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伊豆海脊两侧顺时针流涡的若干观测证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对方国洪等(1995)有关“西北太平洋环流三维结构的计算结果中显示出当黑潮越过伊豆海脊时,由于海脊的阻塞作用,在伊豆海脊两侧出现两个顺时针流涡”的论文,提出若干观测和文献的证据,证实这两个流涡是存在的;还对这些流涡的机理作了初步的分析。  相似文献   

两个西边界流延伸体区域中尺度涡统计特征分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
黑潮和湾流是世界大洋中最典型的两支西边界流,黑潮延伸体(Kuroshio Extention,KE)和湾流延伸体(Gulf Stream Extention,GSE)区域中尺度涡活动十分活跃。本文综合利用卫星高度计资料和Argo浮标资料,对KE和GSE区域中尺度涡的表层特征及其对温盐影响进行了统计研究和对比分析。结果表明:黑潮和湾流主轴附近为涡旋频率的高值区,主轴南北两侧分别以气旋涡和反气旋涡数量占多,主轴附近的涡旋强度明显大于其他区域;两个区域的涡旋以西向移动为主,气旋涡和反气旋涡都具有向南(赤道)偏离的趋势;两个区域的涡旋数量都以夏、秋季较多,涡旋强度都在春、夏季较大,且GSE区域涡旋强度明显大于KE区域;气旋涡(反气旋涡)引起内部明显的温度负(正)异常,KE区域气旋涡(反气旋涡)内部呈"负-正"("正-负")上下层相反的盐度异常分布,GSE区域气旋涡(反气旋涡)在各层呈现较为一致的盐度负(正)异常;两个区域中尺度涡对温盐场的平均影响深度可达1 000×104 Pa以上。  相似文献   

基于日本“长风丸”调查船在2000年5个航次水文资料及同时期QuikSCAT风场资料,采用改进逆方法计算了东海黑潮的流速与流量等,获得了这5个航次期间的主要结果:(1)在东海海区风速1~2月比其他月份时大,风海流也最强.只在7月表层风海流为北向,加强了黑潮流速.(2)表层最低盐度值夏季时最小,1~2月时最大.这再次表明,夏季时长江冲淡水向东北方向扩散,冬季时基本上向南,其他季节在上述两者之间.(3)PN断面流速结构及其变化:黑潮流核在1~2,10和11月时有两个,在4和7月皆只有1个.黑潮主流核在1月位于计算点9,在4,7,10与11月都位于计算点8,即向陆架方向移动.(4)黑潮在TK断面出现多流核结构特性.11月主流核出现在TK断面中部,存在于水深大于1 200 m区域,其余月份主流核皆出现在TK断面北部,存在于深度400m以浅水层.(5)通过PN断面的净东北向流量在11月最大,为28.1×106m3/s,7月时其次,10月时最小,为24.6×106m3/s.通过PN断面的净东北向流量年平均值为26.4×106m3/s.(6)1~2,4,7与10月在PN断面以东都出现暖的、反气旋式涡,10月份时,反气旋式涡最强.只在11月时出现弱的、气旋式涡.黑潮以东反气旋涡加强时,黑潮流量似乎减小(例如10月);相反,当黑潮以东反气旋涡减弱(例如7月)或者代之出现气旋涡时(例如11月),黑潮流量似乎增大.10和11月在PN断面附近流态的比较,揭示了环流变化较大,这进一步表明,黑潮和其附近中尺度涡的相互作用是重要的.(7)通过TK断面的净东向流量,11月最大,7月其次,10与1~2月最小.通过TK断面净东向流量年平均值为21.9×106m3/s.(8)通过A断面的北向流量在1~2与4月较大,分别为3.5×106与3.1×106m3/s,7月最小.通过A断面的年平均北向流量约为2.7×106m3/s,这表明,在2000年1~2与4月通过对马暖流的流量最大,7月时最小.  相似文献   

