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This paper examines key factors used in protecting the migratory North Atlantic right whale within the context of a marine protected area (MPA) system, using the Grand Manan Whale Conservation Area, in New Brunswick Canada, as a case study example. Designated as a conservation area in 1993, before the Oceans Act came into effect, the Grand Manan conservation area currently does not form part of the Canadian network of MPAs. Given the possibility that MPA designation may occur, the paper examines factors that should be considered in meeting International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) MPA design criteria and IUCN evaluation model requirements. An MPA evaluation framework based on an IUCN evaluation model (Hockings et al., 2000 [1]) is designed to assess the effectiveness of an MPA in protecting a migratory right whale. Case study results indicate that current management and research activities for the Grand Manan conservation area address most governance, biophysical and socio-economic issues under an IUCN evaluation framework. On a site basis, it is recommended that the Grand Manan conservation area be designated as a component of the Canadian network of MPAs and that regulations be developed and implemented under the Species at Risk Act to clearly define activities considered damaging or destructive to right whale critical habitat. Recommendations also suggest the preparation of a combined site management-action plan for the Grand Manan conservation area indicating how activities specified in North Atlantic Right Whale Recovery Strategy will be implemented locally. On a regional and international basis, recommendations call for an internationally coordinated and integrated approach to right whale protection within the context of a network of designated critical habitat areas. Recommended activities include: continued Canadian participation in cross-border research and actions to mitigate threats to the right whales over their migratory range; development of a regional right whale management and monitoring strategy; and designation of additional critical habitats in national/international waters. It is further recommended that the evaluation framework developed by this paper be used as a model in assessing the conservation and management effectiveness of MPAs protecting other migratory marine species.  相似文献   

Fatty acid analysis has proved valuable in determining seasonal trophic links and the feeding behavior in organisms in which these diet and trophic links cannot be inferred from stomach content analyses. Seasonal variations in total free fatty acid content (TFFA) and fatty acid composition of seston (<250 μm), the brown macroalgae Stypocaulon spp., polychaetes (Nereididae) and the pycnogonid Ammothella longipes have been used to establish their trophic links, with particular focus on seasonality and feeding ecology of A. longipes. Samples were collected in a coastal environment (NW Mediterranean Sea) at 7–10 m depth, in five different periods (August and October 2008, February, June and September 2009). Seston and Stypocaulon spp. samples did not show significant seasonal variations in TFFA content, while nereids showed a significant variation. Analysis of fatty acid profile showed high similarities of fatty acid composition between seston and Stypocaulon spp. Nereids were closer to seston and Stypocaulon spp. than A. longipes, which seemed to follow a seasonal trend. The results of this study reveal that A. longipes may change its feeding behavior depending on the season and available food. This pycnogonid species appears to be carnivore during spring and early summer but seems to feed on detritus when availability of prey diminishes during winter. Notable high amounts of odd-chain fatty acids are found in summer–autumn for this species, which may come from bacteria acquired from the detrital diet or from de novo biosynthesis from propionate. The results obtained provide new and valuable data on the understudied feeding biology of pycnogonids in general, and contribute to the understanding of their functioning of Mediterranean shallow oligotrophic systems and their trophic links.  相似文献   

Cetaceans are mobile and spend long periods underwater. Because of this, modelling their habitat could be subject to a serious problem of false absence. Furthermore, extensive surveys at sea are time and money consuming, and presence–absence data are difficult to apply. This study compares the ability of two presence–absence and two presence-only habitat modelling methods and uses the example of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. The data consist of summer visual and acoustical detections of sperm whales, compiled between 1998 and 2005. Habitat maps were computed using topographical and hydrological eco-geographical variables. Four methods were compared: principal component analysis (PCA), ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA), generalized linear model (GLM) and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). The evaluation of the models was achieved by calculating the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) of the models and their respective area under the curve (AUC). Presence–absence methods (GLM, AUC=0.70, and MARS, AUC=0.79) presented better AUC than presence-only methods (PCA, AUC=0.58, and ENFA, AUC=0.66), but this difference was not statistically significant, except between the MARS and the PCA models. The four models showed an influence of both topographical and hydrological factors, but the resulting habitat suitability maps differed. The core habitat on the continental slope was well highlighted by the four models, while GLM and MARS maps also showed a suitable habitat in the offshore waters. Presence–absence methods are therefore recommended for modelling the habitat suitability of cetaceans, as they seem more accurate to highlight complex habitat. However, the use of presence-only techniques, in particular ENFA, could be very useful for a first model of the habitat range or when important surveys at sea are not possible.  相似文献   

