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王俊勤  夏华永 《海岸工程》2019,38(3):217-223
对Li&Cheng的势流模型在数值方法、床面平衡条件及冲刷床面调整技术做出了3方面的改进。采用边界元法代替差分法求解Laplace方程,前者可以准确地拟合地形与管道边界,因而可以准确反映固壁边界对流态的影响,此外,还具有数据准备简单,降低计算维数,计算速度快等优点。Li&Cheng模型以床面水流切应力等于泥沙起动切应力,τb=τc,作为床面平衡条件,这只适用于清水冲刷。以沿程输沙相同作为平衡剖面条件,理论上,将模型推广到了动床冲刷。此外,为了提高模型的收敛性,提出了最速下降法与牛顿迭代法相结合的床面调整技术。采用实验资料对模型进行了检验,计算的冲刷深度与实验结果符合良好。  相似文献   

辽河油田太—葵管道路由区位于辽东湾顶潮汐水道区。通过不同时期实测水深对比,得出该区海底冲淤变化趋势:海区总体呈微淤态势,潮汐水道两侧浅滩淤积,两侧边坡一侧侵蚀另一侧淤积,发生平面迁移。管道路由一线蚀淤幅度较小,一般不超过0.5 m,最大侵蚀区发生在水道底和两侧边坡,是海底输油管道容易冲刷悬空的潜在危险区,需采取深埋措施提高安全性。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionStrongearthquakesmaybethemaindestructiveloadsforoffshoreengineeringestablishment.Theseabedoil gaspipelinenetworkisthelifelineforoffshoreoilfieldproductionandsupply .Thefailureofapipelinewillhaveadirecteffectonoilfieldproduction .Theconsequ…  相似文献   

浅地层剖面探测是海洋工程勘察的主要手段之一。阐述了浅地层剖面仪的工作原理,通过浅地层剖面仪在广州华德石化海底输油管道检测中的实际应用情况,分析浅地层剖面仪在工程区域内使用的优缺点,以期为今后该区域内工程勘察及管线检测工作起到一点参考作用。  相似文献   

黄河水下三角洲沉积物输运及海底冲淤研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据黄河水下三角洲的特点,建立了一个垂直平均二维沉积物输运数学模型,结合潮流和沉积物资料,模拟研究了沉积物输运机制和海底冲淤演变过程。模拟结果表明,垂直河口射流的潮流决定了本区沉积物净输运的总体格局,风应力对悬浮泥沙和推移质泥沙运动也起到重要作用。潮流底应力和活动层厚度分布表明,黄河口门和埕岛油田附近海域是潮流底应力和活动层厚度高值区,为沉积物活跃区,海底稳定性弱,易于侵蚀再搬运。冲淤计算表明,埕岛油田附近海域为冲刷中心区;现在河口水下三角洲在断流时为冲刷区,正常行河时则转为淤积区。  相似文献   

First the scour and deposition patterns of the sandy seabed in front of a vertical breakwater under the action of irregular broken clapotis are investigated experimentally and classified into five types: scour type Ⅰ , scour type Ⅱ, scour type Ⅲ, deposition type Ⅰ, and deposition type Ⅱ . Secondly, the processes of formation of scour and deposition patterns are probed in comparison with those induced by regular broken clapotis and standing waves. Thirdly, the criteria for distinguishing scour and deposition patterns under irregular broken clapotis are presented.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionThe submarine pipeline is a commonfacility widely usedfor offshore oil and gastransport . Whena pipeline is installed on a seabed and not buried,unsupportedspans may exist insomelocations ,es-peciallyinthe uneven zones of the seabed.The spa…  相似文献   

为研究水流作用下斜桩周围局部冲刷特性及流场变化并掌握斜桩同垂直桩的差异,本研究在不同流速条件下开展了包含反斜桩、垂直桩、正斜桩等多种工况的水槽试验,测量分析了斜桩的冲刷历时曲线、床面形态、沿程流速分布、最大冲刷深度等数据.结果表明:清水条件下斜桩周围局部冲刷坑及桩后沙丘尺度明显减小;斜桩桩前最大冲刷深度随倾角的增加而逐...  相似文献   

对埕岛油田典型平台周边多年监测所得的水深资料进行了分析研究,探讨了平台在潮流作用下的桩基冲刷过程及冲刷坑形态与分布,并选取经验公式对平台桩基极限冲刷深度进行了计算,计算结果与实测结果比较表明,所选公式在埕岛海域具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

Local Scour Around Piles Under Wave Action   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The model tests are performed with regular waves, and the effect of wave height, wave period, water depth, sediment size and pile diameter is evaluated. The shape and size of local scour around piles are studied. There are three typical scour patterns due to wave action. It is found that a relationship exists between the erosion depth and the wave number. An empirical formula of the maximum local scour is thus derived.  相似文献   

The lift forces on horizontal cylinder near bottom is experimentally investigatde at Reynolds(Re)in the range lf 2500~10000and Keulegan~CARPENTER NUMBERS(kc) inthe intervalof5~20,and gap ratio (e/D) is from (a0)are analyzde by using the Fourier analyses method.It is found that found that both Cl& a0 are the functions lf the Kc number.  相似文献   