Based on the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA) products,we study the mean properties and variations of the Southern Hemisphere subpolar gyres(SHSGs) in this paper.The results show that the gyre strengths in the SODA estimates are(55.9±9.8)×10~6m~3/s for the Weddell Gyre(WG),(37.0±6.4) ×10~6m~3/s for the Ross Gyre(RG),and(27.5±8.2)×10~6m~3/s for the Australian-Antarctic Gyre(AG),respectively.There exists distinct connectivity between the adjacent gyres and then forms an oceanic super gyre structure in the southern subpolar oceans.And the interior exchanges are about(8.0±3.2)×10~6m~3/s at around 70°E and(4.3±3.1)×10~6m~3/s at around 140°E.The most pronounced variation for all three SHSGs occurs on the seasonal time scale,with generally stronger(weaker)SHSGs during austral winter(summer).And the seasonal changes of the gyre structures show that the eastern boundary of the WG and AG extends considerably further east during winter and the interior exchange in the super gyre structure increases accordingly.The WG and RG also show significant semi-annual changes.The correlation analyses confirm that the variations of the gyre strengths are strongly correlated with the changes in the local wind forcing on the semi-annual and seasonal time scales.  相似文献   

自从人们对层流的圆柱绕流现象有了系列研究及清楚的认识后,人们逐渐把目光投向湍流的圆柱绕流,但相关研究主要关注于模拟湍流方法的数值格式和精度问题,而忽略了对高雷诺下圆柱绕流流场本身的认识及规律的总结。基于开源代码Open FOAM的大涡模拟方法以连续方程和Navier-Stokes方程为控制方程,选用Smargorinsky模式为亚格子应力模型,采用有限体积法和一次预测两次修正的PISO算法,对Re=3 900时三维圆柱绕流问题进行了数值模拟研究,并着重分析了其尾流特征和性质。数值计算结果表明:大涡模拟方法可以模拟出细致的流场结构,该雷诺数下的圆柱绕流具有很强的三维及湍流效应,在圆柱后方约一倍直径的范围内存在回流区域,在靠近圆柱壁面的尾流区域的速度剖面呈"U"型,远离壁面的速度剖面呈"V"型。瞬时速度剖面始终围绕着时均速度的周围脉动,且距离圆柱越远瞬时速度场的脉动范围越大。  相似文献   

本文基于观测数据和模式产品,探讨了南海西边界流(South China Sea western boundary current, SCSwbc)区域海洋涡旋的统计特征、涡致热输运并重点探讨了两类冬季环流形态及其风场分布对它们的影响。结果表明研究区域的涡旋气候态上存在旋转速度很强,半径较大,振幅略高于平均值的涡旋统计特征,其中气旋式涡旋(cyclonic eddy, CE)的占比约为56.8%。并且涡旋的生成和消亡主要发生在冬/春季,而涡旋的振幅、半径和旋转速度在夏/秋季发展到顶峰。年际时间尺度上,年平均经向风应力与反气旋式涡旋(anticyclonic eddy,AE)的振幅、半径、旋转速度和消亡均有较好的相关性,但与CE特征的相关性并不好。“O”型冬季环流模态下,风场和南海西边界流显著减弱,冬季环流在越南沿岸发生向东分支。涡旋在“O”模态下吸收平均流能量迅速发展,在越南沿岸东部地区产生了强的涡致热输运(eddy-induced heat transport, EHT)。同时,涡旋内部旋转速度减小且反气旋式涡旋个数减少;“U”型冬季环流模态下,情况则相反。  相似文献   

陶树豪  杜凌 《海洋学报》2021,43(7):100-113
随着北冰洋海冰快速减退,气–冰–海系统发生显著变化,波弗特流涡也发生显著变化。本文使用实测资料和海洋大气再分析数据,探讨北冰洋波弗特流涡的长期变化和大气动量输入对波弗特流涡变化的影响。波弗特流涡的长期变化可以分为3个典型时期(1980–1995年,1996–2007年,2008–2018年)。最近时期(2008–2018年),波弗特流涡平均流涡强度达到4.39×10–7,相较于第1个时期(1980–1995年),流涡强度增加近2倍,达到稳定的状态。波弗特流涡范围扩大,主体向西北移动;上层海洋斜压性增强。与此同时,上层海洋环流主模态已发生显著转变:1980–1995年,环流主模态为影响整个加拿大海盆的加拿大海盆模态;2008–2018年的主模态则转变为影响整个研究海域的太平洋扇区模态。最近时期,表征气–海之间动量输入的气–海应力显著增加,尤其是夏末秋初的8–10月,与冰–海应力几乎相当。增加的大气动量输入带来平均动能增加,埃克曼泵压效应增强,下盐跃层深度加深,增加的大气动量输入进而导致近年来波弗特流涡的显著增强。加拿大海盆南部是大气动量输入的关键区。  相似文献   

