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夏季亚洲季风区的水汽输送及其对中国降水的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
利用1948-2005年NCEP/NCAR逐日及月平均资料,研究了亚洲季风区水汽输送的气候特征及其与中国夏季降水的关系.结果表明:(1)亚洲夏季风区不论在纬向和经向输送上,都表现了其独特性.夏季亚洲季风区为强大的水汽汇,东亚大陆和印度季风区均有较强的水汽辐合中心.(2)大部分水汽集中在对流层中下层,主要来自印度季风区,而对于对流层中上层,则以西太平洋和中纬西风带的输送为主.(3)印度季风在5-7月纬向向东的输送加强,东亚季风在6-7月以经向向北的输送加强为主,7月达最强,8到9月季风减弱直至结束.亚洲季风区青藏高原南侧的南支西风对东亚的水汽输送有重要作用,表现为春季最强,中高纬和热带西风输送变化同步,在盛夏达到最大,7月热带西风输送的水汽占三支水汽总输送的80%左右,来自中高纬地区的水汽约占18%.(4)季风爆发后,大量水汽从南半球输送到亚洲季风区.水汽辐合增加最大在孟加拉湾、中南半岛和南海地区,中国大陆的水汽主要经南海北边界输入.(5)水汽输送的北进与雨带的北推相一致.水汽输送场的时空分析表明,EOF1和EOF2分别代表强弱季风年的水汽输送特征.EOF1反映了东亚季风区一致的异常向北输送,并且在1970年代末发生了明显减弱.它与华北降水相关密切,表明自1980年代以来东亚季风向北水汽输送的减弱是华北干旱的主要原因.EOF2的主要特征是从1980年代之后,来自东北和西南的异常水汽在长江流域辐合,导致长江流域降水增多.相关分析表明,东亚夏季风在年代际尺度上的变化对此起了重要作用.  相似文献   

针对夏季江淮地区降水的气候变化进行了文献综述和展望。首先回顾了中国大陆东部夏季降水进退研究情况,然后重点概述了中国大陆东部降水气候变化的研究成果、江淮梅雨气候变化和该地区夏季极端降水的研究成果、中国大陆中东部对流降水与层状降水的气候变化研究现状,随后对引起江淮地区夏季降水气候变化的影响机理研究做了回顾。文章最后指出未来要加强五个方面的研究,即江淮地区降水气候变化的综合机理研究、天气学研究、大气污染作用研究、云物理学研究和观测技术方法研究。  相似文献   

哈尔滨地区春夏季降水微结构特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
为了研究大气水资源本底分布特征,本文提供人工影响天气潜力和背景依据,采用PMS公司生产的GBPP-100型地面雨滴谱仪,取得哈尔滨地区1999年春夏季积雨云,积层混合云和层状云27次降水资料,分析了三类降水云雨滴微结构参量及其演变,并使用线性回归和逐步判别,对Г分布参量n0,λ和μ的线性关系进行统计计算,得出了一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

This work analyses the climatic information of 607 weather anomalies belonging to a large documentary sources heritage of the continental southern Italy during the period 1675–1868. The collected information, mainly originating in Samnium River Region (SRR), were codified to obtain quantitative indices representative of a preliminary reconstruction of the precipitation anomalies. Historical written records of weather conditions that affect agriculture and living conditions have been taken as a proxy for instrumental observations of the relative wetness and dryness. As a consequence a numerical index was established to characterize the rainfall regime and its evolution. So, for the first time a series of the precipitation anomalies in SRR–continental southern Italy during the second half of the Little Ice Age was generated, and subsequently jointed to the instrumental series (1869–2002). Afterwards, in order to identify possible climatic change situations from 1675 today Normalized Cumulative Anomalies (NCA)–serie's and Climograms were produced. This historical period offered a sufficient range of natural variability in climate and circulation together with their relationships. Wettest period were detected in the 19th century, while that driest in the 18th century. However, the Mediterranean climate appearing from our study is far more complex than can be captured by a simple classification. In this way, the final picture is one switching between significantly different climate modes becoming apparent on several space-time-scales during the Late Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

P. D. Tyson 《Climatic change》1991,18(2-3):241-258
A brief review of climatic changes over the last 800 000 years in southern Africa is presented. The greatest emphasis is placed on those changes occurring during the Holocene and the period of meteorological record. Twentieth-century rainfall variations and their spatial manifestations are examined, and scenarios of possible future conditions are presented.  相似文献   