The management of fisheries resources in the northwestern Mediterranean is traditionally centralized and developed within the framework of coastal states and European Union common policies. In general, it has not been sufficiently effective in reversing the declining situation of fisheries resources and fishers in this region. This paper discusses the feasibility of moving away from a top-down approach in fisheries management towards a more participative and convergent mode of governance in the region. More specifically, the study focuses on MPAs as a fisheries management tool and evaluates their current establishment and management system in the French Mediterranean as a case study for the region. A brief review of the experiences on fisheries and MPA management in the Philippines is also presented to obtain insights on bottom-up and collaborative management approaches. Finally, possible opportunities for adopting a more decentralized and coordinated approach in fisheries management within the French socio-political system, and possibly in the northwestern Mediterranean region, are discussed. These include the existence of fishing community organizations in the region, such as the prud'homies in France and cofradias in Spain, starting with management strategies that are simpler to enforce and more acceptable to direct users, e.g., fishery reserves, and exploring co-management arrangements to manage fisheries at ecologically meaningful but operationally manageable scales as has been proposed by some development organizations. However, effective changes in the system would require major national policy and institutional reforms, social preparation and organizational strengthening which would take time and resources.  相似文献   

As part of the ECOMARGE operation (J.G.O.F.S. France), macrobenthic assemblages in the Toulon Canyon were described and quantified on the basis of sampling carried out between 250 and 2000 m depth on the Mediterranean continental slope. Results show that Mediterranean bathyal assemblages are made up mainly of continental shelf eurybathic species. The qualitative and quantitative composition of populations varies with depth on the slope and also varies with station position at equivalent depth, whether on the flanks or in the canyon channel. Various analyses have provided evidence on the factors responsible for this population distribution pattern. No single factor emerges as predominant, but rather a group of factors, which are related to the nature and origin of sediments and more particularly their grain size distribution, geochemical composition and mode of transportation and sedimentation (benthic nepheloid or originating from the water column), act in conjunction to determine the pattern. Comparison with ocean continental slopes shows that in the Mediterranean Sea the absence of tidal current modifies the trophic structure of the macrobenthic assemblages, which are characterized by a dominance of surface and subsurface deposit feeders as compared to a dominance of suspension feeders and carnivores in the upper and median part of the slope in the ocean. Surface dumping of dredge spoil at the canyon head and channelling of waste induces an increase of organic matter and pollutant concentrations in sediment from the upper part of the canyon channel but does not give rise to any marked population degradation.  相似文献   

The geochemical signatures of fifty-four rock samples and three supplementary drill stem test(DST) oils from the Yacheng-Sanya formations in the central Qiongdongnan Basin(CQB) were analysed. Reconstruction of the early Oligocene-early Miocene(36–16 Ma) palaeovegetation and source analyses of organic matter(OM) were conducted using aliphatic biomarkers in ancient sediments and DST oils. Both the interpreted aquatic and terrigenous OM contributed to the CQB source rocks(SRs) but had varying relat...  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(7-8):462-475
A mangrove ecosystem shows close links between geomorphology and vegetation assemblage. In addition, the vegetation can change over time as landforms can accrete or erode, which is a direct response to coastal sedimentary processes. This demonstrates that significant changes can occur on short time scales and mangroves provide an excellent register of these modifications. Therefore, mangrove morphology and sedimentation are good indicators of interactions between relative sea level changes, coastal processes and sediment supply. These interactions are responsible for landward migration of the shoreline (erosion) and seaward migration of the shoreline (accretion), which is possible to detect from multi-date satellite data and field observations. Mangroves are one of the best geo-indicators in global coastal change research and they are an excellent procedure to detect and quantify coastal modifications.  相似文献   

