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Kinetics and Mechanism of Pyrite Exsolution from Pyrrhotite   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Pyrite exsolution from pyrrhotite at 325 °C occurs by heterogeneousnucleation of pyrite and subsequent growth by volume diffusionof iron away from the nuclei. Sulfur atoms are required to moveonly short distances and although their diffusivity is muchlower than iron, their movement is not the rate determiningfactor. The exsolution rate is primarily dependent on the nucleationrate, which increases with the degree of supersaturation. Inaddition, the impurities in National Bureau of Standards 55diron or 500 ppm of As, Sb, or Bi retard the exsolution rateby two or more orders of magnitude at 325 °C. This reductionis primarily the result of a lower nucleation rate and is believedto be due to a decreased vacancy mobility caused by a high bindingenergy of vacancies with the slow diffusing impurities. Thusthe strain associated with the nucleation cannot be as easilyrelieved. The impurities may also reduce the growth rate bycausing a decrease in mobility of the pyrite interface. The most important general aspect of this study is the effectof a few hundred parts per million of an impurity on the exsolutionrate of this reaction. This suggests that the rate of othermineral reactions may also be dependent on impurities; however,the importance of this factor in any particular mineral reactionrequires experimental verification.  相似文献   

The Gosse Pile mafic-ultramafic intrusion is a laycred igneousbody, the upper part of which was involved in localized ductiledeformation (low angle faulting) soon after crystallization.A complete gradation between rocks showing typically igneoustextures and layering and those showing typically tectonic,or metamorphic, textures and layering can be observed. Textures and preferred orientations in the undeformed part ofthe intrusion are very similar to those found in other layeredigneous bodies. Orthopyroxenes show very strong preferred orientationsin some parts of the body. The metamorphic textures and layering of the deformed rocksare identical to ‘flow-layering’ which is used asan essential criterion for distinguishing ‘alpine-type’from ‘stratiform’ bodies. The Gosse Pile Body thusdemonstrates that at least some of the ‘alpine-type’bodies may be produced byin situ deformation of ‘stratiform’bodies.  相似文献   

Magmatic accretion is potentially an important mechanism inthe growth of the continental crust and the formation of granulites.In this study, the thermal evolution of a magmatic arc in responseto magmatic accretion is modeled using numerical solutions ofthe one-dimensional heat conduction equation. The initial andboundary conditions used in the model are constrained by geologicalobservations made in the Kohistan area, NW Himalayas. Takingconsideration of the preferred intrusion locations for basalticmagmas, we consider two plausible modes of magmatic accretion:the first involves the repeated intrusion of basalt at mid-crustaldepths (‘intraplate model’), and the second evaluatesthe simultaneous intrusion of basalt and picrite at mid-crustaldepths and the base of the crust respectively (‘double-platemodel’). The results of the double-plate model accountfor both the inferred metamorphic PT paths of the Kohistanmafic granulites and the continental geotherm determined frompeak PT conditions observed for granulite terranes. Thedouble-plate model may be applicable as a key growth processfor the production of thick mafic lower crust in magmatic arcs. KEY WORDS: thermal model; magmatic underplating; PT path; granulite; lower crust  相似文献   

