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红土型镍矿是基性、超基性岩在热带、亚热带地区常年高温、多雨的环境下,经过风化--淋滤--沉积富集而成。基性、超基性岩是此类矿床的成矿母岩。因此,以往针对红土型镍矿的找矿勘探首先是寻找基性、超基性岩。笔者近期在印度尼西亚苏拉威西省Kolaka县发现了一种新型红土镍矿床,该矿床成矿母岩并非是基性、超基性岩,而是砾石成分以超基性岩为主的一套砾岩。为了区分传统意义上由基性、超基性岩风化淋滤形成的红土型镍矿,笔者将其称为砾岩型红土镍矿。该矿床的结构分带由上往下可分为:腐植土层、红土层、强风化砾岩层、半风化砾岩层、砾岩层,镍矿体主要分布于半风化砾岩层中。初步认为矿床是由砾岩经过风化--水解-淋滤-沉淀富集等作用形成的。 相似文献
印度尼西亚红土型镍矿 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
红土型镍矿分布在环太平洋亚热带-热带多雨地区。镍矿体产于趟基性岩上部的红土风化壳中,受地形控制明显,成因类型为红土型硅酸镍氧化矿,以褐铁矿型和腐岩型为主,矿石质量和可利用性均较好。 相似文献
超大型红土型镍矿主要控矿因素,板块边界三联点构造控制的白垩纪、三叠纪、二叠纪蛇绿岩底部镁质超基性岩,基岩MgO/Fe0比值14~18,通过风化作用后,形成结构分带较好的风化壳,风化壳对数Mgo/全铁比值0.4~1,地貌20~400米标高、5~ 20度坡度角,中、低山面型地貌. 相似文献
印尼苏拉威西岛红土型镍矿的高效快速勘查模式 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
金属镍是我国紧缺资源之一,印度尼西亚拥有丰富的红土型镍矿,但是由于国外开采,在矿业政策、技术条件、气候条件上面临很多挑战,实施高效、快速、低成本勘探是解决这些问题的根本途径.文章以印尼苏拉威西岛的一个红土型镍矿勘查区为例,应用高精度磁法勘探,通过分析勘查区磁性特征圈定勘探靶区;对实验室和X-荧光仪分析的样品数据进行一元回归分析,将手持X-荧光分析仪成功应用于镍矿体的现场圈定,从而建立了红土型镍矿的高效、快速、低成本的勘查模式. 相似文献
东南亚地区红土型镍矿分布较广,成矿地质条件优越。该类矿床产于超基性岩带顶部红土型风化壳内,矿石多为含镍的褐铁矿化黏土,其产出规模、分布范围和品位高低与原岩类型、气候变化、地形地貌和构造条件关系密切。成矿物质主要来源于超基性岩体,是镁铁质-超镁铁质岩体风化-淋滤-淀积的产物,矿石的矿物组分与风化土的矿物组分大体一致,属黏土硅酸盐镍矿床。本文在收集前人资料的基础上,系统地阐述了矿床区域地质背景、矿床地质特征及成矿分布规律初步研究,总结出了该类矿区找矿标志及成矿规律,对寻找红土型镍矿床具有一定的指导作用。 相似文献
印度尼西亚卫古岛风化壳型硅酸镍矿床地质特征与成矿机制 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过对印度尼西亚卫古岛风化壳型硅酸镍矿床的成矿地质条件、矿床地质特征、成矿机制的分析和研究,认为矿床是由于超铗铁岩-橄榄岩在中生代、第三纪、第四纪的热带、亚热带气候条件下,经过风化作用,镍从含镍的硅酸盐矿物中淋滤出来,随地表水向下渗透到风化壳的下部,形成富含镍的次生矿物,具有典型的风化壳型硅酸镍矿床特点. 相似文献
John A. Katili 《Tectonophysics》1978,45(4):289-322
Sulawesi with its peculiar K-shaped pattern is situated in an area where the Eurasian, Indian—Australian and Pacific plates interact and collide.Complex geological processess in this area resulted in the transformation of a normal island-arc structure into an inverted one, deformation of an already tectonized belt, sweeping of fragments against unrelated terrain, thrusting of oceanic and mantle material over the island arc, closing of deep-sea basins behind the arc, trapping of old oceanic crust caused by the rolling up of an island arc, formation of a marginal basin by the spreading of the sea floor behind the arc, development of small subduction zones with reverse polarities etc.Small deep-sea basins surrounding Sulawesi such as the Gulf of Bone and the Gulf of Gorontalo originally formed the arc—trench gap of the Sulawesi island arc.The Banda Sea is considered as an oceanic crust trapped by the bending of the east—west trending Banda arc due to the northward drift of Australia combined with the westward movement of the Pacific plate. Similarly the Sulawesi Sea consists of an old Pacific crust trapped by the westward bending of the Sulawesi island arc, caused by the spearheading westward thrust along the Sorong transform-fault system, in which later a minor spreading center became active in its central part. The Molucca Sea comprises tectonic mélange in which presumably a small spreading center developed between the two colliding arcs of northern Sulawesi and western Halmahera. While the Benioff zones dip under the northern Sulawesi and Halmahera arcs in normal fashion, the mélange thrusts over them. The Strait of Makassar is a marginal basin which was brought into existence by the spreading of the sea floor between Kalimantan and Sulawesi.The evolution of Sulawesi started in Miocene time or even earlier when 800 km east of Kalimantan a north—south trending east-facing island arc came