2021年夏季中国气候异常特征及主要气象灾害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

利用1979-2013年夏季全球2.5°×2.5°逐日环流资料和中国气象站点降水观测资料,采用动力学因子(西南风)与热力学因子(Radiation Longwave covting,OLR)相结合定义了标准化的亚洲热带夏季风指数(Tropical Summer Monsoon Index,TSMI).结果 表明,该指数...  相似文献   

采用1960—2010年NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料,利用经验正交函数(EOF)展开方法等,分析了欧亚大陆夏季地表温度变化特征及其与大气环流的关系。结果表明:欧亚大陆夏季地表温度的均方差在高纬度地区大于在低纬度地区。欧亚大陆夏季地表温度最主要的特征是全区一致变化,除了青藏高原东侧为降温趋势外,其他地区为变暖趋势,其中40~65°N增温明显;其次,高纬度地区表现出"-+-"变化特征。西风环流指数的变化与地表温度的增温密切相关,而EU指数与中高纬度地区地表温度异常的分布类型密切相关。根据欧亚大陆夏季地表温度的气候特征和时空变化特征,确定了5个关键区。各关键区指数都有增温趋势,但是变化特征不同。不同关键区指数的异常所对应的环流形势异常均不相同,与不同关键区地表温度密切联系的环流因子也不相同。  相似文献   

本文对1961年以来巴中地区夏季高温、干旱的基本气候特征及其变化趋势做了详细分析,并利用NCEP月平均环流资料分析了旱涝成因,从500hPa环流、ENSO、高原积雪以及太阳黑子等因子入手,总结出了巴中地区夏季旱涝趋势预测的主要参考因子和预测方法.  相似文献   

巴中市夏季高温干旱气候特征及预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对1961年以来巴中地区夏季高温、干旱的基本气候特征及其变化趋势做了详细分析,并利用NCEP月平均环流资料分析了旱涝成因,从500hPa环流、ENSO、高原积雪以及太阳黑子等因子入手,总结出了巴中地区夏季旱涝趋势预测的主要参考因子和预测方法。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the interdecadal change in the relationship between southern China (SC) summer rainfall and tropical Indo-Pacific sea surface temperature (SST). It is found that the pattern of tropical Indo-Pacific SST anomalies associated with SC summer rainfall variability tends to be opposite between the 1950–1960s and the 1980-1990s. Above-normal SC rainfall corresponds to warmer SST in the tropical southeastern Indian Ocean (SEIO) and cooler SST in the equatorial central Pacific (ECP) during the 1950–1960s but opposite SST anomalies in these regions during the 1980–1990s. A pronounced difference is also found in anomalous atmospheric circulation linking SEIO SST and SC rainfall between the two periods. In the 1950–1960s, two anomalous vertical circulations are present between ascent over SEIO and ascent over SC, with a common branch of descent over the South China Sea that is accompanied by an anomalous low-level anticyclone. In the 1980–1990s, however, a single anomalous vertical circulation directly connects ascent over SC to descent over SEIO. The change in the rainfall–SST relationship is likely related to a change in the magnitude of SEIO SST forcing and a change in the atmospheric response to the SST forcing due to different mean states. A larger SEIO SST forcing coupled with a stronger and more extensive western North Pacific subtropical high in recent decades induce circulation anomalies reaching higher latitudes, influencing SC directly. Present analysis shows that the SEIO and ECP SST anomalies can contribute to SC summer rainfall variability both independently and in concert. In comparison, there are more cases of concerted contributions due to the co-variability between the Indian and Pacific Ocean SSTs.  相似文献   

80年代前期我国夏季降水的特点及其成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈兴芳  陈国珍 《气象》1987,13(4):12-16
80年代前期,我国东部地区夏季降水的主要特点是南北少、中间多。主要雨带基本上徘徊在江淮、汉江和渭水流域一带,少雨区在黄河以北和江南南部。分析发现,80年代前期西太平洋副高处于加强西伸、位置偏南的时期,中高纬度经向环流明显,有利于我国夏季降水的这种分布。分析还发现,这一时期西太平洋副高的加强西伸和位置偏南既有它自身的变化特点,也与太阳活动处于高值时期、赤道太平洋冷水区海温增暖及南方涛动指数持续偏低有关。  相似文献   