Xenolith JJG41 is from the Roberts Victor kimberlite and isa bimineralic eclogite which is striking for its Al- and Ca-richclinopyroxene crystals showing garnet exsolution lamellae. Thedevelopment of the exsolution has been interpreted as a resultof a slow cooling at depth from near-solidus conditions (c.1400?C) towards normal mantle lithosphere temperatures (Harte& Gurney, 1975). The clinopyroxene retains marked compositionalgradients adjacent to the garnet lamellae and the present paperis concerned with the generation and preservation of these diffusiongradients within a rock from the Earth's mantle In order to understand the mechanism of exsolution reactiona re-examination has been made of the microtexture and chemistryof the garnet lamellae in relation to the compositional gradientsin adjacent clinopyroxene. Three sets of garnet lamellae, whichappear to have crystallized in sequence, may be recognised:type A, large lamellae, nucleated first and closest to the transformationtemperature; type B of intermediate size and age; and type C,small lamellae, nucleated last and with the greatest overstepof the transformation temperature. The major compositional zoning in JJG41 clinopyroxene, a decreaseof Al as Si and Mg increase, is consistent with the garnet growthreaction 2Diop+Al2Si–1Mg–1=2Gros, 1Py.Ca, unlikemost of the elements, shows very flat composition profiles,but with a higher concentration than the initial Ca contentof the unexsolved clinopyroxene. Garnet lamellae are individuallyhomogeneous, but Ca contents vary between lamellae as a functionof lamellae size. In contrast the Fe/Mg distribution coefficientsat interfaces between garnet and clinopyroxene are relativelyconstant irrespective of garnet size. The redistribution of the principal cations—Ca, Fe, Mg,Al, Si—between and within the clinopyrox ene and garnet,during garnet exsolution and cooling, obviously proceeded differentlyfor different elements. Two principal stages in the coolinghistory may be identified: (1) The growth of the sets of garnetlamellae controlled by Al2Mg–1Si–1 redistributionin clinopyroxene. This redistribution was both part of the nettransfer reaction creating garnet, and an exchange reactionin clinopyroxene essential for the diffusional transport ofAl to the growing garnet. Al diffusion in clinopyroxene wasprobably the rate-limiting step, and all other cations, Ca andFe as well as Mg and Si, were mobile during this stage. (2)The occurrence, after the cessation of garnet growth, of diffusionof Fe, Mg and Ca in garnet and interdiffusion of Fe-Mg in clinopyroxene.This resulted in the setting of the KD Fe-Mg at the Cpx-Gt interfacesto a roughly constant value equivalent to approximately 1000?C,which is taken to be the final (‘freezing-in’) temperaturefor redistribution of any elements. During this post garnet-growthstage Ca also became homogenized within individual garnet lamellae,but there is no evidence of Ca equilibration with the clinopyroxene.Under the P-T conditions operating, the initial clinopyroxenecomposition probably resulted in a maximum (M2 site fully occupied)Ca content in clinopyroxene during the stage of garnet growth,and this was maintained during the post-growth stage.  相似文献   

Bubble growth strongly affects the physical properties of degassing magmas and their eruption dynamics. Natural samples and products from quench experiments provide only a snapshot of the final state of volatile exsolution, leaving the processes occurring during its early stages unconstrained. In order to fill this gap, we present in situ high-temperature observations of bubble growth in magmas of different compositions (basalt, andesite and rhyodacite) at 1,100 to 1,240 °C and 0.1 MPa (1 bar), obtained using a moissanite cell apparatus. The data show that nucleation occurs at very small degrees of supersaturaturation (<60 MPa in basalt and andesite, 200 MPa in rhyodacite), probably due to heterogeneous nucleation of bubbles occurring simultaneously with the nucleation of crystals. During the early stages of exsolution, melt degassing is the driving mechanism of bubble growth, with coalescence becoming increasingly important as exsolution progresses. Ostwald ripening occurs only at the end of the process and only in basaltic melt. The average bubble growth rate (G R) ranges from 3.4 × 10?6 to 5.2 × 10?7 mm/s, with basalt and andesite showing faster growth rates than rhyodacite. The bubble number density (N B) at nucleation ranges from 7.9 × 104 mm?3 to 1.8 × 105 mm?3 and decreases exponentially over time. While the rhyodacite melt maintained a well-sorted bubble size distribution (BSD) through time, the BSDs of basalt and andesite are much more inhomogeneous. Our experimental observations demonstrate that bubble growth cannot be ascribed to a single mechanism but is rather a combination of many processes, which depend on the physical properties of the melt. Depending on coalescence rate, annealing of bubbles following a single nucleation event can produce complex bubble size distributions. In natural samples, such BSDs may be misinterpreted as resulting from several separate nucleation events. Incipient crystallization upon cooling of a magma may allow bubble nucleation already at very small degrees of supersaturation and could therefore be an important trigger for volatile release and explosive eruptions.  相似文献   

Textural interpretation of ore-mineral assemblages, such as bornite-chalcopyrite (bn-cpy) intergrowths, should be based on definite experimentation. Appropriate exsolution and coarsening experiments were performed using sealed, evacuated, silicaglass tubes; synthetic bn-cpy solid solutions were annealed between 100° and 350°C for times of 20 min to 10 weeks. Early-formed textures develop through nucleation and growth and depend on the initial degree of supersaturation and the metal diffusivities. Final textures, due to additional growth and coarsening, are very sensitive to temperature and may serve as geothermometers. Mutual boundary textures which form above 250°C can originate by: (1) simultaneous precipitation; (2) exsolution during slow cooling from above the solvus; and (3) metamorphism to temperatures above about 250°C. Widmanstätten textures are not compatible with slow cooling, but indicate: (1) low-temperature replacement of bn; or (2) exsolution of cpy lamellae from anomalous bn heated to around 200°–250°C during mild metamorphism.  相似文献   

