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新疆罗布泊第四纪盐湖上升卤水流体及其成钾意义   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
野外调查发现,新疆罗布泊罗北凹地等干盐湖地表分布有众多的流体上升或上涌通道,其形状特征呈“垂直的孔洞”、“泥火山口”、“枣状小坑”及“粘附沙丘”等。研究认为,地下卤水流体过去和现在正是通过这些通道上升,至地表排泄或进入盐湖水体及沉积物中;这些地下流体主要源于深部地层水和大气循环水等;上升流体补给罗布泊的罗北凹地等次级盐湖,为钾盐成矿提供重要的物质基础,并导致钙芒硝的大量沉积,促进了盐类沉积物的成岩过程。同时,上升流体的补给还在罗布泊盐湖区近地表处产生了固体钾盐矿的沉积。  相似文献   

Located in the eastern part of the Tarim basin, Xinjiang, the Lop Nur was an ultimate water catchment area of the Tarim basin during the Quaternary. Through nearly ten years of investigation and research, the authors have found a superlarge brine potash deposit in the Luobei subbasitv—a secondary basin of the Lop Nur depression. The deposit has been mined now. On that basis, the authors propose new theories on the genesis of the potash rock deposit. In the tectonic and geomorphologic contexts, the Tarim basin lies in a “high mountain-deep basin” environment. At the beginning of the Quaternary, influenced by the neotectonic movement, the Lop Nur evolved into a “deep basin” in the Tarim basin. At the end of the middle Pleistocene, neotectonic migration began to take place in the interior of the Lop Nur and a new secondary deep basin—the Luobei subbasin—formed gradually. Despite its small area, it is actually the deepest subbasin in the Lop Nur depression, where brines of the Lop Nur Salt Lake gather and evaporate, thus providing materials for the formation of a superlarge brine potash rock deposit. With respect to the phenomenon of brine concentration and change with deepening of the lake, the authors propose a model of “high mountain-deep basin” tectonic migration for potash concentration. In the sedimentological context, the honeycomb-shaped voids developed in glauberite rock in the subbasin are good space for potash-rich brine accumulation. Study indicates that the deposition of glauberite requires recharge of calcium-rich water.In the Tarim area the calcium-rich water might come from deep formation water or oilfield water, and the river water recharging the Lop Nur Salt Lake was rich in sulfate radicals and other components; in addition, the climate in the area was very dry and the brine evaporated steadily, thus resulting in deposition of substantial amount of glauberite, potash accumulation in intercrystal brine and final formation of the potash deposit. Generally, potash formation in a salt lake undergoes a three-stage process of “carbonates→sulfates (gypsum and glauberite)→chlorides (halite etc.)”, but in the study area there only occurred a two-stage process of “carbonates→sulfates (gypsum and glauberite)”. The authors call this new geological phenomenon the “two-stage potash formation” model. In conclusion, the superlarge Lop Nur potash deposit is the result of combined “high mountain-deep basin” tectonism and “two-stage potash formation”.  相似文献   

罗布泊杂卤石沉积特征及成因机理探讨   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
罗布泊是世界最大的盐湖之一。罗布泊第四纪地层中不仅蕴藏有超大型规模的卤水钾盐矿床,同时也沉淀了一定规模的固体钾盐矿,杂卤石是主要的固体钾矿物。罗布泊杂卤石主要分布于罗北凹地内部,分布区长轴走向与罗北凹地走向一致,面积约326km2;剖面上,杂卤石分布区呈不对称的扁透镜体状。杂卤石以杂卤石岩或含杂卤石钙芒硝岩等形式产出,杂卤石岩及含杂卤石岩呈薄层状分布,最多达12层,埋深10~38m,其KCl含量一般为3%~10%,最高达15.48%。研究表明,罗布泊杂卤石成因机制有2种:①盐湖(钙芒硝阶段)沉积期间,可能出现气候热波动事件,卤水化学体系演化到杂卤石相区,导致杂卤石结晶析出,主要形成方式为杂卤石交代钙芒硝,部分纯杂卤石岩可能直接从卤水中沉淀出来;②盐湖晚期或干盐湖阶段,石盐晶粒间卤水受地表水混合发生掺杂作用,导致杂卤石析出并沉积于石盐等晶粒间。罗布泊杂卤石等固体钾盐资源具有一定的成矿潜力,查明其成因和分布规律可为勘查评价罗布泊固体钾盐提供理论支持。  相似文献   