通过物理模型试验研究水流作用下轴线倾斜海底管道的三维局部冲刷问题。利用超声波探头监测管道下部冲刷沿管轴线方向的扩展过程,分析海底管道三维局部冲刷的动态发展机理。由模型沙的冲蚀试验,建立沙床面剪切应力与泥沙表观侵蚀速率之间的关系式,并引入经验公式对沙床面剪切应力放大系数、泥沙表观侵蚀速率以及远场床面剪切应力之间的关系进行表达。由倾斜管道模型试验,在分析冲刷扩展位置随时间变化数据的基础上,结合上述经验公式以及沙床面剪切应力放大系数与管道埋深的关系,建立轴线倾斜海底管道冲刷扩展速率的预测公式。  相似文献   

对埕岛油田典型平台周边多年的水深地形资料进行分析对比,研究平台桩基周围冲刷过程,探讨桩柱周围形成冲刷坑的冲刷深度、几何形态和分布特征,分析其冲刷机理。结果表明,平台建成初期桩基冲刷剧烈,周围海底形成以平台为中心的盆状地形,经历近1年的时间逐步达到冲淤平衡。冲刷坑形态特征主要由水动力条件控制。  相似文献   

The Wells turbine is an axial-flow air-turbine designed to extract energy from ocean waves. An important consideration is the self-starting capability of the Wells turbine, a phenomenon encountered where the turbine accelerate by itself up to a certain speed for the best turbine performance. In order to clarify the self-starting characteristic and running performance of the Wells turbine in an irregular oscillating flow, a numerical simulation process is established in this paper on the rational assumption of quasi-steady flow conditions. Both self-starting characteristics and running performance are obtained through the numerical simulation and subsequently compared with the experimental data achieved on a computer-controlled oscillating flow test rig which could realize some irregular oscillating flow according to the specified spectrum. Results show that the self-starting time decreases with the increase of the significant wave height and the mean frequency of the irregular oscillating flow. Therefor  相似文献   

由于海床起伏不平,斜坡的存在必然改变波浪对管线及海床的作用特性,进而影响管线三维冲刷。基于波浪港池实验,考虑规则波的作用,采用中值粒径为0.22mm的原型沙铺设与波浪传播方向成45°夹角的斜坡,研究斜向波作用下斜坡上海底管线的三维冲刷特性。通过测量管线下方冲刷坑宽度和深度的差异,分析管线三维冲刷的不均衡性。实验表明:管线的存在使斜坡上的波高有所降低;斜向波作用下管线三维冲刷的不均衡性表现为深度不均衡性和宽度不均衡性,宽度不均衡性主要是管后淤积泥沙的后移引起的,周期对三维冲刷不均衡性的影响比波高对其的影响程度大;管线自深海向近岸延展时,随水深的减小,冲刷深度分为缓慢发展阶段和快速发展阶段。  相似文献   

单向流条件下单桩桩周冲刷过程特征试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水流引起桩基周围地基冲刷是海洋工程中的经典课题,由于问题涉及流体动力学和土力学的交叉内容,加之试验技术和计算能力的限制,这一冲刷过程仍有很多方面尚待进一步厘清。开展10组室内水槽试验,研究了不同水深情况下定床和动床冲刷时单桩桩周局部冲刷深度的发展过程。在试验过程中,通过模型桩内放置摄像机实时监测桩周冲刷深度变化,得到桩周冲深边界及最大和最小冲深方位随时间的变化曲线。试验研究发现这一冲刷过程主要特征为:局部冲刷首先发生在桩(侧)前方并逐渐向桩周扩展,而桩后则先发生淤积后再冲刷;水深越大,流速越大,桩后淤积现象持续时间越短,桩周冲刷发展迅速、均匀,但达到稳定所需时间越久;桩周最大、最小冲深点首先分别位于桩的侧前方、桩后区域,随着试验进行会发生转变或波动。  相似文献   

依据以往多次东海海底管道检测成果资料,分析和探讨了形成海流冲刷作用的各种因素,可以归结为内部海洋环境和外部环境变化两大因素,以及这些因素可能对海底管道产生危害影响的程度,并总结了在长期的海流冲刷作用下海管的空间状态、海底受冲蚀的表现形式和海床冲淤变化,提出了今后检测和维护工作的一些建议.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of parameters for local scour depth around submarine pipes due to waves. Because it is impossible to consider all the factors that influence the scour, it is reasonable to investigate the correlations between parameters and scour. The experimental works about scour were performed for the conditions of 40, 60, 90 m pipe diameter, various wave periods, and wave height in the case of horizontal bed and 1/10 slope bed, respectively. Analyzing the results of experiments, the Reynolds number, Shields parameter, Keulegan-Carpenter number, Ursell number, and Modified Ursell number were estimated. The correlations between the relative scour depth, which is the maximum equilibrium local scour depth divided by the pipe diameter, and 5 parameters were analyzed. It was shown that there was hardly any correlation with the Reynolds number. In the case of a horizontal bed, the Keulegan-Carpent number had the highest correlation, but in the case of the slope bed the correlation was greatly reduced. The modified Ursell number showed a high correlation regardless of the type of bed.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionWiththedevelopmentofexploitationofmarineresources ,theconstructionofoffshorestructuresdevelopsrapidly ,suchasmarineoilplatforms ,deep waterbreakwaters ,marinebridges ,largehar bors,etc .Thesestructureswillchangesurroundingwaveandcurrentconditionsandleadtolocalscourofseabed ,resultinginstructuraldamage .Therefore ,localscouraroundmarinestructuresaswellastheirprotectionhasdrawnmuchattentionfromrelativeengineeringfields .Manyscholarshaveconduct edtheoreticalanalysisandexperimentals…  相似文献   

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