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随着中国城市化进程的快速推进,上海浦东郊区城市化进程日益加速,城市社会结构的变迁,社区管理模式多样化。在充分分析探讨浦东新区郊区社区特点的基础上,对川沙的历史沿革、社区发展变迁的动力机制等等进行了实证研究,并对川沙在社区建设目标、社区建设管理模式、社区现存撤资问题等等几个方面提出了建议,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Recent work on Asian ethnic minority immigrants to cities in the Anglophone Pacific Rim argues that their settlement patterns do not conform to those of earlier migrant streams. Instead of concentrating in high‐density, low‐quality, inner‐city housing, these new residents are moving directly to suburban areas where they form much less intensive concentrations—ethnoburbs—than has been typical of other culturally distinct migrant groups. We evaluate this thesis for Asian migrants in the Auckland metropolitan area, whose numbers more than quadrupled between 1991 and 2006. Their residential pattern is compared with that of Pacific Islanders also resident there, providing supporting evidence for the ethnoburb hypothesis.  相似文献   

《New Zealand geographer》1963,19(2):186-186

芜湖市郊土壤动物与土壤环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者在芜湖市郊七种主要土壤类型中进行了土壤动物调查,共获大、中小型土壤动物3604个,隶属于5门12纲26目32类。其中线虫类、螨类、弹尾类为优势类群;线蚓类、蚁类、蚯蚓类、鞘翅目幼虫为常见类群。结果表明:土壤动物的群落结构与土壤环境有密切关系;自然土壤中土壤动物的数量明显高于耕作土壤;土壤动物的丰富度与土壤有机质含量呈正相关:类群数与个体数随土壤深度的增加而递减。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):154-174
Today, many of us find ourselves housed within large tracts that are homogeneous in that the dwellings around them are similar to our own. On the other hand, heterogeneity in built environments is often an outcome of redevelopment. Because they are often done one-off, conversions and reconstruction can gradually reduce the homogeneity of an environment. Miron (1999) presented a method (termed “EA Circles”) of measuring the homogeneity of the residential built environment. This paper extends that analysis to show how, and explore why, homogeneity changed from 1986 to 1996. I present estimates that show a substantial increase in the incidence of homogeneous residential built environments in Canada during this period. These estimates show how the pace of redevelopment differed between the boom years of the late 1980s and the hesitant economic recovery in the first half of the 1990s. Furthermore, case studies are presented to illustrate how the EA Circle method helps to identify pathways of change in the residential built environment and to tie these to the business cycle. [Key words: homogeneity, built form, business cycle.]  相似文献   

随着社会可持续发展的观点被各国普遍所接受,社区发展又成了中外学术界的一个热门课题。本文阐述了社区发展的历史背景、内涵、原则和模式,探讨了社区地理学在社区发展研究中的作用。希望有益于社区发展和社区地理学的发展。  相似文献   

Aeropalynology,abranchofpalynologyspeciallydealingwithairbornesporopollencontentanditsvariations,iscloselyrelatedtomanydisciplineslikeplantgeography,bioclimatology,agronomy,andmedicalscienceforwhichalsoneeditsresearchresults.Numerousresearcheshavebeenca…  相似文献   

国外国家公园社区问题研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周边社区是建设国家公园过程中一个不可回避的方面。通过系统梳理和回顾国外相关研究文献,对国外国家公园社区问题的研究内容和研究方法进行归纳总结,把握目前国外国家公园社区问题的研究现状,为中国同主题的研究提供一定的理论借鉴。国外对国家公园社区问题的研究主要集中在国家公园对社区的影响、社区对国家公园的影响与认知、社区参与、社区利益分配、土地利用等方面;研究方法多以定量分析为主,多为实证研究。研究表明,对于国家公园的研究需在社区利益分配、社区土地利用、社区可持续发展、社区需求等方面进一步细化、加深。社区参与是未来国家公园可持续发展的重要手段之一,因此对其参与方式、利益分配机制、利益保护的研究将是重点。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. “Community” is a good warm word frequently invoked by citizens, social workers, and politicians. “Society,” by contrast, is more ambivalent, invoking something elitist and exclusive, as in the expression “high society.” The word “individual,” or “individualism,” often connoting selfishness and bracketed with society, is even more suspect in our time. I plead for a restoration of balance and esteem among the three terms as a necessary step toward acquiring a fuller understanding of the human condition and potential.  相似文献   