罗布泊第四纪卤水钾矿储层孔隙成因与储集机制研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
罗布泊第四纪盐层中储集丰富的卤水钾盐资源,储集层主要为钙芒硝岩。研究表明,其储卤孔隙可划分为:原生晶间孔隙、准原生晶间孔隙、次生孔隙;次生孔隙又分为溶蚀孔隙、交代孔隙和晶洞孔隙。本文主要通过类比分析,确定钙芒硝岩在浅埋藏期间,在其原生沉积孔隙基础上,发育准原生晶闸孔隙,即蜂窝状孔隙,并在其中储集了大量富钾卤水。研究揭示出钙芒硝岩孔隙的发育的与矿物的菱片-菱板状结构、点-面式接触的“杂乱分布”密切相关。由于钙芒硝岩具有相对较的在硬度,其中大多数孔隙在埋藏过程中得以保存,同时,钙芒硝岩在承压环境中受溶蚀作用还可产生晶沿孔隙,这两种孔隙均储集了大量的卤水钾资源。  相似文献   

正Objective Lop Nur is one of the world's largest Quaternary salt lakes and is currently a playa. In this lake, unique giant glauberite deposits occur, of which the intercrystalline pores host super-large liquid potash deposits. Recently, it has been thought that the potassium-rich brine was formed when the enormous quantity of glauberite deposited. To clarify this issue 14 C dating for brine is used to provide new evidence of chronology illustrating the relationship of potassium-rich brine with the host glauberite rock and improve our understanding of the formation mechanism of the brine in Lop Nur playa.  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖钾盐矿床分布规律及控制因素分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
罗布泊盐湖位于塔里木盆地东部,是世界最大第四纪干盐湖之一.自中更新世以来,罗布泊北部受到新构造运动影响,一方面,发生抬升活动;另一方面,产生地堑式断裂及次级盆地(凹地).调查发现罗布泊的次级凹地及断陷带内蕴藏有钾盐矿床,主要是卤水钾盐矿床;这些钾盐矿床(或成钾凹地)的分布具有方向性和一定等间距性.罗布泊卤水钾矿,除在罗北凹地外,在其外围的较小凹地内也有分布,表现为"卫星式"分布模式;而在地堑式断裂带延伸的范围区内也出现卤水,其分布表现为"含水墙"状模式.固体钾盐沉积于罗北凹地中心区及外围断陷带内,其形态与展布方向也受到地堑式断裂控制,其沉积模式有"浓缩中心式"和"构造洼地式"两种,前者钾盐沉积区面积均较大,钾矿面积占凹地面积近1/4,而后者沉积区面积很小,钾盐沉积基本分布于整个洼地内;固体钾盐分布区形态主要呈"条带状"模式.其长宽比值平均为3.58.除了构造应力作用外,罗布泊凹陷的几何形态、面积与补给来源方向等亦对罗布泊钾盐矿床的分布有一定影响作用.掌握罗布泊钾盐矿床的分布规律及控制因素,对于古代钾盐勘查具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

