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The Wendeng gold deposit is located 30 km northwest of Wendeng City,Shandong Province, occurring in a brecciated alteration zone in the foot wall of the NNE-striking fault(F1). It consists of quartz, pyrite, specularite, potash feldspar, sericite, carbonates and chlorite hosted in Proterozoic biotite-plagioclasee gneiss. Three generations of quartz are recognized based on cathodoluminescence and micro morphology. Systematic studies of fluid inclusions provide data to establish P-T-V-X relations for the fluid evolution in mineralization process.It is concluded that the ore-forming solution was evolved from meteoric water through ghermal events during Mesozoic tectonics. The precipitation of gold was related to two boiling events.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the genetic mineralogy of pyrite from the Jindoushan gold deposi.As a predominant gold-bearing mineral,pyrite bears lots of information about mineralization,which can be elucidated throug the study of mineralogical characters such as crystal form,chemical composiion,thermo-electrical coefficient,etc.In addition,the detailed genetic mineralogy data of pyrite can also help evaluate the prospects of gold deposits.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in quartz from the Lannigou and Yata Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for their trace elements(Co,Ni,Cu,Pb,Zn,Pt,etc.).The results show that quartz fluid inclusions entrapped at different ore-forming stages contain higher Co,Ni,Cu,Pb and Zn.It has been found for the first time that the ore-forming fluids responsible for the Carlin-type gold deposits are rich in Pt.From this it can be concluded that basic volcanic rocks seem to be one of the important sources of ore-forming materials for the Carlin-type gold deposits.  相似文献   

The Jinjiazhuang gold deposit occurs in the Zhangjiakou gold field,Northwest Hebei.The ore bodies are mostly hosted in Xiaozhangjiakou ultrabasic rocks dominated by diopsidite.Electron microprobe analyses indicate that the deposit is characterized by the enrichment of some platinum group elements in principal metallic minerals such as chalcopyrite,galena,sphalerite and pyrite,and the presence of millerite,Stable isotope studies show that carbon,sulfur and most of the metallogenic elements were probably derived largely from the host Xiaozhangjiakou ultrabasic rocks and that it is possible that the ore-forming fluid was predominted by meteoric water.  相似文献   

The Jinwozi gold deposit consists of gold-bearing quartz veins in a biotite granodiorite of Hercynian age (zircon U-Pb age ≈ 335.7 Ma). Ore mineralogy is simple. In addition to native gold, there are only small amounts of sulfides, mainly pyrite and minor sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. δ34S values average 6.69‰, and δ18O 13.99‰ Abundant CO2 is contained in fluid inclusions from quartz. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are between 186 and 262 °C. REE distribution patterns indicate that the igneous mass may have been derived from a common initial material of calcareous-argillaceous sediments and alkali basalts as the country rocks. In other words, the Jinwozi granodiorite is of remelting origin from crustal material. Isotopic evidence of S, O and Pb shows that the ore-forming material is genetically related to magmatic hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

Auriferous quartz veins in the Bankuan gold deposit occur in the interlayer broken zone of the basal conglomerate of the Tietonggou Formation or at the unconformity between the Tietonggou Formation and the crystalline basement.The composition of fluid inclusions in the minerals indicates that the nature and composition of ore-forming hydrothermal solutions show a drastical change soon after the solutions reached the Tietonggou Formation from the crystalline basement,resulting in gold precipitation.So the Bankuan gold deposit can be assigned to the conglomerate stata-bound-type deposits.137 thermometric data are concentrated in the three ranges 400-340℃,330-220℃ and 180-160℃,representing three episodes of metalogenesis,Oxygen isotope studies demonstrate the evolution of ore-forming hydrothermal solutions from early metamorphic to late meteoric,Diversity of ore-forming materials dominated by deep-source material is supported by sulphur and lead isotope data.From the above discussions it may be concluded that the deposit formed by metamorphism induced as a result of Mesozoic northward intracontinental subduction along the Machaoying fault.  相似文献   