into existence, originating from a spreading center located in the Pacific Ocean. Volcanism and plutonism accompanied this subduction process.Collision between Sulawesi and the Australian—New Guinea plate which occurred in early Pliocene time severely transformed Sulawesi into an island with its convex side turned towards the continent, at the same time causing obduction of ophiolite in the eastern arc of this island.The movement of the Pacific plate continued and gradually pushed Sulawesi towards the Asian continent, resulting in the closing of the sea between Kalimantan and Sulawesi islands separated by small straits and deep seas resembling the complicated pattern of the Philippine Archipelago, in which the original double island-arc structure can no longer be recognized. 相似文献
红土镍矿分析没有统一的国家标准,行业标准于2013年初刚制定,其应用处于起步阶段,且行业标准中红土镍矿各元素主要采用化学分析法测定,操作程序繁琐耗时,工作量大,分析效率低。本文建立了电感耦合等离子体发射光谱测定红土镍矿中镍、钴、镁、铝和铁含量的方法。红土镍矿样采用王水溶解,加入氢氟酸和高氯酸,加热至高氯酸烟冒尽,再用盐酸溶解盐类,对消解后溶液中镍、钴、镁、铝和铁等目标元素选择了合适的分析谱线消除干扰。方法检出限镍为2.98 μg/g,钴为1.60 μg/g,镁为1.68 μg/g,铝为3.79 μg/g,铁为9.52 μg/g;方法精密度(RSD,n=11)为1.5%~2.2%;加标回收率为96.0%~102.5%。国家标准物质分析的测定值与标准值和外检值吻合较好。该方法简便快速,单元素不需分别处理,提高了分析效率,能够满足红土镍矿冶炼生产和地质探矿样品测定及时性的要求。 相似文献
S.J. Turner P.A. Flindell D. Hendri I. Hardjana P.F. Lauricella R.P. Lindsay B. Marpaung G.P. White 《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》1994,50(1-3)
The Ratatotok district in the Minahasa Regency of North Sulawesi, Indonesia is an area of significant gold mineralisation. Gold has been mined in the district since at least the 1850s, and intensively by the Dutch between 1900 and 1921 with a recorded production of 5,060 kg of gold. Newmont began exploring the district in 1986, and has delineated a major sediment-hosted replacement-style deposit at Mesel, and other smaller deposits in an 8×5 km area. A total drill-indicated resource of over 60 metric tonnes of gold (+2 Moz) is reported for Mesel, and three of the smaller deposits. Approximately 80% of this resource is refractory. Silver grades are usually low (<10 g/t). The Mesel deposit is similar to many Carlin-type deposits in carbonate hostrocks, alteration, geochemical signature and ore mineralogy, but is distinct in tectonic setting. The discovery of replacement-style mineralisation at Mesel, in an impure limestone within a Tertiary island arc environment, demonstrates that deposits with outward characteristics similar to Carlin-type mineralisation are not restricted to a continental setting.Carbonate sediments in the Ratatotok district were deposited in a Late Miocene restricted basin. Later compressional tectonics caused uplift that resulted in karst development in the limestone and erosion of the adjacent volcanic arc with deposition of a thick epiclastic unit. This was followed by intrusion of shallow level pre-mineral andesite into the sequence. Mineralisation at Mesel, and probably elsewhere in the district, is synchronous with the late-stage reactivation of strike-slip faults. Mineralising fluids at Mesel were focussed along steep structures sympathetic to these faults, and trapped below a relatively impermeable andesite cap rock. Hydrothermal fluids caused decalcification of the silty, more permeable carbonate units with the formation of secondary dolomite, deposition of fine arsenian pyrite, silica veinlets and gold. Volume loss due to decalcification and dolomite formation caused collapse brecciation which enhanced fluid flow and