divided into the neritic-bathyal reten- tion-reduction environment as well as the delta front and prodelta sedimentary systems.  相似文献   

Through a sampling analysis of trace elements and REE in the section of Middle Permian Zhesi For- mation in Solon area of Inner Mongolia,it is found that the overall sandstone and mudstone samples are charac- terized by LREE-enrichment. By analysis of the discriminant index of the sedimentary environment,the tectonic setting of Zhesi Formation is determined to be a continental island arc environment. Meanwhile,according to the sedimentary structure and lithology combination,Zhesi Formation is divided into the neritic-bathyal reten- tion-reduction environment as well as the delta front and prodelta sedimentary systems.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of drilling, logging and field profile data, six sequence boundaries in Permian are identified in Bachu and azhong regions of Tarim Basin. All sequence boundaries are of type Ⅰ sequ...  相似文献   

基于层序地层研究,区内聚煤作用主要发育于三级层序SQ1,SQ3,SQ4海侵体系域中,发育"根土岩—煤—粉砂岩/泥质粉砂岩/粉砂质泥岩/石灰岩"序列。海侵作用早中期,较高的泥炭堆积速率与可容纳空间增加速率相平衡,沉积了区域稳定分布的厚煤层6,14和29号煤层,最大海泛面附近的煤层较薄甚至不发育。  相似文献   

综合运用有机岩石学、岩石热解分析及有机地球化学等方法,以井下暗色泥岩的分析资料为主,结合地表剖面暗色泥岩样品分析数据,研究和分析了鄂尔多斯西缘惠安堡—马家滩地区二叠系煤系烃源岩的有机质生烃特征、煤系烃源岩的沉积环境。研究表明:太原组、山西组煤系暗色泥岩为二叠系主要的烃源岩层系;有机质类型以Ⅲ型为主。二叠系煤系烃源岩已不同程度进入成熟—高成熟—过成熟阶段。  相似文献   

The orogenic belt locates between the North China plate and Siberia plate. The Permian palaeobiogeography and tectonic palaeogeography changed quickly and clearly. The line from Changchun to Yanji is an important palaeobiogeographic provincing line, which may be the collission suture belt of the North China plate and north middle massifs. The orogenic belt has been divided into 2 regions: the North middle massif region and the North Margin of North China plate, the pattern and evolution of Permian palaeobiogeography in the present area were discussed and the Permian biota mixture and its significants were analysed. Then, Based on the above, the Permian tectonic palaeogeography of the orogenic belt is reconstructed.  相似文献   

针对山东西部二叠纪奎山组厚层砂岩沉积环境尚存争议这一问题,该文通过在单县地区钻孔系统采样、磨片与室内电子探针测试微量元素等手段,对奎山组砂岩进行成因机制探讨。研究发现,奎山组砂岩其形成环境较复杂,不能简单用某个环境解释,其沉积时受到频繁的海侵海退影响,综合分析其应形成于滨海近岸带和三角洲环境。在此基础上,结合实验及沉积学等方法,分析了海水对奎山组砂岩影响变化,将奎山组砂岩划分出4个沉积旋回,建立了成因模式。  相似文献   

Based on the anatomical study of leaf cuticles of Cordaites from the Lower Permian Shanxi Formation in Baode of Shanxi,the author analysed the epidermal characters of Cordaites in this area.On the base of the abundant compressions and laboratory studies,the author complemented some new data of the cuticular characters of the species Cordaites baodeensis Sun for its study of taxonomy.Meanwhile,the author newly discovered a number of sporopollen fossils associated with the mega-plants of Cordaitales,described...  相似文献   

Based on the anatomical study of leaf cuticles of Cordaites from the Lower Permian Shanxi Formation in Baode of Shanxi, the author analysed the epidermal characters of Cordaites in this area. On the base of the abundant compressions and laboratory studies, the author complemented some new data of the cuticular characters of the species Cordaites baodeensis Sun for its study of taxonomy. Meanwhile, the author newly discovered a number of sporopollen fossils associated with the mega-plants of Cordaitales, described 9 species of 6 genera. The palynological data can provide a supp lement evidence for defining the age of C. baodeensis and its associated plants to be Early Permian.  相似文献   