吉伟伦  宁凌 《海洋通报》2018,(6):659-666
海洋利用系统的整体健康发展是实现"美丽中国"愿景的关键因素。针对广东省海洋利用系统健康的不确定性,运用PSR模型以及改进熵值法构建了适应于广东省海洋利用系统健康发展的评价指标体系,同时运用集对分析法对广东省海洋利用系统的健康状态做出分析,结果表明:广东省海洋利用系统健康状况"不健康"阶段发展至"亚健康"阶段;人均海洋生产总值、工业废水排放达标率等指标是广东省海洋利用系统健康水平的关键影响因素。  相似文献   

The detailed investigation of organic carbon cycling in estuarine and marine environments has stimulated the development of multidisciplinary concepts, research and sampling strategies as well as analytical tools in the last 10 years. Among other approaches, the molecular biomarker one has also undergone significant improvements. Some examples dealing with specific markers including sterols, alkenes and fatty acids are discussed in this paper in terms of source identification and transformation processes.Although some limitations exist for the elucidation of their stereochemistry, sterols have been used extensively to study biochemical processes affecting the organic matter in the water column and at the ocean/sediment interface. Sterols also appear as promising tracers of terrestrial vs. marine inputs in complex estuarine systems. The specificity of individual fatty acids or groups of acids has also been used to assess the origins and transformation processes of organic matter in marine samples. New approaches are presented including the investigation of intact lipid classes and the elucidation of the position of double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids and alkenes. Finally, we discuss the use of che-mometric techniques due to increasing chemical information and the interest of combining molecular-level and stable isotope approaches.  相似文献   

The majority of endocrine disruption studies in Europe have been on non-indigenous species (some of them tropical!)--and none of which has traits that make them suitable for the detection of androgenic compounds. To overcome these problems, we have been developing the stickleback as a model biomarker for testing the effect of endocrine disrupters in European waters. Its advantages are: it is the only fish with a quantifiable in vivo androgen and anti-androgen endpoint (the production of the glue protein, spiggin, by the kidney); it is the only fish in which it will be possible to simultaneously test oestrogenic and androgenic properties of compound; it has a genetic sex marker; it is found in all EU countries; it survives and breeds in both seawater and freshwater; it is extremely robust and can be readily deployed in situ; it displays a variety of pronounced reproductive behaviours; it has a simple and short life cycle, low fecundity and high egg/fry survival rates.  相似文献   