Experimentation in synthetic systems is essential for a correct interpretation of ore-mineral textures such as the pyrrhotite-pentlandite (po-pn) intergrowths of Ni-sulfide deposits. Within the Fe-Ni-S system, isothermal and cooling exsolution experiments were performed on monosulfide solid solution (mss) of various compositions using sealed, evacuated silica-glass tubes. The charges were annealed between 400° and 200°C for periods ranging from 20 minutes to 5 weeks; also, charges were cooled from 500° to 100°C at 1°C/h. Early-formed isothermal textures form by nucleation and growth, and depend on the initial degree of supersaturation and metal diffusivities; the final textures result from further growth and coarsening of the early forms and are particularly sensitive to the diffusivities, which are a function of temperature. The cooling-rate experiments indicate that massive pn develops by exsolution between 610° and about 250°C during slow cooling from temperatures above the mss-pn solvus; coarsened pn forms along basal planes in the mss matrix between about 250° and 150°C; pn "Flames" result at 150°C or slightly below. Crossing pn lamellae, obtained isothermally at high degrees of supersaturation and virtually unknown in ores, cannot form during slow cooling.  相似文献   

The development of recrystallization microstructures has beenstudied in some ‘hot deformed’ peridotite xenolithsfrom the Thaba Putsoa Kimberlite pipe in S. Africa. The xenolithswere deformed to high strains by dislocation creep in the uppermantle and then annealed as they were uplifted by the kimberlitefluid. Static recrystallization occurs during annealing producingeuhedral shaped ‘tablet’ grains. Tablet grain boundariesare sub-parallel to crystal growth habits in olivine and orthopyroxene.This microstructure is characteristic of recrystallization byfluid-assisted grain boundary migration, where a thin fluidfilm is present along the boundary. There is microstructural evidence for a complex fluid infiltrationhistory involving an early Fe-Ti rich metasomatic silicate fluidand later kimberlite fluids. Minor partial melting of clinopyroxenecan also be inferred, which, is consistent with infiltrationof a kimberlite-derived C-H-O rich fluid into the xenoliths.Any of these fluids could have been present along the tabletgrain boundaries during static recrystallization. The occurrenceof tablet grains in ‘cold deformed’ xenoliths, whichhave a simple infiitration history, suggests that a C-H-O richfluid derived from kimberlite is the most probable boundaryfluid in both the hot and cold deformed xenoliths. The occurrence of dynamically stable semi-continuous grain boundaryfluid films during re crystallization indicates that mechanismsof fluid segregation and transport in the upper mantle are likelyto be dependent upon the type of deformation and recrystallizationmechanisms operating. In addition the destabilization of thestatic fluid distribution by grain boundary migration and deformationwill also influence the rheology of the upper mantle where fluidsare present. *Present address: Mineralogy Research Centre, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.  相似文献   

Processes of crystal separation in a magma heavily laden withcrystals without phase change are investigated from observationson frozen magma systems: Nosappumisaki and other shoshoniteintrusions in the Nemuro peninsula, Japan, for which the originof the crystals and the initial conditions are well constrained.The Nosappumisaki intrusion is 120 m in thickness and extendsfor more than 1·5 km. It exhibits a wide range of lithologicalvariation, principally as a result of crystal redistributionafter intrusion. Crystals in each lithology can be clearly dividedinto two kinds according to their composition and texture: thosepresent before the intrusion of the magma (‘phenocrysts’)and those that crystallized in situ after intrusion. From thevertical change in mode and size of ‘phenocrysts’,it is shown that (1) augite ‘phenocrysts’ were rapidlydeposited, with little overgrowth after intrusion, by significantcoagulation or clustering on a time-scale of more than a fewyears, and (2) plagioclase ‘phenocrysts’, definitelydenser than the melt but concentrated in the upper level, floatedby counter flow of massive deposition of augite ‘phenocrysts’.These results indicate that in a magma heavily laden with crystalsof a few millimeters in size (>20 vol. %), crystal–crystaland crystal–melt interaction play an important role inthe separation of crystals from the host melt. KEY WORDS: magma chamber; sill; crystal settling; plagioclase flotation; Nosappumisaki  相似文献   