Quaternary Climate and Environment in the Lop Nur, Xinjiang   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Since the middle Early Pleistocene (1.20 Ma B.P.), the desert steppe climate and environment have predominated in the Lop Nur area, Xinjiang, characterized by warm humid epochs interrupted by dry cold intervals. The grain-size and magnetic susceptibility curves record 30 climatic oscillations, each with a ca. 40 ka cycle, in the area since 1.2 Ma B.P., which reflects the controlling effects exerted by the astronomic factor on the environment. The Quaternary sedimentary environment in the Lop Nur gradually changed from a fresh lake through a brackish lake to a saline lake, showing a spiral evolution, and finally it evolved into a playa.  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊旅游资源特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗布泊曾为中国第二大内陆湖泊,随着自然环境的变迁以及塔里木河上游筑坝截流,使罗布泊无水流补给于1972年彻底干涸,干涸的罗布泊在卫星影像图上呈现出清晰的耳状环形图案,被称为神秘"地球之耳".在罗布泊古湖周围分布有龙城、白龙堆、阿齐克谷地等雅丹地貌,面积达约3 00km2,是我国仅次于柴达木盆的第二大雅丹地貌分布区,由于其位于塔里木盆地东部的荒漠地带,人迹罕至,是世界最神秘的雅丹地貌.除丰富的地质遗迹景观外,在罗布泊还分布有楼兰古城遗址、米兰古城遗址、贵族墓等众多绚丽多彩的人文景观资源.这里原始古朴,是一块充满神秘色彩的地方,是未来旅游开发的热点地区之一.  相似文献   

罗布泊第四纪含盐系成岩作用特征研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
依据大量钻孔岩心与薄片的详细观察描述,对罗布泊罗北凹地第四纪含盐系盐层及储卤盐层的成岩作用变化进行深入研究。发现含盐系盐层内广泛出现各种成岩变化,主要是压榨作用、溶蚀作用、重结晶作用、交代作用、胶结作用及断裂构造作用等。它们对地层储集卤水能力产生巨大影响。这些成岩作用与晶间流体的活动有密切关系。同时引入“成岩作用相”的概念,探讨其在富钾卤水资源评价上的作用和意义。  相似文献   

罗布泊断陷带内形成富钾卤水机理研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
罗布泊干盐湖位于新疆塔里木盆地东部。1995年以来,在罗布泊发现了超大型规模钾盐矿床,钾盐资源主要赋存于罗北凹地等盐系地层中。近年来调查发现,在罗布泊分布有地堑式张性断陷带,不仅控制成钾凹地的形成,其本身也储集卤水,蕴藏有一定规模的卤水钾盐资源。地球物理(EH-4)测量显示,断陷带深达1 000 m处有卤水存在的信息;断陷带内钻孔卤水化学分析结果揭示,下部卤水比重高于上部,卤水中氯化钾含量也呈“下高上低”的态势,这与盐湖蒸发析盐序列不一致或正相反。文章认为,卤水垂向对流是导致卤水化学特征垂向分异的机理,即,在罗布泊盐湖演化过程中,断陷带内出现较小规模的洼地或盐湖,湖表水蒸发浓缩形成卤水,上部卤水比重不断增加,并沿张性断裂逐渐向下部或深部流动、渗透,形成了卤水的对流;由于罗布泊地堑式断陷带长达30~50 km,向下延长深度可达1 000 m,这些都说明罗布泊断陷带内可以形成和储集一定规模的富钾卤水,它们应该成为今后罗布泊盐湖钾盐资源扩大找矿的新空间。  相似文献   

