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Contact metamorphic marbles, affected by metasomatic fluids at the contact to the Bergell and Adamello Intrusives, contain various accessory minerals (zirconolite, allanite, titanite, rutile, geikielite, hoegbomite), which provide new evidence for the hydrothermal mobility of Ti and Zr. In both examples, Ti and Zr migrated along with U, Th, Y and REE in a metasomatic fluid rich in potassium. The composition of the main minerals (fluorine-rich phlogopite, pargasite and titanian clinohumite) and the abundance of fluor-apatite demonstrate that fluorine and phosphorus were important components of the fluid. The textural relationships indicate that the formation of the accessory phases is linked to the crystallization of the hydrous minerals.  相似文献   

The assemblage titanian clinohumite+forsterite +spinel+calcite is widespread in marbles from the eastern Bergell contact aureole (Switzerland/Italy). The Bergell titanian clinohumites vary considerably in composition (TiO2: 0.19 to 2.05 wt%, F: 2.2 to 3.4 wt%). Electron microprobe analyses show that the titanian clinohumites contain less than detectable amounts of Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Al, Cr and Cl. No trace of ferric iron could be detected by Moessbauer spectroscopy. Moreover, the Moessbauer spectra indicate that Fe2+ occurs only in one of the five octahedral positions in the crystal structure of the studied titanian clinohumite. Under the conditions of the contact metamorphism (600–650° C, 3 kb total pressure) the compositional variation along the exchange vector TiO2M–1 (OH,F)–2 takes place at constantx OH which is fixed by the pore fluid. Titanian clinohumite sometimes contains geikielite inclusions which strongly fractionate Fe and Mn relative to titanian clinohumite. The geikielites from the Bergell marbles are poor in Cr2O3, Fe2O3 and MnO, and thus different from those found in carbonatites, kimberlites and serpentinized ultramafic rocks.  相似文献   

Recognition of partial melting in metamorphic rocks is a difficult task, as leucosomes can have a variety of origins. By comparing the observed values of the solid-solid dihedral angles with the known equilibrium values, and close examination of the shapes and compositions of feldspar grains, it is possible to unequivocally identify melt textures. Textural relations in a series of meta-arkose samples from the contact aureole of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex in the Scottish Highlands demonstrate that, when former melt pockets are not highly deformed, their presence can be recognized petrographically, by detailed examination of textures on the grain scale. Identification of melt textures and their distribution in the Ballachulish aureole has led to appreciation of the fundamental role of magmatically derived H2O in producing the partial melting. It has also allowed calculation of the H2O flux involved, and recognition that fractures were the major fluid pathways during metamorphism.  相似文献   

Graphitization and coarsening of organic material in carbonate-bearing metasedimentary rocks is accompanied by carbon isotope exchange which is the basis of a refractory, pressure-independent geothermometer. Comparison of observed isotopic fractionations between calcite and graphite (δ13CCal–Gr) with independent petrological thermometers provides the following empirical calibration over the range 400–800°C: δ13CCal–Gr= 5.81 times 106×T–2(K) - 2.61. This system has its greatest potential in marbles where calcite + graphite is a common assemblage and other geothermometers are often unavailable. The temperature dependency of this empirical calibration differs from theoretical calibrations; reasons for this are unclear but the new empirical calibration yields temperature estimates in better agreement with independent thermometry from several terranes and is preferred for geological applications. Both calcite-graphite isotopic thermometry and calcite-dolomite solvus thermometry are applied to marble adjacent to the Tudor gabbro in the Grenville Province of Ontario, Canada. The marble has undergone two metamorphic episodes, early contact metamorphism and later regional metamorphism. Values of δ13CCal–Gr decrease regularly from c. 8‰ in samples over 2 km from the pluton to values of 3–4‰ within 200 m of the contact. These samples appear to preserve fractionations from the early thermal aureole with the empirical geothermometer, and indicate temperatures of 450–500° C away from the intrusion and 700–750°C near the gabbro. This thermal profile around the gabbro is consistent with conductive heat flow models. In contrast, the distribution of Mg between calcite and dolomite has been completely reset during later regional metamorphism and yields uniform temperatures of c. 500°C, even at the contact. Graphite textures are important for interpreting the results of the calcite–graphite thermometer. Coarsening of graphite approaching the Tudor gabbro correlates with the decrease in isotopic fractionations and provides textural evidence that graphite crystallization took place at the time of intrusion. In contrast to isotopic exchange during prograde metamorphism, which is facilitated by graphitization, retrogressive carbon isotopic exchange appears to require recrystallization of graphite which is sluggish and easily recognized texturally. Resistance of the calcite–graphite system to resetting permits thermometry in polymetamorphic settings to see through later events that have disturbed other systems.  相似文献   