The topographic effect of the Izu Ridge on the horizontal distribution of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) south of Japan has been studied using observational data obtained by the Seisui-Maru of Mie University (Mie Univ. data) and those compiled by Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC data). Both data sets show that water of salinity less than 34.1 psu on potential density () surface of 26.8 is confined to the eastern side of the Izu Ridge, while water of salinity less than 34.2 psu is confined to the southern area over the Izu Ridge at a depth greater than 2000 m and to the southeastern area in the Shikoku Basin. It is also shown by T-S analysis of Mie Univ. data over the Izu Ridge that water of salinity less than 34.2 psu dominates south of 30°N, where the depth of the Izu Ridge is deeper than 2000 m and NPIW can intrude westward over the Izu Ridge. JODC data reveal that relatively large standard deviations of the salinity on surface of 26.7, 26.8 and 26.9 are detected along the mean current path of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension. Almost all of the standard deviations are less than 0.05 psu in other area with the NPIW, which shows that the time variation in the salinity can be neglected. This observational evidence shows that the topographic effect of the Izu Ridge on the horizontal distribution of the NPIW, which is formed east of 145°E by the mixing of the Kuroshio water and the Oyashio water, is prominent north of 30°N with a depth shallower than 2000 m.  相似文献   

本文按多年平均,强型大弯曲和弱型大弯曲三种情况,分别对黑潮大弯曲内(左)侧的温度锋作了探讨.主要结果:(1)日本以南海域黑潮流轴内侧存在着明显的呈带状分布的温度锋.当黑潮发生大弯曲时,温度锋也出现 U 字型弯曲.锋宽10~20n mile,强度0.1~0.2℃/n mile,锋长285~442n mile.该锋随黑潮流轴的摆动而产生变异,季节性差异明显.(2)强型大弯曲和弱型大弯曲期间,温度锋的位置明显不同:前者位置偏南、偏西;后者偏北、偏东.(3)温度锋大致位于50~500m 水层内.冬季,温度锋下沉,其余三季上浮.随着深度的增加,锋面有明显的向右(南)倾斜移动现象。  相似文献   

Conditions for the formation of large meander (LM) of the Kuroshio are inferred from observational data, mainly obtained in the 1990s. Propagation of the small meander of the Kuroshio from south of Kyushu to Cape Shiono-misaki is a prerequisite for LM formation, and three more conditions must be satisfied. (1) The cold eddy carried by small meander interacts with the cold eddy in Enshu-nada east of the cape. During and just after the propagation of small meander, (2) the Kuroshio axis in the Tokara Strait maintains the northern position and small curvature, and (3) current velocity of the Kuroshio is not quite small. If the first condition is not satisfied, the Kuroshio path changes little. If the first condition is satisfied, but the second or third one is not, the Kuroshio transforms to the offshore non-large-meander path, not the LM path. All three conditions must be satisfied to form the large meander. For continuance of the large meander, the Kuroshio must maintain the small curvature of current axis in the Tokara Strait and a medium or large range of velocity and transport. These conditions for formation and continuance may be necessary for the large meander to occur. Moreover, effects of bottom topography on position and structure of the Kuroshio are described. Due to topography, the Kuroshio changes horizontal curvature and vertical inclination of current axis in the Tokara Strait, and is confined into either of two passages over the Izu Ridge at mid-depth. The former contributes to the second condition for the LM formation.  相似文献   

