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通过浮选实验、Zeta电位测量和红外光谱分析研究了油酸钠捕收剂体系中锂辉石的浮选行为和作用机理。浮选结果发现,当油酸钠用量为200 mg/L,pH=89时,锂辉石最大浮选回收率为27%;当加入的活化离子Fe3+浓度为35 mg/L时,浮选回收率高达90%,可见Fe3+活化效果显著。Zeta电位测量结果显示锂辉石的零电点约为pH=3.0,加入阴离子捕收剂油酸钠后锂辉石Zeta电位整体向负移,则两者之间存在非静电作用力。在最佳浮选pH值=89时,锂辉石最大浮选回收率为27%;当加入的活化离子Fe3+浓度为35 mg/L时,浮选回收率高达90%,可见Fe3+活化效果显著。Zeta电位测量结果显示锂辉石的零电点约为pH=3.0,加入阴离子捕收剂油酸钠后锂辉石Zeta电位整体向负移,则两者之间存在非静电作用力。在最佳浮选pH值=89时,锂辉石Zeta电位变化最显著,表明此时发生的吸附作用最大。结合红外光谱测试结果可得出结论:油酸钠在锂辉石表面吸附主要通过化学作用。  相似文献   

经查阅近年对锂辉石矿的勘查资料,较系统对比全省锂辉石成矿地质条件、成矿远景区划和区域矿产背景,结合市场对锂资源量的需求和全省锂资源的潜力分析,提出了近阶段锂辉石地质勘查工作部署的初步构想,有望在现有基础上实现四川查明锂资源量翻番,提高四川锂等稀有金属资源的安全保障程度。  相似文献   

党坝锂辉石矿床位于四川可尔因矿田的东南部,其Ⅵ号脉是矿区新发现的稀有金属伟晶岩脉,矿石研究程度低。为合理开发利用党坝锂辉石矿床锂资源并且为选矿工艺流程的制定提供理论依据,文章以党坝锂辉石矿床Ⅵ号脉锂辉石矿石为研究对象,采用显微镜下观察、电子探针(EPMA)、激光剥蚀等离子质谱(LA-ICP-MS)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、矿物自动定量分析系统(TIMA)和矿物解离分析仪(MLA)等测试手段,开展了详细的工艺矿物学研究。结果显示,矿石中Li2O含量为0.99%,锂辉石是主要的矿石矿物,脉石矿物主要为长石和石英,其次为云母。锂辉石晶体虽然粒度粗细不均,但是多集中在中粗粒范围内(320~1 280 μm),属于均匀较易解离矿石类型。矿石中锂主要赋存于锂辉石中,锂辉石中锂的配分比为97.80%,伴生有Nb、Be等有益组分且达到综合回收指标值。LA-ICP-MS实测锂辉石中Li2O的平均含量为6.88%,锂辉石单矿物电子探针结果显示锂辉石中含有FeO(0.45%~0.73%),且少量Fe、Mn等杂质充填在锂辉石的解理、裂隙中,会一定程度上限制锂辉石精矿品级。  相似文献   

某萤石矿中萤石与石英密切共生.采用磨矿-浮选工艺流程进行选矿试验,虽然所得萤石精矿w(CaF2)达98%以上,但精矿中杂质w(SiO2)>1%.采用阶段磨矿阶段浮选工艺流程,获得了w(CaF2)=98.07%,w(SiO2) =0.77%的优质萤石精矿;粗精矿再磨使萤石充分单体解离,有助于降低浮选精矿中二氧化硅.  相似文献   

南平花岗伟晶岩中锂辉石的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨岳清  倪云祥 《福建地质》1995,14(2):95-108
锂辉石是南平稀有金属花岗伟晶岩中的重要标型和造岩矿物。本文论述了它的产状、物理性质、化学成分、X光粉晶衍射资料、红外光谱和差热分析结果,较详讨论了锂辉石转变成腐锂辉石的过程,最后分析了锂辉石在伟晶岩中的形成条件。  相似文献   

试验采用磨擦-重介质-磁选-浮选联合工艺流程,优先抛尾,分段富集,分别获得了粗粒(≥0.5mm)和细粒(〈0.5mm)两种红柱石精矿产品,合格精矿的总产率为6.67%,总回收率为63.33%。其中-1+0.5mm级别精矿达到国家I级品标准要求,其余精矿达Ⅱ级品要求。  相似文献   