High-resolution regional climate change simulations have proven to offer an added value compared to available global climate model simulations. However, over many regions of the globe, long-term high-resolution climate change projections are rather sparse. We present a transient high-resolution climate change projection with the regional climate model with the regional climate model REMO over the southern African region, following the SRES A1B emission scenario. The simulation was conducted at 18?km grid spacing for the period from 1960 to 2100, making it to the longest available climate change projection at such a high resolution for the region. In the first part of the study, we focus on the impact of the model setup on the simulated rainfall over the southern African region. In the standard setup, we used the output of the global climate model ECHAM5/MPIOM directly to force REMO. This setup led to a very strong wet bias over the region. Changing it to the double-nesting setup significantly reduced this bias, but a substantial wet bias still persists. The remaining bias could partly be attributed to a warm bias in the SST forcing over the southern Atlantic Ocean. Thus, we applied an SST correction based on the anomaly approach to the data, which led to a further improvement of the rainfall simulation. As the SST bias in the southern Atlantic is a common feature of all global climate models assessed by the IPCC, we recommend the chosen model setup, including the SST correction, as general procedure for dynamical downscaling studies over the southern African region. In the second part, we present the projected spatial and temporal changes of temperature and precipitation, including several rainfall characteristics, over the southern African region. Herby we compare the projections of the high-resolution REMO simulation to those of the forcing regional and global models. We generally find that for temperature the magnitude of the projected changes of the regional model only slightly differs from the GCM projection; however, the spatial patterns are much better resolved in the RCM projections. For precipitation, REMO shows a more intense drying toward the end of the twenty-first century than it is simulated by the global model. This can have a major influence when investigating the impacts of future climate change on a regional or even local scale. In combination with the improved spatial patterns, the application of high-resolution climate change information could therefore improve the results of such applications.  相似文献   

万霞  徐桂荣  万蓉  王斌  任靖  罗成 《暴雨灾害》2020,61(5):442-450

利用青藏高原东侧甘孜站Ka波段云雷达2019年6—8月观测资料,对该地区非降水云垂直结构特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)甘孜非降水云中单层云的出现率为78.3%,高于两层云的出现率18.3%和多层云的出现率3.4%。分不同高度云来看,低云的出现率为46%,中云和高云各占27%,当云层数增加时,中云和高云的出现率增加。(2)云的出现率具有白天小、夜间大的日变化特征,云层数增多后,上层云出现率的日变化特征减弱;地形对云出现率的日变化有一定影响。(3)云底高和云顶高的垂直分布结构多为双峰形态,当出现三层云时,下层云的垂直结构为单峰形态。(4)甘孜云厚呈现出云压缩现象:单层云的平均云厚约为3.8 km;两层云的下层云平均云厚约为2.5 km,上层云平均云厚约为1.5 km;三层云的下层云平均云厚减小至约1.8 km,上层云平均云厚减小至约1.2 km,中层云平均云厚最小,约为1 km;云压缩现象随云层数增加而愈发明显。地基云雷达展示了局地云探测的优势,有益于高原云探测和研究。


利用1960—2016年夏季美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的月平均降水资料、南方涛动指数SOI以及Niňo3指数资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及英国哈德莱中心海表温度资料,通过相关分析和回归分析,研究了北半球夏季海洋性大陆区域(Maritime Continent,MC)降水与ENSO联系的年代际变化特征。结果表明:MC地区夏季平均降水与SOI指数的相关自1998年后明显减弱。造成这种现象的原因是:南方涛动指数SOI与海温相关系数在太平洋中部为负的大值中心,且1998年之后海温异常呈中部型。这种SSTA强迫造成1998年后大气视热源异常亦偏于赤道太平洋中部,这有利于通过Gill型响应,使菲律宾以东的对流层低层存在明显的反气旋性环流,辐散增强,从而造成赤道以北降水显著减少,抵消了MC区域内南部地区降水的增加,破坏了原有的SOI为正(负)时MC地区平均降水异常增加(减少)的关系。  相似文献   

Using the tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar (PR) observations combined with the surface rain gauge data during 1998–2006, the robust diurnal features of summer stratiform and convective precipitation over the southern contiguous China are revealed by exploring the diurnal variations of rain rate and precipitation profile. The precipitation over the southern contiguous China exhibits two distinguishing diurnal phases: late-night (2200–0600 LST) and late-afternoon (1400–2200 LST), dependent on the location, precipitation type and duration time. Generally, the maximum rain rate and the highest profile of stratiform precipitation occur in the late-afternoon (late-night) over the southeastern (southwestern) China, while most of the stratiform short-duration rain rate tends to present late-afternoon peaks over the southern China. For convective precipitation, the maximum rain rate and the highest profile occur in the late-afternoon over most of the southern contiguous China, while the convective long-duration rain rate exhibits late-night peaks over the southwestern China. Without regional dependence, the convective precipitation exhibits much larger amplitude of diurnal variations in both near surface rain rate and vertical extension compared with stratiform precipitation and the convective rain top rises most rapidly between noon and afternoon. However, there are two distinctive sub-regions. The diurnal phases of precipitation there are very weakly dependent on precipitation type and duration time. Over the eastern periphery of the Tibetan Plateau, the maximum rain rate and the highest profile of either convective or stratiform precipitation occur in the late-night. Over the southeastern coastal regions, both the near surface rain rate and rain top of convective and stratiform precipitation peak in the late-afternoon.  相似文献   

