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It is shown that the giant low surface brightness galaxies (GLSBs), characterized by a large but diffuse disc component, can result from ordinary spiral galaxies through dynamical evolution. Numerical simulations indicate that the formation of a bar in a gravitationally unstable disc with high surface density induces non-circular motions and radial mixing of disc matter, leading to the flattening of the disc density profile. The resulting decrease in the disc central surface brightness is ∼1.5 magnitude, while the disc scalelength is nearly doubled, transforming a typical high surface brightness galaxy to a GSLB. This scenario seems promising especially for the GSLBs possessing a significant bulge, which are difficult to incorporate into the traditional Hubble sequence. Namely, because this disc transmutation can operate even if a moderate bulge component exists, the GSLBs with a bulge are argued to have resulted from the high surface brightness galaxies which had already possessed a bulge. The current picture naturally explains other observed characteristics of the GSLBs as well, including the propensity for having grand-design spiral arms and a bar, a high incidence of active nuclei, and galaxy environments.  相似文献   

We present observations ( B, R, K , Hα and H  i ) of six nearby low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs). They show an astonishing amount of variety; while some systems appear smooth and featureless, others resolve into loose assemblies of gas clouds. We have derived rotation curves, gas surface density profiles and star formation thresholds for three of the galaxies.
The results have been used to test two ideas describing their star formation: one in which star formation depends solely on the H  i gas surface density, and one that depends on differential rotation. We find that a critical H  i surface density criterion in the range  2.6–12.6 × 1020 cm−2 (2.1–10.1 M pc−2)  best describes the star-forming ability of these galaxies on local and global scales. A critical gas surface density based on the rotation of the gas is also able to describe the results on a global scale for two of the three galaxies for which we were able to derive rotation curves.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamical effects of a molecular cloud complex with a mass ∼ 107 M and a size ∼ a few 100 pc on the vertical distribution of stars and atomic hydrogen gas in a spiral galactic disc. Such massive complexes have now been observed in a number of spiral galaxies. The extended mass distribution in a complex, with an average mass density 6 times higher than the Oort limit, is shown to dominate the local gravitational field. This results in a significant redistribution or clustering of the surrounding disc components towards the mid-plane, with a resulting decrease in their vertical scaleheights.
The modified, self-consistent stellar density distribution is obtained by solving the combined Poisson equation and the force equation along the z -direction for an isothermal stellar disc on which the complex is imposed. The effect of the complex is strongest at its centre, where the stellar mid-plane density increases by a factor of 2.6 and the vertical scaleheight decreases by a factor of 3.4 compared with the undisturbed stellar disc. A surprising result is the large radial distance of ∼ 500 pc from the complex centre over which the complex influences the disc; this is due to the extended mass distribution in a complex. The complex has a comparable effect on the vertical distribution of the atomic hydrogen gas in the galactic disc. This 'pinching' or constraining effect should be detectable in the nearby spiral galaxies, as for example has been done for NGC 2403 by Sicking. Thus the gravitational field of a complex results in local corrugations of the stellar and H  i vertical scaleheights, and the galactic disc potential is highly non-uniform on scales of the intercomplex separation of ∼ 1 kpc.  相似文献   

We have assessed the significance of Tully and Verheijen's bimodal Ursa Major Cluster spiral galaxy near-infrared surface brightness distribution, focusing on whether this bimodality is simply an artefact of small number statistics. A Kolmogorov–Smirnov style of significance test shows that the total distribution is fairly represented by a single-peaked distribution, but that their isolated galaxy subsample (with no significant neighbours within a projected distance of ∼80 kpc) is bimodal at the 96 per cent level. We have also investigated the assumptions underlying the isolated galaxy surface brightness distribution, finding that the (often large) inclination corrections used in the construction of this distribution reduce the significance of the bimodality. We conclude that the Ursa Major Cluster data set is insufficient to establish the presence of a bimodal near-infrared surface brightness distribution: an independent sample of ∼100 isolated, low-inclination galaxies is required to establish bimodality at the 99 per cent level.  相似文献   

We present observations of the stellar and gas kinematics for a representative sample of 24 Sa galaxies obtained with our custom-built integral-field spectrograph SAURON operating on the William Herschel Telescope. The data have been homogeneously reduced and analysed by means of a dedicated pipeline. All resulting data cubes were spatially binned to a minimum mean signal-to-noise ratio of 60 per spatial and spectral resolution element. Our maps typically cover the bulge-dominated region. We find a significant fraction of kinematically decoupled components (12/24), many of them displaying central velocity dispersion minima. They are mostly aligned and co-rotating with the main body of the galaxies, and are usually associated with dust discs and rings detected in unsharp-masked images. Almost all the galaxies in the sample (22/24) contain significant amounts of ionized gas which, in general, is accompanied by the presence of dust. The kinematics of the ionized gas are consistent with circular rotation in a disc co-rotating with respect to the stars. The distribution of mean misalignments between the stellar and gaseous angular momenta in the sample suggests that the gas has an internal origin. The [O  iii ]/Hβ ratio is usually very low, indicative of current star formation, and shows various morphologies (ring-like structures, alignments with dust lanes or amorphous shapes). The star formation rates (SFRs) in the sample are comparable with that of normal disc galaxies. Low gas velocity dispersion values appear to be linked to regions of intense star formation activity. We interpret this result as stars being formed from dynamically cold gas in those regions. In the case of NGC 5953, the data suggest that we are witnessing the formation of a kinematically decoupled component from cold gas being acquired during the ongoing interaction with NGC 5954.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of a model for the late-type barred-spiral galaxy NGC 3359 by using both observational and numerical techniques. The results of our modelling are compared with photometric and kinematical data. The potential used is estimated directly from observations of the galaxy. It describes with a single potential function, a barred-spiral system with an extended spiral structure. Thus, the study of the dynamics in this potential has an interest by itself. We apply orbital theory and response models for the study of the stellar component, and smoothed particle hydrodynamics for modelling the gas. In particular, we examine the pattern speed of the system and the orbital character (chaotic or ordered) of the spiral arms. We conclude that the spiral pattern rotates slowly, in the sense that its corotation is close to or even beyond the end of the arms. Although a single, slow pattern speed could, under certain assumptions, characterize the whole disc, the comparison with the observational data indicates that probably the bar and the spirals have different angular velocities. In our two pattern speeds model, the best fit is obtained with a bar ending close to its 4:1 resonance and a more slowly rotating spiral. Assuming an 11 Mpc distance to the galaxy, a match of our models with the observed data indicates a pattern speed of about  39 km s−1 kpc−1  for the bar and about  15 km s−1 kpc−1  for the spiral. We do not find any indication for a chaotic character of the arms in this barred-spiral system. The flow in the region of the spirals can best be described as a regular 'precessing-ellipses flow'.  相似文献   

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