The influences of mesoscale eddies on variations of the Kuroshio path south of Japan have been investigated using time series of the Kuroshio axis location and altimeter-derived sea surface height maps for a period of seven years from 1993 to 1999, when the Kuroshio followed its non-large meander path. It was found that both the cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies may interact with the Kuroshio and trigger short-term meanders of the Kuroshio path, although not all eddies that approached or collided with the Kuroshio formed meanders. An anticyclonic eddy that revolves clockwise in a region south of Shikoku and Cape Shionomisaki with a period of about 5–6 months was found to propagate westward along about 30°N and collide with the Kuroshio in the east of Kyushu or south of Shikoku. This collision sometimes triggers meanders which propagate over the whole region south of Japan. The eddy was advected downstream, generating a meander on the downstream side to the east of Cape Shionomisaki. After the eddy passed Cape Shionomisaki, it detached from the Kuroshio and started to move westward again. Sometimes the eddy merges with other anticyclonic eddies traveling from the east. Coalescence of cyclonic eddies, which are also generated in the Kuroshio Extension region and propagate westward in the Kuroshio recirculation region south of Japan, into the Kuroshio in the east of Kyushu, also triggers meanders which mainly propagate only in a region west of Cape Shionomisaki. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The coastal sea level propagating westward along the south coast of Japan and the impact of the disturbance on the generation of the Kuroshio small meander have been examined. The propagation occurs in sea level variations for periods shorter than 10 days and is remarkable for periods of 4–6 days. Characteristics of the 4–6 day component have been studied using the extended empirical orthogonal function (EEOF). The first and second modes of EEOF are almost in-phase throughout the south coast of Japan. The higher four modes of EEOF are significantly excited when the Kuroshio takes the non-large-meander path, and propagate westward with phase speeds of 2.8 m s−1 (third and fourth modes) and 1.6 m s−1 (fifth and sixth modes) in the Kuroshio region west of Mera in the Boso Peninsula. The analysis shows that more than 70% of the small meanders generate in two months after a significant propagating disturbance reaches south of Kyushu when the velocity of the Kuroshio is high. This effect of coastal disturbance is examined by numerical experiments with a 2.5-layer model in which coastal disturbance is excited by vertical displacement of the upper interface. The result is that offshore displacement of the Kuroshio occurs southeast of Kyushu only in the case of significant upward displacement of the interface under the influence of a high Kuroshio velocity. The significant coastal disturbance, which is associated with upward displacement of the density interface, and a high Kuroshio velocity can therefore be important factors in generating small meanders.  相似文献   

分析比较两种不同结构的延绳钓渔具 1998年 2~ 9月期间在印度洋东部作业的生产效果。结果显示 ,钓具 A(平均放钓水深 90 .8m)与钓具 B(平均放钓水深 72 .7m)相比 ,钓捕效果差异显著 ,在渔获尾数、渔获重量、上钓率三个指标上 ,A钓具分别高于后者 2 9.52 %、30 .2 1%和9.80 %。提出了符合印度洋生产需要的钓具优化设计方案。  相似文献   

在0307号台风“伊布都”(Imbudo)袭击华南沿海前后,对相距约300km的高栏岛飞沙湾(位于气旋前进方向右侧)和水东港下大海(位于气旋前进方向左侧)的固定海滩剖面地形及滩面沉积物进行了对比调查。调查结果表明,右侧海滩地形受台风暴浪冲击发生剧烈变化:后滨陆侧堆积,后滨向海侧及前滨滩面侵蚀(单宽侵蚀量达55m^3/m,平均海面(MSL)位置蚀退13m,岸线位置蚀退5m),以致剖面类型由滩肩式断面向沙坝式断面转变,表现出了海滩对台风做出快速响应;而左侧海滩剖面地形基本保持原状,虽也略呈侵蚀,但冲淤变化不大,表现为对台风做出迟缓响应。同时,从动力、滨海输沙、滩面沉积物变化和海岸地貌等方面对两侧海滩明显差异的风暴效应的机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在过去的三十多年中 ,代数 Riccati方程的数值求解一直是数值代数界和控制论界关注的重要课题。作者简要评述几种用于求解代数 Riccati方程的有代表性的数值方法。  相似文献   

海上溢油粒子追踪预测模型中的两种数值方法比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在海上溢油粒子追踪预测模型中,关键的是对拉格朗日微分方程的求解。本文首先通过数值实验比较了欧拉法和龙格-库塔法求解拉格朗日溢油轨迹微分方程的优劣,然后将其应用到2005年4月3日发生在大连附近的“ARTEAGA”油轮溢油事故的油膜粒子追踪模型中。数值实验和应用结果表明,在近岸不均匀流场下,用龙格-库塔方法解拉格朗日油粒子微分方程比用欧拉法求解精度高,用龙格-库塔方法模拟“ARTEAGA”油轮轨迹及其扩散范围与实际观测更为接近,而用欧拉法模拟溢油扩散的面积偏大。  相似文献   

To design the deep-sea mining robot, it is essential to analyze the tribological characteristics of its roller. In this study, we introduced the dynamic simulation model to analyze the tribological characteristics of the roller for deep-sea mining robot, considering the temperature, viscosity, viscous damping force, and gap size between the inner and outer rib seals. Effective viscosity changes with gap size in micro/nanoscale while the effective viscosity is equal to the kinematic viscosity in macroscale. For the stable operation of the roller, the effective viscosity must be less than the critical viscosity. As the gap size decreases, the effective viscosity increases while the critical viscosity decreases. This study shows that the gap size between the inner and outer rib seals of roller is the most dominant factor in designing the roller for deep-sea mining robot to use at relatively low temperatures that are found in the deep-sea environments.  相似文献   

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