报道了佳木斯地块东部锦山花岗杂岩体的锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb定年结果、全岩地球化学和锆石Hf同位素特征,确定了花岗质岩石的形成时代、源区性质及其地球动力学背景,同时也为中亚造山带东段的构造演化提供重要线索。花岗岩的锆石主要呈自形—半自形晶,发育显著的震荡生长环带,w(Th)/w(U)值在0.12~1.20之间,显示其典型的岩浆成因。测年结果表明这些花岗质岩石形成于早—中二叠世(260~278 Ma)。地球化学特征显示:花岗质岩石w(SiO2)值为66.75%~70.10%,w(Na2O)值为4.40%~5.23%,w(K2O)值为0.77%~2.80%,w(K2O)/w(Na2O)值为0.18~0.61,A/CNK值为0.97~1.14;这些岩石富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba和K),相对亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、P、Zr、Ti和Hf)。锆石原位Hf同位素分析显示,花岗岩的εHf(t)值介于-0.8~7.7之间,两阶段Hf模式年龄介于953~1 578Ma之间。该区花岗质岩石属于偏铝质—弱过铝质的低钾—中钾钙碱性I型花岗岩,原始岩浆起源于中—新元古代增生的下地壳物质的部分熔融。结合区域研究资料,研究区内早—中二叠世花岗岩就位于活动大陆边缘环境,其形成可能与佳木斯地块东侧古大洋板块的西向俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   

通过大量野外观察、分析测试和综合研究,结合覆盖全区不同比例尺的区域地质调查资料,对柴达木盆地及其邻区早—中二叠世构造岩相古地理格局进行了研究,并探讨了其形成机制.结果表明:柴达木盆地及其邻区中、北部早—中二叠世为陆内盆山裂谷系统,主体处于伸展构造背景,总体表现为堑垒相间的构造古地理格局;南部为巴颜喀拉洋盆,早—中二叠世是巴颜喀拉洋盆扩张最为剧烈且规模最大的时期,巴颜喀拉洋盆中洋岛、海山遍布;早—中二叠世晚期强烈的华力西构造运动使古板块间的相对运动加剧,巴颜喀拉洋盆大洋岩石圈板块向北强烈俯冲,形成东昆仑陆缘岩浆弧及其南部增生带,东昆仑陆缘岩浆弧岩浆活动十分强烈,宗务隆山—西秦岭陆源裂谷盆地进一步发育,形成十分复杂的构造岩相古地理格局.早—中二叠世是研究区地球动力学机制从强烈扩张到强烈汇聚的转折时期,加强其构造岩相古地理研究对建立该区地层序列、探讨其地质演化历史以及指导找矿等均具有重要意义.  相似文献   

详细描述了西藏自治区改则县拉清乡汤模长二叠系剖面,自下而上划分为拉嘎组、昂杰组和下拉组。讨论了二叠系昂杰组和下拉组的岩性组合特征和沉积环境,其中昂杰组横向延伸不稳定向西相变尖灭。依据化石分布及组合特征,建立了Neoschwagerina-Chusenella conicocylindrica蜓组合带、Pachyphloia ovata-Eotuberitina reitlingerae非蜓有孔虫组合带、Lytvolasma asymetricum-Bradyphyllum caninoidia珊瑚组合带和Akagophyllum coqenense-Amplexocarinia muralis珊瑚组合带。昂杰组为早二叠世,下拉组下部为中二叠世栖霞期,而下拉组上部为中二叠世茅口期,并以暖水型气候环境为主。在昂杰组—下拉组中发现了珊瑚的2个新种和1个新亚种,并进行了描述。新种名称分别为Lophotabularia longiseptata sp.nov.和Iranophyllum longiseptatum sp.nov.,新亚种名称为Cyathocarinia tuberculata multiseptata sub sp.nov.。  相似文献   

Lower Permian formations within the Buqingshan Mountains (A'nyemaqen ophiolitic zone, eastern sector of the eastern Kunlun) were formed in the following paleogeodynamic environments (from north to south): ( 1 ) shelf and slope of a passive continental margin in a marginal sea; (2) partially Permian metamorphic rocks of subduction-accretion complexes and volcanogenic rocks of an ensimatic island arc, of the age limited from above by the Asselian - Sakmarian;and (3) an island arc slope and oceanic trench. Subduction-accretion complexes and the island arc volcanites are overlain with a sharp angular unconformity by a carbonate-conglomerate sequence, which presents as local molasse of the Early Permian age. Based on fusulinids from the basal limestone, the age of the local molasse is first defined as the Yakhtashian-Bolorian, i.e. Artinskian-Kungurian (?). The thorough investigations revealed that the initial closure of the eastern Paleotethys within the eastern Kunlun corresponded to the Sakmarian-Yakhtashian (Artinskian) boundary, whereas in the western Paleotethys sector (Northern Pamirs) the closure occurred considerably earlier, prior to the Late Bashkirian.Thus, the idea that the Paleotethys in the eastern Kunlun reached its maximum width in the Permian, is highly questionable.During the Early Permian the A'nyemaqen branch of the Paleotethys intensely decreased. Beginning from the Bolorian (Kungurian) and up to the end of the Permian this branch represented its relict in the form ora marginal sea depression. It may be suggested that the Paleotethys closure in the A'nyemaqen took place gradually from the west to the east and covered a long period from the Late Carboniferous to the terminal Early Permian.  相似文献   