项目组以专题研究为引领,利用遥感解译和地质填图→优选靶区→化探定性→物探定位→钻探验证等一套行之有效的找矿评价技术方法和流程,在甲基卡外围迅速找到了甲基卡隐伏稀有伟晶岩型锂矿床.新发现8条锂矿化伟晶岩脉,仅对其中X03脉钻探验证结果,显示为一条巨大的锂辉石稀有金属工业矿脉,新增氧化锂资源量64.31万吨,达到超大型锂矿床.与锂共生、伴生的铌、钽、铍、铷、铯等稀有金属及锡等品位可达到工业要求.总结本区的成矿规律和找矿标志可以用于指导其他靶区的优选,其成果对提升我国锂资源的保障程度具有重大的意义.  相似文献   

合理开发利用内蒙古东升庙低品位磷矿资源,针对其矿石性质和赋存状态,对该难选磷矿进行了系统的选矿试验研究。通过正-反浮选工艺流程,最终获得的闭路试验指标为:磨矿细度-0.074mm89.50%,原矿品位P2O5 7.30%、MgO 5.42%,精矿品位P2O5 32.37%、MgO 1.10%,回收率84.73%。  相似文献   

新疆锂辉石的鉴定特征张恩彭建平徐利成(中山大学宝玉石矿物材料研究所,广州510275)关键词锂辉石鉴定特征新疆锂辉石是一种少见的天然宝石,主要产于美国、缅甸、巴西、马达加斯加及阿富汗。近年我国新疆也发现了少量宝石级锂辉石。它多产于伟晶岩中,往往与电气...  相似文献   

某锂辉石矿石工艺矿物学特征及选矿试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用X射线衍射分析仪、显微镜照相和MLA矿物自动分析仪等测试分析技术,对某地锂辉石矿石进行了详细的工艺矿物学研究,查明了矿石物质组成、主要矿物嵌布特性和主要元素赋存状态,研究结果可作为该锂辉石矿资源合理开发利用的基础参考依据。在工艺矿物学研究的基础上,采用预先沉降脱泥的方式和添加新型组合捕收剂SD-5,一粗两扫三精、中矿顺序返回的闭路流程试验处理该矿石,获得了氧化锂品位6.12%的锂精矿,回收率86.01%,试验结果为生产现场进行流程改造提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

The nepheline-kalsilite exsolution reaction was studied isothermallybetween 400 and 700°C. Under nonaqueous conditions the mechanisminvolves nucleation of kalsilite and growth by diffusion ofthe alkalis. As predicted by simple nucleation theory, the nucleationrate and hence the over-all exsolution rate are strongly dependenton the supersaturation of the nepheline. A decrease in temperatureat constant composition increases the supersaturation and therebythe nucleation rate. This increased nucleation rate is opposedby the decrease in the growth rate due to slower volume diffusion.At a supersaturation of more than 8–10 mole per cent thenumber of nuclei is large and the over-all exsolution rate isdetermined primarily by the growth rate. The activation energyfor growth is 28 kcal/mole. An increase of two kilobars in thehydrostatic pressure has little effect on the kinetics of thereaction. Under nonhydrostatic conditions the exsolution rateincreases significantly because the nucleation rate is faster. Under hydrothermal conditions the ‘exsolution’ rateis approximately two orders of magnitude faster due to a modificationin the mechanism. Partial dissolution of the original solidsolution in distilled water creates a condition of nonequilibriumin which the fluid is sodium-rich. Rapid alkali exchange eliminatesthis condition but produces the equilibrium compositions ofthe solids because kalsilite nucleates and grows in contactwith the fluid. The experimental evidence for this mechanismincludes X-ray diffraction data showing a gradual change inthe composition of the initial supersaturated solid, essentiallyidentical activation energies for growth under aqueous and nonaqueousconditions, and a lower percentage of oxygen isotope exchangethan ‘exsolution’ in the same experiment.  相似文献   

制备净化水用直接破碎活性炭可选用直接活化和炭化-活化两种工艺路线。研究结果表明,利用直接活化法生产的活性炭性能较佳,其最佳工艺参数为:粒度0.45mm的煤料,在900℃T,升温速率控制为15℃/min.进水量控制为2.8ml/min,直接活化5h,既能够制备出各项指标均达国家标准的净化水用煤质直接破碎活性炭。  相似文献   