The Rushan gold deposit, explored in recent years in the Jiaodong area, Shandong Province, is a quartz vein-type gold deposit hosted in granite. The temperature of its major mineralization episode is between 220°C and 280°C. The salinity of the ore-forming fluid is 5 % to 9% NaCl equivalent, with H2O and CO2 as the dominant gas constituents. The fluid is rich in Na+, Ca2+ and Cl, but relatively impoverished in K+ and F, characterized by either Ca2+ > Na+ > K+ (in three samples) or Na+ > Ca2+ > K+ (in six samples). Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the ore-forming fluid are highly variable with δ18 ranging between − 7.70‰ and 5. 97‰ and between − 128‰ and − 71‰. The possibility of lamprophyre serving as the source of gold can be excluded in view of its low gold content on the order of 2.5 × 10−9. Rb-Sr isochron ages of the deposit and the host Kunyushan granite are ( 104.8 ± 1.5) Ma and 134.6 Ma respectively with the respective initial Sr ratios of 0. 71307 and 0.7096. It is considered that the emplacement of the lamprophyre under a tensile environment had provided sufficient heat energy to facilitate deep circulation of meteoric water by which ore metals were extracted from the Kunyushan granite through long-term water-rock reaction. This project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the high-K,potassic dike rocks in two types of gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang,Northwest Jiaodong.The rocks can be divided into three types.i.e.,(1) lamprophyre,(2) andesite porphyrite,and (3) dacite porphyrite,based on their geological occurrence and space-time relationship with gold mineralization.These rocks were the products of early,synchronous and late mineralization.respectively,Element geochemistry shows that variations in chemical composition of major oxides follow the general rules of magmatic fractional crystallization.The fractional crystallization of mineral phases of augite in the early stage(namely in the lamprophyre stage)and hornblende and plagioclase in the late stge(namely from the andesite-porphyrite to dacite porphyrite stage)controlled the magma evolution.The rocks are enriched in alkili and have higher K2O and lower TiO2 contents,as well as strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements such as Ba,Sr and Rb,and LREE but strongly depleted in transition elements such as Cr and Ni,Rb is depleted relative to Sr and Ba,and Rb/Sr ratios are low.Volatile constituents are abundant.These characteristics indicate that the initial magma originated from the metamorphic subduction ocean-crust that had been intensively contaminated by crustal materials,and retrogressive metamorphism is characterized by low-degree partial melting during back-arc spreading,Varying degrees of partial melting and different emplacement enviornments may be the main causes for the evolution of the rocks and mineralization in different degrees in the two gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang,Shandong.  相似文献   

According to differences in features of illites including spatial distribution, crystallinity index, volume of swelling layer, polytype and relationship between its index and copper grade, two typical kinds of illite can be classified within the Tongchang porphyry copper deposit, Dexing County, East China. One is a kind of hydrothermally altered minerals within the hydrothermal alteration zone, including altered granodiorite-porphyry and altered metamorphic tuffaceous phyllite near the contact zone with porphyry rockbody. The illite crystallinity and expandability are mainly affected by water/rock ratio or fluid flux, and hydrothermal illite is formed by illitization of plagioclase and/or micas during hydrothermal fluid evolution within the porphyry body and near the contact zone with wall rocks. The other is a product of low-grade metamorphism itself by illitization of smectite, whose crystallinity index is lower than the hydrothermal illite and which is of 2M1 polytype with no swelling layer, in the altered metamorphic tuffaceous phyllite far from porphyry rockbody ( > 2 km). Moreover, the negative correlation between illite index and copper grade indicates that, within the alteration zone, the smaller the illite crystallinity, the stronger the alteration degree, and the higher the copper grade due to higher water/rock ratio. At lower levels of the porphyry body, however, the illite crystallinity (IC) values are controlled mainly by temperature and time.  相似文献   

王亚飞 《地质与勘探》2022,58(6):1170-1178
山东牟平腊子沟金矿位于华北板块苏鲁造山带胶南-威海隆起区,牟平-乳山金矿成矿带中段,区内岩浆活动频繁,构造活动强烈,成矿地质条件优越。本文通过镜下显微结构观察、电子探针测试分析对腊子沟金矿载金矿物的组成、成分及金的赋存状态进行了研究,首次在该矿区发现含金独居石和含金磷灰石,金含量达到0.283%~0.456%,推测金可能通过类质同象形式替代磷灰石中的Ca2+或独居石中的稀土元素(Ce2+、 La2+)以晶格金的形式存在。前人研究认为成矿流体中金主要以Au[HS]2-和AuCl2-络合物形式进行迁移,本次含金磷酸盐矿物的发现表明:可能部分金以磷酸根络合物形式进行迁移。  相似文献   

深埋隐伏矿床勘查是目前亟待探索的地学难题,烃类气体由于其具有挥发性强、运移距离远、反映深度大等特点,烃气测量技术成了解决该难题的手段之一。本文以山东夏甸金矿的外围找矿预测为切入点,通过分析夏甸金矿外围道北庄—陡崖曹家地区的烃类组分以及吸附相态汞的背景场,对各元素(组分)的异常特征进行综合比较与总结,指出了夏甸金矿外围找矿潜力,圈定相应有利靶区,并以期检验烃气测量技术在深地找矿预测中的应用。  相似文献   