The grain‐scale spatial arrangement of melt in layer‐parallel leucosomes in two anatectic rocks from two different contact aureoles located in central Maine, USA, is documented and used to constrain the controls on grain‐scale melt localization. The spatial distribution of grain‐scale melt is inferred from microstructural criteria for recognition of mineral pseudomorphs after melt and mineral grains of the solid matrix that hosted the melt. In both rocks, feldspar mimics the grain‐scale distribution of melt, and quartz is the major constituent of the solid matrix. The feldspar pockets consist of individual feldspar grains or aggregates of feldspar grains that show cuspate outlines. They have low average width/length ratios (0.54 and 0.55, respectively), and are interstitial between more rounded and equant (width/length ratios 0.65 for both samples) quartz grains. In two dimensions, the feldspar pockets extend over distances equivalent to multiple quartz grain diameters, possibly forming a connected three‐dimensional intergranular network. Both samples show similar mesoscopic structural elements and in both samples the feldspar pockets have a shape‐preferred orientation. In one sample, feldspar inferred to replace melt is aligned subparallel to the shape‐preferred orientation of quartz, indicating that pre‐ or syn‐anatectic strain controlled the grain‐scale distribution of melt. In the other sample, the preferred orientation of feldspar inferred to replace melt is different from the orientations of all other mesoscopic or microscopic structures in the rock, indicating that differential stress controlled grain‐scale melt localization. This is probably facilitated by conditions of higher differential stress, which may have promoted microfracturing. Grain‐scale melt distribution and inferred melt localization controls give insight into possible grain‐scale deformation mechanisms in melt‐bearing rocks. Application of these results to the interpretation of deep crustal anatectic rocks suggests that grain‐scale melt distribution should be controlled primarily by pre‐ or syn‐anatectic deformation. Feedback relations between melt localization and deformation are to be expected, with important implications for deformation and tectonic evolution of melt‐bearing rocks.  相似文献   

The three‐dimensional disposition of cordierite and biotite crystals in a hornfels from the contact aureole of the Bugaboo Batholith is quantified using high‐resolution X‐ray micro‐computed tomography and global as well as scale‐dependent pattern statistics. The results demonstrate a random distribution of cordierite and biotite crystal sizes for all scales across the entire rock volume studied indicative of interface‐controlled prograde metamorphic reaction kinetics. The reaction considered responsible for the mineral assemblage and the formation of cordierite and biotite in the hornfels is Ms + Chl + Qtz = Crd + And + Bt + . Rock‐specific phase equilibria point to metamorphic conditions of ~520 –550 °C and 3 kbar for this reaction. The common approach to approximate the shape of crystals as spherical underestimates the influence of the Strauss hard‐core process on rock texture and may be misinterpreted to reflect ordering of crystal sizes by inhibition of nucleation and growth commonly associated with diffusion‐controlled reaction kinetics. According to our findings, Strauss hard‐core ordering develops at length scales equal to and less than the average major axis of the crystal population. This is significantly larger than what is obtained if a spherical crystal geometry would be assumed, and increases with deviation from sphericity. For the cordierite and biotite populations investigated in this research, Strauss hard‐core ordering developed at length scales of up to ~2.2 and 1.25 mm, respectively, which is almost 1 mm longer than the scales that would be obtained if a spherical geometry would have been assumed. Our results highlight the importance of a critical assessment of the geometrical model assumptions commonly applied in the three‐dimensional analysis of crystal size distributions, and underline the need for a quantitative understanding of interface processes in order to appreciate their role in the kinetics of contact metamorphic reactions and rock texture formation.  相似文献   