The Genesis of Zoned Skarns in the Sierra Nevada, California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zoned skarns occur at plutonic-metamorphic contacts, in veinscutting marble, and at contacts between marble and interlayeredamphibolite and biotite-rich rocks. For P = 2 kb, fluid inclusionsand P-T-XCO2 stability relations of calc-silicate assemblagessuggest T< 650 °C and a H2O-rich fluid (XCO2 < 0.1).Small-scale, Ca-rich endoskarns are common near exoskarns. Massbalance calculations suggest that: (a) the formation of exoskarnrequires the influx of solute in an aqueous solution from uncontaminatedmagma in addition to material derived from the endoskarn, (b)some ‘limestone assimilation’ is required to formendoskarns, and (c) skarn formation was essentially a constant-volumeprocess. Applying chromatographic theory, compositional profilesof garnet and pyroxene across zoned skarns suggest that infiltrationmetasomatism was an important process, although diffusion metasomatismappears to have produced local compositional gradients at theinfiltration ‘fronts’. Fluid flow calculations showthat thick exoskarns could readily form by intergranular infiltration of aqueous solutions. Reciprocal diffusional exchangeis suggested as a dominant mechanism in the formation of zonedskarns formed at contacts between interlayered metamorphic lithologies.  相似文献   

A considerable part of the nephelinite lavas of the volcanoMt. Nyiragongo in the eastern Belgian Congo contains kalsiliteas one of the main constituents. The mineral never occurs asthe only feldspathoid of the rock but is accompanied by nepheline,abundant melilite, and, sometimes, by small to moderate amountsof leucite. Other important constituents of these kalsilite-bearingrocks are clinopyroxene, olivine, perovskite, titanomagnetite,sodalite, &c. The feldspars are lacking. Kalsilite occurs both as complex nepheline-kalsilite phenocrystsin which these phases are strictly co-axial and in the fine-grainedgroundmass as grains separate from those of nepheline. The complex nepheline-kalsilite phenocrysts exhibit a continuousseries of progressing exsolution schematically presented inFig. 5. The series begins with a perthite-like nepheline-kalsilitecore surrounded by a drop-like development of nepheline in themargin of the crystal and ends up with a homogeneous kalsilitecore surrounded by a nepheline margin. The complex phenocrysts occur mostly as aggregates causing atypically glomeroporphyritic texture. Evidence is presentedindicating that, in the very first stages of crystallization,some of the Nyiragongo lavas are able to precipitate small amountsof phenocrysts of approximate composition K3NaAl4Si4O16. Throughcrystal-rise under turbulent currents in the molten lava massthese phenocrysts have been accumulated into aggregates andthus have been preserved until extrusion. Granted sufficientlyslow cooling under static conditions, the phenocrysts wouldhave reacted with the molten lava. The roles of the crystal-riseand of the turbulent currents in lava are illustrated by theoccurrence of the ‘giant’ leucite aggregates foundin the inner walls of the crater and by observations on thelava lake of the mountain. The occurrence of kalsilite in the groundmass is explained bythe existence of a two-phase area in the sub-solidus range inthe nepheline-kalsilite system. The Nepheline Aggregate lavas represent the last extrusionsemitted by the Nyiragongo main crater. The nepheline phenocrystscharacteristic of these lavas range considerably higher in potassiumcontent than the nephelines found in other Nyiragongo flows.The crystals are slightly zoned with a large potassium-richcore coated by a narrow margin with gradually decreasing potassiumcontent. The zoning may be detected only by using special methods.The history of crystallization of the nepheline phenocrystsis considered analogous to that of the complex nepheline-kalsilitephenocrysts with the only difference that the nepheline phenocrystsof the Nepheline Aggregate lavas are less rich in potassiumand, consequently, have not been subjected to exsolution.  相似文献   