华东地区6-7月锋生的气候学特征及环流结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯俊  管兆勇 《气象学报》2013,71(1):1-22
利用中国华东地区212个站点2000-2010年6-7月逐日降水资料和NCEP/NACR再分析资料,运用运动学锋生函数公式,分析了华东地区6-7月锋生、锋面及其环流结构的气候学特征。结果表明,锋生函数值在华东区域呈现不均匀分布,且不同性质的运动学锋生具有不同的锋生强度和分布。其中,江淮地区是6-7月综合锋生最强的区域。根据风场在850 hPa强锋生带的切变及辐合情况,将6-7月的锋生类型分成4个大类,即暖切变型锋生、冷切变型锋生、西风辐合型锋生、东风辐合型锋生,其中,冷切变型锋生又分为两个亚类。不同类型的锋生个例数不同,江淮地区最多的是暖切变型锋生。不同锋面的水平结构与垂直结构存在显著差异,但对于强锋生过程,340 K假相当位温等值线与锋区平行且穿过锋区,其对判断强锋生过程和锋区位置具有指示意义。强锋生事件的出现有其大尺度环流背景,而不同类型的强锋生事件的环流背景差异较大:背景气旋或反气旋环流的中心位置、强度、辐散辐合场的分布、垂直环流结构等方面有不同程度的差异。降水与锋生强度紧密相关。锋生较强时,降水较多。暖切变型锋生日降水量最大,降水发生在锋区内部,与强锋生带走向一致;冷切变型次,两种类型的降水均发生在锋区的南侧,呈东北—西南走向;西风辐合再次之,降水发生在锋区内部偏南一侧。  相似文献   

采用车贝雪夫正交多项式分解方法展开重庆地区夏季降水场, 揭示了最近40年来重庆地区夏季降水时空分布特征.研究结果表明:大部分年份重庆各地夏季降水变化趋势一致; 近40年来重庆地区夏季降水80年代中期以前有增加趋势,而80年代后期至今则有减少趋势, 洪涝灾害主要集中发生在80年代,70年代干旱姓频繁,从80年代末期开始至今,重庆地区又进入了一个干旱的相对高发期.  相似文献   

The major features of the south-westerly low-level jet (LLJ) in the lower troposphere over Southeast China and its climatic impacts are investigated by using FNL reanalysis data and observational precipitation data. Results show that LLJ mainly occurs in spring and summer and the occurrence frequency of LLJ over southeast China has significant diurnal cycle, most LLJ occur in the nighttime (0200 LST and 0800 LST). The high nocturnal occurrence frequency of LLJ is mainly resulting from increased nocturnal ageostrophic wind. Research on the climatic impacts of large-scale conditions depicts that, the occurrence of LLJ in April mainly results from the northward shifting of western pacific subtropical high (WPSH), and the occurrence of LLJ in July results from the strengthening of detouring flow around Tibetan Plateau. Analysis of the climatic effects of LLJ on precipitation distribution in 3 rainy seasons over Southeast China indicates that the rainfall events with strong intensity correspond to strong LLJs. The LLJ affects the precipitation over Southeast China by transporting water vapor and triggering upward motion. Rainfall regions well corresponds to the regions of the moisture convergence and strong upward motion triggered by LLJ. Negative wind divergence anomalies at 850 hPa and positive wind divergence anomalies at 200 hPa over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley strengthen the upward motion over this region, which are conductive to produce more precipitation over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley.  相似文献   

基于1961-2012年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料和云南地区124个观测站月降水资料,利用相关分析法分析夏季南亚高压与云南地区降水的关系。结果表明:1961-2012年夏季滇西南地区降水与南亚高压主中心经度呈较显著负相关,滇南地区降水与南亚高压面积呈较显著负相关;6月滇西北和滇南地区降水与南亚高压脊线位置、高压主中心纬度呈显著正相关,滇西南地区降水与南亚高压主中心强度呈显著正相关,而与南亚高压主中心经度呈显著负相关,滇中地区降水与南亚高压主中心纬度呈显著正相关;7月滇西南、滇西北的西南部和滇西的北部地区降水与南亚高压脊线位置呈较显著正相关,滇西地区降水与南亚高压主中心强度呈较显著负相关,滇中和滇东地区降水与南亚高压主中心经度呈较显著负相关;8月滇西南、滇中、滇南和滇东地区降水与南亚高压面积呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

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