The middle Ordovician Ascot Formation of southeastern Quebec consists of greenschist facies metamorphosed silicic to mafic pyroclastic rocks and lava flows and associated metasediments. Chemical analyses of lavas reveal a preponderance of metarhyolites and metabasalts, together with some porphyritic rocks with intermediate SiO2 contents. The metabasalts exhibit wide ranges in concentrations of TiO2 (0.25–2.0 wt.°), Y (9–46 ppm), and Zr (5–135 ppm). The extent of the ranges, and unusual interelement ratios, suggest that the concentrations of these normally immobile elements have been affected by secondary processes.There is a strong correlation between trace-element concentrations and the degree of carbonatization of the metabasalts. Low carbonate rocks are severely depleted in Ti, Y, and Zr whereas high carbonate rocks are depleted in Y and Zr and enriched in Ti. The differing movement of Ti can be explained in terms of variable chemical potential due to the various carbonatization reactions affecting titaniferous phases. Overall mobility of these generally immobile/rd elements is attributed to high CO2 levels in the fluid phase during metamorphism.Extrapolation of the two alteration trends to a common origin enables one to infer primary concentrations of the trace-elements. Primary inter-element ratios arrived at in this way are compatible with an island-arc origin for the Ascot Formation although TiO2 concentrations are a little high (1.5 wt/%).  相似文献   

下家岭稀土矿位于江西相山火山岩盆地,为风化壳淋积型稀土矿床。在风化壳剖面各成分层中,球形风化层稀土元素最为富集。为了探索稀土元素在球形风化层的富集规律,本文利用偏光显微镜、扫描电镜、电子探针等多种手段,重点对球形风化层中风化球体的主要稀土矿物开展了精细矿物学的研究工作。研究发现原生褐帘石经改造后,发育了极其复杂的成分环带,衍生出多个富含稀土的"相",根据硅、镧、铈等主要元素的含量差别,可初步划分为:高硅高镧富稀土相(SiO2:11.51%~19.77%,La2O3:12.69%~17.54%,Ce2O3:6.80%~8.49%,∑REE2O3:46.14%~61.34%)、低硅高镧富稀土相(SiO2:0.58%~6.78%,La2O3:21.09%~24.64%,Ce2O3:4.45%~6.34%,∑REE2O3:68.96%~81.52%)以及低硅高铈富稀土相(SiO2:0.45%~1.79%,La2O3:12.89%~19.16%,Ce2O3:20.66%~26.59%,∑REE2O3:67.65%~77.6%)三种不同类型,这些相各自成分变化均较大,成分均一性较差。分析后认为,这种富稀土的特征,可能部分因为钍的放射性衰变使得富钍褐帘石发生蜕晶化并体积"肿胀","肿胀"后的褐帘石更容易让流体通过,同时α衰变还可以让矿物内部发生电离,可能会对带有电荷的稀土络合物产生吸附作用,从而造成稀土元素富集。不同富稀土相的形成,则可能是因为在风化作用的不同阶段,上部淋积下来的稀土种类不同导致。当低硅高铈富稀土相形成后,则会进一步被流体溶蚀分解,以供给下层稀土成矿。  相似文献   