A considerable part of the nephelinite lavas of the volcanoMt. Nyiragongo in the eastern Belgian Congo contains kalsiliteas one of the main constituents. The mineral never occurs asthe only feldspathoid of the rock but is accompanied by nepheline,abundant melilite, and, sometimes, by small to moderate amountsof leucite. Other important constituents of these kalsilite-bearingrocks are clinopyroxene, olivine, perovskite, titanomagnetite,sodalite, &c. The feldspars are lacking. Kalsilite occurs both as complex nepheline-kalsilite phenocrystsin which these phases are strictly co-axial and in the fine-grainedgroundmass as grains separate from those of nephe-line. The complex nepheline-kalsilite phenocrysts exhibit a continuousseries of progressing exsolution schematically presented inFig. 5. The series begins with a perthite-like nepheline-kalsilitecore surrounded by a drop-like development of nepheline in themargin of the crystal and ends up with a homogeneous kalsilitecore surrounded by a nepheline margin. The complex phenocrysts occur mostly as aggregates causing atypically glomeroporphyritic texture. Evidence is presentedindicating that, in the very first stages of crystallization,some of the Nyiragongo lavas are able to precipitate small amountsof phenocrysts of approximate composition K3NaAl4Si4O16. Throughcrystal-rise under turbulent currents in the molten lava massthese phenocrysts have been accumulated into aggregates andthus have been preserved until extrusion. Granted sufficientlyslow cooling under static conditions, the phenocrysts wouldhave reacted with the molten lava. The roles of the crystal-riseand of the turbulent currents in lava are illustrated by theoccurrence of the ‘giant’ leucite aggregates foundin the inner walls of the crater and by observations on thelava lake of the mountain. The occurrence of kalsilite in the groundmass is explained bythe existence of a two-phase area in the sub-solidus range inthe nepheline-kalsilite system. The Nepheline Aggregate lavas represent the last extrusionsemitted by the Nyiragongo main crater. The nepheline phenocrystscharacteristic of these lavas range considerably higher in potassiumcontent than the nephelines found in other Nyiragongo flows.The crystals are slightly zoned with a large potassium-richcore coated by a narrow margin with gradually decreasing potassiumcontent. The zoning may be detected only by using special methods.The history of crystallization of the nepheline phenocrystsis considered analogous to that of the complex nepheline-kalsilitephenocrysts with the only difference that the nephe-line phenocrystsof the Nepheline Aggregate lavas are less rich in potassiumand, consequently, have not been subjected to exsolution.  相似文献   

Calcium concentration and calcite supersaturation (Ω) needed for calcium carbonate nucleation and crystal growth in Pyramid Lake (PL) surface water were determined during August of 1997, 2000, and 2001. PL surface water has Ω values of 10–16. Notwithstanding high Ω, calcium carbonate growth did not occur on aragonite single crystals suspended PL surface water for several months. However, calcium solution addition to PL surface-water samples caused reproducible calcium carbonate mineral nucleation and crystal growth. Mean PL surface-water calcium concentration at nucleation was 2.33 mM (n = 10), a value about nine times higher than the ambient PL surface-water calcium concentration (0.26 mM); mean Ω at nucleation (109 with a standard deviation of 8) is about eight times the PL surface-water Ω. Calcium concentration and Ω regulated the calcium carbonate formation in PL nucleation experiments and surface water. Unfiltered samples nucleated at lower Ω than filtered samples. Calcium concentration and Ω at nucleation for experiments in the presence of added particles were within one standard deviation of the mean for all samples. Calcium carbonate formation rates followed a simple rate expression of the form, rate (mM/min) = A (Ω) + B. The best fit rate equation “Rate (Δ mM/Δ min) = −0.0026 Ω + 0.0175 (r = 0.904, n = 10)” was statistically significant at greater than the 0.01 confidence level and gives, after rearrangement, Ω at zero rate of 6.7. Nucleation in PL surface water and morphology of calcium carbonate particles formed in PL nucleation experiments and in PL surface-water samples suggest crystal growth inhibition by multiple substances present in PL surface water mediates PL calcium carbonate formation, but there is insufficient information to determine the chemical nature of all inhibitors.  相似文献   