further mineralisation. This locally culminated in total decarbonation and deposition of massive silica. Late-stage stibnite occurs in structural zones within the ore deposit, whereas arsenic (as realgar and orpiment) and mercury (as cinnabar) are concentrated on the periphery.Elsewhere in the Ratatotok district, gold mineralisation is restricted to replacement-style mineralisation in permeable zones along limestone-andesite contacts, open-space filling quartz-calcite veins and stockworks, and residual quartz-clay breccias. The residual breccias are developed in-situ, and are interpreted to form by dissolution of the wallrock limestone from around pre-existing mineralisation. This has resulted in widespread eluvial gold occurrences. 相似文献
Ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism represents an extreme crustal thermal event with peak conditions exceeding 900 °C at 7–13 kbar. In the modern-style plate tectonic system, records of the UHT metamorphism are relatively rare due to the secular cooling of Earth. In the Palu region of Western Sulawesi, we newly discovered a series of HT-UHT metamorphic rocks including amphibolite, granulite, eclogites and gneiss. Of them, two granulite samples (18CS14-2, 18CS14-4) with high garnet content (>50 mol%) are chosen for petrographic observation, phase equilibrium modelling, and zircon U-Pb dating. These rocks are characterized by a relic M1 assemblage of Grt + Ky + Bt + Rt and a M2 assemblage of Grt + Sil + Pl + Spl + Crd ± Qtz + Ilm + melt. Phase equilibrium modelling based on effective bulk compositions yields UHT conditions of 7.2–8.5 kbar/940–1080 °C (18CS14-2) and 7.0–7.3 kbar/1000–1040 °C (18CS14-4). U-Pb analysis reveals two generations of metamorphic zircon with evolving REE content that is intimately related to garnet growth and decomposition. Zircon age of 36–5.3 Ma is ascribed to syn- to post-M1 metamorphism, whereas the young zircon age of 5.1–3.8 Ma is linked to syn- and post-M2 stage. The UHT metamorphism was probably the consequence of the upwelling of asthenospheric mantle triggered by post-collisional delamination of lithosphere in the Miocene-Pliocene (ca. 5 Ma). It could represent the youngest known UHT metamorphism on Earth. 相似文献
The Lerokis and Kali Kuning submarine exhalative gold-silver-barite deposits, Wetar Island, Maluku, Indonesia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wetar, an island in the southern part of the Banda Arc, is made up submarine volcanic rocks, with the oldest rocks exposed being subvolcanic intrusions and flows dated at 12 Ma. Basaltic andesite pillow lavas and intercalated volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks grade upward into more felsic volcanic lavas, tuffs and breccias, and sedimentary rocks and epiclastic mudflows cap the sequence.Gold-silver mineralization occurs at Lerokis and Kali Kuning, 3.5 km apart on the north coast of the island, in stratiform barite sand, clay or silt. The sediments are underlain by Cu-rich massive pyrite in volcanic breccias and overlain by a limestone dated at about 4 Ma. Foot wall volcanic breccias and lavas show intense clay-pyrite alteration indicating temperatures higher than 230°C.In situ geological resources, prior to the inception of mining in 1990, totalled 2.9 Mt at 3.5 g/t Au, 114 g/t Ag and 40% barite at Lerokis and 2.2 Mt at 5.5 g/t Au, 146 g/t Ag and 60% barite at Kali Kuning. Most of the Au occurs