N. I. Suk 《Petrology》2012,20(2):138-146
Aluminosilicate alkaline systems containing Ti, REE (La, Ce), Y, Sr, and Nb were studied experimentally at T = 1200 and 1250°C and P = 2 kbar in the presence of aqueous and alkaline fluid. In the fluid-absent experiments with systems containing the same elements, loparite crystals in a silicate matrix were obtained. These systems in the presence of aqueous and alkaline fluid pressure conditions demonstrate an immiscible splitting into two liquids: (1) aluminosilicate matrix and (2) droplets enriched in Ti, REE (La, Ce), Y, Sr, and Nb, which contain silicate admixture and are compositionally close to loparites. According to approximate estimates, the partition coefficients between the melts of the droplets and aluminosilicate matrix (K = C dr/C sil) are more than 5 for TiO2, < 0.35 for SiO2, 10–20 for Nb2O5, > 15 for REE, and from 2.3 to 7.6 for SrO. Obtained unmixing may be of great significance for explaining the genesis of REE-Nb (loparite) deposits. In addition, the experiments demonstrate that Zr may be accumulated together with Ti and REE due to liquid immiscibility of this type. The partition coefficient of ZrO2 between the melts of droplets and aluminosilicate matrix (K = C dr/C sil) according to approximate estimates varies from ∼ 3.5 to 9.  相似文献   

Petrogenetic implications of Ti,Zr, Y,and Nb variations in volcanic rocks   总被引:113,自引:0,他引:113  
Data from experimental runs, coexisting phases in ultramafic rocks and phenocryst-matrix pairs in volcanic rocks have been used to compile a table of mineral-liquid distribution coefficients for Ti, Zr, Y, and Nb for basic, intermediate and acid melt compositions. These values have then been used to interpret variations of these elements, first in basalts and second, during fractional crystallization from basic to acid magmas. For basalts, petrogenetic modelling of Zr/Y, Zr/Ti, and Zr/Nb ratios, when used in conjunction with REE, Cr and isotopic variations, suggests that: (1) the increase in Zr/Y ratio from mid-ocean ridge to within plate basalts and the low Zr/Nb ratios of alkalic basalts are due to (fluid controlled) source heterogeneities; (2) the low Zr and Zr/Y ratio of volcanic arc basalts results from high degree of partial melting of a depleted source; and (3) the high Zr and similar Zr/Y ratio of basalts from fast spreading relative to slow spreading ridges results from open-system fractional crystallization. Modelling of fractionation trends in more evolved rocks using Y-Zr, Ti-Zr and Nb-Zr diagrams highlights in particular the change in crystallizing mafic phases from island arcs (clinopyroxene-dominated) to Andean-type arcs (amphibole±biotite-dominated). These methods can be applied to altered lavas of unknown affinities to provide additional information on their genesis and eruptive environment.  相似文献   

凌其聪  刘从强 《岩石学报》2003,19(1):192-200
对安徽省冬瓜山层控夕卡岩型铜(金)矿床中穿层方向上不同蚀变程度的大理岩,顺层方向上距岩体远近不同但垂向深度的块状石榴子石夕卡岩及其主矿物石榴子石,不同演化阶段的石英及矿石等到的REE特征进行了系统研究,结果显示,在穿层方向上,大理岩被交代的程度愈深其稀土总量(∑REE)愈高,Eu负异常愈显著,尽管,夕卡岩全岩的RE分布模式与原岩(大理岩)相似,但前者的稀土总量(∑REE)远高于后者,且Eu异常更为显著,显然不是继续承原岩的REE特征所致,而是受控于其主矿物石榴子石的REE特征,后者又由参与交代作用的岩浆热液REE所决定,热液中的REE具有缓和右倾型分布模式,LREE富集,较显著的Eu负异常等基本特征,石榴子石晶体基本承袭了热液的REE特征,REE的空间变化特征结果地层的构造特征可以揭示夕卡岩及相关矿体形成过程中流体的输运径及输运方式,REE的研究有助于深化对层控夕卡岩及其相关矿床形成过程的认识。  相似文献   