The Strathcona iron-nickel-copper sulfide ore deposit lies atthe base of the Sudbury Nickel Irruptive along the north rimof the Sudbury basin. In the vicinity of the deposit the mainbody of the Nickel Irruptive consists of an upper unit of 3700ft (1200 m) of granophyre (the ‘micropegmatite’)and a lower unit of 1500 ft (500 m) of augite norite (the ‘felsicnorite’) separated by 300 ft (100 m) of transitional rock(the ‘transition zone’). Two augite norite intrusions(the ‘mafic norite’ and the ‘xenolithic norite’)that are younger than the felsic norite occur along its lowercontact. The xenolithic norite is relatively rich in xenolithsand grades downwards into a unit known as the ‘hanging-wallbreccia’. The breccia resembles the xenolithic noritebut contains a higher proportion of xenoliths. A quartz-plagioclase-augite gneiss (the ‘footwall gneiss’)underlies all units of the Nickel Irruptive. A cataclastic breccia(the ‘footwall breccia’) which formed as a resultof comminution of both gneiss and overlying Irruptive rocksis present in most areas between the gneiss and the Nickel Irruptive.The ore body occurs partly as a dissemination of sulfides inthe matrix of the hanging-wall breccia (‘hanging-wallore’), partly as a fine dissemination and massive stringersof sulfide in the footwall breccia matrix (‘main-zoneore’), and partly as massive stringers of sulfide in thefootwall gneiss (‘deep-zone ore’). Xenoliths in the xenolithic norite and hanging-wall brecciarange from dunite to olivine gabbro. Olivine in the xenoliths(composition estimated by an X-ray method) varies from Fo73to Fo85, and hypersthene and augite (composition estimated byelectron microprobe analysis) vary from Fs25 to Fsi3, and Fsi3to Fs5, respectively. The iron content of the mafic mineralsshows a positive correlation with the proportion of felsic mineralsin the xenoliths, suggesting that the xenoliths have been derivedfrom a cryptically layered body of mafic and ultramafic rock.The wide distribution of xenoliths around the margin of theNickel Irruptive coupled with the absence of any obvious externalsource is strong evidence that the xenoliths are cognate, supportingWilson's (1956) proposal that the Irruptive is a funnel-shapedintrusion with a zone of ultramafic rocks towards its base. Hypersthene ranges from Fs33 to Fs28 in the felsic norite, fromFs28 to Fs22 in the mafic norite, and from Fs28 to Fs20 in thexenolithic norite. Augite ranges from Fsl6 to Fs14 in the felsicnorite and from Fs14 to Fsn in both the mafic and xenolithicnorites. The distribution coefficient for iron and magnesiumbetween coexisting augite and hypersthene ranges from 1-0 insome of the xenoliths to 1-5 in some samples of felsic norite,indicating that the two pyroxenes equilibrated at, or near,magmatic temperature. The composition of plagioclase in thefelsic norite, mafic norite, and xenolithic norite is aroundAn65-70 but decreases to An44 in those Irruptive rocks closestto the footwall breccia. The composition of plagioclase withinthe breccia varies between An32 and An43. Sodium metasomatismappears to have affected the breccia and to have spread outto affect adjacent rocks. The concentration of nickel and copper in the sulfides variessystematically across the ore deposit. The nickel content ofiron-nickel sulfides varies between 2-5 and 3 per cent in thehanging-wall ore but increases regularly from 3 per cent to5 or 5-5 per cent from hanging wall to footwall across the main-zoneore. Copper concentration shows a similar but more erratic variation.The variation is attributed to thermal diffusion of nickel andcopper within the main-zone ore along a gradient induced bythe overlying, hot, Nickel Irruptive. The principal opaque minerals in the ore body are, in the orderof their abundance, pyrrho-tite of at least two types, magnetite,pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite. All of the sulfides inthe hanging-wall ore are the result of exsolution from a high-temperature,pyrrhotite solid solution. Pyrite started to exsolve below 700C, chalcopyrite below 450 C, and pentlandite below 300 C.Monoclinic pyrrhotite formed from the host hexagonal pyrrhotiteprobably between 300 and 250 C. The temperature of formationof the sulfides in the main-zone ore has been obscured by reworkingof the ore after its first emplacement. The principal ore sulfides, pyrrhotite and pentlandite, arecommon throughout the mafic norite, xenolithic norite, and hanging-wallbreccia, occurring in amounts around 5 per cent in most samples.Pyrrhotite and pentlandite are extremely rare in the overlyingfelsic norite where pyrite is the most common sulfide. It occursin amounts between 01 and 0-5 per cent, commonly together withsecondary amphibole after pyroxene. The sulfides in the maficand xenolithic norites and in the hanging-wall breccia occupyspaces interstitial to the silicates, and little or no replacementof silicates by sulfides has occurred. In the main-zone ore,evidence of small-scale replacement of silicates by sulfidesis common. The high percentage of pyrrhotite and pentlandite in the maficand xenolithic norites in contrast to the felsic norite, texturalrelations between sulfides and silicates, and the high temperaturesindicated by the pyroxene distribution coefficients lead tothe conclusion that the hanging-wall sulfides (including thehanging-wall ore) at Strathcona were introduced with these youngernoritic intrusions. Data on the solubility of sulfides in silicatemagmas rule out the possibility that the bulk of the sulfideswere in solution in the noritic magmas; the data support thehypothesis that during intrusion the sulfides were held in suspensionin the in the magmas as droplets of immiscible sulfide-oxideliquid. Calculations on the rate of settling to be expectedfor such sulfide droplets are consistent with this hypothesis.The manner of emplacement of the main-zone ore is less certain;our explanation is that this ore consists of sulfides that originallysettled out of, or collected along, the base of the hanging-wallbreccia zone and were subsequently incorporated in the brecciationthat gave rise to the footwall breccia. The origin of the sulfides at Strathcona is clearly connectedclosely with the origin of the younger noritic intrusions. Asimilar connexion exists between sulfides and young marginalintrusions at many other Sudbury deposits. Jt is possible thatboth sulfides and intrusions are portions of the Nickel Irruptivemagma that lagged behind the main body of magma and were intrudedat a later stage. Alternatively, the young intrusions may haveassimilated sulfides from a sulfide-rich zone within or at themargin of the deeper layers of the Irruptive.  相似文献   