This paper argues for the incorporation of community environmental knowledge systems in modem land resource surveys. Such surveys, usually carried out by specialists from outside traditional communities, oftem do not incorporate the communities’ concepts and knowledge which modulate land use practices. They are therefore not helpful to the small farmers who are the primary land users. Recent studies have confirmed the viability of indigenous knowledge systems. In Swaziland, the farmers’ concepts of soil and slope unit systems have been validated and are found to be similar to the modem survey concepts of “soil series” and “land slope”. They have also employed other land attributes (such as animal life and vegetation elements) as indicators of land quality. The time has come when land resource surveys must take account of such indigenous knowledge systems so that the goals of improved land management and increased production may be achieved.  相似文献   

城郊观光农业发展研究—以昆明市呈贡县为例   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
城郊观光农业是在大中城市郊区这一特定地域上,以城郊农业为基础发展形成的一种新型的乡村旅游形式。它的产生和发展与城市化和城郊农业的迅速发展以及城市居民休闲旅游需求的高涨密切相关。城郊观光农业已出现多种类型,其发展必须因地制宜,在宏观和微观层次上进行合理布局。以昆明市呈贡县为例,对城郊观光农业的类型、布局等进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

云南思茅山区茶园土壤节肢动物群落结构与生境之关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对思茅山区6种类型生态茶园土壤节肢动物的类群和个体组成及水平,垂直分布进行了调查,并将其与生和人类活动影响的关系进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

Communities in the United States have provided limited recreational areas specifically for teenagers. The recent construction of skateboard parks is an exception. Although these facilities provide recreational opponunities for some skateboarders, they are usually accompanied by restrictions such as confining skateboarding to defined bounds, requiring protective clothing, and enacting restrictive skateboard ordinances. This case study examines community skateboard parks in three California communities. This examination reveals three main themes associated with these public facilities - motivation, design and management, and use. Community motivations include wanting both to provide teens with a place to go and to prohibit skateboarding in other areas. Skateboarders want a place to skateboard, but do not want to be restricted to one place. Considerations in design and management include location selection, liability and safety concerns, and design style. Use of these facilities is limited to those teens specifically interested in skateboarding. Consequently, community skateboard parks fulfill only to a limited degree the recreational needs of teenagers as a group. [Key words: adolescents, skateboard parks, design, recreation.]  相似文献   

Grandidierite, kornerupine, and tourmaline occur in high-grade pelitic gneisses from the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. The three minerals contact to each other and show a special order: Trn_1→Gdd→Trn_2→Krn→Trn_3, suggesting the occurrence of the assemblage is controlled by the temporal changes of the chemical potentials of B_2O_3 and H_2O. The discovery of the assemblage is a good constraint on the seting and composition feature of metamorphism in the area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Scattered throughout the city of Toronto are more than no community gardens, sites of place‐based politics connected to the community food‐security movement. The gardens, spaces where passions for plants and food are shared, reflect the city's shifting cultural landscape and represent an everyday activity that is imbued with multiple meanings. Toronto's community food‐security movement uses gardens as one strategy to regenerate the local food system and provide access to healthy, affordable food. Three garden case studies expand on the complexities of “food citizenship,” illustrating the importance of that concept to notions of food security. The gardens reveal the role gardeners play in transforming urban spaces, the complex network of organizations working cooperatively and in partnership to implement these projects, and the way in which social and cultural pluralism are shaping the urban landscape.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. New York City community gardens have been the subject of political contestation over the course of their thirty‐year existence. In 1999, 114 gardens were slated for public auction and redevelopment. This article examines the controversy over the garden auction as a politics of scale in which garden advocates successively raised the scope of the controversy beyond the scale of individual gardens, and ultimately beyond that of the city. Analysis of this land‐use conflict highlights the significance of politics of scale for grassroots organizations within a market‐centric, neoliberal economic framework.  相似文献   

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