Zirconolite, aeschynite-(Ce), titanite and apatite have been found as minor or accessory minerals in a Ti-rich (TiO2=2.1–4.5 wt.%) hydrothermal vein occurring in dolomite marbles at the contact with a tonalite intrusion of the Tertiary Adamello batholith (northern Italy). The vein consists of four distinct mineral zones, comprising from margin to center: (1) forsterite+calcite, (2) pargasite+calcite+titanite+sulfides, (3) phlogopite +calcite+titanite+sulfides, and (4) titanian clinohumite +spinel+calcite+sulfides. Zirconolite occurs in two vein zones only: in the phlogopite zone it is invariably anhedral, often corroded, and exhibits complex chemical zonation patterns. In the titanian clinohumite zone zirconolite is idiomorphic and characterized by a pronounced discontinous chemical zoning, but shows no evidence of corrosion. The considerable compositional variation observed for zirconolite (in wt.%: (REE2O3)=0.74–16.8, UO2=0.59–24.0, ThO2=0.67–17.1) is due to the zoning, and may be attributed to four major substitutions described by the exchange vectors:
1.  (Th, U) (Mg, Fe2+) Ca-1 Ti-1
2.  REE Al Ca-1 Ti-1
3.  REE Fe2+ (Nb, Ta) Ca-1 Ti-1
4.  Hf Zr-1
Exchange vector (2) is effective at total REE2O3 contents up to approximately 5 wt.%, whereas vector (3) is operating at higher concentrations. Both titanite and aeschynite-(Ce) exhibit, like zirconolite, complex chemical zonation patterns which document that the trace element content of the metasomatic fluid was variable during the vein-forming process. As indicated by thermodynamic analysis of the phase assemblages, the vein zones containing the REE-bearing minerals formed at 500–600°C (Ptotal2 kbar) from a reducing fluid rich in H2S, HCl°, HF° and phosphorus, but relatively poor in CO2(XCO 2 0.2). Geochemical and isotopic data are consistent with the interpretation of the fluid as being derived from the nearby tonalite intrusion. The abundance of idiomorphic fluor-apatite as well as textural relations between apatite, the other REE-bearing minerals and the fluorine-bearing hydrous silicates suggest F- and PO 4 3- to be the most likely ligands for complexing REE, Ti, Zr and other high-field-strength elements in the veinforming fluid. The corrosive features observed for zirconolite demonstrate that hydrothermal fluids are able to dissolve zirconolite, which is one of the main components of SYNROC-C, the most promising disposal option for high-level nuclear waste. Therefore, immobilization of radioactive waste in zirconolite can be guaranteed only if an effective sealing material prevents any hydrothermal fluid from access to the final disposal site.  相似文献   

Metamorphic and magmatic garnets are known to fractionate REE, with generally HREE-enriched patterns, and high Lu/Hf and Sm/Nd ratios, making them very useful as geochemical tracers and in geochronological studies. However, these garnets are typically Al-rich (pyrope, almandine, spessartine, and grossular) and little is known about garnets with a more andraditic (Fe3+) composition, as frequently found in skarn systems. This paper presents LA-ICP-MS data for garnets from the Crown Jewel Au-skarn deposit (USA), discusses the factors controlling incorporation of REE into garnets, and strengthens the potential of garnet REE geochemistry as a tool to help understand the evolution of metasomatic fluids.Garnets from the Crown Jewel deposit range from Adr30Grs70 to almost pure andradite (Adr>99). Fe-rich garnets (Adr>90) are isotropic, whereas Al-rich garnets deviate from cubic symmetry and are anisotropic, often showing sectorial dodecahedral twinning. All garnets are extremely LILE-depleted, Ta, Hf, and Th and reveal a positive correlation of ΣREE3+ with Al content. The Al-rich garnets are relatively enriched in Y, Zr, and Sc and show “typical” HREE-enriched and LREE-depleted patterns with small Eu anomalies. Fe-rich garnets (Adr>90) have much lower ΣREE and exhibit LREE-enriched and HREE-depleted patterns, with a strong positive Eu anomaly. Incorporation of REE into garnet is in part controlled by its crystal chemistry, with REE3+ following a coupled, YAG-type substitution mechanism , whereas Eu2+ substitutes for X2+ cations. Thermodynamic data (e.g., Hmixing) in grossular-andradite mixtures suggest preferential incorporation of HREE in grossular and LREE in more andraditic compositions.Variations in textural and optical features and in garnet geochemistry are largely controlled by external factors, such as fluid composition, W/R ratios, mineral growth kinetics, and metasomatism dynamics, suggesting an overall system that shifts dynamically between internally and externally buffered fluid chemistry driven by fracturing. Al-rich garnets formed by diffusive metasomatism, at low W/R ratios, from host-rock buffered metasomatic fluids. Fe-rich garnets grow rapidly by advective metasomatism, at higher W/R ratios, from magmatic-derived fluids, consistent with an increase in porosity by fracturing.  相似文献   