第四纪时期,罗布泊盐湖独特的地理及气候环境形成了世界罕见的巨量钙芒硝沉积及其晶间富钾卤水的大规模聚集成矿。故此,罗布泊盐湖环境演化与钾盐矿床的成因一直备受国内外地质学家关注。罗北超大型卤水钾盐矿床从1995年发现至今已有20余年,其钾盐地质科学研究、勘查开发等均取得了重大进展,并已建成世界最大的硫酸钾肥生产基地。文章详细回顾、总结罗布泊超大型卤水钾矿发现以来的盐湖沉积演化、成钾条件、成钾理论研究及找矿勘查方面的重要成果,探索成矿理论创新与找矿突破的内在规律与联系。罗布泊钾盐成矿研究基本演变是:(1)基于盆地分隔、矿随盆移的概念,发展从"高山深盆"模式到"高山深盆-迁移成矿"模式,取得罗北凹地找矿突破;(2)基于巨量钙芒硝的发现,突破盐湖石盐阶段成钾的"三阶段"模式,提出"二阶段"模式,推动罗北及外围大规模勘查;(3)基于地堑式断陷带的发现,提出"含水墙"成藏模式,使找矿从"水平状"到"直立状"储藏模式转变,取得深部找矿突破等。总之,罗布泊盐湖成钾理论的每次创新认识,相应地带来找矿突破进展;继续深入加强盐湖钾盐矿床形成规律研究,可能还会带来钾盐成矿的新认识,开拓找矿方向。  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖"大耳朵"盐盘特征、成因及古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干盐湖蒸发岩沉积是干旱内陆封闭盆地的主要成盐模式,其地表盐壳沉积特征、蒸发盐类矿物具有明显的分带性.罗布泊干盐湖,保存了完整的"耳轮"型环状沉积模式和演化序列,在世界干盐湖中实属罕见.通过对罗布泊"大耳朵"干盐湖区多级环状亚沉积环境下发育的盐壳地貌、沉积结构、龟裂形态、矿物组成以及地下卤水的地表排泄情况进行地面调查和实...  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖位于新疆塔里木盆地东部,自古以来,一直引起国内外探险家的极大兴趣,近代开展探险考察,现代进入地质调查与科学研究阶段。自1995年在罗布泊罗北凹地发现超大型钾盐矿床以来,罗布泊盐湖地质科学研究与资源调查进入了一个新阶段。钾盐找矿取得重大进展,罗北凹地获得2.5亿吨卤水氯化钾资源/储量,达超大型规模;首次发现卤水钾矿床储藏于钙芒硝岩中,属一种新类型钾盐矿床,而且是一个优质整装的硫酸盐型钾盐矿床;继而,在罗北凹地外围又发现四个中型钾盐矿床,累计氯化钾资源量数千万吨。钾盐成矿理论方面,提出和完善了“高山深盆迁移论”,“两段式成钾论”和“含水墙成钾”模式等,这些成矿认识,指导了罗布泊盐湖钾盐大规模勘查和扩大找矿。钾盐开发方面,2000年,成立新疆罗布泊钾盐公司,先后完成中试,建成年产4万吨硫酸钾示范厂,2006年4月25日,国投新疆罗布泊钾盐有限责任公司120万吨钾肥项目开工。罗布泊钾盐的开发可望在我国西部欧亚大陆桥沿线建成第二个钾肥生产基地,对缓解我国钾盐紧缺状况,促进地方经济发展、保持社会稳定、巩固边防均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Potash deposits commonly accumulate in highly restricted settings at the final stage of brine evaporation. This does not mean that potash deposits are formed simply as a result of the evaporation concentration of seawater or lake water, but rather as a coupling result of particular provenance, tectonics and climate activities. In this paper, we focus on the formative mechanism of the potash deposits of Lop Nur depression in Tarim Basin to interpret the detailed coupling mechanism among provenance, tectonics and climate. In terms of the provenance of Lop Nur Lake, the water of the Tarim River which displays “potassium-rich” characteristics play an important role. In addition, the Pliocene and Lower-Middle Pleistocene clastic beds surrounding Lop Nur Lake host a certain amount of soluble potassium and thus serves as “source beds” for potash formation. During the late Pliocene, the Lop Nur region has declined and evolved into a great lake from the previous piedmont and diluvial fan area. Since the mid Pleistocene, the great-united Lop Nur Lake has been separated and has generated a chain system consisting of Taitema Lake, Big Ear Lake and Luobei Lake which has turned into the deepest sag in Lop Nur Lake. Dry climate in Lop Nur region has increased since the Pliocene, and became extreme at the late Pleistocene. The study implies that potash formation in Lop Nur Lake depends on the optimal combination of extreme components of provenance, tectonics and climate during a shorter-term period. The optimal patterns of three factors are generally characterized by the long-term accumulation and preliminary enrichment of potassium, the occurrence of the deepest sub-depression and the appearance of an extremely arid climate in Lop Nur region. These factors have been interacting synergistically since the forming of the saline lake and in the later stages strong “vapor extraction” caused by extremely arid climate is needed to trigger large scale mineralization of potash deposits.  相似文献   