The free energy curves for simple binary solid solutions with limited miscibility or atomic ordering have been combined to predict the phase relations and exsolution mechanisms for a system in which both ordering and exsolution are possible. The nature of the ordering process affects which exsolution mechanisms may be used. If the ordering is second (or higher) order in character then continuous mechanisms predominate and a ‘conditional spinodal’ (Alien and Cahn, 1976) can be described which operates between ordered and disordered end members. For a first order case, the ordered phase can only precipitate a disordered phase by nucleation and growth. Microstructures in omphacites observed by transmission electron microscopy include exsolution lamellae and antiphase domains and the relations between them in selected specimens have been used to interpret the exsolution mechanisms which operated under geological conditions. It appears that most omphacites undergo cation ordering, and then remain homogeneous or exsolve a disordered pyroxene by spinodal decomposition. The predominance of continuous mechanisms has been used to indicate that the C2/cP2/n transformation may be second (or higher) order in character. A possible phase diagram for jadeite-augite is presented. It is based on the idea that there should be limited miscibility between the disordered end members at low temperatures and that the cation ordering at intermediate compositions (omphacite) is superimposed on a solvus. It is adequate to explain many of the observed microstructures and fits with petrographic evidence of broad two phase fields between impure jadeite and omphacite and between omphacite and sodic augite. The effect of adding acmite is analogous to increasing temperature so that the phase relations for jadeite-acmite-augite can also be predicted.  相似文献   

 The growth rates of enstatite rims produced by reaction of Fo92 and SiO2 were determined at 250–1500 MPa and 900–1100°C for a wide range of water contents. Growth rates were also determined for forsterite rims between MgO and Mg2Si2O6 and between MgO and SiO2. Rim growth rates are parabolic indicating diffusion-controlled growth of the polycrystalline rims which are composed of ˜ 2 μm diameter grains. Rim growth rates were used to calculate the product of the grain boundary diffusion coefficient (D'A) times the effective grain boundary thickness (δ) assuming in turn that MgO, SiO2, and Mg2Si−1 are the diffusing components (coupled diffusion of a cation and oxygen or interdiffusion of Mg and Si). The values for D'MgOδ, D', and D' for enstatite at 1000°C and 700 MPa confining pressure with about 0.1 wt %  water are about five times larger than the corresponding D'Aδ values for samples initially vacuum dried at 250°C. Most of the increase in D'Aδ occurs with the first 0.1 wt %  water. The activation energy for diffusion through the enstatite rims (1100–950°C) is 162 ± 30 kJ/mole. The diffusion rate through enstatite rims is essentially unchanged for confining pressures from 210–1400 MPa, but the nucleation rate is greatly reduced at low confining pressure (for  ≤ 1.0 wt % water present) and limits the conditions at which rim growth can be measured. The corresponding values for D'Aδ through forsterite rims are essentially identical for the two forsterite-producing reactions when 0.1 wt % water is added and similar to the D'Aδ values for enstatite at the same conditions. The D'Aδ values for forsterite are ˜ 28 times larger for samples starting with 0.1 wt %  water compared to samples that were first vacuum dried. Thus water enhances these grain boundary diffusion rates by a factor of 5–30 depending on the mineralogy, but the total range in D'Aδ is only slightly more than an order of magnitude for as wide a range of water contents as expected for most crustal conditions. Received: 1 July 1995 / Accepted: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

The c. 2·97–2·95 Ga magmatic history ofthe Mallina Basin, in the Pilbara Craton of NW Australia, includeswhat is perhaps the most lithologically diverse magmatism ofany similar-sized Archaean terrain, and is unusual for similar-sizedterrains of any age. The magmatism includes light rare earthelement (LREE)-rich basaltic rocks, LREE-rich gabbros and rockswith boninite-like compositions (collectively the ‘Mallinamafic suite’), and high-Mg diorites (sanukitoids). TheMallina mafic suite is characterized by high primitive mantlenormalized (La/Nb)PM (>3) and (La/Yb)PM (>2), and non-radiogenicNd-isotopic compositions (  相似文献   