Abstract The textural and compositional features of phlogopites in a contact-metamorphic dolomite marble inclusion in the Bergell intrusion (central Alps) and in a metasomatic reaction vein cutting through this marble suggest different origins for vein phlogopites:
(a) High-Al vein phlogopite represents former marble phlogopite which has been compositionally modified by reaction with the vein forming fluid.
(b) Low-Al vein phlogopite represents phlogopite precipitated from the vein forming fluid.
As both types of vein phlogopite were in contact with the same vein forming fluid at the same time, low-Al phlogopite most likely represents an equilibrium phlogopite composition, whereas high-Al phlogopite does not. High-Al vein phlogopite retained its Al-content from the contact-metamorphic marble parent phlogopite and only underwent Fe-Mg exchange with the metasomatic fluid.
All the vein phlogopites studied are strongly enriched in Fe relative to marble phlogopite. The data may suggest in general that phlogopite Al/Si ratios may be retained from the conditions under which the phlogopites first formed, whereas the Mg/Fe-ratios may be substantially modified by exchange with other ferromagnesian solid phases and/or a metamorphic fluid at later stages in their metamorphic history. This may have significant effects on calculated pressures and temperatures from thermobarometers involving biotite.  相似文献   

Abstract Optical and X-ray studies of carbonaceous material in the Tono contact metamorphic aureole, Kitakami Mountains, northeast Japan, have revealed that metamorphic graphitization proceeded through two discontinuous changes: first, optically anisotropic domains develop within the coaly phytoclast, forming transitional material, and then, ordered graphite crystallizes by the decomposition of pre-existing carbonaceous materials. Coaly material disappears in the uppermost chlorite zone. Transitional material appears in the middle of the lower chlorite zone. Graphite appears in the upper chlorite zone and its modal abundance increases across the andalusite iso-grad to the cordierite isograd where all the carbonaceous materials have converted to graphite. The apparently continuous variation in the crystallographic parameters of the bulk carbonaceous material during graphitization is largely due to variation in the modal proportions of three types of carbonaceous materials. The temperature of graphitization in the present area is at least 100°C higher than the temperature in the Sanbagawa and New Caledonia high-pressure metamorphic terrains, probably due to the slow reaction rate of metamorphic graphitization and to the short duration of contact metamorphism.  相似文献   

金船塘锡铋矿床是东坡矿田内一以锡铋为主的大型矽卡岩型多金属矿床。本文在详细野外地质考察、镜下观察以及电子探针分析的基础上,利用高精度LA-ICP-MS对该矿床的矽卡岩内石榴子石原位的微量元素进行了系统的分析。结果表明,金船塘锡铋矿床的钙铝榴石(Gro)大体上具重稀土(HREE)富集、轻稀土(LREE)亏损,负Eu异常的特征;而钙铁榴石(And)不同样品之间存在一定差异性,有的样品显示HREE富集、LREE亏损的特征,有的则轻重稀土分异不明显,除了多数呈Eu负异常外,还有部分表现为弱的正Eu异常,这可能是受钙铝-钙铁榴石混合物中的静电作用所导致。并且,上述不同石榴子石REE分配的差异还进一步指示,钙铝榴石(Gro)矿物生长速率较低,与孔隙流体之间基本保持动态平衡,水/岩(W/R)比值较低,其REE的化学行为主要受到晶体化学等机制的影响;钙铁榴石(And)矿物生长速率较高,具有较高的水/岩(W/R)比值,吸附作用在REE配分模式中起到重要作用。总体上,矽卡岩内的石榴子石的REE的分配呈HREE富集、LREE亏损,负Eu异常的特征,与千里山花岗岩REE分配模式一致,指示了金船塘锡铋矿床的成矿作用可能与千里山花岗岩体具有密切的成因联系。  相似文献   