K1孔位于罗布泊“耳轮”构造的北缘。磁性地层初步研究得知,在孔深61~62m处为界,以上为布容正向极性时(Br),以下为松山反向极性时(Ma)。在孔底97~100m处的正向极性偏移应属Cobb Mountains事件,对照S.C.Cande和D.V.Kenk修定的古地磁极性年表,氏地层的年代为1.2Ma,归属早更新世中期。中更新世地层厚50余米,晚更新世地层厚10m左右,全新世地层厚度小于5m。根  相似文献   

正The Lop Nor saline lake in the east Tarim basin,extends115 km from the south to the north,and 90 km from the east to the west,which covers an area of 10350 km2.It is the world’s largest dry saline lake,and is also so far the largest  相似文献   

1 Introduction The Lop Nur Salt Lake, located in the eastern part of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China, has become a playa in the Quaternary. It is under the jurisdiction of Ruoqiang County, Xinjiang, being ~450 km east of Korla City, the capital of the Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture (Fig. 1), and 300 km south of the seat of Shanshan County. The geographic coordinates are 90o00'–91o30' E and 39o40'– 41o20' N. Field survey and drilling since 1995 have revealed an occurren…  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖钾盐矿床形成的地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了罗布泊盐湖主要钾盐矿床富钾卤水的化学特性。采用元素地球化学技术、同位素地球化学技术,研究晶间卤水的起源、补给方向、富集机理等卤水演化过程,揭示出罗布泊盐湖晶间卤水主要起源于大气降水,盐分的富集以蒸发作用为主。开展罗布泊不同钾盐矿区的对比研究,探讨了卤水物质来源、卤水演化过程及阶段的差异。硫同位素确定了卤水硫酸盐和固体硫酸盐的同源性,且硫物质的演化以溶解、沉积作用为主。  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊地区凝结水试验   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用称重法,在高含盐量的罗布泊北部凹地首次进行了凝结水的野外监测,根据监测数据分析了罗布泊地区凝结水的生成规律.研究结果表明罗布泊存在凝结水;2005年7月、10月、12月3次监测时期里日均凝结水量分别为0.293,0.127,0.275 mm;凝结水来源于空气中的水气和深部土壤水分;发生的时间基本在晚上22∶00至次日凌晨8∶00;影响凝结水产生的主要因素为近地面大气温度与地表土壤温度差、空气相对湿度、冻结期等,土壤的高含盐量也有利于凝结水的生成.  相似文献   

罗布泊AK1孔沉积物地球化学组成与古气候   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
王永  赵振宏  林景星 《地球学报》2004,25(6):653-658
通过对罗布泊东部阿奇克谷地中部AK1孔沉积物中易溶盐组分及氧化物特征的研究,综合沉积序列及岩性变化特征,初步分析了罗布泊阿奇克谷地晚第三纪以来的沉积环境及古气候演化.结果表明,阿奇克谷地第三纪晚期即开始出现咸化湖泊沉积,易溶盐以SO42-、Cl-、Na+为主,各离子含量最高;第四纪以来沉积环境与古气候均有明显变化,早更新世气候以干冷为主,中更新世易溶盐组分中各离子浓度明显降低,以Cl-降低最显著,气候转为温湿;中更新世晚期气候湿润,湖相沉积范围扩大,为罗布泊湖的一次大发展期;晚更新世以来湖泊环境波动变化加快,气候向干旱化发展.表层易溶盐浓度显著增大,出现岩盐沉积,代表罗布泊出现极端干旱的气候环境.  相似文献   

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