Lower Permian formations within the Buqingshan Mountains (A'nyemaqen ophiolitic zone, eastern sector of the eastern Kunlun) were formed in the following paleogeodynamic environments (from north to south): (1) shelf and slope of a passive continental margin in a marginal sea; (2) partially Permian metamorphic rocks of subduclion-accretion complexes and volcanogenic rocks of an ensimatic island arc, of the age limited from above by the Asselian - Sakmarian; and (3 ) an island arc slope and oceanic trench. Subduction-accretion complexes and the island arc volcanites are overlain with a sharp angular unconformity by a carbonate-conglomerate sequence, which presents as local molasse of the Early Permian age. Based on fusulinids from the basal limestone, the age of the local molasse is first defined as the Yakhtashian-Bolorian, i.e. Artinskian-Kungurian (?). The thorough investigations revealed that the initial closure of the eastern Paleotethys within the eastern Kunlun corresponded to the Sakmarian-Yakhtashian (Artinskian) boundary, whereas in the western Paleotethys sector (Northern Pamirs) the closure occurred considerably earlier, prior to the Late Bashkirian. Thus, the idea that the Paleotethys in the eastern Kunlun reached its maximum width in the Permian, is highly questionable. During the Early Permian the A'nyemaqen branch of the Paleotethys intensely decreased. Beginning from the Bolorian (Kungurian) and up to the end of the Permian this branch represented its relict in the form of a marginal sea depression. It may be suggested that the Paleotethys closure in the A'nyemaqen took place gradually from the west to the east and covered a long period from the Late Carboniferous to the terminal Early Permian.  相似文献   

The paper, taking Songliao Plain for example, studied the concept, distribution law and formation mechanism of inland saline-alkaline wetland. The inland saline-alkaline wetland is distributed over the inland region of arid or semi-arid climate; it is the wet or slightly stagnant environment, forming saline-alkaline soil and salt vegetation and making the geogra phical environment fonming complex with an ecosystem of saline-alkaline wetland. The laws of zone nature and non-zone nature control the distribution of the inland saline-alkaline wetland that extensively spreads in north part of China and other countries. The inland saline-alkaline wetland is formed jointly by atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere including intellectual sphere. Under the special condition, the artificial activity is possibly the key function. In order to improve the human environment, it is a great duty confronting the whole world to rationally transform the inland saline-alkaline wetland. Therefore, we presented an anti-inland theory to promote the environment transformation. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KN95 — 02). Biography: SUN Guang-you(1940 — ), male, a native of Harbin, professor. His research interests include geography, wetland.  相似文献   

Urban heat environmental quality(UHEQ) is affected by the interacting of weather condition and underlying surface framework of urban area .In the last two decades,many researchers from domestic and overseas have studied many problems at the aspect of urban heat environment such as urban heat islands ,urban air temperature and their rela-tion with urban land cover,city population,air pollution etc,In the recent years,Hangzhou,acting as a center city of Zhejiang Province in China,its urbanization quantum and quantity have both changed greatly,in particular ,representing as business affairs building,resident real property and all kins of specialty market having arisen in built-up zone,Based on Landsat TM images data in 1991 and 1999,urban underlying surface temperature value and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were calculated using image interpreting and supervised classification technique by remote sensing software ERDAS image 8.4,The relation model between urban underlying surface temperature (UUST )and urban air temperature was setup according to the certain correlation patten .Reference to the relational standard of assessing human comfort and other meteorology data of Hangzhou City in summer,the spatial distribution characteristic and the spatial varia-tion degree of human comfort of heat environmental quality are estimated and mapped on a middle scale,that is ,in six districts of Hangzhou City .Then the paper reveals the main characteristic of spatial variation from 1991 to 1999.Lastly,the change mechanism is analyzed and discussed from the viewpoint of city planning,construction and environmental protec-tion.  相似文献   

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