The highest grade pelitic and semipelitic rocks of the Ballachulish aureole are dominantly potash feldspar + cordierite + biotite hornfelses with widely variable amounts of quartz, plagioclase, andalusite, sillimanite and corundum (together with accessory phases). On a microscopic scale these hornfelses show textural evidence of the presence of melt, whilst on a mesoscopic scale they contain a variety of leucosomes. Oxygen isotope studies have been carried out on both whole rocks and mineral separates in order to: (1) assess the sources of molten and volatile constituents and (2) determine the extents of isotopic homogenization and equilibration. Data from localities with both restricted and extensive evidence of leucosomes and melt development are compared, as well as one locality with petrographic evidence of melt incursion from the igneous complex. The whole-rock δ18O values of the leucosomes (10.5–14.9%.) are in general similar to the immediately adjacent mesosomes (9.9–14.5%.) which are typically cordierite- and feldspar-rich hornfelses. Isotopic evidence is thus consistent with an in-situ partial melt origin for the leucosomes, without the substantial addition of externally derived components. In the area of extensive melt development, the ‘chaotic zone’, it is possible there was addition of an H2O-rich fluid phase (6-13 wt%) from the igneous complex which resulted in a slight lowering of δ18O values by 0.5–1.0%. Quartz mineral separates were used to assess the degree of local isotopic homogenization. In the extensively molten area (chaotic zone) there is extensive homogenization between rock layers (quartz δ18O usually within 1.0%), whilst in less molten areas δ18O quartz has a range of c. 3.0%. The greater homogenization in the chaotic zone is attributed to the increased degree of melting and infiltration of H2O-rich fluid from the igneous complex.  相似文献   

Open‐system behaviour through fluid influx and melt loss can produce a variety of migmatite morphologies and mineral assemblages from the same protolith composition. This is shown by different types of granulite facies migmatite from the contact aureole of the Ceret gabbro–diorite stock in the Roc de Frausa Massif (eastern Pyrenees). Patch, stromatic and schollen migmatites are identified in the inner contact aureole, whereas schollen migmatites and residual melanosomes are found as xenoliths inside the gabbro–diorite. Patch and schollen migmatites record D1 and D2 structures in folded melanosome and mostly preserve the high‐T D2 in granular or weakly foliated leucosome. Stromatic migmatites and residual melanosomes only preserve D2. The assemblage quartz–garnet–biotite–sillimanite–cordierite±K‐feldspar–plagioclase is present in patch and schollen migmatites, whereas stromatic migmatites and residual melanosomes contain a sub‐assemblage with no sillimanite and/or K‐feldspar. A decrease in X Fe (molar Fe/(Fe + Mg)) in garnet, biotite and cordierite is observed from patch migmatites through schollen and stromatic migmatites to residual melanosomes. Whole‐rock compositions of patch, schollen and stromatic migmatites are similar to those of non‐migmatitic rocks from the surrounding area. These metasedimentary rocks are interpreted as the protoliths of the migmatites. A decrease in the silica content of migmatites from 63 to 40 wt% SiO2 is accompanied by an increase in Al2O3 and MgO+FeO and by a depletion in alkalis. Thermodynamic modelling in the NCKFMASHTO system for the different types of migmatite provides peak metamorphic conditions ~7–8 kbar and 840 °C. A nearly isothermal decompression history down to 5.5 kbar was followed by isobaric cooling from 840 °C through 690 °C to lower temperatures. The preservation of granulite facies assemblages and the variation in mineral assemblages and chemical composition can be modelled by ongoing H2O‐fluxed melting accompanied by melt loss. The fluids were probably released by the crystallizing gabbro–diorite, infiltrating the metasedimentary rocks and fluxing melting. Release of fluids and melt loss were probably favoured by coeval deformation (D2). The amount of melt remaining in the system varied considerably among the different types of migmatite. The whole‐rock compositions of the samples, the modelled compositions of melts at the solidus at 5.5 kbar and the residues show a good correlation.  相似文献   

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