The Miocene Tokuwa pluton of ‘I-type’ granitoidaffinity was emplaced discordantly into a Cretaceous to Paleogeneaccretionary complex and induced a contact aureole in whichvarious thermally metamorphosed rocks were developed, includinghornfels, metatexite, diatexite and cordierite-bearing tonalite(Crd-tonalite) of ‘S-type’ granite affinity. Thethermally metamorphosed rocks show low-pressure reaction texturesculminating in partial melting. Peak P–T conditions of3 kbar at 780°C are estimated on the basis of the TWQ thermobarometerfor the garnet-bearing rocks. The rocks in the contact aureoleexhibit a gradual transition from hornfels, through metatexiteand diatexite to Crd-tonalite. The Sr-isotopic composition atthe time of Tokuwa pluton emplacement at 12 Ma decreases systematicallyfrom metatexite (0·7100–0·7112) throughdiatexite (0·7078–0·7094) to Crd-tonalite(0·7067–0·7068); this trend is interpretedin terms of mixing between the Tokuwa magma and the aureolemigmatites. The field relationships, geochemical data, and isotopicdata collectively suggest that the emplacement of the Tokuwapluton triggered partial melting of the surrounding metasedimentaryrocks. Subsequent hybridization of the Tokuwa magma with themetatexite in variable proportions produced the Crd-tonaliteand diatexite. The hybridization was caused by invasion of theTokuwa magma into the migmatite zone, accompanied by gravitationalcollapse of the previously crystallized wall of the magma chamber.The data presented demonstrate that even a relatively low-temperature,shallow, ‘I-type’ granitoid pluton can induce contactanatexis and hybrid ‘S-type’ granitoid formationat the intrusive contact. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; hybridization; magma–host-rock interaction; migmatite; ‘S-type’ granitoid  相似文献   

The Jormua Ophiolite exposes a unique fragment of Red Seatypeoceanic crust formed in a setting related to continental break-up1950 Ma ago. Two distinct types of basalt are represented: the‘early dykes’ and the ‘main basalt suite’.‘Early dykes’ have fractionated (H) REE patterns,OIB-like trace element patterns, low Zr/Nb (6) and ENd(1.95Ga)–0.6, indicative of their derivation from an enrichedsource. The remaining dykes and all lavas belong to the second,E-MORB-like ‘main basalt suite’, which is characterizedby high mg-number and Cr contents, flat REE patterns, Zr/Nb= 6–17, chondritic Th/Ta and only moderately depletedisotopic signatures [END (1.95 Ga)+1.9]. Most ‘main suite’samples cannot be related solely by fractional crystallizationto a common parental magma. Rather, they represent distinctmelt fractions that underwent variable amounts of chromite +olivine plagioclase fractionation during ascent. A significantpart of the compositional diversity of the ‘main basaltsuite’ can be explained by mixing a depleted source witha relatively uniform proportion of an enriched component similarto that represented by the OIB-like ‘early dykes’.It is probable that during the latest stages of continentalrifting the OIB-type melts metasomatized the upper part of thedepleted asthenospheric mantle, which became the source of the‘main basalt suite’ soon after the old continentallithosphere was ruptured. The complete absence of any evidencefor a subduction-related component in the basalts implies thatJormua is not a back-are ophiolite. *Fax: +358 0 462 205. e-mail: petri.peltonen{at}gsf.fi  相似文献   

Model of nucleation and growth of crystals in cooling magmas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The nucleation and growth of liquidus phases in cooling magmas at constant rates are modeled taking into account homogeneous nucleation, diffusion-limited growth, and depletion of crystallizing component from melt, and the temperature-dependent diffusivity. The formulation of governing equations shows that four dimensionless parameters, whose physical meanings are the nucleation difficulty, the fusion enthalpy, the ratio of the growth rate to the cooling rate, and the activation energy of diffusion, control the crystallization phenomena. The nucleation behavior with time (or temperature) is determined primarily by the competition between increasing nucleation rate with cooling and the reduced supersaturation with depletion by progressive growth of crystals previously nucleated. The maximum nucleation rate and the number density of crystals increase with decreasing interfacial tension and diffusivity, and with increasing fusion enthalpy and cooling rate. Quantitative expressions of the time or temperature interval for which the nucleation remains appreciable, the peak nucleation rate, the number density of crystals and the mean crystal radius are derived as functions of controlling parameters, and can be used to estimate the cooling rate or other unknown parameters from the number density of crystals of a rock.  相似文献   

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