烃类是成矿流体中的重要气相组分之一,与其他气态组分相比烃类则具有组分多元化和性质稳定的特点,同时烃类各组分间的相关特征和配分规律是成矿流体演化过程(氧化-还原条件、温度、压力等环境因素)的重要参数,因此烃类组分宏观和微观特征可以作为成矿物质来源、成矿流体演化以及流体间混合叠加规律的研究工具和手段.宏观上烃类组分在夏甸金矿不同类型地质体中的含量值差异明显滦家河型花岗岩和硅质岩烃类含量很高,而胶东群变质岩、脉岩、金矿体及矿化蚀变带烃类含量明显偏低;通过烃类组分相关性、配分及比值特征等微观规律研究,可以推测夏句金矿的成矿作用与滦家河型花岗岩不存在直接关系,而与胶东群变质岩和深源的中.基性脉岩具有密切联系,表现出不同类型流体之间的叠加、改造特征,反映了夏甸金矿床乃至整个胶东矿集区具有地幔流体参与并和壳源流体发生不同程度混合,促进成矿物质运移并在合适的条件和构造空间沉淀富集的成矿特点.  相似文献   

流体包裹体爆裂法作为一种辅助找矿手段,可用于找矿勘探实践中.文章通过对山东半岛乳山金青顶石英脉型金矿花岗岩围岩、蚀变岩石和含金石英脉采样和分析,发现花岗岩围岩石英的爆裂曲线具有高的爆裂频次,起爆温度接近300℃,在大约360~450℃和573℃(α-石英/β-石英相变温度)分别有明显宽的爆裂峰和窄的尖锐爆裂峰;而含金石...  相似文献   

夏甸矿区主要矿石类型为黄铁绢英岩型,是典型的蚀变岩型金矿,通过对其各类微量元素、有机烃气异常在不同中段的展布特征和轴向分带指数等进行分析总结,得出该矿床原生晕分带序列为:烃类组分、Hg、Sb(矿前缘),As(矿头),Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn(矿中),Co、Ni(矿尾),总结了地球化学找矿标志,为其深部以及其外围地区的找矿预测评价提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

毛兴强  王恩德  杨群  赵兴东 《地质通报》2022,41(10):1855-1868
胶东半岛西北部三山岛-仓上断裂带的新立金矿床是典型的蚀变岩型金矿床。对新立金矿床的矿床地质特征和流体包裹体特征开展研究, 分析了新立金矿床的成矿流体特征, 明确新立金矿床的成因。矿床的矿化阶段划分为Ⅰ黄铁绢英岩阶段、Ⅱ石英-黄铁矿阶段、Ⅲ石英-多金属硫化物阶段和Ⅳ石英-碳酸盐阶段。将新立金矿床中的流体包裹体划分为单相液相包裹体(Ⅰ-l型)、单相气相包裹体(Ⅰ-g型)、两相富液相包裹体(Ⅱ-l型, V/V+L < 50%)、两相富气相包裹体(Ⅱ-g型, V/V+L>50%)和CO2-H2O三相包裹体(Ⅲ型, VCO2+LCO2+LH2O)。阶段Ⅰ中发育Ⅰ-l、Ⅰ-g、Ⅱ-l、Ⅱ-g和Ⅲ型流体包裹体, 均一温度为201~378℃, 盐度变化为3.06%~13.83%NaCl.eqv.; 阶段Ⅱ中发育Ⅰ-l、Ⅱ-l、Ⅱ-g和Ⅲ型流体包裹体, 均一温度为144~355℃, 盐度变化为2.07%~13.45%NaCl.eqv.; 阶段Ⅲ中发育Ⅰ-l、Ⅱ-l、Ⅱ-g和Ⅲ型流体包裹体, 均一温度为108~299℃, 盐度变化为0.35%~11.61%NaCl.eqv.; 阶段Ⅳ中发育Ⅱ-l、Ⅱ-g和Ⅲ型流体包裹体, 均一温度为102~236℃, 盐度变化为0.35%~10.49%NaCl.eqv.。激光拉曼光谱分析表明, 流体包裹体的成分为CO2、H2O和少量的CH4, 成矿流体为中-低温、低盐度的NaCl-CO2-H2O±CH4流体体系。新立金矿床阶段Ⅰ中δ18O水SMOW为4.86‰~6.04‰, δDSMOW为-72.49‰~-69.27‰, 表明成矿流体主要来自岩浆水。黄铁矿中δ34SCDT为10.8‰~13.2‰, 方铅矿中δ34SCDT为7.7‰, 新立金矿床的成矿物质硫元素可能直接来源于郭家岭花岗岩。成矿过程中随着成矿流体温度的降低, 成矿流体与围岩发生反应及流体的不混溶作用使流体发生相分离作用导致金的沉淀, 成因类型是与岩浆热液有关的脉状金矿床。  相似文献   