as electrum, associated with limonite, jarosite and goethite, and most of the Ag is in tetrahedrite and sulphosalts. High Pb contents, between 0.5% and 1.4% Pb on average, derive from plumbojarosite, sulphosalts and cerrussite, and there is, on average, between 200 ppm to 900 ppm Cu, 0.2% Sb, 0.1% As, 100 ppm to 200 ppm Zn, and 18 ppm Hg. Underlying massive sulphide mineralization is mainly pyrite-marcasite with zones of Cu enrichment. A significant part of the Cu is contained in enargite.Formation likely took place at less than 600 m water depth in a sea floor caldera setting similar to the Kuroko district in Japan. The ferruginous sediments hosting the Au-barite deposits may have originated through erosion like the ochres of Cyprus. These stratiform Au-barite deposits highlight a new style of sea floor mineralization not clearly recognized before. Modern-day analogues have been described from a variety of sea floor settings. 相似文献
Petrology, geochemistry and paleogeographic reconstruction of the East Sulawesi Ophiolite, Indonesia
Ade Kadarusman Sumio Miyashita Shigenori Maruyama Christopher D. Parkinson Akira Ishikawa 《Tectonophysics》2004,392(1-4):55
The East Sulawesi Ophiolite (ESO) is tectonically dismembered and widely distributed in Central and East Sulawesi. It comprises, from base to top, residual mantle peridotite and mafic–ultramafic cumulate through layered to isotropic gabbro, to sheeted dolerites and basaltic volcanic rocks. Residual peridotite is dominantly spinel lherzolite intercalated with harzburgite and dunite. Ultramafic rocks from different locations display significant differences in rock composition and mineral. However, the clinopyroxene of peridotite displays REE pattern similarities with those of mid-ocean ridge (MOR) origin, rather than those of suprasubduction zone (SSZ) origin. The gabbroic unit consists of massive gabbro, layered gabbro, mafic and ultramafic cumulate and anorthosite. The observed crystallization sequence of gabbroic unit, which is olivine→(spinel)→plagioclase→clinopyroxene→(orthopyroxene)→(hornblende), and the mineral chemistry data indicate that the ESO gabbro has similarities with MOR setting.Major and trace element geochemistry of basalt and dolerite suggests MOR, oceanic plateau and minor SSZ origins. A possible oceanic plateau origin is supported by the following: (i) the 15-km thickness is comparable with the thickness of oceanic plateau rather than normal oceanic lithosphere; (ii) there are no or only minor olivine phenocrysts in the basalt; and (iii) predominance of aphyric texture in the basalts. The REE pattern of ESO basalt exhibits N-MORB-like signatures. However, a negative Nb anomaly in the trace element spider diagram may be attributed to mantle heterogeneity of an OPB source.The geochemical variations and disparities for both peridotite and basalt and the noncogenetic relationship between crust and mantle sections in several locations suggest that the ESO may have been formed at one tectonic setting and was later overprinted by magmatism in different environments through its birth to emplacement. A possible Cretaceous origin of an oceanic plateau component of the ESO is indicated on the basis of calculated paleopositions using plate trajectory analyses together with previously published paleolatitude data. The ESO can be traced back to the proximity of the presently active region of the SW Pacific Superplume. 相似文献