New cold‐water coral (CWC) sites were recorded along the Apulian margin (Central Mediterranean). The species composition and depth distribution of CWCs were updated. A distribution of the CWC sites coincident with the course of the dense‐water masses that flow between the Southern Adriatic and Northern Ionian was confirmed. The faunal assemblages of five of these CWC sites were investigated and compared using experimental longlines during the spring–summer and autumn–winter seasons, between 2010 and 2014. Differences in ecological variables amongst the sites in each season were evaluated by means of a set of univariate and multivariate methods (analysis of variance, permutational multivariate analysis of variance, non‐metric multidimensional scaling). Although some differences were detected in relation to the different depths examined during spring–summer, the CWC sites showed similar features in terms of species richness and diversity as well as in the abundance of the same fish species (Galeus melastomus, Conger conger, Helicolenus dactylopterus, Merluccius merluccius, Phycis blennoides and Pagellus bogaraveo) most probably because of the distribution of adult specimens in structurally complex and heterogeneous habitats, which act as a potential ‘refuge network’ with respect to commercial fishing. The presence of maturing and mature individuals as well as post‐reproductive females indicates that these CWC sites also act as spawning areas, representing a potential ‘renewal network’ for the fish populations. The term ‘network’ used here refers to several similar subsystems (CWC sites) that play the same ecological role in a wider system (Apulian margin). These CWC communities need coherent conservation measures and management strategies according to the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to apply a set of sensitive non-lethal biomarkers in skin biopsies of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) to evaluate the toxicological status of this mysticete in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Mediterranean Sea) and in the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez-Mexico). We developed a “multi-trial diagnostic tool” (based on field and in vitro studies), combining molecular biomarkers (western blot of CYP1A1, CYP2B) and gene expression (qRT-PCR of HSP70, ERα, AHR, E2F-1) with the analysis of OCs, PAHs and PBDEs. The study revealed a higher level of toxicological stress in the Mediterranean fin whales.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》1999,153(1-4):29-39
During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 160 and 161, sapropels were recovered both in the western and eastern Mediterranean. This obliges to a reassessment of the previous studies focused on sapropels from only the eastern Mediterranean, and to consider the changes which occurred in the Mediterranean climate but also in the water characteristics both in the Atlantic and in the western Mediterranean. In the North Atlantic, the position of the polar front which migrated southwards during glacial times and the melting of northern ice caps during interglacial periods, together with the convection in the Labrador and Norwegian Seas, appear essential to control the salinities of the waters facing the Strait of Gibraltar. The salinities of the surface and intermediate layers constitute the first driving force of the Mediterranean dynamics, the second driving force being the Mediterranean climate. The stagnation of deep waters leading to sapropel deposition in the western Mediterranean may be explained by a drastic weakening of the density difference between Mediterranean outflow and Atlantic intermediate waters facing the Strait of Gibraltar. This weakening was induced primarily by the salinity decrease of Atlantic surface water and secondly by a rather high salinity in the Atlantic intermediate layer, rather than by a drastic deterioration of the Mediterranean climate. This scenario probably concerns most of the sapropel events and it may be used for the knowledge of Atlantic and Mediterranean functioning over climatic changes.  相似文献   

In the present study, heat-shock protein of M(r) 70 kDa (HSP70), a marker of cellular stress response, was validated as a potential biomarker under field conditions. The dab, Limanda limanda (female, size > or = 25 cm, spawning maturity stage 2) was used as the indicator organism. The data on HSP level were correlated with the occurrence of DNA damage, measured in the same specimens of L. limanda, to prove the usefulness of the method. The area under investigation was the North Sea. Four locations were selected: station N01, close to Heligoland, in the North Sea; station N04 at the Dogger Bank; station N06 at the Firth of Forth; and station G08 in the English Channel. Ten animals from each location were selected and their livers used for the experiments. The results show that the highest levels of HSP70 (consisting of two forms of M(r) 75 and 73 kDa) were in fish from station N04, while low values were measured in livers from L. limanda collected at station N01. Intermediate levels were seen in the animals from the two other locations. By application of a novel technique, it was found that the extent of DNA damage (single-strand breaks and alkaline labile sites) in fish liver parallels the levels of both HSP70 forms. Our results suggest that L. limanda may be a useful bioindicator and heat-shock proteins, a useful biomarker for monitoring of environmental pollution.  相似文献   