根据山后金矿床的矿物组合和矿物生成顺序,将成矿阶段划分为4个阶段:黄铁矿-石英(钾化)阶段、石英—黄铁矿(绢英岩化)阶段、金-石英-多金属硫化物阶段和石英-碳酸盐阶段。对区内主成矿阶段的石英中流体包裹体进行岩相学、显微测温及氢氧同位素进行分析。结果表明:矿石中的包裹体主要有含CO2三相包裹体、气液两相包裹体和CO2包裹体三种类型,矿石中的包裹体普遍富含CO2。成矿过程中,流体经历了CO2-H2O—Na Cl体系的不混溶作用。成矿流体具有低盐度(4.0~9.0 wt%Na Cl.eqv)和低密度(0.70~0.89 g/cm3)的特点。主成矿温度为260℃~300℃,成矿压力为83~100 MPa,对应成矿深度为7.45~8.25 km。流体包裹体氢氧同位素分析结果介于地幔初生水和岩浆水之间,部分向大气降水线方向漂移,表明山后金矿成矿流体以幔源流体为主,并有大气降水和其他流体的加入,初步确定山后金矿床是受断裂构造控制的中温热液脉型金矿床。  相似文献   

山东蓬家夼金矿床成矿流体地球化学特征   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
胶东地区存在3种类型的金矿床,蚀变岩型(焦家式)和石英脉型(玲珑式)已经广为重视。最近在胶莱盆地的东北缘发现了一种新型金矿床-层探型金矿床,以蓬家夼金矿床和宋家沟金矿床为代表。蓬家夼金矿床赋存在胶莱盆地东北缘拆离断层带中,产于莱阳组砾岩与荆山群地层的构造接触部位,是在燕山期火山-岩浆活动期间在大气水和岩浆水的参与下形成的。围岩遭受了强烈的硅化、绢云母化、碳酸经和黄铁矿化等蚀变作用。单个矿体最大长度  相似文献   

云南者桑金矿床载金矿物标型特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
者桑金矿床处在滇黔桂“金三角”构造带中,该矿床的形成经历了沉积成岩期、热液成矿期及表生氧化期,黄铁矿及毒砂为矿床的重要载金矿物。通过岩相学特征、标型矿物研究,发现热液成矿Ⅰ阶段中主要载金矿物为毒砂,热液成矿Ⅱ阶段为金矿化最主要阶段,主要载金矿物为黄铁矿。黄铁矿呈胶状、细粒状、破碎状;毒砂呈粗粒板柱状,维氏硬度偏低为其载金标型。晶胞参数测试表明,黄铁矿a值在5.4300~5.4325 Å之间,成矿Ⅰ阶段至成矿Ⅱ阶段a值逐渐变大。载金毒砂明显富S、Co亏As,导致bcβ均低于理论值。各成矿阶段的黄铁矿及毒砂中主量、微量元素及硫同位素组成呈现一定变化规律,成矿物质主要来自于富含有机质的围岩。者桑金矿床为中低温热液矿床。  相似文献   

山东夏甸地区金矿床地球物理场特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董健 《地质与勘探》2018,54(1):138-147
山东胶东地区是我国著名的黄金产地,深部含金破碎带与地球物理重磁场有着密切的关系,通过建立以重磁信息为主体的综合找矿标志,可进一步缩小找矿靶区。本次研究以夏甸地区典型金矿床为例,根据布格重力异常图、剩余重力异常图、ΔT化极异常图,讨论了其重磁场特征,结合已知地质剖面和CSAMT剖面解释结果,从重、磁、电三方面论证了本区金矿床具有"低密度、低磁性、低电阻"的物性特点。总结了本区金矿床成矿条件,建立了地质-地球物理模型,在此基础上探讨了一套金矿勘查物探技术组合流程:根据重磁面积工作圈定有利成矿区范围,然后布设重磁剖面,利用其联合反演结果,确定控矿构造的位置及产状,最后根据CSAMT测量结果低阻区(带)的位置可进一步推断矿体位置。该套组合对招远-平度断裂带深部隐伏金矿找矿工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

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