淤泥固化技术是淤泥资源化的一个重要方法。当采用水泥基材料对有机质淤泥固化处理时,淤泥中的有机质严重影响了淤泥固化的效果。对此,笔者进行了固化有机质淤泥的试验研究,在分析有机质对淤泥固化效果影响机理的基础上,掺加不同外加剂改善有机质淤泥的固化效果,试验结果发现,碱性剂的加入会导致有机质的溶解,削弱淤泥的固化效果,粉煤灰的加入削弱了有机质对水泥水化的阻碍作用,有效提高了固化体的强度,采用水泥一粉煤灰一硫酸钠复合固化材料大幅度提高了固化淤泥的短期强度和长期强度,粉煤灰的加入提供了大量的钙离子,其掺量越大,固化淤泥无侧限强度后期增长率越大。  相似文献   

An Experimental Study on the Pre-Peak Unloading Damage Evolution of Marble   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The behavior of rock damage evolution under unloading conditions is of utmost importance for the analysis of the stress-induced failure of overstressed rock masses. In this paper, a new experimental approach, the incrementally cyclic loading–unloading pressure test (ICLUP test), is designed to quantify stress-induced micro-fracturing and fracturing under the condition of confining pressure reduction. The experimental results demonstrate that the pre-peak damage and deformation characteristics of marble specimens may be easily quantified by irreversible strains, and two damage stages, namely, the linear steady stage and the nonlinear unsteady stage, which are, respectively, represented as a linear steady rate and a nonlinear unsteady rate of damage evolution, occur along with the increase of unloading damage. The new model is proposed to describe the features of pre-peak unloading damage evolution, and the physical meanings and ranges of its material parameters are explained and analyzed. Furthermore, the evolution of volumetric dilation and elastic parameters which occurs along with the increase of unloading damage is revealed. Also discussed in this paper are the inhomogeneity and initial damage of specimens, as well as related research planned to be performed in the future.  相似文献   

辉长岩的高压部分熔融实验研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
利用天然含水辉长岩在1.5~3.0GPa,900℃~1440℃条件下进行了高温高压部分熔融实验,系统地分析了辉长岩部分熔融后实验产物的岩石学、矿物学、地球化学特征。获得了1)辉长岩的高压熔融曲线,2)辉长岩在不同压力下熔融时,残留相矿物组合及期间矿物相转变与熔融液相成分(相当于安山岩浆)特征。认识了辉长岩与榴辉岩相间的相变关系;辉长岩-榴辉岩-安山岩之间的内在联系以及高温榴辉岩的可能成因。  相似文献   

高岭土有机改性实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用二甲亚砜、丙烯酰胺、硅烷等多种有机改性剂对高岭土进行了有机夹层、吸附改性。经有机改性。高岭石的层面间距d(001)可增大到1.1454nm,并且与丙烯酰胺加热后形成稳定的了聚丙烯酰胺-高岭土有机无机复合材料,与硅烷形成稳定的有机无机复合体。改性后的高岭土与有机物的相溶性大大提高,从而为更好地开发应用高岭土做准备。  相似文献   

Compaction grouting (CPG) involves the injection of high viscosity mortar-type grout under relatively high pressure that displaces and compacts the soil in-place. Many case studies around the world prove the effectiveness of CPG to treat liquefiable soils. In these studies, mostly CPG has been developed and used on the basis of practical experiences, its densification and confining effects are not well understood until now. The objective of the present study is to bring out densification and confining effects of CPG. This paper presents a laboratory experimental study carried out to model a CPG treated ground. The study includes the experiments performed to decide appropriate consistency of grout material and appropriate relative contribution of factors such as overburden pressure, grout volume, injection speed and injection pressure that ensures efficient grouting. The effects of CPG are quantified in terms of lateral earth pressures and lateral displacements that are further defined in terms of coefficient of lateral earth pressure, K, and densification factor in the soil around grout column. This leads to a better understanding of its densification and confining effects. Although in practice, majority of the works with CPG have been related to its densification effect and lesser attention has been given to its confinement effect, in present experimental study, its confinement effect were prominent. Also at the farthest locations usually where field tests are carried out, its densification effect could not be found experimentally but its confinement effect was clear.  相似文献   

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