We evaluate the potential of the geographic and within-sediment distribution patterns of rust-coloured shell encrustations on an abundant subtidal bivalve, Axinopsida serricata (Carpenter, 1864) as geochemical indicators of organic enrichment from marine municipal outfalls. The progressive development of shell encrustation over the life of the animals is suggested by heavier encrustations on large shells compared to smaller shells regardless of the geochemical conditions of the habitat. Heavy encrustations decline in an exponential manner at sediment acid volatile sulphide (AVS) levels >7 μmol/g. Analyses show that the reddish shell encrustations are from an amorphous iron oxide or hydroxy-oxide likely micro-biologically mediated; the oxides appear to be embedded within the inner matrix of an organic layer, with a chemically distinct outer layer. A schematic model is proposed which shows how enrichment of labile organic carbon around outfalls affects the availability of dissolved iron in sediments and leads to less extensive encrustations on bivalve shells. Predominantly sandy sediments with low organic loading have much less potential for iron oxide deposition than silty sediments due to greater oxygen penetration into the surface sediment.Shell encrustation appears to be relatively persistent and indicative of long-term conditions, regardless of spatial and temporal fluctuations in sediment geochemistry. With more research on development over the life-cycle of the animal, the pattern of A. serricata shell encrustation has the potential to rapidly provide a map of cumulative labile organic loading and oxygen penetration of sediments around municipal outfalls on the west coast of North America where this species is common. However, caution must be used in interpreting results, since background sediment characteristics (substrate type, bottom currents and sediment transport) can affect encrustation patterns.  相似文献   

The clam Meretrix meretrix was used as a biomonitor to implement an environmental monitoring program along the coast of Beibu Gulf in October 2011. This program not only analyzed biomarkers including acetylcholinesterase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase, catalase and superoxide dismutase activities, total glutathione content and lipid peroxidation level in M. meretrix but also adopted a multi-biomarker approach – integrated biomarker response (IBR) to assess the environmental quality in this ecosystem. In addition, the metal (Hg, As, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Cr) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) content in the surface sediment at the study area were also measured. The results showed that IBR index was able to distinguish a space trend between sampling sites with different degrees of anthropogenic environmental stress. Integrated contamination degree were displayed in the form of star plots and compared to IBR plots. There was a visual consistency between the pollution level and IBR variation. Based on the results, it was proved that the IBR method coupled with chemical analysis was quite useful for the assessment of environmental pollution in the coastal system.  相似文献   

This work investigates the alkaline phosphatase activity in a littoral marine ecosystem (Toulon Bay and Le Niel Bay, France) in order to study its biochemical characteristics with respect to pH, sea water composition and phosphate sensitivity. We also characterise the active forms in sea water and determine the extent to which zooplankton generate phosphatase activity with respect to other plankton classes. In Toulon Bay, phosphatase was produced mostly by the microplankton fraction (>90 μm), accounting for more than 90% of total activity. In contrast, most of the phosphatase activity in Le Niel Bay was generated by the nanoplankton fraction (5–90 μm) and the picoplankton fraction (0.25–5 μm). The microplankton enzymes had non Michaelis-Menten kinetics suggesting the involvement of multiple enzyme processes with distinct kinetic constants. This activity is in major part secreted into the sea water and is stimulated by the ionic strength and the pH of the sea water. Cypris larvae of the genus Balanus played a special role in this release. For the nanoplankton and picoplankton, part of this activity was due to non-secreted enzymes, probably bound to membranes or occurring intracellularly. Moreover, nano and picoplankton phosphatase required higher pH than microplankton enzyme. For all plankton size classes, there was no activity at low pH, suggesting that acid phosphatases were not involved in reactions with substrates dissolved in water.  相似文献   

The ‘Coral Health Chart’ has become a popular tool for monitoring coral bleaching worldwide. The scleractinian coral Acropora downingi (Wallace 1999) is highly vulnerable to temperature anomalies in the Persian Gulf. Our study tested the reliability of Coral Health Chart scores for the assessment of bleaching-related changes in the mitotic index (MI) and density of zooxanthellae cells in A. downingi in Qeshm Island, the Persian Gulf. The results revealed that, at least under severe conditions, it can be used as an effective proxy for detecting changes in the density of normal, transparent, or degraded zooxanthellae and MI. However, its ability to discern changes in pigment concentration and total zooxanthellae density should be viewed with some caution in the Gulf region, probably because the high levels of environmental variability in this region result in inherent variations in the characteristics of zooxanthellae among “healthy” looking corals.  相似文献   

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